Las Vegas Fire & Rescue History, 1905-2005: commemorative book (2024)

Original artwork of Allan Albaitis, Firefighter/Artist, from the FireArt, Inc. collection ( Used with permission.
Top, from left: Belly Of The Beast; Guardians; Guardians II, Sunrise; After Midnight.
Bottom, from left: American Grace;
Monster Pullbox, In Memory Of Billie.

Copyright ® 2006 Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Publishing Rights: Turner Publishing Company
This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors and the publisher.
This publication was compiled using available information. Photograph captions appear as provided, and in some cases were not readily attainable. The publisher, author and department regret they cannot assume liability for errors or omissions.
Turner Publishing Company
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ISBN: I-59O52-I.39-2 ; .
Library of Congress Control Number: 20069037'
Printed in the United States of Amifca
Message from the Fire Chief
Firefighters Memorial Park
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In Memoriam
Past Fire Chiefs
Message from the Author
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Inset below: Smokey.
Smokey (the department’s mascot) and her 7 pups, August 2, 1948.
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As you review this history book and
stories, it will resonate in you the very fine department we have due to the
without many of the great people who have donned the uniform of
David L. Washington Fire Chief
a non-rated to ISO class one rated and soon to be accredited fire department. I’m so honored to be serving as our department’s fire chief at this time in our evolving history. Thank you all for this grand opportunity to be your

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Firefighters Memorial Park was dedicated on September 10'h 2002 to honor those who had fallen on the first anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. The main feature of the park is the Monument
also a well-known artist in the Las Vegas Valley.
A bronze sculpture titled “Symbol of a Fallen Firefighter” is the centerpiece of the 21 -foot high - 32-foot diameter monument. It was inspired by the traditional symbol of a fallen soldier.
Eight Granite dedication monuments surround the perimeter base displaying the names of local fallen heroes and with poems honoring their sacrifices. Also recognized are the 12 Southern Nevada Fire Departments, along with a special monument in honor of the 343 firefighters
who lost their lives after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Between the perimeter dedication monuments are eight rolled aluminum 5- inch pipes with real 5-inch aluminum fire hose coupling.
Wal Mart provided most of the financial support for the project. The park is located on Oakey Boulevard between Rainbow Boulevard and Torrey Pines Drive on the west side of the city.
Engineer John Banks also has two other pieces of art work on display at LVFR fire stations, one in front of Fire Station 3 (Fire
I Hose Art) which was awarded “Best of > Las Vegas - Public Art” by the Las Vegas J Review Journal’s annual “Best of Las Vegas Awards and another piece of work in front : of Fire Station 4.
Number 4 Sculpture
Fire Hose Art
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FIREMEN VOLUNTEER TO AID CRIPPLED CHILDREN . . Firemen have undertaken the task of placing coin collectic vada Society of Crippled Children for use in the 1961 dm the familiar coin boxes are (left to right): Clesse Turner, Co-Chairman, Nev< Society for Crippled Children; Fire Chief, Doug William; Inspector Jack Her Carol Carstensen, secretary; Captain Otto McFarland and Inspector Don Sov wick.
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Las Vegas Fire & Rescue
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History of the Las Vegas Fire Department
Situated along the main line of the historic link between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, the community of Las Vegas began as a railroad division point in 1905. The railroad held an auction to sell lots, and eager speculators, and businessmen quickly created a desert city. The haste to capitalize on new opportunities created an ever-present fire danger. The new town was quickly crowded with temporary dwellings, tents, and wooden buildings. With the help of a strong desert wind, a moderate blaze could have destroyed Las Vegas in a few minutes. In fact, in September of 1905, a fire did destroy most of McWilliams Townsite, an area West of Las Vegas.
A volunteer fire company was formed by early 1906 and by August of 1907, a city ordinance established the Las Vegas Volunteer Fire Dept. In the early years the volunteers made news mainly in July 4th celebrations and contests.
It took months to obtain funds from Lincoln County for a hose cart and six lengths of hose. Before they received the new equipment, an old backboard loaded with a few feet of dried and cracked hose was all the firefighting equipment the town could offer. Headgear for the men consisted of leather helmets, which would shrink when they got wet. These helmets became useless until they could be stretched back into shape.
After a short period of unorganized firefighting efforts, those who took it seriously decided it was time to set up some form of order. Lloyd Smith, owner of the Palace Hotel became the first Volunteer Fire Chief.
The first fire station was built where the Horseshoe Hotel now stands. It was constructed of old drywood boxes and was just big enough to house two wagons. The only other equipment in town consisted of two 300-foot reels of hose. One reel was located behind the W.E. Hawkins Store on Fremont Street, and the other was located behind Henry Squires’ “Ham n’ Eggs” Restaurant on Ogden Avenue.
Eighteen pounds of pressure was all the towns redwood water mains could support. This served sufficiently for small fires, but on occasions proved to be faulty.
Two fires, which had an impact on the young community, were at the ice plant in 1907 and the Overland Hotel in 1911.
The ice plant fire, considered the greatest calamity at that time, crippled local enterprises. Lack of ice in the hot Las Vegas summer caused food to spoil and a serious famine threatened the City. The Overland Hotel fire on Fremont Street took a life and cost $50,000 in damages. Every heart was stricken with fear that the wind would veer to the west or north. Fortunately, the wind was southerly and the main business section was spared. The volunteers had only two hose carts and, much to their dismay, no water pressure to fight the fire. This hotel fire brought attention to the real necessity of securing modern firefighting equipment. The concern over the fire resulted in a town meeting to consider incorporation and establishment of a City
On June 6, 1905, four businesses burned in the city’s first fire. The Las Vegas Age said men stood by “helpless as babes’’ as they had no equipment or water to fight the fire. The city was less than a month old. Photo courtesy of the Las Vegas Fire Department.
Overland Hotel fire. The hotel burned down in 1911.
Charter. In a direct way, this fire marked the start of a modern day Las Vegas city government.
On July 5, 1911, the Las Vegas City Commission held its first meeting. One of its first official actions was to create two fire companies. The City also hired one chief and eighteen other firefighters thus establishing the first paid Volunteer Fire Department in Las Vegas. Members were paid one dollar a month for showing up for drills and two dollars each for each fire they fought. As time went on, more firefighting equipment was purchased and a new firehouse was built. After a year, city leaders complained about the paying of the firefighters, so on April 12, 1912, the entire fire department, including the
Model T Ford Engine
fire chief, Lloyd Smith, resigned. This left firefighting duties to the casual bystander. For two years the city remained helpless against fire.
In 1914, a volunteer fire company was re-organized, but financial and political problems beset the volunteers. Questions arose as to how to pay for equipment and who could be a member of the volunteer fire department. Questionable control of the department led the newspaper to worry that the “safety of the city of Las Vegas was being made a plaything n a small game of politics.” Property holders and businessmen led a fight for a better-trained department and more equipment.
In general, all fires were met with an “all-hands” response until 1924 when fifteen men formed a volunteer hook and ladder company. They began operating out of an alley between First and Second Streets, just north of Fremont Avenue, presently the site of the Horseshoe Hotel and Parking lot. The apparatus used was a 1907 pickup truck and a 1917 REO Speed Wagon. Two men, usually bachelors, generally slept at this newly established fire headquarters. Fire calls came into the police station next door. The telephone operator activated the siren on top of the building. Lacking a modern alarm system, the town relied on the Union Pacific shop whistle, gunshots, and church bells to signal an emergency. The fire department would abandon this original station site in 1945.
If it was a weekday when the siren went off, Bill Trelease would drop his knife and shuck his apron and leave his butcher shop and Captain Harold Case would
leave the power company. Leon Rockwell would leave his plumbing and electrical shop on Third Street. From all around town came men from different walks of life; bank clerks, carpenters and businessman would instantly become firefighters.
There was only enough protective equipment (helmet and coat) for a couple of men. The rest had to just wear what they had on. If their clothes were ruined during a fire, they would go to a local store to replace the clothes and the city would pick up the tab.
The department had no fancy equipment like mask, boots or even ladders. At one downtown hotel fire, firefighters had to use a tree. The firefighters tied a hose line to the tree high enough that it could spray water to the second floor of the hotel.
In those early days icehouses were at the top of the list as places that frequently caught fire. One firefighter remarked when the Pacific Fruit Express Ice House caught fire and he was responding on the Model T Ford engine, “As we sped down Main Street, kids headed to the scene on bicycles passed us.” It took more than 12 hours to put the blaze out.
Harold Case was appointed Fire Chief of the Las Vegas Fire Department in 1924. He held this position for 23 consecutive years. Shortly thereafter, he was elected President of the Las Vegas Volunteer fire Department, which was organized in February of the same year.
Under Chief Case, each volunteer applicant was scrutinized closely for his civic mindedness and devotion to his work. For most of its existence, the Las Vegas Volunteer Fire Department was good enough that its rating from the National Fire Underwriters rivaled the marks received by paid departments across the
country. The organization operated like a civic club, with monthly meeting to discuss business. The firefighters were continuously visible in such community entertainments as holiday parades, Helldorado, baseball and other athletic activities. It was not uncommon for an afternoon baseball game to be interrupted by the fire siren. The volunteers did even more than offer routine fire protection to the community. With money donated from their benefits and charity bails, they bought the city’s first resuscitator in 1929. By 1935, ten infants needing revival after birth had been saved by the department’s new machine.
The Model T Ford engine the department used replaced a hand-drawn cart, but the Model T could not produce what was needed at fires, so a Reo Speedwagon replaced it later. In 1929 an American LaFrance ladder truck was added to the fleet so the Model T Ford was retired.
In the 1931 city elections, amidst exceptional growth in the city spurred by Hoover Dam construction, the creation of a paid fire department became a political issue. The volunteers reacted angrily: “Let us forget the idea of having a paid man to lay around the firehouse to help the volunteers because there won’t be any volunteers.
As Las Vegas continued to grow, and more and more investments were made along the “Strip,” it became apparent that the volunteer department could no longer serve such a wide area properly. The old resistance to a full-time paid department faded when the large-city type problems were more of a day-to-day reality.
May 14, 1934 - One of the worst blazes in Las Vegas’ history occurred when the Grammar School on 4th Street caught fire. The school caught fire only minutes after classes were dismissed for the day. Wooden floors soaked with oil for years to keep the dust down, help produce what volunteers called one of the hottest fires they ever fought. The Reo fire engine broke down during the blaze, so the Model T was brought back into service and used at the fire. The fire shocked the town and the volunteer firefighters campaigned successfully for more modern equipment to better protect the city.
A fire occurred in the rear yard of the Union Pacific railroad. A large stack of baled hay produced a fire that took firefighters for nearly a week. At another fire in the Union Pacific rail yard, one of the engines sank up to the running boards. It took a cable and railroad locomotive to pull the engine out.
Tuesday nights were drill nights for the volunteers. They would practice laying lines and hooking hoses. Once a month the volunteers would get together for dinner. In the mid-30’s R.R. “Colonel Bob” Russell, owner of the Apache Hotel, always set up free drinks for the boys after a fire.
A new era of rapid growth, the early 1940’s produced conditions, which made the creation of a paid fire department inevitable. The war effort produced an industrial plant at Henderson and an Army base in North Las Vegas (to be named Nellis Air Force Base), which tripled the area’s population. The building boom in the city materially increased fire hazards and firefighting facilities had remained static while the town expanded enormously. Insurance rates increased while the insurance companies pressed for new improvements. These desired improvements included aerial ladders for firefighting in tall buildings, a telegraph alarm system, improved water facilities, and a reworking of fire zones and codes.
In 1942, the volunteer firefighters petitioned City Hall to create a professional full-time fire department. By 1943, with Las Vegas’ weekend population often surpassing 25,000, the government had no choice. Despite an acute shortage of funds, Mayor Cragin and the Las Vegas City Commission approved the formation of a paid department. In order to meet the payroll and other expenses involved in the establishment of a full-time paid department, city officials sought approval from the State Board of Finance to barrow an emergency loan of $20,600. For the new crew, pay and hours reflected the lack of funds. To keep expenses
down, officials divided the force into two platoons. Each crew worked 24-hour shifts on alternate days while living in the firehouse. In effect, each man worked a 72-hour week, but was paid a 48-hour salary—something that would remain in effect until the 1960’s.
The Las Vegas Fire Department Is Organized
The Las Vegas Fire Department was organized in 1942 under the direction of Chief Harold Case. The paid department was officially started on August 1, 1942, with two men on the payroll. The fire chief expressed his concern that his men had been called away from their regular jobs 19 times in one week. He asked the Las Vegas City Commission for 12 paid full-time firefighters. At the same time, Loren Bush, head of the Board of Fire Underwriters, sent a report to the city of Las Vegas, stating that if they wanted a higher insurance rating, they needed the following: 12 paid firefighters, two new fire stations with dormitories and clubhouses, two modern fire trucks, a 50 foot aerial ladder truck, an alarm center, a training facility, radios for communications and many new fire hydrants.
With the city in a great growth period, it went along with all the requests and on November 1, 1942 the present Las Vegas Fire Department was born. There were 15 firefighters and their positions and pay scale were as follows:
1 Fire Chief $250.00 per month
3 Captains $200.00 per month
3 Engineers $ 190.00 per month
9 Firefighters $1 80.00 per month
The paid firefighters worked three eight-hour shifts that were assisted by an excellent group of 25 volunteer firefighters,
which were previously on the department. At the time the department was organized, a 1929 American LaFrance 750 GPM pumper and a 1935 Seagraves Suburban with a 600 GPM pump was in service. This was augmented by Civil Defense equipment consisting of two 500 GPM trailer units and a 500 GPM front mount pump which was mounted on a 3 / 4 ton pickup truck. In May of 1943, a 750 GPM Seagraves was added to the list of equipment for the department.
Prevention of fire and first aid treatment to victims as well as actual firefighting kept the department busy in 1948. The department responded to 455 calls, down from 481 incidents in 1946 and 470 in 1947.
In 1945 the city opened a new fire station in the Huntridge area of the city, and the department was placed on a two-platoon system. This meant that men went on duty 24 hours and were off duty the next 24 hours, thus they chalked up 72 hours per workweek, and at the same salary they received for 48 hours. Fire Chief at the time was Harold Case.
The department received a number of other improvements, including' the use of two-way radios that were on the same frequency as the Las Vegas Police Department. Often a cruising police care would see a fire in progress; the officer would then call for help over the radio. Both fire stations would hear the request and respond to the fire.
At the time, the department did not have an up-to-date fire alarm system, but city officials did not feel the city was handicapped. Las Vegas still received 80% of their fire calls by telephone, which was also the national average at the time.
In 1946, a new International panel truck, classified as an emergency unit, was added to the equipment list and was immediately placed into service. The rescue truck carried an inhalator, resuscitator, some breathing masks, and brooms, salvage covers and other firefighting equipment. The unit was stocked in the latest first aid equipment and was manned by personnel who were trained in first aid. The firefighters who staffed the emergency unit had completed advance first aid courses and passed all required examinations. This assured intelligent and efficient handling of all accident cases with which they were confronted with. A complete record of blood types for all employees was kept on file in the fire department. All personnel had consented to and in every instance when called upon to do so, had given numerous blood donations to patients in both the Clark County Hospital and the Las Vegas Hospital.
In 1947 a large toy drive was held by the department in which toys were repaired, refurbished and reconditioned to be distributed to 500 needy children.
In 1948 the budget for the department was $136,135. While the national average of fire prevention personnel on the department was two percent, Las Vegas devoted six to eight percent of their personnel to fire prevention in order to reduce the number of lives lost to fires. At time, careless smoking was the leading cause of fire fatalities in the city.
The department was planning to build another fire station in 1949 on the Westside of the city. The department also ordered a new 65-foot aerial ladder truck The department also worked out a plan with the water company to make provisions on future water lines to add fire hydrants at a later date without complication, thus saving the city money in the future.
February 25, 1948 - Las Vegas firefighter Bob Barnum is shot while battling a brush fire behind the Union Pacific round house. Fire Chief Harold Case says he was fighting the fire and suddenly dropped to the ground in pain. He was taken to the hospital in a fire department vehicle. Police report a ,22cal rifle is found in the brush, police believe the heat of the fire caused the rifle to fire. After surgery, the firefighter remained in serious condition at the Clark County hospital for a week. He was able to return to duty several weeks later.
August 3, 1948 - A fire destroys a warehouse on Fremont Street at 11th Street. Six Las Vegas firefighters are injured in the blaze, which caused $18,000
damage. The fire was so large that Las Vegas Volunteer firefighters were called to help battle the blaze. The cause was undetermined.
August 11, 1948 - Las Vegas Police arrest a 20-year-old male who confesses that he started two lumberyards on fire the night before. He confesses to setting a number of fires in Las Vegas and other states. The first fire was at the Home Lumber Yard and during that fire a fire started behind Woitishek’s. Both regular and volunteer firefighters fought the two large fires.
