Georgia Alzheimer's disease and related dementias state plan (2024)

Georgia Alzheimer's Disease
and Related Dementias State Plan
Prepared by the Georgia Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force



SB 14/AP

Senate Bill 14 By: Senators Unterman of the 45th, Wilkinson of the 50th, Crosby of the 13th, Hill of the 4th and Orrock of the 36th



1 To amend Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to 2 indigent and elderly patients, so as to create a Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias 3 State Plan Task Force; to provide for legislative intent; to provide for its members and 4 vacancies; to provide for duties and responsibilities; to provide for a chairperson; to provide 5 for a quorum for the transaction of business; to provide for a final report; to provide for 6 related matters; to provide an effective date; to provide for automatic repeal; to repeal 7 conflicting laws; and for other purposes.





10 Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to indigent and

11 elderly patients, is amended by adding a new article to read as follows:



13 31-8-300. 14 The General Assembly finds and declares that Alzheimer's disease is a looming national 15 public health crisis and impacts every state. It is important for Georgia to assess its ability 16 to provide appropriate and necessary programs and services to Georgia's citizens living 17 with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and determine where Georgia is, where 18 Georgia is doing well, where gaps may exist, and where the private sector, public sector, 19 nonprofit and faith-based communities' resources may be leveraged to ensure that Georgia 20 grows to be fully dementia capable. The General Assembly further finds that access to 21 quality health care for Alzheimer's and related dementias and the rising cost of such care 22 are vitally important to the citizens of Georgia. Therefore, the General Assembly has 23 determined that it is in the best interests of the state and its citizenry to address this issue.

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24 31-8-301. 25 There is created the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force 26 for the purpose of studying and collecting information and data to assess the current and 27 future impact of Alzheimer's disease on Georgia's citizens; to examine the existing 28 industries, services, and resources addressing the needs of persons with Alzheimer's 29 disease, their families, and caregivers; to review the National Alzheimer's Disease Plan 30 currently under development by the federal Department of Health and Human Services; 31 and to develop a strategy to mobilize a state response to Alzheimer's and related dementias 32 as a public health crisis by creating a state plan.

33 31-8-302. 34 (a) The Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force shall be 35 composed of six members and shall include the director of the Division of Aging Services 36 within the Department of Human Services, the commissioner of community health or his 37 or her designee, the state health officer or his or her designee, the chairperson of the House 38 Committee on the Health and Human Services, the chairperson of the Senate Health and 39 Human Services Committee, and the chairperson of the House Committee on Human 40 Relations and Aging. 41 (b) The director of the Division of Aging Services within the Department of Human 42 Services shall serve as the chairperson of the task force. The task force may elect other 43 officers as deemed necessary. The chairperson of the task force may designate and appoint 44 committees from among the membership of the task force as well as appoint other persons 45 to perform such functions as he or she may determine to be necessary as relevant to and 46 consistent with this article. The chairperson shall only vote to break a tie. 47 (c) The task force shall invite other advisory members to assist the committee and may 48 consider the following in making its selection: a person with Alzheimer's disease; a person 49 with Alzheimer's related dementia; such person's caregiver; a representative of the nursing 50 facility industry; a representative from the adult day care services industry; a representative 51 of the home health industry; a representative of the personal care home industry; a 52 physican; a consultant pharmacist; an Alzheimer's disease and related dementias 53 researcher; law enforcement personnel; and other stakeholders from the public, private, and 54 nonprofit sectors, voluntary health organizations, and the faith-based community.

55 31-8-303. 56 (a) The task force shall hold meetings at the call of the chairperson. 57 (b) A quorum for transacting business shall be a majority of the members of the task force. 58 (c) The members of the task force shall serve without compensation.
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59 (d) The Division of Aging Services within the Department of Human Services shall 60 provide administrative support to the task force. 61 (e) Each legislative member of the task force shall receive the allowances provided for in 62 Code Section 28-1-8. Citizen members shall receive a daily expense allowance in the 63 amount specified in subsection (b) of Code Section 45-7-21 as well as the mileage or 64 transportation allowance authorized for state employees. Any members of the task force 65 who are state officials, other than legislative members, and state employees shall receive 66 no compensation for their services on the task force, but they shall be reimbursed for 67 expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members of the task force 68 in the same manner as they are reimbursed for expenses in their capacities as state officials 69 or employees. The funds necessary for the reimbursem*nt of the expenses of state 70 officials, other than legislative members, and state employees shall come from funds 71 appropriated to or otherwise available to their respective departments. All other funds 72 necessary to carry out the provisions of this article shall come from funds appropriated to 73 the House of Representatives and the Senate.

74 31-8-304.

75 (a) The purpose of the task force shall be to create a comprehensive state plan for Georgia

76 to address Alzheimer's and related dementias and shall include, at a minimum:

77 (1) Trends in state Alzheimer's and related dementias population and needs, including

78 the changing population with dementia, including, but not limited to:


(A) State role in long-term care, family caregiver support, and assistance to persons


with early stage and early onset Alzheimer's disease;


(B) State policy regarding persons with Alzheimer's disease and developmental


disabilities; and


(C) Ongoing periodic surveillance of persons with Alzheimer's disease for purposes


of having proper estimates of the number of persons in the state with Alzheimer's


disease, and for the development of a response to this chronic condition that has risen


to the level of a public health crisis;

87 (2) Existing services, resources, and capacity, including but not limited to the:


(A) Type, cost, and availability of dementia services;


(B) Dementia-specific training requirements for long-term care staff;


(C) Quality care measures for long-term care facilities;


(D) Capacity of public safety and law enforcement to respond to persons with


Alzheimer's disease;


(E) Availability of home- and community-based resources for persons with


Alzheimer's disease and respite care to assist families;

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(F) Inventory of long-term care dementia care units;


(G) Adequacy and appropriateness of geriatric-psychiatric units for persons with


behavior disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias;


(H) Assisted living residential options for persons with dementia;


(I) State support of Alzheimer's disease research through Georgia universities and other




(J) Medical education, content, and quality of course offerings and requirements for


dementia training provided to students in medical education programs at all levels of


education within both state and private programs from emergency medical technician


and nursing assistant programs through advanced medical specialties and medical


continuing education;


(K) Inventory of federal agencies who provide funding, services, programs, or


resources for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia, caregivers,


medical professionals, or professional care providers; and


(L) Gaps in services;

110 (3) Needed state policies or responses, including but not limited to directions for the

111 provision of clear and coordinated services and support to persons and families living

112 with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders and strategies to address any identified

113 gaps in services;

114 (4) Ways in which state and local agencies, private sector, quasi-governmental, voluntary

115 health organizations, the faith community, and nonprofit organizations can collaborate

116 and work together to form a seamless network of education, support, and other needed

117 services to those living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and their families;

118 and

119 (5) Specific areas to addressed, including:


(A) Increasing awareness of Alzheimer's disease among the public;


(B) Encouraging increased detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease;


(C) Improving the individual health care that those with Alzheimer's disease receive;


(D) Improving the quality of the health care system in serving people with Alzheimer's




(E) Expanding the capacity of the health care system to meet the growing number and


needs of those with Alzheimer's disease;


(F) Training and better equipping health care professionals and others to deal with


individuals with Alzheimer's disease;


(G) Workforce development by increasing the number of health care professionals that


will be necessary to treat the growing aging and Alzheimer's populations;

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(H) Improving services provided in the home and community to delay and decrease the


need for institutionalized care;


(I) Improving access to long-term care, including assisted living, for those with


Alzheimer's disease;


(J) Assisting unpaid Alzheimer's caregivers;


(K) Increasing research on Alzheimer's disease;


(L) Promoting activities that would maintain and improve brain health;


(M) Creating a better system of data collection regarding Alzheimer's disease and its


public health burden;


(N) Public safety and addressing the safety related needs of those with Alzheimer's


disease, including in-home safety for those living at home, Mattie's Call and safety of


those who wander or are found wandering but who need supervision until they can be


reunited with their family or professional caregiver and driving safety, including


assessments and taking the license away when a person with dementia is no longer


capable of driving safely;


(O) Addressing legal protections for, and legal issues faced by, individuals with


Alzheimer's disease; and


(P) Improving how state government evaluates and adopts policies to help people with


Alzheimer's disease and their families; determination of which department of state


government is the most appropriate agency to house the ongoing work of the Georgia


Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force as it convenes annually to


ensure track and report progress as Georgia becomes a more dementia-capable state.

153 (b) The task force shall have the following powers:

154 (1) To hold public meetings and utilize technological means, such as webcasts, to gather

155 feedback on the recommendations from persons and families affected by Alzheimer's

156 disease and related dementias and from the general public;

157 (2) To request and receive data from and review the records of appropriate agencies and

158 health care facilities to the greatest extent allowed by state and federal law;

159 (3) To accept public or private grants, devises, and bequests; and

160 (4) To enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance

161 of its duties.

162 (c) Prior to the final report required in subsection (d) of this Code section, the task force

163 may advise on legislation and other recommended changes to the Governor and the General

164 Assembly.

165 (d) The task force shall issue a state plan which shall include proposed legislation, if any,

166 to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before March 31, 2014.

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167 31-8-305. 168 (a) Upon the abolishment of the task force as provided by this article, there shall be created 169 the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council. 170 (b) The advisory council membership shall include the same membership as the original 171 task force as provided for in this article. 172 (c) The advisory council shall meet at least annually to review the progress of the state 173 plan and to make any recommendations for changes, as well as recommend any legislation 174 needed to implement the plan.

175 31-8-306. 176 The task force shall stand abolished on March 31, 2014."



178 This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law

179 without such approval.



181 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.

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The Georgia Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force wishes to thank the hundreds of individuals from across Georgia who shared their thoughts and opinions about the challenges facing them relating to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Their input was integral to the development of the Georgia Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias State Plan content and recommendations.
The State Plan Task Force thanks the elected officials, Commissioners and staff who participated in and supported the work of the State Plan Task Force. Their commitment and leadership was appreciated by all advisory panel members.
Senator Renee Unterman, Chairman, Senate Health and Human Services
Representative Sharon Cooper, Chairman, House Health and Human Services
Representative Tommy Benton, Chairman, House Human Relations and Aging
Commissioner Brenda Fitzgerald, MD, Department of Public Health
Commissioner Clyde Reese III, Esq., Department of Community Health
James J. Bulot, Ph.D., Director, Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services; Chairman, State Plan Task Force
The State Plan Task Force also thanks the staff of the Division of Aging Services and Georgia Council on Aging who helped support the work of the State Plan Task Force and provided committee support throughout the state plan process:
Mary McCarthy, Georgia Council on Aging
Sharon Hudson, Program Integrity, Division of Aging Services
Cliff Burt, Livable Communities, Division of Aging Services
Gwenyth Johnson, Livable Communities, Division of Aging Services
Jennifer Hogan, Program Integrity, Division of Aging Services
Eric Ryan, Georgia Council on Aging

The Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force and the Director of the Division of Aging Services would like to recognize the following individuals for their dedication, tenacity, and professionalism. Without their assistance and attention to detail, none of this would have been possible.
Cynthia Haley Dunn Community Affairs Manager Georgia DHS Division of Aging Services
Brittany Gaines Doctoral Student, Gerontology University of Massachusetts Boston
Ginny Helms Vice President of Chapter Services and Public Policy
Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter Toni P. Miles, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Institute of Gerontology College of Public Health University of Georgia Kathy Simpson Director of Advocacy
Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter Laurie Sparks
Legislative Assistant Health and Human Services Committee
Georgia Senate

We extend our deepest thanks to the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force's advisors listed below.
Marcey Alter (Georgia Department of Community Health) Eve Anthony (Athens Community Council on Aging) Alka Aneja, M.D., M.A. (Georgia Department of Human Services) P.K. Beville (Second Wind Dreams) Suzette Binford (Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter) Rev. Kenneth P. Brooks (Georgia Council on Aging) Elisabeth O. Burgess, Ph.D. (Gerontology Institute, Georgia State University) Eve Byrd, MSN, MPH, APRN-BC (Fuqua Center for Late-Life Depression, Emory University) Sandy Capparell (Community Representative) Randy Clayton (Governor's Office of Highway Safety) Walter Coffey (LeadingAge Georgia) Sgt. Detective P. Cooper (Major Fraud Unit, Atlanta Police Department) Harold Copus (Copus Security Consultants) Aquevia Davis (Georgia Emergency Management Authority) Lisa Dawson (Georgia Department of Public Health) Robin W. Dill (Grace Arbor, First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville) Lisa Easom, Ph.D. (Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving) David Ellis (Community Representative) Kerstin Gerst Emerson, Ph.D. (Institute of Gerontology, University of Georgia) Detective James Flanagan (Gwinnett County Police) Kim Franklin (Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter) Kathryn D. Fowler (former - Georgia Council on Aging; current community representative) Mike Galifianakis (State ADA Office, Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission) Judy Gill (Caring Together, Inc.) Anne Glass, Ph.D. (Institute of Gerontology, University of Georgia)

Patrick Griffith, M.D., FAAN (former - Morehouse School of Medicine; current community rep.) Valarie Grooms (Georgia Emergency Management Agency) Georgia Gunter (Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Weinstein Center) Representative Buddy Hardin Ginny Helms (Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter) Ken Hepburn, Ph.D. (Emory University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) Sheila Humberstone (Troutman Sanders Strategies) Catherine Ivy, LCSW (former - National Assn. of Social Workers, Georgia Chapter; current Georgia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities) Ted Johnson, M.D., MPH (Emory Center for Health in Aging) Kathy Keith (Georgia Council on Aging; Heart of Georgia Altamaha Area Agency on Aging) Maureen Kelly (Atlanta Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging) Pat King, R.N. (Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services) John LaHood, R.N. (Fellowship Home at Brookside) Doris Lee (Community Representative) Allan I. Levey, MD, Ph.D. (Emory University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) Susie R. Lockett (Governor's Office of Workforce Development) Curtis McGill (Ashton Senior Living) David L. McGuffey, CELA (Elder Law Practice of David L. McGuffey, LLC) Melanie S. McNeil, Esq. (Georgia Long-Term Care Ombudsman) Kim McRae (Have a Good Life; Culture Change Network of Georgia) Toni P. Miles, M.D., Ph.D. (Institute of Gerontology, University of Georgia) Adrienne Mims, M.D., MPH (Alliant Health Solutions) Michelle Minor (Georgia Assisted Living Federation of America) Daniel Munster (Attorney at Law) Steven Neff (Georgia Association of Community Care Providers; Assisted Living Association of Georgia) Cindy Nelson (Senior Citizens Advocacy Project) Monica W. Parker, M.D. (Emory University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center)

Sarah Ralston (Georgia Healthcare Association) D'Arcy Robb (Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities) Ben Robinson (Center for Health Workforce Planning and Analysis, University System of Georgia) Genia Ryan, CAE (Georgia Assisted Living Federation of America) Cathy Scholz, Ph.D. (Gwinnett Technical College) Ann Shirra (Georgia Department of Labor) Kathy Simpson (Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter) Kyle Steenland, Ph.D. (Rollins school of Public Health, Emory University) Andrea Stevenson (Visiting Nurse Health System) Greg Tanner (AARP Georgia) Terri Timberlake, Ph.D. (Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities) Connie White (Aviv Older Adult Services, Jewish Family & Career Services)

Georgia Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias State Plan Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................................1

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 8

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................10

I. Demographics............................................................................................................................................. 11

A. State Role


B. Cognitive Impairment


C. Developmental Disabilities


II. Existing Services, Resources and Capacity................................................................................................ 17

A. State Agency Resources


B. Dementia Services


C. Academic and Educational Resources


D. Advocacy Organizations and Services


E. Dementia Specific Training Requirements for Long-Term Care Staff


F. Quality Care Measures for Long Term Care Facilities


G. Capacity of Public Safety & Law Enforcement to Respond to People with Dementia


H. Inventory of Long-Term Care Units


I. Community Residential Options for Persons with Dementia


J. ADRD Research through Georgia Universities and Other Resources


K. Inventory of Federal Agencies that Provide Services or Resources for People with ADRD


III. Recommendations..................................................................................................................................... 39

A. Healthcare, Research and Data Collection


B. Workforce Development


C. Service Delivery


D. Public Safety


E. Outreach and Partnership


Resources..................................................................................................................................................................57 References ............................................................................................................................................................... 59 Appendix I: Demographic Analysis Tables .............................................................................................................61

Appendix II: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System .................................................................................... 62 Appendix III:Rules of the Dept. of Community Health for Assisted Living Communities Int. Guidelines ........ 64

Appendix IV: Rules and Regs of the Dept. of Community Health for Assisted Living Communities .................. 71

Appendix V: Rules of the Dept. of Community Health Rules and Regs for Personal Care Homes ......................77 Appendix VI: Rules of the Department of Community Health Nursing Homes .................................................. 83


Appendix VII: Code Of Federal Regulations 42CR483.152 For Nursing Aides ................................................... 84 Appendix VIII: Inventory Of Long-Term Dementia Care Units ........................................................................... 88 Appendix IX: Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (BRI) Care Consultation......................................................... 174 Appendix X: Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) Report ...............................................192 Appendix XI: "Effects of the TCARE Intervention on Caregiver Burden and Depressive Symptoms............196 Appendix XII: CMS Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes ............................................. 204 Appendix XIII: Fact Sheet on The Healthy Brain Initiative:.............................................................................. 220 Appendix XIV: Senate Bill 14............................................................................................................................... 222 Appendix XV: National Dementia Organizations................................................................................................231 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................. 232

Executive Summary
This is the Georgia Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias State Plan. Almost 30 years ago, at the request of the then-Atlanta Chapter of the of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, the Governor's Office and the Department of Human Resources delegated responsibility to the Office of Aging to conduct an Alzheimer's Disease Study Committee. Little was known about Alzheimer's at this time and much of the effort was devoted to understanding the nature of Alzheimer's. Early strides were made in identifying funding for respite services and expanding the Community Care Services Program, and the Office on Aging was directed to take an active role in educating the public.
In many ways, the initial study document was ahead of its time, and many of the recommendations floundered due to a lack of data (and the ability to collect and analyze data). Additionally, the public lacked a clear understanding of the extent to which Alzheimer's disease and related dementias would impact the state and nation.
This State Plan builds upon previous work done by the Division of Aging Services in developing dementia-capable systems, coupled with knowledge gleaned through the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, the National Alzheimer's Plan and The Healthy Brain Initiative as well as professional expertise, personal experience, and public input from across the state. It is the intent of the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force that, as the various goals are accomplished, and as new needs arise or new resources become available, the GARD Advisory Council would amend the State Plan to reflect these changes.
This plan provides:
1. Numerous recommendations to State Agencies, Offices and Departments as a starting point for transitioning Georgia into becoming a dementia-capable state. Some recommendations will be acted upon immediately and others will take time, legislation or commitments from State leadership to ensure resources are available. These should be revisited regularly to ensure that we are meeting expected outcomes.
2. A guide for Public Health to begin to develop capacity to address Alzheimer's disease and related dementias as a public health crisis. It also provides recommendations for engaging public and private-sector stakeholders to improve the state's response to community needs associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
This plan was developed to ensure that people with dementia, their families, and caregivers have ready access to reliable information, support and services and that they are delivered as effectively and efficiently as possible. Dementia is a devastating disease that causes changes in one's memory, behavior, and ability to think clearly. Statistically, dementia will eventually impact every region, every county and family in the state of Georgia. Alzheimer's is the sixth-leading cause of death in America. In Georgia in 1985, there were an estimated 40,000 people living with dementia. In the past six years alone, the number of Georgians reporting symptoms of dementia increased by 22 percent to

120,000 this is a 427% increase from the 1985 estimates. The time is right for Georgia to adopt and implement this Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan. Dr. James Bulot, Director DHS Division of Aging Services Chair, Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force

More than 120,000 Georgians live with Alzheimer's disease, and the figure will leap to 160,000 by 2025.
Although Alzheimer's Disease accounts for 60-80% of dementia diagnoses, it is only one of many types of dementia. The impact on Georgians is staggering.

In 2013, Georgia joined other states in a push to address the problem comprehensively. Using the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease as a model, supporters worked to create the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force. The six-person group features members of Georgia's General Assembly, Commissioners from the Departments of Public Health and Community Health and over 65 advisory panel members representing advocacy organizations, medical professions, providers and consumers.

`Between 2006 and 2012, the population at-risk for dementia grew
by 22%.'

As a result of successful legislation, this multidisciplinary group of state leaders assessed Georgia's capacity to meet dementia-related needs and recommended innovative new ways to address the issue.

In addition, a diverse array of advisors who represented fields such as research, medicine, law enforcement, workforce development, and more, helped the task force analyze challenges and develop recommendations.

The resulting plan will serve as Georgia's blueprint for improving dementia prevention and treatment, community services, family support, and public awareness. As a living document, the plan will undergo regular review and reassessment to meet the evolving needs of Georgians living with dementia.

One of the goals of the creation of the State Plan is that it will work in tandem with the National Plan to ensure seamless leveraging of national and Georgia resources to address Alzheimer's as the public health crisis it has become.

At the recent G8 summit, member countries committed to the goal of identifying disease-modifying therapies for dementia by 2025 similar to the goal in the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease in the U.S.


I. Demographics
The legislative intent of the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force begins with the collection and study of data to assess the current and future impact of dementia. Per SB14, Part I of this report reviews the population trends needed by state planners. These trends include: Trends in the growth of the population aged 60 years and older Estimates for the numbers of persons with symptoms of dementia Estimates for the numbers of persons needing help due to these symptoms Estimates for the numbers of persons that need healthcare due to these symptoms Dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), age is the best-known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. More than 90 percent of cases occur among persons aged 60 years and older. Public health planning begins by counting the population with the greatest risk for dementia. In 2012, the U. S. Bureau of the Census estimated that there were 1,662,785 persons in Georgia aged 60 years and older. This is an increase of 373,376 persons in the six-year period since 2006. The majority (70%) of this increase consists of persons aged 60 to 69 years. This is an increase of 258,468 persons. Research shows that growth of this age group is a combination of aging among Georgia residents and retirees who choose to move here. Table 1 shows the percent growth for sub-categories of age. Other subgroups increased in number during the 2006 to 2012 period. Persons aged 80 years and older have the highest risk for developing Alzheimer's and other dementias. The numbers of persons in this age group are available on the Georgia Online Analysis and Statistical Information website. (

Table 1: Percent increase for each two-year period between 2006 and 2012

Adults aged 60+ years,
by Age Category

% Change 2006 - 08

% Change 2008 - 010

% Change 2010 -12

% Change 2006 2012






Aged 85+





Aged 80 - 84





Aged 75 79





Aged 70 74





Aged 65 69





Aged 60 64





Source: Georgia Online Analytical Statistical Information System;

Counting the number of households is another approach to measure the impact of dementia. According to the 2012 American Community Survey, in Georgia there are 745,467 households with one or more persons aged 65 years and older in residence. There are 95,722 persons aged 75 and over who live alone and own their home. There are another 44,249 persons aged 75 years and over living alone and renting their residence. Both of these populations are vulnerable to the public health and safety effects of dementia.
The challenge for state planners is the size of the gap between diagnosed cases of Alzheimer's and the number of persons with undiagnosed symptoms of dementia. How large is this gap? At this point in time, we can only provide estimates. If we use a number that is too small, then healthcare, public safety and other systems will not be able to respond. The next series of tables shows estimates using different strategies.
The following section presents two strategies for counting the numbers of persons affected by Alzheimer's and other dementias.
Strategy One: Counting the numbers using data with diagnosed cases
According to the Alzheimer's Association, there are currently an estimated 120,000 persons living with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in Georgia. If current trends continue, this number is expected to increase to 160,000 by the year 2025. Table 2 shows the projected numbers between 2000 and 2025.


Table 2: Number of People Aged 65+ with diagnosed Alzheimer's disease in Georgia

(Figures are rounded.)


















*projected values. Source:

Aged 85+ 44,000 57,000 64,000 68,000

110,000 120,000 140,000 160,000

% change from 2000
9% 27% 45%

Strategy Two: Using data from CDC surveys of persons with symptoms of dementia. `These yield larger estimates and include non-dementia mental illnesses.'

Persons in the earliest stages of dementia can reliably report symptoms of confusion or memory problems. These symptoms lead to declines in the ability to focus attention and manage personal affairs and difficulties with language. Some, but not all, persons with confusion or memory problems develop Alzheimer's and other dementias.
To support the work of public health planners across the United States, the CDC is developing population estimates that can be applied to state demographic data. These estimates came from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey of 21 states conducted in 2011. Georgia's statistics are available in detail but were not a part of the composite reporting of other states. Participating neighboring states with similar populations included Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
The following table shows estimates for the prevalence of confusion or memory problems among Georgia's `at-risk' population aged 60 years and older. To develop the numbers shown in Table 3, we applied the CDC estimates to Georgia census data. The final two rows of Table 3 contain estimates of the potential growth between 2006 and 2012. In six years, the number reporting symptoms increased by 22 percent to 211,174. This number includes 74,333 who live alone and 73,066 who have symptoms that limit their ability to engage in self-care.

Table 3: Estimates for current Georgia Population, Aged 60 years and older with Confusion or Memory Problems Number living alone, reported confusion or memory problems
Number with confusion or memory problems AND disability
Estimated Number with confusion / memory problems, 2012*
Estimated percent increase in number with symptoms between 2006 2012
Source: MMWR, May 2013

74,333 73,066 211,174


A. State Role

The mission of the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services (DAS) is to assist older individuals, at-risk adults, persons with disabilities, their families, and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent, and self-reliant lives. It should be noted that, as Alzheimer's and related dementias progress, the level of impairment rises to the level of disability.

DAS (the state agency on aging) and Georgia's Aging Services Network (Area Agencies

on Aging, their providers, older adults, and advocates) are

committed to developing a person-centered, statewide comprehensive and coordinated system of programs and

`It is imperative that

services. The system aims to serve all eligible individuals, we develop accurate

regardless of age or ability, by providing seamless access to long-term supports and services that are needed to

estimates to measure

remain at home and in the community for as long as

the impact of


dementia on

To effectively meet this goal, DAS and Area Agencies on Aging partner with public and private organizations. DAS specifically partners with the Department of Community

community caregivers and

Health (DCH) to provide services to Medicaid beneficiaries and also to provide advocacy and guidance in long-term care policy and the development of community

health care professionals in

supports for community integration, including efforts to reduce barriers to housing and transportation. DAS aligns


its strategic planning goals with the Administration for

Community Living (which houses the Administration on Aging), the Office of the

Governor, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of

Public Health.

DAS is committed to strengthening and expanding the Older Americans Act's (OAA) core programs, discretionary grants, and consumer control and choice programs. DAS is fostering an integrated and systematic approach to delivering consumer-directed longterm supports and services and community living initiatives.

Enhancing the National Family Caregiver Support Program is a key goal. DAS is working to reduce caregiver burden and stress through evidence-based Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP) discretionary grants and collaboration with the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving at Georgia Southwestern State University.


Table 4: Number of Alzheimer's and Dementia Caregivers, Hours of Unpaid Care, Value of Caregiving, and Higher Personal Healthcare Costs Incurred by Caregivers in Georgia


Number of Caregivers (in thousands)








Total Hours of Unpaid Care (in millions)
5,490,000 5,550,000 5,630,000

Total Value of Unpaid Care (in millions)
$6,552 $6,730 $6,944

Higher Health Costs of
Caregivers (in millions)
n/a $222 $235

The state's role in planning long-term care, family caregiver support, and assistance to persons with dementia is hampered when we cannot accurately count cases. BRFSS 2011 data begins the process of filling this data gap. Using BRFSS 2011 estimates, there are:

112,133 persons with confusion or memory problems who need help from others in activities required for daily living.
74,333 persons with confusion or memory problems living alone. 73,066 persons with confusion or memory problems who also have disability in
the activities required for daily living.

Georgia's infrastructure for long-term care, healthcare, transportation, and public safety will need to plan for these numbers. Based on these data, we can make the following statements about confusion or memory problems in Georgia:

89,594 persons need help but do not have access. 112,133 persons have not discussed the symptoms
with a healthcare provider.
B. Cognitive Impairment

In Georgia, 14.3 percent one in seven of those aged 60 and over report
that they are experiencing confusion or memory loss

The BRFSS Cognitive Impairment Module provides

that is happening more

demographic, geographic and socioeconomic data

often or is getting worse.

regarding cognitive impairment. The module asks about

memory and cognitive abilities as well as the impact of

any memory loss on daily living. This knowledge is vital to developing or maintaining

effective policies and programs to address the needs of people living with cognitive

impairment in Georgia. Age is the greatest risk factor for cognitive impairment, and as

the Baby Boomer generation passes age 65, the number of people living with cognitive

impairment is expected to jump dramatically. Cognitive impairment is costly. People

with cognitive impairment report more than three times as many hospital stays as

individuals who are hospitalized for some other condition.


Each year, the Alzheimer's Association funds research on the surveillance of persons with Alzheimer's disease in every state of the country using the BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance system), a nationwide telephone survey used to track health risks throughout the country. Of the individuals who have reported experiencing confusion or memory loss, almost 80% of them have not talked to a healthcare professional about it. For those with worsening memory problems, one in four says it has interfered with household activities or chores.
BRFSS Data on Georgia from 2011 was released in May of 2012 (see Appendix II). The Caregiver Module was conducted in Georgia in 2012 in a partnership between the DHS Division of Aging Services (which paid for the Caregiver Module to be conducted) and the Association's Georgia Chapter (which paid for the Cognitive Module to be conducted).
C. Developmental Disabilities
Little is known about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), and there has been little effort across states to develop specific policies related to people with developmental disabilities. From existing research, it appears as if most individuals with IDD experience dementia rates similar to older adults in the general population. However, some adults with intellectual disabilities are at higher risk for dementia adults with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible. Recent studies for adults with Down syndrome show that 10-25% of individuals ages 40-49, 20-50% of individuals, ages 50-59, and 60-75% of individuals with Down syndrome older than age 60 have Alzheimer's disease (Alvarez, 2008). As people with intellectual and developmental disabilities continue to age more successfully and live longer, the numbers with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias will continue to increase. Currently, there are no state policies regarding people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and Alzheimer's disease or other dementias.
Likewise, the exact number of persons in Georgia with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and comorbid dementia disorder is unknown and there are no state policies regarding this growing older adult population. SMI is a diagnosis stipulated by law and defined by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as requiring the person to have at least one (mental) disorder lasting 12 months, other than a substance use disorder, that meets DSM-IV criteria and causes "serious impairment." Serious impairment is indicated by a Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score of less than 60 (Epstein, Barker, Vorburger, & Murtha, 2004).
Persons with SMI are as vulnerable as the general population in acquiring a form of dementia as they age (Patterson & Jeste, 1999). For example, there is conflicting evidence regarding the rate of cognitive decline in persons with schizophrenia; however, experts speculate that schizophrenia reduces normal "cognitive reserve" which protects against dementia and lowers the threshold for clinically detected cognitive impairment (de Vries, Honer, Kemp, & McKenna, 2001). Deterioration in ability to function is also impacted by the person's opportunity throughout life to learn and participate in activities of daily living. For example, persons living in institutions do not generally

shop for their own food, cook their own meals, or manage their own finances (McCracken & Gellis, 2008). Georgia has a long history of institutionalizing persons with SMI and with the current mandate to provide persons with SMI and developmental disabilities the opportunity to live in the community. These populations warrant particular attention.
Dementia and depression are associated in older patients and often occur together. Recognizing and treating the depression can make a significant difference in terms of quality of life, caregiver stress, and institutionalization of the identified patient (Hermida & McDonald, 2011). The classic example is an elder who has a stroke and is demented secondary to the stroke. The cerebrovascular disease leading to a stroke has been shown to be associated with the development of mood symptoms. Depression is a risk factor for stroke (Krishnan et al., 2005) and approximately half of patients with post-stroke depression will meet criteria for major depression, and the other half will have minor depression (Robinson, 1998). Treating the depression can have marked benefits for the patient and the family in terms of the patient's motivation to stay in treatment and overall outcome.
The relationship between dementia and depression is well known in the medical literature. Over 50% of patients with dementing illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease may also have depressive symptoms, with 20% meeting criteria for a major depressive episode (Brown et al., 2009). Depressive symptoms may also precede cognitive decline in community elders (Sachs-Ericsson et al., 2005), and a significant number of individuals with depression and reversible cognitive deficits eventually progress to syndromic dementia (Faez-Fonseca et al., 2007). The biological markers of Alzheimer's disease are found in patients with major depression, including the genotype apolipoprotein E-e3/34 (Apo E4) (Krishnan et al., 1996) which has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
Providing the systems of care to accurately diagnose depression and initiate appropriate treatment in patients with comorbid medical disorders is therefore important in longterm outcomes for both the family and their caregivers and may have a significant effect on the course of the illness.
II. Existing Services, Resources and Capacity
The DHS Division of Aging Services (DAS) coordinates a comprehensive array of home and community based services for older adults and adults with disabilities, including the Older American's Act Services as well as the 1915c Elderly and Disabled Waiver services programs. Since 2011, DAS, in coordination with the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, has been providing dementia capability training to the broader Aging Services Network. Through the ACL/AoA Systems Integration Grant, DAS is creating a dementia-capable network of services through its existing providers, the law enforcement community, and Adult Protective Services. DAS, through the 12 Area Agencies on Aging, coordinates the Enhanced Services Program a home and community based long-term care database that includes 19,000 resources for the aging community as well as 3500+ newly added statewide

resources for those individuals with developmental disabilities and brain and spinal cord injuries. In addition to the Division of Aging Services, other state agencies offering publicly funded services include the Department of Community Health, Department of Public Health and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. While all of these agencies may offer services which may benefit individuals with Alzheimer's disease or their families, no agency targets services specifically to persons with ADRD. For a listing of long term-supports and services in the community, individuals may call 866-552-4464 or visit Resources are also available on the Alzheimer's Association's website at or through the Association's 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900.
A. State Agency Resources
The legislation called for the working group to examine the array of needs of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's and other dementias, followed by a description of the services available to meet these needs, and the capacity of the state and current providers to meet these and future needs. The state plays a major role in the administration and provision of long-term care services for all older persons, including those with Alzheimer's, related dementias and their caregivers. Many of these roles are shared with other entities, including counties, providers, health plans, and Area Agencies on Aging. State agencies use a combination of state and federal funding to provide long-term supports and services to adults who need/require nursing home level of care. Georgia combines funds from Title III of the Older Americans Act with state appropriations and federal Medicaid funding for long-term supports and services.
Division of Aging Services (DAS): The Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services manages a statewide network of agencies, supports and services to help adults who are older or have disabilities live longer, live safely, and live well.
Designates 12 Area Agencies on Aging under the Older Americans Act (OAA) to carry out federally mandated functions to provide information and assistance to older adults and their families, and administer federal Title III OAA and related grants for provision of nutrition, chore, transportation, caregiver support and caregiver counseling services in their planning and service area.
Provides Information and assistance for older individuals and families as they look for options and services to meet their needs through the Aging and Disability Resource Connection.
Administers several grant programs related to health promotion, chronic care management, falls prevention, Medicare Part D and other health insurance counseling.
Provides administrative support to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, a mandated service under the OAA, which acts as a mediator for consumers and their families who are having problems with a facility or agency providing long-

term care, and provides specific information about long-term care services and programs to consumers and their families. Administers federally funded projects on Alzheimer's care, piloting evidencebased models for persons with Alzheimer's and their caregivers throughout the state. Supports the Gateway/Aging and Disability Resource Connection as the single entry point to access long-term services and supports (LTSS) statewide and assist consumers with making informed decisions on their long-term care. Administers the Elderly Legal Assistance Program (ELAP), Georgia's Older Americans Act Title III-B funded legal services program. It provides free legal services statewide to adults 60 and older, targeting those in the greatest need socially or economically. Attorneys provided by ELAP offer legal representation, information, and education in civil legal matters, including topics such as wills, probate and estate planning, issues related to long-term care discharge and residents' rights, advance directives for healthcare and powers-of-attorney questions, guardianship, and conservatorship issues. Information on these services can be retrieved from a variety of sources, including local AAAs (1-866552-4464) and the Georgia Senior Legal Hotline (1-888-257-9519). Provides support for Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC), a six-week course that helps caregivers develop a wealth of self-care tools to reduce personal stress, change negative talk, communicate their needs to family members and healthcare or service providers, communicate more effectively in challenging situations, recognize the messages in their emotions, deal with difficult feelings, and make tough caregiving decisions. By 2014, Powerful Tools for Caregivers will be available in all regions of the state. The program is coordinated by Georgia's 12 Area Agencies on Aging. Administers the 1915c LTC Waiver. Currently over 30,000 adults who are older, disabled, and meet nursing home level of care receive the 1915c Medicaid LTC waiver program (CCSP and Source). HCBS waivers provide an array of LTC supportive services in a community setting with the goal of meeting the health and functional needs of low-income elders and individuals with disabilities who otherwise would be eligible for placement in a nursing home.
Department of Community Health (DCH): The Georgia Department of Community Health is one of Georgia's four health agencies serving the state's growing population of almost 10 million people. Responsible for a $12 billion budget for State Fiscal Year 2013, the department is one of the largest agencies in Georgia state government. Serving as the lead agency for Medicaid and also overseeing the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP), Healthcare Facility Regulation and Health Information Technology in Georgia, the agency programs provide access to health care services for one in four Georgians.

Responsible for licensing, registration and certification of hospitals, health care agencies, clinics, home care agencies, personal care homes, assisted living facilities and nursing facilities, including approval of memory care and dementia units. Georgia currently has 40,249 nursing home beds and 29,059 personal care home beds.
Provides quality assurance and quality information for consumers related to the agencies and facilities that DCH licenses and regulates (
Provides quality assurance through the regular surveying of all licensed agencies, programs, and facilities and regular assessments of nursing facility residents. Operates the Office of Healthcare Facility Regulation where consumers can lodge complaints against licensed providers.
Department of Public Health (DPH): The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is the lead agency in preventing disease, injury and disability; promoting health and well-being; and preparing for and responding to disasters from a health perspective. DPH's main functions include: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Maternal and Child Health, Infectious Disease and Immunization, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Emergency Medical Services, Pharmacy, Nursing, Volunteer Health Care, the Office of Health Equity, Vital Records, and the State Public Health Laboratory.
Administers Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs which provide population-based programs and services aimed at reducing disease risks, promoting healthy youth development, targeting unhealthy behaviors, providing access to early detection and treatment services, and improving management of chronic diseases. Alzheimer's is a chronic disease.
Houses the Epidemiology Section which carries out a number of activities to identify diseases and describe health conditions, assess the health of Georgians, and develop recommendations to control diseases and improve overall health status in the state.
Conducts active and passive surveillance to detect diseases and adverse health conditions.
Recommends appropriate prevention measures, treatment, and control.
Both the Division of Aging Services and the Department of Community Health receive funding for institutional and home and community based services for people who are aged, blind or disabled; who meet nursing home level of care or for people with dementia. Each program will have varying levels of eligibility. The following lists the resources expended during the last fiscal year. Unless otherwise noted, funding is available to all eligible individuals, not just those with dementia. Please note, the list below is not meant to be all inclusive of all programs administered by each agency, just

those that are most likely to be utilized by someone with dementia requiring long-term support and services.





State Alzheimer's Program*




Aging and Disability Resource Connections




CBS Alzheimer's Set Aside*




CBS Respite




Community Based Services




Community Cares Services Program




Long Term Care Ombudsman




Long Term Care Ombudsman




Title III Older Americans Act




Title III E National Family Caregiver Support DAS




Social Service Block Grant




Nutrition Services Incentive Program




Skilled Nursing Care in a Nursing Facility




Skilled Care in a State Owned Facility




Home Health Services




Source Waiver




Table does not include non-claims such as Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D expenses.

*Accessible only to people with Alzheimer's or related dementia's and their family.

+ State funds are used as match to draw down federal funds.

B. Dementia Services

Adult Day Care Services: Adult day services provide care in a congregate daytime setting, enabling family caregivers to work, run errands, or get needed respite. Older adults and people with disabilities may stay at an adult day care for a few hours or a full day while receiving meals, access to social activities, and general supervision. Some centers also provide transportation. Georgia's adult day services licensing standards, developed after the legislature approved licensing authority in 2003, are currently voluntary due to lack of funding for the licensing agency to administer the licensing process. The Division of Aging Services has standards that must be met by providers in the statewide aging network that provide day services through contracts with the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Georgia currently has 61 Community Care Services Program (CCSP) providers of Adult Day Health Services. CCSP is a Medicaid-funded waiver program that enables people at risk of nursing home placement to remain in the community through the use of supportive services.

Home Health Agencies (HHA): The agencies provide a full range of professional health care services in the home under the direction of the patient's physician, including, but not limited to: Skilled Nursing, Psychiatric Skilled Nursing, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy, Home Infusion, Medical Social Services, and Home Health Aide Services. Georgia currently has 1,282 Home Health Providers (


Long-Term Care Facilities, also called Skilled Nursing Facilities: provide 24hour nursing care and personal assistance in an institutional setting. In 2013, Georgia had 369 licensed skilled nursing facilities with 40,249 beds. All Georgia nursing homes must be licensed by the state. To receive Medicare reimbursem*nt, they must also be certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), or, in the case of Medicaid reimbursem*nt, they must meet CMS certification standards even if the facility is not enrolled in Medicare.
Personal Care Homes: Personal care homes provide personal care assistance, protective oversight, social support services and 24-hour supervision for individuals with functional limitations to live as independently as possible in a community residential setting. Georgia currently has 1,913 licensed personal care homes and 10 assisted-living residences with 29,059 beds available for individuals, including privatepay and Medicaid residents.
Additionally, a wide array of home and community based services is available through the DHS Division of Aging Services and Area Agencies on Aging to persons aged 60 and older and their family caregivers. These include the following:
Nutrition and Wellness Programs: These include home-delivered meals, the Senior Farmer's Market Nutrition Program, and wellness programs aimed at health promotion and disease prevention. The programs increase functional abilities, promote safety at home, help older adults avoid or delay problems caused by chronic diseases, and enhance quality of life.
Adult day care: The service provides personal care for dependent elders is available in a supervised, protective congregate setting during some portion of the day. Services offered in conjunction with adult day care typically include social and recreational activities, training, and counseling.
In-home respite: These services offer temporary substitute supports or living arrangements for care recipients in order to provide a brief period of relief or rest for caregivers.
Information and assistance: Aging and Disability Resource Centers housed in Georgia's 12 Area Agencies on Aging assist older adults and individuals with developmental, physical, or behavioral disabilities who are looking for a variety of home- and community-based services and information about long-term care options.
Caregiver education training programs: Workshops for current or potential clients/caregivers, or the general public, inform participants of service availability or provide general program information. An example of these types of programs is Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a six-week educational program which has a demonstrated a positive impact on caregiver health. Powerful Tools for Caregivers is designed for a diverse group of caregivers, including rural residents,

ethnic minorities, adult children of aging parents, caregivers at differing stages in their caregiving role, families with a variety of living situations, and caregivers with a range of educational backgrounds. Support groups: Clients meet in support groups on a regular, defined basis to discuss common problems or life issues. The group can have a professional as a moderator or be run by members alone. Support groups function to provide an expansion of social resources and knowledge relevant to members' situations, relief and reassurance, and enhanced coping skills. Homemaker/personal care: This service provides assistance with activities such as preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the telephone, or performing light housekeeping. Case management: Case managers provide assistance, either in the form of access or care coordination, in circ*mstances where the older person is experiencing diminished functional capacity or other characteristics which require the provision of services by a formal service provider or family caregiver. Activities of case management include such practices as assessing needs, developing care plans, authorizing and coordinating services among providers, and providing follow-up and reassessment, as required. Case management involves the assessment, planning, and coordination of services desired, as well as monitoring and evaluating options and services to meet the individual's unique needs. It is performed in collaboration with the consumer and/or family caregiver. GeorgiaCares: Georgia's State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) helps Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and others understand rights, benefits, and services under the Medicare program and other related health insurance options.
C. Academic and Educational Resources
University of Georgia Athens, Institute of Gerontology (IOG) within the College of Public Health is dedicated to training the workforce. IOG offers coursework to medical and nursing students at UGA's new health science campus. The Institute also provides education through a post-degree Gerontology Certificate Program, a Masters of Public Health Gerontology track, and a Ph.D. program in Epidemiology. In addition to preparing professionals, the IOG offers free online training for anyone in a variety of topic areas, including basic gerontology, elder law, and housing issues. To accommodate the time commitments of learners across the state, the Institute offers online college credits and executive workshop training.
Georgia Regents University Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Augusta: Georgia Regents University promotes interdisciplinary research, manages forums, provides education, maintains a study database, and performs other functions vital to Georgia's research community. The center is funded by the National Institutes of

Health, the VA Medical Center, the Alzheimer's Association, pharmaceutical companies, and the Georgia Research Alliance. The ARC was developed to support collaborative basic and clinical research in the area of Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative disorders by (1) promoting interdisciplinary approaches to answering research questions; (2) providing a venue for regular meetings of its members for the purpose of sharing members' research findings, the latest published works in the field, and supporting visits to this campus by outside experts; (3) providing course materials and lectures related to Alzheimer's disease for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate student instruction, and (4) supporting tow core facilities, the Neurological Disorder Database Registry, and the Animal Behavior Center.
Emory University Atlanta, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center: Emory University's federally-supported Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC), one of 27 such centers across the country, offers a number of educational programs for community members and professionals. In almost all of its educational offerings, the ADRC partners with the Atlanta Regional Geriatric Education Center (ARGEC), a federally-supported program at Emory that has a specific Alzheimer's disease portfolio) and with the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter (AAGC). The following are programs offered by this partnership:
Family Caregiver Education programs: Four types of education programs are offered regularly to family caregivers and, in some cases, persons with early stage dementia. These programs are offered at the Wesley Woods geriatric campus at Emory University. The programs include:
o Early Memory Loss Group: This program for persons diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment or early stage Alzheimer's (or other dementia) and their family care partner provides information about disease progression, communication challenges, and strategies, and encourages families to plan for the future.
o Dealing with the management problems of dementia: This program helps family caregivers to understand and deal with the issues and choices they face as they take on and continue in the caregiver role they have assumed for a person in the active stages of dementia who continues to live in the community. The program emphasizes methods of behavior guidance, care decision-making, the use of community resources, and self-care.
o Decision making and coping, post-institutionalization: This program for family caregivers who are about to place or have placed their family member in a supportive institutional environment emphasizes the maintenance of the caregiving role, the importance of on-going care decisions, partnering with institutional staff, and anticipatory preparation for end-of-life care and grieving.

