Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

--In WANTED-MALE Salesmen, Solicitors, Mtn, liVANTED-MALli HELP. Salesmen, Solicitors, Eta. WANTEDMALE IIELP Salesmen, Solicitors, Etm i TILE CIIICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUXE: MAY 1 4. 1905. 1 I HEL Pe WANTED 1A WAN TE 1 -4-Itai ilIELP WANTEDMALE HELP.

I 2 I Salesmen, Solicitors, te Salesmen, Sllettors, Et. Salesmen, Solicitors, Etc. .1 WANTEDMALE HELP. 'rrades GORDON FEEDER-161 JEFFERSON-ST, 4TH floor. WA FIRST-CLASS clothing saleg'man.

L. KLEIN, Halsted and 14th-sta. -viA NT -I- SS VI. 3 WANTED-DI HELP. EXPERIENCED PARCEL AND PVILNIa LatIt drivers for steady positions: must be thoroughtl acquainted with the city and abla to furnish best of references.

Apply to Supt. on 5th Soot at 5.30 a. in. ROTHSCHILD Itt COMPANY. State and Van Buren-sta.

1 VI. 3 1 WANTEDDI all.T1 HELP. Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. 4 1 4 EXPERIENCED PARCEL AND PVILNI-i CIA drivers for steady positions: must he thoroughtl acquainted with the city and abl to furnish thl 1 best of references. Apply to Supt.

on 5th float I 1 at a. tn. ROTIISCITIL- Itt COMPANY. 1 state and Van Buren-sta. aimailow.m16 WANTED EXPERIENCED salesmen for furniture, upholstery, and lace curtains.

Appry 8:00 a. to the office, on balcony. THE FAIR, State, Adams At Dearborn-sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED carpet and drapery salesman. Apply by letter or in person.

GIMBUL. Milwaukee, Wis. 110 wANTED-MALE Boyle. STEAT BOYABO'CrT 1. TO WORK OFFICE: -salary $5 13er week.

Address 5(32. Tribune. OFFICE BOY--16 YEARS OLD: LIVE AT HOME: flalarY per week; Prospect good for advancement. 11T E. Kinzie-frt.

OFFICE AND ERRAND BOYMUST BE 18 years old; jewelry business; good chance for advancement. Address 544, Tribune office. OFicICE BOY-16 YEARS OLD; trim AT kOME; salary fi per week; prospects for advancement good. Call 117 E. Kinzie-et.

OFFICE BOYWHO 'WRITES A FAIR HAND. Address 204. Tribune office. SCHOOL POY--WILLING TO DO CHORES FOR board. 43 Grand-blvd.

SEVERAL BOYS. 18 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE. TO fill various positions in large wholesale bouse; grammar school graduates preferable; excellent opportunity to start with growing house. where advancement is assured. Address K.

563. Tribune office. wANTEDmAL Boys. NEAT BOYABOUT 15. TO $5 per week.



State Journal, Madison. MACHINIST GOOD, ON GENERAL LIGHT machine work. Address 125. Tribune office, MANAGERBY WISCONSIN COMPANY, JOB-bets and manufacturers of saw mill and mining machinery: man experienced in modern business methods. oflice work, estimating, purchasing, competent to, assume entire management an control; rear.

Address 142, Tribune office. MARBLE POLISHERFIRST CLASS MA. chine hand preferred; to demonstrate the Higgins patent polishing head to marble manufacturers; a good thing to the right man; write for particulars to HARRY J. HIGGINS. 1053 Denver.

Colo. .7 THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED salesman for hardware department. Apply to Supt. on hth Boor at 8:30 a. m.

Monday. ncrruscHTLD State and Van Buren-eta. OM111M.1 gliw.mM SALESMENCITY AND COUNTRY; AN ENtirely new and original $10; fi for you: $30 a day to hustler; anybody can sefi this: no sasiples: every clerk in every store, in every town, your customer. Address 439, Tribune office. RELIABLE MEN AS CAB DRIVERS: PERMAI nent polotiorts to good men Apply to FRANid E.

SCOTT TRANSFER 41.,2 Wabash-ay. SMALL LADOVER 14. TO BEGIN IN sale house, running errands; 8th otrade sch000l: quick, polite. and from good family: promotion in time; permanent position; begin at $4. Address 91.

Tribune offleg. SODA p*rnTAIN BOYONE WHO LIVES with parents. 6301 Cottage STOCK 110YEXP. CLOAK AND SUIT. WASHington Cloak 174 State-Bt.

WANTED-MALE HELP. Bookkeepers anti Fi rm' csERK-HOURS ABOUT 6 P. M. TO a 1 permanent position; prefer young man has taught country school; state salary sotwbD Address 588. Tribune office.


ORDER CLERKS-DRUGS, WHOLESALE. OP also pickup boys; reference re. ed Address 321. -Tribune office. our ()EDER AND SHIPPING CLERK-BRIGHT young man; experienced.

101. Tribune trice. ()EDER CLERK AND ASST. SHIPPER-YOUNG man; 00. feKi.

171 Washingtou-st. OVERCHARGE CLERK-EXPERIENCED. R. it. office; salarlf $05.

Addrees 451. Tribune. UNN-iFirt eri: some knowledge bookkeeping; references. Address 61. Tribune office.

F-HolmAcIsT-RDGISTERZD: YOUNG MAN. with exp and good refs. 229 E. 55th-st. 'pOLICT CLERK-FOR FIRE INS.

GENERAL steno; give age. experience. reference, salary extorted, Address II 148. Tribune office. IIIC-MUCLE ST BE EXPERIENCE(' and able to give firet class references; some We in hardware desirable.

Appiy. 7:30 to Wor 2:30 to 5. ORR LOCKETT ILDWri--73Rabdolph-st. REGISTERED ASSISTANT DRUG CLERKJunlor preferredikr ood permanent posi- tion. Address Tribune REM-TTSTSISTANT DRUG CLERK-1ST CLASS; Rood salary.

146 N. Clark-at. vig-Tii-T-STERED DRUGGIST-GERMAN SPEAK; Ing; good wages. 626 W. Chicago-ay.

ASSISTANT AND APPRENTICE. ler 2 years' experience; refs. 540, Tribune. REGISTERED A siiisTANT PHARMACIST. KEMP, 439 E.

47th-et. CLERK-BY lArliOL Eki A LE AND RE lumber concern; actual yard experience in lumber and thorough knowiedge of Chicago necessary to secure consideration of application; give full information about yourself with age and Paltry esnted in strict confidence. Address Tribune SHIPPING CLERK-FOR YARD ON North Side; one who has bad some experience sod ran underetand German preferred. Ns hen an- swering give full particulate. Address 2Z-4, tribune odice.

SHIPPING CLERK-FOR SASH AND Doon factory; Al' man. Address by letter. 562. Tribune office. I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 ft 1 6 I 1 1 WANTEDIIIALE HELP.

sookkeeper and CLERIC--HOURS ABOUT 4 P. M. TO a gr permanent position; prefer young man A hiln bto; tatIght 588Tribuns COUntry lieh001; oMats salary ed ddres ffice. MATTRIS MAKERMUST BE FIRST CLASS workman: steady employment. Perfection Beddinir 053 W.

Madison-etMECHANICAL DRAFTSMANGOOD; FIRST class; experienced; willing to leave town; one familiar with the design of typewriters, cash registers, and the like preferred; give references and state experience and salary expeoted. 4ddre8s 0 5, 'Tribune office. MEN TIANDY WITH CARPENTER TOOLS, AS helpers. Call Monday a- m. Weber Wagon Slat and Wallace-sta.

LARGE STATIONERY MANIIPACTERrNG house. Al standing. unexcelled facilities for high grad. work. entering the Chicago field in loos leaf line with best loose leaf binders ever put on this market.

will employ immediately six salesmen nu salaries and commission to sell its product; experience in line not necessary. providing you have sales ability; only young men of ambition looking to future desired; highest personal references reQuired: give full particulars, stating age, salary now earning experience, nature and place present employment; replies strictly confidential and returned on request if self-addressed envelope is Inclosed. Address S' 209. Tribune office. SALL'SMEN WANTED---POR THE NEW IDEA.

wage calculator. the simplest and speediest machine for figuring pay rolls, labor coat sheets, thin machine has made an excellent reputation during the past two years: numerous testimonials can be shown; we offer a side line proposition, involving little work, but intelligent presentation. to desirable parties who can call on factories. contractors, railroads, and other large employers of labor. DAVIS-REDPATH.