August 31, 1948 - Fire Chief Harold Case is hospitalized for a medical condition, which doctors describe as “not critical.”
November 28, 1948 - A rescue “car” is rammed from behind while waiting for a traffic light at South Fifth Street and Main Street. The rescue car then rams the car in front of it. The rescue car is severely damaged and the two fire personnel are taken to the hospital.
April 16, 1949 - Las Vegas Fire Department takes delivery of a new 65 foot Seagraves ladder truck that cost $22,000. The truck was ordered in 1946 and took almost three years to build.
November 1949 - Someone tries to destroy the Review Journal printing plant at 113 South First Street by throwing a firebomb through a window.
November 7, 1950 - 750 children are given toys by Las Vegas firefighters.
December 8, 1950 - A firefighter sustains serious burns to his right hand while lighting a cigarette. He did not close the book of matches and they all ignited burning him. He is taken to the Clark County Hospital.
Accident at Second Street and Bonanza Road.
December 12, 1950 - A firefighter and two civilians are injured when an engine collides with a car at the intersection of Second Street and Bonanza Road.
January 2, 1951 - The B & H Grocery at 402 West Bonanza is destroyed in a fire; damage is estimated at $13,219.95. What is left of the landmark is later destroyed in an arson fire March 23, 1951.
January 12, 1951 - A newly renovated part of Sunrise Acres School catches fire and is fanned by high winds. Damage is estimated at $18,165.00
May 28, 1951 - The newly completed showroom and garage at James Cashman Auto Sales on North Main Street is completely destroyed by fire in which fire officials believe arson is the cause. The fire call came in at 6:50AM and caused hundreds of thousand of dollars in damage. Later an investigator of the National Board of Fire Underwriters reports to Fire Chief Case that the fire was accidental and there was absolutely no evidence that the fire was intentional.
July 24, 1951 - A new Seagraves fire engine is delivered to the fire department by train. The new 1000 gpm pumper cost $17,000.
August 30, 1951 - After a lengthy investigation by the Las Vegas Fire Marshal George Rambo, the owner of the B & H Grocery on West Bonanza Road, which burned twice earlier in the year and was ruled arson, was charge with two counts of a criminal act. The owner was charged with one count of arson and one count of attempting to defraud an insurance company. The owner set fire to the grocery store, a Las Vegas landmark, to recover the insurance money.
September 17, 1951 - Las Vegas firefighters and volunteers of the North Las Vegas Fire Department battle a giant
brush fire at the Woodlawn Cemetery. Firefighters were on scene from early afternoon until 9:00PM.
October 9, 1951 - Fire Chief Harold Case warns the community of the dangers of forest fires on the anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire.
October 31, 1951 - Firefighters completed a two-week advance firefighting techniques class at the University of Nevada.
December 24, 1951 - Over 500 kids receive toys that were collected and repaired by Las Vegas firefighters in time for Christmas.
January 10, 1952 - 10 of the 24 units of the Fremont Hotel, 1208 Fremont Street, are destroyed by fire. Damage is estimated at $75,000. The same hotel suffered a serious fire that destroyed the east wing three years earlier.
June 1952 - Fire Station 3 opens at 2300 West Bonanza Road. It is relocated to 2645 West Washington Avenue on December 18, 1980.
June 11, 1952 - Fire destroys Young’s Transfer & Storage Company on North Twenty-fifth Street. Investigators call the fire mysterious.
June 13, 1952 - Off duty firefighters are called in to help battle a blaze at the Villa Venice restaurant on South Las Vegas Blvd. Damage is estimated at $135,000. Low water pressure hampered firefighters.
February 7, 1953 - A vacant two-story barracks on East Charleston Blvd and Fremont Street, near the Green Shack, catches fire creating a spectacular blaze, which could be seen from all around the city. Assistant Chief C.D. Williams believes that spontaneous combustion might have caused the fire.
October 1, 1953 - Because of ailing health, Las Vegas Fire Chief Harold Case resigns at the City Commission meeting. The city’s first fire chief and serving with the Las Vegas Firq. Department for more than 29 years, he retires and moves to Tucson, Arizona. When he left the department, it had three fire stations: Westside, Huntridge and Central, four engines, one water tanker, a 65 foot aerial ladder truck and a number of small units. Assistant Chief C. D. Williams is appointed acting Fire Chief.
In 1954 Clark County officially formed their own fire department with sixteen members and one station that housed two pieces of fire apparatus. William H. Trelease was selected as chief of the department.
Line of Duty Death December 18, 1955 Harold U. Davenport 1921 - 1955 Firefighter
July 1, 1954 - December 18, 1955
Firefighter Harold U. Davenport, 34, lost his life on Sunday, December 1 8, 1955 just before 5:00PM after being dispatched by the Las Vegas Police Department for a cat stuck on top of a utility pole behind the residence at 2117 S. 15th St. (between St. Louis & Sahara Ave.) Davenport arrived on scene with a ladder truck along with Firefighter Robert Dietz who stood at the base of the ladder as Davenport ascended the ladder to get the cat who had been stuck on the pole for over two days. As Davenport lifted the cat from the cross arm on the pole, he dropped the cat. In the process the cat tried to scratch him and he threw his arm back, touching a live power line in the process. Davenport was not engaged with the wire, but was lodged at the top of the pole. Dietz then radioed for a rescue unit to respond to the scene along with a Mercy ambulance. Firefighters Mike Dayton and Jerry Gillespie removed Davenport from the ladder and loaded him into the ambulance. He was transported to Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced. Davenport died of severe burns to his arm, leg, and face and of cardiac arrest.
His wife Mary and an 18-month-old daughter Kathy survived Davenport. He also had a stepson, James Medici and a daughter Sharon that lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. Services for Davenport were held on Thursday, December 22, 1955 at 2:00PM at the LDS Chapel at 8th St. & Linden St. Bunker Brothers Mortuary coordinated funeral arrangements.
According to Las Vegas Fire Chief Elmer C. Gates, this was the first line of duty death on the Las Vegas Fire Department.
Davenport lived in a home he constructed himself in Paradise Valley. Him and his wife Mary moved in the house ten years earlier on Mother’s Day. The Davenports were married for ten years. Previous to being a firefighter for the past year and a half, Davenport worked as a special officer patrolling the downtown area and was employed by Bonanza Airlines.
Davenport’s name was placed on the Nevada Firefighters memorial in Carson City in 1994 and at the Southern Nevada Firefighters Memorial in Las Vegas in 2002.
August 1956 - Fire Station 4 opens at 1501 Industrial Road. The station is also the department’s vehicle and hydrant maintenance shop. Station 4 is relocated to 421 S. 15th St in December 1989.
May 1, 1957 - Fire Station 2 is relocated from the Huntridge station to 2801 East Charleston Blvd. It is later relocated to 900 South Durango Street in December 1989.
May 1, 1957 - Fire Station 5 is opened at 1020 Hinson Road. It is torn down in 2003 and replaced with a new station and dedicated on September 11, 2004.
1958 - In 1958, all four cities and the county maintained fire departments, each a separate budgeted bureaucracy. Boulder City employed six men on 24-hour shifts to protect Boulder City while Henderson, with its industrial area, had 22 firefighters on the department. The city of Las Vegas had 240 firefighters and North Las Vegas with substantial low-income housing had a force of 38. The county provided services in zones where a special fire surcharge to the regular property tax was in effect. Still, Paradise, Winchester, East Las Vegas, Sunrise Manor and other areas had a scattered force of 170 men. While certain high-density areas near the Strip and the railroad-warehouse zone and some commercial districts had overlapping service from several fire stations.
During the 1960’s the department and city were in a battle for increased pay for firefighters. The major emphasis was made during 1961 when even the fire chief, Doug Williams, was opposed to the firefighters receiving a pay hike. During the time the annual salary for a firefighter
was $5,868 per year with an increase to $6,444. At the time, one newspaper ad by the Citizens and Taxpayers Committee for the Defeat of Proposition No 1 stated that Las Vegas firefighters were the highest paid firefighters in the state and within the highest paid in the country.
March 29, 1962 - A large paint warehouse fire at 1620 Fremont Street behind Pat Clark’s Pontiac Agency was prevented from exploding. A faulty paint mixer is blamed for starting the large blaze.
March 29, 1962 - Firefighters rescue a 1 O-year-old boy that fell into a vacant sewage tank on North 25th Street.
July 1, 1963 - James Edward Walker and Monroe Williams are hired as the department’s first two minority firefighters.
August 8, 1963 - A huge blaze destroyed a lumberyard and two office buildings located at Bonanza Road and Main Street. The fire caused $1 million in damage and seven people are injured. The 3:25AM fire brought nine units from Las Vegas and Clark County to the fire.
October 30, 1963 - The department’s first tiller-aerial ladder truck is placed into service at Fire Station 1.
Training 1963 - The latest edition of the Ohio State University “Fire Service Training Manual” is accepted by the department as the official training manual and a copy is given to every member of the department. Members were also given updated manuals on the following subjects: Types and Effects of Gases Encountered at Fires, Television Fires, Ventilation, Radio Procedures, General Rules-Article Thirteen- Las Vegas Fire Department, Las Vegas Fire Department Terms and Phrases.
Communications Overview 1963-64 - The “Nerve Center” or alarm off of the Las
History —#
Vegas Fire Department was located in a 2-story air conditioned building located at 320 North Second Street, adjacent to the fire headquarters building. One Chief Alarm Operator and eight Alarm Operators were on staff, giving two alarm operators on duty at all times. Operators worked an eight-hour day. The office had four trunk lines for a PBX switchboard, I 27 Gamewell fire alarm boxes throughout the city. The office was also responsible for the testing and operation of all Civil Defense sirens in the city. The first “ADT” automatic alarm in the city was installed on October 23, 1 963 at McKesson Liquors as a test. It was anticipated that there would be numerous “ADT Alarms” in the city within the near future.
Fire Alarm Superintendent: Vacant at time
Chief Alarm Operator: Leonard Sara
April 18, 1964 - Fire heavily damages two souvenir stores in the 200 block of Fremont Street downtown. Nearly 1000 people are evacuated from the area because of thick smoke.
June 1964 - Work is started on the department’s new Training Center.
Tule Springs Station
June 1, 1964 - The workweek for LVFD members was reduced from 62.8 hours on a 2-platoon system to 60 hours working a 3-platoon system.
June 1, 1964 - Clark County Fire Department Vegas Heights station at 1201 Miller Ave is placed into service as Las Vegas Fire Station 8 after the Vegas Heights area is annexed into the city. Engine 9, a 1943 Seagrave 750gpm pumper and Tanker 8, a 1954 International 1000-gal- lon tanker as assigned to the station.
June 14, 1964 - A new Seagrave 85ft ladder truck is placed into service at Fire Station 4. A 1949 Seagrave 65ft ladder truck is moved to Fire Station 6.
August 18, 1964 - 5:00PM A 200,000 gallon gasoline tank explodes and burns at the Richfield Wholesale Oil Corp located at 510 South Main Street.
August 25, 1964 - Numerous LVFD units respond to Sahara Hotel for a large fire, which heavily damages the casino, lounge and showroom.
November 1964 - The mayor recommends to the city council that a fixed 56-hour workweek be approved for firefighters with vacations approved for the
entire year. Under the current system at the time, vacations were only approved for June, July and August with one platoon assigned to each month. Under the new plan, firefighters could schedule their vacation throughout the year.
November 26, 1964 - A large explosion and fire kills two executives of the Brusnwig Drug Company in the 1200 block of Foremaster Lane. The building is destroyed and debris could be found a block away from the explosion. Fire Chief Doug Williams believes it was a natural gas explosion.
December 12, 1964 - Clark County Fire Chief William Trelease dies and is given a full firefighter honors funeral. Fire Chief Trelease was a charter member of the original Las Vegas Volunteer Fire Department formed in 1921, and was appointed fire chief of Clark County in 1954. He served in the fire service for over forty years.
February 16, 1965 - An arson fire causes $200,000 damage Bain’s Dress Shop on Fremont Street. Previous to the fire, eight other businesses also burned on Fremont Street in the same general area in the previous few months. The press suspects a “firebug” might be running lose in the city. Previous fires included White Cross Drug Store and Skaggs Drug Store.
April 5, 1965 - 150 members of LVFD complete a study course in explosives conducted by Sixth Army Headquarters, San Francisco, California. The Clark County Civil Defense Agency sponsored the course.
April 11, 1965 - Fire Chief J.D. Miller announces that 11 rookies complete the fire academy and will be joining other firefighters in protecting the city.
August 16, 1965 - A giant mock disaster of a large airplane crash is held. Over 50 “victims” are treated by ambulance personnel, sheriff’s deputies and firefighters and are taken to Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital.
September 17, 1965 - A two-alarm fire causes $100:000 damage to the L-Bar-L Supermarket at Sahara Ave and Maryland Parkway. The store was open and full of customers when the fire broke out, everyone escaped without injury. Twelve fire units with 50 firefighters fought the fire for two hours. A police officer on scene to the media he believed the fire was electrical in origin.
July 20, 1966 - A warehouse located at the intersection of Riegel and Cyprus, behind the Stardust Hotel, catches fire. Every available firefighter and fire unit is dispatched to the warehouse, which is full of new furniture for the new-soon to open Caesars Palace. Low water pressure, the closest fire hydrant more than 1500 feet
away, hampered firefighting efforts. Tanker trucks were brought in to help battle the blaze. A city fire unit enroute to the blaze collided with a civilian jeep about three miles from the fire. The 18-year-old driver of the jeep was taken to Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital, treated and released.
August 5, 1966 - An agreement was established between the City of Las Vegas Fire Department and the Clark County Fire Department to secure from each other the benefits of mutual aid in fire protection. Response would be based on request from the receiving entity. On first alarms, response is limited to a geographical area stated in the agreement. In some cases it may include a response to the requesting agencies station. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred.
September 1966 - A small fire station is put into service in Tule Springs, at Floyd Lamb State Park. The small station housed a 1000-gallon water tender and rescue unit. The station closes in 1977.
November 7, 1966 - Sheppard’s Furniture Store at 1132 South Main Street is gutted in a $90,000 blaze.
November 15, 1966 - A large-scale power blackout traps people in elevators throughout the city. Several rescues are made by firefighters.
January 7, 1967 - 1:25AM A large explosion kills six people and injures 20 people at the Orbit Inn Motel at Seventh Street and Fremont Street. Theories indicate that an AWOL solider committed suicide by using 50 sticks of dynamite and exploded them.
December 7, 1967 - An elderly lady dies in a house fire at 3287 Sunset Road.
March 28, 1968 - Fire heavily damages the pressroom at the Review Journal causing the paper to be published in Southern California for a while.
May 8, 1968 - The city of Las Vegas begin plans to annex the “Las Vegas Strip” in the city.
June 15, 1968 - Fire destroys the E&D Distributing Company, and a mattress warehouse.
1968 - Las Vegas Fire Department had seven fire stations, North Las Vegas had two stations, Clark County had eight fire stations and Boulder C-pity one station. The city of Las Vegas had the only fire alarm system in the Valley.
August 1, 1970 - Fire guts the interior of the Woolworth Department store on Fremont Street. The fire started at 12:50PM in a storage room on the sec-
Woolworth Department Store fire, 1970
ond floor of the 2-story building built in 1948. Over 100 firefighters responded to the blaze, which took over 2 and one- half hours to bring under control. LV Fire Inspector Walt Schull who reported smoke coming from the roof first reported the fire. Seven firefighters were taken to Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital for treatment during the blaze. The store was located on Fremont Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
February 20, 1971 - A million dollar blaze occurs at a warehouse at 2750 South Highland, three fighters suffer burns and a number of other firefighters suffer from smoke inhalation. Fanned by high winds, it took firefighters to bring the flames under control.
April 23, 1971 - A man kills three family members who are at work at their family dry cleaning business at Cantrell’s Cleaners, 1015 East Charleston Blvd, then set their bodies on fire using cleaning solution. The man and a female companion are later caught by Las Vegas Police and charge with the crimes, murder and arson.
April 29, 1971 - City officials advise the Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital board of trustees that the hospital has some very serious fire safety concerns and calls various sections of the hospital a “death trap.” The city orders the hospital to shape things up.
June 6, 1971 - Jeanne Schmitz is hired as the department’s first female fire inspector.
June 14, 1971 - Fire Chief Jerry Miller shows off two new American LaFrance engines
that will be stationed at Fire Station One. Engine One and Engine Twelve have dice painted on the sides of the engines, which draws media attention. Both of the engines cost $115,000. They are the first of white fire engines instead of red.
July 4, 1971 - Las Vegas firefighters show off a new mini-pumper “Squad One” which is a two-man unit, which carries water, foam and different rescue tools. The unit is designed to be used on the freeway and at small fires.