Community education forums. The partnership engages in a series of programming to a variety of community groups in an effort to provide information about dementia and dementia care but also to draw those communities into collaborations that will benefit their members through focused programming and education. These forums take a number of forms:
o Registry for Remembrance: The Registry is an effort aimed at partnering with institutions and organizations in the Atlanta-area African American community to provide dementia-specific education to their members, to empower these organizations to develop expertise and capacity in dementia and dementia care in ways that benefit their members, and to encourage participation in research by their members. Through the Registry for Remembrance, the ADRC, ARGEC, and AAGC have, for the past two years, offered community education forums at the Carter Center and community churches and centers on dementia and brain health for people of color.
o Research Updates: The ADRC regularly provides community programs on the status of Alzheimer's research. These updates are also available through the ADRC newsletter and website.
o Savvy Caregiver mini-seminars: The ADRC provides "short courses" in Savvy caregiving to organizations and community groups. These miniprograms are available to provider groups and also to employee assistance programs.
Memory screening events: The ADRC regularly provides screening events. These are designed to examine the concerns of those who feel they may have memory problems. The results of the screening are not definitively diagnostic, but can identify the need for further testing and assessment. These screening events are held both at the Wesley Woods geriatric center at Emory and at collaborating community organizations.
Symposia for community health professionals: Recognizing professionals' need for continuing education about dementia and new diagnostic, management, and treatment options, the ADRC-ARGEC-AAGC partnership is an available resource. The partnership offers scheduled seminars and workshops for professionals, but it also stands ready to collaborate with professional groups to design and deliver programs to their members.
Savvy Caregiver Train-the-Trainer programs: In an effort to disseminate this evidence-based caregiver psychoeducation program, the ADRC is offering day-long workshops to organizations willing to offer the Savvy Caregiver to their constituents. This six-hour workshop provides continuing education credits to

participants who will learn how to conduct this program in their home organizations. Materials for the implementation of the program are provided. Memory Clinics: The Emory ADRC and associated Cognitive Neurology program offer specialty clinics to evaluate memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia. About 2500 patients receive comprehensive evaluations and/or longitudinal care annually. The clinics are located in the Emory Clinic at Wesley Woods and at Grady Memorial Hospital, and they are staffed by subspecialty trained neurologists, neuropsychologists, and advanced practice nurses. Emory ADRC clinicians work closely with the Fuqua Center for Late-Life Depression/ Emory Division of Geriatric Psychiatry clinicians in caring for persons with dementia with severe behavioral disturbances. ADRC Newsletter: Published 2-3 times a year, this newsletter, available via email, regularly provides updates on research advances in the field. It also provides opportunities to participate in research and articles focused on family caregiving and caregiver well-being.
Georgia Southwestern State University Americus, Rosalyn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI), The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving establishes local, state, and national partnerships committed to building quality, longterm, home and community-based services. RCI focuses on providing caregivers with effective supports to promote caregiver health, skills and resilience. RCI focuses on helping caregivers coping with chronic illness and disability across the lifespan. RCI's overall goal is to support caregivers both family and professional- through efforts of advocacy, education, research, and service.
Advocacy: Reinforce the need for caregivers and the need to give support to those that give care at local, state, national, and international levels; Advocate for the use of evidence-based research to address the strain and burdens associated with family, volunteer and professional caregiving.
Education: Develops caregiving curricula for multiple levels of educational need; Provides scholarship opportunities for both individuals in the caregiving field and family caregivers interested in obtaining skill knowledge for their caregiving situation; Provides training and certification in selected evidencebased caregiver programs
Research: Provides technical assistance related to translational research targeting evidence-based caregiver programs; Contributes to the caregiving field through collaborative partnerships that invest in and support caregiving research
Service: Provides caregiver support to individuals through education and advocacy through local, state, and national partnerships.

Georgia State University Atlanta, Gerontology Institute: The Gerontology Institute is engaged in the study of aging and charged with the responsibility of developing and coordinating research, instruction, and service in gerontology throughout the university. Institute faculty and staff work cooperatively with many agencies and programs that serve older people in the Atlanta metropolitan area, providing consultation and sharing information and resources. Gerontology Institute faculty members conduct groundbreaking research designed to address the challenges of our aging society. Much of their work is focused on four inter-related areas: (1) Housing and Formal Long-term Care; (2) Social Relationships, Families, and Caregiving; (3) Diversity and Aging; and (4) Health and Aging.
Atlanta Regional Geriatric Education Center: The federally funded Atlanta Regional Geriatric Education Center (ARGEC) focuses principally on the education of health care providers in a variety of topics related to the care of older persons. The ARGEC has a special focus on enhancing providers' abilities to care for persons with dementing disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. The ARGEC, by itself or in collaboration with the ADRC, can provide tailored training programs to groups of health care providers on a variety of dementia care topics.
As noted in the ARGEC's most recent report, special dementia-related training topics include: Recognizing the signs and symptoms of AD or other dementias/cognitive impairment; Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Patients with Dementia; Assessing, managing, and treating caregiver burden and depression; Long-term services and supports in the community; Referring patients and their families to appropriate support services in the community; Referring patients and their families to appropriate and cutting-edge research programs ranging from Healthy Brain and AD studies to research projects focusing on stress among caregivers of persons with dementia; Assisting AD patients and their families on accessing long-term services and support; Training on the unique needs of medically underserved and special populations, including racial and ethnic minorities and individuals with intellectual disabilities; and the impact of AD and cognitive impairment on mobility and driving to include dangers and public health information regarding older drivers, impact on individuals health, and effects of loss of executive function on driving among AD patients.
D. Advocacy Organizations and Services
The Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter: The Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter is a voluntary health organization which offers a wide range of services designed to meet the unique needs of families caring for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. These include: helpline information and referral; care consultation; community support groups; Caring Connection, a telephone support group; Caregiver Time Out, a respite reimbursem*nt program; family education; professional education; MedicAlert + Safe Return; resource library and information about clinical trials. The goals of the Georgia Chapter remain consistent with those of the national office: advancing research, enhancing care and support, raising public awareness and building capacity ( .

24/7 Helpline: The Alzheimer's Association provides free reliable information, referrals, and support in multiple languages for caregivers and persons with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, the standard packet provided to callers includes a 24/7 Helpline Card, a Georgia Chapter brochure, and fact sheets on Alzheimer's and other dementias, stages of Alzheimer's disease, Medic Alert + Safe Return, and the Alzheimer's Association. The Association includes additional printed information based upon needs and requests, as well as referrals to resources such as in home care, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, grief counseling, homemaker assistance services, and more. Specialists respond to the caller's need with a minimum of three referrals to each community resource requested. Other information is tailored to the individual caller's needs. ASK Kits are also offered to those calling the Helpline who may need more information. A basic ASK Kit includes fact sheets on: adult day centers, bathing, brain health, dressing, driving, eating, feelings, grief, mourning, and guilt, hallucinations, holidays, hospitalization, incontinence, taking medication safely, safety, sexuality, telling others about an Alzheimer's diagnosis, vacationing, and visiting. (1-800-272-3900)
Care Consultation: The Alzheimer's Association provides telephone or inperson care consultation for those individuals needing more than information and referral. Care consultants are masters-level social workers or masters-level counselors.
Early Stage Programs: The Association provides early stage support groups for both the care partner and the individual with dementia, social activities, Arts for Alzheimer's, and opportunities to volunteer in the Chapter office, in the Chapter's advocacy program and Walks.
Message Board: The Alzheimer's Association offers message boards that connect people from all across the country who share their experiences and find support and friendship with others living with Alzheimer's disease.
MedicAlert + Alzheimer's Association Safe Return: This is a 24-hour nationwide emergency response service for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias who wander or who have a medical emergency. To receive these services, a one-time enrollment fee of $55 is required plus a $7 shipping and handling fee. The annual renewal fee for these services is $35. The program also includes training for police-fire/EMS/911 operators on how to recognize and assist individuals with dementia who may wander, and how to initiate a Mattie's Call (a community-wide alert used when a person with dementia is missing).
Alzheimer's Association CareSource: This is an online suite of resources that will help caregivers coordinate assistance from family and friends, locate senior housing, review customized care recommendations, and enhance caregiving skills.

A Time to Talk: The Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter, provides A Time to Talk, a statewide program that provides telephone calls to participants who can benefit from receiving emotional support, coping strategies, or just a listening ear.
Advocacy Training: The Alzheimer's Association provides free advocacy training to individuals living with dementia, as well as to their family caregivers, friends, and any Georgia citizen who wants to help change public policy regarding services for individuals with dementia. The Alzheimer's Association operates year-round advocacy programs that address needs at the city, county, state, and federal agency level and on the international level.
HealthCare Interactive: The Alzheimer's Association and HealthCare Interactive provide online Alzheimer's training for family members; staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospice, home organizations, adult day programs, governmental and social service agencies; and police, fire, and other first responders.
Caregiver Time Out Program: The Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter, manages a caregiver time-out program that is also available to families of individuals with Parkinson's Disease and dementia
American Parkinson Disease Association, Georgia Chapter: The Georgia Chapter works in close cooperation with the Information & Referral Center to provide educational programs featuring topics that relate to Parkinson's disease and to the caregivers. The organization's target audience is people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and their caregivers, and its goal is also to serve the medical community and the community at large by raising awareness of the disease and the treatments and support available. The Georgia Chapter works in close cooperation with the Information & Referral Center to provide educational programs featuring topics that relate to Parkinson's disease and to the caregivers. The Georgia Chapter initiates, funds and implements other outreach programs as requested by members and the target audience ( ).The primary purposes of the Georgia Chapter are:
To raise awareness about Parkinson's disease To raise funds for Parkinson's disease research To plan and execute educational programs with the local Information and
Referral Center To plan and execute Chapter outreach programs for the Parkinson's community
Second Wind Dreams: Second Wind Dreams, a Georgia-based nonprofit, offers a virtual dementia tour to increase awareness of dementia's effects on individuals. The mission of Second Wind Dreams (SWD) is to change the perception of aging through the fulfillment of dreams and the offering of innovative educational opportunities to caregivers and communities. The Virtual Dementia Tour is a scientifically proven method designed to increase sensitivity toward those with dementia. The Second Wind

Dreams program is delivered primarily through volunteer efforts. It is available to individuals and communities. (
Fuqua Center for Late-Life Depression / Emory University: The Fuqua Center for Late-Life Depression, an initiative of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry at Emory University, is committed to improving the community's understanding and recognition of mental illnesses in older adults and improving access to geriatric psychiatric service including care for persons with co-occurring psychiatric and dementing illnesses and persons with behavioral disturbances related to dementia. The Fuqua Center provides community education programs, professional training and clinical services in Atlanta, throughout the state of Georgia and nationally.
See appendix XV for a listing of national Dementia Specific Organizations
E. Dementia Specific Training Requirements for Long-Term Care Staff
Assisted living guidelines indicate that training must be provided that meets the medical and social needs and characteristics of the resident population, including special needs of residents with dementia. Also, training must be provided that is specific to assigned job duties such as responding appropriately to dementia-related behaviors (Rules of Department of Community Health Rules for Assisted Living Communities Interpretive Guidelines, see Appendix III). Staff providing hands-on personal services in the memory care unit, must be trained specifically to care for residents with dementia (Rules of Department of Community Health Rules and Regulations for Assisted Living Communities, see Appendix VI).
Personal care homes in Georgia are licensed by the Department of Community Health (DCH) Healthcare Facility Regulation Division (HFRD). Within the first 60 days of employment, personal care homes are required to train staff in specialized memory care units or homes on various aspects of dementia including:
The nature of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias Common behavior problems and appropriate behavior management techniques Communication skills that facilitate better resident-staff relations Positive therapeutic interventions and activities The role of family in caregiving for residents with dementia The support needed for family members of residents with Alzheimer's or other
forms of dementia Environmental modifications that can be implemented to avoid problematic
behaviors and create a more therapeutic environment The development of comprehensive and individual service plans How to update or provide relevant information for implementing those service
plans consistently across all shifts New developments in diagnosis and therapy

Recognizing physical or cognitive changes in residents, and Maintaining the safety of residents with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
Staff training also includes guidance on how to manage residents who may elope from the home, including what actions are to be taken if a resident wanders away (elopes). (Rules of the Department of Community Health Rules and Regulations for Personal Care Homes, see Appendix V).
Staff of nursing facilities are required to receive in-service training toward understanding emotional problems and social needs of residents (Rules of the Department of Community Health Nursing Homes, see Appendix VI). Additionally, Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs) are required by statute in the Code of Federal regulations to receive training for supporting residents with Alzheimer's or other dementia conditions.
The Code of Federal Regulations for nursing aide training (42CFR483.152) mandates these requirements for caring for cognitively impaired residents:
Care of cognitively impaired residents:
(i) Techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individual with dementia (Alzheimer's and others);
(ii) Communicating with cognitively impaired residents;
(iii) Understanding the behavior of cognitively impaired residents;
(iv) Appropriate responses to the behavior of cognitively impaired residents; and
(v) Methods of reducing the effects of cognitive impairments.
See Appendix VII for the complete Code of Federal Regulations 42CFR483.152 for nursing aides.
The Alzheimer's Association, in collaboration with HealthCare Research Inc., provides Alzheimer's training for family members, as well as staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospice, home organizations, adult day programs, governmental and social service agencies, and police, fire, and other first responders
F. Quality Care Measures for Long Term Care Facilities
Alliant/GMCF QIO: Alliant GMCF, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Georgia, convenes providers, practitioners and patients to build and share knowledge, spread best practices and achieve rapid, wide-scale improvements in

patient care, increases in population health, and decreases in healthcare costs for all Americans.
Nursing Homes: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) identifies the quality measures required for nursing homes. They include the following:
Short-Stay Quality Measures
Percent of Residents who Self-Report Moderate to Severe Pain (Short Stay) Percent of Residents with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened (Short Stay) Percent of Residents Who Were Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal
Influenza Vaccine (Short Stay) Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal
Vaccine (Short Stay) Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Newly Received an Antipsychotic
Medication Long-Stay Quality Measures
Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury (Long Stay)
Percent of Residents who Self-Report Moderate to Severe Pain (Long Stay) Percent of High-Risk Residents with Pressure Ulcers (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza
Vaccine (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal
Vaccine (Long Stay) Percent of Residents with a Urinary Tract Infection (Long Stay) Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowels or
Bladder (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Who Have/Had a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their
Bladder (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Who Were Physically Restrained (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Whose Need for Help with Activities of Daily Living Has
Increased (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight (Long Stay) Percent of Residents Who Have Depressive Symptoms (Long Stay) Percent of Long-Stay Residents Who Received An Antipsychotic Medication These quality measures can also be found, using the following link:

Although none of these quality-care measures are specifically targeted at persons with Alzheimer's disease, according to the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter, some of these measures indirectly relate to persons with Alzheimer's disease. Some Alzheimer's patients eventually lose the ability to swallow. This can result in the patient losing weight and even becoming bedbound. This causes a heightened risk of excessive weight loss and pressure ulcers. Because of the behavioral expressions associated with Alzheimer's disease, if a person with Alzheimer's disease becomes agitated, this has potential to cause them to be restrained, fall, or be prescribed antipsychotic medication.
National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes: Georgia participates in this federal initiative, developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), to reduce unnecessary antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes. The Partnership's goal is "to optimize the quality of life and function of residents in America's nursing homes by improving approaches to meeting the health, psychosocial and behavioral health needs of all residents, especially those with dementia." (CMS, S&C Memo: 13-35-NH). (See Appendix 12.)
CMS Quality Indicator Survey (QIS) Stage 1 Interview Tools: Georgia uses interview tools developed by CMS to review the care of and services provided to nursing home residents with dementia. (See Appendix 12.)
Assisted Living Facilities & Personal Care Homes: Assisted living facilities and personal care home have specific requirements for memory care services and/or specialized memory care units or homes (see Appendix III & VI). The requirements include criteria that enhance the quality and safety of the home for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
G. Capacity of Public Safety & Law Enforcement to Respond to People with Dementia
In 2011, the Forensic Special Investigations Unit (FSIU), located within the DHS Division of Aging Services and composed of individuals with backgrounds in Medicare fraud, criminal justice, and law enforcement, developed a course curriculum in collaboration with other state agencies representing the criminal justice system. The course is entitled At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics (ACT) Specialist Certification Course. ACT is co-sponsored by the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia (PACGA) and is approved by Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (P.O.S.T.). The focus of ACT was, and remains, to equip primary and secondary responders with knowledge and skills to address the needs of at-risk adult crime victims in Georgia as part of a multi-disciplinary team, thus advancing public safety. Frequently, victims of these crimes have Alzheimer's or another dementia; therefore a basic understanding of Alzheimer's is part of the curriculum. At-risk adults include adults age 65 and older and adults age 18 and older with a disability.
FSIU offers ACT classes to primary and secondary responders including law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, social, protective and regulatory professionals,

financial institutions, fire, medical examiners, coroners, healthcare, EMS, victim advocates and other professionals working with at-risk adults. The training currently provides two-days/16 hours of curriculum. Providing multi-disciplinary training should increase collaboration among various agencies with diverse legal authority and priorities in order to address crimes against at-risk adults.
ACT covers at-risk adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation as it relates to Georgia law, describes the types of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, and exploitation), explains the role of Georgia social service agencies (Adult Protective Services, Healthcare Facility Regulation, Long-term Care Ombudsman Program, and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability), explains Alzheimer's and the basics of investigating, e.g. evidence, red flags, and tips for interviewing at-risk adults.
To date, FSIU has conducted 32 ACT classes in all 12 DHS service regions in 24 counties. Currently, over 1100 professionals across the state have been certified as ACT Specialists. Of the 1100 certified ACT Specialists, 488 (48%) are law enforcement. Although classes have been held in only 24 counties, at least one local law enforcement officer has been trained in each of 76 counties and 40 GBI agents have been trained.
In addition to ACT, FSIU has also developed two P.O.S.T. certified courses specific to law enforcement and 9-1-1 personnel. The courses, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of At-Risk Adults and At-Risk Adult Crime for 9-1-1 Personnel, are designed to give law enforcement officers and public safety communication center call-takers and dispatchers the basic skills needed when responding to crimes involving at-risk adults.
Forensic Special Investigations Unit: This unit identifies and addresses system gaps and develops process improvements to protect Georgia's at-risk adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation. It provides training, outreach technical assistance, and case consultation to agencies, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, fire departments, emergency response, medical examiners, judges, adult protective services.
Adult Protective Services (APS):The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services, Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates all reports of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation of older persons (65+) or adults (18+) with a disability who do not reside in long-term care facilities pursuant to the Disabled Adults and Elder Persons Protection Act, O.C.G.A. 30-5-1, et seq. For persons living in the community, Georgia law requires mandatory reporting of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation by certain professionals who are mandated reporters. Failure for a mandated reporter to report abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of a disabled adult or elder person is punishable by a criminal misdemeanor. This statewide team investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. They also work to prevent recurrence through the provision of protective services intervention.

The Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter also provides training to law enforcement officers through the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. The curriculum helps officers enhance their ability to identify and assist persons with Alzheimer's disease. Topics offered to law enforcement and emergency services agencies include MedicAlert& Safe Return training, how to activate Mattie's Call, and resources the Association has available to assist them in safely returning the person home. The Association also partners with public safety agencies to provide training for families to help ensure that elopement does not occur.
H. Inventory of Long-Term Care Units

Enhanced Services Program (ESP) is Georgia's most comprehensive database of longterm support services for aging and disability populations. Over 25,000 resources are in ESP, and DAS standards require that each of the 12 ADRCs have a full-time equivalent staff person to serve as the Resource Specialist so that new resources are continuously identified and added to the database and other records are kept current. All Gateway Counselors use ESP in providing information and assistance.

Nursing Home Information from the ESP Database

Total number of nursing homes in ESP: 363 Number of nursing homes listed on DCH website: 372 Nursing home providers who have self-reported they can serve persons with
dementia: 355*

Dementia Care:


Case by Case


All Stages


Early Stage


Early to Moderate


Moderate to Later


Later Stage


Separate Unit


Secured Unit


Separate/Secured Unit


*Information is self-reported by providers who may select multiple service options.

See Appendix VIII for additional information regarding this subject.

I. Community Residential Options for Persons with Dementia

Assisted living communities (ALC) exist as a subset of personal care homes. The following information, obtained from the ESP database, will relate to personal care homes in general, not specifically ALCs.


Personal Care Home Information from the ESP Database
Total number of Personal Care Homes in ESP: 1,104 Number of Personal Care Homes listed on DCH website: 1817 Personal Care Home providers who have self-reported they can serve persons with dementia*
Personal Care Homes Reporting Dementia Care (Total Resident Capacity of 6 or More)

Dementia Care Available Case by Case Early Stage Moderate Stage Later Stage

Number of Facilities (from total of 549) 413 211 116 38

Personal Care Homes Reporting Dementia Care (Total Resident Capacity of 7-11)

Dementia Care Available Case by Case Early Stage Moderate Stage Later Stage

Number of Facilities (from total of 60) 48 39 20 9

Personal Care Homes Reporting Dementia Care (Total Resident Capacity of 12-24)

Dementia Care Available Case by Case Early Stage Moderate Stage Later Stage

Number of Facilities (from total of 235) 190 124 59 27

Personal Care Homes Reporting Dementia Care (Total Resident Capacity of 25+)

Dementia Care Available

Number of Facilities (from total of 237)

Case by Case


Early Stage


Moderate Stage


Later Stage


* Numbers may be duplicated by providers if they have indicated they serve persons at all levels of

dementia. Other information on dementia care may be clarified in the comments section of individual


** Capacity may not be listed in all records


J. ADRD Research through Georgia Universities and Other Resources
National Institute on Aging (NIA): The NIA funds the Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. The goal of this AD center is to improve diagnosis, care, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
National Institute of Health (NIH)/VA Medical Center/Alzheimer's Association/Georgia Research Alliance/Several pharmaceutical companies: The listed organizations are responsible for the funding provided to the Alzheimer's Research Center (ARC) at Georgia Regents University in Augusta. The ARC was developed to support collaborative basic and clinical research in the area of Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative disorders by (1) promoting interdisciplinary approaches to answering research questions; (2) providing a venue for regular meetings of its members for the purpose of sharing members' research findings, the latest published works in the field, and supporting visits to this campus by outside experts; (3) providing course materials and lectures related to Alzheimer's disease for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate student instruction, and (4) supporting tow core facilities, the Neurological Disorder Database Registry, and the Animal Behavior Center.
Georgia REACH Project: The Rosalynn Carter Institute (RCI) selected 11 rural counties in Georgia to implement a caregiver intervention program which is designed to reduce negative outcomes associated with caregiving for a family member with Alzheimer's disease. A pre- and post-assessment of the intervention is given to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in reducing negative outcomes related to caregiving of a family member with Alzheimer's disease. Results indicated statistically significant decreases in caregiver depression and burden, as well as improved caregiver health. Caregivers report that working one-on-one with the interventionist led to a better understanding of the disease and consequently reduced their frustrations with the care recipient (Easom, Alston, & Coleman, 2013). The cost of the Georgia REACH Project is $7/day over the six-month implementation period. Because this was conducted in a rural area, travel costs for interventionists were high; in an urban area, the cost may be less.
Georgia REACH-Coastal Project: RCI selected the Coastal Georgia Area Agency on Aging (AAA) to replicate this evidence-based caregiver intervention program (Georgia REACH) which is designed to reduce negative outcomes associated with caregiving for a family member with Alzheimer's disease -- outcomes such as depression and poor health. Preliminary data analysis reveals large effects in the reduction of caregiver stress and caregiver depression, even with a relatively small sample size. The program has been successfully embedded within the agency and has proven to be an effective addition to the menu of services offered to their constituents.
Georgia Care Consultation Project: RCI collaborated with three Georgia AAAs to replicate an evidence-based telephone care consultation intervention program for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders (ADRD) patients and caregivers. Over a 12month time period, participants converse with a Care Consultant. Information

regarding health problems, support services, and other available resources are provided through the Care Consultation project. Preliminary data analysis reveals a decrease in unmet needs, improved self-rated health, and a decrease in reported hospital and emergency room visits. Results from the use of this intervention in prior studies indicate improved care, reduced hospital admissions, delayed nursing home placement, fewer emergency department visits, decreased symptoms of caregiver depression, reduced caregiver stress and burnout, reduced relationship strain, decreased embarrassment and isolation, and improved access to information. Due to the success of the implementation in their central office, the Atlanta Regional Commission AAA has expanded the program into two additional offices within their region. The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving and the Atlanta Regional Commission will examine this expansion to develop a model for further dissemination through other AAAs. (See Appendix IX). The cost of the Care Consultation is $1.03/day over the 12 month period.
ROAD Program (Reaching Out to Assess Dementia): RCI uses the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) as a tool to screen for memory loss. This tool was developed and validated in the southwest of Sydney by a team at the Liverpool Hospital. Memory screening is conducted in the home, and if the test indicates a potential memory issue, clients receive a confidential copy of their questionnaire to take with them to their doctor. For additional information on RUDAS, see Appendix X.
Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC): This center at Emory University, funded by the National Institute on Aging, operates to improve the diagnosis, care, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
K. Inventory of Federal Agencies that Provide Services or Resources for People with ADRD
Administration for Community Living (ACL): DAS and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI) have received multiple demonstration grants from the ACL to develop new protocols and interventions to better serve persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and their caregivers. These grants include the following:
Caregiver Assessment: From 2007-2010, ACL funded the Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral (TCARE) protocol in three Georgia AAAs. TCARE protocol is an evidence-based program designed to enable care managers to more effectively support family caregivers by efficiently targeting services to their needs and strengths (Montgomery, Kwak, Kosloski, & Valuch, 2011). TCARE guides care managers through an assessment and care planning process that helps them examine the care context and identify the sources and types of stress that a caregiver is experiencing. Research studies on TCARE from four states including Georgia indicate a statistically significant reduction in caregiver burden and intention to place in a nursing home. For more information on TCARE, see Appendix XI.

Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease: DAS, in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association and participating AAAs, designed new protocols and interventions for persons with early stage Alzheimer's disease. Innovations included driving assessments, tools to determine financial capacity, and a clinical counseling protocol. (See Alzheimer's Disease and Support Services, Georgia Division of Aging Services Final Report for additional information).
The Eldercare Locator helps find help on a variety of subjects and can be filtered by topic area or geographic location.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can help caregivers of veterans find nearby assistance via their zip code locator or their Caregiver Support Line
NIH's Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center can be contacted five days a week via phone at 1-800-438-4380 or via email at
National Institute on Aging (NIA): The NIA funds the Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. The goal of this AD center is to improve diagnosis, care, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
III. Recommendations
The recommendations are a result of collaboration, research and deliberation by the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force. The Task Force consisted of Senator Renee Unterman --Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Representative Tommy Benton,-- Chair of the House Human Services and Aging Committee, Representative Sharon Cooper -- Chair of the House Health and Human Services Committee, Clyde Reese -- Commissioner of the Department of Community Health, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald -- Commissioner of the Department of Public Health, and Dr. James Bulot -- Director of the Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services who also served as Chair of the Task Force. The Task Force was assisted by an Advisory Council provided for in Senate Bill 14, and convened by the Chair to help with the task of doing the work of the Task Force.
The Advisory Council was composed of persons living with Alzheimer's and a related dementia, caregivers, representatives of the nursing facility industry, representatives from adult day programs, representatives from home health industry, representatives of the personal care home industry, physicians, a consultant pharmacist, Alzheimer's researchers, law enforcement personnel, and other stakeholders from the public, private, and non-profit sectors, voluntary health organizations and the faith-based community.
The work of the Task Force reflects the concerns and priorities conveyed to the Task Force through seven Task Force meetings, one listening session conducted by the Task Force, numerous listening sessions by the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter

conducted both prior to the passage of Senate Bill 14, and during the tenure of the Task Force. Public input through a survey was conducted by the Division of Aging Services through its website and through the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter's classes, speaking engagements, Town Halls, and its website.
Healthcare, Research, and Data Collection Workforce Development Service Delivery Public Safety Outreach and Partnerships Resources
A. Healthcare, Research and Data Collection
GOAL: Ensure the early and accurate diagnosis of dementia. Early diagnosis improves accuracy and treatment effectiveness while also enabling individuals to plan for care needs and financial considerations in advance.
De-stigmatize dementia and encourage individuals to explore concerns about memory problems with their physicians.
Identify and promote culturally appropriate strategies designed to increase public awareness about dementia.
Educate physicians and other healthcare providers about the importance of early, accurate diagnosis and provide appropriate tools and training.
Recognize cognition as a "vital sign" and assess all Medicare patients during the Annual Wellness Visit under Medicare.
Promote the NIA-designated Emory University Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers as the key referral source for community physicians to support diagnosis and management of complex cases.
GOAL: Use surveillance data to enhance awareness and action in public health programming and state planning. Surveillance is the ongoing analysis and interpretation of health data. Incorporating cognitive impairment and caregiver surveillance data into all State agency work, particularly state planning for public health, aging services and community health, will aid in the development of research, policy, and regional service plans for individuals with ADRD.

Develop a plan to have the diagnosis of dementia routinely recorded in medical records.
Develop a plan for high-risk populations such as persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities to be screened for dementia and, when diagnosed, to have the diagnosis is routinely recorded in medical records.
Implement a State Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Registry to be housed in the Department of Public health.
In alternating years, utilize the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System's (BRFSS) Cognitive Impairment and Caregiver Modules
Link BRFSS data with health related outcome and/or quality measures. Provide surveillance data to state agencies, regional commissions and other
planning agencies to encourage communities and agencies to adequately plan on ADRD growth. Add comorbidities to the death certificate to better enable tracking of dementia incidence.
GOAL: Recognize Alzheimer's as a chronic disease, and develop a public awareness and education campaign that will promote a healthy lifestyle which may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and related dementias as well as promote early, accurate diagnosis.
Provide public health awareness, education and resource information through the Georgia Department of Public Health and other agencies, with website information and media releases.
Pursue public, private, corporate and philanthropic funding for broad-based statewide educational campaigns.
Promote positive images of people living with dementia and their caregivers to combat stigma
Partner with secondary and post-secondary educational institutions to infuse ADRD throughout health-related curricula.
Identify and promote strategies designed to increase awareness about dementia, reduce conflicting messages, decrease stigma, and promote early diagnosis.
Coordinate efforts to disseminate evidenced-based messages about risk reduction for preserving cognitive health.
Ensure that local Aging and Disability Resource Centers as well as Area Agencies on Aging are aware of and promote existing training and informational materials available to family caregivers, especially those located in rural areas. 41

Integrate Alzheimer's and related dementias awareness training into existing heart, stroke, and diabetes education programs as the risk factors are interconnected via managing the numbers (blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, and blood sugar) Integrate into the training that what is good for the heart is good for the brain.
Adopt the 16 action items from The Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map that are relevant to immediate implementation to assist states in becoming dementiacapable.
GOAL: Improve the care and health outcomes of people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia and their families. Families currently provide the majority of care for people with dementia. Ensuring that both the person with dementia and the caregiver are adequately supported is essential to ensure adequate resources are in place statewide to meet the growing needs.
Develop protocols and a corresponding training module to help ensure professionals recognize the role of care partners in the care coordination of persons with dementia.
Increase awareness among healthcare professionals about care partner health and its importance in maintaining the health and safety of the person with dementia.
Develop and implement quality standards for dementia care in state-funded services such as Medicaid State Plan services, HCBS waivers, personal care, and nursing homes.
Require that all State contracts providing services to older adults, including those with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness and comorbid dementia, include quality measures specific to dementia-capable care.
Review HCBS Waivers and modify as necessary to provide person-centered care to people with dementia as well as to expand caregiver support services to family members providing care to people with dementia.
Evaluate the cost and feasibility of developing state and/or federally funded caregiver support programs for caregivers who do not currently qualify for Medicaid services.
Provide care coordination to people with dementia and their caregivers upon diagnosis to improve access to information on options and resources
Establish Quality Care measures with system benchmarks for facility- and community-based care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
Identify and promote wide use of evidence-based practices through the development of an Evidence-Based Practice Guide specific to Alzheimer's care.

B. Workforce Development
GOAL: Determine the size, competency, and capacity of the existing workforce. The Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council shall request and analyze workforce data to make recommendations to the Office of Workforce Development, the Departments of Public Health and Community Health, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Division of Aging Services, and the legislature regarding workforce policies to attract and train qualified individuals.
The Chair of the GARD Advisory Council shall convene a Healthcare Workforce Work group which shall: o Survey professionals, utilizing information on licensed professionals from the Secretary of State's office, the Georgia Board for Physician Workforce, and other entities as necessary. o Coordinate with the Georgia Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (or another direct-care worker association) to assist in assessing the size of the direct-care workforce. o Collaborate with professional associations related to the non-licensed professional workforce to determine the prevalence of this workforce in Georgia (i.e. the American Geriatric Society). o Explore and initiate recruitment plans for the direct-care and healthcare provider workforce focused on geriatric care.
Determine the geographic distribution of the workforce, focusing on rural and urban and other aspects of distribution.
Determine the demographics of this workforce, looking at age, sex, national origin/ethnicity, languages spoken, and other relevant demographics.
Project the future supply of the workforce and estimate future shortages or surpluses.
GOAL: Develop a dementia-capable, culturally competent workforce. In becoming a dementia capable state, the existing and future long-term services and supports workforce, as well as individuals across the health care continuum, would benefit from education and training in Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. As Georgia continues to develop a no-wrong-door entry into long-term supports and services, agencies must ensure that the staff are competent in dementia-care skills and knowledgeable about the resources and services necessary to help support people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.

Encourage state agencies to develop hiring strategies to ensure they have the appropriate expertise in cognitive health and impairment related to research and best practices.
Develop and implement an evidence-based training curriculum and implementation strategies for targeted audiences (e.g., Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Office of the State Inspector General, Georgia Bureau of Investigation)
Require training for all state staff associated with any of the Medicaid and NonMedicaid home and community based waivers, as well as training for primary and secondary contract staff who have a primary role of interacting with older adults, their family or caregivers.
Support voluntary certification, licensure, and degree programs that encourage working with older adults and persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Infuse a basic level of information on older adults, aging and dementia in all health-related fields that require licensing and certification.
Partner with licensing boards to cultivate continuing education on aging and chronic disease topics including Alzheimer's disease and related dementias for health and allied healthcare providers.
In partnership with the State Plan Task Force member agencies and academic institutions, create an open-source web-based basic training curriculum for entities and individuals desiring to provide dementia-capable services (skilled nursing, adult day health, home care, hospital, personal care home). Create electronic system of verifying and tracking basic certification.
Create and/or support continuing education efforts that improve healthcare providers' ability to recognize early signs of dementia.
Dementia care management competencies must be developed and taught in medical schools, academic health centers and allied health professional education and also extended to the full range of helping professions, include those working in the aging services network.
GOAL: Develop a direct-care workforce education and training curriculum. Develop and implement a career and training model for Georgia's direct-care workforce. Use the input of a broad-based partner team which should include representatives from, but not be limited to: aging and adult services; healthcare facility regulation; community/technical colleges; career, technical and agricultural education in high schools; disability advocates; consumer direction groups; aging advocates; provider associations (e.g., home and hospice care, assisted living, affordable and public housing, healthcare facilities); Department of Labor; universities, the Alzheimer's Association, faith-based groups, and consumers.

Develop 30-60 hour competency-based, dementia-specific core training or standardized training across the direct-care workforce, regardless of setting
Provide an introduction to direct-care work and "on-ramping" for new entrants, unemployed workers and individuals receiving unemployment or other state assistance. The use of resources embedded into community colleges can leverage State or Workforce Investment Act funds or unemployment-related dollars. Provide tuition waivers for low-income new entrants.
Develop sustainable delivery systems, including community/technical colleges and high school allied health career/technical programs.
Collaborate with the Office of Workforce Development to identify resources potentially available to provide support for vulnerable workers through the provision of services such as case management, career counseling and/or educational planning services, and partnerships with Head Start or other support services for transportation and childcare.
Recognize agencies and/or organizations which work toward enhancing the wages of the direct-care work force, the professionalization of direct-care workers; effective coaching; the promotion of direct-care workers' vital role in interdisciplinary teams; and the effective engagement of direct-care workers in care transitions and health IT.
Develop residencies or fellowships for the training of geriatric psychiatrists, geriatricians, and other geriatric specialists.
Develop a specific track on dementia and dementia-related diseases for medical students and residents.
Evaluate the feasibility of a "Bucks for Brains" program to recruit and train geriatric psychiatrists, geriatricians, and other geriatric specialists.
Universities and colleges throughout Georgia, including public entities governed by the Board of Regents and the Technical College System of Georgia, should evaluate existing social, health and allied health curriculums to ensure adequate basic information is provided on an aging population and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
GOAL: Encourage dementia-specific training for ER, first responders, and Protective Services. Encourage dementia-specific training as part of yearly in-service training for emergency personnel (e.g., firefighters, emergency medical technicians, behavioral health crisis and access telephone line and mobile assessment personnel, and police officers) as well as support personnel, including Public Guardianship and Adult Protective Services.

Work with affiliated statewide associations on the development of dementiaspecific training for emergency room staff, including nurses, physicians and related professionals such as radiologists.
Increase training for state Adult Protective Services workers on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Partner with the Georgia Hospital Association and the Medical Association of Georgia to develop protocols for emergency care of persons with dementia.
Develop emergency-room specific protocols on appropriate treatment of those with dementia including behavior management strategies.
Ensure that these emergency providers understand the role and partnership of the care partner in the emergency care of the person with dementia.
GOAL: Develop a workforce retention group. In collaboration with the Office of Workforce Development, convene a Geriatric Workforce Retention Group to explore and initiate retention plans for the direct-care and healthcare provider workforce focused on geriatric care.
Potential members for the primary group and sub-groups include:
o Care Facilities: representatives of nursing homes and assisted living facilities
o Direct Care Workers: representatives of nurses, certified nursing assistants, and home care organization staff members
o Medical Professions: physicians, medical assistants, allied health providers o Government: the Department of Labor, the Governor's Office of
Workforce Development, the DHS Division of Aging Services, Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, etc. o Patients and Caregivers: patient advocates, family caregivers, and community-based or faith-based organizations o Recruiters: Staffing agencies and others that recruit workers.
Evaluate opportunities for advanced training in geriatrics, dementia, behavioral health, and related topics.
Evaluate the feasibility of private/public payers' provision of enhanced reimbursem*nt for practitioners (direct and professional) who have advanced training in relevant subject matter.
Examine the current work environment (respect of other employees and supervisors, hours, patient load, pay, benefits, and safety measures). 46

Develop strategies to improve care and communication among workers, patients, and family caregivers.
C. Service Delivery
GOAL: Assess statewide capacity on a regional basis. Evaluate access and capacity in regions throughout the state, especially in regard to issues of proximity and parity in urban versus rural areas. Develop a person-centered system that provides dependable, high-quality, and affordable services for individuals with Alzheimer's and related dementias throughout the entire state of Georgia.
Establish criteria which define an effective Alzheimer's/related dementias service delivery system, using other state plans as models, and compile a comprehensive statewide catalogue and assessment of Georgia's current service delivery which measures the current system against the proposed established criteria. Funding is necessary to conduct the assessment.
Make specific recommendations to address gaps in service delivery based on findings.
Assign/procure dedicated staff persons or consultants to develop and conduct the assessment.
Analyze the assessment of gaps in service. Identify potential recommendations from other states' plans for consideration
(including recommendations that could be implemented prior to completion of the assessment). Resources needed include technical and financial resources to analyze the assessment and implement recommendations. Note that recommendations cannot be made until baseline criteria are established and an assessment of current service delivery system is completed. Identify best practices for the care of persons with serious mental illness (SMI) and developmental disabilities and comorbid dementia. Raise awareness that individuals with younger-onset Alzheimer's need services targeted to their specific needs. Recognize self-determination. Distinguish between younger-onset and earlystage Alzheimer's and recognize that early-stage individuals still have much that they can contribute and control in their lives and should be allowed to be as independent as possible until the disease robs them of their ability to do so.
GOAL: Train professionals, caregivers, and volunteers in person-centered care. Provide training to family caregivers, proxy caregivers, nursing home staff, assisted living staff, and others who interact with individuals who have dementia. Train those who provide care for people with dementia to use person-centered practices to interact

with them in ways that honor and support their individual personhood, recognizing that each person has his or her own preferences, needs, interests, personality, and history.
Work with professional licensing and certification entities to require dementiaspecific training* in relevant licensing, certification, and continuing education initiatives for health care providers, including, but not limited to, nurses, certified nursing assistants, physicians not specializing in geriatrics, emergency room staff, emergency medical technicians, rehabilitation therapists, dentists, clergy and chaplains, etc.
* Dementia-specific training should include the diagnostic process, progression of the disease, communication skills, understanding and guiding behaviors, (non-pharmacological management interventions and medication management), the importance of understanding personcentered care as it pertains to nutrition and dining information, activities, and daily life skills. This model will also include the effective communication with and understanding of the stress of the family caregiver.
Train facility staff to view behavioral "problems" as behavioral expressions that are a way for a person with dementia to communicate. Train care providers to identify the root cause of behavioral expression and then address the cause through an individualized approach focusing on the strengths and preferences of the individual, one that may incorporate social interaction, music, pets, solitude, spiritual practices, beneficial touch such as massage, and awareness of lighting and noise.
Reference: Dementia Initiative "Dementia Care: The Quality Chasm" (2013), Kitwood, 1997
For the family caregiver, offer accessible training* to include an understanding of the disease, its progression, and how it affects thinking and behavior; strategies for effective communication and behavior guidance; information about available resources and services; treatment; strategies for self-care; and the management of caregiver stress.
*Accessible Training should take advantage of a variety of available delivery mechanisms such as free or low-cost online e-learning modules and local group training available through the Alzheimer's Association,

the Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Area Agencies on Aging, health departments, and the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Caregiving. Training includes specific programs such as Savvy Caregiver and Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes.
For volunteers working in settings that involve interaction with people with dementia, appropriate training* should be readily available and promoted. These volunteers could include those involved with Meals on Wheels, day centers, senior centers, faith-based programs, long-term care facilities, or hospitals.
*Appropriate training should include an understanding of the disease, its progression and how it affects thinking and behavior; strategies for effective communication and behavior guidance; the recognition of caregiver stress; and alterations in behavior that may require expert attention. A model volunteer training curriculum may be developed by the Alzheimer's Association.
GOAL: Research and adopt person-centered best practices in facility type and scale. Provide person-centered service at home and in small home-like facilities that are integrated into the community.
Allow for state dollars to fund long-term care options other than skilled nursing homes.
Create incentives for providing services to those with dementia that increase access and improve quality, according to national best practices. Use innovative "aging in place" homes/housing such as naturally occurring retirement communities (NORC), villages, and livable communities.
Develop and make small-scale adult day programs more accessible by offering them through existing service providers.
Fund a pilot to demonstrate expanded person-centered evidence-based best practices in long-term care and community-based facilities caring for individuals with dementia, specifically focused on creating small units (6 -10 residents) based on The Netherlands model.
Explore the development of a model program for residents with severe dementia, such as De Hodeweyk, an innovative dementia-care village in the Netherlands.
Utilize approaches used by the disability community in their approach to personfirst / person-centered care.