44 W. New York. I I 1 1 I 1 FOR LIGHT TRUCTIle must be experienced; send references. Addresi 58S, Tribune officeTEAMSTERADDRESS eta, TRIBUNE HAVE Al REFERENCES; Puffin Iron Works. 4oth and Wentworth-se.

STRONG BOY TO KEEP STORE CLEAN AND help shipping clerk: references; per week. Address 592. Tribune office. STRONG ROT-16 YEARS OLD; TAILOR SHOP. NORMAN 4th floor.

191 Milton-ay. WG BRIGHT ROTSIN A LARGE LAW OP: Address 401. Tribune office. ON ACCOUNT OF LNCREASED MANUFACTI-RIng facifities we require experienced brats finishers and brase molders. Call on C.

McCa fly of Mansfield. O. at MoCoy's Hotel. oor. Van Buren and Monday.

WORK FOR DENTISTRY. CALL 140 State-et. PALNTER GOOD. ALL AROUND; MUST board with me. 4010 Prairie-ay.

PAINTERGOOD. UNION MAN; MONDAY. 7:30 a. m. 93 43d-st.

See foreman. 0ImEmOMIP iMNP.0 SALESMENBEST SIDE LINE EVER OFfereci; irresistible advertising plan; arguments enough for a poor salesman to win out; good salesmen can clear $150 to $250 a month and not interfere with regular line; no sample case necessary. E. B. LORD.

809-811S. Omaha. Neb. SHOES MADE TO MEASURE COST NO MORE than ready made shoes; guaranteed lit: interests all; agents. canvassers, don't miss this; wanted people for Chicago and every-where: honest work large returns.

Cullen Shoe System. 620. 223 Chicago. SALESMEN WANTEDA WHOLESALE HOUSE has openings for several reliable, energetic salesmen in the middle and western states; permanent employment and good prospects for the right men; state experience and references. P.

O. Box 388, CHICAGO. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN; WE have an opening for a first class specialty salesman paying $25 weekly advance and a liberal commission; position permanent. FREDERICK EMMONS Detroit. Mich.

SALESMEN WANTED LIBERAL REWARD for name and address of any one. city or country, who will buy a watch or diamond for cash or credit of me; permanetit salaried position to one producing satisfactory results. Address 0 107, Tribune. TRAVELING SALESMANFOR MIDDLE west; staple line; entirely new inducements to '-trade; high commissions; $25 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F.

C. FARLEY Detroit, Mich. WANTEDSALESMAN EXPERIENCED IN selling refrigerators, ranges, kitchen furnishings, at retail; only experienced men need apply. Applr 9:30 to 12 tn- 2:30 too p. zni.

ORR arls 71-73 Randolph-at. JVA INTN RST WO letAkt OUT SILPZ WA 25 3 1.8. Sa 11 e-wt. PAINTERS-APPLY TO 139 BAST FUT hird-st. Mimmmma, BRIGHT.

ENERGETIC SALESMAN. WTII A thorough knowledge of the grocery lin e. for central Iowa. with Fort Dodge, Mason City, or Waterloo as headquarters, to aell a line of coffees and grocers' sundries to tlite retail grocery trade; established territory; an exceptional opening for the man who can demonstrate his ability as a salesman; expenses, salary, and commiesion paid. Address K.

101, Tribune office. SALESMAN WANTEDFOR LARGE CON- cern; man who understands that to make a success requires work and well directed energy; any one can sell a man what he wants, but it takes a. man of ability to sell a merchant what he needs; position permanent andwill pay not less than 4200 month. Address SALESMAN," 514 Commercial St. Louis.

Mo. WANTED SALSMEN. SOLICITORS, OR agents to take up our proposition en commission basis; no satoples required: a strictly legitimate businese: the proposition will appeal to all classes of merchants also manufacturers. hotels. real estate dealers.

commissioo liberal; the field is unlimited; wide awake men can make from $'50 to $100 per week. Call 321, 40 Dearborn-at. SALESMEN WANTEDFOR OUR PROTECtion for men and women; $1,000 policy pays $5 a week. with $100 emergency benefit; cost 32 a year; handsome black.seal wallet given free with each policy; good salesmen earning $100 a week; excellent side line. Write today for renewal contract.

with liberal comimssion. GERMAN REGISTRY 211 N. St. Louis. WANT Itti MEDICAL SALESMAN TO SELL Leucodescent Therapeutic Lamp to doctors.

"Leucodescent intensified white light relieve congestion. stimulate nutrition or red blood cells. destroy bacteria. promote absorption. Simple to operate; no." quick seller; liberal offer and exclusive territory to right man.

Spear-Marshall Company, Republic Building. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTEDIN CITY AND COUNtry to sell farm. fruit. and poultry lands on monthly installment plan.

Appeals to clerks. laborers. and all classes desiring country home or paying investment. Liberal pay and opportunities for advancement. Address C.

R. COLE. Railroad Land and Immigration Agent. 84-86 La Chicago. III.

EXPERIENCED GROCERY SALESMAN TO sell a line of coffees and grocers specialties. with Bloomington or Decatur. 111. as headquarters; must have road experience; established trade; salary, expenses, and commission paid. Address In, Tribune office.

WANTEDSALESMAN. EXPERIENCED. AMbitious, and successful young salesman for fancy goods. notions and jewelry. in established territory; write, stating experience where last employed.

and territory traveled. K.UNSTADTER 235-240 Adams-st. HIGH CLASS ADVERTISING SOLICITOR TO work Chicago to sell display advertising in railroad depots and suburban cars. This is a high class position on commission. Apply Monday.

9:30 to 10:30 only. Humphrey Adv. McAllen Bldg. SOLICITORSTWO EXPERIENCED SOLICIT-ors to work together in towns on savings accounts; agreeable work; good pay; must have best references and give bond; good talkers and dressers. Room 62, 70 La Salle-st TEAMSTERS-- MEN WILLING AND COMPETENT TO DRIVIc A WAGON, TO TALE PLACES OF MEN CA STRIKE; GOOD PAY: PERMANENT POSTs TIONS.



i t(C, WAGON BOYS-16 TO 20 YEARS OLD. FOR steady positions; must be thoroughly acquainted With the city and able to furnish the best of refarences. Apply to Supt. on 5th floor at 8:30 a. m.

ROTHSCHTLD COMPANY. State and Van Buren-sta. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATWEA MAN of energy and Initiative can obtain the exclusive San Francisco agency for representative publication appealing strongly to ftnancial and commercial advertisers: a more than 'Thera' commission will be allowed till ability to procure business is shown. when salary and commission terms will be substituted. if desired.

The Business and Finance Publishing An Broadway. New York. MANAGERS OF EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY and canvassers wanted on unequaled commissions for unrivaled books upon a superior proposition for reliable, permanent bookmen; those desiring to engage in a moneymaking book business should not neglect the opportunity we now have to offer; let us know your qualifications for managing the sale of books. Send address. M.

A. DONOHUE Chicago. SALESMANTO REPRESENT HALF MILLION corporation; remuneration measured by personality diplomacy, tact, and Ingenuity; we will arrange a compensation that will at the start net $100 1- week; opportunity to go abroad. Address W2, Tribune office. SALESMEN WANTEDFEW HIGH CLASS salesmen for hotel.

buffet. drug, baker and confectioners' trade. to; handle patented article that will sell itself: liberal commission and good territory to right men, Address 0 436. Tribune of PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERSCALL AT 729 We lia-st. PA PER HANGEEtREAL ESTATE WORK; Monday.

Shop rear 6S5 Adams-st. PATTERN AND TOOL MAKERFIRST CLASS. Addrees 0 201. Tribune office. PA'rTERNMAKER FIRST CLASS METAL.

Waiting Mfg. 155 W. Jackson-blvd. PHOTOGRAPHERYOUNG MAN FOR ASSIST. ant printer.

Photo Jewelry 464 Carroll-ay. PORCOLAIN DIE SINKERMARRIED MAN preferred; give references and wages expected; steady position to the right man. Addreise Peru Electric Manufacturing Company. Peru, Indiana. I IMM SHIPPING CLERKONE WITH WHOLESALE grocery experience.

A3dress K. I. 523, Tribune elm SHIPPING REFS. tialary $12. Address 127, Tribune office.