July 5, 1971 - Steel work is started for the new city hall on Stewart Avenue. In the future, LVFD Headquarters will be located in the building.
July 8, 1971 - The Lucky’s Shopping Center located on West Sahara Avenue at Tam Drive is destroyed in a gas explosion. One man was killed, six businesses destroyed and an adjacent 7-11 sustained severe damage in the blast.
September 8, 1971 - Fire destroys the old Union Hotel at the corner of Bridger and Main Street. The old hotel is demolished after the fire.
September 9, 1971 - Members of he Western Fire Chiefs Association and the president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs meets with Fire Chief Jerry Miller at Fire Station One to look at the two new engines recently delivered to the department and to also look at the dice painted on the doors. They call the identification of the pumpers “unique.”
September 30, 1971 - Talk are started by Clark County to consolidate 12 city and county functions to save taxpayers money. One of those functions is fire ser-
History —<
vices. Under the new proposed plan, the city of Las Vegas would take over all fire & emergency service functions for both the county and city and the city would have to absorb the employees of the county fire department into the new combined fire department. The plan also called for the Las Vegas Police Department to take over all police functions for the entire county.
December 16, 1971 - The Local Government Study Committee in a unanimous vote recommends that the city and county consolidate fire services and let the city control fire & emergency services for the entire county. But the Nevada Legislature, which will not meet until 1973, must approve it. The group recommended that the consolidation take place in July 1972.
December 20, 1971 - Las Vegas police and firefighters picket city hall for a rage increase.
December 28, 1971 - In a resolution drafted by the Las Vegas City Commission, it states that the city is not interested in consolidation of services unless those areas of the county become part of the city.
January 6, 1972 - A bomb made up of 40 sticks of dynamite is found hidden in a washing machine at the Clackdale Apartments, 2714 Wengart Ave, which is directly behind the Showboat Hotel. The bomb does not explode and is dismantled by Las Vegas firefighters.
January 24, 1972 - Las Vegans donate their Betty Crocker coupons to help purchase a fire engine for Homer, Alaska.
May 14, 1972 - The seven members of the newly organized Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad show off new equipment recently purchased due to a $13,500 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Grant. The new squad is needed because of sudden increase in bomb related incidents and scares across the country.
May 28, 1972 - A new piece of equipment is used for the very first time at the scene of a head-on collision. It is known as the “Jaws of Life” and is used to extricate victims trapped in wreckages. The city purchased one unit and the county fire department acquired two units. As soon as it was placed on the Las Vegas Fire Rescue truck, it was used at the head- on collision, in which firefighters stated it took less than half the time it use to extricate someone.
June 29, 1972 - A ten-year-old boy playing with fireworks in the living room of his home starts a fire, which destroys the house. The fire department reminded the public that fireworks are illegal in the city, but safe-n-sane fireworks are permitted in the county.
July 6, 1972 - Five Las Vegas firefighters are hospitalized from Freon gas after a fire in an air conditioner unit on Griffith Ave.
July 13, 1972 - Plans continue to combine the city and county fire department into one department operated by the city. Fire Chief J.D. Miller would be chief of the department and the fire chief of the county department would be Deputy Chief. The city had soften its stance on the issue and said they would work on the plan if the department is operated by the city. Firefighters from both departments are enthused about the proposal and are looking forward to the consolidation.
July 26, 1972 - A bomb made with 12 sticks of dynamite hidden in a car kills a prominent downtown Las Vegas lawyer. The blast occurred on the third floor parking deck at the Bank of Nevada building.
August 20, 1972 - Three intersections in the city are equipped with a new Opticom (optical communications) system, which turn traffic signals green for fire apparatus that have a special sending unit that can be detected by the special equipped traffic signal. More intersections
will have the new device installed in the future.
August 25, 1972 - A fast moving fire burns down Brimmies Print Shop at 207 Main Street. Hundreds of people filled the downtown to watch the fire in which fire investigators believed there was no foul play involved.
November 3, 1972 - Rescue One enroute to a heart attack call on Bruce Street collides with a car at Washington & Bruce. A female occupant in the car is hospitalized. The rescue truck is damaged beyond repair.
December 31, 1972 - Headlines in the Review Journal promise of a more efficient police and fire department as the county and city departments are expected to combine in 1973.
January 5, 1973 - An arsonist started five separate fires in the Four Queens Hotel at 202 East Fremont Street. Using Kleenex tissue, fires were started on the fifth, ninth and 17th floors, but did little damage and did not cause any injuries.
April 4, 1973 - An agreement between the City of Las Vegas and Clark County was established for the purpose of a combined communications center. The center was to be under the supervision and control of the City Fire Department and manned 24 hours a day by city personnel. The city was to provide personnel to maintain and repair the system in the county and city. Alarm circuits to be installed in CCFD stations by the City of Las Vegas at the expense of the county using VHF radio. Clark County to provide the funds for the equipment and installation of the system in both the communications center and the county fire stations. The equipment ownership to remain with Clark County. It was also agreed that 6 Clark County alarm operators would be transferred to the City Fire Department and subject to all conditions of city fire alarm operator employment. The term of the agreement to expire on 30 June 1976 subject to either party termination of the agreement with 6 months notice.
April 5, 1973 - A three-year merger of the communications system for Las Vegas and Clark County was approved by the Las Vegas City Commission. Under the terms of the pact, the new center will start to operate on July 1.
May 31, 1973 - A giant blaze destroys an apartment complex at Paradise and Flamingo Roads. Every available fire unit and firefighter from the city and county respond to the blaze which injuries dozens of firefighters. The Ambassador Inn Apartments contained 342 one-bedroom apartments, in which 276 were destroyed. Damage is estimated in excess of $2 million.
May 31, 1973 - The department officially dedicated the Harold Case Memorial, which commemorates those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The Memorial was named in honor of Harold Case, the first paid fire chief of the department, who served as Chief from 1924-1954. The ceremony was presided over by department Chief J. D. Miller. The Memorial is presently located in front of fire headquarters on Casino Center Blvd.
June 30, 1973 - Fire Chief J.D. Miller reminds all residents that fireworks are illegal inside the city limits of Las Vegas at all times and are not permitted on the Fourth of July.
June 30, 1973 - Twelve recruits complete the fire academy and are issued their badges as Las Vegas firefighters.
July 1, 1973 - Clark County fire department combines with the city for a combined communications center to be operated by Las Vegas Fire Department. In the arrangement, the county transferred its communications personnel to LVFD, paid the department $73, 000 to cover salaries and benefits, $40,000 for electronic hook ups to the city facility. The county fire chief states it would have cost the county over $300,000 to bring their communications center up to the city’s standards.
July 8, 1973 - A massive propane explosion occurs in Kingman, Arizona in which all the members of the Kingman Fire Department are killed. A number of burn victims are brought to Las Vegas for treatment.
July 1973 - In a report, Las Vegas Fire Chief Jerry Miller states he needs $3.1 million to build new fire stations in the city. The most important is a new fire station eight, which is to be built at the intersection of Lamb Blvd and Bonanza Road. He also proposes a new fire station three, somewhere on Washington Blvd near Tonopah Drive. He also seeks $200,000 to enlarge fire station four located at 1501 Industrial Drive and a new fire station nine to be built somewhere close to Decatur and Smoke Ranch. The largest request if for a new fire administration and fire station building.
July 3, 1973 - Fire Station 8, at 633 N. Mojave Rd, was officially opened at 7:30AM on Sunday July 3, 1973 with an engine and water tender and 18 firefighters, six on each platoon. Fire Chief Jerry Miller said the fire station was only a temporary site until the department’s new station at the intersection of East Bonanza and North Lamb could be built. But the city was not sure if the land could be acquired for the new station and funding was questionable also. But the east side of the city also lacked fire protection, so the
bay was added to the FTC as a temporary solution until a new fire station could be built. It is replaced with a new station at 805 North Mojave Road and dedicated on October 10, 2005. The old station is renovated for offices to be used by the Fire Investigators / Bomb Squad.
July 27, 1973 - A picture of a car fire in the Review Journal states “a firefighter of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department.”
September 17, 1973 - Two Las Vegas firefighters sustain serious burns while working an auto fire. As they are working to put the fire out, the car explodes creating a large fireball according to witnesses. The two firefighters a blown thirty feet back into the fire engine they responded on, which also had heat damage to it. The driver just filled the gas at the filling station and was headed home when the car caught fire. Investigators believe a leaking gas line caused the explosion.
September 17, 1973 - Three classrooms at the John C. Fremont Junior High School on East St. Louis Avenue sustain extensive damage after vandals set the rooms on fire.
September 29, 1973 - For the 12th straight year, the Las Vegas Sun donates the day’s newspaper to local fire departments to be sold in the streets by firefighters for whatever amount of money they can collect. The proceeds are used to aid people who are burned out of their homes. Valley firefighters collected $1,270 that day.
October 3, 1973 - Two Las Vegas firefighter’s cars are set on fire behind fire station three at 2300 Bonanza Road.
October 23, 1973 - A band of teens, age 11-13 years, set ten homes on fire and three brush fires on the Westside of the city. No one was hurt.
December 9, 1973 - The Las Vegas Fire Department announces a new medical training program for the department. It is called Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in which one trained EMT will respond on every rescue call. The training is broken down into four phases: two 16- hour courses, 40 hours of first aid type training, 40 hours of in-hospital training and a nine hour review and test.
December 17, 1973 - Two classrooms are gutted by fire at Sunrise Acres Elementary School.
Communications Overview 1973 - “On July 1,1973, by contractual agreement with the Clark County Fire Department, the Las Vegas Fire Department Alarm Office took over all dispatching for both the city of Las Vegas and Clark County.
This more than doubled the number of dispatchers, per ISO, three dispatchers
must be on duty at all times and the position of Chief Alarm Officer was also created at the time.
The eight existing Clark County Alarm Operators were absorbed by the city, giving the City Alarm Office a total of 16 operators plus one Chief Alarm Operator.
With the completion of the new City Hall, the Chief’s Office and the Fire Prevention Bureau moved into their new offices on the sixth floor of City Hall. After a sizable remodeling job, the dispatch center moved upstairs, leaving their old quarters downstairs (300 Casino Center Blvd) for telephone, gamewell, radio and other alarm equipment, plus a shop for the Alarm Officer maintenance personnel. Alarm Superintendent T.R. Rogers was given an assistant and also an electrical trades helper.
Much new equipment was also added: a 60 key P.B.X., a 30 key direct line hotel board, a 30 key director board and two 18 key call directors-one on each console, two UHF radio frequencies for combat leaving the old VHF for a service channel. Clark County Fire Department had two VHF frequencies, giving the alarm office a total of seven frequencies including civil defense and an alarm frequency.
At the time the Fire Alarm Office forecasted the following: We are at present installing a computer assisted dispatch system for dispatching Clark County equipment and hope to have the same system in the city within the near future. This system will utilize 150 MHz - VHF frequencies as a carrier, and with associated printer-decoding equipment in fire stations will eliminate hard-wire and telephone circuits for alarm purposes. The telephone-leased lines will be maintained as a backup.
The computer assisted dispatching system will be interface with the Metropolitan Police Command and Control Center. All street index and dispatching will be retrieved on a cathode ray tube for operators’ decision for transmittal of dispatch.
A microfiche rapid access retrieval system is being prepared for back up in case of computer or terminal failure.
With this end in view, we initiated a new method of mapping which is countywide. It will enable any department or entity within the county, using the system to locate any street, intersection or hundred block with in a matter of seconds.
As we are dispatching to an area of over 250 square miles, it was necessary to completely re-map the valley to avoid duplications in districts and dispatches. For mutual aid purposes, all unit on both city and county departments will carry the same maps.”
Communications Overview - 146 Fire Alarm Boxes still in operations
Thomas R. Rogers, Alarm Office Superintendent
Jerome Savadina, Assistant Superintendent
Calvin Dodge, Electrical Trades Helper Ione Dowell, Chief Alarm Operator March 4, 1974 - There is talk that Las Vegas firefighters will strike because the city commission repealed a pay ordinance.
April 24, 1974 - 12:40PM One man is critically burned in a food warehouse fire located at 41 Mojave Rd. Damage was estimated at $200,000. A cutting torch started a foam-padded wall on fire, which quickly spread.
May 21, 1974 - 7:40PM fire destroys Bob Stupak’s World Famous Million Dollar Historic Gambling Museum and Casino located at 2000 South Las Vegas Blvd. The fire destroyed the building. It is the site of the present day Stratosphere Hotel & Casino. The fire was undetermined but thought to be electrical in origin.
October 9, 1974 - The first Las Vegas and Clark County combined fire training academy for new recruits is nearing completion with graduation of 26 recruits planned for November 15, 1974.
November 4, 1974 - Four LVFD firefighters are injured when an engine is broadsided on North Jones at the Las Vegas Expressway (US 95) while it is responding to what turns out to be a false alarm. Three civilians will also injured, all were taken to the hospital. The engine was responding from Station 6.
November 15, 1974 - On final day of the joint fire academy, Las Vegas Fire Department is issued a citation by the Air Pollution Control Board for open air burning at the training center. Although the department knew they would be cited, they proceeded with the final testing day, which included a live burn.
December 6, 1974 - A fire on the tenth floor of the First National Bank of Nevada at 300 Carson Avenue causes heavy damage.
January 3, 1975 - In a report to the media about accomplishments made by the department in 1974, it noted that one of the major accomplishments was the conversion of eight front line pumpers and three reserve pumpers from gasoline to diesel fuel, which was expected to save the city about half the cost of fuel. Three ladder trucks and one reserve pumper still need to be converted.
Two new pumpers were also purchased during 1974 and the Opticom signal system was upgraded and added to all FD units. In 1974 the department consist of 303 employees.
January 24, 1975 - City finally recognizes that eight Battalion Chiefs will become members of Local 1285.
April 23, 1975 - 10:45PM Fire heavily damages the Moulin Rouge Hotel on West Bonanza Rd. Arson is suspected.
July 1, 1975 - A new state law takes effect, which prohibits smoking in public meetings and state buildings. That included elevators, libraries, museums, public buses, lecture halls, public meeting or hallways, and cafeterias in state buildings and in lobby or hallway of health care facilities or doctor’s offices.
July 3, 1975 - Severe flooding occurs throughout the Las Vegas Valley. Damage is extensive and at least one fatality is confirmed.
July 26, 1975 - A suspicious fire destroys and causes over $1 million in damage to an apartment complex under construction in the 1 700 block of East Sahara Avenue. Eight buildings and 68 units were destroyed; over 90 firefighters fought the blaze, which started at 4:00AM.
July 27, 1975 - Fire Chief Jerry Miller attends the London Inter-Fire Conference. He pays for all expenses himself.
August 10, 1975 - Plans are formulated to proceed with the consolidation of the city and county fire departments. Speculation is that Las Vegas Fire Chief Jerry Miller will be chief of the new department and Clark County Fire Chief Leroy Hawks will be first Deputy Chief. The new department will be formed in phases starting in late 1975 and to be completed by January 1, 1977.
September 1, 1975 - The 102nd Anniversary Conference of the International Association of Fire Chiefs is held in Las Vegas, hosted by LVFD. Chiefs from 45 nations attended the conference.
September 1, 1975 - The county fire chief and deputy chiefs relocate to Las Vegas City Hall, which will serve as headquarters of the new consolidated fire department. LVFD Fire Investigators are moved from City Hall to new quarters on Desert Inn with the county investigation unit.
September 17, 1975 - An agreement for mutual fire protection aid between the City of Las Vegas and the City of North Las Vegas along portions of Interstate 15 is authorized by both city councils and both mayors.
January 1, 1976 - An agreement was established between the City of Las Vegas and Clark County Fire Department to secure the benefits of mutual aid, upon request, for fire protection in the event of an emergency, which would likely go beyond the control of the agency having jurisdiction. When a party responds to an emergency
and finds that the incident is within the jurisdiction of the other party, it shall immediately notify the party having jurisdiction and continue providing service as if it were requested until advised by such other party to discontinue services. When possible, personnel will work under their own supervisors and with their own equipment. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred.
January 31, 1976 - 15 rail cars stack up after a derailment on the Union Pacific tracks near downtown.
March 24, 1976 - City Manager Art Trelease is asked to resign by the Mayor and City Commission. He returns to LVFD as a Battalion Chief. Before being appointed City Manager, he was a member of LVFD, working his way through the ranks up to Battalion Chief.
April 3, 1976 - A city ordinance is passed that permits only charitable organizations to sell fireworks in the city.
June 7, 1976 - The Nevada Supreme Court rules the consolidation of the city and county is unconstitutional and cannot proceed.
June 19, 1976 - The Village Square Shopping Center at 953 East Sahara Avenue is destroyed in a $2 million fire.