GOAL: Promote the use of person-centered facility design. Use incentives, training, and regulations to ensure that environments that serve individuals with dementia will incorporate the best evidence-based practices and design features.
Develop regulations, grants, waiver protocols or other financial incentives to invite the development of new approaches to facility design. Such approaches should reflect evidence-based practices which support person-centered care and show promise for improving the quality of life.
Create policy within facilities that serve people with dementia to enforce best practice in design, color, texture, lighting, air change ratio, and sound, thereby promoting the safety, security, and management of persons with dementia.
Educate architects and engineers about the impact of architecture and engineering, reflected through design, color, texture, lighting, air change ratio, and sound, on the safety, security, and management of persons with dementia. Educate these professionals through pre-service and in-service training.
GOAL: Improve consumers' access to needed services and information. Address information and key services such as respite. Facilitate the use of technology.
Determine what resources are available and what barriers exist to accessing the resources.
Develop a service delivery directory, electronic or otherwise. Enhance the existing directory available through the Georgia Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Allocate funding for the creation and ongoing management and maintenance of this database.
Provide funding and implement innovative models to increase caregivers' access to respite that is provided through in-home respite providers, adult day services organizations, volunteer-based respite programs, and other sources. Respite relieves the caregivers of care duties for a specified period of time and may include support services such as home-delivered meals.
Use assistive technology to provide services and training in care and safety to help both persons with dementia and their caregivers.
o Research current and upcoming technology options being utilzed for dementia.
o Create a Resource Guide for Adaptive Technology. The guide should be avilable electronically.
o Provide increased access to safety monitoring and support for caregivers. 50

GOAL: Improve care transitions of persons with dementia by providing guidance and tools for discharge planners.
Assure that an appropriate discharge plan is developed for each patient being discharged from a hospital, skilled nursing facility or emergency room. The plan should be made in collaboration with the individual and family, the physician, and the provider.
Assure that all discharge planners in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and emergency rooms have access to region-specific resources, including websites and written literature.
Ensure that discharge planners provide families with access to resource information before discharge occurs. Information should include the number for the regional Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) and the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter to assist with long-term care planning.
Support care transitioning programs that help patients move from one healthcare setting to another.
Identify means (payor sources, administrative policies) for obtaining neuropsychological, psychiatric, and occupational therapy evaluations needed to plan adequately for an individual's transition from an institution (hospital, skilled nursing facility) to the community.
Conduct an evidence-based review of transitions of care models for people with Alzheimer's disease, and then pilot.
GOAL: Examine and respond to transportation challenges. Lack of transportation leads to social isolation and the underutilization of available services.
Identify agencies and organizations currently working on statewide, regional, and local transportation "best practice" plans for transportation throughout the state.
Explore additional funding options for accessible and affordable transportation services that are dementia-capable, and improve the integration and coordination of public and social service transportation.
Partner with the Georgia Department of Transportation to develop a plan that encompasses travel training, door-through-door services, and assisted transportation, all of which serve to foster the independence of persons with early-stage Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Explore public and private sources of funding for such supplemental transportation efforts.
Offer incentives and training to local nonprofit providers to launch volunteer transportation programs in their communities. Give priority to providers that are familiar with this population, such as senior centers, faith-based respite programs, and adult day programs.
GOAL: Ensure that providers offer high-quality services to persons with dementia. Maintain effective practices for licensure and quality care measurement.
Fund, implement and enforce adult day services licensure in order to ensure the quality of providers. Legislation must be passed to secure funding for enforcement of licensure.
Establish and enforce quality care measures related to personalized practices (person-centered care) for facility- and community-based care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
D. Public Safety
GOAL: Ensure the safety of persons with dementia who are at risk of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. Provide tools and training to law enforcement and partnering community professionals and provide resources to address emergency needs.
Develop a website for law enforcement and first responders which contains training modules related to dementia.
Develop specialized regional multi-disciplinary teams to 1) respond to and investigate crimes against at-risk adults, including those with dementia, and 2) relocate victims when needed.
Create an at-risk adult subject matter expert in each Georgia Bureau of Investigation region to focus on combating crime and providing technical assistance to local law enforcement.
Create a network of housing options, personal support services and other needed services for at-risk adults in need of safe emergency housing due to dangerous situations, such as the absence of a caregiver, wandering, or exposure to potential abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. The system should have an infrastructure to facilitate access to resources 24/7.
Provide state-approved forms such as the Georgia Advance Directive for Healthcare, Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST), and other

documents at no cost to the consumer via public libraries, resource centers, and easily accessible websites. Evaluate state laws, specifically with respect to powers of attorney and Guardianship, and make recommendations which will decrease fraud, abuse, neglect, and self-neglect of persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Collaborate with the 12 Area Agencies on Aging, the Governor's Office of Consumer Protection, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the United States Office of the Inspector General, and the Division of Aging Services, Adult Protective Services and Senior Medicare Patrol project to educate consumers and financial professionals regarding risks, prevention, and mitigation of abuse and fraud specific to consumers with dementia. Partner with Adult Protective Services (APS), law enforcement, the banking and financial industry, and the court system to recognize ongoing or potential financial abuse of people with dementia, protect those at risk, and curb ongoing exploitation. Create a 24/7 emergency access line to APS so that law enforcement and other key community safety net agencies/organizations can reach them during the evening, weekends, and holidays.
GOAL: Reduce rates of injury among persons with dementia. Increase the usage of voluntary alert systems, technical assistance, tools, and regulations to prevent and avoid injury due to wandering public emergencies, auto accidents, and other occurrences that put persons with dementia at risk.
Encourage law enforcement to use Mattie's Call when a person with dementia is reported missing. The public alert system is currently voluntary and is not used to its full potential.
Engage partners to develop guidance for local emergency management agencies. Guidance should help to ensure that the needs of individuals with dementia will be met during evacuation, transportation, and sheltering during a disaster.
Implement an educational program for medical providers to increase the use of the STEADI screening tool - Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries in medical practices. This evidence-based practice developed by the Centers for Disease Control reduces falls, driving injuries, and other accidents experienced by persons with dementia and other at-risk individuals.
Through the Department of Public Health, engage partners to 1) determine the public safety impact of implementing gradual restrictions in driving privileges

based on demonstrated driving ability and 2) determine infrastructure needed to implement the practice. Increase awareness of driving assessment programs in Georgia to both physicians and families. Because visual acuity is not an appropriate measure of the driving ability of a person with Alzheimer's or a related dementia, it is recommended that the Short Blessed Test * and the Rapid Paced Walk Test * be administered by the Department of Driver Services as a first screening of drivers who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's or a related dementia.
o The Short Blessed Test is a paper test from which the tester asks the driver questions. If the individual scores 6 or more on the Short Blessed Test, he or she should be referred for a full evaluation. A copy of the test can be found in the Appendix.
o The Rapid Paced Walk is a timed 20-foot walk in which the participant walks 10 feet and returns as fast as possible without falling. A return walk of seven seconds or more is an indicator of greater crash risk and should prompt a referral for a full driver evaluation.
Promote programs that (a) ensure home safety through falls prevention programs, home safety assessments, and home monitoring devices; (b) help people with dementia and their families prepare for care and services in the event of a disaster or emergency; and (c) develop employer- supported dementia caregiver training and other employer-supported programs.
Increase safety in the community by improving the visibility and utilization of locator devices and programs such as the MedicAlert + Alzheimer's Association Safe Return program.
Educate caregivers on the importance of home modifications to prevent injury. (Recommendation also noted in Outreach and Partnerships section.)
E. Outreach and Partnership
GOAL: Raise public awareness about dementia. Encourage persons presenting with symptoms or whose family indicate potential cognitive impairment to seek diagnosis and treatment from a healthcare professional in to plan ahead for needed resources and care. Increase availability of information for people with dementia their families, caregivers and professionals. Leverage the various national association and state campaigns and related materials to allow greater access to trusted public information.

Identify and implement culturally appropriate strategies designed to increase public awareness about dementia. Use materials developed by AARP, Area Agencies on Aging, the Alzheimer's Association, the Centers for Disease Control, the Georgia DHS Division of Aging Services, the Rosalynn Carter Institute and other organizations.
Develop a marketing and media plan with a message that helps reduce stigma and fear related to dementia. Include the developmental disability community in the target population. Determine branding and implement the plan statewide.
Promote advance care planning and advance financial planning to care partners, families, and individuals with dementia in the early stages before function declines. This population includes those with younger-onset Alzheimer's and developmental disabilities.
Create an electronic clearinghouse of information, forms and resources for public consumption related to ADRD and provide appropriate linkages between all of the state health agencies to ensure citizens have access to the most up-to-date information.
Work with national organizations, state chapters and other outreach partners to identify and disseminate culturally appropriate information through statewide promotional campaigns.
Develop a dementia-capable website and portal to allow family members and those with early onset dementia to navigate and make healthcare decisions related to all services and care.
Provide public health awareness, education and resource information through the Georgia Department of Public Health with website information and media releases.
Educate caregivers on the importance of home modifications to prevent injury. (Recommendation also noted in Public Safety section.)
GOAL: Educate the public and organizations to become more "dementia-friendly." Increase the knowledge and sensitivity levels of those in the surrounding community through training programs, resources, and volunteer-based initiatives.
Provide training modeled after the "Dementia Friends" program in Japan and the United Kingdom. Over four million people have been trained to be dementia friendly in Japan. Using a one-hour education program on dementia similar to

Red Cross training on first aid and CPR, organizers prepare individuals, organizations, and businesses to be dementia friendly. Explore and create ways to make culturally sensitive, evidenced-based information and education available through existing and new programs. Incorporate education into wellness and employee assistance programs and through partnerships with organizations such as the Society for Human Resource Management. Develop a strategic plan that supports faith- and community-based organizations in their efforts to provide early detection, education and resources for individuals and families experiencing symptoms of memory loss and dementia. Make training programs available for all faith- and community-based organizations. Work through health ministries to identify persons in need of an assessment and to support those with dementia and their caregivers. (Note: Only physicians can make a diagnosis. "Detection" tools often available at health fairs and other events are accompanied by the caveat that the test is not definitive. If a reason for possible concern is detected, individuals are strongly encouraged to see a physician who specializes in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's and related dementias.) Train the community on person-centered concepts and practices in planning and service delivery.
GOAL: Expand Georgia's capacity to address the needs of persons with dementia through strategic partnerships and resource sharing, the leveraging of existing funding, and accessing new sources. Potential funding sources include VA benefits, Medicaid waivers, long-term care insurance, and other options.
Promote appropriate public and private partnerships and determine strategies to increase awareness, promote early detection and diagnosis, decrease fear and stigma, refer individuals to assistance organizations, promote brain health, leverage resources, provide education, and promote research. (Private and public partners may include, but are not limited to, major employers, the healthcare industry, chambers of commerce, state and federal government, organizations, agencies, business associations, educational institutions and non-traditional partners.)
Develop an ongoing repository of culturally sensitive resources for use by partners. Engage organizations as repositories that are currently serving in this capacity (such as the Rosalynn Carter Institute).
Explore funding from diverse sources to support carrying out the State Plan. Invite partners to contribute funding to support the State Plan. Seek funding through foundations and corporations.

Create funding mechanisms to support family caregivers to keep their family member with dementia at home longer by providing reimbursem*nt for personal care services, specialized medical supplies, and respite, for example.
Leverage enhanced funding available through the Balancing Incentive Program to increase access to home and community based services.
While the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementia State Plan Task Force provided many recommendations which would require little to no additional funding, the issues of funding must be addressed. The State Plan Task Force recognizes that there will never be enough public resources to meet the needs of the growing population of people with dementia. One of the key goals of the Plan is to provide hope that, through implementation of the Plan, resources can incrementally be made available to meet the need through leveraging of federal/national, state, public, private, and faith-based collaborative, cooperatively designated resources. Benchmarking this data with the surveillance data is essential to ensure that the legislature, policy makers, state agencies and the public are informed regarding where resources are being directed.
GOAL: Establish dedicated Alzheimer's and related dementia private funding. The Division of Aging Services is one of the few state agencies that receive a high level of public support. Each year, for every $1 received in state and or federal funding, the Aging Services Network generates an additional $2 in local contributions to expand services. Additionally, each year, through the Georgia Fund for Children and Elderly alone, the Division of Aging Services receives over $150,000 in public contributions which is used to expand services for older adults. Earmarking and dedicating funds for Alzheimer's and dementia-related activities will provide needed resources across Georgia to meet the growing demand.
Revise existing "tax check-off" legislation allowing the public to earmark specific, tax deductible funds to be targeted to for dementia-specific purposes (ie: research, expansion of services, advocacy, education, etc.).
Evaluate the feasibility of a statewide healthcare tax that would be utilized to expand Medicaid services for people with dementia to provide for long-term care supports and services; the fund would be split between home and community based services and long-term care services, particularly novel, innovative services for people with ARD.
GOAL: Monitor State and Federal Fund expenditures for long-term supports and services for people with dementia - including Medicaid, Older Americans Act and State Funds. The GARD Advisory Council shall evaluate the use of state and federal funds and make findings available to the Governor, the Legislature, the Department of Community Health, the Department of Public Health, and the Division of Aging

Services. The GARD Advisory Council shall evaluate the availability and proportion of funds and make budget requests to the Governor based upon surveillance data and past expenditures. STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE THIS GOAL:
The Department of Community Health and the Division of Aging Services shall submit, upon request, to the GARD Advisory Council an accounting of the funding spent on long-term care and community based care services for people with dementia by fund source and the number of people served.
The Department of Community Health should explore various methodologies to expand home and community based waivers for people with dementia.
The Department of Community Health should consider nursing home reimbursem*nt and personal care home reimbursem*nt for facilities which provide for person-centered dementia-specific services.
The Department of Community Health should explore the expansion of provider fees for community based programs in order to draw down more federal funding.
The Department of Community Health should facilitate the use of civil monetary penalties for improving quality care for nursing home residents with dementia.
Regarding all Goals and Strategies, it should be recognized that much of the work that needs to be done now and in future assessment and updates of the Plan will require legislation and corresponding funding to develop and implement that specific item of the Plan. The Advisory Council commits to work with partner stakeholders, state agencies, and legislators to develop and have filed appropriate legislation and corresponding appropriations requests throughout the life of this Plan.

Easom, L.R., Alston, G., & Coleman, R. (2013). A rural community translation of a dementia caregiving intervention. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 13(1), 66-94
Loef, M., &Walach, H. (2013). Midlife obesity and dementia: meta-analysis and adjusted forecast of dementia prevalence in the United States and China, Obesity, 21(1), E51-E55.
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McCracken, S.G., & Gellis, Z.D. (2008) Schizophrenia in Older Adults Literature Review. In S. Diwan, Mental Health and Older Adults Resource Review. CSWE Gero-Ed Center, Master's Advanced Curriculum Project (pp. 17-34). Retrieved from
Patterson, T.L., & Jeste, D.V. (1999). The potential impact of the baby boom generation on substance abuse among elderly persons, Psychiatric Services, 50, 1184-1188.
Hermida AP, McDonald WM. The assessment of depressive syndromes. In: Abou-Saleh MT, Katona C, Kumar A, Eds. Principals and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. 3rd ed. Chinchester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell; 2011. p. 565-72

Krishnan M, Mast BT, Ficker LI, Lawhorne L, Lichtenberg, PA. The effects of preexisting depression on cerebrovascular health outcomes in geriatric continuing care. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Jul;60(7):915-9. Robinson RG. Treatment issues in poststroke depression. Depress Anxiety. 1998;8 Suppl1:85-90. Brown EL, Raue P, Halpert KD, Adams S, Titler MG, Detection of depression in older adults with dementia. J Gerontol Nurs. 2009 Feb;35(2):11-5. Sachs-Ericsson N, Joiner T, Plant EA, Blazer DG, The influence of depression on cognitive decline in community-dwelling elderly persons. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2005 May;13(5):402-8. Saez-Fonseca JA, Lee L, Walker Z. Long-term outcome of depressive pseudodementia in the elderly. J. Affect Disord. 2007 Aug;101(1-3):123-9. Alexopoulos, GS, Meyers BS, Young RC, Mattis S, Kakuma T. The course of geriatric depression with "reversible dementia": a controlled study. Am J Psychiatry. 1993 Nov;150(11):1693-9. Krishnan KR, Tupler LA, Richie JC, Jr., McDonald WM, Knight DL, Nemeroff CB, et al. Apolipoprotein E-epsilon 4 frequency in geriatric depression, Biol Psychiatry.1996 Jul1;40(1):69-71.

Appendix I: Demographic Analysis Tables

Table: Demographic analysis. Population aged 60 years and older `At-risk' for Alzheimer's and related Dementias, Georgia 2012.

Population aged 60 and older, GA





1,289,409 1,419,658 1,538,984

Aged 85+

101,108 108,040 114,696

Aged 80 - 84

121,869 125,789 129,191

Aged 75 - 79

171,109 176,787 182,816

Aged 70 - 74

222,213 235,231 252,029

Aged 65 - 69

289,474 326,491 358,555

Aged 60 - 64

383,636 447,320 501,697

2012 1,662,785 123,483 134,797 194,484 278,443 408,494 523,084

Estimate for Current Georgia Population with Confusion or Memory Problems

Estimated increase in percent of adults reporting Confusion and / or memory problems, 2006 to 2012

Estimated Number with Confusion / Memory problems, 2012*

Sub-populations of Confusion / Memory Problem, 2012

Number living alone, reported confusion or memory problems

Number with confusion or memory problems AND Disability

Number of persons with confusion or memory problems Needing help from someone

Number of persons with confusion or memory problems Receiving help

Estimated current impact of confusion and memory problems in Georgia, 2012

Unmet need for help

Number `Not discussed with healthcare provider'
Total Population Growth, Adults aged 60+ years by Age Category Total Aged 85+ Aged 80 84 Aged 75 79 Aged 70 74 Aged 65 69 Aged 60 64

% Change 2006 - 08 9.17% 6.42% 3.12% 3.21% 5.53% 11.34% 14%

% Change 2008 - 010 7.75% 5.80% 2.63% 3.30% 6.67% 8.94% 10.84%

*Estimates in summary statistics based on Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 10, 2013. `Self-reported increased Confusion or Memory Loss and Associated Functional Difficulties among adults >=60 years, 21 States, 2011" Vol. 62 / No. 18. Corresponding author: Angela J. Deokar, 770-488-5327. Source: Georgia OASIS, 1/2/2014. Created 1/2/2014 for GARD Task.

74,333 73,066 112,133 22,539
89,594 170,417
% Change 2010 -12 7.45% 7.12% 4.16% 6.00% 9.49% 12.23% 4.09%


Appendix II: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
BRFSS Data, Georgia 2011
What is already known about confusion and memory loss?
Declines in cognitive function vary from person to person and may include changes in attention, memory, learning, executive function, and language that negatively affect quality of life,
personal relationships and capacity for making informed decisions about health care and other issues (Wagster, et. al, 2012).
Memory problems are typically one of the first warning signs of cognitive loss, and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) may occur when memory problems are greater than normal for a person's age but not as severe as those experienced in Alzheimer's disease (NIH, 2013). Some, but not all, people with MCI develop Alzheimer's disease (the most common cause of dementia), and some may even recover from MCI if treatable causes such as medication side effects or temporary depression are detected and treated (NIH, 2013).
In 2011, 22 states added 10 questions on cognitive impairment to their Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. These data were analyzed for respondents aged 60 and older in the 22 states.
What has been learned about this topic in Georgia?
14.3% of Georgia adults aged 60 or older self-reported confusion or memory loss that is happening more often or getting worse over the past 12 months2 (values ranged from 6.4% to 20.0% across the 22 states)
Among Georgia adults aged 60 or older with confusion or memory loss: 25.1% reported confusion or memory loss that always, usually, or sometimes
interfered with their ability to work or engage in social activities (range: 13.2% - 39.7%) 25.1% reported confusion or memory loss that always, usually, or sometimes caused
them to give up household chores (range: 14.3% - 38.3%) 7.9% reported that they always or usually received help from a family member or
friend because of their confusion or memory loss (range: 2.8% - 14.7%) 37.7% live alone, with no other adults or children in the household (range: 28.2% -
48.8%) 21.9% discussed their confusion or memory loss with a health care provider (range:
11.2% - 32.0%)

Characteristics of Older Adults who Self-Reported Confusion or Memory Loss, Georgia BRFSS 2011

All adults aged 60+ Age (years)
60-64 65-74 75-84 85 and older Gender* Male Female Education Less than high school High school Some college College graduate Disability Status Disabled Not disabled Veteran Status* Veteran Non-veteran

Weighted % 14.3
12.2 12.9 19.9 13.4
14.7 14.0
20.4 14.7 11.1 7.6
21.4 8.9
15.7 13.9

The denominator in every case is >50
P > 0.05; not statistically significant-- Georgia, 2011

95% C.I. 12.4 - 16.5
9.3 - 16.0 10.5 - 15.9 14.7 - 26.3 8.1 - 21.3
11.3 - 18.8 11.9 - 16.4
15.7 - 26.2 11.6 - 18.5 8.5 - 14.5 5.6 - 10.2
18.3 - 24.8 6.6 - 12.0
11.9 - 20.4 11.7 - 16.5

Why is this important?

This report provides a baseline estimate of the extent of self-reported confusion or memory loss among non-institutionalized adults aged 60 or older who may require services and support now or in the future. These findings underscore the need for increased awareness about changes in memory and confusion that may warrant discussions with health care and service providers so that linkages can be made to accurate information and needed services.


Sample size for Georgia is 2,471 adults aged 60 and older.


Results are specific for this question and do not correspond to a specific diagnosis. Data

are weighted and refer to the civilian, non- institutionalized population. Source: CDC, BRFSS,



Appendix III:Rules of the Dept. of Community Health for Assisted Living Communities Int. Guidelines; includes mandated
rules for assisted living communities related to memory care services and specialized memory care units
(11) Medical, nursing (other than developing and updating care plans, training, medication administration and skills competency determinations) health services required on a periodic basis, or for short-term illness, must not be provided as services of the assisted living community. When such services are required, they shall be purchased by the resident or the resident's representative or legal surrogate, if any, from appropriately licensed providers which are managed independently and not owned or operated by the assisted living community. The assisted living community may assist in arrangement for such services, but not in the provision of those services.

Authority O.C.G.A. . 31-2-7, 31-2-8, 31-7-1, et seq. and 43-26-12.
111-8-63-.18 Requirements for Memory Care Services.

(1) An assisted living community which serves residents with cognitive deficits which place the residents at risk of eloping, i.e. engaging in unsafe wandering activities outside the assisted living community must do the following:
(a) Develop, train and enforce policies and procedures for staff to deal with residents who may wander away from the assisted living community including what actions, are to be taken if a resident wanders away (elopes) from the assisted living community.
(b) Utilize appropriate effective safety devices, which do not impede the residents' rights to mobility and activity choice or violate fire safety standards, to protect the residents who are at risk of eloping from the premises.
1. If the safety devices include magnetic locks used on exit doors, as approved by the fire marshal having jurisdiction over the assisted living community, then the locking device shall be electronic and release whenever the following occurs: activation of the fire alarm or sprinkler system, power failure to the assisted living community or by-pass for routine use by the public and staff for service using a key button/key pad located at the exit or continuous pressure for thirty (30) seconds or less.

Mattie's Call Law must be followed. See O.C.G. A. 38-3-110 et seq.
Such devices could include alarms that sound when an exterior door is opened and alert the staff to a resident's leaving the building. Before installing new locks, check with the fire safety jurisdiction having authority for the community to ensure that the device meets local requirements and that there is always a safe method of exiting through the door in the event of a power failure, etc.


2. If the safety devices include the use of keypads to lock and unlock exits, then directions for their operations shall be posted on the outside of the door to allow individuals' access to the unit. However, if the unit is a whole assisted living community, then directions for the operation of the locks need not be posted on the outside of the door. The units must not have entrance and exit doors that are closed with nonelectronic keyed locks nor shall a door with a keyed lock be placed between a resident and the exit.
(2) An assisted living community serving residents who are at risk of eloping from the premises must retain on file at the assisted living community current pictures of any such residents.

At a minimum, a community must have a current picture of any resident who is at risk of eloping, e.g. has advancing dementia and gets confused about location and may wander outside the community. The picture may be taken at the time of admission but must be periodically updated if the resident's physical appearance changes greatly. A copy of the photo should be provided to law enforcement authorities if Mattie's Call is initiated. It is a good idea to maintain current pictures of all residents particularly where medications are being administered to ensure that the right medication is being administered to the right resident by PRN staff, etc.

Authority O.C.G.A. 31-2-7,31-2-8, 31-7-1 et seq. 111-8-63-.19 Additional Requirements for Specialized Memory Care Units

(1) In addition to all other requirements contained in this Chapter, where an assisted living community holds itself out as providing additional or specialized care to persons with probable diagnoses of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia or charges rates in excess of that charged other residents because of cognitive deficits which may place the residents at risk of eloping, the assisted living community must meet the following requirements:

The purpose of this rule is to assist potential residents and families in understanding what services are provided, by whom, when and at what cost.

(a) Written Description. The assisted living community must include in its licensed residential care profile an accurate written description of the special care unit that includes the following:


1. a statement of philosophy and mission;

2. how the services and activities of the special care unit are different from those 3. staffing including job titles of staff who work in the unit, staff training and continuing education requirements;
4. admission procedures, including screening criteria;

Potential residents and families need to know who is staffing the unit. Does the community provide a nurse, and if so, for how many hours a week? Is a nurse on call?

5. assessment and service planning protocol, including criteria to be used that would trigger a reassessment of the resident's status before the customary quarterly review;

The protocol should explain the kinds of changes in condition that would trigger a re-evaluation, e.g. loss of ability to ambulate.

6. staffing patterns, including the ratio of direct care staff to resident for a 24-hour cycle, and a description of how the staffing pattern differs from that of the rest of the program;

7. a description of the physical environment including safety and security features;
8. a description of activities, including frequency and type, and how the activities 9. the program's fee or fee structure for all services provided by the unit or assisted living community; 10. the discharge criteria and procedures;

Residents and their families need to be given clear information on all fees that might be charged.

11. the procedures that will be utilized for handling emergency situations; and
12. the involvement of the unit with families and family support programs.
(b) Physical Design, Environment, and Safety. The memory care unit or special care unit must be designed to accommodate residents with severe dementia or Alzheimer's Disease in an assisted living community-like environment which includes the following:
1. multipurpose room(s) for dining, group and individual activities which are appropriately furnished to accommodate the activities taking place;
2. secured outdoor spaces and walkways which are wheel chair accessible and allow residents to ambulate safely but prevent undetected egress;


3. high visual contrast between floors and walls and doorways and walls in resident use areas--except for fire exits, door and access ways which may be designed to minimize contrast to conceal areas where the residents should not enter;
4. adequate and even lighting which minimizes glare and shadows;
5. the free movement of the resident, as the resident chooses, between the common space and the resident's own personal space in a bedroom that accommodates no more than two (2) residents;
6. individually identified entrances to residents' rooms to assist residents in readily identifying their own personal spaces;
7. an effective automated device or system to alert staff to individuals entering or leaving the unit in an unauthorized manner. An assisted living community need not use an automated alert for an exit door when the particular exit is always staffed by a receptionist or other staff member who views and maintains a log of individuals entering and leaving the assisted living community. If the exit door is not always staffed, then the assisted living community must activate an automated alert when the door is not attended;

8. communication system(s) which permit staff in the unit to communicate with other staff outside the unit and with emergency services personnel as needed; and

The unit must have a functioning communication system to allow staff in the unit to summon help from others outside the unit. The system should include an internal intercom or alarm system to alert other staff and a telephone to contact emergency medical services.

9. a unit providing specialized memory care services which undergoes major renovation or is first constructed after December 9, 2009, must be designed and constructed in compliance with applicable state and local building and fire codes relevant to the specialized unit and the assisted living community.
(c) Staffing and Initial Staff Orientation. The assisted living community must ensure that the contained unit is staffed with sufficient specially trained staff to meet the unique needs of the residents in the unit.


1. At a minimum, the assisted living community must employ certified medication aides in the unit to administer certain medications.
2. At least one staff member who is awake and supervising the unit at all times and sufficient numbers of trained staff on duty at all times to meet the needs of the residents.

Residents who are properly placed in a specialized memory care unit require the administration of medications by certified medication aides, at a minimum.

3. Staff who, prior to caring for residents independently, have successfully completed an orientation program that includes at least the following components in addition to the general training required in Rule 111-8-63-.09:

(i) the assisted living community's philosophy related to the care of residents with dementia in the unit; (ii) the assisted living community's policies and procedures related to care in the unit and the staff's particular responsibilities including wandering and egress control; and
(iii) an introduction to common behavior problems characteristic of residents residing in the unit and recommended behavior management techniques.
(d) Initial Staff Training. Within the first six months of employment, staff assigned to the unit shall receive training in the following topics: 1. the nature of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias, including the definition of dementia, and knowledge of dementia-specific care needs; 2. common behavior problems and recommended behavior management techniques; 3. communication skills that facilitate better resident-staff relations; 4. positive therapeutic interventions and activities such as exercise, sensory stimulation, activities of daily living skills;
5. the role of the family in caring for residents with dementia, as well as the support needed by the family of these residents;
6. environmental modifications that can avoid problematic behavior and create a more therapeutic environment;
7. development of comprehensive and individual service plans and how to update or provide relevant information for updating and implementing them consistently across all shifts, including establishing baseline care needs;


8. new developments in dementia care that impact the approach to caring for the residents in the special unit;

9. skills for recognizing physical or cognitive changes in the resident that warrant seeking medical attention; and

10. skills for maintaining the safety of residents with dementia.
(e) Special Admission Requirements for Unit Placement. Residents must have a physician's report of physical examination completed within 30 days prior to admission to the community or unit on forms made available by Department. The physical examination must clearly reflect that the resident has a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia and has symptoms which demonstrate a need for placement in the specialized unit. However, the unit may also care for a resident who does not have a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia, but desires to live in this unit and waives his or her right to live in a less restrictive environment. In addition, the physical examination report must establish that the potential resident of the unit does not require 24-hour skilled nursing care.

Departmental Physical Examination form is required. A resident who requires 24-hour skilled nursing care for management of their medical needs must not be admitted to the Memory Care Unit.

(f) Post-Admission Assessment. If the resident is admitted
directly into the specialized memory care unit, the unit must obtain an assessment of each resident's care needs to include the following components: resident's family supports, level of activities of daily living functioning, physical care needs and level of behavior impairment.

(g) Individual Written Care Plan and Reviews. The
resident's written care plan will be developed or updated by staff with at least one member of the specialized memory care staff providing direct care participating. Input from each shift of direct care staff that provides care to the resident will be requested. All team members participating shall sign the written care plan and the plan will be shared with the direct care staff providing care to the resident and serve as a guide for the delivery of care to the resident. The written care plan must be reviewed at least quarterly and modified as changes in the resident's needs occur.

Quarterly reviews of care plans are required for residents in a specialized memory care unit.

(h) Therapeutic Activities. The unit shall provide activities appropriate to the needs of the individual residents and adapt the activities, as necessary, to encourage participation of the residents in the following at least weekly with at least some therapeutic activities occurring daily:

1. gross motor activities; e.g. exercise, dancing, gardening, cooking, etc;


2. self-care activities; e.g. dressing, personal hygiene/grooming; 3. social activities; e.g. games, music; 4. sensory enhancement activities, e.g. distinguishing pictures and picture books, 5. outdoor activities; e.g. walking outdoors and field trips. (2) No licensed assisted living community is permitted to hold itself out as providing specialized care for residents with probable Alzheimer's disease or other dementia or charge a differential rate for care of residents with cognitive deficits that place the residents at risk of engaging in unsafe wandering activities (eloping) unless it meets the additional requirements specified in Rule 111-8-63-.19(1) and its subparagraphs (a) Through (h) above. Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-7, 31-2-8, 31-7-1 et seq. et seq. and 43-26-32.

Appendix IV: Rules and Regs of the Dept. of Community Health for Assisted Living Communities; includes mandated rules for
assisted living communities related to memory care services and specialized memory care units

111-8-63-.18 Requirements for Memory Care Services

(1) An assisted living community which serves residents with cognitive deficits which place the residents at risk of eloping, i.e. engaging in unsafe wandering activities outside the assisted living community must do the following:


Develop, train and enforce policies and procedures for

staff to deal with residents who may wander away from the assisted

living community including what actions, are to be taken if a resident

wanders away (elopes) from the assisted living community.


Utilize appropriate effective safety devices, which do

not impede the residents' rights to mobility and activity choice or

violate fire safety standards, to protect the residents who are at risk

of eloping from the premises.


If the safety devices include magnetic locks used on exit doors,

as approved by the fire marshal having jurisdiction over the assisted living

community, then the locking device shall be electronic and release whenever

the following occurs: activation of the fire alarm or sprinkler system, power

failure to the assisted living community or by-pass for routine use by the

public and staff for service using a key button/key pad located at the exit or

continuous pressure for thirty (30) seconds or less.


If the safety devices include the use of keypads to lock and

unlock exits, then directions for their operations shall be posted on the outside

of the door to allow individuals' access to the unit. However, if the unit is a

whole assisted living community, then directions for the operation of the

locks need not be posted on the outside of the door. The units must not have

entrance and exit doors that are closed with non-electronic keyed locks nor

shall a door with a keyed lock be placed between a resident and the exit.

(2) An assisted living community serving residents who are at risk of eloping from the premises must retain on file at the assisted living community current pictures of any such residents.

Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-7, 31-2-8, 31-7-1 et seq.


111-8-63-.19 Additional Requirements for Specialized Memory Care Units

(1) In addition to all other requirements contained in this Chapter, where an assisted living community holds itself out as providing additional or specialized care to persons with probable diagnoses of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia or charges rates in excess of that charged other residents because of cognitive deficits which may place the residents at risk of eloping, the assisted living community must meet the following requirements:


Written Description. The assisted living

community must include in its licensed residential care

profile an accurate written description of the special care

unit that includes the following:


a statement of philosophy and mission;


how the services and activities of the special care unit

are different from those provided in the rest of the assisted living



staffing including job titles of staff who work in the

unit, staff training and continuing education require


admission procedures, including screening criteria;


assessment and service planning protocol, including

criteria to be used that would trigger a reassessment of the

resident's status before the customary quarterly review;


staffing patterns, including the ratio of direct care staff to

resident for a 24-hour cycle, and a description of how the staffing

pattern differs from that of the rest of the program;


a description of the physical environment including safety

and security features;


a description of activities, including frequency and type,

and how the activities meet the needs of residents with dementia,


the program's fee or fee structure for all services

provided by the unit or assisted living community;

10. the discharge criteria and procedures;
11. the procedures that will be utilized for handling emergency situations; and

12. the involvement of the unit with families and family support programs.


Physical Design, Environment, and Safety.

The memory care unit or special care unit must be designed

to accommodate residents with severe dementia or

Alzheimer's Disease in an assisted living community-like

environment which includes the following:


multipurpose room(s) for dining, group and individual

activities which are appropriately furnished to accommodate the

activities taking place;


secured outdoor spaces and walkways which are wheel

chair accessible and allow residents to ambulate safely but prevent

undetected egress;


high visual contrast between floors and walls and

doorways and walls in resident use areas--except for fire exits, door

and access ways which may be designed to minimize contrast to

conceal areas where the residents should not enter;


adequate and even lighting which minimizes glare and



the free movement of the resident, as the resident

chooses, between the common space and the resident's own

personal space in a bedroom that accommodates no more than two

(2) residents;


individually identified entrances to residents' rooms to

assist residents in readily identifying their own personal spaces;


an effective automated device or system to alert staff to

individuals entering or leaving the unit in an unauthorized manner. An

assisted living community need not use an automated alert for an exit

door when the particular exit is always staffed by a receptionist or other

staff member who views and maintains a log of individuals entering

and leaving the assisted living community. If the exit door is not

always staffed, then the assisted living community must activate an

automated alert when the door is not attended;


communication system(s) which permit staff in the unit

to communicate with other staff outside the unit and with emergency

services personnel as needed; and


a unit providing specialized memory care services which


undergoes major renovation or is first constructed after December 9, 2009, must be designed and constructed in compliance with applicable state and local building and fire codes relevant to the specialized unit and the assisted living community.


Staffing and Initial Staff Orientation. The

assisted living community must ensure that the contained unit

is staffed with sufficient specially trained staff to meet the

unique needs of the residents in the unit.


At a minimum, the assisted living community must

employ certified medication aides in the unit to administer certain



At least one staff member who is awake and supervising

the unit at all times and sufficient numbers of trained staff on duty at

all times to meet the needs of the residents.


Staff who, prior to caring for residents independently,

have successfully completed an orientation program that includes at

least the following components in addition to the general training

required in Rule 111-8-63-.09:


the assisted living community's philosophy related to the

care of residents with dementia in the unit;

(ii) the assisted living community's policies and procedures related to care in the unit and the staff's particular responsibilities including wandering and egress control; and

(iii) an introduction to common behavior problems characteristic of residents residing in the unit and recommended behavior management techniques.


Initial Staff Training. Within the first six

months of employment, staff assigned to the unit shall receive

training in the following topics:


the nature of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias,

including the definition of dementia, and knowledge of dementia-

specific care needs;


common behavior problems and recommended behavior

management techniques;


communication skills that facilitate better resident-

staff relations;



positive therapeutic interventions and activities such as

exercise, sensory stimulation, activities of daily living skills;


the role of the family in caring for residents with

dementia, as well as the support needed by the family of these



environmental modifications that can avoid problematic

behavior and create a more therapeutic environment;


development of comprehensive and individual service

plans and how to update or provide relevant information for

updating and implementing them consistently across all shifts,

including establishing baseline care needs;


new developments in dementia care that impact the

approach to caring for the residents in the special unit;


skills for recognizing physical or cognitive changes in the

resident that warrant seeking medical attention; and

10. skills for maintaining the safety of residents with dementia.


Special Admission Requirements for Unit

Placement. Residents must have a physician's report of

physical examination completed within 30 days prior to

admission to the community or unit on forms made available by

Department. The physical examination must clearly reflect that

the resident has a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's Disease or

other dementia and has symptoms which demonstrate a need for

placement in the specialized unit. However, the unit may also

care for a resident who does not have a probable diagnosis of

Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia, but desires to live in

this unit and waives his or her right to live in a less restrictive

environment. In addition, the physical examination report must

establish that the potential resident of the unit does not require

24-hour skilled nursing care.


Post-Admission Assessment. If the resident is

admitted directly into the specialized memory care unit, the unit

must obtain an assessment of each resident's care needs to

include the following components: resident's family supports,

level of activities of daily living functioning, physical care

needs and level of behavior impairment.



Individual Written Care Plan and Reviews.

The resident's written care plan will be developed or updated

by staff with at least one member of the specialized memory

care staff providing direct care participating. Input from each

shift of direct care staff that provides care to the resident will be

requested. All team members participating shall sign the

written care plan and the plan will be shared with the direct care

staff providing care to the resident and serve as a guide for the

delivery of care to the resident. The written care plan must be

reviewed at least quarterly and modified as changes in the

resident's needs occur.


Therapeutic Activities. The unit shall provide

activities appropriate to the needs of the individual residents

and adapt the activities, as necessary, to encourage

participation of the residents in the following at least weekly

with at least some therapeutic activities occurring daily:


gross motor activities; e.g. exercise, dancing, gardening,

cooking, etc;


self-care activities; e.g. dressing, personal



social activities; e.g. games, music;


sensory enhancement activities, e.g. distinguishing

pictures and picture books, reminiscing and scent and tactile

stimulation; and

5. trips.

outdoor activities; e.g. walking outdoors and field

(2) No licensed assisted living community is permitted to hold itself out as providing specialized care for residents with probable Alzheimer's disease or other dementia or charge a differential rate for care of residents with cognitive deficits that place the residents at risk of engaging in unsafe wandering activities (eloping) unless it meets the additional requirements specified in Rule 111-8-63-.19(1) and its subparagraphs (a) through (h) above.

Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-7, 31-2-8, 31-7-1 et seq. et seq. and 4326-3


Appendix V: Rules of the Dept. of Community Health Rules and Regs for Personal Care Homes; includes mandated rules for personal
care homes related to memory care services and specialized memory care units or homes
111-8-62-.18 Requirements for Memory Care Services
(1) A home which serves residents with cognitive deficits which place the residents at risk of eloping, i.e. engaging in unsafe wandering activities outside the home must do the following:
(a) Develop, train and enforce policies and procedures for staff to deal with residents who may elope from the home including what actions, as specified in rule 111-8-62-.30 are to be taken if a resident wanders away (elopes) from the home.
(b) Utilize appropriate effective safety devices, which do not impede the residents' rights to mobility and activity choice or violate fire safety standards, to protect the residents who are at risk of eloping from the premises.
1. If the safety devices include locks used on exit doors, as approved by the fire marshal having jurisdiction over the home, then the locking device shall be electronic and release whenever the following occurs: activation of the fire alarm or sprinkler system, power failure to the home or by-pass for routine use by the public and staff for service using a key button/key pad located at the exit or continuous pressure for thirty (30) seconds or less.
2. If the safety devices include the use of keypads to lock and unlock exits, then directions for operation must be posted on the outside of the door to allow individuals' access to the unit. However, if the unit is a whole home, then directions for the operation of the locks need not be posted on the outside of the door. The units must not have entrance and exit doors that are closed with non-electronic keyed locks nor shall a door with a keyed lock be placed between a resident and the exit.
(2)A home serving residents who are at risk of eloping from the premises must retain on file at the home current pictures of residents who are at risk of eloping.
Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-7, 31-7-1, 31-7-2.1 and 31-7-12.
111-8-62-.19 Additional Requirements for Specialized Memory Care Units or Homes
(1) A home must meet the additional requirements contained in rule 111-862-.19 where the home serves persons with probable diagnoses of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia and does any of the following
(a) Provides additional or specialized care in locked units to such residents.

(b) Holds itself out as providing additional or specialized care to such residents.
(c) Charges rates in excess of that charged other residents because of the cognitive deficits of such residents which may place them at risk of eloping.
(2)Written Description. The home must develop an accurate written description of the special care unit that includes the following:
(a) A statement of philosophy and mission.
(b)How the services of the special care unit are different from services provided in the rest of the personal care home.
(c) Staffing, including job titles of staff who work in the unit, staff training and continuing education requirements.
(d)Admission procedures, including screening criteria.
(e) Assessment and service planning protocol, including criteria to be used that would trigger a reassessment of the resident's status before the customary quarterly review.
(f) Staffing patterns, maintained within the unit, including the ratio of direct care staff to resident for a 24-hour cycle.
(g)A description of the physical environment including safety and security features.
(h)A description of activities, including frequency and type, how the activities meet the needs of residents with dementia.
(i) The program's fee or fee structure for all services provided by the unit or home.
(j) Discharge criteria and procedures;
(k)The procedures that will be utilized for handling emergency situations.
(l) The involvement of the unit with families and family support programs
(3)Disclosure of Description. A personal care home with an Alzheimer's/dementia special care unit must disclose the written description of the special care unit to:
(a) Any person upon request.