SHIPPING CLERKMUST BE EXPERIENCD; solarY $1, Address 1 4'49. Tribune office. TINIEKEEPERsEXPERIENCEB ON FIGURpig piecework; state salary. etc. P500, Tribune.

A EXPERIENCED furniture stock clerks. Apply 4 I I 9 ftIM.INP PRIN'rEnCOMPOSITOR FOR UT' TO DAT73 job office in celatral Indiana; open shop. scale 218; steady work all year around; state union or transportation furnished. Addrees 728 Newton Claypool Building, Indianapolis, Ind. PR7NTER-2-3: EXP.

AND SALARY: UNTON office; good opportunity. 164, Tribune office. SHOE FINISHERSAPPLY AT 207-209 E. MAL-- ison-st. WANTEDEXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN: steady position.

Apply between 13.30 and 10 a. office, fourth floor. HILLMAN'S, and Washington-eta, WANTED-1. DRIVERS FOR DEIAVERY WAG. ONS; MEN FAMILI- AR WITH TUB CITY AND SUBURB- AMPLE PRO.

A TECTION; POSITION PERMANENT.3 APPLY BY LETTER, STATING EX. i PERIENCE. -f I SALESMENFOR TBE ROAD. ACQUAINTED among manufacturers. who have sold or are selling articles pertaining to machinery only men who have been accustomed to making good money; as main or side line.

418 Medinah Bldg. SALESMANWITH TRAVELING EXPERIence in the grocery. tea. and coffee lines, by Well known Chicago jobbing house; for established territory; state experience in lines named, age. and reference.

Address 183. Tribune office. TRAVELING SALESMAN ON COMMISSION, 4 samples of mans specialty shoes to retail at state territory, experience. and reference; staple sellers everywhere. All Leather Shoe Factory.

Baltimore. Md. WANTEDTWO FIRST CLASS. EXPERTenced cigar salesmen for inside position in retail stores by leading independent house; state age and experience. Address UU.


STOCK CUTTER POR SASH AND DOORS. E. North-ay. 8:30 a. in.

to the orrice, on-balcony. THE'FAIR, State, Adams St Deltrborn-sts. 1 RjG7-1 GRADE ROLICITORS TO WORK SANTlugs accounts in outside towns: must have good appearance; dress well; clear record; give bond: good pay, steady work, and promotion to the right men; uo deciliters accepted. Room 64 70 La bale- at. mosroN STORE- ADDRESS I 5.

TRIBUNE OFFICEL I A 1 1 i 4 i '4 3 4 t. i i 14, 4 a 4 1 i i 4 I i4; 4-- 7" .44 -f 7 1 1. 1 2 7 a 1 i i 1 1 4. 1 'g', 1 4 I I. ll: 4 I 1 1 1 IA i 4 1 i 4 1 '1 3 1 r'.

1 1 1 1 N4, 4 I I 44 4, o- 1 i 1 I GOOD. ALL ROUND 1 presser. 1 bushelman; good pay; steaddy work. 235 EL 556-et. TANK MANEXPERIENCED.

MUST HAVA beet of references and be capable of acting aa foreman. Address 173. Tribune office. THOROUGHLY COMPE7r11NT MAN TO TAKE charge of wood working machine floor. who can lay out work from plans and who has ability to get satisfactory results from his men; state age.

experience. reference. and isaiary wanted. Aouress le 438, Tribune Mee. YOUNG MAN IN MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT; exOrlenCecl -in complaint werk.

App1y 1503 MmEiimliM.p SIDE LINE SPECIALTY-MEN COVERING GROnerY trade; liberal commission; exclusive territory; permanent contract; covering neighboring states; reply fully. Address 65, Tribune office. WANTEDBANK SALESMAN-. ONE lf AKING regular territory selling adding machines or bank supplies: position will average $20 a day: replies confidential; something entirely new; Few. ders are very large.

Address 56. Tribune Once. WANTED SALESMAN AN UPHOLSTERY and drapery trimming manufactory wants the services of a young man for the road: state former occupation. if any. salary expected.

etc. AddreFA3 104. Tribune office. Itate-at I WAGON BOYSPERMANENT POSITIONS. AP-ply at Superintendent's office.


MAN-20 TO 25. EXPERIENCED IN bookkeeping and stenography. for general office work: do not answer unless capable doing rapid and accurate work; state experience, education. and salary, or no attention paid. Address 311, Tribune office.

4 WANTEDCOMPETENT drivers for delivery. Perma41 nent positions at best wages are offered competent men Address IC 312, Tribune of.4 rice. 4 EXPERIENCED MEN TO CARRY MANUrACturers line of skirts and raincoats for Chicago and the West; salary and commission. GOLDSTEIN. STONERILL 229 Monroe-st.

FIRST CLASS SALESMAN TO CALL ON PRYsicians. barbers. and masseurs; new specialty; good seller; liberal arrangements to right man; references required. SAM. J.

GORMAN Room 503, 21 Quincy-st. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR WITH the clothing trade; one acquainted with the Chicago and nearby trade preferred; as assistant to New York salesman for several weeks. Address MANUFACTURER. Great Northern Hotel. SALESMANVACANCY IN OUR FORCE NE: cessitates the employing of a high grade man; Permanent position; satisfactory income: future assured to capable man.


AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLERSSTEADY WORK. State experience and wages. Address 0 A 561. Tribune office. CANDY SALESMENWITH ESTABLISHED trade In either Illinois.

'Wisconsin. or Iowa: large. high class line; established housfs; IibraI salaries to right men. Address 522. Tribune office.

SALESMAN WHO VISITS AUTOMOTIILE GAR-age and harness people wanted to carry side line from a large factory; liberal commissions will be paid the right party. Address 516, Tribune office. 4101INT1--MAN, 17 TO 110, BY ESTABLISHED printing firm; office work and outside; $8 to start: must live with parents; chance to learn the bust-toss and promotion to steady man; state references, education, and experience. if any Address 1171. Tribune office.

i 1 1 1 TOOL AND DIE MAKERSEXPERIENCED and competent; willing to leave town; those accustomed to typewriters, cash registers. and the like preferred; give references and state experince and wages expected. Address 0 4, Tribune. TRIMMERS. BACK HANGERS.

OR STUTTERS Competent. Address. at once, La Porte Carriage La Porte, Ind. TWO ALLIIROUND MACHINE HANDS AND one man to run Tenon machine. to work in gash, door.

and blind factory: none but competent men need apply. Lhote Lumber Mfg. P. O. Drawer 722.

New Orleans, La. BIAACKSMITIT AND HELPERON WAGONS; must be experienced; good pay. Address I 469, Tribune office WANTOD EXPERIENCED COMMERCIAL agency men for high class reference work in large cities; salary and commission; state age. experience. Address 575.

Tribune office. Al MAGAZINE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR FOR high class illustrated publication. over 100,000 edition: cash commissions; permanent position for capable party; state experience. 595. Tribune.

SALESMAN WANTEDDRY GOODS. NOTIONS. jewelry salesmen: novelty for side line; pocket samples; beet terms. W. Straignit Tin 50 R.

613. a WANTEDA MAN IN EVERY COUNTY TO sell rubber roofing and take contracts, to apply it. and manage a branch of our business. Address Ford Mfg. III West Chicago.

WANTEDONE FIRST CLASS SOLICITOR AND collector; salary and commission; steady position; surety bond required. Call. 9-10 a. m. Monday.

1002 W. Madison-st. CITY SALESMA.NSET AN To LARGE houses. to handle high clam; reference work with credit men. on the side.

Address 571. Tribune. SALESMANWHO IS ACQUAllt-TED WITH THE dry goods trade in the city; experience; references. Address 296 Tribune office. WANTEDFIRST CLASS SALESMAN FOR our wholesale seed department.

Apply. with refrences. to L. L. MAY I St.

Paul. Minn. BOTTLE WASHER-843 5TH-AV. SUNSET Distilling Co. YOUNG MAN-19 TO 20 TEARS.

TO ASSIST ledger clerk; must have good education and livo en south Side. Address. stating age. salary to start. and experience.

if any. Address 215. Tributte office. YOUNG MAN. ABOUT IS.

WIT1-1 OFFICE EDE, "Hence. who rem write plain. rapid hand and is scruratst salary Se or $7 to start. with Innate, for promotion. Address 204.

Tribune Mee. BOX SPRING MAKKRONE WHO CAN MAKE mattresses preferred. Perfection Beciding 963 W. Madison-st. WANTEDAN ALL AROUND FURNITURE salesman; must be thoroughly conversant with all branches of the business.