June 27, 1976 - For the first time in 50 years, fireworks are permitted for sale in the city.
July 4, 1976 - A large forest fire rages out of control on Mt. Charleston.
October 15, 1976 - Three men are arrested and charged with starting of five church arson fires that occurred in Las Vegas during the past several weeks.
November 20, 1976 - The city accepts delivery of a new Paramedic rescue unit that will be used by LVFD. Twelve firefighters completed paramedic training provided by the Clark County Community College, the department’s first paramedic class.
December 22, 1976 - A dispute begins between a City Commissioner and Fire Chief Jerry Miller about paramedic services available by LVFD. The fire chief wants the program to have a low profile while the city commissioner wants it elevated. The fire chief believes that the fire department should only be concerned with fire fighting and not paramedic services.
January 5, 1977 - For the second time in recent years there is talk of merging the county an city fire departments if the city annexes a large portion of Clark County, mainly around the urban area. One proposal was that ex-Clark County firefighters would have to reapply to become city firefighters.
This way, many city firefighters would find themselves in line for promotions while ex-county firefighters would have to start over again.
January 1977 - The city hires a consultant group to examine the job descriptions and pay of city and county workers. Under the new plan, firefighters, engineers and captains would all be paid the same regardless of whether they worked for the city or county. City workers were getting paid higher than county workers, so the plan recommended that pay raises for city fire personnel be frozen until the pay of county fire personnel caught up. This lead to several discussions between Local 1285 and the city.
January 24, 1977 - Two massive gasoline bombs are rendered safe by Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad at two supper clubs during a strike by the Culinary Union at each of the clubs. A 50-gallon drum of gasoline was stored in a stolen Jeep at Starboard Tack located on Atlantic Avenue and the Village Pub on Koval Lane by security guards. A booby-trap triggering device was used so when someone would open the door to the stolen vehicles, the drums of gasoline would ignite. Las Vegas Fire Marshal Tom Huddleston sustained flash burns when one of triggering devices ignited in his hands while he defused the bombs. He was taken to the hospital with burns to both hands. Metro Police and the ATF assisted LVFD into the investigation. The vehicles were parked at the entrance of both restaurants so when they exploded they would “create signifiLVFD
First Paramedic Class. Front row. from left: Kenneth Bird, Ken Pope, Mike Ernst, Billy Combs, John Ryan, Rex Shelburn. Back row, from left: William D. Sorensen, Assistant Chief, James Churchill, Perry Hortt, Scott McGhie.Joe Paul, George Withers, Jim Jensen, Sam Cooper, Chief, unidentified.
cant damage and kill many people” according to an official of LVFD.
January 31, 1977 - No one is injured when a pick up truck and gasoline tanker collide at the intersection of Ann Road and Tonopah highway causing a massive fire.
February 13, 1977 - An article in the Review Journal highlights the “fire museum” on the sixth floor of City Hall. The showpiece of the museum was a 1890 Gould steam engine and the city’s first motorized fire engine, a Model T Ford that is currently on display at Fire Station Five.
February 15, 1977 - An automatic aid agreement for fire protection and rescue services was established between the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark and the City of North Las Vegas. It was to the benefit of all parties to render supplemental fire protection and rescue services to each other in the event of a fire or other emergency that would likely be beyond control of the agency having jurisdiction. The automatic aid between departments allows the nearest fire suppression and rescue units to be utilized. Units shall automatically be dispatched to fires and emergencies closest to their respective stations. Further, city and county units shall be dispatched simultaneously into areas of mutual interest on a first alarm basis. A map is established that designated areas of responsibilities covered by this agreement.
February 17, 1977 - The pilot of a small aircraft dies when his aircraft clips a power line on West Charleston Blvd and Palmhurst Drive.
February 26, 1977 - The fire chiefs of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Clark County schedule a meeting for March 10 to work out the final details on an automatic aid agreement between the three departments.
March, 1977 - In an effort to help save live, the Review Journal works with Las Vegas Fire Department in a new “sticker program”. The stickers are designed to alert firefighters to the location of children and invalids in homes.
March 28, 1977 - Automatic aid between Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Clark County goes into effect. The closest unit to a fire call will be dispatched regardless of what department it belongs to.
April 12, 1977 - A bill is introduced in the State Legislature would consolidate the Las Vegas Fire Department and Clark County Fire Department into one Metropolitan Fire Department under the direction of the city fire department to take effect on July 1, 1977. Fire Chief Jerry Miller called AB613 “probably one of the best ones proposed for the fire department to be merged under.” The bill stated that employees of both departments would retain their positions, pay, and benefits. At the time of the proposal Clark County Fire Department had 259 employees with an operating budget of $6.4 million and the Las Vegas Fire Department had 308 employees with a budget of $7.2 million.
April 19, 1977 - In a 5 to 4 vote, the Assembly Government Affairs Committee approves the merger of the Las Vegas Fire Department and Clark County Fire
Department into one department under city control. Editorials in the newspapers and firefighter comments to the media are in favor of the merger.
April 29, 1977 - Las Vegas Fire Chief Jerry Miller advise the media that Assembly Bill 613 is “smooth” for the merger of the two departments.
May 4, 1977 - The Nevada Senate approves the creation of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department in a 19 to 1 vote.
May 17, 1977 - Fire Chief Jerry Miller is called to City Manager Bill Adams office and asked the chief of ten years to hand in his resignation. The chief would not, so the City Manager terminated him. Sources to the Review Journal told the paper that city management felt he was not strong enough to run the new merged Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department that was expected to go into service on July 1. The Fire Chief was working with an attorney on a compromise that would allow him to demote to Battalion Chief to keep his benefits and retirement package. The city was considering it. The next day the chief handed in his letter of resignation to be effective July 1.
May 19, 1977 - City management appoints a committee that will oversee the merger of the two fire departments. City officials meet with representatives of the county and advise them how the transfer of county employees to city will take place.
May 24, 1977 - The Las Vegas City Commission has selected Clark County Fire Chief Leroy Hawks to be chief of the newly created Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department in a vote of 4 to 0. His salary was selected at $31,600. The new department’s budget will be a city-county contribution, which will be controlled by a city-county fire budget committee.
May 26, 1977 - Clark County Administrator George Oglivie ask for an opinion on the constitutionality of the merging of the two fire departments. Also there are growing concerns among county residents about turning their county fire department over to the city.
May 27, 1977 - Clark County Commissioner David Canter sends a memo to County Administrator George Ogilvie to stop all discussions with the city of Las Vegas concerning the merger of the two fire departments.
June 7, 1977 - Battle lines are drawn between the city and county over the merger of the two fire departments. The city threatens to go to court to keep the merger going and the county goes to court to halt it. County firefighters call the County Commissioners “two-faced”
in opposing the merger. County firefighters, which help draft the bill and backed the merger, are upset about the county’s position.
June 12, 1977 - An automatic fire sprinkler puts out a fire in the Sundance West Casino on Fremont Street. The suspicious fire was quickly doused and only caused $500 damage.
June 14, 1977 - Las Vegas fire investigators believe an arsonist is responsible for at least six fires in the downtown area around Fremont Street over the last several weeks.
June 23, 1977 - A District Court issued a temporary restraining order to halt the merger of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department that was take place on July 1.
July 1, 1977 - Fire Chief Jerry Miller steps down from fire chief to battalion chief until he can retire. Former fire chief C.D. Williams was also terminated by the city, but also took a demotion to battalion chief until he could fulfill his retirement.
July 4, 1977 - 11:1 5PM An office building at 1810 East Sahara Avenue is gutted by fire. 12 fire units with 45 firefighters responded to the blaze. Damage is estimated at over $2 million.
July 15, 1977 - A District Court judge rules in favor of the merger of the two fire departments. County Commissioners meet and vote to appeal the pro-merger ruling.
July 16, 1977 - 4:30AM A fast moving fire destroys the Pepsi Cola Bottling facility at 1200 East Foremast Lane. Metro Police believe burglars set the fire to conceal a break in. Damage is estimated at over $1 million and over 100 people are put out of work.
August 4, 1977 - North Las Vegas City Council approves merging the North Las Vegas fire dispatch center with the
Combined Fire Communications Center of Las Vegas and Clark County.
August 15, 1977 - An apartment building under construction on South Casino Center Blvd and Hoover Street is destroyed in a large fire. Arson is suspected.
September 14, 1977 - An agreement between the City of Las Vegas and the City of North Las Vegas was established for the purpose of a combined communications center. The center was to be under the supervision and control of the City Fire Department and manned 24 hours a day by city personnel. The city was to provide personnel to maintain and repair the system in the county and city. Alarm circuits to be installed in NLV fire stations under the supervision of the City of Las Vegas and at the expense of the City of North Las Vegas using VHF radio or Plectron. NLV to provide the funds for the cost of equipment and installation both in the communications center and the NLV fire stations with the ownership to remain with NLV. NLV to pay 10% of the cost of the new consoles and shall pay 10% of the projected operation of the center based on a projection that NLV would have 10 % of the calls. This amount to be adjusted on an annual basis via mutual agreement prior to 1 February of each year for the next year’s budget. It was also agreed that the City of North Las Vegas would transfer one alarm operator to the City of Las Vegas subject all of the employment conditions of the City of Las Vegas. The first 6 months of the employment to be on a probationary basis. The term of the agreement to be automatically renewed yearly unless written termination by either party with 6 months notice.
September 17, 1977 - The State Fire Marshal is fired from his position and replaced by Las Vegas Assistant Fire Marshal Tom Huddleston.
September 17, 1977 - Clark County appeals to the Nevada Supreme Court the merger of the Clark County and Las Vegas fire departments to form the Las Vegas Metropolitan Fire Department. The court rules in favor of Clark County several months later ending the efforts of the consolidation.
September 30, 1977 - Former Las Vegas Fire Chief C.D. Williams wins an eight-year legal battle against the city of Las Vegas after the city demoted him from fire chief to assistant fire chief after grand jury brought charges against him, which was later, dropped. They city awarded him $31,000 in back pay and retirement benefits.
October 23, 1977 - North Las Vegas fire department moves all of its communications equipment to Las Vegas Fire Headquarters on Casino Center Blvd, the first day of combined communications for Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Clark County.
December 27, 1977 - Every unit of the Las Vegas Fire Department responds to a major blaze on Fremont Street. Four major businesses on Fremont Street are destroyed resulting in millions of dollars damage. The fire is suspicious in nature according to investigators.
Communications Overview 1977-78 - 124 fire alarm boxes still in operation.
Joseph L. Sheleheda, Fire Alarm Office Superintendent
Paula Lemke, Chief Alarm Operator
Jerome Savadina, Fire Electrician
Mickey Pedrol, Electrical Trades Helper
Mike Barba, Assistant Engineer Technician
Ann Vilbert, Engineering Technician Aide
January 24, 1978 - City and county fire departments prepare separate budgets
even though a law passed by the State Legislature in July 1977 formed a consolidated fire department run by the city of Las Vegas. But as final arrangements for the merger were taking place, the Clark County Commission challenged the law in District Court claiming the new law deprived residents that lived outside the city of their constitutional right of equal representation. The District Court upheld the decision of the State Legislature so the County Commission appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court. By January the Supreme Court made no decision.
February 16, 1978 - In a unanimous vote by the Nevada Supreme Court, the court rules the merger of the city and county fire departments is unconstitutional. Immediately following the decision the Las Vegas City Commission orders the City Attorney to begin preparing a challenge against the Metropolitan Police Department on the same grounds. The Metropolitan Police Department was formed on July 1, 1973, the same time an attempt was made to consolidate the fire departments. The County Commission immediately makes plans to move forward with improvements for the Clark County Fire Department with building more stations and appointing a county fire chief. At the same time, the City Commission prepares plans to try and get the city police department back.
March 8, 1978 - LVFD shows off its new ambulance called a Trauma Unit at an open house held at Fire Station 6. The unit is the second ambulance put into service by the department, with a third unit planned to be placed into service within another thirty days.
March 16, 1978 - Sam Cooper is appointed fire chief by the Las Vegas City Commission. He had been serving as acting
chief since July 1977 after Fire Chief Jerry Miller was forced to resign.
March 24, 1978 - A new board is formed within the Clark County Health District Board to form a committee that will oversee paramedic procedures used in Clark County.
April 1978 - LVFD launches the “Vial of Life” program through out the city.
May 6, 1978 - A large fire in the 1000 block of Fremont Street destroys two businesses.
May 19, 1978 - A house is purchased for $85,000 on West Lone Mountain Road and $30,000 is used to convert it into a fire station. Fire Station 9 replaces a small station operated by the city at Tule Springs, which housed a rescue unit and water tender.
January 22, 1979 - “Ruff” LVFD Bomb Squad’s canine detection dog retires from department after five years of service. The German Sheppard dog retires and lives with a chief of the department.
June 1979 - Las Vegas City Commission buys land at the intersection of West Washington Avenue and Rancho Drive for a new fire station three. The land was purchased for $97,900.
1980-81 - Communications Overview - During 1974 the Las Vegas Fire Services Communications Center upgraded several areas.
A decision was made between the Las Vegas Fire Services and Clark County Data Processing to proceed with a street verification program to assist the Communications Center in dispatching. This was the beginning of a system that eventually evolved into a Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD).
In December of 1978 the CAD system became a reality. Information of dispatching was now at the fingertips of each communications specialist. When given the address of the emergency location he enters it into the CAD system. Seconds later information pertaining to that address, or an address with a similar name and number, will appear on the CRT screen.
Along with the implementation of the CAD system, a new three position Motorola Centracom Console was installed to facilitate the CAD system and replace a former two-position communications console. The new console was a solid- state unit containing eight radio channels, a paging system, a 100-button telephone call directory and a vocal system to 24 fire stations.
Status reporting system called the Motorola Modat system was implemented on one radio fire channel. This sys-
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1980 Captain’s Promotion
tern gives the communications specialist instant updates on the status of all held units.
In the second phase of the status reporting system, three additional Modat reporting channels were added. This gave automatic status reporting on all four hre radio channels.
During February of 1980 anew project by the Clark County Health District for the Emergency Medical system was activated. The project had been in the construction phase for eleven years. The system enabled communications anywhere in the Las Vegas Valley between paramedic rescue units, ambulances and base radios
in hospitals for both voice and data communications. This system consisted of 10 Ultra-High Frequencies (UHF), with repeaters on various mountaintops and were connected to the communications center by microwave and land-telephone lines. After it was activated, the system provides communsications throughout Southern Nevada and parts of Arizona, Utah, and California.
In 1981 there were 18 communications specialist working in the communications center.
February 1, 1980 - Plans are announced for a new $480,000 hre station to be built on West Washington Avenue at
Rancho Drive. The station would replace a single engine company station in operation on Bonanza Road at Rancho Drive.
March 12, 1980 - Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad responds to a reported bomb incident at the First National Bank on Maryland Parkway. The bomb is a phony and helps criminals to extort $100,000 from the bank.
April 3, 1980 - Las Vegas Fire Department Fire Investigator Stephen Hampton becomes the first ever hre service investigator to be accepted to attend a session at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
April 3, 1980 - Ground is broken for the new hre station to be built at West Washington and Rancho Drive.
April 5, 1980 - A nurse is killed and a man is seriously injured when the pickup truck they were riding in collides with Las Vegas hre engine 5 enroute to a reported building hre. The call turned out to be false. Metro Police believe the brakes failed on the pickup truck and rolled in front of the engine as it was turning from West Charleston Avenue on to Decatur Blvd. Three hrehghters were also taken to the hospital to be checked out and released. Metro Police try to track down the person who called in the false alarm.
April 7, 1980 - Las Vegas Fire Department starts an aggressive “Vial of Life” program in the city with a goal to have all vials in homes by May 31.
September 17, 1980 - A large-scale mock nuclear waste accident is simulated near the intersection of U.S. 95 and Cheyenne Avenue. Several agencies and hospitals participate in the exercise.
November 21, 1980 - MGM Grand Hotel & Casino Fire - On November 21, 1980, a hre broke out at the 21 -story MGM Grand Hotel. This hre killed 85 guests and hotel employees, 61 of which died in the high-rise tower. The hre started on the ground boor, and smoke spread extensively throughout the casino and into the upper boors of the hotel. The Las Vegas Fire Department sent 148 hrehghters, six Engines, five Rescues, two Ladder Trucks along with a number of support personnel and vehicles to the blaze. A total of 544 hre fighters, including hrehghters from the Las Vegas Fire Dept were used at this incident.
December 18, 1980 - A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Fire Station Three is held.
January 7, 1981 - The Insurance Services Office (ISO) reclassifies the ISO rating for the city of Las Vegas from Class 4 to Class 2, the highest rating of any hre department in the country. At the time, no department in the U.S. had a Class 1 ISO
rating. Fire Chief Sam Cooper credited the implementation of a new $75,000 communications system for part of the reclassification.