(b)The family or resident's representative before admission of the resident to the Memory Care Unit or program.
(4)Physical Design, Environment, and Safety. The memory care unit or special care unit must be designed to accommodate residents with severe dementia or Alzheimer's Disease in a home-like environment which includes the following:
(a) Multipurpose room(s) for dining, group and individual activities which are appropriately furnished to accommodate the activities taking place.
(b)Secured outdoor spaces and walkways which are wheel chair accessible and allow residents to ambulate safely but prevent undetected egress.
(c) High visual contrasts between floors and walls and doorways and walls in resident use areas except for fire exits, door and access ways which may be designed to minimize contrast to conceal areas where the residents should not enter.
(d) Adequate and even lighting which minimizes glare and shadows.
(e) The free movement of the resident, as the resident chooses, between the common space and the resident's own personal space in a bedroom that accommodates no more than four residents.
(f) Individually identified entrances to residents' rooms to assist residents in readily identifying their own personal spaces.
(g)An effective automated device or system to alert staff to individuals entering or leaving the building in an unauthorized manner. A home need not use an automated alert for an exit door when the particular exit is always staffed by a receptionist or other staff member who views and maintains a log of individuals entering and leaving the home. If the exit door is not always staffed, then the home must have a system that activates an automated alert when the door is not attended;
(h) A communication system(s) which permit staff in the unit to communicate with other staff outside the unit with emergency services personnel as needed; and
(i) A unit or home which undergoes major renovation or is first constructed after December 9, 2009 must be designed and constructed in compliance with applicable state and local building and fire codes relevant to the specialized unit and the home.
(5)Staffing and Initial Staff Orientation. The home must ensure that the contained unit is staffed at all times with sufficient specially trained staff to meet the unique needs of the residents in the unit, including the following:
(a) Medications for residents living in the memory care unit must be provided to the residents by either or both of the following:

1. A licensed registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse who is working under the supervision of a licensed physician or registered nurse.
2. A proxy caregiver employed by the home in compliance with the Rules and Regulations for Proxy Caregivers, Chapter 111-8-100.
(b)At least one awake staff member who is supervising the unit at all times and sufficient numbers of trained staff on duty at all times within the unit to meet the needs of the residents.
(c) Staff who, prior to caring for residents independently, have successfully completed an orientation program that includes at least the following components in addition to the general training required in Rule 1118-62-.09:
1. The home's philosophy related to the care of residents with dementia in the unit.
2. The home's policies and procedures related to care in the unit and the staff's particular responsibilities including wandering and egress control.
3. An introduction to common behavior problems characteristic of residents residing in the unit and appropriate behavior management techniques.
(6)Initial Staff Training. Within the first six months of employment, staff assigned to the unit must receive training in the following topics:
(a) The nature of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, including the definition of dementia, the need for careful diagnosis and knowledge of the stages of Alzheimer's disease
(b)Common behavior problems and appropriate behavior management techniques.
(c) Communication skills that facilitate better resident-staff relations.
(d)Positive therapeutic interventions and activities such as exercise, sensory stimulation, activities of daily living skills.
(e) The role of the family in caring for residents with dementia, as well as the support needed by the family of these residents.
(f) Environmental modifications that can avoid problematic behavior and create a more therapeutic environment.
(g)Development of comprehensive and individual service plans and how to update or provide relevant information for updating and implementing them consistently across all shifts, including establishing a baseline and concrete treatment goals and outcomes.
(h)New developments in diagnosis and therapy that impact the approach

to caring for the residents in the special unit.
(i) Recognizing physical or cognitive changes in the resident that warrant seeking medical attention.
(k) Maintaining the safety of residents with dementia.
(7)Special Admission Requirements for Unit Placement. Residents must have a Report of Physical Examination completed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant within 30 days prior to admission to the home or unit on forms provided by Department. The physical examination must clearly reflect that the resident has a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease or other dementia and has symptoms which demonstrate a need for placement in the specialized unit. However, the unit may also care for a resident who does not have a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or other dementia, but desires to live in the unit as a companion to a resident with a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia with which the resident has a close personal relationship. In addition, the physical examination report must establish that each potential resident of the unit does not require 24-hour skilled nursing care.
(8) Post-Admission Assessment. The home must assess each resident's care needs to include the following components: resident's family supports, level of activities of daily living functioning, physical care needs and level of behavior impairment. Individual Service Plans: The post-admission assessment must be used to develop the resident's individual service plan within 14 days of admission. The service plan must be developed by a team with at least provides care to the resident. All team members participating must sign the service plan and the service plan must be shared with the direct care staff providing care to the resident and serve as a guide for the delivery of services to the resident. The service plan must include the following:
A description of the resident's care and social needs and the services to be provided, including frequency to address care and social needs.
(a) Residents expressed preferences regarding care, activities and interests. (b) Specific behaviors to be addressed with interventions to be used. (c) Names of staff primarily responsible for implementing the service plan. (d) Evidence of family involvement in the development of the plan when appropriate. (e) Evidence of the service plan being updated at least quarterly or more frequently if
the needs of resident change substantially.
Therapeutic Activities. The unit must provide therapeutic activities appropriate to the needs of the individual residents and adapt the activities, as necessary, to encourage the participation of the residents. The following kinds of therapeutic activities must be provided at least weekly with a least some therapeutic activities occurring daily:
(f) Gross motor activities; e.g. exercise, dancing, gardening, cooking, other outdoor activities
(g) Self-care activities; e.g. dressing, personal hygiene/grooming

(h) Social activities; e.g. games, music, crafts (i) Sensory enhancement activities, e.g. distinguishing pictures and picture books,
reminiscing and scent and tactile stimulation. (9) No licensed personal care home may provide or hold itself out as providing specialized
care for residents with probable Alzheimer's disease or other dementia or charge a differential rate for care of residents with cognitive deficits that place the residents at risk of engaging in unsafe wandering activities (eloping) unless it meets the additional requirements specified in Rule 111-8-62-.19. Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-7, 31-7-1, 31-7-2, 31-7-2.1, 31-7-12, 31-8-180 et seq. and 43-2632.

Appendix VI: Rules of the Department of Community Health Nursing Homes; includes mandated rules for nursing homes related to
social service needs of all patients

111-8-56-.07 Social Service


Each home shall provide services to assist all patients in

dealing with social and related problems through one or more case-workers

on the staff of the facility or through arrangements with an appropriate

outside agency.


Social service information concerning each patient shall be

obtained and kept. This information shall cover social and emotional factors

related to the patient's condition and information concerning his home

situation, financial resources and relationships with other people.


All nursing personnel and employees having contact with

patients shall receive social service orientation and in- service training

toward understanding emotional problems and social needs of patients.


One person in each home shall be designated as being

responsible for the social services aspects of care in the home.

Authority: O.C.G.A. 31-2-4 et seq. and 31-7-1 et seq.


Appendix VII: Code Of Federal Regulations 42CR483.152 For Nursing Aides; Includes Regulations For Nursing Aides Related To
Caring For Dementia Patients
483.152 Requirements for approval of a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program.
(a) For a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program to be approved by the State, it must, at a minimum--
(1) Consist of no less than 75 clock hours of training;
(2) Include at least the subjects specified in paragraph (b) of this section;
(3) Include at least 16 hours of supervised practical training. Supervised practical training means training in a laboratory or other setting in which the trainee demonstrates knowledge while performing tasks on an individual under the direct supervision of a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse;
(4) Ensure that--
(i) Students do not perform any services for which they have not trained and been found proficient by the instructor; and
(ii) Students who are providing services to residents are under the general supervision of a licensed nurse or a registered nurse;
(5) Meet the following requirements for instructors who train nurse aides;
(i) The training of nurse aides must be performed by or under the general supervision of a registered nurse who possesses a minimum of 2 years of nursing experience, at least 1 year of which must be in the provision of long term care facility services;
(ii) Instructors must have completed a course in teaching adults or have experience in teaching adults or supervising nurse aides;
(iii) In a facility-based program, the training of nurse aides may be performed under the general supervision of the director of nursing for the facility who is prohibited from performing the actual training; and
(iv) Other personnel from the health professions may supplement the instructor, including, but not limited to, registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, sanitarians, fire safety experts, nursing home administrators, gerontologists, psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, activities specialists, speech/language/hearing therapists, and resident rights experts. Supplemental personnel must have at least 1 year of experience in their fields;

(6) Contain competency evaluation procedures specified in 483.154. (b) The curriculum of the nurse aide training program must include-- (1) At least a total of 16 hours of training in the following areas prior to any direct contact with a resident: (i) Communication and interpersonal skills; (ii) Infection control; (iii) Safety/emergency procedures, including the Heimlich maneuver; (iv) Promoting residents' independence; and (v) Respecting residents' rights. (2) Basic nursing skills; (i) Taking and recording vital signs; (ii) Measuring and recording height and weight; (iii) Caring for the residents' environment; (iv) Recognizing abnormal changes in body functioning and the importance of reporting such changes to a supervisor; and (v) Caring for residents when death is imminent. (3) Personal care skills, including, but not limited to-- (i) Bathing; (ii) Grooming, including mouth care; (iii) Dressing; (iv) Toileting; (v) Assisting with eating and hydration; (vi) Proper feeding techniques; (vii) Skin care; and

(viii) Transfers, positioning, and turning. (4) Mental health and social service needs: (i) Modifying aide's behavior in response to residents' behavior; (ii) Awareness of developmental tasks associated with the aging process; (iii) How to respond to resident behavior; (iv) Allowing the resident to make personal choices, providing and reinforcing other behavior consistent with the resident's dignity; and (v) Using the resident's family as a source of emotional support. (5) Care of cognitively impaired residents: (i) Techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individual with dementia (Alzheimer's and others); (ii) Communicating with cognitively impaired residents; (iii) Understanding the behavior of cognitively impaired residents; (iv) Appropriate responses to the behavior of cognitively impaired residents; and (v) Methods of reducing the effects of cognitive impairments. (6) Basic restorative services: (i) Training the resident in self care according to the resident's abilities; (ii) Use of assistive devices in transferring, ambulation, eating, and dressing; (iii) Maintenance of range of motion; (iv) Proper turning and positioning in bed and chair; (v) Bowel and bladder training; and (vi) Care and use of prosthetic and orthotic devices. (7) Residents' Rights. (i) Providing privacy and maintenance of confidentiality;

(ii) Promoting the residents' right to make personal choices to accommodate their needs; (iii) Giving assistance in resolving grievances and disputes; (iv) Providing needed assistance in getting to and participating in resident and family groups and other activities; (v) Maintaining care and security of residents' personal possessions; (vi) Promoting the resident's right to be free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect and the need to report any instances of such treatment to appropriate facility staff; (vii) Avoiding the need for restraints in accordance with current professional standards.

Appendix VIII: Inventory Of Long-Term Dementia Care Units; An Inventory Of All Licensed Nursing Homes In GA With The
Ability To Care For Dementia Patients


Name A G Rhodes Health and Rehab - Wesley Woods
Abbeville Healthcare and Rehab
Altamaha HealthCare Center
Amara Healthcare and Rehabilitation
Anderson Mill Health and Rehabilitation Center Appling Nursing and Rehabilitation Pavilion
Arrowhead Healthcare Center
Autumn Breeze Health Care Center
Avalon Health and Rehabilitation
Azalea Health and Rehabilitation
Baptist Village, Inc

Address 1819 Clifton Road, N.E. 206 Main Street East 1311 West Cherry Street 2021 Scott Road 2130 Anderson Mill Road 163 E Tollison Street 239 Arrowhead Boulevard 1480 Sandtown Road, SW 120 Spring Street 300 Cedar Street 2650 Carswell Avenue

City Atlanta, GA Abbeville, GA Jesup, GA Augusta, GA Austell, GA Baxley, GA
Jonesboro, GA Marietta, GA Newnan, GA Metter, GA Waycross, GA

BayView Nursing Home

12884 Cleveland Street

Nahunta, GA

Bell Minor Nursing Home
Bethany Nursing Center of Millen
Bethany Nursing Center of Vidalia
Bolingreen Health and Rehabilitation Center Brandon Wilde Pavilion Brentwood Health and
Rehabilitation Brian Center of Canton Brightmoor Health Care,
Inc. Bryan County Health & Rehabilitation Center
Budd Terrace at Wesley Woods
Calhoun Health Care Center Inc
Calhoun Nursing Home

2200 Old Hamilton Place NE
466 South Gray Street
1305 East North Street
529 Bolingreen Drive
4275 Owens Road 115 Brentwood Drive
150 Hospital Circle 3235 Newnan Road
127 Carter Street
1833 Clifton Road, N.E.
1387 U S Highway 41 North
265 Turner Street

Gainesville, GA Millen, GA Vidalia, GA Macon, GA Evans, GA
Waynesboro, GA Canton, GA Griffin, GA
Richmond Hill, GA
Atlanta, GA Calhoun, GA Edison, GA

Zip Code 30329 31001 31545 30906 30106 31513 30236 30008 30263 30439 31502 31553 30507 30442 30474 31210 30809 30830 30114 30224 31324
30329 30701 39846


Name Camellia Gardens of Life Care Nursing Home
Carrollton Manor, Incorporated
Cartersville Heights Care and Rehabilitation Center
Cedar Springs Health and Rehab
Cedar Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation
Chaplinwood Nursing Home
Chatsworth Health Care Center
Chatuge Regional Nursing Home
CHC Woodstock Nursing and Rehabilitation
Coastal Manor
Cobb Health Care Center Cordele Health & Rehabilitation
Countryside Health Center Crestview Health and Rehabilitation Center
Crossview Care Center
Cumming Nursing Center and Manor
Dade Health and Rehab
Dawson Health and Rehabilitation
Delmar Gardens of Smyrna
Douglasville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, LLC
Dublinair Health Care & Rehabilitation Center
Early Memorial Nursing Home
East Lake Arbor
Eastman Healthcare and Rehab
Eatonton Health & Rehab Center
Elberta Health Care
Emanuel County Nursing Home - Emanuel Medical

Address 804 South Broad Street
2455 Oak Grove Church Road
78 Opal Street
148 Cason Road
225 South Philpot Street
325 Allen Memorial Drive
102 Hospital Drive
386 Bel Aire Drive
105 Arnold Mill Road
128 Coastal Manor Drive SE
2430 Paoli Road 1106 North 4th Street
233 Carrollton Street 2800 Springdale Road SW
402 East Bay Street 2775 Castleberry Road
1234 Highway 301 1159 Georgia Avenue SE
404 King Spings Village Park
4028 Highway 5
300 Industrial Blvd
11740 Columbia Street
304 Fifth Avenue 556 Chester Hwy
125 Sparta Highway, 16 East
419 Elberta Road 117 Kite Road

City Thomasville, GA
Carrollton, GA Cartersville, GA
Cedartown, GA Cedartown, GA Milledgeville, GA Chatsworth, GA Hiawassee, GA Woodstock, GA
Ludowici, GA Comer, GA Cordele, GA Buchanan, GA Atlanta, GA
Pineview, GA Cumming, GA
Trenton, GA Dawson, GA
Smyrna, GA Douglasville, GA
Dublin, GA
Blakely, GA
Decatur, GA Eastman, GA
Eatonton, GA
Warner Robins, GA Swainsboro, GA

Zip Code 31792
30117 30120
30125 30125 31061 30705 30546 30188
31316 30629 31015 30113 30315
31071 30041
30752 39842
30082 30135
30030 31023
31093 30401

Name Evergreen Health and Rehab
Fairburn Healthcare Center
Fifth Avenue Health Care Center
Florence Hand Home
Fort Valley Health and Rehab
Fountainview Center for Alzheimers Disease Friendship Health and Rehab Gateway Health and Rehabilitation Genesis Healthcare at Folkston Park
Gilmer Nursing Home
Glenn-Mor Nursing Home
Glenwood Healthcare
Gold City Convalescent Center
Golden Living Center Jesup
Golden Living Center Thomaston
Golden Living Center Augusta
Goodwill Healthcare and Rehab LLC
Gordon Health and Rehabilitation
Grace Healthcare of Tucker
Gracemore Nursing & Rehabilitation
Green Acres Health and Rehabilitation
Habersham Home
Haralson Nursing and Rehab Center
Hart Care Center
Hartwell Health Care
Hazlehurst Court Care & Rehabilitation Center
Heardmont Health Care Inc
Heart of Georgia Nursing Home

Address 139 Moran Lake Road
178 West Campbellton Street
505 North 5th Avenue
200 Medical Drive 604 Bluebird Boulevard
2631 North Druid Hills Road
161 Friendship Road
3201 Westmoreland Road
36261 Okefenokee Drive
1362 South Main Street 10629 US Highway 19 303 North 5th Street
222 Moores Drive
1090 West Orange Street
310 Avenue F
1600 Anthony Road
4373 Houston Avenue
1280 Mauldin Road
2165 Idlewood Road 2708 Lee Street
313 Allen Memorial Drive, S
541 Hwy 441 North 315 Field Street
261 Fairview Avenue 94 Cade Street
180 Burketts Ferry Road
1043 Longstreet Road 815 Legion Drive

City Rome, GA Fairburn, GA Rome, GA
LaGrange, GA Fort Valley, GA
Atlanta, GA
Cleveland, GA Cleveland, GA
Folkston, GA
Ellijay, GA Thomasville, GA Glenwood, GA Dahlonega, GA
Jesup, GA Thomaston, GA
Augusta, GA
Macon, GA
Calhoun, GA
Tucker, GA Brunswick, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Demorest, GA Bremen, GA
Hartwell, GA Hartwell, GA Hazlehurst, GA
Elberton, GA Eastman, GA

Zip Code 30161 30213 30165
30240 31030 30329
30528 30528
30540 31792 30428 30533
31545 30286
30084 31520
30535 30110
30643 30643 31539
30635 31023


Name Heritage Healthcare at Shepherd Hills
Heritage Healthcare at Sunrise
Heritage Healthcare of Fort Oglethorpe
Heritage Healthcare of Franklin
Heritage Healthcare of Jasper
Heritage Healthcare of LaFayette
Heritage Healthcare of Lilburn
Heritage Healthcare of Macon
Heritage Healthcare of Toccoa
Heritage Healthcare of West Atlanta
Heritage Inn Health and Rehabilitation Center
Jeffersonville Nursing Home and Rehabilitation
Center Jesup Health and Rehab
Kindred Transitional Care and Rehab - Marietta
Lanier Village Estates WillowBrooke Court
Life Care Center of Gwinnett
Life Care Center of Lawrenceville
Lumber City Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Magnolia Manor - St. Simons
Magnolia Manor - West
Magnolia Manor Methodist Nursing Center
Maple Ridge Health Care Center
McRae Manor Nursing Home, Inc.
Meadowbrook Nursing Home
Medical Management Health & Rehab Center

Address 800 Patterson Road
2709 South Main Street 1067 Battlefield Parkway
360 South River Road 1350 East Church Street
205 Road Runner Boulevard
788 Indian Trail Road 2255 Anthony Road
633 Falls Road 2645 Whiting Street N.W.
307 Jones Mill Road 113 Spring Valley Drive
3100 Savannah Hwy 26 Tower Road
4000 Village View Drive 3850 Safehaven Drive
210 Collins Industrial Way 93 GA Hwy 19
2255 Frederica Road 2000 Warm Springs Road
2001 South Lee Street 22 Maple Ridge Drive SE
160 South 1st Avenue 4608 Lawrenceville
Highway 1509 Cedar Avenue

City LaFayette, GA Moultrie, GA
Fort Oglethorpe, GA Franklin, GA Jasper, GA LaFayette, GA Lilburn, GA Macon, GA Toccoa, GA Atlanta, GA
Statesboro, GA Jeffersonville, GA
Jesup, GA Marietta, GA Gainesville, GA Lawrenceville, GA Lawrenceville, GA Lumber City, GA St. Simons Island,
GA Columbus, GA Americus, GA Cartersville, GA
McRae, GA Tucker, GA Macon, GA

Zip Code 30728 31768 30742 30217 30143 30728 30047 31204 30577 30318 30458 31044
31545 30060 30506 30044 30043 31549 31522 31904 31709 30121 31055 30084 31204


Name Miller Nursing Home
Molena Health & Rehab
Mountain View Health Care
Muscogee Manor and Rehab Center
New Horizons Limestone
New London Health Center
NHC Healthcare - Rossville
NHC of Fort Oglethorpe
Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehab
Nursecare of Buckhead
Oaks Health Center at The Marshes of Skidaway Oakview Health and Rehabilitation Orchard Health and Rehabilitation Palmyra Nursing Home
Parkside at Hutcheson
Peachbelt Health & Rehab Center
Pinewood Manor
Pinewood Nursing Center
Pleasant View Nursing Center
Presbyterian Village
Ridgewood Manor Health and Rehabilitation
Roberta Health and Rehab
Rockdale Healthcare Center
Rockmart Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Rosemont Of Stone
Mountain Rosewood Nursing Center
Ross Memorial Health Care Center
Roswell Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Sadie G. Mays Health and Rehabilitation Center Savannah Beach Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Address 206 Grace Street 185 Hill Street
547 Warwoman Road 7150 Manor Road
2020 Beverly Road NE 2020 McGee Road
1425 McFarland Avenue 2403 Battlefield Parkway 1500 South Johnson Ferry
R 2920 Pharr Court South,
N.W 95 Skidaway Island Park
Road 960 Highland Avenue
1321 Pulaski School Road
1904 Palmyra Road 110 Park City Road 801 Elberta Road
277 Commerce Street 433 North McGrift Street
475 Washington Street
2000 East-West Connector 1110 Burleyson Drive
420 Myrtle Drive 1510 Renaissance Drive NE
528 Hunter Street
5160 Spring View Avenue
2795 Finney Circle 1780 Old Highway 41 N.W.
1109 Green Street
1821 Anderson Avenue, N.W
90 Van Horne Street

City Colquitt, GA Molena, GA Clayton, GA
Columbus, GA
Gainesville, GA Snellville, GA Rossville, GA Fort Oglethorpe, GA Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Savannah, GA
Summerville, GA
Pulaski, GA
Albany, GA Rossville, GA Warner Robins, GA
Hawkinsville, GA Whigham, GA Metter, GA
Austell, GA Dalton, GA
Roberta, GA Conyers, GA Rockmart, GA
Stone Mountain, GA
Macon, GA Kennesaw, GA
Roswell, GA
Atlanta, GA
Tybee Island, GA

Zip Code 39837 30258 30525 31907
30501 30078 30741 30742 30319
31701 30741 31093
31036 39897 30439
30106 30720
31078 30012 30153
31217 30152


Name Shady Acres Health and Rehabilitation Shamrock Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Smith Medical Nursing Care Center Southern Traditions
Southland Care Center
Sparta Health Care Center
Spring Harbor at Green Island
Summerhill Senior Community
Summerhill Senior Community- Veranda West Summit Health and Rehab
Sylvester Health Care
Tattnall Healthcare Center
The Oaks at Limestone
The Oaks at Scenic View
The Oaks of Carrollton
The Retreat
Thomson Health and Rehabilitation Center Townsend Park Health and
Rehabilitation Treutlen County Health and
Rehabilitation Twin Fountains Home
Twin View Health Care Center
Unihealth Post Acute Care Marietta
UniHealth Post Acute CareAthens Heritage
UniHealth Post-Acute Care - Greenville
Union County Nursing Home
University Extended Care Westwood, Inc.
University Nursing & Rehabilitation
UPAC Savannah
Warrenton Health and Rehabilitation Center

Address 1310 West Gordon Street
1634 Telfair Street
501 East McCarty Street
144 Depot Street 606 Simmons Street 11744 Highway 22 100 Spring Harbor Drive
500 Stanley Street
500 Stanley Street
2 Three Mile Road 104 Monk Street 142 Memorial Drive 2560 Flintridge Road 205 Peach Orchard Road 921 Old Newnan Road Jasper Memorial Hospital 511 Mount Pleasant Road
196 North Dixie Avenue
2249 College Street North
1400 Hogansville Road 211 Mathis Avenue
50 Saine Drive
960 Hawthorne Avenue
99 Hillhaven Road
550 Hospital Circle 561 University Drive
180 Epps Bridge Road
12825 White Bluff Road 813 Atlanta Highway

City Douglas, GA
Dublin, GA
Sandersville, GA
Buchanan, GA Dublin, GA Sparta, GA
Columbus, GA
Perry, GA
Perry, GA
Rome, GA Sylvester, GA Reidsville, GA Gainesville, GA Baldwin, GA Carrollton, GA Monticello, GA Thomson, GA
Cartersville, GA
Soperton, GA
LaGrange, GA Twin City, GA
Marietta, GA
Athens, GA
Greenville, GA
Blairsville, GA Evans, GA
Athens, GA
Savannah, GA Warrenton, GA


Zip Code 31533
30113 31021 31087 31904
30165 31791 30453 30501 30511 30117 31064 30824
30240 30471
30512 30809
31419 30828

Name Wellstar Paulding Nursing
Center Westbury Health and Rehab
Center Westminster Commons
Wildwood Health Care Inc
Winthrop Health and Rehab
Wood Dale Health and Rehabilitation
Woodland Health Care and Rehabilitation Center
Wrightsville Nursing Home
Wynfield Park Health and Rehabilitation
Zebulon Park Health & Rehabilitation

Address 600 West Memorial Drive
1420 Milstead Road
560 St. Charles Avenue, N.E
184 Pin Hook Road 12 Chateau Drive 1102 Burleyson Drive
625 North Coastal Highway 1
337 West Court Street 223 West 3rd Avenue
343 Plantation Way

City Dallas, GA
Conyers, GA
Atlanta, GA Talking Rock, GA
Rome, GA Dalton, GA
Midway, GA
Wrightsville, GA Albany, GA
Macon, GA

Zip Code 30132
30308 30175 30161 30720
31096 31701


Name A G Rhodes Health and Rehab - Wesley Woods
Amara Healthcare and Rehabilitation
Bethany Nursing Center of Millen
Brandon Wilde Pavilion

Address 1819 Clifton Road, N.E.
2021 Scott Road
466 South Gray Street 4275 Owens Road

City Atlanta, GA
Augusta, GA
Millen, GA Evans, GA

Zip Code 30329
30442 30809

Brentwood Health and Rehabilitation
Budd Terrace at Wesley Woods
Camellia Health and Rehabilitation
Chaplinwood Nursing Home

115 Brentwood Drive 1833 Clifton Road, N.E.
700 East Long Street 325 Allen Memorial Drive

Waynesboro, GA Atlanta, GA Claxton, GA
Milledgeville, GA

30830 30329 30417 31061

Chatsworth Health Care Center
CHC Woodstock Nursing and Rehabilitation
Christian City Convalescent Center
Coastal Manor

102 Hospital Drive 105 Arnold Mill Road
7300 Lester Road 128 Coastal Manor Drive SE

Chatsworth, GA Woodstock, GA Union City, GA
Ludowici, GA

30705 30188 30291 31316

Cordele Health & Rehabilitation
Crossview Care Center

1106 North 4th Street 402 East Bay Street

Cordele, GA Pineview, GA

31015 31071


Douglasville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, LLC
Evergreen Health and Rehab
Fifth Avenue Health Care Center
Fountainview Center for Alzheimers Disease
Heritage Healthcare of Macon
Lake City Nursing and Rehabilitation
Life Care Center of Lawrenceville
Magnolia Manor - West

4028 Highway 5
139 Moran Lake Road
505 North 5th Avenue 2631 North Druid Hills
Road 2255 Anthony Road
2055 Rex Road 210 Collins Industrial Way
2000 Warm Springs Road

Douglasville, GA Rome, GA Rome, GA Atlanta, GA Macon, GA
Lake City, GA Lawrenceville, GA
Columbus, GA

Magnolia Manor Methodist Nursing Center
Maple Ridge Health Care Center
McRae Manor Nursing Home, Inc.
Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehab
Nursecare of Buckhead
Oakview Health and Rehabilitation
Orchard Health and Rehabilitation
Powder Springs Nursing and Rehab Center Presbyterian Village

2001 South Lee Street

Americus, GA

22 Maple Ridge Drive SE 160 South 1st Avenue

Cartersville, GA McRae, GA

1500 South Johnson Ferry R
2920 Pharr Court South, N.W
960 Highland Avenue

Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Summerville, GA

1321 Pulaski School Road

Pulaski, GA

3460 Powder Springs Road Powder Springs, GA

2000 East-West Connector

Austell, GA

Ridgewood Manor Health and Rehabilitation
River Towne Center

1110 Burleyson Drive 5131 Warm Springs Road

Dalton, GA Columbus, GA

Riverdale Place
Rosemont Of Stone Mountain
Roswell Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Signature Healthcare of Buckhead
Sparta Health Care Center
Summerhill Senior Community
Summerhill Senior Community- Veranda West
Tattnall Healthcare Center

315 Upper Riverdale Road 5160 Spring View Avenue
1109 Green Street 54 Peachtree Park Drive
11744 Highway 22 500 Stanley Street 500 Stanley Street
142 Memorial Drive

Riverdale, GA Stone Mountain, GA
Roswell, GA Atlanta, GA
Sparta, GA Perry, GA Perry, GA Reidsville, GA


30135 30161 30165 30329
31204 30260 30043
31904 31709 30121 31055 30319 30305 30747 30451 30127 30106 30720 31909 30274 30083 30075 30309 31087 31069 31609 30453

Thomson Health and Rehabilitation Center
Townsend Park Health and Rehabilitation
Traditions Health and Rehab Center
UniHealth Post-Acute Care Old Capital
University Extended Care Westwood, Inc.
UPAC Savannah
Warrenton Health and Rehabilitation Center
Wellstar Paulding Nursing Center
Westbury Health and Rehabilitation Center of
Westminster Commons
Wood Dale Health and Rehabilitation
Woodland Health Care and Rehabilitation Center

511 Mount Pleasant Road 196 North Dixie Avenue 2816 Evans Mill Road 310 Highway 1 Bypass 561 University Drive 12825 White Bluff Road 813 Atlanta Highway 600 West Memorial Drive 198 Hampton Street
560 St. Charles Avenue, N.E
1102 Burleyson Drive 625 North Coastal Highway

Thomson, GA Cartersville, GA
Lithonia, GA Louisville, GA
Evans, GA Savannah, GA Warrenton, GA
Dallas, GA McDonough, GA
Atlanta, GA Dalton, GA Midway, GA


Name A 1 Belinda Winfrey PCH

Address 1833 Empress Court

City Augusta, GA

A Better Home Care

2700 Stancil Boulevard

Jonesboro, GA

A Home for Mom and Dad
A Loving Heart Personal Care Home
A Place for Comfort

2560 Johnson Drive 3437 Gebhart Court
1766 Big Valley Lane

A Touch of Home for the Elderly
AAA Holly House Abundant Living Personal
Care Adam and Eve Personal
Care Home
Adonis Personal Care Home

503 East Jefferson Street 1680 Northwoods Drive 883 Roy Woods Road 5169 Covington Highway 1409 Greenview Way

Doraville, GA Hephzibah, GA
Stone Mountain, GA
Americus, GA
Marietta, GA Comer, GA
Decatur, GA
Lawrenceville, GA

Agape Living
Agape Personal Care Home of Macon LLC
Akinson Residential and Community Healthcare

1840 Phinizy Road 4732 Sgoda Road
5153 Grovefield Place

Augusta, GA Macon, GA
Lithonia, GA


30824 30120 30058 30434 30809 31419 30828 30132 30253
30308 30720 31320
Zip Code 30906 30326 30340 30815 30083 31709 30066 30629 30035 30044 30906 31217 30038

Name Services Alberta Gregory Personal Care Home Alero Personal Care Home
Inc All Partners In Care
All Season Personal Care Home
Alzheimers Care of Commerce
Amazing Grace Personal Care Home
Amazing Grace Personal Care Home #2 - Augusta
Amelia Gardens I

Address 2102 Kennedy Drive 230 Trelawny Circle
2266 Stone Drive 55 Hickory Circle 200 Bolton Drive 206 Reynolds Street 1307 Cabana Court 545 Toonigh Road

City Augusta, GA Covington, GA Lilburn, GA Carrollton, GA Commerce, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Woodstock, GA

Amelia Gardens II
Andras AA Personal Care Home
Angel 2 Angel TLC

2030 Bascomb Carmel Road
1736 Jenkins Street
2644 Dogwood Drive

Woodstock, GA Augusta, GA Valdosta, GA

Angels Care Personal Care Home
Angels Royal Gardens Personal Care Home Anna P's Personal Care
Annette Holleys Personal Care Home #2
Anns Phenomenal Care Home
Anointed Hands PCH
Antebellum Grove Assisted Living
Anthonys Personal Care Home
Antias Tender Touch

2620 Richmond Hill Road
7752 Marabou Lane 25 Clarion Court
4515 Colonial Road 2102 Hillsinger Road 3193 Old Monroe Madison
H 1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
2329 Cadden Road 725 Fincher Road

Augusta, GA Riverdale, GA Covington, GA Martinez, GA Augusta, GA Monroe, GA Warner Robins, GA Augusta, GA Covington, GA

Apache Personal Care Home
Arbor Terrace at Cascade
Arbor Terrace at Tucker
Arbor Terrace at West Cobb

3135 Apache Drive 1001 Research Center
5844 Highway 29 3829 Floyd Road

Columbus, GA Atlanta, GA Tucker, GA Austell, GA

Aryoak PCH

425 Ryoaks Drive

Hampton, GA


Zip Code 30904 30016 30047 30116 30529 30901 30909 30188 30189 30904 31602 30906 30274 30016 30907 30904 30655 31088 30906 30016 31909 30331 30084 30106 30228

Name Ashley Manor Personal
Care Home Atherton Place
Atria Buckhead
Augusta Gardens Retirement Residence Autumn Breeze Assisted
Living Autumn House
Autumn Square Personal Care Home
Autumn Terrace II
Autumn Terrace III
Autumn Years
Averett's Personal Care Home
Avondale Assisted Living at Kensington
Avondale Assisted Living at Northlake
Avondale Homes at Tucker
Azalea Estates
Azalea House
Baptist Village Lake Park
Barbara Ray Halls Personal Care Home
Bargerons Personal Care Home
Beasley's Personal Care Home
Belair at Macon, The
Bellevue Manor
Belmont Village
Bentley Assisted Living at Northminster
Bessie Maes Personal Care Home
BestCare Assisted Living
Bethany Assisted Living, Inc.
Bethel Gardens Senior Living
Betty Saxons Personal Care Home
Betty's Personal Care Home

Address 532 Dickson Road
111 Tower Road 2848 Lenox Road 3725 Wheeler Road
2215 Old Hamilton Place
3059 Nottaway Court 2455 Oak Grove Church
Road 1026 Keith Drive 1026 Keith Drive 60 Massell Drive SE 1401 20th Street
3508 Kensington Road
3965 Gloucester Drive
2553 Sandpiper Drive 105 Autumn Glen Circle
1896 Ludovie Lane 763 Johnston Way 2638 Castletown Drive
2903 Milledgeville Road
310 South 3rd Street
4901 Harrison Road 903 A Bellevue Avenue 5455 Glenridge Drive
50 Sumner Way
910 Quaker Road Drive
2775 Cruse Road; #1401 1400 Northeast Main Street
3805 Jackson Way
1125 Piney Grove Road
17 Arabian Trail

City Marietta, GA
Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA Augusta, GA
Gainesville, GA
Chamblee, GA Carrollton, GA
Perry, GA Perry, GA Cartersville, GA Columbus, GA
Decatur, GA
Tucker, GA
Tucker, GA Fayetteville, GA
Decatur, GA Lake Park, GA Hephzibah, GA
Augusta, GA
Stillmore, GA
Macon, GA Dublin, GA Atlanta, GA Jefferson, GA
Waynesboro, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Vidalia, GA
Powder Springs, GA
Augusta, GA
Swainsboro, GA


Zip Code 30066
30060 30324 30909
30341 30117
31069 31069 30121 31901
30084 30215 30033 31636 30815
31206 31021 30342 30549
30044 30474

Name Blair House Senior Living
Community Blair Sunshine Home, The
Bless To The Max
Blossom Personal Care Home
Bradley Place
Brians Personal Care Home
Briceland Personal Care Home
Brickhaven Assisted Living
Bright Way Personal Care Home
Brighter Beginning PCH
Brighter Day PCH
Brighter Mornings at the Shoals
Brightmoor Assisted Living
Brighton Gardens of Buckhead
Brittany House at Benson Heights
Brittany's Place Assisted Living
Broderick Personal Care Home
Brookdale Place of Augusta
Brooks Home Care
Brookside Glen
Brown Personal Care Home
Bryants of Peace Personal Care Home
Buckingham South
Burst of Joy
Burton Homecare Assisted Living
Burton Homecare Assisted Living
C & G Care Whispers
Cambridge Farms Assisted Living
Camden Place Assisted Living
Cameron Hall of Ellijay
Camilla Retirement Home

Address 684 Arlington Place

City Macon, GA

69 Taylor Trail 5870 GA Highway 57
2494 Lillies Trace
418 Park Avenue North 3010 Deerfield Way
1380 West Poplar Street

Wrightsville, GA Gordon, GA Dacula, GA
Tifton, GA Rex, GA Griffin, GA

1807 12th Avenue 8829 Hamilton Road

Albany, GA Pine Mountain, GA

800 Chapel Hill Drive 2720 Colorado Street 7456 Highway 82 Spur

Lawrenceville, GA Columbus, GA Maysville, GA

3223 Newnan Road 3088 Lenox Road

Griffin, GA Atlanta, GA

1788 Sandy Plains Road

Marietta, GA

141 Denis Drive

Jeffersonville, GA

114 Chapel Street

Greensboro, GA

326 Boy Scout Road 2408 Mims Road
400 Bradley Park Drive 554 Idlewood Road 339 Marshall Street

Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Columbus, GA Waynesboro, GA Martinez, GA

5450 Abercorn Street 396 7th Avenue SE 21 Ivywood Drive

Savannah, GA Cairo, GA Hull, GA

447 Reese Street

Athens, GA

841 Overlook Trail 4040 Webb Bridge Road

Monroe, GA Alpharetta, GA

115 Dodd Circle

Statesboro, GA

114 Penland Street 161 East Broad Street

Ellijay, GA Camilla, GA


Zip Code 31201
31096 31031 30019
31794 30273 30223
31707 31822
30045 31906 30558
30224 30324
30909 30815 31904 30830 30907
31405 39828 30646
30655 30005
30540 31730

Name Campbell-Stone Sandy
Springs Candler Ridge II
Cannonwood Village
Care Givers & More Elderly Care Services Carehouse SSHINE LLC Personal Care Home
Caring 4 U
Caring 4 You
Caring Hands Assisted Living
Caring Hearts PCH
Caring Hearts PCH #2
Carlyle Place - Cambridge Court
Carols Place
Carolyn's II
Carolyn's Personal Care Home
Carriage House of Royal Southern Plantation
Cecil Rice Personal Care Home
Cedar Hill Senior Living Community
Cedar Personal Care Home
Celestial Care Services
Chambrel at Roswell
Champeunes Personal Care Home
Charis Personal Care Home
Charms Personal Care Home
Chelsea House
Cherokee Angel PCH #3
Chestnut Manor Personal Care Home
Choice Care Assisted Living Inc.
Christian Care Home #2
Church Street Manor
Churchill Manor

Address 350 Carpenter Drive, NE
1205 Nunnally Drive 2834 Old US Highway 441
S 6602 Shucraft Road
166 Alfred Payne Road
1508 Jonathan Place 4945 Golden Circle 1741 Highway 138
430 South Broad Street 10 Dial Road
5300 Zebulon Road
2662 Barclay Street 202 East Adair Street
525 Green Street
690 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
753 Mangham Road
402 East Ellawood Avenue
526 Cedar Street 6571 Valley Hill Drive 1000 Applewood Drive
3439 Rushing Road
1914 Skidaway Road 900 West Residence
Avenue 515 Carr Street 326 Heights Place 13 Chestnut Street
4930 Highway 20
114 Jacqueline Terrace 425 West Church Street
143 Mayfield Road

City Atlanta, GA
Monroe, GA Tiger, GA
Appling, GA
Danville, GA
Hephzibah, GA Mableton, GA Riverdale, GA
Monroe, GA Monroe, GA Macon, GA
Hephzibah, GA Valdosta, GA Valdosta, GA
Loganville, GA
Griffin, GA
Cedartown, GA
Oglethorpe, GA Mableton, GA Roswell, GA Augusta, GA
Savannah, GA Albany, GA
Augusta, GA Canton, GA Griffin, GA
Loganville, GA
Milledgeville, GA Swainsboro, GA Alpharetta, GA


Zip Code 30328
30655 30576
30815 30126 30296
30655 30658 31210
30815 31601 31601
31068 30126 30076 30906
31404 31701
30904 30114 30223
31061 30401 30009

Name Circle of Care Personal
Care Home Clarice Green Family PCH
Clary Care Center Coastal Assisted Living of
St. Marys Cobis Personal Care Home
College Manor Colonial Gardens of Warner
Robins #1 Colquitt Garden Manor
Comforters Comfy Personal Care Home
Cooper House AL Corinth Road Personal Care
Home Cornerstone Care Home
Cornerstone Care of Georgia PCH
Cornerstone Compassion Center, Inc.
Cornerstone Group Home Cornerstone Training and
Develop Cottage Landing Cottages on Wesleyan, The Cottonfields Manor Personal Care Home Country Gardens Assisted
Living Country Haven Retirement
Center Country Heritage II
Country Living Personal Care Home
Country Manor Estates Countryside Personal Care
Home Covenant Care Hamptom
Covenant Care Lane Covenant Care Tisbury
Covenant Woods Coventry Place

Address 3731 Fairington Drive
1220 Dogwood Road North 249 Hospital Drive
1020 McDowell Street
7200 Manor Road 205 West College Street 903 West Highway 96
498 5th Street SE 2753 Trail Creek Circle 2460 Skylars Mill Way 2213 Augusta Highway
1141 Corinth Road
594 Shannon Way 1152 Nimblewood Way
420 Warren Road
919 Lawyers Lane 919 Lawyers Lane
150 Cottage Lane 1633 Wesleyan Drive 55 Plantation Drive
19 Hillcrest Circle
120 Country Haven Lane
5761 Conner Road
5841 Maysville Road
1487 Allen Road 236 Lawson Hall Drive
120 West Tisbury Lane 141 West Tisbury Lane 126 West Tisbury Lane 5424 Woodruff Farm Road 2806 North Decatur Road

City Hephzibah, GA
Woodville, GA Toccoa, GA St. Marys, GA
Columbus, GA Griffin, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Moultrie, GA Lithia Springs, GA
Snellville, GA Lincolnton, GA
Newnan, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Stone Mountain, GA Augusta, GA
Columbus, GA Columbus, GA
Carrollton, GA Macon, GA
Stockbridge, GA
Butler, GA
Ringgold, GA
Flowery Branch, GA
Commerce, GA
Macon, GA Waynesboro, GA
Pooler, GA Pooler, GA Pooler, GA Columbus, GA Decatur, GA


Zip Code 30815
30669 30577 31558
31907 30224 31088
31768 30122 30078 30817 30263
30044 30088
31906 31906
30117 31210 30281
31216 30830
31322 31322 31322 31907 30033

Name Cozy Manor Personal Care
Crabapple Hall
Cumming Manor Personal Care
Cunningham's PCH
Daisy Vincent Personal Care Home #2
Davis Elderly Care
Deep Springs Personal Care Home
Delmar Gardens of Gwinnett
Denards Personal Care Home
Denita Care PCH
Dennis and Dilsie Adult Care Home
Destinys Home of Comfort Personal Care Home
Devine Trinity Personal Care Home
Diane's House II PCH
Diane's House Personal Care
Divine Care 1962
Divine Care Assisted Living
Divine Love Personal Care Home
Dogwood Bluff Personal Care Home
Dogwood Forest of Alpharetta
Dogwood Forest of Dunwoody
Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dogwood Forest of Gainesville
Dogwood Gardens Senior Living
Dominion Assisted Living
Dry Lake Personal Care Home
Duncan McRae House
Dynamic Personal Care Home

Address 706 North Main Street
200 Pine Valley Drive 2775 Castleberry Road
195 Bristlecone Court 2342 Windsor Spring Road
5275 Hereford Farm Road 20 Deep Springs Way
3100 Club Drive
173 N. Hulin Avenue
1616 Flat Shoals Road 217 St. Andrew Street
2529 Crosscreek Road
29 Oak Street
5283 Winding Glen Drive 2038 Mallard Way
1962 Neptune Drive 605 Georgia Avenue 943 Falling Creek Drive
266 Pony Lake Lane
253 North Main Street
7400 Peachtree Dunwoody R
1294 Highway 54 West
3315 Thompson Bridge Road
1222 Plaza Avenue
3645-A Cusseta Road 4829 Dry Lake Road
129 South Railroad Avenue 3363 Luxembourg Circle

City LaFayette, GA
Alpharetta, GA Cumming, GA
Winterville, GA Augusta, GA
Evans, GA Covington, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Tignall, GA
College Park, GA Sylvania, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Hinesville, GA
Lithonia, GA Lithonia, GA Augusta, GA Washington, GA Macon, GA
Dahlonega, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Fayetteville, GA
Gainesville, GA
Eastman, GA
Columbus, GA Dixie, GA
Mount Vernon, GA Decatur, GA


Zip Code 30728
30009 30040
30683 30906
30809 30016
30044 30668 30349 30467
30038 30058 30906 30673 31220
31903 31629
30445 30034

Name East Georgia Personal Care
Home II Easy Living Personal Care
Home Echols Personal Care Home
Eddie's Care Home Eden Personal Care Home
Edgewood of Monticello Elaine Miller Personal Care
Home Elaines Personal Care
Home Elaines Personal Care
Home II Ellens Personal Care Home Elmcroft at Milford Chase
Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Emerald City Lodge Emerald Isles PCH Emeritus at Flint River Memory Care Community Emeritus at Newnan
Emeritus at Sandy Springs Emeritus at Sandy Springs
Place Emeritus at Vinings
Emory Senior Living
enAble of Georgia at Barrington
enAble of Georgia at Benjamin E. Mays enAble of Georgia at
Branchwood enAble of Georgia at
Crabapple enAble of Georgia at Denna
Drive enAble of Georgia at East
Hembree enAble of Georgia at Pine
Grove Enchanted Lives Personal
Care Home Ettas House

Address 1371 West Peachtree
Avenue 2688 Nub Garland Road
5266 Lexington Road 2613 US Hwy 84 East 2438 Swan Lake Drive
1178 College Street 5413 Old Augusta Highway
626 East Riverbend Drive
186 Lockring Drive
3229 Old Louisville Road 1345 Milford Church Road
7493 Mount Zion Boulevard
103 Terrace Drive 1402 Shadowbrook Drive 250 Water Tower Court
355 Millard Farmer Industrial
1260 Hightower Trail 1262 Hightower Trail
2401 Cumberland Parkway S
2795 Scenic Highway 124 1070 Barrington Lane Court
2729 Benjamin E. Mays Drive
2864 Branchwood Drive
10500 Crabapple Road
130 Denna Drive
805 East Hembree Crossing
540 Pine Grove
3613 Larkspur Drive
1682 Pharr Road


City Union Point, GA
Toccoa, GA
Rayle, GA Valdosta, GA Grayson, GA Monticello, GA Grovetown, GA
Lilburn, GA Lilburn, GA
Augusta, GA Marietta, GA Jonesboro, GA Dublin, GA Marietta, GA Macon, GA
Newnan, GA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA Snellville, GA Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA
East Point, GA
Roswell, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Roswell, GA
Roswell, GA
Augusta, GA
Snellville, GA

Zip Code 30669
30660 31606 30017 31064 30813
30047 30047
30906 30008 30236 31021 30062 31210
30263 30350 30350
30309 30078 30076

Name Evans Personal Care Home Evans Personal Care Home Evening Sun Personal Care

Address 3680 Highway 15 South
426 Liberty Street 1392 Colony East Circle

Evergreen Terrace
Fairhaven Assisted Living Residence
Faith Dwellings

53 Northwoods Drive 1550 Glynco Parkway
4666 Randalwood Drive

Faith Hope and Grace Home
Faith Landing Personal Care Home
Faith Personal Care Home

279 Cab Drive 1215 Hale Street 3623 Mecklinburg Place

Faithfully Yours PCH

2512 Melville Avenue

Falcon Crest Manor

111 Epps Street

Falling Angels Two Assisted Living
FAM Personal Care Home

4 Tahoe Drive 5618 Wellborn Creek Drive

FAM1 Personal Care Home 294 Tanners Bridge Road

Family Affair Personal Care Home
Family Pampering Center PCH #1
Fellowship Assisted Living

525 Carlton Road 2180 Surrey Trail 277 Medical Way

Felton Manor

16 Roving Road

First Love Personal Care Home #1
First Love Personal Care Home #2
Fite Living Centre

2403 Wrightsboro Road 2734 Milledgeville Road
5 Fite Street

Five Ponds Personal Care Home
Florence Jeffersons T.L.C.