BECKER. RYAN Corner and WANTEDDISTRICT MANAGER AND THREE organizers to establish chapters for University Extension -study; answer fully. stating qualifiestiOna and experience; give are nod names of three references Address 207. Tribune office. TWO JOURNEYMEN.

THOROUGHLY EXPERTenced In erecting embossed steel ceilings; steady work. Apply 123 Frank near Madison. UPHOLSTERERS APPLY scARm'rr-comstock Furniture Broadway-and St. Louis. MANAGERTHE PROMOTION OF OF our territorial managers create.

a. vacancy; wo want a high grade iralearnan who can eel' goods himself: hire. and direct other salesmen. Address 1. 527.

Tribune office. SALESMANSTRICTLY HIGH GRADE MAN, experienced in plumbing and hardware line. preferably one who has sold to gas companies; pay from 6100 per month up. according to experience and ability. Address 1.

403. Tribune office. SOIACITOR FOR MERCANTILE AGENCY SUB: scriotions and collections, having also had experience in handling correspondence and making reports; must be first class man. Apply II-o'clock. Room 610.

100 Washington-at. WANTED-2 SINGLE STAXE TRUCKS Te 01411 steady hauling, driven by bwners; 1 barn oil South Side, other on North Side. Republio IdcalP4 facturing 123 Washington-blvd. 500 WHITE DRIVERSFOR BERNIANEWT PO4 salons; good pay; steady work; protection guard Sneed. Apply 273 Dearborn.

2.1 floor. 4 Agents Wanted. AGENTSFOR BEST A TEAR ACCTDLPIrlft 11.50 health policies; large commissions, yanow4 els; county managers wanted every state. A. GILLEY.

412 Times Building, Times Square. New York City AGENTS MAKE BIG PINIPITS SELLING HANN dy Hat Fasteners; easy to sell; every lady war them; paid. and mfgd. by The Fair Mfg. Co.

5th-st Racine. Wis. Our catalog of Ant children's specalties free. AGENTSTO SELL OUR LEGACY Pays $5.000 death and $25 per and in tion to the above $10 per wk. to the beneticiarl Apply North Amer.

Acct. Ins. Bank floor, SS La Sal le-st SALESMAN WANTED RELIABLE SALES-man for tart1jng new Sell eme and premium specialty. by large corporation; exceptional opportunity for capable. trustworthy man to advance.

Address Box 536 C. Chicago. 1 INSTALLMENT CANVA SSEAS. TO CLOSE CON-tracts already made: must be first class men; steady employment and rood wares. Sc.

MR. MORRISSEY, Columbia Phonograph SS WANTED 10 EXPERIENCED carpenters. Apply 8:30 a. rn. to the office, on balcony.

THE FAIR, State, Adal-ns Dearborn-sts. PER DAY: MONEY EVERY night; Little Giant," $20 soda fountain; estab. 7 years. GRANT MFG. COMPANY, Al LIQUOR SALESMAN, COMMANDING GOOD Chicago trade.

Address 552, Tribune office. BL7SHELMANFIRST CLASS. WITH WIFE; steady position year around at $15 per week, with, rooms; in answering give references. Address 556. Tribune othoe.



403-405 5th-av. CABINETMAKERSFIRST CLASS. PRESTON Frame Mfg. 57 W. Jackson-blvd.


Broadway. St. Louis. Mo. CAR WHEEL MOLDERSTWO.

APPLY TO Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Mt. Vernon, CARPENTER TO DO CRATING AND ODD jobs in automobile factory. Steady work.

State wages. Address 0 A 565, Tribune office. CARPENTERS HOUSE)COMPETENT. AP-ply W. S.

BROWN, manager. HILLMAN'S. State and Washington-ate. SALESMEN-6 INTELLIGENT. HONEST MEN.

ADDRESS 542 TRIBCNE OFFICE. YOUNG MANCAPABLE TAKING CHARGE mall set books. operate typewriter. handle without dictation; wining to start on moderate salary. Addree 74.Tribune office.

YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN OFFICE work: must have executive ability- and be good eetrespontitnt; state age. references, and full particulars. Address 406. Tribune office. YOUNG MANFOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK: good 'penman; also able to operate typewriter; references required.

Address 211, Tribune office. YOUNG MANOVER 16 YEARS OLD; GOOD AT' figures. writing a good hand. Address LOVERIN BROWNE COMPANY, 1714 State-st. YOUNG MANWHO WRITES GOOD HAND and is quick and accurate at figures; age 20 or 22 Ysars.

Address 0 Tribune office. YOUNG MANAS BOOKKEEPER: IttrsT ALE) bf a stenographer. Apply Intersto.te Tailoring to-, 45 and 47 Jackson-blvd. YOUNG MAN. 17.

TO ASSIST IN CITY DELIVet department. A. STARR BEST. 107 State-st. Y8rNi3 MENFOR Pi-ICE WORK; $8 TO SIO: ire Address 139.

Tribune office. STOCK SALESMAN TO SELL HIGH CLASS mfg. co. 'stock; 33 1-8 coin. 209, Tribune.

SOLICITORSFIRE INSURANCE, RELIABLE Co. work. Fl2StTribune SALESMANEXPERIENCED DRUG. CALLING on wholesale and retail druggists, to carry specialty as side line: city and road; exclusive territory. Address at Tribune office.

SALESMAN WANTED BY LARGE OUT OP town paint manufacturer. experienced salesman: must be able to handle manufacturing and store trade. Address 1, Tribune office. WANTEDEXPERIENCED SOLICITORS; AN entirely new, thoroughly respectable, and very profitable proposition; neither books nor insurance, though such experience Will be valuable. Address 255.

Tribune office. WA NTEDSALE SM A wrrff SUCCESSFUL experience in handline more than one publication; striking introduction. overwhelming bargain features. and attractive remuneration. Address, giving record and references.

lir 263. Tribune office. IN LOAN AND SALES DEPARTMENT OF prominent real estate firm man with energy and ability; one with experience preferred; permanent position for right man: state age, experience. and salary expected. Address 411.

Tribune. WHITENERSON OVAL PICTURE FRAMES. Preston Frame Mfg. 57 W. Jackson-blvd.

EXPERIENCED CANNED MEAT SALESMAN-- Salary. 505. 171 Washington. TEN CARPET SALESMENAPPLY office. Boston Store.

State and Madison. FIRST CLASS DRESS GOODS AND SILK SALES-man; only hustlers wanted. 509, Tribune. WANTEDCITY TAILORING SALESMAN AND solicitor; large salary. Address L518, Tribune.

WANTED SALESMAN FOR SPECIAL MAchinery; a practical man preferred; excellent chance for right party. Highest refs. require AddresS 570. Tribune Mee. CARPET LAYERAT ONCE.

COME PRE. pared for work. 3151 Cottage Grove-ay. iLecountanto CARRIAGE AND WAGON B.L.,AL:h.nalliki AND helper. Lindskog Carriage ana Wagon 011E3, 3522 Vincennes-ay.

YOUNG MAN. AM.3IT1OUS TO WORK HIMSELF up in coat business. 403 Fisher Bldg. CARRIAGE PAINTERFIRST CLASS ALE around man. K.

W. TANNER. 44104-6 WINDOW DRESSERSTHREE: NOT 'UNDER 25 years; those employed at present preferred; good steadY positions; give experience and state salary. Address 4S10. Tribune office.

WINDOW DRESSER AND CARD WRITERBY Out of town department store; permanent position for good man. Adress 25d. Tribune office. WOOD ENGRAVERS. APPLY MoN DAY CatEcent Engraving Co.

341-34S S. Clark-st. WOODWORKERFIRST CLASS. FOR THE: carriage and wagon business i permanent positioa to right party. Address Fs 4.0.

Tribune office. WOODWORKERS AND CABINETMAKERS-- St. Louis Car 8000 N. Broadway.St.Louls.Mo. YOUNG ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENgineerGood draftsman and figurer; must be willing to start reasonable: good chance for practical experience.

Address IC MO. Tribune office. GROWING MFG. CONCERN WANTS SITCCgfill reel estate. insurance.

or stock saleeman for permanent position worth $500 monthly: attractive proposition for ambitious man. 10411st Nat. Bank. WANTED EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE. salesman for West and North Side.

by an established arm: small cuarantee and commission. Address 535. Tribune office. AGENTSA STAPLE SUMMER SELLER. OtThi lemon meringue pie filling.