February 10, 1981 - 8:00PM Eight people are killed and over 250 are taken to area hospitals after hre sweeps through the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel on Paradise Road. The 2,780 room hotel, 30-story hotel brought 53 pieces of hre equipment with nearly 500 hrehghters from all across Southern Nevada to the scene. The Las Vegas Fire Department sent seven engines, three ladder trucks, four ambulances, one snorkel and approximately 176 members to the scene. LVFD units were first on the scene. The LVFD Paramedic Coordinator was in charge of triage at the scene. 29 hrehghters were also injured during the hre. Just two days later, a hotel employee is arrested and charged with eight counts of murder and one count of first degree arson.
March 1, 1981 - The Las Vegas City Commission adopts a 13-page document that establishes a hazardous materials response plan for the city and places the Las Vegas Fire Department as the agency in charge of all hazardous materials incidents within the city.
April 16, 1981 - The Las Vegas City Commission approves short-term financing of $5 million for construction of a new central hre station downtown.
May 27,1981 - The Las Vegas Executive Lions Club donates two “Porta-Tel” telephone units for the hre department. The units are used to communicate with deaf people. McDonald’s also donated 21 smoke alarms designed for deaf people.
June 16, 1981 - Nevada Governor Robert List signed into law Senate Bill 214, a hre safety bill that will help to prevent fires such as the MGM Grand and Hilton. The bill requires that any hotel, motel, office building, condominium and apartment building taller than 55 feet to be equipped with automatic hre sprinklers in every corridor and above each door leading to an exit corridor.
August 13, 1981 - The Las Vegas Fire Department holds a media day at the Fire Training Center on North Mojave Road.
January 1, 1982 - Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad investigates a pipe bomb that exploded in the back of a pick up truck parked at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel. Three people were injured. The bomb squad recovered another pipe bomb, which did not explode.
February 2, 1982 - A railroad tanker car is donated to the Las Vegas Fire Department Training Center on Mojave Road from the Union Pacihc Railroad.
February 17, 1982 - Twenty-four LVFD Paramedics notify Fire Chief Sam Cooper
in a memo that they are “frustrated and disenchanted” with the current paramedic program in the hre department and want to return to duties as regular hrehghters. The hre chief arranges for a meeting with the paramedics to listen to their concerns.
February 20, 1982 - A new $100,000 Superior engine with 500-gallon water tank is placed into service at Fire Station 5.
March 21, 1982 - Blue plastic reflective dots are purchased at $1.74 each to be placed on streets to indicate the location of hre hydrants in the city. The city orders 4,629 dots, enough for all the hre hydrants in the city.
April 22, 1982 - The Las Vegas City Council selects Squires Field, a softball/ soccer held, located near the intersection of Casino Center Blvd and Bonanza Road as the site for the city’s new Central Fire Station.
June 16, 1982 - Two African-American hrehghters are promoted to captain, the hrst minority captains on the department. Monroe Williams, a hrehghter since 1963 and Bill Young, a hrehghter since 1971 are promoted.
June 24, 1982 - The four locals of the hrehghters unions in the Valley discuss the idea of consolidating the four Valley hre departments into one department.
June 30, 1982 - After 37 years of service, the contract between the city of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Volunteer Firehghters ends. In assessing the service the Volunteers gave to the city, Las Vegas had the lowest hre insurance rates of any western city of its size. The City of Las Vegas has the original Volunteers to than that no serious blaze ever brought disaster, and for that the entire community should be grateful. The Volunteers’ service to the early City of Las Vegas provided the influence
and foundation for today’s hrehghters and services. This ultimately resulted in the I.S.O. Class One rating the city has had.
July 13, 1982 - The Las Vegas Volunteer Fire Department, formed in the early 1940’s, decides it is too expensive to operate any longer and disbands operations.
July 13, 1982 - Public opinion and editorials in the newspapers do not favor the consolidation of all the Valley hre departments into one hre department. After failing twice, people feel it is not worth the time or effort.
August 19, 1982 - An attempt is made by the Las Vegas Fire Department to ban wood shake shingles on new multi-family construction is struck down by the City Commission in a 3 to 2 vote.
September 15, 1982 - A petition drive is organized by the four hrehghter union locals concerning the merger of the four valley hre departments.
December 30, 1982 - Ground is broken for the new 40,000 square foot hre station at 500 North Casino Center Blvd. City officials estimate the new building will serve the needs of the hre administration for the next 25 years. The current hre headquarters building on Casino Center Blvd had been in operation for 38 years.
January 3, 1983 - A defective television starts a hre in a room at the Moulin Rouge hotel, which causes $250,000 damage and injures four people.
January 20, 1983 - The Las Vegas City Commission orders the city manager to actively oppose any consolidation efforts attempted to combine the city hre department with any other departments in the Valley. At least three attempts to consolidate the city and county departments were made in previous ten years, which was ruled, unconstitutional. After the MGM Grand and Hilton Hotel hres, hrehghter
• History
unions in the Valley started an effort to consolidate all the Valley fire departments into one Valley fire department.
March 30, 1983 - President of the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas, David Washington, claims the city of Las Vegas violated a year old agreement giving minorities more say on city employment practices. Charges include: not having a minority on a recent oral exam; failure of the LVFD to appoint a representative to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) executive committee and failure to have more minorities working within the fire department. At the time, 14 of the 19 black firefighters of the department are members of the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas.
May 12, 1983 - Eight people are injured in a fire on the 16th floor of the Golden Nugget Hotel. The fire is ruled accidental.
June 23, 1983 - Fire Station One and Headquarters for the department opens at 500 N. Casino Center Blvd.
June 26, 1983 - 3:30PM A civilian woman driver is killed and four Las Vegas firefighters are injured when their engine collides with a car at the intersection of Rancho and Alta. Witnesses said the car was traveling west on Alta at a high rate of speed trying to go through before the traffic signal turned red when the southbound engine broadsided the auto in the intersection. The engine was enroute to a working house fire on Falcon Lane.
July 12, 1983 - 2:00PM A 25 story wooden trash chute goes up in flames at the Union Plaza hotel downtown. The flames could be seen from all around the Las Vegas Valley. The chute was constructed for construction workers to get rid of
1983 Recruit Class
trash from upper floors while the building was under construction. The plywood chute was on the outside of the southwest corner of the building. Automatic fire sprinklers on floors 5-25 are credited with keeping the external fire from entering the new building. There were no injuries. The fire was ruled accidental. The new hotel was scheduled to open August 1st, but was expected to be delayed because of the fire.
July 19, 1983 - 3:00PM The Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad dismantles a bomb at the McDonald’s restaurant on the Strip. The squad determines the bomb is bogus and was planted to tie up emergency responders while the First Interstate Bank on the Strip, just two blocks away, was being robbed. Two men are arrested on the Strip and charged with the robber and planting the bogus bomb.
October 7, 1983 - Fire Chief Sam Cooper takes one of the department’s four paramedic rescue units out of service because of budget woes. The unit at Fire Station 6 (Jones & Upland) was taken out of service, leaving the department with only three paramedic rescues for nine fire stations.
November 5, 1983 - Sixteen recruits graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy. The recruit academy was eight weeks in length.
December 7, 1983 - Las Vegas firefighter and paramedic Chris Hasselfeld and two others aboard a medical helicopter are killed when it crashes near Black Mountain. The Valley Hospital “Flight for Life” helicopter and crew were headed to Needles, California when the accident occurred.
February 23, 1984 - Fire Chief Sam Cooper resigns from the department after thirty years of service.
March 21, 1984 - The Las Vegas City Council voted unanimously for the Las Vegas Fire Department Bomb Squad to charge $500 for each bomb call answered outside the city limits. In 1978 Metro Police dismantled their bomb unit and LVFD Bomb Squad then handled all search and removal of bombs or explosives. In 1981 Metro Police assumed search duties of bomb calls and LVFD Bomb Squad continued with explosive or bomb removal.
May 2, 1984 - The Assistant Chief of the Phoenix Fire Department is selected by the city to be appointed fire chief for the city of Las Vegas in June. Clell West, 49, served 23 years with the Phoenix Fire Department. At the same time, Administrative Officer Larry Powell is appointed Fire Marshal for the city. He was instrumental in the formation of the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas was the first black firefighter to be promoted to the rank of battalion chief within the department.
April 18, 1984 - An agreement between the City of Las Vegas, the City of North Las Vegas and Clark County was established with the purpose of centralizing all of the dispatching requirements within the jurisdictional boundaries of the parties to the communications center located at 320 Casino Center and relocating to the new central fire station when completed. Daily operational control to be under the supervision of the City of Las Vegas Fire Department. All dispatching procedures, radio codes and situation codes to be standardized for all parties. Each party to retain responsibility for determining its dispatching policy with regard to number and kind of fire suppression and rescue units to be dispatched by the center within its jurisdiction. Las Vegas to operate the
system in accordance with guidelines set forth by ISO. All repair, maintenance, and personnel to be provided by the City of Las Vegas. All costs for operation, repair and maintenance of the center to be shared by the parties based upon the number of incident reports arising out of each party’s jurisdiction in relation to the total number of incidents from the previous year, beginning with the fiscal year commencing on 1 July, 1985. Costs and expenses to be shared include without limitation; Depreciation of communication lines and equipment, maintenance and operation of the center, depreciation of the facility, personnel salaries and fringe benefits, admin and overhead costs and any other budgeted operating costs. Unshared costs and expenses include costs incurred solely for the benefit of one party. Any party may terminate its participation at the end of any assets and property used in connection with the operation of the system and the center shall be retained by Las Vegas except personal property or equipment owned solely by a party other than Las Vegas as of the date of this agreement. Las Vegas shall have the option to purchase another party’s interest or allow another party to purchase Las Vegas’ interest in any jointly owned property. If neither party desires to purchase the other’s interest, Las Vegas shall liquidate the item and distribute the proceeds accordingly based on the applicable percentage of the item’s book value.
June 6, 1984 - The April 18th 1984 agreement was revised. All portions of the agreement were identical with the exception of the following additions; 1) In any fiscal year in which Las Vegas grants a formal bargaining unit salary increase to the Center’s employees, to become effective on any date other than July 1st, Las Vegas shall invoice the other parties and the other parties shall reimburse Las Vegas for their respective proportions of the costs which are associated with that salary increase during the remainder of that fiscal year. 2) The fire chiefs or their designees shall meet monthly to review the incident reports of the previous month and determine the number of reports, which are allocable to each entity. The monthly allocations shall be totaled at the end of each fiscal year and used as the basis for determining each party’s percentage of the shared costs for the ensuing fiscal year. 3) During Each February, Las Vegas shall prepare a budget projecting the shared costs and expenses for the upcoming fiscal year and shall notify the other parties.
April 22, 1985 - The department hires the first female firefighters. Ellen Goldsmith, Linda Curtin and Diane Moyes
are hired. Moyes will later be promoted as the department’s first female battalion chief in 2002.
December 16, 1985 - An amendment to the automatic aid agreement was produced that expanded services and provided a more equitable agreement. The expanded services included Clark County’s Hazardous Materials Response Team and the City of Las Vegas Bomb Squad. Commencing in the fiscal year 1986-87 Clark County will pay to the City 125% of the amount of money generated by the Clark County fire service area tax as shown on the plat in exhibit A (County Islands). Payments shall be made quarterly as collected during each fiscal year so long as this agreement is in effect.
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Line of Duty Death
July 30, 1986
Billie Combs
May 1, 1937-July 30, 1986
January 1, 1966 - July 30, 1986
Firefighter/Paramedic Billie Combs, 49, lost his life while battling a fire which consisted of four houses under construction at 6641 Chardonay Way (Gowen Rd Si N. Rainbow Blvd). The call went out at 4:40 PM and Combs was assigned to B Platoon, Fire Station 9. Units from Las Vegas and North Las Vegas responded to the blaze, which was declared under control shortly after 5:00 PM according to Training Chief John Ryan. A total of 18 fire units and 43 firefighters responded to the blaze. One other firefighter was taken to University Medical Center for smoke inhalation during
the fire. Four houses were completely destroyed by the fire and two other homes had partial damage. Damage was estimated at $500,000. A witness told investigators that he thought he saw flames near an electrical box. He said the flames leaped high into the air and spread very quickly. Construction workers were still working at the scene when the fire started. LVFR fire investigators believed the fire started in the partially built house at 6641 Chardonay Way and it was intentionally set. Investigators believed that a former employee who worked at the construction site was responsible for starting the fire.
It was hot and windy when the fire started. The National Weather Service reported it was 106 degrees at the time of the fire and winds were gusting.
A comb complained of chest pains during the fire and was taken by ambulance to University Medical Center, after which he went into cardiac arrest during transport to the hospital. He was pronounced a short time later after arriving at the emergency department.
Combs were appointed to the department on January 1, 1966. He spent most of his career working with the rescue unit after being one of the first paramedics trained by the department in 1976. During his tenure with the department, he received seven commendations, one for saving a child’s life and another for saving the life of a motorcycle accident victim. He received five other commendations for superior performance.
He was a certified life-saving instructor for the American Red Cross and taught swimming to mentally challenged children for several years.
“He was the type of employee you enjoyed having, the type of employee who made a good firefighter,” said Las Vegas Fire Chief Clell West. “He was very aggres34
sive, always the first one to enter a fire and the last one to leave.”
Firefighting was a family tradition in the Comb’s family. His father was a fire- fighter in Wichita Falls, Texas. He was born in Oklahoma and was a Navy veteran. He was a member of IAFF Local 1285. In his off time he enjoyed hunting, fishing and golf. He also liked to play darts.
His wife, Karen, was a systems operator in the classified department at the Review Journal. His son, William; daughter Kathleen; father Arthur and mother Lucy Lee along with four grandchildren also survived him
He received full firefighter funeral honors in a service at the chapel of Bunker Mortuary on Saturday, August 2, 1986 and was buried at the Memory Gardens Cemetery.
His name was placed at the Southern Nevada Firefighters Memorial in 2002. Las Vegas Fire Station 2 is dedicated to this fallen comrade.
April 1, 1987 - A mutual aid agreement between the City of Las Vegas and the Nevada State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry was established. The agreement provided for Las Vegas to accept up to 5 firefighter recruits from Division, depending on availability, into each Las Vegas firefighter training program. Las Vegas would provide all training materials for the 9-week program. Las Vegas would agree to notify Division 30 days prior to a program and Division would have 15 days to enroll Division recruits. Division agreed to provide 1 fire officer of rank captain or above to each recruit program on a full time basis. Division agreed to provide PPE for it’s recruits and officer as well as maintain all financial responsibility for Division’s personnel wages, benefits and insurance. The term of the agreement expired on 31 December 1987 and to continue on a year-to-year basis until terminated by either party’s written notice. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death.
September 1, 1989 - A mutual aid agreement was established between the City of Las Vegas and the City of Boulder City. The parties agreed that upon request of either party, the other party shall provide and dispatch fire protection and rescue services at the scene of a fire or other emergency occurring within the territorial limits of the requesting party contingent upon the availability of personnel and equipment. Designated officers in charge shall have the authority to request aid from the other party. Personnel shall operate under their own supervisors and use
their own equipment if possible. The officers of the party’s fire department, which received or requested the assistance, shall retain command. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred. The term of the agreement was for a period of 10 years ending 1 September 1999 unless terminated sooner by either party’s written notice.
September 5, 1990 - An agreement between the Secretary of the Air Force and the City of Las Vegas was established. The agreement provided for either party to respond upon request to any point within the jurisdiction of the other party to provide fire fighting equipment and personnel. The officer in charge shall the be the requesting department’s officer. Any USAF or foreign nation military aircraft crash within the jurisdiction of Las Vegas may fall under the command on arrival of the Nellis AFB Fire chief or his representative. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred.
October 8, 1990 - The grand opening for the Las Vegas Fire Training Center at 633 North Mojave Road is held. The $1.4 million, 9,260 square foot facility consist of a live fire burn building, drill tower, control room, classrooms, television studio and storage. An enhanced computerized fire simulator is also part of the new training facility.
February 5, 1991 - An agreement between the City of Las Vegas and the City Boulder City was revised to include
the City of Las Vegas Bomb Squad. The agreement with regard to fire protection would be the same as the September 1989 agreement with amendments made for bomb squad services. Las Vegas agrees to make its bomb squad services available to Boulder City. Las Vegas would not be responsible for any loss to Boulder City, which may result from the delay or inability of the bomb squad to respond promptly upon request. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred.
September 1991 - A state-of-the-art air/light resource unit is placed into service as Squad 1. The new unit is able refill SCBA bottles on scene with its 36 CFM air compressor and 5100 PSI air storage capacity and provides electricity from a 12,000 watt generator lighting twin telescoping 3000 watt lights mounted on top of the vehicles.