4688 Windsor Spring Road 4357 Seago Road

Foothills II Retirement Home
Foothills Retirement Home I
Frances B. Bell Personal Care Home
Franciscan Woods

264 Myers Chance Road 264 Myers Chance Road 106 Joiner-Oglesby Road
2425 Williams Road

Free Love Personal Care Home
Freedom House Augusta PCH
Freeman Personal Care Home

3668 Ellington Airline Road 2006 Sibley Road 1945 15th Street


City Siloam, GA Gray, GA Stone Mountain,
GA Dahlonega, GA Brunswick, GA
Stone Mountain, GA
Sylvania, GA
Waynesboro, GA
Decatur, GA Decatur, GA Gordon, GA Savannah, GA
Lithonia, GA Bethlehem, GA Palmetto, GA
College Park, GA
Riverdale, GA Cartersville, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Cartersville, GA Hephzibah, GA
Hephzibah, GA Dahlonega, GA
Dahlonega, GA
Sardis, GA
Columbus, GA Dearing, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA

Zip Code 30665 31032 30083
30533 31525
30083 30467
30032 30032 31031 31405
30058 30620 30268
30274 30121 30904
30120 30815
30815 30533
31909 30808

Name Fulcher - Nations Personal
Care Home
G & M Personal Care Home
G and E Assisted Living Home
G.S.E. Gantt Personal Care Home
Garden of Eden Personal Care Home
Garden Of Love
Garden View Retirement Assisted Living, Inc.
Gardens at Royal Oaks
Gardners Personal Care Home
Garrett Manor
Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home
Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home II
Gentle Services In Home Care
Georgia Living Center
Gladys Hood Personal Care Home
Gods Child Personal Care Home
Gold City Personal Care Home
Golden Crest Assisted Living - Eagles Landing
Golden Days Quality Care Home
Golden Life Christian Centers
Golden Living Community of Augusta
Golden Living Community of Augusta #2
Golden Personal Care Home I
Golden Personal Care Home II
Golden Pond Assisted Living Center
Golden Retreat
Golden Royal Orchards PCH

Address 2020 Edgar Street 1635 Stephenson Road 2260 Highway 77 South 3834 Fairington Drive 1573 Jett Roberts Road 2208 Woodward Avenue 6134 College Avenue 1218 Broadrick Drive 2024 Wrightsboro Road 339 Marshall Street 1029 Mosley Road 1015 Mosley Road 7363 Ovis Court 182 Head Avenue 4820 McComb Road 3719 Colbert Street 350 Moores Drive 425 Country Club Drive 940 Knollwood Road 2330 Ruby Drive 2237 Lee Street 2237 Lee Street 257 Golden Road 257 Golden Road 8167 Eisenhower Parkway 503 South Goodman Street 5112 Kelly Drive

City Augusta, GA Lithonia, GA Greensboro, GA Hephzibah, GA Jefferson, GA Augusta, GA Blackshear, GA Dalton, GA Augusta, GA Martinez, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Riverdale, GA Tallapoosa, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Dahlonega, GA Stockbridge, GA Mineral Bluff, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Eastman, GA Eastman, GA Lizella, GA Sparks, GA Cohutta, GA

Zip Code 30904 30058 30642 30815 30549 30906 31516 30720 30901 30907 30906 30906 30274 30176 30815 30906 30533 30281 30559 30906 30904 30904 31023 31023 31052 31647 30710

Name Golden Rule Personal Care
Home Golden Services Personal
Care Home Golden South Golden South II Golff Personal Care Home Gospel Water Branch Elderly Housing, Inc. Grace Manor Gracemont Assisted Living Gracemont Assisted Living Graces House Graces House Two Gracey Manor Gramps N Grannies I Gramps N Grannies II Great Day PCH Greater Care Services PCH Greater Columbus Protective Care PCH Green Meadows PCH Corp Griffin Manor Gro Shady Oaks Grosvenor Personal Care
Home Guardian Angel Habersham House Senior
Residence Halls Personal Care Home
of Evans Hapeville Manor Assisted
Living Happy Grove Cottage
Harison Heights
Harold Avenue PCH Harpers Personal Care
Home Harris House Inc. Haven of Tender Loving
Care Hearthstone of Roswell
Heavenly Arms

Address 2342 Dorn Road
930 West Magnolia Street
705 Denham Road 705 Denham Road 439 Drexell Avenue 672 King Taylor Road
405 North Ridge Avenue 4960 Jot-Em-Down Road 4940 Jot-Em-Down Road
2 River Street 5 Raintree Drive SE 3400 Youth Monroe Road 500 North Houston Road 502 North Houston Road 2604 Whittier Place 4265 Parkwood Drive 2425 Third Avenue
155 Abney Road 207 West College Street
310 Chestnut Street 4556 Central Drive
178 Green Street 5200 Habersham Street
4528 Hereford Farm Road
601 Coleman Street
2809 Club Forest Drive 3648 Walton Way Extension
1969 Harold Avenue 186 Bootlegger Lane
605 South Lee Street 407 W Moore Street
350 Market Place 2764 1/2 Tobacco Road

City Augusta, GA
Valdosta, GA
Sycamore, GA Sycamore, GA
Millen, GA Evans, GA
Tifton, GA Cumming, GA Cumming, GA Cave Spring, GA Silver Creek, GA Loganville, GA Warner Robins, GA Warner Robins, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Columbus, GA
Cochran, GA Griffin, GA Dalton, GA Stone Mountain,
GA Winder, GA Savannah, GA
Evans, GA
Hapeville, GA
Conyers, GA Augusta, GA
Smyrna, GA Washington, GA
Fitzgerald, GA Dublin, GA
Roswell, GA Hephzibah, GA


Zip Code 30906
31790 31790 30442 30809
31794 30041 30041 30124 30173 30052 31093 31093 30815 30906 31901
31014 30224 30721 30083
30680 31405
30013 30909
30080 30673
31750 31021
30075 30815

Name Heavenly Hands
Helping Hands Assisted Living LLC
Helping Hands Personal Care Home 2
Heritage Care Home
Heritage House
Heritage Inn Retirement Center
Heritage of Brookstone
Hickey Personal Care Home
Higher Living Personal Care Home
Highland Circle Personal Care Home
Highland Manor
Hills House Personal Care Home
Hilltop House Personal Care Home Hollis House
Home Away From Home Personal Care Homes Home of Love Personal Care Home Home Sweet Home Personal Care Home
Homeplace Senior Living Memory Care Community Hopewell Assisted Living
Horizon Bay
Horizon Bay - Vibrant Retirement Living House of Angels
House of Angels II
House of Angels Personal Care Home
House of Lord Home Care
House of Naum Personal Care Home, The
House of Paradise Assisted Living, LLC
House of Prosperity
House of Refuge

Address 3365 Tanglewood Drive
525 Highway 24 East
6260 Mozart Drive
108 West 3rd Street 811 Bellevue Avenue
14901 River Street
5235 Stilesboro Road N.W. 515 Thomas Drive 650 Main Street
1028 Highland Circle
903 B Bellevue Avenue 4745 Mike Padgett Highway
1208 West Gordon Street
407 Boulevard 8412 Red Cedar Way
2188 Fairway Circle, SW
2459 Dublin Drive
345 Pearl Bates Avenue
1945 Old Concord Drive 180 Woodrow Wilson Way
530 Northside Drive
420 Lavender Road 260 General Daniels
Avenue 3554 Evangeline Drive
3802 MacLand Road 2880 Olive Grove Church
Ro 42 East Calhoun Street
3702 Willow Bend Run 452 Cason Road

City Augusta, GA Milledgeville, GA
Riverdale, GA
Ocilla, GA Dublin, GA Blakely, GA
Kennesaw, GA Martinez, GA Warrenton, GA
Conyers, GA
Dublin, GA Augusta, GA
Quitman, GA
LaGrange, GA Riverdale, GA
Atlanta, GA
Augusta, GA
Eastman, GA
Covington, GA Rome, GA
Carrollton, GA
Athens, GA Danielsville, GA
Augusta, GA
Hiram, GA Roberta, GA
Wadley, GA
Columbus, GA Cedartown, GA


Zip Code 30909 31061
31774 31021 39823
30152 30907 30828
31021 30906
30240 30274
30016 30165 30117
30606 30633 30906
30141 31078
31907 30125

Name Humming Birds Personal
Care Home Idris Twins Personal Care
Home IJN Adult Personal Care
Home - Atlanta In Loving Hands Care
Inez Thomas Personal Care Home
Inez Thomas Personal Care Home #2
Irene Johnson Personal Care Home
Isaac Haven Assisted Living Center Ivy Hall North
Ivy Springs Retirement Cottage
Ivydale Personal Care Home
Izes of an Angel
J R & C Assisted Living Center
Jabez Assisted Living II
Jackson Falls
Jacksons Personal Care Home
Jamestown Personal Care Home
Jane Smiths Personal Care Home
Jinks Personal Care Home
John Wesley Villas
Johnnie E. Christmas Manor
Johns Helping Hands
Jones Manor
Jones Personal Care Home
Jonesboro Assisted Living
Jordan Personal Care Home
Joseph Home of Comfort PCH
Joyce Graves PCH
Joyland Personal Care Home
Joyland Phase II

Address 2124 Harding Road
3778 Burnt Leaf Lane
1949 Vicki Lane
9343 Thomas Road 3406 Richmond Hill Road
3405 Richmond Hill Road Ea
5018 Kennedy Street
1939 Isaac Watkins Road
5690 State Bridge Road 1408 Spring Street SE
1836 South Main Street
1431 Perry Avenue 2195 Waynesboro Highway
339 E A Taylor Road 7579 Covington Highway
2377 Dublin Drive
300 Green Street
1809 Mavis Street
609 Perham Street 5471 Thomaston Road 3891 Manor House Drive
2903 Larkspur Drive 339 Marshall Street
1618 Cider Lane 2620 Highway 138 S. E.
1910 Sagemont Drive 3908 Fairington Drive
8488 Webb Road 430 West Broad Street
418 Meriwether Street

City Augusta, GA
Snellville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Jonesboro, GA Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Columbus, GA
Montrose, GA
Alpharetta, GA Smyrna, GA
Moultrie, GA Augusta, GA Hiltonia, GA
Crawfordville, GA Lithonia, GA Augusta, GA
Fort Valley, GA
Augusta, GA
Waycross, GA Macon, GA Marietta, GA Augusta, GA Martinez, GA Augusta, GA
Jonesboro, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA
Riverdale, GA Griffin, GA Griffin, GA


Zip Code 30906
30238 30906
30022 30080
31768 30901 30467
30631 30058 30906
31503 31220 30062 30906 30907 30906 30236 30906 30815
30274 30223 30223

Name Joys Manor PCH and
Assisted Living Juniper Street Personal Care
Home Kamga Personal Care Home
Kendrick Home
Kentwood Personal Care Home
Killian Hill Personal Care Home
Kimberly Assisted Living Home
Kind Hearts Personal Care
Kingdom Kare PCH I
Kingdom Kare PCH II
Kings Bridge Retirement Center
Kings Personal Kare Facility
Kingsford of Warner Robins
Kingsford Place
Krisscare Personal Care Home
L & R Personal Care
Lake Erma Assisted Living
Lake House Legion Lake
Lake Oconee Assisted Living Home IV
Lake Oconee Assisted Living Home V
Lake Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care Community Lake Springs
Lakeside Rest Home
Lakeview ITR Personal Care Home
Lakeview Manor
Lakeview Retirement Center
Langdale Place
Langston Assisted Living
Lanham Personal Care Home

Address 3442 Midway Road
1313 Juniper Street
2237 Winston Way 1016 Ell Street (B) 1227 West Wheeler
Parkway 1538 Killian Hill Road
700 West Memorial Drive
3676 Lee Road 105 Wilson Street 1061 Adrian Circle 3055 Briarcliff Road, N.E.
111 Elizabeth Way
851 Gunn Road
95 Progress Avenue 2793 Skyland Drive
14 Sharper Circle 103 West Main Street 2928 Legion Lake Road
108 Oak Street
2390 Veazey Road
45 Walnut Street
4355 South Lee Street 924 Crump Street 349 Shoreline Drive
1321 Price Mill Road 111 Stephens Avenue
2720 Windemer Drive 4646 Ruby Forrest Drive
2950 Old Highway #1

City Decatur, GA
LaGrange, GA
Augusta, GA Macon, GA Augusta, GA
Lilburn, GA
Dallas, GA
Snellville, GA Greensboro, GA Greensboro, GA
Atlanta, GA
Ellenwood, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Hawkinsville, GA Snellville, GA
Valdosta, GA Lakeland, GA Douglasville, GA Greensboro, GA
Greensboro, GA
Hartwell, GA
Buford, GA Swainsboro, GA Thomasville, GA
Madison, GA Baxley, GA
Valdosta, GA Stone Mountain,
GA Hephzibah, GA


Zip Code 30032
30906 31206 30909
30039 30642 30642 30329
30294 31093 31036 30078
31601 31635 30135 30642
30518 30401 31757
30650 31513 31602 30083 30815

Name Lanier Village Estates -
OakBridge Terrace
Lateishas Assisted Living Care II
Laties Personal Care Home
Laurel Creek Manor Assisted Living
Lazy-R Personal Care Center
Le'glen Personal Care Home
Leisure Living of LaGrange I
Lewis Family Care Home
Lewis Personal Care Home
Lifetime CLA
Lighthouse Personal Care Home
Lighthouse Personal Care Home, The
Longevity Personal Care Home
Longevity Personal Care Home #2
Lorraine Young Personal Care Home
Louise Lott Personal Care Home I
Lovelace Living Center
Loves Community Care Center
Loves Personal Care Facility
Loving Care Senior Citizen Home
Loving Grace Personal Care Home #1
Loving Hands
Loving Hearts Personal Care Home
Loving Life Personal Care Home
Loving Touch Ministries
Lucille Kylers Quality Care Personal Care Home
Luckeys Personal Care Home

Address 3950 Village View Drive
3268 Linton Road
9618 Brown Road 7955 Majors Road
81 Wellborn Street 2490 Boulder Springs Point
137 Parker Place 2870 Effingham Highway 317 West Lake Shore Drive
706 High Pointe Drive 1431 Brittain Road
206 Blue Mountain Parkway
1520-22 12th Street
2884 Lumpkin Road
2836 Tobacco Road
420 Colorado Street
4870 Farm Valley Drive 2366 Dublin Drive
2347 Amsterdam Drive 4225 Alton Street
1236 12th Street
233 Northstar Drive 10241 Deep Creek Place
2104 Sanders Road
1660 Hallmark Hills Drive 3231 Ware Road
3169 Highway 88

City Gainesville, GA
Sparta, GA
Jonesboro, GA Cumming, GA
Blairsville, GA Ellenwood, GA LaGrange, GA Sylvania, GA Martinez, GA
Winder, GA Douglasville, GA
Rocky Face, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Augusta, GA
Woodstock, GA Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA Columbus, GA
Augusta, GA
Columbus, GA Union City, GA
Augusta, GA
Griffin, GA Augusta, GA
Blythe, GA


Zip Code 30506
30238 30041
30512 30294 30240 30467 30907 30680 30134
30188 30906
30906 31903
31907 30291
30223 30909

Name Macks Personal Care Home
Macy Retirement Center
Madison House Assisted Living
Magnolia Estates of Elberton
Magnolia Estates of Oconee
Magnolia Estates of Winder
Magnolia Hills Retirement Home
Magnolia Lane
Magnolia Manor - On the Coast
Magnolia Manor - St. Marys
Magnolia Manor - St. Simons
Magnolia Manor South
Magnolia Place Inc.
Majestic Manor
Maliha Personal Care Home
Mapleview Personal Care Home #2
Mapleview Personal Care Home - 3
Marable Manor PCH
Maranatha Personal Care Home
Maries Adult Personal Care Home
Marks Personal Care Home
Mary and Marthas Personal Care Home
Mary Washington Personal Care Home
Mary's Haven Personal Care Home
Masters Personal Care Home
Matrel's Personal Care Home
Maya Assistant Living
McClendon Personal Care Home
McMullen Personal Care Home

Address 3603 Richdale Drive 4408 Houston Avenue 167 West Jefferson Street
68 College Avenue
1641 Virgil Langford Road 624 Gainesville Highway 504 Historic Highway 441
N 6365 Newborn Drive
141 Timber Trail
4695 Charlie Smith Sr. Highw
100 Heritage Drive
3011 Veterans Parkway 6430 Newton Road 67 Pin Oak Drive 32 Marvin Avenue 2622 Cawana Road
10 Church Street
235 East Marable Street 4414 Reef Road
3524 Wrightsboro Road
1721 Hephzibah-McBean Ro
616 Mohawk Street
590 Mountain Oaks Parkway
310 South Hutchinson Avenue
362 Carver Street, S.E.
1008 East 12th Street
321 South 12th Street 3050 Johnny Long Road
4770 Old Lake Park Road

City Augusta, GA Macon, GA Madison, GA
Elberton, GA
Bogart, GA Winder, GA Demorest, GA
College Park, GA Richmond Hill, GA
St. Marys, GA
St. Simons Island, GA
Moultrie, GA Albany, GA Rock Spring, GA Summerville, GA Statesboro, GA
Statesboro, GA
Monroe, GA Marietta, GA
Augusta, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Rossville, GA
Stone Mountain, GA
Adel, GA
Thomson, GA
West Point, GA
Griffin, GA Newton, GA
Valdosta, GA


Zip Code 30906 31206 30650
30635 30622 30680 30535
30349 31324
31558 31522 31788 31721 30739 30747 30461
30655 30066
30815 30741
30824 31833 30223 39870

Name Medlock Gardens Decatur
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg B
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg C
Mercy Personal Care Home
Merrill Gardens at Dunwoody
Merrys Personal Care
Misty Meadows Personal Care Home
Mitchells Personal Care Home
Mitchells Personal Care Home
Morning Pointe Assisted Living
Morning Starr Personal Care Home
Morningside of Columbus
Morningside of Dalton
Morningside of Gainesville
Morningside of Macon
Morris Assisted Living
Morris Assisted Living II
Mosleys Personal Care Home
Mossy Oak Assisted Living
Mother & Daughter Personal Care Home Mount Sinai Home Care
Mountain Breeze PCH
Mt. Pleasant Alternative Care
Murry's PCH
My House 2 Community Care Facility
Naja Personal Care Home
Nasworthy Care Home
Neals Personal Care Home
New Haven

Address 460 Medlock Road 524 Gordon Street
524 Gordon Street
524 Gordon Street
3630 Brushy Wood Drive 1460 South Johnson Ferry
R 4070 Janice Drive 3464 Wolf Pen Gap Road
405 Lawton Street
684 Cascade Avenue
660 Jolly Road NW
519 Lawrenceville Street
4500 South Stadium Drive 2470 Dug Gap Road
2435 Limestone Parkway 6191 Peake Road
1103 Bedford Avenue 4547 Moline Avenue
309 Walker Street
1150 River Road 1923 Kissingbower Road
862 Split Rock Lane 167 Habersham Landing
Drive 311 Johnson Avenue
230 McKenzie Drive 2836 Ravenwood Drive
935 Donington Circle 4896 Stanfield Road 4520 Hereford Farm Road 615 South Hutchinson

City Decatur, GA Bremen, GA
Bremen, GA
Bremen, GA
Loganville, GA Dunwoody, GA
East Point, GA Suches, GA
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Calhoun, GA
Norcross, GA
Columbus, GA Dalton, GA
Gainesville, GA Macon, GA
Columbus, GA Columbus, GA Augusta, GA
Jesup, GA Augusta, GA
Douglasville, GA Demorest, GA
Thomson, GA
Swainsboro, GA Snellville, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Patterson, GA Evans, GA Adel, GA


Zip Code 30030 30110
30052 30319
30344 30572
31909 30720 30501 31220 31907 31907 30901
31546 30904
30134 30535
30401 30078
30045 31557 30809 31620

Name New Hope Assisted Living
of Georgia North Spring Assisted
Living Northside Villa
Northwoods Retirement Home
Norwood Christian Care Personal Care Home Oak Ridge
Odom, Pam Personal Care Home
Opals Personal Care Home
Open Arms Assisted Living - Sylvania
Open Arms Care Home
Open Arms Elderly Care
Open Arms Personal Care Home
Orchid Personal Care Home II
Overall Group Home
Palm Shade Villa Assisted Living
Palm Shade Villa Assisted Living II
Palmer Family Care Home
Panola Care, Inc.
Paradise Living Personal Care Home
Parker Hill Manor
Pathways Center IGR Female Only
Pathways Center IGR Male Only
Patricias Adults Care Home
Patron Place PCH
Patterson Personal Care Home - Augusta
Payne Care Home II
Peaceful Living Personal Care Home - Augusta
Peaceful Manor Retirement Home
Peaceful Personal Care Home

Address 3985 Flat Shoals Road
4 North Spring Street 8828 Hwy 112 North 54 Northwoods Drive
1793 Parkhill Drive
160 Moores Road 129 Leonard Lane
100 Oakridge Drive 425 Gilgail Road
133 Apple Street 1864 Central Avenue 3725 Millstone Run
5809 Glenlake Court 4462 Parmalee Path 175 Crowell Road North
12166 Highway 212
4550 Janice Drive 3169 Pequea Drive 2571 Hwy 36 East
1218 Parker Avenue 403 Northlake Drive
405 Northlake Drive
206 St. Andrews Street 1992 Sewing Circle 1605 Cornell Drive
2740 West Antler Drive 2714 Coleman Avenue
2412 Cardinal Street
168 Peaceful Lane

City Union City, GA
Claxton, GA Rochelle, GA Dahlonega, GA
Decatur, GA
Mineral Bluff, GA Swainsboro, GA
LaGrange, GA Sylvania, GA
Midville, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA
Columbus, GA Conley, GA
Covington, GA
Covington, GA
College Park, GA Lithonia, GA Jackson, GA
Albany, GA Carrollton, GA
Carrollton, GA
Sylvania, GA Lithonia, GA Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA
Albany, GA
Portal, GA


Zip Code 30291
30417 31079 30533
30559 30401
30241 30467
30441 30904 30906
31909 30288 30014
30337 30038 30233
31701 30117
30467 30058 30906
30906 30906

Name Peachtree Plantation
Peachtree Village Senior Living
Perfect Care, Inc.
Petal's PCH
Philchris Assisted Living
Picture of Life
Pike Manor, Inc.
Pine Shadows Retirement Manor
Pine Shadows Too
Pineland Personal Care Home
Pines Retirement Living
Pineview Gardens of Evans
Pineview Gardens Personal Care Home
Pinewood Retirement Villa
Pinnacle Way
Plair Personal Care Home
Plair Personal Care Home II
Plantation South of Duluth
Plantation South of Dunwoody
Platinum Care Personal Care Home
Pleasant Valley Retirement Home
Port City Personal Care Home
Precious Care Home
Precious Touch PCH
Presbyterian Home and Retirement Community
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Village Hearthstone
Priscilla Davis Personal Care Home
PRN Nursing Alternative Living Family Care Solutions, Inc. (DD)
Providence Assisted Living of Milton

Address 4251 Hudson Drive 199 West W Gary Road
114 Sullivan Drive 3371 Glen Summit Lane
297 Academy Drive 351 South Hill Street 10642 U.S. Highway 19
North 202 Bryant Drive
407 North McPhaul Street 235 Broxton Highway
801 Darling Avenue 4393 Owens Road 4255 Highway 25 North
7 Slappey Drive 825 Wright Street 2016 Scott Road 2014 Scott Road 3450 Duluth Park Lane 4594 Barclay Drive
2358 Oak Avenue
510 Reed Road
720 East Shotwell Street
1105 Mt. Vernon Road 6631 Chason Woods Court 1901 West Screven Street
2000 East-West Connector 2000 East-West Connector
3674 Old Ferry Road
103 South 4th Street
17210 Birmingham Highway

City Oakwood, GA Commerce, GA
Americus, GA Snellville, GA Thomasville, GA Toccoa, GA Zebulon, GA
Sylvester, GA
Sylvester, GA Hazlehurst, GA
Waycross, GA Evans, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Hawkinsville, GA Thomasville, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Duluth, GA Dunwoody, GA
Morrow, GA
Dalton, GA
Bainbridge, GA
Vidalia, GA Jonesboro, GA Quitman, GA
Austell, GA Austell, GA
Martinez, GA
McIntyre, GA
Alpharetta, GA


Zip Code 30566 30529
31709 30039 31792 30577 30295
31791 31539
31501 30809 30815
31036 31792 30906 30906 30096 30338
30474 30238 31643
30106 30106

Name Providence of Alpharetta
Quality Choice Personal Care Home
Quality Living Homes
Rainbow Retirement Home
Raynna Personal Care Home
Re-Creation of Hope
Reagans Personal Care Home
Red Hill Personal Care Home
Remington House
Renaissance Marquis Retirement Village Renaissance On Peachtree
Residential Living, Inc.
Resting Nest
Restorative Assisted Living Facility
Retirement Inn
Rhema Personal Care Facilities
Ritchglow Personal Care Home
Riverside Place
Riverwood Retirement Life Community
Rock Creek Manor
Roman Court
Rose-Anns Personal Care Home
Rosemaude Personal Care Home
Rosewood at Fort Oglethorpe
Rosewood Manor
Royal Care
Royal Cottage Personal Care Home Royal Oaks
Royal Southern Plantation
Ruby Place
Ruthies Assisted Living

Address 12775 Providence Road
3075 Antioch Road, Building
3204 Chamblee Tucker Road
109 Meyer Farm Road 2532 Kensington Drive
West 3600 Brushy Wood Drive 4527-C Ogeechee Road
530 Red Hill Road
1504 Renaissance Drive 3126 Cedartown Highway

City Alpharetta, GA
Macon, GA
Atlanta, GA
Arnoldsville, GA Augusta, GA
Loganville, GA Savannah, GA
Jesup, GA
Conyers, GA Rome, GA

3755 Peachtree Road, N.E. 7861 Collinswood Court
4884 Price Road 3740 Wingate Drive

Atlanta, GA Jonesboro, GA Gainesville, GA Columbus, GA

414 West Main Street 3144 Macedonia Road

Swainsboro, GA Powder Springs, GA

2717 Rainbow Forest Drive

Decatur, GA

1151 West College Street 511 West 10th Street

Bainbridge, GA Rome, GA

50 Cagle Mill Road South 1168 Chulio Road
2016 Country Place Drive

Jasper, GA Rome, GA Augusta, GA

642 Erin Avenue, SW

Atlanta, GA

14 Fort Town Drive
1107 Tanner Street 568 Highway 26 E 65 Stoney Point Terrace

Fort Oglethorpe, GA
Nicholls, GA Cochran, GA Covington, GA

211 West College Street
580 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
705 Cleland Street
1441 Jeffersonville Road

Adrian, GA Loganville, GA
Savannah, GA Macon, GA


Zip Code 30009 31206
30619 30906
30052 31504
30012 30161
30319 30236 30506 31909
30401 30127
39817 30165
30143 30161 30906
31554 31014 30014
31002 30052
31415 31217

Name Ryans Hope Personal Care
Home S. N. Waters Personal Care
Home Sacred Hands Personal Care
Homes Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Saint James Place
Samuda's Personal Care Home
Sandy Springs Assisted Living
Sara's Personal Care Home
Savannah Court of Lake Oconee
Savannah Court of Milledgeville
Savannah Plantation PCH
Savannah Square
Seasons Assisted Living
Senior Care America
Senior Care America II
Senior Citizens Care Center Annex
Serenity 1 Personal Care Home
Serenity Assisted Living
Serenity House
Serenity Mountain Manor
Serenity Personal Care Home
Sha Sha's Leisure Living
Sha-Lyndas Personal Care Home
Shady Lane
Shady Lane II PCH
Shady Lane IV
Shady Pines Estate
Shenices Assisted Living Home
Sheppard Personal Care Home
Sheridan Place - Assistive Living Unit

Address 4472 Malibu Drive
3166 Highway 88
141 St Ann Circle
1137 Lynmoor Drive 2027 Alta Vista Drive 2752 Skyland Drive
300 Johnson Ferry Road, N.
129 Leonard Lane 1061 Willow Run Road
61 Marshall Road
102 Level Creek Road 167 Murrow Street 2724 Ledo Road
1165 Hillcrest Glenn Circle 828 Rock Springs Road 223 Harmon Road
3967 Lenora Church Road
206 Pine Street 8599 Sheridan Drive 309 Price Creek Farms
Lane 120 E. Winthorpe Avenue
1465 Teagle Road 2313 Cadden Court
4901 La Roche Avenue 1133 Cornell Avenue 4901 LaRoche Avenue
124 Airport Road 3216 Highway 16
123 Emma Lane
504 Firetower Road

City Decatur, GA
Blythe, GA
Dallas, GA
Atlanta, GA Columbus, GA Snellville, GA
Sandy Springs, GA
Swainsboro, GA Greensboro, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Buford, GA Blythe, GA Albany, GA Sugar Hill, GA Lawrenceville, GA Swainsboro, GA
Snellville, GA
Sparks, GA Jonesboro, GA
Jasper, GA
Millen, GA
Forsyth, GA Augusta, GA
Savannah, GA Savannah, GA Savannah, GA Abbeville, GA
Sparta, GA
Waynesboro, GA
Dublin, GA


Zip Code 30035
30319 31907 30078
30401 30642
30518 30805 31707 30518 30043 30401
31647 30236 30143
31029 30906
31404 31406 31404 31001 31087

Name Sheridan Place - Clare Bridge Place Memory Care
Unit Shiloh Personal Care Home
Sibors Manor
Sillah Group Home
Silver Linings Personal Care Home
Silverleaf of Athens
Sirmons Personal Care Home
Smith PCH
Sonshine Manor Personal Care Home
South Columbus Personal Care Home
South Dooley Retirement Center II
South Haven II
Southern Breeze Assisted Living
Southern Care Retirement Home
Southern Charm
Southern Comfort Personal Care
Southern Escapes Assisted Living
Southern Heritage I
Southern Heritage II
Southern Magnolia
Southern Manor Retirement Inn
Southern Pines Senior Care Inc.
Southern Pines Senior Living
Southern Retreat
Southern Senior Living
Sparks Community Care Home, LLC
Sparks Retirement Home, Inc.
Sparks Serenity Phase III
Spice of Life

Address 504 Firetower Road
300 West Second Street 3890 Wrightsboro Road
3510 Rockfort Drive 407 Harvey Street
705 Whitehead Road 623 Davis Avenue 315 Advance Street
115 Stephens View Road
2440 Mesa Street
1400 Swift Street
1335 Lake Ridge Parkway 127 S. Belair Road
1934 Whiddon Mill Road
110 South Third Avenue 6735 Pulaski Highway
3047 Johnson Road
812 Carl Vinson Parkway 814 Carl Vinson Parkway
405 Thompson Street 1532 Fair Road
258 College Avenue
423 Covington Avenue 307 Charles Street
215 East Sellers Street 207 Forestside Circle
304 South Goodman Street 1701 Maxwell Street 1458 Mill Street

City Dublin, GA
Ocilla, GA Augusta, GA College Park, GA Stapleton, GA
Athens, GA Lakeland, GA Swainsboro, GA
Jasper, GA
Columbus, GA
Perry, GA
Riverdale, GA Martinez, GA
Tifton, GA
McRae, GA Statesboro, GA
Loganville, GA
Centerville, GA Centerville, GA
Vidalia, GA Statesboro, GA
Maysville, GA
Thomasville, GA Vienna, GA Douglas, GA
Americus, GA
Sparks, GA Americus, GA Augusta, GA


Zip Code 31021
31774 30909 30349 30823
30606 31635 30401 30143
30296 30907
31055 30458
31028 31028 30474 30458
31792 31092 31533 31709
31647 31709 30901

Name Spring Garden Personal
Care Home Spring Harbor at Green
Island Spring Lane Personal Care
Home Spring Villa Personal Care
Springfield Personal Care Home
St Irene PCH
St Marys Highland Hills Village
St. George Village Wellington Court
St. Ives Assisted Living
Star Manor
Stonehenge Assisted Living 3
Stonehenge Assisted Living One
Stonehenge Too
Suites at Oak View
Summer Street Community Services
Summer Street Community Services II
Summer Willow Assisted Living
Summer Willow at James Place
Summer's Landing at Green Island
Summer's Landing Tilly Mill
Summers Landing
Summers Landing Douglas
Summers Landing Limestone
Summers Landing Northland Assisted Living
Summers Landing PCH
Sunny Mills Assisted Living
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit

Address 3361 Glen Summit Lane
100 Spring Harbor Drive
1570 Spring Lane NW
620 Monroe Street 3342 Springfield Road
44 Clairmont Avenue 1660 Jennings Mill Road
11350 Woodstock Road
5835 Medlock Bridge Parkway
241 Nelson Street 168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive 55 Stockade Road 132 Summer Street
32 Horseshaw Road
259 Nunez Lexsy Road
213 Industrial Blvd
6830 River Road
4821 North Peachtree Road 419 Airport Road
1360 West Gordon Street 2030 Windward Lane 5399 Northland Drive
171 Highway 78 NW 402 North West Street 1551 Johnson Ferry Road
8480 Roswell Road

City Snellville, GA
Columbus, GA
Atlanta, GA
Macon, GA Sparta, GA
Elberton, GA Bogart, GA
Roswell, GA
Alpharetta, GA Cartersville, GA Blairsville, GA
Blairsville, GA
Blairsville, GA Summerville, GA Adairsville, GA
Adairsville, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Dublin, GA
Columbus, GA
Dunwoody, GA Griffin, GA Douglas, GA
Gainesville, GA Atlanta, GA
Monroe, GA Greensboro, GA
Marietta, GA Sandy Springs, GA


Zip Code 30039
31201 31087
30635 30622
30022 30120 30512
30512 30747 30103
30338 30224 31533 30501 30342
30655 30642 30062 30350

Name Sunrise at Johns Creek
Sunset Nellee Sunshine Care Sunshine Residential Care Sweet Sadies Personal Care
Home Tanglewood Assisted
Living Facility Tapleys Personal Care
Home Tebeau House Retirement
Home Tender Care Assisted Living at Snellville Tender Care Personal Care
Home Tennille Assisted Living Terris Personal Care Home
The Blossom Personal Care Home
The Carlton The Colonnade at Brandon
Wilde The Cottage Senior Living The Gables at Cobb Village The Hallmark Buckhead
The Hampton House Assisted Living Facility
The Home Place The Home Place PCH
The Mann House The Mews III PCH The Nightingale Song Personal Care Home The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidaway
The Oaks at Peake Assisted Living
The Oaks at Post Road The Oaks at Scenic View
Assisted Living The Oaks of Carrollton
Assisted Living

Address 11405 Medlock Bridge
Road 6420 Bennett Drive 1103 Beard McCord Drive 3949 Pine Gorge Circle 434 Railroad Avenue
50 Tanglewood Drive
4602 Hereford Farm Road
2019 Tebeau Street
3922 Centerville Highway #1
1560 Twin Bridge Lane
525 North Main Street 1680 Lawrenceville -
Suwane 1245 Augusta Avenue
690 Mt. Vernon Highway 4275 Owens Road
818 Round Tree Court 12 Cobb Village Drive 650 Phipps Boulevard, NE 432 South Fourth Street
801 Walnut Street 602 Hamilton E. Holmes
Drive 5413 Northland Drive 621 North Cherokee Road
2548 US 27 South
95 Skidaway Island Park Road
400 Foster Road
3875 Post Road 205 Peach Orchard Drive
921 Old Newnan Road

City Johns Creek, GA
Rex, GA Lincolnton, GA
Dacula, GA Blythe, GA
Dawsonville, GA
Evans, GA Waycross, GA
Snellville, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Tennille, GA Lawrenceville, GA
Augusta, GA
Atlanta, GA Evans, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Royston, GA Atlanta, GA Colbert, GA
Louisville, GA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA
Social Circle, GA Carrollton, GA
Savannah, GA
Macon, GA
Cumming, GA Baldwin, GA
Carrollton, GA

Zip Code 30093 30273 30817 30019 30805
30809 31501
31089 30043 30901
30328 30809
30045 30662 30326 30628
30434 30318 30342 30025 30117
30040 30511

Name The Oaks Personal Care
Home The Plaza At Talmage
Terrace The Plaza Personal Care at
St. John Towers The Providers, Inc. The Rachel House, Inc.
The Retreat The Retreat II The Southern Living Center
The Stewart House The Suites at Cypress Pond The Veranda at Carnesville The White House Personal
Care Home The Willows The Woods Assisted Senior
Living Thomaston Manor Thompson Manor Thompsons Personal Care
Home Tignall Assisted Living
TLC Family Home TLC Personal Care Home Touch By An Angel PCH
#2 Traces of Tiger II Treutlen Living Center Trinity Personal Care Home of Georgia, LLC True Comfort Care Home 3 True Comfort Care Home 4 True Comfort Care Home 5 True Comfort Care Home 6 Truly Living Well Personal
Care Home Tudor Castle Personal Care
Home Twelve Oaks Senior Living
Tylers Assisted Living U2 Concepts Personal Care
Universal Healthcare

Address 777 Nursing Home Road
801 Riverhill Drive
724 Greene Street
799 Moreland Avenue 204 West Colquitt Street 1207 East McPherson Street 1207 East McPherson Street 434 Beall Springs Road
102 South Street 15 Kent Road
29 McEntire Street 452 State Street
4179 Wheeler Road 1401 Macon Road
409 West Gordon Street 107 Rowe Street
3435 Linderwood Drive
185 S. Hulin Avenue 3605 Shallowford Road 2861 Greenville Street 2815 Dean's Bridge Road
382 Bridge Creek Road 5590 Third Street North
718 Weed Street
476 Briarwood Lane 1081 Helican Spring Road
1905 Danielsville Rd 185 Catalpa Drive 7078 Bethel Court
2056 Tudor Castle Circle
2000 Bellevue Road 208 Flowing Wells Road
2900 Keenan Road 1766 Enclave Place


City Marshallville, GA
Athens, GA
Augusta, GA
Atlanta, GA Sparks, GA Nashville, GA Nashville, GA Gibson, GA Carrollton, GA Tifton, GA Carnesville, GA Waycross, GA
Martinez, GA Griffin, GA
Thomaston, GA Dublin, GA Augusta, GA
Tignall, GA Marietta, GA LaGrange, GA Augusta, GA
Tiger, GA Soperton, GA Augusta, GA
Hull, GA Athens, GA Athens, GA Athens, GA Riverdale, GA
Decatur, GA
Dublin, GA Martinez, GA College Park, GA Conley, GA

Zip Code 31057
30316 31647 31639 31639 30810 30117 31794 30521 31501
30907 30224
30286 31021 30906
30668 30062 30241 30906
30576 30457 30904
30646 30601 30601 30601 30296
31021 30907 30349 30288

Name Service V & T Shady Rest PC Home Vanderpoole's Senior Living Center Vernon Woods Victoria Personal Care Home Victory House
Victory Villa
Victory Village Villa Rose
Vina Mae Robinson Retirement Center - VMR
Vina Mae Robinson Retirement Center 2 -
Monroe House Vincent's Village Personal
Care Vision Personal Care Home
#1 Vital Place Waldrop Personal Care Inc Walnut Creek Manor Wanda Shelly Personal Care Home Ware Group Home Washington Manor Watson Manor Waverly Gardens of Evans We Care 2 Personal Care
Home We Care Assisted Living We Care Assisted Living #2 We Care Personal Care
Home Facility We Care Personal Home
Phase II Weavers Manor Welcome Home PCH
Welcome Home Personal Care Home Well Care

1386 New Petersburg Road
1718 Mossy Rock Cove
101 Vernon Woods Drive 2666 Nancy Drive
310 West Washington Avenue
308 West Washington Avenue
3650 Salem Church Road 430 Mosley Road
566 West 16th Avenue
566 West 16th Avenue
3113 Washington Road
960 Curry Place
985 Waldwick Drive 89 Burnt Hickory Road 1033 Highway 155 North 1055 Hephzibah-McBean
Ro 214 Edison Drive
184 Pine Lane 115 Watson Street 550 Gibbs Road 1483 Virgil Pond Lane
1022 Fisk Avenue 2036 7th Street
206 Walnut Drive
813 Parker Street
803 West Ogeechee Street 2366 Centerville Rosebud
Ro 5780 Rock Road
2433 Powder Springs Road

Lincolnton, GA Lithonia, GA
LaGrange, GA Macon, GA
Nashville, GA
Nashville, GA
Jasper, GA Byron, GA Albany, GA
Albany, GA
East Point, GA
Macon, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Cartersville, GA McDonough, GA Hephzibah, GA
Albany, GA Washington, GA
Thomson, GA Evans, GA
Loganville, GA
Columbus, GA Columbus, GA Americus, GA
Americus, GA
Sylvania, GA Loganville, GA Union City, GA
Marietta, GA


Zip Code
30817 30058
30240 31206 31639
30143 31008 31701
30045 30120 30253 30815
31705 30673 30824 30809 30052
31906 31907 31719
30467 30052 30291

Name WellCare Assisted Living
Wesbys Personal Care Home, Inc.
Wesley Woods Towers
West Assistive Living II
West Forrest Personal Care Home
West Village Retirement Community, Inc. Whispering Pines
Whispering Pines 1
Whispering Pines 2
Whispering Pines Personal Care Home
White Dove Personal Care Home
White Oaks
White Oaks
White Oaks at Lanier
Wilkinson Center
Willow Creek, Centerville
Willow Creek, Perry
Willow Ridge Personal Care Home
Willows Edge
Wilsons Personal Care Home
Wings of Faith PCH
Winnwood Retirement Community - Sullivan
House Winterville Retirement
Center Winthrop at Polk
Winthrop Court Assisted Living
Winthrop West Senior Living
Wise Choice Personal Care Home
Wonderland Assisted Living, LLC
Woodhaven Personal Care Home

Address 2433 Powder Springs Road
1429 Highway 23 South
1825 Clifton Road, N.E. 116 Maple Circle
280 West Forrest Street
409 West Goodrich Avenue
6273 Highway 41 South 110 East Paces Drive 100 East Paces Drive 10096 Burkhalter Road
2229 Highway 98 East
130 Moores Road 867 Longstreet Road
255 Elm Street 249 Hospital Drive 404 North Houston Lake
Bou 1900 Macon Road 801 Faceville Highway
401 Dixie Street 1527 Dade Street
12433 Highway 16 East 100 Whitlock Avenue
124 Avery Street
131 Melissa Lane 10 Highway 411 East
279 Technology Parkway
318 Meadow Court
3780 Napier Avenue
6246 Highway 136