10 delicious pies in each can; guaranteed pure; profit 10141 sample can. terms. 2e. Economy 112 Nasal Providence. R.

MANTO INTRODUCE A. PATENT HAVIDWARII article; 2113 a week and expenses; hontstf gala sobriety more necessary than business experienes; state age and past employment. Internationa2 Shear Company. SS N. Sth-st.

Philadelphia. Pa. WANTEDI HAVE WORK FOR AGENTS THAT can sell North Dakota land: my Pro Position id attractive and substantial for both agent and in. vestor. Write C.

B. HAMMOND. Dickinsosa. North Dakota. for particulars.

SELL GOODS BY MAIL. THE COMING BESie nese method; start now. stop working for big profius; money comes with orders. Our plats for starting beginners is a "sure winner." Pante, lars free. Franklin-Howard Kansas City.

Me MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS MAKE $5 TOIS per day; best thing ever offered. Send 2.1re for trample. Money refunded with first order. Ti. Princeton Laboratory.

Princeton. AGENTS WANTED CAN 'Litt SEVERAI: bright hustlers to sell direct to ronsumerc big money; quick sales; season now on. Write for particulars at once. Novelty Mfg. Ottawa.

111. AGENTS WANTEDTO SELL KENTrCIel-r' Prise whiskey by the barrel: fine premiums given to help sales; big chance for hustlers. Address Box 273. Covington. Ky.

POPULAR SALESMAN WITH NOTION BUYERS to handle on commission from manufacturer pearl. lace. and hat pine; good opportunity. Apply Sunday. Alex.

Bernheimer. Grand Pacific Hotel. GENTLEMEN SOLICITORS AND GENERAL agents; positively the best thing ever discovered; big money; investigate immediately. Empire Chemical 604 Carroll-ay. FIRST CLASS SALESMEN TO SELL BOILER compound; only one having an established trade need to apply; good salary to right man.

Address 392. Tribune office. ACCOINTANTFIRST CLASS; ONE OF BROAD exp.rknce and throughly capable in handling with details in connection with his work; man so employed, wanting to better his position, will And thin splendid opening. Applications treat- scl ln confidEnce. Address 412.Tribune irks.

I I CARRIAGE AND WAGON PAINTERSFIRST class mechanics only need apply: steady work and good pay. Address 471. Tribune office. Boys. DOWNTOWN REAL ESTATE FIRM; bright.

willing. honest boy who will appreciate an opportunity to learn the business with a good house; state age, experience if any, and salary expected. Address 351. Tribune office. BOY.

16 YEARS OF AGE. FOR GEN.KktAL OFfice work; must be bright. alert. and of neat pearance. Apply Mon Uty morning at 10.


SEYMOUR. 363 N. State-st. WANTEDTWO UP TO DATE INSURANCE men; good contracts and territory for right men; dont answer unless you can prove up. Address 1S0.

Tribune office. CHEF AND 2D COOKMUST BE FH1STCLASS and sober. Address 343. Tribune office. SALESMAN WANTEDBY WHOLESALE JEWelry firm to sell diamonds and watches on weekly or monthly payments; to the right party a liberal proposition will be made.

Address 571, Tribune. House Servants. COLORED HOUSFrSIANwrrn REFERENCES. Call Indiana-ay. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE OFFICE SUPPLY salesman: man experienced with city trade.

who can make $154J per Address L. 402. Tribune office. WANTEDA MAN OF STRONG PERSONALITY to handle 25 wagon salesmen for city work: must have ability to get State full particulars. Address 362.


FOR PRIVATE boarding house; good home; good pay. Address 279. Tribune thee. BOYFOR OFFICE LARGE WHOLESALE woolen house; good chance to learn business; must be bright and willing; no previous experience necessary: state age and salary. Address K.

14 Tribune office. WANTEDEXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALES-man; steady position; must have good referenees Call between 12 and 2 p. in. L. ABT SONS.

213 Market-id. ACVOUNTANTSSENIOR AND JUNIOR: MUST hare had experience in public accountant's odice Mamas, stating experience, references. age. and xidtry expected, 569. Tribune office.

Salesmen. Solicitors, 'Eta. SALESMANHAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AT til? If so you can sell our line, but we can't use You unless you are an Al. experienced patent medicine or specialty man prepared to deliver the trxx Is. For interview address Li 359 Tribune Vise.

4 i 000KMAN OR WOMAN AT ONCE. RES-. taunt. 1630 North Clark-tot. BOYFOR WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOTISE: must be 16 and write a plain hand: good chance for the right boy.

ROSENWALD WELL, Franklin and Congress-sta EXPERIENCED JAPANESE FOR GENERAL housework: family of three: best references re-attired. Amply Sunday, 5151 Cornell-ay. FIRST CLASS JAPANESE COOK AND HOUSEmanCountry: wages $40; 25 up. The Toyo 8N)(1 Cottage Grove-ay. HOUSEMANUNMARRIED.

FOR SMALL GOLF club near Chicago; must be good cook and waiter; wages $400 and found: references required. Address DA, Tribune office. WANTEDSALESMAN FOR MEN'S FITRNISHing goods; prefer one experienced in measuring for custom made shlrts; must have first class references. Address 392. Tribune office.

A FIRST CLASS SALESMANONE WHO IS well acquainted in the city: to the right party a permanent position, with good pay. is guaranteed. H. C. LOGAN 409.

355 Dearborn-at. WANTEDA SALESMAN WHO CAN SELL A guaranteed industrial stock. Write for particulars. Big, commission. A.

A. 27 Per- kins-place 2 Cleveland. O. WANTEDTRAVELING SALESMAN. ABLE TO earn $3.600 a year and expenses; we have a proposition to make to such a man that will interest him.

Address Drawer 511. Rock Island. BOYIN A FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE. A bright boys about le years old. Address, in own handwriting.

giving references. 446. Tribune thee. PORTRAIT AGENTSSEND rs YOUR NAMlil and address; will send tree samples Crayon Por traits. 45c: Water Color.

65c; Frames. 25e up. WILLIAM FAIN. 262 W. Madison, C.11mm OUR FAMOUS EYE BOOK HAS PUT 2,000 agents in permanent businees, fitting glasses.

Si to $IO daily. Book treewrite today. Jacksonian Optical College. College-pl. Javkson Mich.

AGENTSSELL HIGH CRADE DRY POWDER fire extinguisher. One dollar. A bsolutelY guaranteed. Easy seller. Liberal terms to persons.

New Era Chem. Meadville. Pa. 211 GOOD HUSTLING AGENTSIN COUNTRY towns. to sell dividend paying oil proposition.

Address Interstate Crude Oil Co. 1001-2. 152 La Salle-et. COUPLE YOUNG MEN WITH SIGN SHOP EXperience; painters' helpers. for sign cleaning.

Addrsss A 475. Tribune office. DIEMAICER-1ST CLASS. TO CONTRACT FOR making set of dies. We will furnish necessary machinery and material.

Good opportunity for right man. aswe have a number of other sets to follow. Call after 6 at 1255 W. 2Ist-et. DRAFTSMANMECHANICAL.

LARGE MA-NUfacturing company in Ohio has openings for experienced draftsman on Corliss engine work. punvp. ing machinery, water wheels, permanent post tion; salary depends upon ability. 230. Tribune DRAFTSMANMECHANICAL: LARGE EAST-- ern railroad (in Pennsylvania.

needs an experienced man on car and locomotive work; transportation east. Address 143, Tribune office. BOYFOR OFFICE WORK: TO DO FILING AND make himself useful. Call Monday morning. B.

AUSTIN Sz, 56-58 W. Van Buren-st. BOYTO RUN ERRANDS AND MAKE HIM-self generally useful. STRAUSS Monroe and Franklin. WANTEDSALESMEN ON COMMISSION P'OR line of colored petticoats for dept.

store trade of Chicago; must be acquainted with petticoat buyers. Lincoln Mfg. Brighton. Mass. TEN EXPERIENCED SALESMENFOR OUR lace curtain and upholstery department.

Apply oMce. Boston Store. State and Madison-sts. HOUSEMAN AND Park; good wages: references required. Address 180.

Tribune office. HOUSEWORKAN EXP. JA PAN ESE FOR general housework. Ref. required.

28S. Tribune. MAN AND WIFEAS COOK AND BUTLER; references required. Address 149. Tribune.