June 28, 1992 - 4:59AM - A 7.4 earthquake hits southern California. It is felt vigorously for approximately 45 seconds in Las Vegas. No major damage was reported in Las Vegas.
August 1, 1992 - The department observes its 50th anniversary.
January 19, 1995 - The department’s new Fire Equipment Shop is placed into service.
August 12, 1996 - Tim Szymanski is appointed as the first full-time Fire Public Information Officer for the department.
August 20, 1996 - After 12 years as fire chief for the department, Chief Clell West retires from the department at a special retirement function held at the Golden Nugget Hotel.
August 23, 1996 - Two fire dispatchers are credited in assisting with the delivery of two babies via information they provided over the phone after the fathers called 9-1-1 for help. They are later recognized by the City Council.
August 29, 1996 - A three-year-old boy dies inside a hot car parked in an apartment complex. The boy was playing and got into the car and was unable to open the doors. He was found several hours later in the hot car by relatives.
September 5, 1996 - A 2-alarm fire in a vacant furniture store at the intersection of Bonanza Road and Main St. The same building previous burned on July 31st and caused $450,000. A former employee was arrested and charged with arson.
September 9, 1996 - Three individuals are cited by Las Vegas fire inspectors for charging local businesses for fire extinguisher maintenance work they never performed.
September 19, 1996 - Fire extensively damages a house at 7316 Atwood Avenue.
September 20, 1996 - A small fire at the Firehouse Grill inside University Medical Center is quickly extinguished and does only minor damage.
October 2, 1996 - 14 people were transported to area hospitals after a strange odor inside the building at 701 North Rancho Drive.
October 3, 1996 - 450 employees are evacuated from the Citibank Building located 8725 West Sahara Ave because of a fowl odor. Haz Mat crews found nothing.
October 4, 1996 - An automatic aid agreement for emergency services was created stating that emergency units shall automatically be dispatched to fires and emergencies closest to their respective stations. This would be according to
the Exhibit A map and could be revised jointly by the respective chiefs as needed. Officers shall in the event of an emergency within their jurisdiction, have the authority to request additional assistance from the other party and shall have the further authority to grant such a request for emergency assistance originating from the other party hereto. When possible, personnel will work under their own supervisors and with their own equipment. Overall command may be assumed or retained by the officer in charge of the party having jurisdiction. Each entity would provide fire and target hazard maps to the other parties. Each party waived all claims against the other for compensation for loss, damage, personal injury, or death. Neither party shall be reimbursed for any costs incurred. The agreement shall remain operative and effective and may be terminated at any time upon written 30- day notice to the other parties.
October 8, 1996 - A man is arrested and charged with arson after attempting to start a house fire at 208 Tighe Way. The man used a cat, doused with gasoline as the starter. After the cat was on fire, he let it going in hopes the cat would run into the house where he also spilled gasoline. The cat did run into the house, but underneath a neighbor’s house. The cat was later rescue by Animal Control and died. The man set fire to the house himself.
October 9, 1996 - Funeral services were held for Las Vegas Firefighter & Paramedic Celso A. Maldonado.
October 10,1996 - A new pager alert system used to notify the media of fire events is placed into service by the Fire PIO.
October 20, 1996 - A man dies inside a motor home that caught fire at 5118 North Jones Blvd.
In 1997 there were eight fire fatalities in the city.
A new Special Operations Division is created. The division oversees Rescue and Hazardous Materials incidents.
Cameras were added to all fire units.
A new rescue unit was placed into service at Fire Station 2.
A new newsletter, The Fire Flash was established.
The Las Vegas Firefighters IAFF Local 1285 Honor Guard is formed.
The maintenance division has a full- time hydrant technician and the communications division hires a full-time tech to work on radios and computers in the field.
A Ladder Company is placed into full- time service at Fire Station 9. A new 100- foot aerial ladder is placed into service at Station 9.
January 10, 1997 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino takes over as Chief of the Department. The former deputy chief of the Seattle Fire Department was appointed in late November.
January 24, 1997 - A jury finds a man guilty of Arson First Degree for a fire in the Crystal Grove Condos on April 4, 1996. He was sentenced in March to 15 years in prison.
January 24, 1997 - Seventeen recruit firefighters graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony held at the West Las Vegas Library.
February 23, 1997 - LVFR Engineer John Banks is recognized during a special ceremony at Fire Station 3 for his “Fire Hose Sculpture.”
February 26, 1997 - Two Metro officers rescue a 74-year-old man from a smoke filled apartment at 1 702 North Decatur Blvd. The man is transported to UMC, and dies several days later. The cause of the fire is believed to be careless smoking.
March 1, 1997 - Six people are hurt when a tractor-trailer fell from the US95 ramp overpass in the Spaghetti Bowl. The truck fell onto a car on US95 trapping two people inside the car and the driver of the truck was also trapped in the wreckage. It took over an hour to free all the victims from the wreckage.
March 6, 1997 - Several cars are set on fire on the city’s eastside, one the fires extend to house, which causes $300,000 in damage.
March 18, 1997 - An elderly lady that was admitted to the UMC Burn Unit on February 13 dies from burns due to careless smoking.
April 7, 1997 - The department holds a press conference concerning a new Automatic External Defibrillator program in the Las Vegas Valley.
April 16, 1997 - Fremont Street Experience donates an Emergency Response Unit (modified golf cart) in a ceremony at the Fremont Street Experience. At the same event, the Soroptimist International of Greater Las Vegas is presented a plaque for their donation, which started the Paramedic Bike Program in 1996.
April 17, 1997 - Three floors of the Stratosphere Hotel are evacuated because of a small fire on the 20th floor, the result of careless smoking.
April 22, 1997 - Firefighters rescue a trapped woman in a burning apartment at the Fountains at Smoke Ranch apartment complex. Lifeless, the woman is revived by firefighters while enroute to the hospital. She survives the incident. Careless smoking is the cause of the fire.
April 30, 1997 - An explosion in an apartment at the Riviera Ranch Apartments on North Rainbow Blvd sends a man and an infant to the hospital. The cause of the explosion was an accumulation of fumes from several items stored in a closet for the water heater. The explosion damaged two apartments.
May 9, 1997 - A 1-1/2 year old boy dies in an apartment fire on Sunrise Ave. The cause is ruled accidental; a wall heater was accidentally turned on which started some furniture on fire that was pushed up against the heater.
May 12, 1997 - Five men rescued a Grandmother and two small children from a burning apartment. The three were trapped inside the apartment by security bars. The five men pulled the bars from the wall, then the three to safety just prior to the fire department’s arrival.
June 9, 1997 - Las Vegas Firefighters IAFF Local 1285 and the Las Vegas Firefighters Benefit Association contributes $1000 to help send eight previously burned children, patients of the UMC
Burn Unit, to the first ever Burn Camp in Redding, California.
June 13, 1997 - A tree trimmer was seriously burned after he bumped against a 138,000-volt power line while working in a portable boom truck to trim trees along West Charleston Blvd. He is rescued by firefighters and Nevada Power workers.
June 27, 1997 - All five floors of the Goldring Medical Building across the street from the UMC Trauma Center is evacuated for two hours after a strange odor in the building. Paramedics treat two people. A search of the building by the Hazardous Material team does not find anything unusual.
June 30, 1997 - LVFR personnel assist Stratosphere Hotel & Casino security personnel with training for four new AED units to be used in the hotel and casino.
July 4, 1997 - The Las Vegas Firefighters Benefit Association holds its 46th Annual Fireworks Show at Hills Park in Summerlin along with the Nevada Symphony Orchestra.
July 7, 1997 - An elderly man dies in an apartment fire at the Sunstate Apartments on South First Street. Careless smoking is the cause.
July 8, 1997 - The Fire PIO public information update line is put into service.
July 12, 1997 - A 30-year-old man dies from burns after he pours gasoline over himself and sets fire. Incident is ruled a suicide. The man was from Lincoln, Nebraska.
July 14, 1997 - Las Vegas firefighters participate in “Millennium 2000” a conference on Hazardous Materials Responses. The conference is held at the Tropicana Hotel & Casino.
July 16, 1997 - A 64 year old was seriously burned when her clothing caught fire and she fell to the ground and couldn’t move. Her clothing caught fire when a cigarette
fell from her mouth, when she fell asleep while sitting in a chair behind the Charleston, a retirement community on West Charleston Blvd.
July 21,1997 - Twelve new Firefighters/ Paramedics graduated from a mini-fire academy in a ceremony held at the West Las Vegas Library. The 12 were hired from other fire departments from across the country, what was known as a “lateral hire.”
July 28, 1997 - Construction begins on the addition of a third floor at fire headquarters from a new communications center.
August 1, 1997 - Two men are seriously hurt when the aircraft they were flying became disabled and crashed in a northwest Las Vegas neighborhood. One of the pilots was a doctor who taught several Paramedics of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue. Both men fully recovered.
August 9-11, 1997 - A series of thunderstorms that pounded the Las Vegas Valley kept firefighters busy during the three-day period with downed utility poles, trees and lightning strikes.
August 14, 1997 - Stratosphere Security personnel save the life of a man in cardiac arrest suing one of the new Automatic External Defibrillators place in service only a month before. The security personnel were trained by staff from Las Vegas Fire & Rescue.
August 30, 1997 - An elderly man was found dead inside his burned out apartment on Exley Avenue. Thought to be a fire fatality, it is later learned that the man set his apartment on fire then took his own life with a gun. The incident is ruled a suicide.
September 8, 1997 - A 38-year-old man died in the UMC Burn Unit after being admitted to the unit because of burns he sustained in a fire on Cobb Lane on August 30. The cause of the fire is careless smoking.
September 20, 1997 - Two people die in a fire at their Adams Street home. The cause of the fire is food left cooking on the stove, unattended.
September 22, 1997 - Firefighters participate in three days of Swift Water Rescue drills at the Wet-N-Wild water park in anticipation of flash flooding due to thunderstorms and El Nino.
September 24, 1997 - A briefing is held for city management and the press concerning a potential hurricane in the Gulf of Baja, which is expected to bring flooding rains to Southern Nevada in a few hours.
October 8, 1997 - A 3-alarm fire destroys two homes a condo building under construction near West Washington and
North Durango. The fire is believed to be the result of arson and causes over a halfmillion dollars in damage.
October 11, 1997 - Fire destroyed a small outbuilding in a 2-aIarm blaze on the city’s eastside.
October 18, 1997 - A 2-alarm fire destroys a large home under construction in Summerlin.
November 4, 1997 - A fire safety video “Stratosphere Tower, Safety at the Top, produced by the city communications office and LVFR receives “Best Industrial Video” from the Women in Communications during their 10th Annual Electronic Media Awards.
November 5-8, 1997 - The Firefighter Combat Challenge VI finals are held at the Texas Station and Casino. LVFR has two teams that make the finals.
November 12, 1997 - Six Las Vegas firefighters receive awards at the 2nd Annual Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce H.E.R.O. Awards. Captain Cal Henrie, and firefighters Allan Albaitis, Ken Teeters, Tommy Grayson and Mark Robles received the “Unit Citation for Valor Award” for saving the life of a woman trapped in an apartment fire earlier in the year. Firefighter Kevin McGinn received the Community Service Award.
November 20, 1997 - Twenty local officials complete a 40-hour course on Emergency Management: Principals & Practices for Local Government that was taught at Las Vegas Fire & Rescue.
December 1, 1997 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino creates a new Quality Division within the department. Deputy Chief Ed Wood is put in charge of the new division. Deputy Chief Ken Riddle directs Operations; Deputy Chief Jeff Morgan is put in charge of the Administration Division and Deputy Chief Bill Young remains as city Fire Marshal and over the Fire Prevention Division.
December 2, 1997 - Four new Cairns IRIS thermal imagers are placed into service.
December 9, 1997 - Las Vegas Firefighter/Paramedic Tom Grayson is selected as the Firefighter of the Year by the Las Vegas Executive Lion’s Club.
December 16, 1997 - Las Vegas Fire Dispatcher Donna Joubert is recognized by the Mayor and City Council for saving the life of a 65-year-old man by using CPR while she was off duty doing holiday shopping in Henderson.
During 1998 a number of accomplishments were made including:
All members of the department were issued new Grace Industries T-Pass personal protection devices.
The fire department provided training for AEDs to several different groups including police officers of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.
The department switch to the Ben Franklin II fire helmet.
January 3, 1998 - Christmas tree fire causes $25,000 damage to a house on Broadrive Drive.
January 5, 1998 - A new service is started by the Fire PIO, which sends all media releases are sent via e-mail to all media outlets and all LVFR employees.
January 13, 1998 - LVFR participates in the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Preview 98 Show showing off some new equipment including the Cairns IRIS thermal imager and Grace T-Pass device.
January 22, 1998 - LVFR hires Brenda Donoho as Crisis Intervention Coordinator.
January 22, 1998 - A four inch natural gas line is ruptured in a construction area of Smoke Ranch and Jones Boulevard. The area is closed to traffic for over three hours.
January 23, 1998 - A tragic fire kills a six-year-old boy and his three old sister and another four-year-old brother is critically burned after space heater starts a fire in a house on Ferrell St. The children were left home unattended when the fire started.
February 4, 1998 - A 69-year-old homeless man is rescued from the wash off Industrial Road during a rainstorm.
February 23, 1998 - Rainstorms cause a rush for sandbags at LVFR fire stations.
February 27, 1998 - 22 recruit firefighters graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony held at the Starbright Theater in Sun City.
February 28, 1998 - A 66-year-old woman dies in her mobile home at the Meadows Mobile Home Park on Valley View Avenue.
March 3, 1998 - Rescue 10 is severely damages in a wreck at South Fourth Street and Ogden Avenue. A woman driving a Honda ran a red light and broadsided the rescue unit as it was returning from a call.
March 11, 1998 - A LVFR radio dispatcher advises a 13-year-old girl how to deliver a baby via telephone after she called 9-1-1.
March 18, 1998 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino testifies before a subcommittee on National Security concerning being prepared and emergency response to terrorism.
March 20, 1998 - Four high school students are rescued from an underground tunnel on West Lake Mead Blvd after they hid in the pipe and set logs (for a campfire) on fire. Over 75 firefighters participate in the event, which took several hours to complete.
March 30, 1998 - A minor 2-alarm fire on the roof of the University Medical Center is started by an exhaust pipe from an emergency power generator.
April 13, 1998 - Members of the Communication Division man a weeklong display at the Meadows Mall for National 9-1-1 week.
April 15, 1998 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue goes online with first and new website.
April 18, 1998 - A single engine aircraft crashes into a house on Silver Penny Avenue. There are two minor injuries.
April 22, 1998 - An AED used by Golden Nugget security personnel saves the life of an Atlanta doctor after he has a heart attack on Fremont Street.
May 1, 1998 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino is selected to attend the Harvard University “John F. Kennedy School of Government Programs for Senior Executives in State & Local Governments.”
May 15, 1998 - A 68-year-old woman dies in a house fire on via Paeo Ave; her husband starts the fire. The man is later arrested and charged with murder and arson.
May 22, 1998 - Fire Public Education Officer Evert Wilson’s Dalmatian “Sparky” is recognized in a ceremony at Petsmart Store for “Pets in Public Safety Day. The dog is selected as the official mascot of the department by the City Council.
June 3, 1998 - LVFD Website is selected as “Website of the Month” by Fire News Magazine.
June 4, 1998 - A 40-year-old man dies in a van fire on Northam Street. Careless smoking is believed to be the cause.
June 5, 1998 - 16 recruit firefighters graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony at the West Las Vegas Library.
June 18, 1998 - A 3-alarm fire destroys several units of the vacated Sierra- Nevada Arms Apartments. The apartment buildings were moved to a vacant lot on Simmons Street. Homeless people staying in the buildings are believed to be the cause.
June 19, 1998 - 9-1-1 KIDS program for children confined to the hospital is once again held at Sunrise Hospital, spearheaded by Captain Bill Johnson.
June 24, 1998 - A 2-alarm fire on the roof of an appliance store on Wall Street is ruled accidental.
July 4, 1998 - At least three illegally operated fireworks booths are shut down and confiscated by Las Vegas Fire Inspectors.
July 4, 1998 - Fireworks cause $20,000 damage to a house on Chapman Drive and $30,000 damage to a house on Breeze Circle.
July 11,1998 - A serious fire in a house on Windwood Drive sends three people to UMC, one man with burns over 50% of his body. After an extensive investigation, fire investigators determined that one of the family members set fire to the house as the others slept. He was later arrested and convicted. One person died from burns a few days after the fire.
July 13, 1998 - A pan of food left unattended on the stove causes a minor fire in an apartment at the Golden Villa apartments on Silver Dollar Avenue. The resulting fire sends eight people to the hospital for smoke inhalation.