City Marietta, GA Waynesboro, GA
Atlanta, GA Greensboro, GA
Harlem, GA
Thomaston, GA
Bolingbroke, GA Athens, GA Athens, GA
Statesboro, GA
Danielsville, GA
Mineral Bluff, GA Cochran, GA Cumming, GA Toccoa, GA
Centerville, GA
Perry, GA Bainbridge, GA
Sparta, GA Augusta, GA
Monticello, GA Marietta, GA
Winterville, GA
Cedartown, GA Rome, GA
Rome, GA
Martinez, GA
Macon, GA
Trenton, GA


Zip Code 30064 30830
30329 30642 30814
31004 30605 30605 30458
30559 31014 30040 30577 31028
31069 39819
31087 30904
31064 30064
30125 30161

Name Xtraordinary Personal Care
Yellow Brick House

Address 328 Rockdale Road
6903 Main Street

City Martinez, GA
Lithonia, GA


Name Antebellum Grove Assisted
Arbor Terrace

Address 1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
170 Marilyn Farmer Way

City Warner Robins, GA
Athens, GA

Arbor Terrace at Cascade Arbor Terrace at Tucker

1001 Research Center 5844 Highway 29

Atlanta, GA Tucker, GA

Arbor Terrace at West Cobb

3829 Floyd Road

Austell, GA

Arbor Terrace of Decatur

425 Winn Way

Decatur, GA

Arbor Terrace of East Cobb Ashley Glen

866 Johnson Ferry Road 441 Prime Point

Marietta, GA Peachtree City, GA

Ashton Hall

1155 Lawrenceville Highway Lawrenceville, GA

Atria Buckhead

2848 Lenox Road

Atlanta, GA

Atria Johnson Ferry
Augusta Gardens Retirement Residence
Belmont Village Bentley Assisted Living at
Northminster Benton House at Benton
Village Benton House at Benton Village - Transitional Step
Down Program
Benton House of Covington Benton House of Dublin and
Beacon Neighborhood
Benton House of Newnan Lakes
Bickford Senior Living
Blair House Senior Living Community
Brasstown Manor
Brighton Gardens of Buckhead

9 Sherwood Lane 3725 Wheeler Road
5455 Glenridge Drive 50 Sumner Way
201 Evergreen Terrace
201 Evergreen Terrace
7155 Dearing Road 212 Fairview Park Drive
25 Newnan Lakes Boulevard
840 LeCroy Drive 684 Arlington Place
108 Church Street
3088 Lenox Road

Marietta, GA Augusta, GA
Atlanta, GA Jefferson, GA Stockbridge, GA Stockbridge, GA
Covington, GA Dublin, GA
Newnan, GA Marietta, GA Macon, GA
Hiawassee, GA Atlanta, GA


Zip Code 30907 30058
Zip Code 31088 30606 30331 30084 30106 30030 30068 30269 30046 30324 30067 30909 30342 30549 30281 30281
30014 31021 30263 30068 31201 30546 30324

Brighton Gardens of Dunwoody
Brookside Glen

1240 Ashford Center
Parkway 400 Bradley Park Drive

Dunwoody, GA Columbus, GA

Cameron Hall

240 Marietta Highway

Canton, GA

Carlyle Place - Cambridge Court
Carriage House of Royal Southern Plantation
Cedar Hill Senior Living Community
Cedar Plantation Assisted Living and Alzheimers Community
Cobis Personal Care Home

5300 Zebulon Road
690 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
402 East Ellawood Avenue 46637 Highway 46 East
7200 Manor Road

Macon, GA Loganville, GA Cedartown, GA
Metter, GA
Columbus, GA

Courtyard Gardens

1000 River Center Place Lawrenceville, GA

Cumming Manor Personal Care
Dogwood Forest at Eagles DogwLoaonddFinogrest of Alpharetta Dogwood Forest of Dunwoody Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dogwood Forest of Gainesville
Eastside Gardens
Elmcroft at Milford Chase
Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Elmcroft of Roswell
Elmcroft Senior Living
Emeritus at Decatur
Emeritus at Heritage Hills
Emeritus at Riverstone Senior Living
Emeritus at Sandy Springs Place
Emeritus at Spring Mountain
Emeritus at Vinings
Emeritus at Woodstock Senior Living Community Evans Personal Care Home
Evergreen Assisted Living
Fairhaven Assisted Living Residence
FAM Personal Care Home

2775 Castleberry Road
475 Country Club Drive 253 North Main Street 7400 Peachtree Dunwoody
R 1294 Highway 54 West
3315 Thompson Bridge Road
2078 Scenic Highway 1345 Milford Church Road 7493 Mount Zion Boulevard
400 Marietta Highway 515 The Pass 475 Irvin Court
3607 Weems Road 125 Riverstone Terrace
1262 Hightower Trail
1790 Powder Springs Road 2401 Cumberland Parkway
S 756 Neese Road
426 Liberty Street 2823 Gillionville Road 1550 Glynco Parkway
5618 Wellborn Creek Drive


Cumming, GA
Stockbridge, GA Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Fayetteville, GA
Gainesville, GA
Snellville, GA Marietta, GA Jonesboro, GA Roswell, GA Martinez, GA Decatur, GA Columbus, GA Canton, GA
Atlanta, GA
Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA
Woodstock, GA
Gray, GA Albany, GA Brunswick, GA
Lithonia, GA

30338 31904
30114 31210
30052 30125 30439
30043 30040
30281 30009 30328 30214
30078 30008 30236 30075 30907 30030 31909 30114
30064 30309
31032 31721 31525 30058

Gardens of Roswell
Gentilly Gardens
Golden Crest
Governors Glen
Greenwood Gardens
Griffin House South, The
Grosvenor Personal Care Home
Habersham House Senior Residence
Heritage of Sandy Plains
House of Angels
Kendrick Home
Lake Springs
Langdale Place
Lanier Village Estates OakBridge Terrace Laurel Creek Manor Assisted Living
Leisure Living of LaGrange I
Magnolia Manor Retirement Center
Mattie H. Marshall Center
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A
Morning Pointe Assisted Living
Morning Starr Personal Care Home
Morningside of Albany
Morningside of Conyers
Mountain View Personal Care Home
Mt. Carmel Personal Care Home
Northlake Gardens
Palm Shade Villa Assisted Living II
Park Regency Personal Care Home
Peachtree Plantation
Peachtree Village Senior Living
Plantation Manor Personal Care Home
Plantation South of Dunwoody
Presbyterian Village

9212 Nesbit Ferry Road 625 Gentilly Road
2160 Lake Harbin Road 5000 Governors Drive 1160 Whitlock Avenue 107 West Liberty Street
4556 Central Drive
5200 Habersham Street
3039 Sandy Plains Road 420 Lavender Road 1016 Ell Street (B)
4355 South Lee Street 2720 Windemer Drive 3950 Village View Drive
7955 Majors Road
137 Parker Place 2001 South Lee Street
2001 South Lee Street 524 Gordon Street
660 Jolly Road NW
519 Lawrenceville Street
1721 Beattie Road 1352 Wellbrook Circle 3675 Kensington Road
3084 Mt. Carmel Road
1300 Montreal Road 12166 Highway 212
3000 Veterans Parkway
4251 Hudson Drive 199 West W Gary Road
220 Park Avenue
4594 Barclay Drive
2000 East-West Connector

Alpharetta, GA Statesboro, GA Morrow, GA Forest Park, GA Marietta, GA
Claxton, GA Stone Mountain,
GA Savannah, GA
Marietta, GA Athens, GA Macon, GA Buford, GA Valdosta, GA Gainesville, GA
Cumming, GA
LaGrange, GA Americus, GA
Americus, GA Bremen, GA
Calhoun, GA
Norcross, GA
Albany, GA Conyers, GA Decatur, GA
Hampton, GA
Tucker, GA Covington, GA
Moultrie, GA
Oakwood, GA Commerce, GA
Thomasville, GA
Dunwoody, GA
Austell, GA


30022 30458 30260 30297 30064 30417 30083
30066 30606 31206 30518 31602 30506
30240 31709
31709 30110
31721 30012 30032
30084 30014
30566 30529

Presbyterian Village Hearthstone
Renaissance Marquis Retirement Village
Riverwood Retirement Life Community Roman Court
Royal Southern Plantation
Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Sandy Springs Assisted Living
Savannah Commons Retirement Community -
Verra Spring
Savannah Court of Lake Oconee
Savannah Court of Newnan
Scepter Living Center of Snellville LLC
Sheridan Place - Clare Bridge Place Memory Care
Southern Care Retirement Home
Southern Pines Senior Living
Sparks Inn at Christian City
St Marys Center for Alzheimer's and Dementia
St. Ives Assisted Living
Summers Landing PCH
Summerset Assisted Living Community
Sunrise at Buckhead
Sunrise at Decatur
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Five Forks
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit
Sunrise at Johns Creek
Susans Personal Care Home
Tara Plantation Assisted Living
The Carlton
The Cohen Home
The Court at Sandy Springs - Memory Care (Emeritus)
The Mews III PCH

2000 East-West Connector
3126 Cedartown Highway
511 West 10th Street
1168 Chulio Road 580 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
1137 Lynmoor Drive 300 Johnson Ferry Road, N.
1 Peachtree Drive
1061 Willow Run Road
27 Belt Road 3000 Lenora Church Road
504 Firetower Road
1934 Whiddon Mill Road
423 Covington Avenue
7290 Lester Road 1660 Jennings Mill Road
5835 Medlock Bridge Parkway
171 Highway 78 NW 3711 Benjamin E. Mays
Drive 1000 Lenox Park 920 ClBaireml ontdAvenue 1551 Johnson Ferry Road 3997 Five Forks Trickum 8480 RoRswell Road 11405 Medlock Bridge 114 HamRbletdon Street
440 Tribble Gap Road
690 Mt. Vernon Highway 10485 Jones Bridge Road
1262 Hightower Trail
621 North Cherokee Road

Austell, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA Loganville, GA
Atlanta, GA Sandy Springs, GA
Savannah, GA
Greensboro, GA
Newnan, GA Snellville, GA
Dublin, GA
Tifton, GA
Thomasville, GA Union City, GA
Bogart, GA
Alpharetta, GA Monroe, GA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Decatur, GA Marietta, GA Lilburn, GA
Sandy Springs, GA Johns Creek, GA Thomasville, GA Cumming, GA
Atlanta, GA Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA Social Circle, GA

30161 30052 30319 30328
30263 30078 31021
31792 30291 30622
30022 30655 30331 30319 30030 30062 30047 30350 30093 31792 30040 30328 30022 30350 30025

The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidway Island
The Oaks at Post Road
The Oaks of Carrollton Assisted Living
The Plaza Personal Care Center - Wesley Wood
The Suites at Poplar Creek
Winterville Retirement Center
Winthrop at Polk
Winthrop West Senior Living
Woodland Ridge
Woodstock Estates
Yellow Brick House

95 Skidaway Island Park Road
3875 Post Road 921 Old Newnan Road
2280 North Highway 29
114 Old Airport Road 124 Avery Street
131 Melissa Lane 279 Technology Parkway 4005 South Cobb Drive 1000 Professional Way
6903 Main Street

Savannah, GA
Cumming, GA Carrollton, GA
Newnan, GA
LaGrange, GA Winterville, GA
Cedartown, GA Rome, GA Smyrna, GA
Woodstock, GA Lithonia, GA


Name Alzheimers Care of
Amelia Gardens I

Address 200 Bolton Drive
545 Toonigh Road

City Commerce, GA
Woodstock, GA

Amelia Gardens II
Antebellum Grove Assisted Living
Arbor Terrace Arbor Terrace at Cascade

2030 Bascomb Carmel Road
1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
170 Marilyn Farmer Way 1001 Research Center

Woodstock, GA Warner Robins, GA
Athens, GA Atlanta, GA

Arbor Terrace at Tucker Arbor Terrace at West Cobb

5844 Highway 29 3829 Floyd Road

Tucker, GA Austell, GA

Arbor Terrace of Decatur Arbor Terrace of East Cobb

425 Winn Way 866 Johnson Ferry Road

Decatur, GA Marietta, GA

Ashley Glen Ashton Hall

441 Prime Point
1155 Lawrenceville Highway

Peachtree City, GA Lawrenceville, GA

Atherton Place Atria Buckhead

111 Tower Road 2848 Lenox Road

Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA

Atria Johnson Ferry
Augusta Gardens Retirement Residence Avondale Assisted Living at
Kensington Avondale Assisted Living at

9 Sherwood Lane 3725 Wheeler Road 3508 Kensington Road 3965 Gloucester Drive

Marietta, GA Augusta, GA Decatur, GA Tucker, GA


30040 30116 30265 30240 30683 30125 30165 30080 30188 30058
Zip Code 30529
30188 30189 31088
30606 30331 30084 30106 30030 30068 30269 30046
30060 30324 30067 30909
30032 30084

Avondale Homes at Tucker Belair at Macon, The Bella's Cottage
Belmont Village

2553 Sandpiper Drive 4901 Harrison Road 7275 Timberline Overlook
5455 Glenridge Drive

Tucker, GA Macon, GA Cumming, GA
Atlanta, GA

Bentley Assisted Living at Northminster
Benton House at Benton Village
Benton House at Benton Village - Transitional Step
Down Program Benton House of Covington
Benton House of Dublin and Beacon Neighborhood Benton House of Newnan
BestCare Assisted Living
Bickford Senior Living
Blair House Senior Living Community
Bless To The Max

50 Sumner Way 201 Evergreen Terrace 201 Evergreen Terrace
7155 Dearing Road 212 Fairview Park Drive
25 Newnan Lakes Boulevard
2775 Cruse Road; #1401 840 LeCroy Drive 684 Arlington Place
5870 GA Highway 57

Jefferson, GA Stockbridge, GA Stockbridge, GA
Covington, GA Dublin, GA Newnan, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Marietta, GA Macon, GA Gordon, GA

Brasstown Manor

108 Church Street

Hiawassee, GA

Brighton Gardens of Buckhead
Brighton Gardens of Dunwoody

3088 Lenox Road
1240 Ashford Center Parkway

Atlanta, GA Dunwoody, GA

Brittany House at Benson Heights

1788 Sandy Plains Road

Marietta, GA

Brittany's Place Assisted Living
Brookside Glen
Cambridge Farms Assisted Living
Cameron Hall
Camilla Retirement Home
Carlyle Place - Cambridge Court
Carriage House of Royal Southern Plantation
Cedar Hill Senior Living Community

141 Denis Drive
400 Bradley Park Drive 4040 Webb Bridge Road
240 Marietta Highway 161 East Broad Street 5300 Zebulon Road
690 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
402 East Ellawood Avenue

Jeffersonville, GA
Columbus, GA Alpharetta, GA
Canton, GA Camilla, GA Macon, GA
Loganville, GA
Cedartown, GA


30084 31206 30041 30342 30549 30281 30281
30014 31021 30263
30044 30068 31201 31031 30546 30324 30338
31044 31904 30005 30114 31730 31210 30052 30125

Cedar Plantation Assisted Living and Alzheimers Community
Cherokee Angel PCH #3
Cobis Personal Care Home
Colonial Gardens of Warner Robins #1 Comforters
Country Manor Estates
Courtyard Gardens
Cumming Manor Personal Care
Cunningham's PCH
Divine Love Personal Care Home
Dogwood Forest at Eagles Landing
Dogwood Forest of Alpharetta
Dogwood Forest of Dunwoody
Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dogwood Forest of Gainesville
Eastside Gardens
Elmcroft at Milford Chase
Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Elmcroft of Roswell
Elmcroft Senior Living
Emeritus at Decatur
Emeritus at Flint River Memory Care Community Emeritus at Heritage Hills
Emeritus at Riverstone Senior Living
Emeritus at Sandy Springs Place
Emeritus at Spring Mountain
Emeritus at Vinings
Emeritus at Woodstock Senior Living Community Evans Personal Care Home
Evergreen Assisted Living

46637 Highway 46 East
326 Heights Place 7200 Manor Road 903 West Highway 96
2753 Trail Creek Circle 1487 Allen Road
1000 River Center Place 2775 Castleberry Road
195 Bristlecone Court 943 Falling Creek Drive
475 Country Club Drive
253 North Main Street
7400 Peachtree Dunwoody R
1294 Highway 54 West
3315 Thompson Bridge Road
2078 Scenic Highway 1345 Milford Church Road
7493 Mount Zion Boulevard
400 Marietta Highway 515 The Pass 475 Irvin Court
250 Water Tower Court
3607 Weems Road 125 Riverstone Terrace
1262 Hightower Trail
1790 Powder Springs Road
2401 Cumberland Parkway S
756 Neese Road
426 Liberty Street 2823 Gillionville Road

Metter, GA
Canton, GA Columbus, GA Warner Robins, GA
Lithia Springs, GA Macon, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Cumming, GA
Winterville, GA Macon, GA
Stockbridge, GA Alpharetta, GA
Atlanta, GA Fayetteville, GA
Gainesville, GA
Snellville, GA Marietta, GA Jonesboro, GA Roswell, GA Martinez, GA Decatur, GA Macon, GA
Columbus, GA Canton, GA
Atlanta, GA
Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA Woodstock, GA
Gray, GA Albany, GA


30114 31907 31088
30122 31216 30043 30040
30683 31220
30281 30009
30328 30214
30078 30008 30236 30075 30907 30030 31210
31909 30114
30064 30309 30188
31032 31721

Fairhaven Assisted Living Residence
Falcon Crest Manor
FAM Personal Care Home
Franciscan Woods
Gardens of Roswell
Gentilly Gardens
Golden Crest
Golden Pond Assisted Living Center Governors Glen
Gracemont Assisted Living
Gracemont Assisted Living
Greenwood Gardens
Griffin House South, The
Habersham House Senior Residence
Haven of Tender Loving Care
Helping Hands Assisted Living LLC
Heritage of Sandy Plains
Home Away From Home Personal Care Homes
Homeplace Senior Living Memory Care Community
House of Angels
House of Naum Personal Care Home, The
Ivy Springs Retirement Cottage
Kendrick Home
Kingsford of Warner Robins
Lake Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care Community Lake Springs
Langdale Place
Laurel Creek Manor Assisted Living
Leisure Living of LaGrange I
Loving Care Senior Citizen Home
Macy Retirement Center

1550 Glynco Parkway
111 Epps Street 5618 Wellborn Creek Drive
2425 Williams Road 9212 Nesbit Ferry Road
625 Gentilly Road 2160 Lake Harbin Road 8167 Eisenhower Parkway
5000 Governors Drive 4940 Jot-Em-Down Road 4960 Jot-Em-Down Road 1160 Whitlock Avenue 107 West Liberty Street 5200 Habersham Street
407 W Moore Street
525 Highway 24 East
3039 Sandy Plains Road 8412 Red Cedar Way
345 Pearl Bates Avenue
420 Lavender Road 2880 Olive Grove Church
Ro 1408 Spring Street SE
1016 Ell Street (B) 851 Gunn Road
45 Walnut Street
4355 South Lee Street 2720 Windemer Drive
7955 Majors Road
137 Parker Place
4225 Alton Street
4408 Houston Avenue

Brunswick, GA
Gordon, GA Lithonia, GA Columbus, GA Alpharetta, GA Statesboro, GA Morrow, GA Lizella, GA
Forest Park, GA Cumming, GA Cumming, GA Marietta, GA Claxton, GA Savannah, GA
Dublin, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Marietta, GA Riverdale, GA
Eastman, GA
Athens, GA Roberta, GA
Smyrna, GA
Macon, GA Warner Robins, GA
Hartwell, GA
Buford, GA Valdosta, GA Cumming, GA
LaGrange, GA
Columbus, GA
Macon, GA


31031 30058 31909 30022 30458 30260 31052
30297 30041 30041 30064 30417 31405
30066 30274
30606 31078
31206 31093
30518 31602 30041

Magnolia Manor Retirement Center Marshview Senior Living
Mattie H. Marshall Center
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A
Merryvale Assisted Living
Morning Pointe Assisted Living
Morning Starr Personal Care Home
Morningside of Albany
Morningside of Conyers
Morningside of Macon
Mountain View Personal Care Home
Mt. Carmel Personal Care Home
Northlake Gardens
Northwoods Retirement Home
Odom, Pam Personal Care Home
Palm Shade Villa Assisted Living II
Palmer Family Care Home
Park Regency Personal Care Home
Peachtree Plantation
Peachtree Village Senior Living
Petal's PCH
Pinewood Retirement Villa
Plantation Manor Personal Care Home
Plantation South of Dunwoody
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Village Hearthstone
Quality Choice Personal Care Home
Renaissance Marquis Retirement Village Riverwood Retirement Life
Community Roman Court

2001 South Lee Street
7410 Skidaway Road 2001 South Lee Street
524 Gordon Street
11980 Highway 142 North 660 Jolly Road NW
519 Lawrenceville Street
1721 Beattie Road 1352 Wellbrook Circle
6191 Peake Road 3675 Kensington Road
3084 Mt. Carmel Road
1300 Montreal Road 54 Northwoods Drive
129 Leonard Lane
12166 Highway 212
4550 Janice Drive 3000 Veterans Parkway
4251 Hudson Drive 199 West W Gary Road
3371 Glen Summit Lane 7 Slappey Drive 220 Park Avenue
4594 Barclay Drive
2000 East-West Connector 2000 East-West Connector
3075 Antioch Road, Building
3126 Cedartown Highway
511 West 10th Street
1168 Chulio Road


Americus, GA
Savannah, GA Americus, GA Bremen, GA
Oxford, GA Calhoun, GA
Norcross, GA
Albany, GA Conyers, GA Macon, GA Decatur, GA
Hampton, GA
Tucker, GA Dahlonega, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Covington, GA
College Park, GA Moultrie, GA
Oakwood, GA Commerce, GA
Snellville, GA Hawkinsville, GA Thomasville, GA
Dunwoody, GA
Austell, GA Austell, GA
Macon, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA

31406 31709 30110
30054 30701
31721 30012 31220 30032
30084 30533
30337 31768
30566 30529
30039 31036 31792
30106 30106

Royal Southern Plantation
Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Sandy Springs Assisted Living
Sara's Personal Care Home
Savannah Commons Retirement Community -
Verra Spring
Savannah Court of Milledgeville
Savannah Court of Newnan
Savannah Plantation PCH
Scepter Living Center of Snellville LLC
Seasons Assisted Living
Serenity of Jefferson
Sha Sha's Leisure Living
Shadowmoss Plantation
Sheridan Place - Clare Bridge Place Memory Care
Unit Silverleaf of Athens
Silverleaf of Snellville
South Dooley Retirement Center II
South Haven II
Southern Care Retirement Home
Southern Pines Senior Living
Spanish Oaks Retreat
Sparks Inn at Christian City
St Marys Center for Alzheimer's and Dementia
St. George Village Wellington Court
St. Ives Assisted Living
Summers Landing Limestone
Summers Landing Northland Assisted Living
Summers Landing PCH
Summerset Assisted Living Community

580 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive
1137 Lynmoor Drive 300 Johnson Ferry Road, N.
129 Leonard Lane 1 Peachtree Drive
61 Marshall Road
27 Belt Road 102 Level Creek Road 3000 Lenora Church Road
2724 Ledo Road 1442 Johnson Mill Road
1465 Teagle Road 249 Holland Drive 504 Firetower Road
705 Whitehead Road 2106 McGee Road 1400 Swift Street
1335 Lake Ridge Parkway 1934 Whiddon Mill Road
423 Covington Avenue
8510 Whitfield Avenue 7290 Lester Road
1660 Jennings Mill Road
11350 Woodstock Road
5835 Medlock Bridge Parkway
2030 Windward Lane
5399 Northland Drive
171 Highway 78 NW 3711 Benjamin E. Mays

Loganville, GA Atlanta, GA
Sandy Springs, GA
Swainsboro, GA Savannah, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Newnan, GA Buford, GA Snellville, GA
Albany, GA Jefferson, GA Forsyth, GA Savannah, GA Dublin, GA
Athens, GA Snellville, GA
Perry, GA
Riverdale, GA Tifton, GA
Thomasville, GA Savannah, GA Union City, GA Bogart, GA
Roswell, GA
Alpharetta, GA Gainesville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Monroe, GA Atlanta, GA


30052 30319 30328
30401 31419
30263 30518 30078
31707 30549 31029 31419 31021
30606 30078 31069
30296 31793
31792 31406 30291 30622
30022 30501 30342
30655 30331

Sunrise at Buckhead
Sunrise at Decatur
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Five Forks
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit
Sunrise at Johns Creek
Sunrise Harbour Personal Care Home
Sunshine Residential Care
Sweetwater Springs Assisted Living
Tara Plantation Assisted Living
The Carlton
The Court at Sandy Springs - Memory Care (Emeritus)
The Green House II at Calvary
The Mann House
The Mews III PCH
The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidaway
The Oaks at Post Road
The Oaks of Carrollton Assisted Living
The Plaza Personal Care Center - Wesley Wood The Suites at Poplar Creek
The Valencia Personal Care Home Inc.
The Woods Assisted Senior Living
Victoria Personal Care Home
Virginia Gardens Assisted Living Center
We Care 2 Personal Care Home
Winterville Retirement Center
Winthrop at Polk
Winthrop West Senior Living
Woodland Ridge

1000 Lenox Park Boulevard,
920 Clairemont Avenue 1551 Johnson Ferry Road 3997 Five Forks Trickum
Ro 8480 Roswell Road 11405 Medlock Bridge
Road 139 Orchard Pass
3949 Pine Gorge Circle 1600 Lee Road
440 Tribble Gap Road
690 Mt. Vernon Highway 1262 Hightower Trail
7462 Old Moon Road
5413 Northland Drive 621 North Cherokee Road 95 Skidaway Island Park
3875 Post Road 921 Old Newnan Road
2280 North Highway 29
114 Old Airport Road 605 South Valencia Drive
1401 Macon Road
2666 Nancy Drive
404 East Church Street
1483 Virgil Pond Lane
124 Avery Street
131 Melissa Lane 279 Technology Parkway
4005 South Cobb Drive

Atlanta, GA Decatur, GA Marietta, GA Lilburn, GA Sandy Springs, GA Johns Creek, GA Warner Robins, GA
Dacula, GA Lithia Springs, GA
Cumming, GA
Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA
Columbus, GA
Atlanta, GA Social Circle, GA
Savannah, GA
Cumming, GA Carrollton, GA
Newnan, GA
LaGrange, GA Albany, GA
Griffin, GA
Macon, GA Fort Valley, GA
Loganville, GA
Winterville, GA Cedartown, GA
Rome, GA
Smyrna, GA


30319 30030 30062 30047 30350 30093 31088
30019 30122
30328 30350
30342 30025 31411
30040 30116
30240 31707
31206 31030
30683 30125 30165

Woodstock Estates Yellow Brick House

1000 Professional Way 6903 Main Street

Woodstock, GA Lithonia, GA


Name A Better Home Care
A Place for Comfort

Address 2700 Stancil Boulevard
1766 Big Valley Lane

City Jonesboro, GA
Stone Mountain, GA

Agape Living
Amelia Gardens I Amelia Gardens II
Angels Royal Gardens Personal Care Home Antebellum Grove Assisted
Living Arbor Terrace
Arbor Terrace at Cascade
Arbor Terrace at Tucker Arbor Terrace at West Cobb

1840 Phinizy Road
545 Toonigh Road
2030 Bascomb Carmel Road
7752 Marabou Lane
1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
170 Marilyn Farmer Way 1001 Research Center Atlanta 5844 Highway 29
3829 Floyd Road

Augusta, GA
Woodstock, GA Woodstock, GA
Riverdale, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Athens, GA
Atlanta, GA
Tucker, GA Austell, GA

Arbor Terrace of Decatur Arbor Terrace of East Cobb
Ashley Glen Ashton Hall
Atria Buckhead

425 Winn Way
866 Johnson Ferry Road
441 Prime Point
1155 Lawrenceville
2848 Lenox Road

Decatur, GA Marietta, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA

Atria Johnson Ferry Augusta Gardens Retirement
Residence Autumn Village 2A
Autumn Village 2B
Autumn Village 2C

9 Sherwood Lane
3725 Wheeler Road
746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road

Marietta, GA Augusta, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA

30188 30058
Zip Code 30326 30083
30906 30188 30189 30274 31088 30606 30331 30084 30106 30030 30068
30269 30046
30324 30067 30909 30233 30233 30233


Belair at Macon, The

4901 Harrison Road

Macon, GA

Belmont Village
Benton House at Benton Village
Benton House at Benton Village - Transitional Step
Down Program Benton House of Covington
Benton House of Dublin and Beacon Neighborhood
Benton House of Newnan Lakes
BestCare Assisted Living
Bickford Senior Living Blair House Senior Living
Community Brasstown Manor Brightmoor Assisted Living
Brighton Gardens of Buckhead
Brighton Gardens of Dunwoody
Brittany House at Benson Heights
Brittany House at Holly Springs
Brittany's Place Assisted Living
Cambridge Farms Assisted Living
Cameron Hall
Candler Ridge II
Carlyle Place - Cambridge Court
Cedar Hill Senior Living Community
Cedar Plantation Assisted Living and Alzheimers Community
Covenant Care Hamptom

5455 Glenridge Drive
201 Evergreen Terrace
201 Evergreen Terrace
7155 Dearing Road
212 Fairview Park Drive
25 Newnan Lakes Boulevard
2775 Cruse Road; #1401
840 LeCroy Drive 684 Arlington Place
108 Church Street 3223 Newnan Road
3088 Lenox Road
1240 Ashford Center Parkway 1788 Sandy Plains
Road 2852 Holly Springs Road 141 Denis Drive
4040 Webb Bridge Road 240 Marietta
Highway 1205 Nunnally
Drive 5300 Zebulon
Road 402 East Ellawood Avenue 46637 Highway 46 East
120 West Tisbury Lane

Atlanta, GA
Stockbridge, GA Stockbridge, GA
Covington, GA Dublin, GA Newnan, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Marietta, GA Macon, GA Hiawassee, GA Griffin, GA Atlanta, GA Dunwoody, GA Marietta, GA Marietta, GA Jeffersonville,
GA Alpharetta, GA
Canton, GA Monroe, GA Macon, GA Cedartown, GA Metter, GA
Pooler, GA


30342 30281 30281
30014 31021 30263 30044 30068 31201 30546 30224 30324 30338 30066 30062 31044 30005 30114 30655 31210 30125 30439

Covenant Care Lane
Covenant Care Tisbury
Divine Love Personal Care Home
Dogwood Forest at Eagles Landing
Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dream Catcher Farm Personal Care Home Dream Catcher in the Woods
Eden Personal Care Home
Elmcroft at Milford Chase
Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Elmcroft of Roswell
Elmcroft Senior Living Emeritus at Decatur
Emeritus at Flint River Memory Care Community Emeritus at Heritage Hills
Emeritus at Riverstone Senior Living
Emeritus at Sandy Springs Place
Emeritus at Spring Mountain
Emeritus at Vinings
Emeritus at Woodstock Senior Living Community
Ettas House Evergreen Assisted Living
FAM Personal Care Home
G.S.E. Gantt Personal Care Home
Gardens of Roswell
Generous Care Giving

141 West Tisbury Lane
126 West Tisbury Lane
943 Falling Creek Drive
475 Country Club Drive
1294 Highway 54 West
286 Four Points Road
286 Four Points Road
2438 Swan Lake Drive
1345 Milford Church Road
7493 Mount Zion Boulevard
400 Marietta Highway
515 The Pass
475 Irvin Court
250 Water Tower Court
3607 Weems Road
125 Riverstone Terrace
1262 Hightower Trail
1790 Powder Springs Road
2401 Cumberland Parkway S
756 Neese Road
1682 Pharr Road
2823 Gillionville Road
5618 Wellborn Creek Drive
3834 Fairington Drive
9212 Nesbit Ferry Road
2769 Kilgore Road

Pooler, GA Pooler, GA Macon, GA Stockbridge, GA Fayetteville, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Grayson, GA Marietta, GA Jonesboro, GA Roswell, GA Martinez, GA Decatur, GA Macon, GA Columbus, GA Canton, GA Atlanta, GA Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA Woodstock, GA Snellville, GA Albany, GA Lithonia, GA Hephzibah, GA Alpharetta, GA Buford, GA


31322 31322 31220 30281 30214 30233 30233 30017 30008 30236 30075 30907 30030 31210 31909 30114 30350 30064 30309 30188 30078 31721 30058 30815 30022 30519

Gentilly Gardens Golden Crest
Golden Rule Personal Care Home
Gracemont Assisted Living
Grosvenor Personal Care Home
Habersham House Senior Residence
Heritage of Sandy Plains
Homeplace Senior Living Memory Care Community Lake Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care Community Leisure Living of LaGrange
I Lorraine Young Personal
Care Home Loving Grace Personal Care
Home #1 Macy Retirement Center
Magnolia Manor Retirement Center
Mattie H. Marshall Center
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A
Mercy Personal Care Home
Merryvale Assisted Living
Morning Starr Personal Care Home
Morningside of Albany Morningside of Conyers
Morningside of Macon Mountain View Personal
Care Home Mt. Carmel Personal Care
Home Naja Personal Care Home
Northlake Gardens

625 Gentilly Road 2160 Lake Harbin
Road 2342 Dorn Road
4960 Jot-EmDown Road 4556 Central
Drive 5200 Habersham
Street 3039 Sandy Plains
Road 345 Pearl Bates
Avenue 45 Walnut Street
137 Parker Place
2836 Tobacco Road
1236 12th Street
4408 Houston Avenue
2001 South Lee Street
2001 South Lee Street
524 Gordon Street
3630 Brushy Wood Drive 11980 Highway 142 North 519 Lawrenceville
Street 1721 Beattie Road 1352 Wellbrook
Circle 6191 Peake Road 3675 Kensington
Road 3084 Mt. Carmel
Road 935 Donington
Circle 1300 Montreal

Statesboro, GA Morrow, GA Augusta, GA Cumming, GA Stone Mountain,
GA Savannah, GA Marietta, GA Eastman, GA Hartwell, GA LaGrange, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA
Macon, GA Americus, GA Americus, GA Bremen, GA Loganville, GA
Oxford, GA Norcross, GA Albany, GA Conyers, GA Macon, GA Decatur, GA Hampton, GA Lawrenceville,
GA Tucker, GA


30458 30260 30906 30041 30083 31405 30066 31023 30643 30240 30815 30901 31206 31709 31709 30110 30052 30054 30071 31721 30012 31220 30032 30228 30045 30084

Pineview Gardens of Evans Pineview Gardens Personal
Care Home Plair Personal Care Home Plair Personal Care Home II Plantation Manor Personal
Care Home Plantation South of
Dunwoody Platinum Care Personal Care
Home Precious Touch PCH
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Village Hearthstone
Providence of Alpharetta
Rainbow Retirement Home
Renaissance On Peachtree
Riverwood Retirement Life Community Roman Court
Royal Southern Plantation
Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Savannah Court of Milledgeville
Savannah Court of Newnan Scepter Living Center of Snellville LLC
Senior Citizens Care Center Annex
Serenity of Jefferson
Sha Sha's Leisure Living Sheridan Place - Clare
Bridge Place Memory Care Unit
Silverleaf of Snellville
Sonshine Manor Personal Care Home
Southern Heritage II

4393 Owens Road 4255 Highway 25
North 2016 Scott Road 2014 Scott Road 220 Park Avenue
4594 Barclay Drive
2358 Oak Avenue
6631 Chason Woods Court 2000 East-West
Connector 2000 East-West
Connector 12775 Providence
Road 109 Meyer Farm
Road 3755 Peachtree
Road, N.E. 511 West 10th
Street 1168 Chulio Road 580 Tommy Lee
Fuller Drive 1137 Lynmoor
Drive 61 Marshall Road
27 Belt Road 3000 Lenora Church Road 223 Harmon Road
1442 Johnson Mill Road
1465 Teagle Road 504 Firetower Road
2106 McGee Road
115 Stephens View Road 814 Carl Vinson

Evans, GA Hephzibah, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Thomasville,
GA Dunwoody, GA
Morrow, GA
Jonesboro, GA
Austell, GA
Austell, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Arnoldsville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA Loganville, GA
Atlanta, GA Milledgeville,
GA Newnan, GA Snellville, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Jefferson, GA
Forsyth, GA Dublin, GA
Snellville, GA Jasper, GA
Centerville, GA


30809 30815 30906 30906 31792 30338 30260 30238 30106 30106 30009 30619 30319 30165 30161 30052 30319 31061 30263 30078 30401 30549 31029 31021
30078 30143 31028

Southern Pines Senior Care Inc.
Southern Pines Senior Living
St Marys Center for Alzheimer's and Dementia
Care Stonehenge Assisted Living
3 Stonehenge Assisted Living
One Stonehenge Too
Summers Landing PCH
Summerset Assisted Living Community
Sunrise at Buckhead
Sunrise at Decatur
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Five Forks
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit
Sunrise Harbour Personal Care Home
Sweetwater Springs Assisted Living
Tapleys Personal Care Home
Tara Plantation Assisted Living
Tender Care Assisted Living at Snellville
Tender Care Personal Care Home
The Carlton
The Cottage Senior Living
The Court at Sandy Springs Memory Care (Emeritus)
The Green House at Calvary
The Green House II at Calvary

258 College Avenue
423 Covington Avenue
1660 Jennings Mill Road
168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive
171 Highway 78 NW
3711 Benjamin E. Mays Drive
1000 Lenox Park Boulevard,
920 Clairemont Avenue
1551 Johnson Ferry Road
3997 Five Forks Trickum Ro 8480 Roswell Road
139 Orchard Pass
1600 Lee Road
4602 Hereford Farm Road
440 Tribble Gap Road
3922 Centerville Highway #1
1560 Twin Bridge Lane
690 Mt. Vernon Highway
818 Round Tree Court
1262 Hightower Trail
7490 Old Moon Road
7462 Old Moon Road

Maysville, GA
Thomasville, GA
Bogart, GA
Blairsville, GA
Blairsville, GA
Blairsville, GA
Monroe, GA
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Decatur, GA
Marietta, GA
Lilburn, GA
Sandy Springs, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Lithia Springs, GA
Evans, GA
Cumming, GA
Snellville, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Columbus, GA
Columbus, GA


30558 31792 30622
30512 30512 30512 30655 30331 30319 30030 30062 30047 30350 31088 30122 30809 30040 30039 30043 30328 30045 30350 31909 31909

The Mann House
The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidway Island The Plaza Personal Care Center - Wesley Wood The Suites at Poplar Creek
Trinity Personal Care Home of Georgia, LLC
Tudor Castle Personal Care Home
Tylers Assisted Living
Victoria Personal Care Home
Vital Place
Washington Manor We Care 2 Personal Care
Home Whispering Pines
Willow Gardens
Winthrop at Polk Winthrop West Senior
Living Woodland Ridge
Woodstock Estates
Yellow Brick House Yellow Brick Road PCH

5413 Northland Drive
95 Skidaway Island Park Road
2280 North Highway 29 114 Old Airport
Road 718 Weed Street
2056 Tudor Castle Circle
208 Flowing Wells Road 2666 Nancy Drive
985 Waldwick Drive
184 Pine Lane
1483 Virgil Pond Lane
6273 Highway 41 South
16 Crestwood Drive
131 Melissa Lane
279 Technology Parkway
4005 South Cobb Drive
1000 Professional Way
6903 Main Street
5063 Upper Elm Street

Atlanta, GA
Savannah, GA
Newnan, GA
LaGrange, GA
Augusta, GA
Decatur, GA
Martinez, GA
Macon, GA Lawrenceville,
GA Washington, GA Loganville, GA
Bolingbroke, GA
Toccoa, GA Cedartown, GA
Rome, GA
Smyrna, GA
Woodstock, GA
Lithonia, GA Atlanta, GA


Name A 1 Belinda Winfrey PCH



1833 Empress Court Augusta, GA

Zip Code

A Better Home Care
A Loving Heart Personal Care Home A Place for Comfort

2700 Stancil Boulevard

Jonesboro, GA

3437 Gebhart Court Hephzibah, GA

1766 Big Valley Lane

Stone Mountain, GA


30342 31411
30265 30240 30904 30035 30907 31206 30045 30673 30052 31004 30577 30125 30165 30080 30188 30058 30349

30906 30326 30815 30083

AAN Center

414 Rigby Street

Marietta, GA

Agape Living Alberta Gregory Personal Care Home
Alero Personal Care Home Inc

1840 Phinizy Road
2102 Kennedy Drive

Augusta, GA Augusta, GA

230 Trelawny Circle Covington, GA

Amazing Grace Personal Care Home
Amelia Gardens

206 Reynolds Street Augusta, GA 576 Nickajack Road Mableton, GA

Amelia Gardens I

545 Toonigh Road Woodstock, GA

Amelia Gardens II
Andras AA Personal Care Home

2030 Bascomb Carmel Road
1736 Jenkins Street

Woodstock, GA Augusta, GA

Angels Care Personal Care Home

2620 Richmond Hill Augusta, GA Road

Angels Royal Gardens Personal 7752 Marabou Lane Riverdale, GA Care Home

Annette Holleys Personal Care Home #2
Antebellum Grove Assisted Living
Anthonys Personal Care Home

4515 Colonial Road Martinez, GA

1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
2329 Cadden Road

Warner Robins, GA
Augusta, GA

Arbor Terrace Arbor Terrace at Cascade Arbor Terrace at Tucker

170 Marilyn Farmer Way
1001 Research Center
5844 Highway 29

Athens, GA Atlanta, GA Tucker, GA

Arbor Terrace at West Cobb

3829 Floyd Road

Austell, GA

Arbor Terrace of Decatur Arbor Terrace of East Cobb Ashley Glen
Ashton Hall Atria Buckhead Atria Johnson Ferry

425 Winn Way

Decatur, GA

866 Johnson Ferry Road
441 Prime Point

Marietta, GA
Peachtree City, GA

1155 Lawrenceville Highway
2848 Lenox Road 9 Sherwood Lane

Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA Marietta, GA


30060 30906 30904 30016 30901 30126 30188 30189 30904 30906 30274 30907 31088 30906 30606 30331 30084 30106 30030 30068 30269
30046 30324 30067

Augusta Gardens Retirement Residence Autumn Breeze Assisted Living
Autumn Village
Autumn Village 2A
Autumn Village 2B
Autumn Village 2C
Avondale Assisted Living at Kensington Avondale Assisted Living at Northlake Avondale Homes at Tucker
Barbara Ray Halls Personal Care Home Belair at Macon, The Belmont Village
Benton House at Benton Village
Benton House at Benton Village - Transitional Step Down Program Benton House of Dublin and Beacon Neighborhood Benton House of Newnan Lakes
Bessie Maes Personal Care Home BestCare Assisted Living
Bethany Assisted Living, Inc.
Bickford Senior Living Blair House Senior Living Community Blossom Personal Care Home Brasstown Manor Brightmoor Assisted Living
Brighton Gardens of Buckhead Brittany House at Benson Heights Brittany House at Holly Springs
Brookdale Place of Augusta

3725 Wheeler Road
2215 Old Hamilton Place
753 Covington Street 746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road
3508 Kensington Road
3965 Gloucester Drive
2553 Sandpiper Drive 2638 Castletown Drive
4901 Harrison Road
5455 Glenridge Drive 201 Evergreen Terrace 201 Evergreen Terrace
212 Fairview Park Drive
25 Newnan Lakes Boulevard
910 Quaker Road Drive
2775 Cruse Road; #1401
1400 Northeast Main Street
840 LeCroy Drive
684 Arlington Place 2494 Lillies Trace
108 Church Street
3223 Newnan Road 3088 Lenox Road
1788 Sandy Plains Road
2852 Holly Springs Road 326 Boy Scout Road

Augusta, GA Gainesville, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Decatur, GA Tucker, GA Tucker, GA Hephzibah, GA Macon, GA Atlanta, GA Stockbridge, GA Stockbridge, GA
Dublin, GA Newnan, GA Waynesboro, GA Lawrenceville, GA Vidalia, GA
Marietta, GA Macon, GA Dacula, GA Hiawassee, GA Griffin, GA Atlanta, GA Marietta, GA
Marietta, GA Augusta, GA


30909 30507 30233 30233 30233 30233 30032 30084 30084 30815 31206 30342 30281 30281
31021 30263 30830 30044 30474 30068 31201 30019 30546 30224 30324 30066 30062 30909

Brooks Home Care Brown Personal Care Home
Bryants of Peace Personal Care Home Cambridge Farms Assisted Living Cameron Hall
Cameron Hall of Ellijay
Camilla Retirement Home
Candler Ridge II
Care Givers & More Elderly Care Services Carlyle Place - Cambridge Court Carols Place
Cedar Hill Senior Living Community Cedar Plantation Assisted Living and Alzheimers Community Champeunes Personal Care Home Charms Personal Care Home
Colonial Gardens of Warner Robins #1 Colquitt Garden Manor Cordelia Manor Personal Care Home Country Manor Estates Courtyard Gardens
Covenant Care Hamptom
Covenant Care Lane
Covenant Care Tisbury
Cozy Manor Personal Care Home Davis Elderly Care
Delmar Gardens of Gwinnett Dennis and Dilsie Adult Care Home