Teamsters, Etc. COAfialMANFOR COUN'rRT; AT HIGHLAND Park. for full summer season; to drive tongie carriage an care for small automobile: board and lodging on premises; references required. Address 506. Tribune office.

BOY, TO LEARN A GOOD TRADE, AGE 143: start 4: good chance for bright boy. 600 Lakeside Building. WANTEDSALESMEN EVERYWHERE TO sell gilt edged Goldfield mining stock; easy to sell; liberal pay: steady employment. R. D.

ROBIN-SON COMPANY. Los Angeles. Cal. CANVASSERSTO SELL AUTOMATIC SCREEN door catches and giant supports; make big money; exclusive territory; sample catch 25c: door support 20c. postpaid.

Automatic Catch Chicago. WANTEDA COMPETENT SALESMAN. THORoughly acquainted in the manufacturers' and machinists supplies and retail builders hardware business. Address 490. Tribune ottce.

WANTEDA REPRESENTATIVE WHO CAN sell. mining stock for a reliable company; big commissions; no money required. Address The Globe Finance Jacobson Denver, Colo. BOYTO MAKB inmsfmr USEFUL IN OF-nee: $4 week. Alvin Mfg.

131 BRIGHT YOUNG MANMUST BE GOOD TALKer; call on doctors and cigar stores; nice line. Address L. 43:1. Tribune office. SALESMAN WANTEDA BRIGHT YOUNG salesman for money making proposition.

Call before 10 1207. 13 5 Adams-st. DRAFTSMANMECHANICAL: WITH EXPERIence -on special and automatic machinery. Address 58. Tribune office.

AGENTS-420 TO $50 SELLING POPular new vest pocket invention. S3: free In successful salesmnnship make experience unneCenearr. STANDARD 272 Raker, Toledo. O. WANTEDGOOD AGENTS IN EVERY CI rf to sell a new memorandum attachment for desit telephones.

Very useful and easr eHlng dvicIL Telephone Memorandum Minneapolis. Minn. BOYIN WHOLESALE HOUSE TO RUN ER-rands, first class reference required; salary $4. Address 887. Tribune office.

DRAFTSMANMECHANICAL. EXPERIENCED on power transmission machinery. rope drives, S100; permanent. Address 144, Tribune. LIQUOR SALESMANWITH ESTABLISHED trade on the West Side: will pay- liberal salary.

Address 551, Tribune office. COACHMANA GOOD. STEADY MAN: CAREful driver: one horse. Must be handy about house and lawn. Address 201.

Tribune office. DRAFTSMANSTRUCTURAL: LEAVE CITY. 4 detailers. $904115; 2 checkers. and I ornamental iron.

$125: permanent. 304, Tribune. BOYTO LEARN THE WHOLESALE PCY. D. g.

business; good references required. Address 1' 54. Tribune office. BOY. ABOUT Id.

TO WORK IN DRUG STORE; one living near store. 66th and Cottage Grove-ay. BOYDRUG STORE; GOOD PLACE Mk) RIGHT boy. 296 Ogden-ay. $20 TO $25 WEEK EASILY MADE SELLING our photo coupons: our reputation makes them easy sellers.

Address 380, Tribune office. WANTED BRGHT, RELIABLE CEREAL salesman. for West and South Address 390, Tribune office. $5 A DAY GUARANTEED INTRODUCING OUR genuine Super-Asbestos light equal elePtrielty last 8 years. Fireprok4 Wick Works.

WANTEDAGENTS To TRAVEL AND SM24 lire extinguishers that retail for You ea.n make $Zi) to Vitt weekly and exPenses. Monarch Co-. 14,, Louis. L2 916 1 COACHMAN AND HOrSEMANONE HORSE; must knaw how to milk a COW; wages. $40.

Inquire 36 Hawthorne-pi. COACHMANWITH FAMILY; REFERENCES required. 93 office. COMPETENT DRIVERS EOR TRUCKS AND delivery wagons; permanent position references required; must be acquainted with city. JOHN V.

COMPANY. 148 Chien go. EXPERIENCED PARCEL. DRIVersGood ref erenees; steady pneition; good wages. Addrees 263.

Tribune effee. 11 '1, i 1 E-4 4 4, F4 ti4 1 RI 1 't it 1'; i i- 1 4,.. 1 DRAFTSMANDESIGNER ON CHURCH FUR. niture; leave city; salary depends on ability. Address 251.

Tribune office. DRAt-ISMAN ARCHITECTURAL. Flasr elet-SA $150; far west; months' work guaranteed; expenses both ways. Adciress Ir 252, Tribune. DRAFTSMANMECHANICAL.

EXPERIENCED on drawings and construction work. Address 302. Tribune office. WANTEDSALESMAN ACQUAINTED WITH City dressmakers, by dry good house. Address 374, Tribune office.

-SALESMEN FOR DRUG AND HARDWARE trade city and country. Cline Mfg- 1239 Wabash-ay. BOYGRADUATE PUBLIC scHoora.To LEARN drug trade. Apply 229 E. Disvision-st.

BOYSIXTEEN YEARS. WHITE OR COLored: steady 373 North Clark-st. BOYFOR OFFICE AND ERRANDS' NEAT APpearance; 16 years old. Address I' 556, Tribune. BOYS 16 YEARS OF AGE CAN SECURE GOOD permanent positions as stock boys: must coma well recommended.

Apply litth floor. CARSON. PIRIE, SCOTT Retail. WITH ROLA, ing mill and heavy mEuchinery exp. RCHITECrrit AL; ON APARTmt work, 1710 Railway Exchange.

WANTEDACTIVE SALESMAN TO SELL OTTR. western Canada lands; good chance for right roan; city or country. Address 451. Tribune. SOLICITORFOR ADWERTISINO CONTRACTS for an illustrated publication.

Call on or address W. L. Deming Hotel, Monday only. AGENTSROTH SEXES; HILL'S INIK It for fountain pens and ink welts: lightlitni seller; pompiete oUttit 23 ctuirS. kilt Co, lAj N.

Y. SEND 20C FOR A YEA St-I3SCRIPt tion to the Good Luck Migazine and receive Gal nage book of money making FfC rets eo Luck Publishirde Boston. M. $3 TO SIO DA ILY MADE BY OUR 2.000 AGENTA: Our 2-tpage FREE BOOK started them writs today. Perhaps your opportunity.

Jacksonbol Optleal College. University square. -Tacit son. Mich AGENTS-575 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES to sell advertising signs to merchants and magmas facturers. St.

Louis Sum St. Louis. Mo. I FEEL LIKE A MILLIONAIRE." 1 one agent; new; detriand; quick fa1ea FallIti; ERS AccouNT 13(POK CO Newton. Iowa.

1 1 DRAFTSMANGOOD DETAILErt ON ERrDGES work, 929. 280 La Ss Lle-st BOYS FOR HOUSE MESSENGER WORK; MUST be 16 years of ago. Apply 10th floor. CARSON. RIRIE.

SCOTT Retail. WANTEDSALESMEN WHO CALL ON HARness trade. to sell fly net holders as side line: can carry in vest pocket; 100 commission. 213 So. Peoria.

111. TRAVELING SALESMANBIG PROMINENT wholesale house. tor III. and Winsnein; state age. experience.

and salary expected, or no attention given. Address 179. Tribune office. WANTED-5 MEN TO SELL LIFE INSURANCE; experience not necessary, guaranteed salary and eommission: prefer men living west of Kedzie-av. Call mornings.

29 S. 48th-av. TWO EXPERIENCED MENTO SELL WELL known mineral water from Wart01 on salary and commission: refs. and security required. Address 203.

Tribune office. 2 SALESMEN FOR CORRESPONDENCE school and library work: Call from 12 to 1 or 4 p. tn. to 8. R.

903. 355 Dearborn. OTIS N. PENCE. $15 AND COMMISSION PER WEEK FOR EX-insurance, book agents, newspaper solicitors.

mail carrier. or street railway employe will Kick. Address 158. Tribune office. TRAVELING SALESMAN TO SELL OUR MILL production fall dress goods, flannels, blankets, direct to retail country stores; good COMMiSSiOtt.

ERA NK D. LA LANNE ge 0 3.. Philadelphia, Pa. SITUATION WANTEDBY AN INTELLIGENT young man of good address and business experience, a few first class specialties as side line; state full particulars. Address 259, Tribune office.