July 20, 1998 - A line of very severe thunderstorms pounds the city all night long causing a number of fires due to lightning strikes and flash flooding. Several people had to be rescued from flooded vehicles. At 2AM the roof of the Palace Station Casino caves in due to the weight of water on the roof. At 6:45AM, a 4-alarm fire starts on the hi-rise tower of the Palace Station Hotel. The fire was quickly extinguished.
July 27, 1998 - The Junior League of Las Vegas presents the keys of a new $40,000 Fire Safety House to the fire department.
July 29, 1998 - Carbon monoxide causes the evacuation of an office building on West Sahara Avenue and sends three construction workers to the hospital.
July 29, 1998 - A 2-Alarm fire at the Hush Puppy restaurant on West Charleston causes $80,000 damage.
August 14, 1998 - Las Vegas firefighters wear test new uniform shorts and golf shirts to be used as uniform items.
August 24,1998 - Sparky the Dalmatian is made official mascot of the department by the Mayor and City Council.
August 29, 1998 - A 2-alarm propane fire on Meade Ave does not injure anyone, but causes $60,000 in damage.
September 1, 1998 - Workers for a landscape company dig in the front yard of a new Summerlin home, hitting a natural gas line and ignites escaping gas. Truck 6 is first on the scene and uses a hose to hook to a nearby hydrant and spray water on the house until engine companies arrive to put the fire out.
October 3, 1998 - 125 students of the UNLV School of Hotel Management participate in a new fire education program for students who major in hotel management. The program later goes on to be recognized by the International Association of Fire Chiefs with an Award of Merit.
October 7, 1998 - The new F.I.R.E.S. motorcycle is put on display at the Meadows Mall.
October 9, 1998 - Four more new Cairns IRIS thermal imagers is put into service. This makes eight the total number of thermal imagers being used by the department.
October 23, 1998 - A railroad tank car is donated to LVFR to be used at the training center.
November 6, 1998 - LVFR Nurse Sandy Young is selected as the Southern Nevada Emergency Nurse of the Year.
November 19, 1998 - A 2-alarm fire does little damage in a hotel room at the Palace Station.
November 23, 1998 - Three new Pierce Quantum pumpers are dedicated at the City Council meeting.
November 23, 1998 - City Council approves the request for LVFR to implement EMS transports in LVFR ambulance at the first of the year.
December 8, 1998 - A 73-year-old man is burned over 60 % of his body as a result of careless smoking and he catches his clothes on fire. He dies a few days later because of his injuries.
December 9, 1998 - Two small children die of smoke inhalation in an apartment fire at the Sunpoint Apartments on South Decatur Blvd. The fire is ruled accidental.
December 12, 1998 - A natural gas explosion levels a^house on St. Louis Avenue and hospitalizes the occupant who is later released a few days later.
December 15, 1998 - The Federal Emergency Management Agency designates the city of Las Vegas as a Project Impact city. Las Vegas is one of 60 cities selected by FEMA to receive federal funding for a number of disaster preparedness programs.
December 20, 1998 -- A 2-alarm fire causes approximately $500,000 damage to a house in Summerlin.
At the Las Vegas City Council meeting in July 1999, the name of the department was officially changed from City of Las Vegas Department of Fire Services to Las Vegas Fire & Rescue.
In 1999 there five fatalities in the city, 22 multi-alarm incidents. One fire death was the result of a Christmas tree fire.
January 1, 1999 - LVFR implements its EMS Transport program.
January 2, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire in a vacant apartment building at 509 Jackson St is believe to have been started by homeless people.
January 3, 1999 - A family of four is overcome by carbon monoxide and is taken to UMC and Sunrise hospital. Although serious, all survive.
January 5, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire at the Red Rock Theaters at 11:34PM causes $10,000 damage.
January 6, 1999 - At 5:44PM an explosion levels a 2-story apartment building at the La Fiesta Apartments at Lamb and Owens Avenue. It causes more than $500,000 in damage and displaces at least 42 people. One of the residents tried to commit suicide using natural gas, which cause the explosion. He was taken to the hospital and survived. He was later convicted and sentenced for the incident.
February 19, 1999 - 22 recruit firefighters graduate in a ceremony in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The event is televised live on KCLV Cable Channel 2.
February 27, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire at the Racquet Club Apartments on Martin L. King Blvd send one person to the hospital and causes $50,000 damage.
March 4, 1999 - The Las Vegas Fire PIO is shadowed by the new Fire PIO for the Honolulu Fire Department for three days.
March 8, 1999 - LVFR is recognized by the Mayor and City Council at one of their regular meetings for the response to the La Fiesta Apartments on January 6.
March 8, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire causes $100,000 damage to the home of well- known Las Vegan Bob Stupak.
March 12, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire in the Mountain Aire subdivision spreads to seven homes most of them under construction, and a couple that are occupied. Damage is estimated at $300,000. The fire is believed to have started by a torch being used in one of the houses under construction.
March 16, 1999 - A chemical fire in a business at 10,000 Ban burry Cross Drive causes the Hazardous Material team to respond and take control. One person was hospitalized for minor smoke inhalation.
March 20, 1999 - Members of the LVFR Fire Prevention Division assist with installing an automatic fire sprinkler system in a Habitat for Humanity home in West Las Vegas.
March 26, 1999 - Fire PIO Tim Szymanski receives a Professional Certificate in Public Relations from UNLV.
March 27, 1999 - A 3-alarm fire destroys or damages 14 houses under construction in the Glen Mere subdivision in Summerlin. Each house is estimated to be worth $200,000. Fire PIO Tim Szymanski fractures his leg during the event and is hospitalized.
March 29, 1999 - 11 Sun City residents complete a course to organize the first Citizens Response Team (CERT) in the city.
April 29, 1999 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino appoints Battalion Chief David Washington as Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Marshal for the city.
May 15, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire at the Oasis Emerald Apartments on North Nellis Blvd does moderate damage to the clubhouse.
May 29, 1999 - Five people are taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation after a 2-alarm fire in a townhouse at 6229 West Oakey Blvd.
June 4, 1999 - Deputy Chief Ken Riddle completes the Executive Fire Officer Program at the National Fire Academy.
June 15, 1999 - Three men are taken to the hospital because of smoke inhalation after a fire in the El Cid Hotel on South Sixth Street, which started in the trashcan.
June 23, 1999 - A maintenance worker is severely burned in a flash fire while working on an electrical panel box at the Wendy’s on South Decatur Blvd.
June 25, 1999 - Four members of the local media and the acting Deputy City Manager complete the Fire Media College instructed by the Fire PIO.
June 26, 1999 - A 2-alarm brush fire spreads to a house on Martin L. King Blvd between Wall Street and Oakey Blvd. Although most of the land in that area is vacant it later become the exact location of the current Fire Station 10.
June 26, 1999 - A man dies in an auto fire after he drives a considerable distance on the wheel after the tire goes flat. The overheated rim sets the car on fire and the man stays inside. He died of smoke inhalation.
July 1,1999 - A 3-Alarm fire destroys one house and damages two others on Bannock Way. The fire was started by fireworks.
July 1, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire damages the roof of the Resort at Summerlin. Damage is kept to a minimum.
July 1, 1999 - In an agreement with American Medical Response, LVFR EMS unit start handling all traffic accident calls for medical aid.
July 2, 1999 - Fireworks cause $90,000 damage to a house on Evertt St.
July 4, 1999 - Fireworks are believed to be responsible for a fire that does $70,000 damage to a duplex on Bingham Avenue.
July 8, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire causes $100,000 damage to an upholstery shop on Fremont Street.
July 8, 1999 - A 100-year flash flood strikes the city at approximately 10:30AM starting at the Spring Mountains in the west and spreading across the city. Hundreds of stranded motorist caught off guard by the rushing water are rescued by firefighters. The city’s Emergency Operations Center is activated.
History —w,
July 12, 1999 - Fire Public Information Officer Timothy R. Szymanski is selected as the city’s employee of the year and is awarded the Willie W. Davis Memorial Award.
July 15, 1999 - Because of the recent flash flood, several city employees are trained as “Storm Spotters” by the National Weather Service at the Fire Training Center.
July 21, 1999 - Eight employees of the Fire & Television Network (FETN) fly to Las Vegas to attend the Fire Media College.
July 22, 1999 - Two painters are severely burned in an accident at the Desert Pines High School on Harris Avenue.
July 25, 1999 - Firefighters deliver a baby boy in the parking lot of Fire Station 9.
August 9, 1999 - Three men escaped death when a large cement truck rolls over and crushes they car they are riding in on Interstate 1 5 at Charleston Avenue.
August 9, 1999 - A 21-year-old man is cut from his pickup truck after it rammed the rear and got caught under a CAT bus on West Sahara Avenue.
August 13, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre at the Marion Manor apartments on East Charleston Blvd causes $20,000 damage.
August 30, 1999 - Firefighters participate in the annual MDA Boot Drive.
September 14, 1999 - Firefighters participate in a special drill to learn Rapid Intervention Training at the old Houston Lumber Yard on Commerce Street.
September 14, 1999 - A 2-alarm fire heavily damages an automotive repair center under construction at Vegas Drive and Decatur Blvd.
September 15,1999 - A Project Impact ceremony is held at the City Council meeting in which representatives of FEMA, State Emergency Management, Red Cross and LVFR participate.
October 3, 1999 - The first Africanized Honey Bee incident takes place at 5830 Alfred Drive. Several people are stung and a pet dog is killed. Firefighters stayed on scene for nearly five hours.
October 6, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre at the Casa de Sol apartments on O’Bannon
Drive does extensive damage to an upstairs unit.
October 10, 1999 - An explosion and hre destroys a house overnight at 513 North Bruce Street. No one was home during the explosion. It is believed the explosion might have been gas related.
October 11, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre at the Red Rock Theaters once again.
October 13, 1999 - A new website address is launched:
October 16, 1999 - A 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurs in the Mojave Desert about 150 miles southwest of Las Vegas at 3:30Am. Although it does not do any damage, the quake does rattle the city as well as several other aftershocks for another week.
October 29, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre at the Aquarius Plaza at 330 East Charleston Blvd does an estimated $100,000 damage.
November 6, 1999 - The Firehghters Combat Challenge is held at the Texas Station.
November 9, 1999 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino issues a statement to the media that he is not a candidate for the Washington D.C. Fire Chiefs position as some media sources reported.
November 9, 1999 - The new Combined Communications Center on the third Poor of hre headquarters goes online for the hrst time.
November 10, 1999 - A public informational meeting is held for local residents at the Brinley Middle School about a proposed hre station at Torrey Pines and Smoke Ranch, which later becomes Fire Station 43 a few years later.
November 24, 1999 - An automatic hre sprinkler douses a hre in a retail shop in the mall area of the Stratosphere Hotel. The 12:55AM hre causes approximately $500 damage.
November 25, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre in a duplex at 2324 Viva Circle causes $50,000 damage.
November 28, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre at the Admiral Point Condos on South Durango Drive is the result of a child playing with a lighter. It does $75,000 damage and displaces 12 people.
November 30, 1999 - Fire Protection Engineer Ozzie Mirkhah completes the Executive Fire Officer Program at the National Fire Academy.
December 9, 1999 - 2-alarm hre on a hat bed tractor-trailer carrying cardboard to Southern California. The truck stops on the Wall Street overpass on Interstate 15.
December 10, 1999 - A 2-alarm hre destroys the Fellowship Hall at the College Park Baptist Church on East Owens Avenue. The hre is believed to have started because of faulty wiring.
December 13, 1999 - Fire investigators arrest a woman who admits she set her apartment on hre at the Mayan Plaza apartments on Alta Drive.
December 14, 1999 - A construction worker is killed in a freak accident on US 95 at a construction site after a large culvert pipe rolls on top of him.
December 16,1999 - A woman is badly burned, but is able to escape her burning home on Vermont Avenue. A smoke alarm alerted her to the hre.
December 22, 1999 - Several department awards are issued by Fire Chief Mario H. Trevino including:
Captain Jay Acebo - Firehghter of the Year
Firehghter/Paramedic Mike Myers - Paramedic of the Year
Sharon Menno - Fire & Rescue Employee of the Year
FTO Cherina Kleven and Captain Garland Davis - Fire Chief’s Award of Distinction
December 23, 1999 - Fire PIO Timothy R. Szymanski and Fire Protection Engineer Ozzie Mirkhah receive the Knights of the Order of Life Safety Award from the Residential Fire Safety Institute.
December 27, 1999 - A 28-year- old man dies in his apartment after the Christmas tree ignites, blocking his escape through the front door. The hre also causes $20,000 in damage.
December 31, 1999 - The city’s Emergency Operations Center at hre headquarters is activated to stand by for Y2K activities. Nothing occurs out of the ordinary during the night.
During 2000 there were three hre related fatalities in the city. There were 12 multi-alarm incidents.
LVFR was awarded a grant for $600,000 to develop and implement a Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) for Southern Nevada including the city of Las Vegas. A second grant of $500,000 from the National Heart Attack Foundation to fund research on developing a link via television between paramedics in the held and medical personnel in the trauma unit.
The department purchased 21 pieces of new apparatus at a cost of $8.5 million.
The department also designed and distributed a common badge for all members of the department.
Also a hrst response units were equipped with swift water rescue equipment for all personnel of each rig.
January 1, 2000 - Six adults were to taken to the hospital suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. The group was
celebrating New Years in an apartment where a bar-be-cue was found inside the apartment.
January 1, 2000 - Illegal hreworks start a roof of house at 2200 San Jose Ave on hre, which evidentially destroys the house causing $150,000. Four juveniles are taken into custody, charged with starting the 2-alarm blaze.
January 1, 2000 - A 63-year old man lives through a propane explosion and hre at the Vegas Court Apartments on Stewart Avenue.
January 4, 2000 - 2-alarm arson hre at the Queen of Hearts hotel. The hre displaces 45 people.
January 5, 2000 - Senior Fire Inspector Joseph E. Lopardo, 49, dies after a lengthy bout with a rare lung disease. The 12-year veteran of the department is given a full honors hrehghter funeral on January 8.
January 17, 2000 - A man and woman suffer burns after a hre in a condo at the Heritage del Ray Condos. Two men who are working on their van in the parking lot rescue the woman from the heavily involved condo. They later are given the city Medal of Honor for their heroic actions.
January 26, 2000 - A 2-alarm hre at the South Short Villa townhouses at the Lakes causes over $250,000 in damage.
January 27: Ground is broken for Fire Station 41 at Buffalo Road and Witig.
February 1: A new emergency public information hotline is activate for local residents and businesses, 38ALERT. The public can call the line to receive updates during an emergency or disaster.
February 1, 2000 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino appoints Battalion Chief Richard Gracia as Deputy Chief of Operations.
February 4, 2000 - After seeing smoke in the sky, hrehghters respond to Owens
& H Street to hnd a house heavily involved with hre. A child playing with a lighter is the cause. Ironically, after the house is repaired, the same house catches hre again on October 14 for the same reason.
February 9, 2000 - A man is stung several times after trying to exterminate bees in his backyard on Saylor Way. A few days later a new Africanized Honeybee website is launched, part of the department’s main webpage.
March 3, 2000 - Fire PIO Tim Szymanski and KCLV Host Brian Willet co-host the hrst live call-in TV show on Cable Channel 2 concerning Africanized Honeybees.
March 7, 2000 - Firehghters respond to the Charleston Woods apartments on two separate calls at the same time. One is an apartment fully involved, the other is woman seriously stabbed. It is later learned that the woman lives in the apartment and was attacked and raped. The attacker then left the apartment and set it on hre with the woman still inside. She was able to escape the hre and receive medical treatment, in which she fully recovers. Her attacker is later arrested and convicted of attempted murder and arson.
March 10, 2000 - 19 recruit hrehghters graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony in Council Chambers at City Hall.
March 27, 2000 - An elderly lady is rescued by hrehghters after she attacked by bees and stung over 500 times in an incident on Maryland Parkway under the 1-515 overpass.
March 29, 2000 - Vandals are believed to be responsible for a 2-alarm hre that heavily damages a commercial building under construction at 2250 North Rainbow Blvd.
April 1, 2000 - A 2-alarm fire causes $150,000 damage to a furniture store at 225 East Charleston Blvd. The fire is electrical in origin.
April 17, 2000 - Randy Mantooth (Johnny Gage) and Marco Lopez sign autographs on the Fremont Street Experience with the famous “Squad 51” on display. Hundreds show up for the event and it receives numerous media coverage.
April 27, 2000 - High winds blow a tree down and power lines which hits a home with a wood shake roof at 5405 Del Monte Ave causing considerable damage.
May 8, 2000 - 49 Valley residents graduate from the first annual Citizens Fire Academy.
May 17, 2000 - The old model T engine is given to Mr. Ritchie Clyne who has offered to completely refurbish the engine to its original state.