2408 Mims Road
554 Idlewood Road 339 Marshall Street 4040 Webb Bridge Road
240 Marietta Highway
114 Penland Street 161 East Broad Street
1205 Nunnally Drive
6602 Shucraft Road 5300 Zebulon Road 2662 Barclay Street 402 East Ellawood Avenue
46637 Highway 46 East

Hephzibah, GA Waynesboro, GA Martinez, GA Alpharetta, GA
Canton, GA
Ellijay, GA Camilla, GA
Monroe, GA
Appling, GA Macon, GA Hephzibah, GA Cedartown, GA
Metter, GA

3439 Rushing Road Augusta, GA

900 West Residence Avenue
903 West Highway 96
498 5th Street SE
1307 Blackshear Road
1487 Allen Road
1000 River Center Place 120 West Tisbury Lane
141 West Tisbury Lane
126 West Tisbury Lane
706 North Main Street
5275 Hereford Farm Road
3100 Club Drive
217 St. Andrew Street

Albany, GA
Warner Robins, GA Moultrie, GA Cordele, GA
Macon, GA Lawrenceville, GA Pooler, GA
Pooler, GA
Pooler, GA
LaFayette, GA
Evans, GA
Lawrenceville, GA Sylvania, GA


30815 30830 30907 30005 30114 30540 31730 30655 30802 31210 30815 30125 30439
30906 31701 31088 31768 31015 31216 30043 31322 31322 31322 30728 30809 30044 30467

Destinys Home of Comfort Personal Care Home Divine Love Personal Care Home Dogwood Bluff Personal Care Home Dogwood Forest at Eagles Landing Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dogwood Forest of Gainesville
Dream Catcher Farm Personal Care Home Dream Catcher in the Woods
Echols Personal Care Home
Eden Personal Care Home
Elaine Miller Personal Care Home Elmcroft at Milford Chase
Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Elmcroft of Roswell
Elmcroft Senior Living Emeritus at Decatur Emeritus at Flint River Memory Care Community Emeritus at Heritage Hills Emeritus at Riverstone Senior Living Emeritus at Sandy Springs Place Emeritus at Spring Mountain
Emeritus at Vinings
Emeritus at Woodstock Senior Living Community Englewood Health Care I Ettas House Evans Personal Care Home Evergreen Assisted Living
Faith and Hope Personal Care Home

2529 Crosscreek Road
943 Falling Creek Drive
266 Pony Lake Lane
475 Country Club Drive
1294 Highway 54 West
3315 Thompson Bridge Road
286 Four Points Road
286 Four Points Road 5266 Lexington Road 2438 Swan Lake Drive
5413 Old Augusta Highway
1345 Milford Church Road
7493 Mount Zion Boulevard
400 Marietta Highway
515 The Pass
475 Irvin Court
250 Water Tower Court
3607 Weems Road
125 Riverstone Terrace
1262 Hightower Trail 1790 Powder Springs Road
2401 Cumberland Parkway S
756 Neese Road
507 North Madison
1682 Pharr Road
426 Liberty Street
2823 Gillionville Road 773 Chapman Street

Hephzibah, GA Macon, GA Dahlonega, GA Stockbridge, GA Fayetteville, GA Gainesville, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Rayle, GA Grayson, GA Grovetown, GA Marietta, GA Jonesboro, GA Roswell, GA Martinez, GA Decatur, GA Macon, GA Columbus, GA Canton, GA Atlanta, GA Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA Woodstock, GA Albany, GA Snellville, GA Gray, GA Albany, GA Jonesboro, GA


30815 31220 30533 30281 30214 30506 30233 30233 30660 30017 30813 30008 30236 30075 30907 30030 31210 31909 30114 30350 30064 30309 30188 31701 30078 31032 31721 30238

Faith Landing Personal Care Home FAM Personal Care Home
Family Pampering Center PCH #1 Fern's Tender Loving Care Home First Love Personal Care Home #1 First Love Personal Care Home #2 Fite Living Centre Five Ponds Personal Care Home
Florence Jeffersons T.L.C. Freeman Personal Care Home Fulcher - Nations Personal Care Home G.S.E. Gantt Personal Care Home Gardens at Royal Oaks
Gardens of Roswell
Gardners Personal Care Home
Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home II Generous Care Giving Gentilly Gardens Georgia Living Center Gods Child Personal Care Home Golden Crest
Golden Crest Assisted Living Eagles Landing Golden Pond Assisted Living Center Golden Rule Personal Care Home Golff Personal Care Home Gospel Water Branch Elderly Housing, Inc. Governors Glen
Gracemont Assisted Living

1215 Hale Street
5618 Wellborn Creek Drive 2180 Surrey Trail
3547 Spring Valley Road 2403 Wrightsboro Road 2734 Milledgeville Road 5 Fite Street 4688 Windsor Spring Road 4357 Seago Road 1945 15th Street 2020 Edgar Street
3834 Fairington Drive 1218 Broadrick Drive 9212 Nesbit Ferry Road 2024 Wrightsboro Road 1029 Mosley Road
1015 Mosley Road
2769 Kilgore Road 625 Gentilly Road 182 Head Avenue 3719 Colbert Street
2160 Lake Harbin Road 425 Country Club Drive 8167 Eisenhower Parkway 2342 Dorn Road
439 Drexell Avenue 672 King Taylor Road 5000 Governors Drive 4940 Jot-Em-Down Road

Waynesboro, GA Lithonia, GA
College Park, GA Decatur, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Cartersville, GA Hephzibah, GA
Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Dalton, GA Alpharetta, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Augusta, GA
Buford, GA Statesboro, GA Tallapoosa, GA Augusta, GA Morrow, GA
Stockbridge, GA
Lizella, GA
Augusta, GA Millen, GA Evans, GA
Forest Park, GA
Cumming, GA


30830 30058 30349 30032 30904 30904 30120 30815 30815 30901 30904 30815 30720 30022 30901 30906 30906 30519 30458 30176 30906 30260 30281 31052 30906 30442 30809 30297 30041

Gracemont Assisted Living
Graces House Great Day PCH Greenwood Gardens
Griffin House South, The
Grosvenor Personal Care Home
Habersham House Senior Residence Halls Personal Care Home of Evans Hapeville Manor Assisted Living Heather House
Heather House Crabapple Heavenly Arms
Helping Hands Personal Care Home 2 Heritage of Sandy Plains
Horizon Bay
House of Naum Personal Care Home, The Isaac Haven Assisted Living Center Ivy Hall North
J R & C Assisted Living Center
Jacksons Personal Care Home Jamestown Personal Care Home Jane Smiths Personal Care Home Johns Helping Hands
Jones Personal Care Home Joseph Home of Comfort PCH
Krisscare Personal Care Home Lake Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care Community Lakeside Rest Home Lakeview Retirement Center
Laurel Creek Manor Assisted Living

4960 Jot-Em-Down Road 2 River Street
2604 Whittier Place
1160 Whitlock Avenue 107 West Liberty Street 4556 Central Drive
5200 Habersham Street 4528 Hereford Farm Road 601 Coleman Street
11965 Old Mountain Park Ro 290 Ranchette Road
2764 1/2 Tobacco Road 6260 Mozart Drive
3039 Sandy Plains Road 180 Woodrow Wilson Way 2880 Olive Grove Church Ro 1939 Isaac Watkins Road 5690 State Bridge Road 2195 Waynesboro Highway 2377 Dublin Drive
300 Green Street
1809 Mavis Street
2903 Larkspur Drive 1618 Cider Lane
3908 Fairington Drive 2793 Skyland Drive
45 Walnut Street
924 Crump Street
111 Stephens Avenue 7955 Majors Road

Cumming, GA
Cave Spring, GA Hephzibah, GA Marietta, GA
Claxton, GA
Stone Mountain, GA Savannah, GA
Evans, GA
Hapeville, GA Roswell, GA
Alpharetta, GA Hephzibah, GA
Riverdale, GA
Marietta, GA
Rome, GA
Roberta, GA
Montrose, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Hiltonia, GA
Augusta, GA Fort Valley, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Snellville, GA Hartwell, GA
Swainsboro, GA Baxley, GA Cumming, GA


30041 30124 30815 30064 30417 30083 31405 30809 30354 30075 30004 30815 30296 30066 30165 31078 31065 30022 30467 30906 31030 30906 30906 30906 30815 30078 30643 30401 31513 30041

Leisure Living of LaGrange I Lifetime CLA
Lighthouse Personal Care Home Lighthouse Personal Care Home, The Lorraine Young Personal Care Home Loves Community Care Center Loves Personal Care Facility
Loving Grace Personal Care Home #1 Lucille Kylers Quality Care Personal Care Home Macy Retirement Center
Magnolia Lane
Magnolia Manor of Columbus Assisted Living Magnolia Manor Retirement Center Majestic Manor Maries Adult Personal Care Home Mattie H. Marshall Center
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A Mercy Personal Care Home
Merryvale Assisted Living
Miller and Son Personal Care Home Mitchells Personal Care Home Mitchells Personal Care Home
Morning Pointe Assisted Living Morning Starr Personal Care Home Morningside of Conyers
Morningside of Dalton Morningside of Macon Mountain View Personal Care Home Mt. Carmel Personal Care Home Naja Personal Care Home

137 Parker Place
706 High Pointe Drive 1431 Brittain Road
206 Blue Mountain Parkway 2836 Tobacco Road
2366 Dublin Drive
2347 Amsterdam Drive 1236 12th Street
3231 Ware Road
4408 Houston Avenue 6365 Newborn Drive 2040 Warm Springs Road 2001 South Lee Street 67 Pin Oak Drive
3524 Wrightsboro Road 2001 South Lee Street 524 Gordon Street
3630 Brushy Wood Drive 11980 Highway 142 North 136 Salem ChurchMiller Ro 405 Lawton Street
684 Cascade Avenue 660 Jolly Road NW
519 Lawrenceville Street 1352 Wellbrook Circle 2470 Dug Gap Road
6191 Peake Road
3675 Kensington Road 3084 Mt. Carmel Road 935 Donington

LaGrange, GA Winder, GA Douglasville, GA Rocky Face, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Macon, GA College Park, GA Columbus, GA Americus, GA Rock Spring, GA Augusta, GA Americus, GA Bremen, GA Loganville, GA Oxford, GA Gray, GA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Calhoun, GA Norcross, GA Conyers, GA Dalton, GA Macon, GA Decatur, GA Hampton, GA Lawrenceville, GA


30240 30680 30134 30740 30815 30906 30906 30901 30909 31206 30349 31904 31709 30739 30909 31709 30110 30052 30054 31032 30310 30310 30701 30071 30012 30720 31220 30032 30228 30045

Northlake Gardens Northside Villa
Palmer Family Care Home Park Regency Personal Care Home Patricias Adults Care Home
Patterson Personal Care Home Augusta Peaceful Living Personal Care Home - Augusta Peachtree Plantation Pineview Gardens of Evans Pineview Gardens Personal Care Home Plair Personal Care Home Plair Personal Care Home II Plantation South of Dunwoody Pleasant Valley Retirement Home Precious Touch PCH
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Village Hearthstone Providence of Alpharetta
Q & N Personal Care Home Rainbow Retirement Home
Renaissance Marquis Retirement Village Renaissance On Peachtree
Rhema Personal Care Facilities
Riverwood Retirement Life Community Rock Creek Manor
Roman Court Rosaleana's Community Assisted Living Care Rosewood at Fort Oglethorpe
Royal Southern Plantation

1300 Montreal Road
8828 Hwy 112 North 4550 Janice Drive
3000 Veterans Parkway 206 St. Andrews Street 1605 Cornell Drive

Tucker, GA Rochelle, GA College Park, GA Moultrie, GA
Sylvania, GA
Augusta, GA

2714 Coleman Avenue 4251 Hudson Drive 4393 Owens Road 4255 Highway 25 North 2016 Scott Road 2014 Scott Road
4594 Barclay Drive 510 Reed Road

Augusta, GA
Oakwood, GA Evans, GA Hephzibah, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Dunwoody, GA Dalton, GA

6631 Chason Woods Court
2000 East-West Connector
2000 East-West Connector 12775 Providence Road
1859 Keith Drive
109 Meyer Farm Road
3126 Cedartown Highway
3755 Peachtree Road, N.E.
3144 Macedonia Road 511 West 10th Street
50 Cagle Mill Road South
1168 Chulio Road
350 Schoen Street, SE
14 Fort Town Drive
580 Tommy Lee Fuller Drive

Jonesboro, GA
Austell, GA
Austell, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Marietta, GA Arnoldsville, GA
Rome, GA
Atlanta, GA
Powder Springs, GA Rome, GA
Jasper, GA
Rome, GA Atlanta, GA
Fort Oglethorpe, GA Loganville, GA


30084 31079 30337 31768 30467 30906 30906 30566 30809 30815 30906 30906 30338 30720 30238 30106 30106 30009 30064 30619 30161 30319 30127 30165 30143 30161 30315 30742 30052

Ruby Place Sacred Hands Personal Care Homes Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Safe Haven Transitional Home
Savannah Court of Newnan Savannah Plantation PCH
Scepter Living Center of Snellville LLC Schnora's Happy Home
Senior Citizens Care Center Annex Serenity Mountain Manor
Serenity of Jefferson
Sha Sha's Leisure Living Sha-Lyndas Personal Care Home Shady Lane
Shady Lane II PCH
Shady Lane IV
Sheppard Personal Care Home Sheridan Place - Clare Bridge Place Memory Care Unit Silverleaf of Snellville Smith PCH Sonshine Manor Personal Care Home Southern Comfort Personal Care Home Southern Heritage II
Southern Pines Senior Care Inc. Southern Pines Senior Living
Sparks Inn at Christian City Springfield Personal Care Home St Irene PCH
St Marys Center for Alzheimer's and Dementia Care

705 Cleland Street
141 St Ann Circle
1137 Lynmoor Drive 305 E Mulberry Street 27 Belt Road
102 Level Creek Road 3000 Lenora Church Road 2690 Shady Hill Court 223 Harmon Road
309 Price Creek Farms Lane 1442 Johnson Mill Road 1465 Teagle Road
2313 Cadden Court
4901 La Roche Avenue 1133 Cornell Avenue 4901 LaRoche Avenue 123 Emma Lane
504 Firetower Road
2106 McGee Road
315 Advance Street
115 Stephens View Road 580 Old Bremen Road 814 Carl Vinson Parkway 258 College Avenue
423 Covington Avenue 7290 Lester Road
3342 Springfield Road 44 Clairmont Avenue 1660 Jennings Mill Road

Savannah, GA Dallas, GA Atlanta, GA LaGrange, GA Newnan, GA Buford, GA Snellville, GA Snellville, GA Swainsboro, GA Jasper, GA
Jefferson, GA Forsyth, GA Augusta, GA Savannah, GA Savannah, GA Savannah, GA
Waynesboro, GA Dublin, GA Snellville, GA Swainsboro, GA Jasper, GA Temple, GA
Centerville, GA Maysville, GA Thomasville, GA Union City, GA Sparta, GA Elberton, GA Bogart, GA


31415 30157 30319 30241 30263 30518 30078 30039 30401 30143
30549 31029 30906 31404 31406 31404
30830 31021 30078 30401 30143 30179
31028 30558 31792 30291 31087 30635 30622

Star Manor Stonehenge Assisted Living 3
Stonehenge Assisted Living One Stonehenge Too
Suites at Oak View Summer Willow Assisted Living Summer's Landing Summer's Landing Tilly Mill
Summers Landing Limestone
Summers Landing PCH
Summerset Assisted Living Community Sunrise at Buckhead
Sunrise at Decatur
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Five Forks
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit
Sunrise at Johns Creek
Sunrise Harbour Personal Care Home Sweetwater Springs Assisted Living Tapleys Personal Care Home
Tara Plantation Assisted Living
Tebeau House Retirement Home Tender Care Assisted Living at Snellville Tender Care Personal Care Home Tennille Assisted Living
The Carlton
The Cohen Home
The Colonnade at Brandon Wilde

241 Nelson Street
168 Stonehenge Drive 168 Stonehenge Drive 168 Stonehenge Drive 55 Stockade Road
259 Nunez Lexsy Road
311 Jerriel Street
4821 North Peachtree Road
2030 Windward Lane 171 Highway 78 NW 3711 Benjamin E. Mays Drive
1000 Lenox Park Boulevard,
920 Clairemont Avenue
1551 Johnson Ferry Road
3997 Five Forks Trickum Ro
8480 Roswell Road
11405 Medlock Bridge Road
139 Orchard Pass
1600 Lee Road

Cartersville, GA Blairsville, GA Blairsville, GA Blairsville, GA Summerville, GA Swainsboro, GA
Vidalia, GA Dunwoody, GA
Gainesville, GA Monroe, GA Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Decatur, GA
Marietta, GA
Lilburn, GA
Sandy Springs, GA Johns Creek, GA
Warner Robins, GA Lithia Springs, GA

4602 Hereford Farm Road
440 Tribble Gap Road
2019 Tebeau Street

Evans, GA Cumming, GA Waycross, GA

3922 Centerville Highway #1
1560 Twin Bridge Lane
525 North Main Street
690 Mt. Vernon Highway
10485 Jones Bridge Road
4275 Owens Road

Snellville, GA Lawrenceville, GA Tennille, GA Atlanta, GA Alpharetta, GA Evans, GA


30120 30512 30512 30512 30747 30401 30474 30338 30501 30655 30331 30319 30030 30062 30047 30350 30093 31088 30122 30809 30040 31501 30039 30043 31089 30328 30022 30809

The Cottage Senior Living
The Court at Sandy Springs Memory Care (Emeritus) The Green House at Calvary
The Green House II at Calvary
The Home Place The Mann House
The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidaway Island The Plaza Personal Care Center - Wesley Wood The Suites at Poplar Creek
The Willows
TLC Family Home
Trinity Personal Care Home of Georgia, LLC Tudor Castle Personal Care Home Tylers Assisted Living
Victoria Personal Care Home Victory Village
Villa Rose Vision Personal Care Home #1 Vital Place
Waldrop Personal Care Inc
Walkers Lakebreeze Personal Care Home Washington Manor We Care 2 Personal Care Home
Welcoming Arms Whispering Pines
Willow Gardens Winthrop at Polk Winthrop Court Assisted Living
Winthrop West Senior Living

818 Round Tree Court
1262 Hightower Trail
7490 Old Moon Road 7462 Old Moon Road 801 Walnut Street
5413 Northland Drive 95 Skidaway Island Park Road
2280 North Highway 29
114 Old Airport Road 4179 Wheeler Road 3605 Shallowford Road 718 Weed Street
2056 Tudor Castle Circle 208 Flowing Wells Road 2666 Nancy Drive
3650 Salem Church Road 430 Mosley Road
960 Curry Place
985 Waldwick Drive 89 Burnt Hickory Road 440-A Lang Road
184 Pine Lane
1483 Virgil Pond Lane 210 Crabapple Road
6273 Highway 41 South
16 Crestwood Drive
131 Melissa Lane
10 Highway 411 East 279 Technology Parkway

Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Columbus, GA Columbus, GA
Louisville, GA Atlanta, GA
Savannah, GA
Newnan, GA
LaGrange, GA Martinez, GA Marietta, GA
Augusta, GA Decatur, GA
Martinez, GA
Macon, GA Jasper, GA
Byron, GA Macon, GA Lawrenceville, GA Cartersville, GA
Covington, GA
Washington, GA Loganville, GA Fayetteville, GA Bolingbroke, GA
Toccoa, GA Cedartown, GA Rome, GA Rome, GA


30045 30350 31909 31909
30434 30342
30265 30240 30907 30062
30904 30035
31206 30143
31008 31202 30045 30120
30014 30673 30052 30215 31004 30577 30125 30161 30165

Wise Choice Personal Care Home Woodhaven Personal Care Home Woodland Ridge
Woodstock Estates
Yellow Brick House
Yellow Brick Road PCH

318 Meadow Court Martinez, GA

6246 Highway 136 Trenton, GA

4005 South Cobb Drive
1000 Professional Way
6903 Main Street

Smyrna, GA Woodstock, GA Lithonia, GA

5063 Upper Elm Street

Atlanta, GA


Name A 1 Belinda Winfrey PCH
A Better Home Care

Address 1833 Empress
2700 Stancil Boulevard

City Augusta, GA
Jonesboro, GA

A Loving Heart Personal Care Home
A Place for Comfort

3437 Gebhart Court
1766 Big Valley Lane

Hephzibah, GA
Stone Mountain, GA

AAA Holly House

1680 Northwoods Drive

Marietta, GA

AAN Center Agape Living

414 Rigby Street
1840 Phinizy Road

Marietta, GA Augusta, GA

Alberta Gregory Personal Care Home
Alero Personal Care Home Inc
Amazing Grace Personal Care Home
Amelia Gardens
Amelia Gardens I

2102 Kennedy Drive
230 Trelawny Circle
206 Reynolds Street
576 Nickajack Road
545 Toonigh Road

Augusta, GA Covington, GA Augusta, GA Mableton, GA Woodstock, GA

Amelia Gardens II
Andras AA Personal Care Home
Angels Care Personal Care Home
Angels Royal Gardens Personal Care Home

2030 Bascomb Carmel Road
1736 Jenkins Street
2620 Richmond Hill Road
7752 Marabou Lane

Woodstock, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Riverdale, GA


30907 30752 30080 30188 30058 30349
Zip Code 30906 30326 30815 30083 30066 30060 30906 30904 30016 30901 30126 30188 30189 30904 30906 30274

Annette Holleys Personal Care Home #2
Anns Phenomenal Care Home
Antebellum Grove Assisted Living
Anthonys Personal Care Home
Arbor Terrace
Arbor Terrace at Cascade
Arbor Terrace at Tucker

4515 Colonial Road
2102 Hillsinger Road
1010 Kathryn Ryals Road
2329 Cadden Road
170 Marilyn Farmer Way
1001 Research Center
5844 Highway 29

Martinez, GA Augusta, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Augusta, GA
Athens, GA Atlanta, GA
Tucker, GA

Arbor Terrace at West Cobb 3829 Floyd Road Arbor Terrace of Decatur 425 Winn Way

Austell, GA Decatur, GA

Arbor Terrace of East Cobb
Ashley Glen
Ashton Hall
Atlanta Residential Care
Atria Buckhead Atria Johnson Ferry Attentive Needs Assisted
Living Augusta Gardens Retirement
Residence Autumn Leaf Assisted
Living Autumn Village
Autumn Village 2A
Autumn Village 2B
Autumn Village 2C
Autumn Years
Avondale Assisted Living at Kensington

866 Johnson Ferry Road
441 Prime Point
1155 Lawrenceville
4760 Cascade Road SW
2848 Lenox Road
9 Sherwood Lane
7264 Amanda Court
3725 Wheeler Road
5815 Stagecoach Road
753 Covington Street
746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road
746 McDonough Road
60 Massell Drive SE
3508 Kensington Road

Marietta, GA
Peachtree City, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA Marietta, GA Riverdale, GA
Augusta, GA
Rex, GA
Jackson, GA
Jackson, GA
Jackson, GA
Jackson, GA
Cartersville, GA Decatur, GA


30907 30904 31088 30906 30606 30331 30084 30106 30030
30068 30269 30046
30331 30324 30067 30274 30909 30273 30233 30233 30233 30233 30121 30032

Avondale Assisted Living at Northlake
Avondale Homes at Tucker
Azalea House
Azalea Way
B & E Personal Care Home
Barbara Ray Halls Personal Care Home
Bargerons Personal Care Home
Bebes Cottage
Belair at Macon, The
Bella's Cottage
Belmont Village
Benton House at Benton Village
Benton House at Benton Village - Transitional Step
Down Program Benton House of Dublin and
Beacon Neighborhood

3965 Gloucester Drive
2553 Sandpiper Drive
1896 Ludovie Lane
125 Hambleton Street
5786 Mableton Parkway
2638 Castletown Drive
2903 Milledgeville
Road 290 Meadow
Drive 4901 Harrison
Road 7275 Timberline
5455 Glenridge Drive
201 Evergreen Terrace
201 Evergreen Terrace
212 Fairview Park Drive

Tucker, GA Tucker, GA Decatur, GA Thomasville,
GA Mableton, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA
Alpharetta, GA Macon, GA
Cumming, GA Atlanta, GA
Stockbridge, GA Stockbridge, GA
Dublin, GA

Benton House of Newnan Lakes
Bessie Maes Personal Care Home
BestCare Assisted Living
Bethany Assisted Living, Inc.
Bethel Gardens Senior Living
Bickford Senior Living Blackshear Retirement Villa
Blair House Senior Living Community
Bless To The Max
Blossom Personal Care Home
Brasstown Manor

25 Newnan Lakes Boulevard
910 Quaker Road Drive
2775 Cruse Road; #1401
1400 Northeast Main Street 3805 Jackson Way
840 LeCroy Drive
1110 Blackshear Road
684 Arlington Place
5870 GA Highway 57 2494 Lillies Trace
108 Church Street

Newnan, GA
Waynesboro, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Vidalia, GA
Powder Springs, GA
Marietta, GA Cordele, GA
Macon, GA
Gordon, GA
Dacula, GA
Hiawassee, GA


30084 30084 30033 31792 30126 30815 30904
30009 31206 30041 30342 30281 30281
30263 30830 30044 30474 30127 30068 31015 31201 31031 30019 30546

Brickhaven Assisted Living Brightmoor Assisted Living
Brighton Gardens of Buckhead
Brighton Gardens of Dunwoody
Brittany House at Benson Heights
Brittany House at Holly Springs
Brittany's Place Assisted Living
Brookdale Place of Augusta
Brooks Home Care Brown Personal Care Home
Bryants of Peace Personal Care Home
Buckingham South
Cambridge Farms Assisted Living
Cameron Hall
Cameron Hall of Ellijay
Camilla Retirement Home
Candler Ridge II
Care Givers & More Elderly Care Services
Caring Hands Assisted Living
Caring Hearts PCH #2 Carlyle Place - Cambridge
Court Carols Place
Carolyn's II
Carolyn's Personal Care Home
Carousel House II
Carter Country Home

1807 12th Avenue
3223 Newnan Road
3088 Lenox Road
1240 Ashford Center Parkway 1788 Sandy Plains
Road 2852 Holly Springs Road 141 Denis Drive
326 Boy Scout Road
2408 Mims Road
554 Idlewood Road
339 Marshall Street
5450 Abercorn Street
4040 Webb Bridge Road 240 Marietta
Highway 114 Penland
Street 161 East Broad
Street 1205 Nunnally
Drive 6602 Shucraft
Road 1741 Highway
138 10 Dial Road
5300 Zebulon Road
2662 Barclay Street
202 East Adair Street
525 Green Street
173 South Lee Street
4447 U.S. 41 South

Albany, GA Griffin, GA Atlanta, GA
Dunwoody, GA
Marietta, GA
Marietta, GA
Jeffersonville, GA
Augusta, GA
Hephzibah, GA Waynesboro,
GA Martinez, GA
Savannah, GA
Alpharetta, GA
Canton, GA
Ellijay, GA Camilla, GA
Monroe, GA
Appling, GA
Riverdale, GA Monroe, GA Macon, GA
Hephzibah, GA Valdosta, GA
Valdosta, GA Forsyth, GA
Lake Park, GA


31707 30224 30324 30338 30066 30062 31044 30909 30815 30830 30907 31405 30005 30114 30540 31730 30655 30802 30296 30658 31210 30815 31601 31601 31029 31636

Cedar Hill Senior Living Community
Cedar Plantation Assisted Living and Alzheimers Community Celestial Care Services
Champeunes Personal Care Home
Charms Personal Care Home
Choice Care Assisted Living Inc.
Church Street Manor
Clarice Green Family PCH
Colonial Gardens of Warner Robins #1
Colonial Gardens of Warner Robins #2
Colonial Guest House, Inc.
Colquitt Alternative Living Care Inc.
Colquitt Garden Manor Comfy Personal Care Home
Cooper House AL
Cordelia Manor Personal Care Home
Cottages on Wesleyan, The
Country Heritage II
Country Living Personal Care Home
Country Manor Estates Countryside Personal Care
Home Courtyard Gardens
Covenant Care Hamptom
Covenant Care Lane
Covenant Care Tisbury

402 East Ellawood Avenue 46637 Highway
46 East
6571 Valley Hill Drive
3439 Rushing Road
900 West Residence Avenue 4930 Highway 20
425 West Church Street
1220 Dogwood Road North 903 West Highway 96 903 West Highway 96
131 East Main Street
258 East College Street
498 5th Street SE
2460 Skylars Mill Way
2213 Augusta Highway
1307 Blackshear Road
1633 Wesleyan Drive
5761 Conner Road
5841 Maysville Road
1487 Allen Road
236 Lawson Hall Drive
1000 River Center Place
120 West Tisbury Lane
141 West Tisbury Lane
126 West Tisbury Lane

Cedartown, GA
Metter, GA
Mableton, GA
Augusta, GA
Albany, GA
Loganville, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Woodville, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Franklin, GA
Colquitt, GA
Moultrie, GA Snellville, GA
Lincolnton, GA
Cordele, GA
Macon, GA
Flowery Branch, GA
Commerce, GA
Macon, GA Waynesboro,
GA Lawrenceville,
GA Pooler, GA
Pooler, GA
Pooler, GA


30125 30439
30126 30906 31701 30052 30401 30669 31088 31088 30217 39837 31768 30078 30817 31015 31210 30542 30529 31216 30830 30043 31322 31322 31322

Cozy Manor Personal Care Home
Cunningham's PCH
Davis Elderly Care
Delmar Gardens of Gwinnett
Dennis and Dilsie Adult Care Home
Destinys Home of Comfort Personal Care Home
Divine Love Personal Care Home
Dogwood Bluff Personal Care Home
Dogwood Forest at Eagles Landing
Dogwood Forest of Fayetteville
Dogwood Forest of Gainesville
Dogwood Gardens Senior Living
Dream Catcher Farm Personal Care Home Dream Catcher in the Woods
Duncan McRae House
East Georgia Personal Care Home II
Eastside Gardens
Easy Living Personal Care Home
Echols Personal Care Home
Eden Personal Care Home
Edgewood of Monticello
Elaine Miller Personal Care Home
Elaines Personal Care Home
Ellens Personal Care Home
Elmcroft at Milford Chase

706 North Main Street
195 Bristlecone Court
5275 Hereford Farm Road
3100 Club Drive
217 St. Andrew Street
2529 Crosscreek Road
943 Falling Creek Drive
266 Pony Lake Lane
475 Country Club Drive
1294 Highway 54 West
3315 Thompson Bridge Road
1222 Plaza Avenue
286 Four Points Road
286 Four Points Road
129 South Railroad Avenue
1371 West Peachtree Avenue
2078 Scenic Highway
2688 Nub Garland Road
5266 Lexington Road
2438 Swan Lake Drive
1178 College Street
5413 Old Augusta Highway
626 East Riverbend Drive
3229 Old Louisville Road
1345 Milford Church Road

LaFayette, GA Winterville, GA
Evans, GA Lawrenceville,
GA Sylvania, GA Hephzibah, GA Macon, GA Dahlonega, GA Stockbridge, GA Fayetteville, GA Gainesville, GA Eastman, GA Jackson, GA Jackson, GA Mount Vernon,
GA Union Point, GA
Snellville, GA Toccoa, GA Rayle, GA Grayson, GA Monticello, GA Grovetown, GA Lilburn, GA Augusta, GA Marietta, GA


30728 30683 30809 30044 30467 30815 31220 30533 30281 30214 30506 31023 30233 30233 30445 30669 30078 30577 30660 30017 31064 30813 30047 30906 30008

Elmcroft of Mt. Zion
Elmcroft of Roswell
Elmcroft Senior Living Emeritus at Decatur
Emeritus at Flint River Memory Care Community
Emeritus at Newnan
Emeritus at Riverstone Senior Living
Emeritus at Sandy Springs
Emeritus at Sandy Springs Place
Emeritus at Spring Mountain
Emeritus at Vinings
Emeritus at Woodstock Senior Living Community
Emory Senior Living
Enchanted Lives Personal Care Home
Englewood Health Care I
Englewood Health Care II
Ettas House Evans Personal Care Home Evergreen Assisted Living
Faith and Hope Personal Care Home
Faith Hope and Grace Home Faith Landing Personal Care
Home Falcon Crest Manor FAM Personal Care Home
Family Pampering Center PCH #1
Felton Manor Fern's Tender Loving Care

7493 Mount Zion Boulevard 400 Marietta Highway
515 The Pass
475 Irvin Court 250 Water Tower
Court 355 Millard Farmer Industrial 125 Riverstone
Terrace 1260 Hightower
Trail 1262 Hightower
Trail 1790 Powder Springs Road 2401 Cumberland
Parkway S 756 Neese Road
2795 Scenic Highway 124 3613 Larkspur
Drive 507 North Madison 286 Stonewall Street SE 1682 Pharr Road 426 Liberty Street 2823 Gillionville
Road 773 Chapman
Street 279 Cab Drive
1215 Hale Street
111 Epps Street 5618 Wellborn
Creek Drive 2180 Surrey Trail
16 Roving Road 3547 Spring Valley Road

Jonesboro, GA
Roswell, GA
Martinez, GA Decatur, GA Macon, GA
Newnan, GA
Canton, GA
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Marietta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Woodstock, GA
Snellville, GA
Augusta, GA
Albany, GA Dawson, GA
Snellville, GA Gray, GA Albany, GA
Jonesboro, GA
Sylvania, GA Waynesboro,
GA Gordon, GA Lithonia, GA
College Park, GA
Cartersville, GA Decatur, GA


30236 30075 30907 30030 31210 30263 30114 30350 30350 30064 30309 30188 30078 30906 31701 31742 30078 31032 31721 30238 30467 30830 31031 30058 30349 30121 30032

First Love Personal Care Home #1
First Love Personal Care Home #2
Fite Living Centre Five Ponds Personal Care
Home Florence Jeffersons T.L.C. Four Seasons Personal Care
Home Foxcroft Assisted Living
Frances B. Bell Personal Care Home
Freedom House Augusta PCH
Freeman Personal Care Home
Friendship Personal Care Home
Fulcher - Nations Personal Care Home
G.S.E. Gantt Personal Care Home
Garden Of Love
Gardens at Royal Oaks
Gardens of Roswell
Gardners Personal Care Home
Garrison Personal Care Home
Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home
Gaynell Hymels Personal Care Home II
Generous Care Giving
Gentilly Gardens Gentle Services In Home
Care Georgia Living Center Gods Child Personal Care
Home Gold City Personal Care
Home Golden Apple Carriage

2403 Wrightsboro Road 2734
Milledgeville Road
5 Fite Street 4688 Windsor Spring Road 4357 Seago Road 918 East Evans
3507 Dean Still Road
106 JoinerOglesby Road 2006 Sibley Road
1945 15th Street
723 West Oglethorpe Blvd. 2020 Edgar Street
3834 Fairington Drive
2208 Woodward Avenue
1218 Broadrick Drive
9212 Nesbit Ferry Road
2024 Wrightsboro Road
519 Perkins Road
1029 Mosley Road
1015 Mosley Road
2769 Kilgore Road
625 Gentilly Road 7363 Ovis Court
182 Head Avenue 3719 Colbert Street
350 Moores Drive
606 5th Avenue

Augusta, GA Augusta, GA
Cartersville, GA Hephzibah, GA Hephzibah, GA Bainbridge, GA Blackshear, GA
Sardis, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Albany, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Dalton, GA Alpharetta, GA Augusta, GA Palmetto, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Buford, GA Statesboro, GA Riverdale, GA Tallapoosa, GA Augusta, GA Dahlonega, GA Moultrie, GA


30904 30904
30120 30815 30815 39819 31516 30456 30909 30901 31701 30904 30815 30906 30720 30022 30901 30268 30906 30906 30519 30458 30274 30176 30906 30533 31768

House Golden Apple Personal Care
Home Golden Apple Personal Care
Home II Golden Crest
Golden Crest Assisted Living - Eagles Landing Golden Generations II
Personal Care Home Golden Personal Care Home
I Golden Personal Care Home
II Golden Retreat
Golden Royal Orchards PCH Golden Rule Personal Care
Home Golden Services Personal
Care Home Golff Personal Care Home
Gospel Water Branch Elderly Housing, Inc.
Governors Glen
Grace Gardens
Gracemont Assisted Living
Gracemont Assisted Living
Graces House Great Day PCH
Great Grans Personal Care Home
Green Park PCH
Greenwood Gardens
Griffin House South, The
Gro Shady Oaks
Grosvenor Personal Care Home

606 5th Avenue SE
606 Fifth Avenue SE
2160 Lake Harbin Road
425 Country Club Drive
386 Tower Drive
257 Golden Road
257 Golden Road
503 South Goodman Street 5112 Kelly Drive
2342 Dorn Road
930 West Magnolia Street
439 Drexell Avenue
672 King Taylor Road
5000 Governors Drive
30 South College Street
4940 Jot-EmDown Road 4960 Jot-EmDown Road 2 River Street
2604 Whittier Place
1002 North Wiley Avenue
2941 Sandy Plains Road
1160 Whitlock Avenue
107 West Liberty Street
310 Chestnut Street
4556 Central Drive

Moultrie, GA Moultrie, GA Morrow, GA Stockbridge, GA Martinez, GA Eastman, GA Eastman, GA Sparks, GA Cohutta, GA Augusta, GA Valdosta, GA Millen, GA
Evans, GA Forest Park, GA
Metter, GA Cumming, GA Cumming, GA Cave Spring, GA Hephzibah, GA Donalsonville,
GA Marietta, GA Marietta, GA Claxton, GA Dalton, GA Stone Mountain,


31788 31788 30260 30281 30907 31023 31023 31647 30710 30906 31601 30442 30809 30297 30439 30041 30041 30124 30815 39845 30066 30064 30417 30721 30083

Habersham House Senior Residence
Halls Personal Care Home of Evans
Hapeville Manor Assisted Living
Haven of Tender Loving Care
Hearthstone of Roswell Heather House
Heather House Crabapple
Heavenly Arms
Heavenly Arms
Helping Hands Personal Care Home 2
Heritage of Brookstone
Heritage of Peachtree
Heritage of Sandy Plains
Higher Living Personal Care Home
Hilltop House Personal Care Home
Home Away From Home Personal Care Homes
Home Sweet Home Personal Care Home
Homeplace Senior Living Memory Care Community
Horizon Bay
House of Angels
House of Angels Personal Care Home
House of Lord Home Care
House of Naum Personal Care Home, The
House of Prosperity
Humming Birds Personal Care Home

5200 Habersham Street
4528 Hereford Farm Road
601 Coleman Street
407 W Moore Street
350 Market Place
11965 Old Mountain Park Ro
290 Ranchette Road
2764 1/2 Tobacco Road
11230 Hwy 278 East
6260 Mozart Drive
5235 Stilesboro Road N.W.
1967 Highway 54 West
3039 Sandy Plains Road
650 Main Street
1208 West Gordon Street
8412 Red Cedar Way
2459 Dublin Drive
345 Pearl Bates Avenue
180 Woodrow Wilson Way
420 Lavender Road
3554 Evangeline Drive
3802 MacLand Road
2880 Olive Grove Church Ro
3702 Willow Bend Run
2124 Harding Road

Savannah, GA Evans, GA
Hapeville, GA Dublin, GA Roswell, GA Roswell, GA
Alpharetta, GA Hephzibah, GA Covington, GA Riverdale, GA Kennesaw, GA Fayetteville, GA Marietta, GA Warrenton, GA Quitman, GA Riverdale, GA Augusta, GA Eastman, GA
Rome, GA Athens, GA Augusta, GA Hiram, GA Roberta, GA Columbus, GA Augusta, GA


31405 30809 30354 31021 30075 30075 30004 30815 30014 30296 30152 30214 30066 30828 31643 30274 30906 31023 30165 30606 30906 30141 31078 31907 30906

Isaac Haven Assisted Living Center
Ivy Hall North
Ivydale Personal Care Home
J and J Retirement Home
J R & C Assisted Living Center
Jacksons Personal Care Home
Jamestown Personal Care Home
Jane Smiths Personal Care Home
Jean Gibson Personal Care Home
John-Wesley Villas of Savannah, Inc.
Johns Helping Hands
Johnsons Personal Care Home
Jones Personal Care Home Jordan Personal Care Home
Joseph Home of Comfort PCH
Kentwood Personal Care Home
Killian Hill Personal Care Home
Kimberly Assisted Living Home
Kings Bridge Retirement Center
Kings Personal Kare Facility
Kingsford of Warner Robins
Kingsford Place
Krisscare Personal Care Home
L & R Personal Care Lake Erma Assisted Living

1939 Isaac Watkins Road 5690 State Bridge
Road 1836 South Main
Street 1214 Whispering
Pines Road 2195 Waynesboro
Highway 2377 Dublin
Drive 300 Green Street
1809 Mavis Street
914 Greer Road
231 West Montgomery
Cross 2903 Larkspur
Drive 1007 Hall Street
1618 Cider Lane 1910 Sagemont
Drive 3908 Fairington
Drive 1227 West Wheeler Parkway 1538 Killian Hill
Road 700 West Memorial Drive 3055 Briarcliff Road, N.E. 111 Elizabeth
Way 851 Gunn Road
95 Progress Avenue
2793 Skyland Drive
14 Sharper Circle
103 West Main Street

Montrose, GA Alpharetta, GA Moultrie, GA
Albany, GA Hiltonia, GA Augusta, GA Fort Valley, GA Augusta, GA Griffin, GA Savannah, GA
Augusta, GA Bainbridge, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Lilburn, GA Dallas, GA Atlanta, GA Ellenwood, GA Warner Robins,
GA Hawkinsville,
GA Snellville, GA Valdosta, GA Lakeland, GA


31065 30022 31768 31707 30467 30906 31030 30906 30223 31406
30906 39819 30906 30906 30815 30909 30047 30132 30329 30294 31093 31036 30078 31601 31635

Lake Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care Community
Lakeside Rest Home Lakeview Retirement Center
Langdale Place
Lanham Personal Care Home
Lanier Village Estates OakBridge Terrace
Lazy-R Personal Care Center
Leisure Life Care Home
Leisure Living of LaGrange I
Lifetime CLA
Lighthouse Personal Care Home
Lighthouse Personal Care Home, The
Longevity Personal Care Home
Longevity Personal Care Home #2
Lorraine Young Personal Care Home
Loves Community Care Center
Loves Personal Care Facility
Loving Grace Personal Care Home #1
Lucille Kylers Quality Care Personal Care Home
Macks Personal Care Home
Macy Retirement Center
Magnolia Lane
Magnolia Manor of Columbus Assisted Living Magnolia Manor Retirement
Center Magnolia Manor South

45 Walnut Street
924 Crump Street
111 Stephens Avenue
2720 Windemer Drive
2950 Old Highway #1 3950 Village View Drive 81 Wellborn
Street 301 Beacham
Street 137 Parker Place
706 High Pointe Drive
1431 Brittain Road
206 Blue Mountain Parkway 1520-22 12th
Street 2884 Lumpkin
Road 2836 Tobacco
Road 2366 Dublin
Drive 2347 Amsterdam
Drive 1236 12th Street
3231 Ware Road
3603 Richdale Drive
4408 Houston Avenue
6365 Newborn Drive
2040 Warm Springs Road 2001 South Lee
Street 3011 Veterans

Hartwell, GA Swainsboro, GA
Baxley, GA Valdosta, GA Hephzibah, GA Gainesville, GA Blairsville, GA Unadilla, GA LaGrange, GA Winder, GA Douglasville,
GA Rocky Face, GA
Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Macon, GA College Park,
GA Columbus, GA Americus, GA Moultrie, GA


30643 30401 31513 31602 30815 30506 30512 31091 30240 30680 30134 30740
30901 30906 30815 30906 30906 30901 30909 30906 31206 30349 31904 31709 31788

Magnolia Place Inc. Magnolia Place of Cairo
Majestic Manor

6430 Newton Road
1710 South Broad Street
67 Pin Oak Drive

Maliha Personal Care Home
Maple Court Senior Residents
Mapleview Personal Care Home - 3
Maries Adult Personal Care Home
Marks Personal Care Home
Mary and Marthas Personal Care Home
Mary's Care Home
Masters Personal Care Home
Matrel's Personal Care Home
Mattie H. Marshall Center
McClendon Personal Care Home
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg A
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg B
Memory Lane of Bremen Bldg C
Mercy Personal Care Home
Merrill Gardens at Dunwoody
Merryvale Assisted Living
Morning Pointe Assisted Living
Morning Starr Personal Care Home
Morningside Assisted Living
Morningside of Albany Morningside of Athens