TWO GOOD CANVASSERSWANTEDGOOD contract to the right parties; steady position. Apply Monday between 9 and 10. Strohber Plano 217 W. 45th-pl. NVANTEDEXPERIENrCED SALESMAN AC: Onainted with State-st.

buyers to sell hxh, grade line ladies' belts on commission. Address LL 100, Tribune office. 1 14 1- DRAFTSMENEXPERIENCED IN ELECTRIC-al apparatus. motors. and generators; only first class men need apply; rtattb-xperience and salary expected- Address 500., Tribune WANTEDA FEW GOOD SALESMEN TO SELL our high grade nursery stock; good commission for the right 'men.

Address 170. Tribune office. FOUR FIRST CLASS HEALTH AND ACCIDENT insurance solicitorsMust be producers. 504. Tribune office.

DRLVERSEXPERIENCED. FOR PARCEL DE-livery; white men; union or nonunion; must be acquainted with city. Can be sworn in as deputy sheriffs. Address L. I.

432. Tribune office. BRIGHT BOYFOR POSITION AS HEAD OEfice boy in Large otboe; good opportunity for the boy who can make good. Address Tribune. 0MMOMMF DRAFTSMENMECHANICA14 A LARGE dredge company has opening for experienced men on dredges, locomotives.

cranes, or hoisting machinery; one man as amdetant chief draftsman; permanent positions; good salaries. 57, Tribune. DRAFTSMENEXPERIENCED ON INTERIOR woodwork and structural steel work; 818. IS4 Salle-st. ELECTRICIANGOOD WIRE MAN AND RE: pair man.

Call 44i0 E. Sunday a. m. SALESMENOUR NEW GOLD 'WINDOW SIGN lettere beat anything on the market; big profits; agenta make $10 to 320 daily; complete sample Outfit 25c. Particulars free.


to sell to general stores in Ill. Our jewelry assortments on unexcelled proposition: commission with af-ealy advance. The Continental Jewel'," Co-. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTEDSALESMEN CALLING ON HIGH ease hotel and restaurant trade to sell a food.

on commission: state territory covere4 lot full particulars. Box0146. Adrian, Mich. SALESMENTWO. GOOD MEN FOR GRAPHOphone work; leads furnished; good pay and permanent position for solicitor with proper qualifica.

tienaue Island-ay. SALESMEN TO SELL OUR GOODS TO GENeral stores, clothiers. druggists. and grocers: Sre side lines; big profits; liberal terms. Model iffg 13ox G.

South Bend, Ind. MAX TO TRAVELSALARY $80 MONTH. EX-Penises and commission; $50 cash required: fully secured; old house: staple line; no books or jewelry. MANAGER REED. 381 Wabash-ay.

litESMANAS TEA vELiNG MANAGER FOR trmfg. large cities only staple line; old Itoupe; sal. and corm -will net $2.590 year: $100 cash and ref. ren. Address 305, Tribune office.

WANTEDTIIAVELING OR LOCAL REFRY: sentative; liberal terms; permanent. BROWN EROS. CO. Rochester, N. Y.

YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK AT -CIIICAite Heights. state and wages wanted. Addrees 0 A 563. Tribune office. MAXIMOSALESMAN FOR DRY GOODS SPE(lefties in the State of Iowa: experience and references.

Address 2O9. Tribune office. IALFISM ANGROCERY SPECIALTY MAN FO R. city trade; commission; give references; Adl- 364 Tribune office. HAVE A POSITION WORTH BIG CCPM- Pvnsation frn a salesman with energy and ability- Address 189, Tribune office.

iVANTEDRETAIL CLOTHING SALESMAN. 55Perienced to come to the country; references. Address Box 177. Pena. SALESMEN ATTRACTIVE.

PROFITABLE line: pocket samples MANUFACTURERS. ne Railway Exchange. Chicago- WANTEDSALESMEN TO HANDLE ROOM molding a a side line throughout the United Address 4214, Tribune office. 81DE LLNENEW STRIKING 1EC15ANICAL. window device; you can earn $10 dolly with 2 ILleurs work.

confidential Address 397. Tribune. CIGAR SALESMANIN YOUR LOC a IATY: Per moth and expenses; experience unneceesarY. 'ne Natibnal Cigar 'Toledo. O.

SALESMANFOR WISCONSTN: EFTA BLISHED trade; want un to date hustler: sell grocery spa- etitles: good salary. Address 52. Tribune office. TCELL EDUCATED GENTLEMAN. $12 AN1770 commission.

to eel? gold mining stock certifi- Imes at monthly payments; refa 104, Tribune. PERIENcED A FOR WASH Joods and domestics good AOIGAN Madison and Woo-d-ste- EsMAN WANTEDTO SELL NEWLY PAT- v-rIted calcimine washer to DR illtPFS and paint 7ores: big 30. 1S.I. Tribune. PRATERNAL ORGANIZERSFOR in Chicago and vicinity.

503. Tribune. 5ALEsmAN OR SOLICITORCITY. CALL CLARK Roo "11 175 Dearba.n-at- in MAN WITH COOD ACQUAINT: NCE exper. not t.cessary fl 59G.

Tribune. al'To Mu zILE SALESMAN Call 1414 zelehlran-av. VI DFIRST CLASS GAS FIXTURE call on city-trade. 95. Tribune.

WAN TLDFIRST CLASS FILTER SALESMAN. no can get bulkiness. 83 E. Lake-st. NEWSPAPER SOLICITORS: of town work.

REHFUSS, Morrison HoteL WA EDPRINTING SOLICITOR WHO UNsv.rtanA the sal. and cont. D589, -1 ANTED IIIGH GRADE SALESMAN. TO -'111 architects and builders. 96, Tribune.

-WA SI IFSMAN TO SELLJEwELRY TO t---eGunIrV general stores. Address 487. Tribune. CR Se.000 prim IN AGENTS WANTED EaIs Toot Co. ancitanati.

0- ChlAR KALESIM Per moleth and Natibnal SALESMANFOS trade; want un eteltiee: good gala EDUCA7 corarn Pet cm tee at monthly rXERIENCED and don MADIGAN 'SALESMANrtAted atorec big commi illATERNAL IN work in Chi-ea SALEsmAN CEA ecrNG MAN WI enter. At-TOMOBILE SA Miehlgan-av. A to cal WANTEDFIRS' who Clin get bui AUTEDTEN tag et town will FRIN 7.2,-.3!11trida the bt )ANTED on archttee LE general OTAI rLasrla 0- BRIGHT. AMBITIOUS BOYOF 16 TO 18 YEARS. for permanent position in leading wholesale house.

Reply in own handwriting; state age. education. and experience. Address I 421. Tribune office.

AGENTS WANTEDON COMMISS73N. FOCI Bash lin Telephone Disinfector. Writs or oia Lindgn Mfg. R. 403.

hi Dearborn-st. EFULE PARTICULAR OF WHIP LWINI5 Mall Order Ilan; S3 to CO daily. Go attar Shag one. H. E.

LANDERS. Rockford. GENERAL AND L. AGENTS MAKE BA money selling IMIEGULUS. the greet botisionorat nemeOy.

Address Rhegulus Co, La Grange, 1-11. AGENTS WANTEDHUSTLERS EVERT where; new. quick seller; big profit: goaa line, Address 430. Tribune office. AGENTS WANTEDCAPITAL NEC'ES01 for outfit- g150.

Weekly earnings will original investment Address 102. Tribunal. Onamoo11 BRIGHT BOY IN LARGE WHOLESALE JEWelry house for general work; Li per week: spieneie opportunity to learn the business: references required. Address Tribune office. BRIGHT.

NEAT OFFICE BOY. APPLY IN own handwriting. stating age and references. Address II 159, Tribune office. ELDCTRICIAN'S HELPERONE) FAMILIAR with generators and motors and bell systems.

Apply Western ()old Storage 39 N. State-st. ENAMELFMmusT 13E, FIRST CLASS STRIPer. used to large work- Call after 9 ceelock. Krag Imperial Cabinet 123 8, Clinton-et.

DRIVERSEXPERIENCED. FOR PARCEL livery; union or nonunion: 'white men; intuit be MINIATURE PHOTO JEWELRY- AND, PIKiTel button agents make $10 a day; eat ki.URSE..k 324J Dearborn-st. Chicago. acquainted with city. Apply superintendent, BosTow STORE.

FIRST CLASS SALESMEN WANTEDTO SELL paper to publishers and printers; good inducement offered to the right party. Address 518. Tribune otffee. SIX MEN TO WORK FINE PROPOSITION; good money to workers. F.

CASS. Columbia rhonograph 88 Wabash-ay. SALMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES; earn $100 weekly taking orders: no collecting. SHELLONITE Box 656. Manchester, N.

H. LADY OR GENTLEMAN FOR SPECIAL work: roust be Catholic. C. S. GOODWIN.

519 Rialto Bug. SOLICITOR WANTEDGOOD OUTSIDE MAN for South Side tailoring business. Address 283. Tribune office. SALESMAN CALLING ON PHYSICIANS I1ST city or country; good side line; ready seller; big commission.

Address 480. Tribune office. TR AvELr NG SALESMANFOR A 'WHOLESALE cider and liquor house; must have experience and rood references. Address 589. Tribune office.

FIRST CLASS TRAVELING MAN FOR try saloon trade; must have ability and refer-. ences. Address 131. Tribune office. WANTEDCITY SALESMAN TO JOIN FIELD manager; permanent position; good income.


WELL DRESSed man for city Isalesman; permanent position; rapid promotion. R. 300 Old Colony Bldg. -WANTEDSALESMAN TO SOLICIT. BRASS casting business; one who has had experience.

Address 342. Tribune office. WANTED-5 IdEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE T6 sell high grade specialty. Call Thesday morning. Drx PREVEN'TOR 25 River-et.

SALESMANSELL DRUGGIST PROPRIETARY medicine; travel experience. 1' 579. Tribune. 010 ENGINEERMUST HAVE)GOOD STATE exp. and refs.

Address KI.5t32, Tribune office. CARPENTERSTEN. Call 1068 Jackson-blvd. ENGRAVEltJOHN WILLIAMS 0P cyrreAGo and Des Moines: wax also engaged tu the ministry in Iowa. Send address to HENRY PLUMB, 518 Walnut-M.

Des Moines. BRIGHT BOYSOVER 16 YEARS. AS STOCE boys In' clothing department. L. KLEIN.

Halsted and 14th-it. BRIGHT BOYFOR OFFICE IN WHOLESALE house: 16 years or over: well recommended. Address 76. Tribune office. BRIGHT.

ACTIVE 16 YEAR OLD ERRAND boy in wholesale house; splendid opportunity for advancement; references required. 1' 491. Tribune. DON'T ACCEPT AN AGENCY ENTrl, TO114 GEI my free samples and big offer. SAYMAX twit Prank St.

Lomb M. PICTURE SALESMENTO REPRESENT MANufacturer; pop.tlar r.riewd line for and store trade. F. S. P.

104 Wis. MMOMIEM m001, FIRS'T CLASS COLLAR OPERATOR TO TAKE charge of Fogle44ong stuffing machine; glee reference. J. B. SICKLES SADDLERY CO, St.

Louis. Mo. DRIVERSCOMPETONT. FOR TRUCKS; PER-Anent poeitions; must be acquainted with city; refs. required Apply A.

X. Forbes Cartage BRIGHT B0Y-16 TO IS. FOR GENERAL WORK: references. HALSEY BROS. CO-.

141 BRIGHT BOYLIVING ON SOUTH SIDE. ERIN BROWSE COMPANY. 1714 State-et. SALESMENCALLING ON DRUG TRADE. TO handle a 'high grade article ail side line; easy Peiler; big commission; pocket sample; state territory.

Address 579. Tribune ance. WANTED CLOTHING AND TAILORING salesman; good salary. Corbett Tailoring Kansas City. Mo.

WANT'EDSALESMAN TO SELL and fancy notions: only thoFa with established trade reed apply. STONE 0 Franklin-st. AGENTS WANTED FOR RUSS BLEAg-IINa Blue. in great demand if once used. Success ass grured The Russ Dos 15.

South Rend, Ind. AGENTSWE HAVE A WINNER IF TOd want easy money. write SANIe TART St. Louis. klo.

AGENTS WANTEDTO SELL OUR SUPER1OA nurserY stock- We pay higbt commissaure Washington Nursery company, Detroit diet. AGENTS WANrrEDTO CANVASS AND SELL stock for a large plantation opportuni-o, earnest workers. Apply It. 1307. 1(10 Wasningto AGENT TO 1501..301 it trade for sign business on commission.


Apply EVAN LLOYDS. 136 State-st. EXPERIENCED DRIVERS; PERMANENT POaltions for white men who Are willing to work; rt. t. ce ELEVATOR BOYSEE ENGINEER; YALE Building.

66th and Yale-ay. they will be sworn In as deputy sberiffs or police cancers: ample protection will be afforded. Address GO, Tribune office. FOREMANSTONECUTTER; YARD WORK: permanent situation for competent man. Address JAMES ROBETtTSON.

207 Thomas-L. Wilkins-burg Station, Pittsburg, Pa. FOREMANFOR CEMENT HOLLOW BLOCK plant; state experience and salary expected. AZ-dress 432. Tribune office.

FOREMAN ASSISTANTIN YARDS; EXPERIeneed and aggressive; steady employment. Weber Wagon fast and Wallace-sta. AGENTS FOR THE BEST ACCIDENT INSURai mince Co. in the world. Apply Rooms 510 area 1.1 Kedzie 120 Randolph-et- bet.

10a. I rkli SOAP AGENTS-4BI DAILY EASILY El' it-Nal' Parker Chemical 237 Market-at. START MAIL ORDER BUSINESS: PARTICTI lars 6.nd samples tree. rAwin Lc-ed. OTTUL N41 11, RT11--1 I ha.

ERRAND BOYS-16 YEARS OLD: $4.150 PER week. HENRY O. SHEPARD 120-130 Sherrnan-st. ERRAND BOYH. J.


Pfaelser Afic 225 Market-et. EXPERIENCED WAGON BOYSGOOD CHANCE for advancement. Address ISI. Tribune office. GERM AN BOY FOR GROCERY; 16 YEARS OLD.

136 N. State-Ft. LARGE BOYONE WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE of press feeding preferred. 141 So. Common Sense Noveity Co.

WAN-TEDEXPERIENCED TRAVELING SPEMalty salesmen; will pay good salary to rigbt man. Star Gum 170 W. Van Buren-st. WANTEDTRAVELING SALESMAN, TAAILOR to the trade: permanent; must be Address L. 508, Tribune office.

EXCELLENT SIDE LINE, SALESMEN SELUing grocery. painters. and furniture trades; eaeir seller; city and country. 153, Tribune office. WANTEIDTRAVELING SALESMAN TO BAN-die as a side line skirts for a good house on commission.

Address 144. Tribune office. GOOD SUBDrytstom MANSALARY AND commission; give age. references, arid salary expected. Address 100.

Tribune office. -ADVERTISENO SOLICITORON EASY MEDIum; big steally work. Addre-ss Tribun officah-- LXPERIENCED DRIVMRS. INCLUDING MEN that know the city and suburbs; good wages and permanent positions for good men. APPIY barn superintenden t.

CARSON. FIRM. SC OTT Adams and Franklin-Ma. GLAZIER-3 P. HANSEN.

51 corner Wella-st WANTEDF1RST CLASS SHOE SALESMAN: good position; refs. required 194, Tribune. ADVERTISING SOLICITORFOR CHICAGO paper: state experience. IP 388. Tribune office.

SALESMANSELL STOCK IN CO-OPORATIVE dental supply large corn. 193, FIRST CLASS SoLierroR FOR Al PROPOSItion Perfect Gas Controller f03 fith-ast. CALENDAR SALESMAN FOR LEADING LINE Chicago and suburbs. 314. Tribune office.

CREW AND CANVASSERSFOR city; salary. 1421 MAsonic Temple. WANTEDCITY STEAM COAL SALESMAN; experience necessary. I eiZbeni, INSURANCE SOLICTMES CAN' SECrIVE REIt Hanle fast welling 72, Tr 10C WHIRLWIND SELLER: ltick; szt sda every house. 48 Van Buren.

AGENTS TO SELL METAL POLISH AND irv-i; niture clearer; ig commissious. 1S6. '813 It' rtbutio. GROCERY TO wHrrTINGHAli. 1935 GOOD MAN TO DO PAINTING.

CALCIMINING, and furniture renovating in an institution; erteadY employment; give references and wages expected. 174 E. Chicago-ay. GOOD HELPER ABOUT HARDWARE BTORID sa4 tin shoo. 2137-39 State-al.


sad refs. .1 L114, Trani las. I.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.