32 Marvin Avenue
2408 North Tift Avenue
10 Church Street
3524 Wrightsboro Road
1721 HephzibahMcBean Ro 616 Mohawk Street 129 East Side Road
362 Carver Street, S.E.
1008 East 12th Street
2001 South Lee Street
3050 Johnny Long Road
524 Gordon Street
524 Gordon Street
524 Gordon Street
3630 Brushy Wood Drive 1460 South Johnson Ferry R 11980 Highway 142 North 660 Jolly Road
NW 519 Lawrenceville
Street 353 North Belair
Road 1721 Beattie Road
1291 Cedar Shoals Drive

Albany, GA Cairo, GA Rock Spring,
GA Summerville,
GA Tifton, GA Statesboro, GA Augusta, GA Hephzibah, GA Rossville, GA Twin City, GA Thomson, GA West Point, GA Americus, GA Newton, GA Bremen, GA Bremen, GA Bremen, GA Loganville, GA Dunwoody, GA Oxford, GA Calhoun, GA Norcross, GA Evans, GA Albany, GA Athens, GA


31721 39828 30739 30747 31794 30458 30909 30815 30741 30471 30824 31833 31709 39870 30110 30110 30110 30052 30319 30054 30701 30071 30809 31721 30605

Morningside of Conyers
Morningside of Dalton
Morningside of Gainesville
Mother & Daughter Personal Care Home
Mountain View Personal Care Home
Mt. Carmel Personal Care Home
Mulberry Grove Musgrove Manor Personal
Care Home My House 2 Community
Care Facility Naja Personal Care Home
Nasworthy Care Home
New Beginnings PCH Ludowici New Haven
Northlake Gardens
Northside Villa
Oak Ridge
Oasis of Love PCH II
Oconee House Senior Living
Odom, Pam Personal Care Home
Open Arms Elderly Care
Overall Group Home
Ovie Brantley-Cauley House The
Palmer Family Care Home
Park Regency Personal Care Home
Patricias Adults Care Home

1352 Wellbrook Circle
2470 Dug Gap Road
2435 Limestone Parkway
1923 Kissingbower
Road 3675 Kensington
3084 Mt. Carmel Road
343 Price Street
13 Birnam Woods Road
2836 Ravenwood Drive
935 Donington Circle
4896 Stanfield Road
209 W Kenny Drive
615 South Hutchinson
Avenue 1300 Montreal
Road 8828 Hwy 112
North 160 Moores Road
4660 Sunridge Trail
126 Parks Mill Road
129 Leonard Lane
1864 Central Avenue
4462 Parmalee Path
1628 College Street
4550 Janice Drive
3000 Veterans Parkway
206 St. Andrews Street

Conyers, GA
Dalton, GA Gainesville, GA
Augusta, GA
Decatur, GA Hampton, GA
Statham, GA Griffin, GA
Snellville, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Patterson, GA Ludowici, GA
Adel, GA
Tucker, GA Rochelle, GA Mineral Bluff,
GA Fairburn, GA Buckhead, GA Swainsboro, GA Augusta, GA
Conley, GA Soperton, GA College Park,
GA Moultrie, GA
Sylvania, GA


30012 30720 30501 30904
30032 30228 30666 30223 30078 30045 31557 31316 31620
30084 31079 30559 30213 30625 30401 30904 30288 30457 30337 31768 30467

Patterson Personal Care Home - Augusta
Payne Care Home II
Peaceful Living Personal Care Home - Augusta Peaceful Personal Care Home Peachtree Plantation
Personal Home Care By Betsy
Petal's PCH
Pineland Personal Care Home
Pines Personal Care Home Inc. B
Pines Personal Care Home Inc. C
Pines Personal Care Home Inc. D
Pineview Gardens of Evans Pineview Gardens Personal
Care Home Plair Personal Care Home Plair Personal Care Home II Plantation Manor Personal
Care Home Plantation South of Duluth
Plantation South of Dunwoody
Platinum Care Personal Care Home
Pleasant Valley Retirement Home
Precious Touch PCH
Presbyterian Home and Retirement Community
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Village Hearthstone
Providence of Alpharetta
Pure Heart Personal Care Home

1605 Cornell Drive
2740 West Antler Drive
2714 Coleman Avenue
168 Peaceful Lane
4251 Hudson Drive
429 Faircloth Road
3371 Glen Summit Lane 235 Broxton
Highway 2121-B Martin Luther King Jr 2121-C Martin Luther King Jr 2121-D Martin Luther King Jr 4393 Owens Road
4255 Highway 25 North
2016 Scott Road
2014 Scott Road
220 Park Avenue
3450 Duluth Park Lane
4594 Barclay Drive
2358 Oak Avenue
510 Reed Road
6631 Chason Woods Court
1901 West Screven Street 2000 East-West
Connector 2000 East-West
Connector 12775 Providence
Road 5404 McEver

Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Portal, GA Oakwood, GA Whigham, GA Snellville, GA Hazlehurst, GA Albany, GA Albany, GA Albany, GA Evans, GA Hephzibah, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Thomasville,
GA Duluth, GA Dunwoody, GA Morrow, GA Dalton, GA Jonesboro, GA Quitman, GA Austell, GA Austell, GA Alpharetta, GA Oakwood, GA


30906 30906 30906 30450 30566 39897 30039 31539 31701 31701 31701 30809 30815 30906 30906 31792 30096 30338 30260 30720 30238 31643 30106 30106 30009 30517

Q & N Personal Care Home Rainbow Retirement Home
Rayford Care Home Rejuvenate - Eden PCH
Renaissance Marquis Retirement Village Renaissance On Peachtree
Residential Living, Inc.
Rhema Personal Care Facilities
Ritchglow Personal Care Home
Riverwood Retirement Life Community
Rock Creek Manor
Roman Court Rosaleana's Community
Assisted Living Care Rose-Anns Personal Care
Home Rosewood at Fort
Oglethorpe Rosewood Manor
Royal Care
Royal Oaks
Royal Southern Plantation
Ruby Place Sacred Hands Personal Care
Homes Safe Haven at Lenox Park
Safe Haven Transitional Home
Saint James Place
Sara's Personal Care Home Savannah Court of Lake Oconee Savannah Court of Milledgeville
Savannah Court of Newnan

1859 Keith Drive
109 Meyer Farm Road
620 First Avenue
1918 Panola Road
3126 Cedartown Highway
3755 Peachtree Road, N.E.
7861 Collinswood Court
3144 Macedonia Road
2717 Rainbow Forest Drive 511 West 10th
Street 50 Cagle Mill Road South 1168 Chulio Road
350 Schoen Street, SE 2016 Country Place Drive 14 Fort Town
Drive 1107 Tanner
Street 568 Highway 26
E 211 West College
Street 580 Tommy Lee
Fuller Drive 705 Cleland Street
141 St Ann Circle
1137 Lynmoor Drive
305 E Mulberry Street
2027 Alta Vista Drive
129 Leonard Lane
1061 Willow Run Road
61 Marshall Road
27 Belt Road

Marietta, GA Arnoldsville,
GA Columbus, GA Lithonia, GA
Rome, GA
Atlanta, GA
Jonesboro, GA
Powder Springs, GA
Decatur, GA
Rome, GA
Jasper, GA
Rome, GA Atlanta, GA
Augusta, GA
Fort Oglethorpe, GA
Nicholls, GA
Cochran, GA
Adrian, GA
Loganville, GA
Savannah, GA Dallas, GA
Atlanta, GA
LaGrange, GA
Columbus, GA
Swainsboro, GA Greensboro, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Newnan, GA


30064 30619 31901 30058 30161 30319 30236 30127 30034 30165 30143 30161 30315 30906 30742 31554 31014 31002 30052 31415 30157 30319 30241 31907 30401 30642 31061 30263

Savannah Grand Savannah Plantation PCH
Scepter Living Center of Snellville LLC
Schnora's Happy Home
Senior Care America
Senior Care America II
Senior Citizens Care Center Annex
Serenity Assisted Living Serenity House
Serenity Mountain Manor
Serenity of Jefferson
Serenity Personal Care Home
Seymour Southern Comforts Personal Care Home
Sha Sha's Leisure Living Sha-Lyndas Personal Care
Home Shady Lane
Shady Lane II PCH
Shady Lane IV
Shady Pines Estate Sheppard Personal Care
Home Sheridan Place - Assistive
Living Unit Sheridan Place - Clare Bridge Place Memory Care
Unit Silverleaf of Snellville
Sirmons Personal Care Home
Smith PCH
Sonshine Manor Personal Care Home

1835 Eagle Drive
102 Level Creek Road
3000 Lenora Church Road 2690 Shady Hill
Court 1165 Hillcrest Glenn Circle 828 Rock Springs
Road 223 Harmon Road
206 Pine Street
8599 Sheridan Drive
309 Price Creek Farms Lane
1442 Johnson Mill Road
120 E. Winthorpe Avenue
202 East Main Street
1465 Teagle Road
2313 Cadden Court
4901 La Roche Avenue
1133 Cornell Avenue
4901 LaRoche Avenue
124 Airport Road
123 Emma Lane
504 Firetower Road
504 Firetower Road
2106 McGee Road
623 Davis Avenue
315 Advance Street
115 Stephens View Road

Woodstock, GA Buford, GA
Snellville, GA
Snellville, GA
Sugar Hill, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Sparks, GA Jonesboro, GA
Jasper, GA
Jefferson, GA
Millen, GA
Bronwood, GA
Forsyth, GA Augusta, GA
Savannah, GA
Savannah, GA
Savannah, GA
Abbeville, GA Waynesboro,
GA Dublin, GA
Dublin, GA
Snellville, GA Lakeland, GA Swainsboro, GA
Jasper, GA


30189 30518 30078 30039 30518 30043 30401 31647 30236 30143 30549 30442 39826 31029 30906 31404 31406 31404 31001 30830 31021 31021
30078 31635 30401 30143

South Haven Personal Care Home
Southern Breeze Assisted Living
Southern Care Retirement Home
Southern Charm
Southern Comfort Personal Care Home
Southern Escapes Assisted Living
Southern Heritage II
Southern Magnolia
Southern Pines Senior Care Inc.
Southern Pines Senior Living
Southern Senior Living
Southside Garden
Sparks Inn at Christian City Sparks Retirement Home,
Inc. Spring Garden Personal Care
Home Spring Villa Personal Care Springfield Personal Care
Home St Irene PCH
St Marys Center for Alzheimer's and Dementia
Care Star Manor Stockbridge Personal Care
Home Stonehenge Assisted Living
3 Stonehenge Assisted Living
One Stonehenge Too
Suites at Oak View

6490 West Fayetteville Road
127 S. Belair Road
1934 Whiddon Mill Road
110 South Third Avenue
580 Old Bremen Road
3047 Johnson Road
814 Carl Vinson Parkway
405 Thompson Street
258 College Avenue
423 Covington Avenue
215 East Sellers Street
6693 Highway 11 South
7290 Lester Road
304 South Goodman Street
3361 Glen Summit Lane 620 Monroe Street
3342 Springfield Road
44 Clairmont Avenue
1660 Jennings Mill Road
241 Nelson Street
170 Shields Road
168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive
168 Stonehenge Drive
55 Stockade Road

Riverdale, GA Martinez, GA
Tifton, GA McRae, GA Temple, GA Loganville, GA Centerville, GA Vidalia, GA Maysville, GA Thomasville,
GA Douglas, GA Hillsboro, GA Union City, GA Sparks, GA Snellville, GA Macon, GA Sparta, GA Elberton, GA Bogart, GA
Cartersville, GA Stockbridge, GA Blairsville, GA Blairsville, GA Blairsville, GA
Summerville, GA


30296 30907 31793 31055 30179 30052 31028 30474 30558 31792 31533 31038 30291 31647 30039 31201 31087 30635 30622
30120 30281 30512 30512 30512 30747

Suites of Woodleaf Assisted Senior Living
Sulfur Springs RetreatElderly
Summer Willow Assisted Living
Summer's Landing Summer's Landing Tilly Mill
Summers Landing Limestone
Summers Landing Northland Assisted Living
Summers Landing PCH
Summerset Assisted Living Community
Sumter Retirement Village
Sunrise at Buckhead
Sunrise at Decatur
Sunrise at East Cobb
Sunrise at Five Forks
Sunrise at Huntcliff Summit
Sunrise at Johns Creek
Sunrise Harbour Personal Care Home Sutton Place
Sweetwater Springs Assisted Living
Tanglewood Assisted Living Facility
Tapleys Personal Care Home
Tara Plantation Assisted Living
Tebeau House Retirement Home
Tender Care Assisted Living at Snellville
Tender Care Personal Care Home

2022 East Pinetree Boulevar
1154 Magnolia Drive
259 Nunez Lexsy Road
311 Jerriel Street
4821 North Peachtree Road 2030 Windward
Lane 5399 Northland
Drive 171 Highway 78
NW 3711 Benjamin E.
Mays Drive 2124 Highway
280 West 1000 Lenox Park
Boulevard, 920 Clairemont
Avenue 1551 Johnson
Ferry Road 3997 Five Forks
Trickum Ro 8480 Roswell
Road 11405 Medlock
Bridge Road 139 Orchard Pass
306 West Mann Street
1600 Lee Road
50 Tanglewood Drive
4602 Hereford Farm Road
440 Tribble Gap Road
2019 Tebeau Street
3922 Centerville Highway #1
1560 Twin Bridge Lane

Thomasville, GA
Macon, GA
Swainsboro, GA
Vidalia, GA Dunwoody, GA
Gainesville, GA
Atlanta, GA
Monroe, GA
Atlanta, GA
Plains, GA
Atlanta, GA
Decatur, GA
Marietta, GA
Lilburn, GA
Sandy Springs, GA
Johns Creek, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Glennville, GA
Lithia Springs, GA
Dawsonville, GA
Evans, GA
Cumming, GA
Waycross, GA
Snellville, GA
Lawrenceville, GA


31792 31217 30401 30474 30338 30501 30342 30655 30331 31780 30319 30030 30062 30047 30350 30093 31088 30427 30122 30534 30809 30040 31501 30039 30043

Tennille Assisted Living
Terris Personal Care Home
The Bridges Assisted Living of Lawrenceville The Carlton
The Cohen Home
The Colonnade at Brandon Wilde
The Cottage Senior Living
The Court at Sandy Springs Memory Care (Emeritus)
The Gables at Cobb Village
The Gardens at Calvary The Green House at Calvary
The Green House II at Calvary
The Home Place The Mann House
The Montclair at Clairmont Place
The Oaks Assisted Living at The Marshes of Skidaway
Island The Oaks at Peake Assisted
Living The Oaks at Scenic View
Assisted Living The Olive Branch PCH
The Plaza Personal Care Center - Wesley Wood
The Providers, Inc.
The Rachel House, Inc.
The Retreat
The Retreat II
The Suites at Cypress Pond

525 North Main Street 1680
Lawrenceville Suwane
220 Collins Industrial Way 690 Mt. Vernon
Highway 10485 Jones Bridge Road 4275 Owens Road
818 Round Tree Court
1262 Hightower Trail
12 Cobb Village Drive
7595 Moon Road
7490 Old Moon Road
7462 Old Moon Road
801 Walnut Street
5413 Northland Drive
2100 Clairmont Lake
95 Skidaway Island Park Road
400 Foster Road
205 Peach Orchard Drive 639 Davenport
Road 2280 North Highway 29 799 Moreland
Avenue 204 West Colquitt
Street 1207 East McPherson Street 1207 East McPherson Street 15 Kent Road

Tennille, GA Lawrenceville,
GA Lawrenceville,
GA Atlanta, GA Alpharetta, GA Evans, GA Lawrenceville,
GA Atlanta, GA Royston, GA Columbus, GA Columbus, GA Columbus, GA Louisville, GA Atlanta, GA Decatur, GA Savannah, GA
Macon, GA Baldwin, GA Braselton, GA Newnan, GA Atlanta, GA Sparks, GA Nashville, GA Nashville, GA Tifton, GA


31089 30043
30043 30328 30022 30809 30045 30350 30662 31909 31909 31909 30434 30342 30033 31411
31210 30511 30517 30265 30316 31647 31639 31639 31794

The Suites at Poplar Creek
The Valencia Personal Care Home Inc.
The White House Personal Care Home The Willows
Tignall Assisted Living
TLC Family Home
Treutlen Living Center
Trinity Personal Care Home of Georgia, LLC
Tudor Castle Personal Care Home
Tylers Assisted Living
V & T Shady Rest PC Home
Victoria Personal Care Home
Victory House
Victory Village
Villa Rose Village Lake Suites
Vina Mae Robinson Retirement Center - VMR
Vina Mae Robinson Retirement Center 2 -
Monroe House Virginia Gardens Assisted
Living Center Vision Personal Care Home
#1 Vital Place
Waldrop Personal Care Inc
Walkers Lakebreeze Personal Care Home Washington Manor We Care 2 Personal Care

114 Old Airport Road
605 South Valencia Drive 452 State Street
4179 Wheeler Road
185 S. Hulin Avenue
3605 Shallowford Road
5590 Third Street North
718 Weed Street
2056 Tudor Castle Circle
208 Flowing Wells Road 1386 New Petersburg Road 2666 Nancy Drive
310 West Washington
Avenue 3650 Salem Church Road 430 Mosley Road 715 Village Lake
Drive 566 West 16th
Avenue 566 West 16th
404 East Church Street
960 Curry Place
985 Waldwick Drive
89 Burnt Hickory Road
440-A Lang Road
184 Pine Lane 1483 Virgil Pond

LaGrange, GA Albany, GA
Waycross, GA Martinez, GA Tignall, GA Marietta, GA Soperton, GA Augusta, GA Decatur, GA Martinez, GA Lincolnton, GA Macon, GA Nashville, GA
Jasper, GA Byron, GA Waycross, GA Albany, GA Albany, GA
Fort Valley, GA Macon, GA
Lawrenceville, GA
Cartersville, GA Covington, GA Washington, GA Loganville, GA


30240 31707 31501 30907 30668 30062 30457 30904 30035 30907 30817 31206 31639
30143 31008 31503 31701 31701
31030 31202 30045 30120 30014 30673 30052

Webers Creek Missions
Welcome Home PCH
Welcoming Arms
Wesbys Personal Care Home, Inc.
Whispering Pines
White Oaks
Willow Creek, Macon
Willow Gardens
Willow Wood Personal Care Home
Wilsons Personal Care Home
Winthrop at Polk Winthrop Court Assisted
Living Winthrop West Senior
Living Wise Choice Personal Care
Home Woodhaven Personal Care
Home Woodland Ridge
Woodstock Estates
Yellow Brick House Yellow Brick Road PCH

2118 Claxton Dairy Road 2366 Centerville Rosebud Ro 210 Crabapple
Road 1429 Highway 23
South 6273 Highway 41
South 130 Moores Road
2738 Walden Road
16 Crestwood Drive
19818 Hartford Street
1527 Dade Street
131 Melissa Lane
10 Highway 411 East
279 Technology Parkway
318 Meadow Court
6246 Highway 136
4005 South Cobb Drive
1000 Professional Way
6903 Main Street
5063 Upper Elm Street

Dublin, GA
Loganville, GA
Fayetteville, GA Waynesboro, GA Bolingbroke, GA Mineral Bluff, GA Macon, GA Toccoa, GA Edison, GA
Augusta, GA Cedartown, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA
Martinez, GA
Trenton, GA
Smyrna, GA
Woodstock, GA
Lithonia, GA Atlanta, GA

31021 30052 30215 30830 31004 30559 31216 30577 39846 30904 30125 30161 30165 30907 30752 30080 30188 30058 30349


Appendix IX: Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (BRI) Care Consultation; detailed research document on BRI Care Consultation, an
evidence-based telephonic intervention program aimed at assisting Alzheimer's disease and related dementia patients and caregivers


















Appendix X: Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) Report and Journal Article Abstracts; detailed information and
abstracts related to RUDAS, a tool used to screen for memory loss by the ROAD program at the Rosalyn Carter Institute




Appendix XI: "Effects of the TCARE Intervention on Caregiver Burden and Depressive Symptoms: Preliminary Findings from a
Randomized Controlled Study"; published research article on TCARE, an evidence-based program designed to enable care managers to more effectively support family caregivers








Appendix XII: CMS Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes: Surveyor Checklist for Review of Care and Services for
a Resident with Dementia; QIS Stage 1 Interview Tools: QIS Resident Interview Guidance
















Appendix XIII: Fact Sheet on The Healthy Brain Initiative: The Public Health Road Map for State and National Partnerships, 2013-2018, including Road Map Action Item which are key to
implementing the State Plan and establishing Georgia's readiness to accept National Plan funding and allow stronger
tandem work


Appendix XIV: Senate Bill 14, establishing the Alzheimer's and
Related Dementias State Plan Task Force and authorizing its creation of a Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan
13 SB 14/AP
Senate Bill 14 By: Senators Unterman of the 45th, Wilkinson of the 50th, Crosby of the 13th, Hill of the 4th and Orrock of the 36th



1 To amend Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to

2 indigent and elderly patients, so as to create a Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias

3 State Plan Task Force; to provide for legislative intent; to provide for its members and

4 vacancies; to provide for duties and responsibilities; to provide for a chairperson; to provide

5 for a quorum for the transaction of business; to provide for a final report; to provide for

6 related matters; to provide an effective date; to provide for automatic repeal; to repeal

7 conflicting laws; and for other purposes.




10 Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to indigent and

11 elderly patients, is amended by adding a new article to read as follows:



13 31-8-300. 14 The General Assembly finds and declares that Alzheimer's disease is a looming national

15 public health crisis and impacts every state. It is important for Georgia to assess its ability

16 to provide appropriate and necessary programs and services to Georgia's citizens living
17 with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and determine where Georgia is, where
18 Georgia is doing well, where gaps may exist, and where the private sector, public sector,
19 nonprofit and faith-based communities' resources may be leveraged to ensure that Georgia
20 grows to be fully dementia capable. The General Assembly further finds that access to
21 quality health care for Alzheimer's and related dementias and the rising cost of such care
22 are vitally important to the citizens of Georgia. Therefore, the General Assembly has
23 determined that it is in the best interests of the state and its citizenry to address this issue 24 31-8-301. 25 There is created the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force
26 for the purpose of studying and collecting information and data to assess the current and
27 future impact of Alzheimer's disease on Georgia's citizens; to examine the existing
28 industries, services, and resources addressing the needs of persons with Alzheimer's
29 disease, their families, and caregivers; to review the National Alzheimer's Disease Plan
30 currently under development by the federal Department of Health and Human Services;
31 and to develop a strategy to mobilize a state response to Alzheimer's and related dementias
32 as a public health crisis by creating a state plan.
33 31-8-302.

34 (a) The Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force shall be
35 composed of six members and shall include the director of the Division of Aging Services
36 within the Department of Human Services, the commissioner of community health or his
37 or her designee, the state health officer or his or her designee, the chairperson of the House
38 Committee on the Health and Human Services, the chairperson of the Senate Health and
39 Human Services Committee, and the chairperson of the House Committee on Human
40 Relations and Aging.
41 (b) The director of the Division of Aging Services within the Department of Human
42 Services shall serve as the chairperson of the task force. The task force may elect other
43 officers as deemed necessary. The chairperson of the task force may designate and appoint
44 committees from among the membership of the task force as well as appoint other persons
45 to perform such functions as he or she may determine to be necessary as relevant to and
46 consistent with this article. The chairperson shall only vote to break a tie.
47 (c) The task force shall invite other advisory members to assist the committee and may
48 consider the following in making its selection: a person with Alzheimer's disease; a person
49 with Alzheimer's related dementia; such person's caregiver; a representative of the nursing
50 facility industry; a representative from the adult daycare services industry; a representative
51 of the home health industry; a representative of the personal care home industry; a 224

52 physician; a consultant pharmacist; an Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
53 researcher; law enforcement personnel; and other stakeholders from the public private and
54 nonprofit sectors, voluntary health organizations, and the faith-based community.
55 31-8-303. 56 (a) The task force shall hold meetings at the call of the chairperson.
57 (b) A quorum for transacting business shall be a majority of the members of the task force.
58 (c) The members of the task force shall serve without compensation.
59 (d) The Division of Aging Services within the Department of Human Services shall
60 provide administrative support to the task force.
61 (e) Each legislative member of the task force shall receive the allowances provided for in
62 Code Section 28-1-8. Citizen members shall receive a daily expense allowance in the
63 amount specified in subsection (b) of Code Section 45-7-21 as well as the mileage or
64 transportation allowance authorized for state employees. Any members of the task force
65 who are state officials, other than legislative members, and state employees shall receive
66 no compensation for their services on the task force, but they shall be reimbursed for
67 expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members of the task force
68 in the same manner as they are reimbursed for expenses in their capacities as state officials
69 or employees. The funds necessary for the reimbursem*nt of the expenses of state
70 officials, other than legislative members, and state employees shall come from funds
71 appropriated to or otherwise available to their respective departments. All other funds

72 necessary to carry out the provisions of this article shall come from funds appropriated to 73 the House of Representatives and the Senate. 74 31-8-304. 75 (a) The purpose of the task force shall be to create a comprehensive state plan for Georgia 76 to address Alzheimer's and related dementias and shall include, at a minimum: 77 (1) Trends in state Alzheimer's and related dementias population and needs, including 78 the changing population with dementia, including, but not limited to: 79 (A) State role in long-term care, family caregiver support, and assistance to persons 80 with early stage and early onset Alzheimer's disease; 81 (B) State policy regarding persons with Alzheimer's disease and developmental 82 disabilities; and 83 (C) Ongoing periodic surveillance of persons with Alzheimer's disease for purposes 84 of having proper estimates of the number of persons in the state with Alzheimer's 85 disease, and for the development of a response to this chronic condition that has risen 86 to the level of a public health crisis; 87 (2) Existing services, resources, and capacity, including but not limited to the: 88 (A) Type, cost, and availability of dementia services; 89 (B) Dementia-specific training requirements for long-term care staff; 90 (C) Quality care measures for long-term care facilities; 91 (D) Capacity of public safety and law enforcement to respond to persons with 92 Alzheimer's disease; 93 (E) Availability of home- and community-based resources for persons with

94 Alzheimer's disease and respite care to assist families;
95 (F) Inventory of long-term care dementia care units;
96 (G) Adequacy and appropriateness of geriatric-psychiatric units for persons with
97 behavior disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias;
98 (H) Assisted living residential options for persons with dementia;
99 (I) State support of Alzheimer's disease research through Georgia universities and other
100 resources;
101 (J) Medical education, content, and quality of course offerings and requirements for
102 dementia training provided to students in medical education programs at all levels of
103 education within both state and private programs from emergency medical technician
104 and nursing assistant programs through advanced medical specialties and medical
105 continuingeducation;
106 (K) Inventory of federal agencies who provide funding, services, programs, or 107 resources for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia, caregivers, 108 medical professionals, or professional care providers; and 109 (L)Gaps in services; 110 Needed state policies or responses, including but not limited to directions for 111 the provision of clear and coordinated services and support to persons and families 112 living with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders and strategies to address any 113 identified gaps in services; 114 (4) Ways in which state and local agencies, private sector, quasi-governmental, 115 voluntary health organizations, the faith community, and nonprofit organizations can

116 collaborate and work together to form a seamless network of education, support,

and 117 other needed services to those living with Alzheimer's disease and related

dementias and 118 theirfamilies; and

119 (5) Specific areas

to address,

120 including:

121 (A) Increasing awareness of Alzheimer's disease among the public;

122 (B) Encouraging increased detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease;

123 (C) Improving the individual health care that those with Alzheimer's disease


124 (D) Improving the quality of the health care system in serving people with Alzheimer's

125 disease;

126 (E) Expanding the capacity of the health care system to meet the growing number


127 needs of those with Alzheimer's disease;

128 (F) Training and better equipping health care professionals and others to deal with

129 individuals with Alzheimer's disease;

130 (G)Workforce development by increasing the number of health care professionals that will be necessary to treat the growing aging and Alzheimer's populations;

131 (H) Improving services provided in the home and community to delay and

132 decrease the need for institutionalized care;

133 (I) Improving access to long-term care, including assisted living, for those

134 with Alzheimer's disease;

135 (J) Assisting unpaid Alzheimer's

136 caregivers; (K) Increasing research on

137 Alzheimer's disease;

138 (L) Promoting activities that would maintain and improve brain

139 health;

140 (M) Creating a better system of data collection regarding Alzheimer's disease


141 and its public health burden; 142 Public safety and addressing the safety related needs of those with 143 Alzheimer's disease, including in-home safety for those living at home, Mattie's Call 144 and safety of those who wander or are found wandering but who need supervision 145 until they can be reunited with their family or professional caregiver and driving 146 safety, including assessments and taking the license away when a person with 147 dementia is no longer capable of driving safely; 148 (O) Addressing legal protections for, and legal issues faced by, individuals with 149 Alzheimer's disease; and 150 (P) Improving how state government evaluates and adopts policies to help people 151 with Alzheimer's disease and their families; determination of which department of 152 state government is the most appropriate agency to house the ongoing work of the 153 Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force as it convenes 154 annually to ensure track and report progress as Georgia becomes a more dementia155 capable state. 156 (b) The task force shall have the following powers: 157 (1) To hold public meetings and utilize technological means, such as webcasts, to gather 158 feedback on the recommendations from persons and families affected by Alzheimer's 159 disease and related dementias and from the general public; 160 (2) To request and receive data from and review the records of appropriate

161 and health care facilities to the greatest extent allowed by state and federal law; 162 (3) To accept public or private grants, devises, and bequests; and 164 (4) To enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance 165 of its duties. 166(c) Prior to the final report required in subsection (d) of this Code section, the task force may advise on legislation and other recommended changes to the Governor and the General Assembly. 167 31-8-305. 168 (a) Upon the abolishment of the task force as provided by this article, there shall be 169 created the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council. 170 (b) The advisory council membership shall include the same membership as the 171 original task force as provided for in this article. 172 (c)The advisory council shall meet at least annually to review the progress of the state 173 plan and to make any recommendations for changes, as well as recommend any legislation 174 needed to implement the plan. 175 31-8-306. 176 The task force shall stand abolished on March 31, 2014."



178 This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law

179 without such approval.



181 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.


Appendix XV: National Dementia Organizations

National Dementia Organizations
Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR) National Institute on Aging P.O. Box 8250 Silver Spring, MD 20907-8250 Tel: 1-800-438-4380 / Fax: 301-495-3334

Alzheimer's Association 225 North Michigan Avenue Floor 17 Chicago, IL 60601-7633 Tel: 312-335-8700 1-800-272-3900 (24-hour helpline) TDD: 312-335-5886 / Fax: 866.699.1246

Alzheimer's Foundation of America 322 Eighth Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10001 Tel: 866-AFA-8484 (232-8484) / Fax: 646-638-1546
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) Radnor Station Building #2 Suite 320 290 King of Prussia Road Radnor, PA 19087 Tel: 267-514-7221 / 866-507-7222
John Douglas French Alzheimer's Foundation 11620 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 270 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel: 310-445-4650 / Fax: 310-479-0516
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) National Institutes of Health, DHHS 6001 Executive Blvd. Rm. 8184, MSC 9663 Bethesda, MD 20892-9663 Tel: 301-443-4513/866-415-8051 301-4438431 (TTY) / Fax: 301-443-4279
American Parkinson Disease Association 135 Parkinson Ave. Staten Island, NY 10305 Tel: 800-223-2732 / Fax: 718-981-4399

Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation 57 West 57th Street Suite 904 New York, NY 10019 Tel: 212-901-8000 / Fax: 212-901-8010
BrightFocus Foundation 22512 Gateway Center Drive Clarksburg, MD 20871 Tel: 1- 800-437-2423 / Fax: 301-258-9454
Lewy Body Dementia Association 912 Killian Hill Road, S.W. Lilburn, GA 30047 Tel: Telephone: 404-935-6444 LBD Caregiver Link: 800539-9767 Fax: 480-422-5434
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) 55 Kenosia Avenue Danbury, CT 06810 Tel: 203-744-0100 Voice Mail 800-999-NORD (6673) Fax: 203-798-2291


Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) This statewide coordinated system of partnering organizations is managed by the DHS Division of Aging Services. ADRC provides information about publically and privately financed long-term supports and services, offers a consumer-oriented approach to learning about the availability of services in the home and community, alleviates the need for multiple calls and/or visits to receive services, and supports individuals and family members who are aging or living with a disability, including those living with Alzheimer's and those who care for them.
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) -- Funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is a medical facility that treats those with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias and conducts research into the disease. It serves the state.
ADRD -- ADRD is an acronym for Alzheimer's and Related Dementias.
Alzheimer's -- Alzheimer's (AHLZ-high-merz) is a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. It is not a normal part of aging. Alzheimer's gets worse over time. Although symptoms can vary widely, the first problem many people notice is forgetfulness severe enough to affect their ability to function at home or at work, or to enjoy lifelong hobbies. The disease may cause a person to become confused, lost in familiar places, misplace things or have trouble with language.
Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.
Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other intellectual abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 50 to 80 percent of dementia cases.
Assisted Technology -- As it applies to those with Alzheimer's or a related dementia, assisted technology is person-specific to help the individual with activities of daily living, to trigger memory, or to perform routine tasks.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- In the Fall of 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Alzheimer's Association formed a new partnership to examine how best to bring a public health perspective to the promotion of cognitive health. The first publication,

The Healthy Brain Initiative: A National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining Cognitive Health, was published in 2007.
The Alzheimer's Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Healthy Aging Program have developed the second in a series of road maps to advance cognitive health as a vital, integral component of public health. The Healthy Brain Initiative: The Public Health Road Map for State and National Partnerships, 2013 2018, outlines how state and local public health agencies and their partners can promote cognitive functioning to address cognitive impairment for individuals living in the community and help meet the needs of care partners. Specific actions are addressed in four traditional domains of public health: monitor and evaluate, educate and empower the nation, develop policy and mobilize partnerships, and assure a competent workforce. Public health agencies and private, non-profit, and governmental partners at the national, state, and local levels are encouraged to work together on those actions that best fit their missions, needs, interests, and capabilities.
Some of the specific recommendations contained in the State Plan come as a result of The Healthy Brain Initiative: The Public Health Road Map for State and National Partnerships, 2013 2018.
Division of Aging Services (DAS) This division of the Georgia Department of Human Services is the State Unit on Aging for Georgia which carries out service planning functions as detailed in the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended. DAS performs this function in collaboration with other members of Georgia's aging network namely 12 Area Agencies on Aging and numerous service providers throughout the state. As it relates to Alzheimer's and Related Dementias, the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan will be managed by the Division of Aging Services.
Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) -- As it relates to Alzheimer's and Related Dementias, this agency of state government provides rules, regulations, and guidelines for facilities and programs serving a wide array of individuals, including those with dementia. Such facilities and programs include adult day programs, assisted living communities, nursing homes, and home health agencies.
Dementia -- Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities.
All types of dementia involve mental decline that: occurred from a higher level (for example, the person didn't always have a poor memory) is severe enough to interfere with usual activities and daily life affects more than one of the following four core mental abilities
recent memory (the ability to learn and recall new information)

language (the ability to write or speak, or to understand written or spoken words) visuospatial function (the ability to understand and use symbols, maps, etc., and the brain's ability to translate visual signals into a correct impression of where objects are in space) executive function (the ability to plan, reason, solve problems and focus on a task)
Dementia-Capable -- Dementia-capable means that the program, service, system is designed such that it provides quality care, supports, information, and education, to ensure that current systems as well as the development of future systems at the government, private, non-profit, healthcare community, long-term care community, home health community, voluntary health organization, and faith-based sectors will be fully able to seamlessly serve those living with dementia, providing a level of service that appropriately meets the needs of the individual and the population.
Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) -- Alzheimer's is the most underrecognized public health crisis of the 21st century. It affects Americans across all walks of life and all regions of the country. As it relates to Alzheimer's and Related Dementias, the Georgia Department of Public Health is the lead agency in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Epidemiology, and Chronic Disease Management. Alzheimer's is a chronic disease. The Department of Public Health can help raise awareness and provide education regarding Alzheimer's and Related Dementias. The Public Health Districts can use assessment tools such as an algorithm to help assess individuals who visit local health departments for care. The Epidemiology Section conducts the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System--including the Cognitive Impairment and Caregiver Modules, providing Georgia agencies and other stakeholders with key information to help shape policy and service to those living with Alzheimer's and related dementias.
Down Syndrome -- Down syndrome is a condition in which a person is born with extra genetic material from chromosome 21, one of the 23 human chromosomes. Most people with Down syndrome have a full extra copy of chromosome 21, so they have three copies instead of the usual two. In ways that scientists don't yet understand, the extra copies of genes present in Down syndrome cause developmental problems and health issues. Scientists think that the increased risk of dementia in individuals with Down syndrome may also result from the extra gene.
As with all adults, advancing age also increases the chances a person with Down syndrome will develop Alzheimer's disease. Because people with Down syndrome live, on average, 55 to 60 years, they are more likely to develop younger onset Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's occurring before age 65) than older-onset Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's occurring at age 65 or older).
Early Stage Alzheimer's --"Generally, people with early stage Alzheimer's disease are those of any age who have only mild impairment." (from Counseling People with Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease: A Powerful Process of Transformation, by Robyn Yale). It is also referred to as Mild/Moderate cognitive decline.

At this point, a careful medical interview should be able to detect clear-cut symptoms in several areas: Forgetfulness of recent events Impaired ability to perform challenging mental arithmetic -- for example,
counting backward from 100 by 7s Greater difficulty performing complex tasks, such as planning dinner for
guests, paying bills or managing finances Forgetfulness about one's own personal history Becoming moody or withdrawn, especially in socially or mentally challenging
Mild cognitive decline (Early-stage Alzheimer's can be diagnosed in some, but not all, individuals with these symptoms.) Friends, family or co-workers begin to notice difficulties. During a detailed medical interview, doctors may be able to detect problems in memory or concentration. Common stage 3 difficulties include: Noticeable problems coming up with the right word or name Trouble remembering names when introduced to new people Having noticeably greater difficulty performing tasks in social or work
settings Forgetting material that one has just read Losing or misplacing a valuable object Increasing trouble with planning or organizing.
Early/Younger Onset -- Younger-onset (also known as early-onset) Alzheimer's affects people younger than age 65. Nearly 4 percent of the more than 5 million Americans with Alzheimer's have younger-onset.
Many people with early onset are in their 40s and 50s. They have families, careers or are even caregivers themselves when Alzheimer's disease strikes. In the United States, it is estimated that more than 200,000 people have early onset.
GARD -- This acronym for the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Task Force and the State Plan itself was coined by staff in the Division of Aging Services.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) -- These services enable older adults and people with disabilities, including individuals with Alzheimer's and related dementias, to continue to live at home, rather than be institutionalized at a greater cost to taxpayers.
Healthy Brain Initiative - See the entry for CDC (Centers for Disease Control).
Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) -- Long-term services and supports (LTSS) help older adults and people with disabilities accomplish everyday tasks that many of us take for granted. Tasks include those such as bathing, getting dressed, fixing meals, and managing a home. .As our population ages, the number of individuals needing this kind of help is projected to double. Long-term services and supports allow millions of individuals to lead healthy, secure, and independent lives.

Mattie's Call -- Mattie's Call is a safety alert program, first established by the City of Atlanta, then subsequently adopted across the country as the Silver Alert. It is named after Mattie Moore, an Atlanta resident living with dementia who wandered from her home who, after exhaustive searches and a major media blitz, was found only 500 feet from her home, deceased. Mattie's Call is an emergency alert system in Georgia, initiated by a local public safety agency through the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation)/GSP (Georgia State Patrol) that sends out media alerts and alerts through "A Child Is Missing" to seek community assistance in finding a disabled missing adult who has wandered from a caregiver or eloped from a care facility. Its goal is to return the individual safely to his or her family or caregiver. It was signed into law by the Governor in 2006.
Older Americans Act (OAA) -- The Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965 as amended calls for a range of programs that offer services and opportunities for older Americans, especially those at risk of losing their independence. The Older Americans Act focuses on improving the lives of older people in areas of income, housing, health, employment, retirement and community services. Individuals with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias benefit from many of these services targeted at keeping individuals in their communities longer.
Person-Centered -- This concept puts the person receiving services at the center of planning and service delivery. Plans and services are developed with attention to each person's unique preferences, skills and abilities, and needs.
Related/Other Dementias--
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (pronounced CROYZ-felt YAH-cob) is a rare, rapidly fatal disorder affecting about 1 in a million people per year worldwide. It usually affects individuals older than 60. CJD is one of the prion (PREE-awn) diseases. These disorders occur when prion protein, a protein normally present in the brain, begins to fold into an abnormal three-dimensional shape. This shape gradually triggers the protein throughout the brain to fold into the same abnormal shape, leading to increasing damage and destruction of brain cells.
Recently, "variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease" (vCJD) was identified as the human disorder believed to be caused by eating meat from cattle affected by "mad cow disease." It tends to occur in much younger individuals, in some cases as early as their teens.
The first symptoms of CJD may involve impairment in memory, thinking and reasoning or changes in personality and behavior. Depression or agitation also tends to occur early. Problems with movement may be present from the beginning or appear shortly after the other symptoms. CJD progresses rapidly and is usually fatal within a year.

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) -- In Dementia with Lewy bodies, abnormal deposits of protein called alpha-synuclein form inside the brain's nerve cells. These deposits are called "Lewy bodies" after the scientist who first described them. Lewy bodies have been found in several brain disorders, including dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's disease and some causes of Alzheimer's.
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) -- FTD is a rare disorder chiefly affecting the front and sides of the brain. Because these regions often, but not always, shrink, brain imaging can help in diagnosis. There is no specific abnormality found in the brain in FTD. In one type called Pick's disease, there are sometimes (but not always) abnormal microscopic deposits called Pick bodies.
FTD progresses more quickly than Alzheimer's disease and tends to occur at a younger age. The first symptoms often involve changes in personality, judgment, planning and social skills. Individuals may make rude or off-color remarks to family or strangers, or make unwise decisions about finances or personal matters. They may show feelings disconnected from the situation, such as indifference or excessive excitement. They may have an unusually strong urge to eat and gain weight as a result.
Huntington's disease (HD) -- HD is a fatal brain disorder caused by inherited changes in a single gene. These changes lead to destruction of nerve cells in certain brain regions. Anyone with a parent with Huntington's has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene, and everyone who inherits it will eventually develop the disorder. In about 1 to 3 percent of cases, no history of the disease can be found in other family members. The age when symptoms develop and the rate of progression vary.
Symptoms of Huntington's disease include twitches, spasms, and other involuntary movements; problems with balance and coordination; personality changes; and trouble with memory, concentration or making decisions.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) -- In mild cognitive impairment, a person has problems with memory or one of the other core functions affected by dementia. These problems are severe enough to be noticeable to other people and to show up on tests of mental function, but not serious enough to interfere with daily life. When symptoms do not disrupt daily activities, a person does not meet criteria for being diagnosed with dementia.
Individuals with MCI have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease over the next few years, especially when their main problem involves memory. However, not everyone with MCI progresses to Alzheimer's or another kind of dementia.
Mixed dementia -- In mixed dementia, Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia occur at the same time. Many experts believe mixed dementia develops more often than was previously realized and that it may become increasingly

common as people age. This belief is based upon autopsies showing that the brains of up to 45 percent of people with dementia have signs of both Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) -- Normal pressure hydrocephalus (high-droh-CEFF-a-luss) is another rare disorder in which fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord is unable to drain normally. The fluid builds up, enlarging the ventricles (fluid-filled chambers) inside the brain. As the chambers expand, they can compress and damage nearby tissue. "Normal pressure" refers to the fact that the spinal fluid pressure often, although not always, falls within the normal range on a spinal tap.
The three chief symptoms of NPH are (1) difficulty walking, (2) loss of bladder control and (3) mental decline, usually involving an overall slowing in understanding and reacting to information. A person's responses are delayed, but they tend to be accurate and appropriate to the situation when they finally come.
Parkinson's disease (PD) -- Parkinson's is another disease involving Lewy bodies. The cells that are damaged and destroyed are chiefly in a brain area important in controlling movement. Symptoms include tremors and shakiness; stiffness; difficulty with walking, muscle control, and balance; lack of facial expression; and impaired speech. Many individuals with Parkinson's develop dementia in later stages of the disease.
Vascular Dementia (VaD) -- Previously known as multi-infact or post-stroke dementia, vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease.
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome -- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a twostage disorder caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B-1). Thiamine helps brain cells produce energy from sugar. When levels of the vitamin fall too low, cells are unable to generate enough energy to function properly. Wernicke encephalopathy is the first, acute phase, and Korsakoff psychosis is the longlasting, chronic stage.
The most common cause is alcoholism. Symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome include:
confusion, permanent gaps in memory and problems with learning new information a tendency to "confabulate," or make up information individuals can't remember unsteadiness, weakness and lack of coordination.
If the condition is caught early and drinking stops, treatment with high-dose thiamine may reverse some, but usually not all, of the damage. In later stages, damage is more severe and does not respond to treatment.

Georgia Alzheimer's disease and related dementias state plan (2024)
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