May 18, 2000 - Battalion Chief Lawrence Wickliffe completes the Executive Fire Program at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
May 18, 2000 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino is offered the position of fire chief for the Dallas Fire Department, but decides to stay in Las Vegas.
May 22, 2000 - People are evacuated from the city of Las Vegas West Leisure Center at Durango and Gowen after a small chlorine leak in the swimming pool area. The LVFR Hazardous Materials team quickly cleans the spill.
May 30, 2000 - A 2-alarm fire at the Sears Hardware Center at 8400 West Cheyenne Avenue does $100,000 in damage.
June 6, 2000 - Several homes in the 1600 block of Michael Way are threatened after high winds cause a power line to fall
Boot Drive
on a wood shake roof causing embers to fly throughout the area.
July 3, 2000 - A 2-alarm fire destroys a house at 4149 Jory Trail. Fireworks were stored throughout the house, which fuel the blaze. The house was completely destroyed.
July 3, 2000 - Firefighters respond to a fire in the yard of Mayor Oscar B. Goodman. Swaying trees in high winds come into contact with power lines causing the fire.
July 4, 2000 - Fireworks are believed to be responsible for a 2-alarm fire in a storage facility at S. Main St. and W. Utah Ave that stored approximately 600 mattresses.
July 17, 2000 - A 3-alarm fire at the Embassy Apartments on Kings Way caused $175,000 damage and displaced 40 people.
July 17, 2000 - Squeeky’s Car Wash at the intersection of Bonanza Road and North Rancho Drive is heavily damaged by fire. It never reopens and is eventually demolished.
July 18, 2000 - Two young men celebrating their birthday behind a house using fireworks sets the grass on fire, which spreads to two homes causing $80,000 damage.
July 25,2000 - The famous “Whitehead House” sitting on a vacant lot downtown is destroyed in an early morning fire. The house was being moved to another location downtown after which it was to be renovated.
August 2, 2000 - A fire in a K-Mart store at the intersection of Nellis and Bonanza turns into a 2-alarm event when people report a fire in the rear of the Albertson’s grocery store across the street at the same
time. Three cares were also set on fire in the parking lot. Over ten fires were set in a four-hour period in that immediate area that night. Later a juvenile is arrested and charged with setting the fires including a fast food restaurant in the county that was under construction and was completely destroyed.
August 3, 2000 - Burning trash in a chute at the Plaza Hotel causes smoke to bellow on several floors and cause a 3- alarm response. Four people were taken to area hospitals. The fire caused minor damage.
August 23, 2000 - Fire officials from Hong Kong and mainland China visits LVFR to learn more about emergency medical response, turnout gear, fire equipment and communications.
August 30, 2000 - A sudden thunderstorm causes flash floods in the northwest part of the city. A number of stranded motorist is rescued by firefighters.
August 31, 2000 - Las Vegas firefighters participate in the 39th Annual MDA Boot Drive and collect over $342,000.
September 11, 2000 - The city of Las Vegas signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a Project Impact city. LVFR will coordinate the Project Impact program for the city.
September 17, 2000 - Off duty LVFR Fire Captain Nate Pechacek is seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident near his home and suffers critical life-threatening injuries. He spends several weeks in the intensive care unit at University Medical Center, recovers at the hospital and attends rehab. He returns to full duty a year later.
September 26, 2000 - A fire at the Sahara Palms Apartments causes $75,000 in damage and displaces 23 people.
October 2, 2000 - A house fire on Dalegrove Drive kills a woman.
October 22, 2000 - Firefighters responding to a trash fire in the alley behind 324 South Third Street find out that the brush is actually a man on fire. He is taken to the burn unit at University Medical Center with extremely serious burns. He dies a few days later.
November 3, 2000 - An opening ceremony is held at the city’s newest fire station, Station 41 located at North Buffalo Rd and Wittig.
November 7, 2000 - Voters approve a tax initiative, which will provide the department with funding to build, equip and staff four new fire stations, expand three existing stations and to replace the entire fleet of the department.
November 13, 2000 - A woman is charge with arson after a domestic dispute
in a house on Barkentine Street. The fire completely destroyed the house. She was arrested while walking on Rainbow Boulevard after she set the house on fire.
November 13, 2000 - An off-duty Las Vegas firefighter/paramedic is slightly injured when the medical helicopter he was riding in as part of the crew crashes in Pahrump.
November 15, 2000 - A propane service technician is seriously burned in a flash fire while filling a propane tank on Tomsik Street.
December 7, 2000 - Awards are given at the Southern Nevada Fire Prevention Association’s annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest awards ceremony held at the CCSN Western Campus.
December 14, 2000 - Lowe’s Home Improvement Center donates over 500 smoke alarms to LVFR to be distributed free to people who need them.
December 18, 2000 - Fire Station 41 goes into service.
December 19, 2000 - Fire Chief Mario Trevino appoints Timothy McAndrew as a full-time Emergency Management Coordinator.
December 19, 2000 - Minor damage in a small fire, which goes to 2-alarms at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino.
December 31, 2000 - A woman is transported to the hospital for smoke inhalation after a fire in her Oasis Canyon apartment.
January 1, 2001 - A new full-time Emergency Management Coordinator position is established and Tim McAndrew is appointed to the position.
January 5, 2001 - Several LVFR employees were recognized over the holidays at the department’s holiday party including:
Firefighter of the Year - Firefighter Darell Aronson
Paramedic of the Year - Firefighter/ Paramedic Tommy Grayson
Employee of the Year - Office Specialist II Jo O’Rourke
Fire Prevention Employee of the Year - Fire Inspector David F. Klein
Communications Division Employee of the Year - Fire Electrician I Lou Amell
Fire Chief’s Award of Distinction - Management Analyst II Roy Lawson
January 21, 2001 - One man died and two were taken to the UMC Burn Unit after a house fire on West Monroe St. Security bars prevented the man from escaping. The other two people were burned trying to rescue him.
January 26, 2001 - 43 recruit firefighters graduated from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony held at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino.
January 30, 2001 - A woman was found dead inside a burning home on Harly Way. Investigators believe a candle caused the fire and killed the woman while she slept.
February 4, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire at the Alpine Village apartments on Brush Street damaged three apartments and caused $125,000 damage.
February 5, 2001 - The body of a man was found in a burned out building on Madison Avenue. Investigators believe a homeless person was sleeping in the vacant dilapidated building and was trapped trying to escape.
February 10, 2001 - Fire destroys a building at 1721 Eastern Avenue. Damage is estimated at $ 150,000.
March 25, 2001 - An elderly man dies in the bedroom of a condo in the Quail Estates West on South Valley View Blvd.
March 23, 2001 - Two people, including a 75-year-old man were taken to the UMC Burn Unit after a fire in a home at 6432 Brandywine Way. The fire was ruled accidental.
April 3, 2001 - Over the past several weeks, the city of Las Vegas took delivery of 21 new pieces of fire apparatus from Pierce Manufacturing.
April 12, 2001 - Two boys were rescued by firefighters from a rear bedroom in a fully involved house fire at 5516 Seabaugh Avenue. Evidentially one of the small boys die from his injuries in what had turned out to be one of the most traumatic calls the department had responded to in recent years. Firefighters return to the neighborhood a week later and go door to door talking to residents about the incident and providing smoke detectors to those that needed them. Many of the firefighters that responded to the incident attended the boy’s funeral. An unattended candle in the living room was determined to be the cause of the fire.
May 2, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire displaces 12 people and causes $150,000 damage at the Sundance Village Apartments on West Charleston Blvd. Investigators believe the fire was electrical in origin.
May 2, 2001 - Fire Chief Mario H. Trevino tendered his resignation to accept an offer to become the chief of the department in San Francisco. Deputy Fire Chief David L. Washington is appointed acting fire chief.
May 7, 2001 - Investigators believe the body of a man found on the floor of a bathroom in an apartment on Yale Street was the result of suicide. The man also
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set fire to the apartment causing $60,000 damage.
May 8, 2001 - 45 local residents graduate from the Citizens Fire Academy.
May 19, 2001 - Two large houses under construction on Soaring Owl Avenue in the northwest part of the city were destroyed by a fire.
May 19, 2001 - A pilot was killed when his single engine Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft crashed in a vacant lot near Michael Way and Cheyenne Avenue.
May 20, 2001 - About 25 people were waken and evacuated from their homes on the city’s eastside after a suspect drug lab caught a house on fire on Chantilly Avenue. Two small children and their mother were transported to the hospital for observation after being exposed to the drugs.
May 21, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire completely destroyed a house on Oakey Blvd near Martin L. King Blvd after the wood shake roof caught fire.
May 22, 2001 - A man suffered smoke inhalation in a 2-alarm fire at the Sahara West Apartments.
May 31, 2001 - At 11:04AM several calls were received by fire dispatchers that a room was on fire of the third floor of the six story Gold Spike Hotel on Ogden Avenue downtown. Several people were hanging out windows when firefighters arrived and the call immediately went to a second alarm. A total of 1 7 people were transported to various hospitals for a variety of injuries. The fire was confined to one guest room. The fire was intentionally set by one of the guests who was later arrested and convicted. Damage was estimated at $150,000.
June 6, 2001 - An explosion and fire heavily damages a house in the Painted Desert subdivision. The fire was ruled accidental.
June 10, 2001 - Fire destroyed a house at 213 Harrison Avenue. A woman was charged with arson by fire investigators.
June 13, 2001 - Ground is broken for a new Fire Station 10 on Martin L. King Blvd.
June 16, 2001 - A man was hospitalized after being burned in a 2-alarm townhouse fire at the Rainbow Garden Townhouses. Gasoline fumes from the garage is believe to have spread throughout the townhouse before it found an ignition source.
June 18, 2001 - The first Las Vegas Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) begins training in Sun City Summerlin.
June 19, 2001 - A small boy is rescued after being trapped in a chimney of a house on Casada Way.
June 22, 2001 - Three members of the LVFR IAFF Local 1285 Honor Guard attend
a funeral for three FDNY firefighters in New York. The firefighters were killed on Father’s Day battling a large blaze in New York City. 80 other firefighters were injured.
June 28, 2001 - Fire inspectors raided a northwest dry cleaner after it accepted a large shipment of illegal fireworks from California. Apparently the fireworks were sent there by an out-of-state relative to used in Las Vegas during the Fourth of July. The owner was cited.
June 28, 2001 - A new Pierce Quantum Hazardous Material Response unit is placed into service at Fire Station 3.
July 1, 2001 - A large office building was extensively damaged by a 2-alarm fire. The building at 880 East Sahara Avenue was heavily involved with fire when firefighters arrived.
July 1, 2001 - A car, van, trailer and an AMR ambulance were all destroyed in a fire on US 95 and Casino Center Blvd after the ambulance responding to an emergency incident crashed into the trailer being hauled by the van. The trailer was full of fireworks.
July 4, 2001 - Fire heavily damages the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel on Las Vegas Blvd.
July 12, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire destroyed a house on Sandy Plains Avenue. Investigators believe that paintbrushes left in a jar turpentine, exposed to direct sunlight, started the blaze, which caused $250,000 damage.
July 13,2001 - A firefighter received minor burns and was taken to Mountainview hospital after falling through the floor of a house on Tee Pee Lane.
July 25, 2001 - At least 20 employees are treated by paramedics after a strange odor is released inside the IBEW Plus
Credit Union on South Jones Blvd.
July 29, 2001 - 30 people are displaced in a fire at the Bonanza Garden Apartments.
July 30, 2001 - A man was hospitalized for smoke inhalation after a fire did significant damage to his Sun City Summerlin home on Breakers Creek Drive.
July 31, 2001 - An employee of the Painted Desert Golf Course was hospitalized after being stung over 50 times by bees while maintain the course.
August 6, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire caused $50,000 damage to several businesses at3909 West Sahara Avenue.
August 8, 2001 - Members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue are recognized in front of the City Council after receiving awards from Firehouse Magazine for: Firehouse Magazine 2000 Heroism & Community Service Award - Unit
Engine 1, Engine 10, Rescue 1, Battalion 1, P1O1
Firehouse Magazine Community Service Award
Fire-PIO Timothy R. Szymanski Firehouse Magazine Busiest Fire Station in United States
Fire Station 1
August 18, 2001 - Two small boys, ages three months and four years died in a van fire on the city’s eastside. Children playing with a lighter are believed to be the cause.
August 31, 2001 - A 3-alarm fire heavily damaged a storage facility on Pecos Road near Bonanza Rd. The fire caused $250,000 damage.
September 11, 2001 - Personnel and stations are put on alert and heightened awareness after the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers in New York City. The department fields numerous calls from citizens and business asking for information on how to deal with terrorism.
September 19, 2001 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue receives the Safe Heart Community Award from the International Association of Fire Chiefs during a City Council Meeting.
September 20, 2001 - Five house, under construction, were completely destroyed in a 2-alarm fire on Silk Bonnett Court (US95 & Kyle Canyon Rd.)
September 28, 2001 - Acting Fire Chief David L. Washington is appointed fire chief and receives his badge from Mayor Oscar Goodman in a special ceremony in the City Council Chambers that is attended by numerous dignitaries and guests.
October 2, 2001 - Five people are injured and an elderly lady dies in a house fire at 309 Duke Circle. The people were
unable to escape promptly because the unlatching device on a set of security bars would not operate. Neighbors pulled the bars off the windows and were able to get five of the residents out. One family member was found lying on a bed in the rear of the house, the window to that room also had bars on it. The fire was ruled accidental originating in the kitchen.
October 3, 2001 - Battalion Chief Greg Gammon is appointed Deputy Fire Chief by Chief David Washington. He is assigned to the fire prevention division as Fire Marshal.
October 4, 2001 - 2-alarm house fire at 5300 Elkhorn Road. Believe to be a drug manufacturing shop.
October 5, 2001 - Eugene Campbell and Cherina Kleven are appointed Assistant Fire Chiefs of the department. These are the first assistant chief positions in the department for several years.
October 12, 2001 - 2-Alarm house fire at 1012 Rock Springs Drive. Fire might have started on patio in a hot tub and spread up the rear outside wall of the house and into the attic before anyone noticed it.
October 13/20, 2001 - An immunization clinic is held at Fire Stations 3 and 8 to dispense flu and pneumonia shots for senior citizens.
October 22, 2001 - Seven members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue fly to New York City to assist with the numerous funerals of the FDNY firefighters that fell during 9/11.
November 21, 2001 - The Las Vegas Firefighters Benefit Association donates 200 turkeys to the Salvation Army to be used on Thanksgiving to feed the homeless.
November 29, 2001 - A 2-alarm fire at the Sunstate Apartments on South First Street is ruled arson.
December 13, 2001 - A special television program concerning disaster preparedness is played on Cable Channel 2.
January 11, 2002 - 16 recruit firefighters graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony in the Council Chambers at City Hall. They started their training on October 21, 2001.
January 16, 2002 - The Las Vegas District Office of Avon Products donates several hundred plush toys that are given to children at traumatic incidents.
January 24, 2002 - The Insurance Services Office (ISO) makes several recommendations to the city if it wants to maintain its Class One rating.
January 31, 2002 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue alters its response procedure to fire and medical alarms. The new procedures require that fire calls be called directly into 9-1-1 instead of answering home alarm systems.
January 31,2002 - Battalion Chief Hank Clinton completes the Executive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy.
February 28, 2002 - Ground is broken for Fire Station 44 at 7701 West Washington Avenue.
March 6, 2002 - A man suffers critical burns when found beneath the Interstate 15 overpass on Martin L. King Blvd. Investigators believe the man set himself on fire. He died the next day.
March 13, 2002 - Fire Chief David L. Washington presents a 5-year-old kindergarten student with a certificate of commendation after she called 9-1-1 to report
that her mother was in a seizure and need an ambulance.
March 16, 2002 - Several LVFR employees are presented awards in a ceremony in the Council Chambers at City Hall. They include:
Firefighter of the Year - Captain Daniel D. Allred
Paramedic of the Year - FF/PM Joseph Kitchen
Fire Prevention Employee of the Year - Fire Inspector Charles F. Murphy
Communications Employee of the Year - Office Specialist II Sharon Y. Ozuna
Civilian Employee of the Year - Mgt.
Analyst II Louis Baker
Fire Shop Employee of the Year Foreman Kenneth Braker & Meeh.
Ill Tony Molitor
Fire Explorer of the Year - Erik Phillips
Community Service of the Year - Fire PIO Timothy R. Szymanski
Valor Award - FF/PM Roger D.
Carsten & FF/PM Timothy Cates
Unit Citation Awards: E6, T6, R6, E3, E203, R3, T3, E5, R5, SI, R2, B4
March 29, 2002 - Ground is broken of Fire Station 43 at 6420 Smoke Ranch Drive.
April 1, 2002 - A 79-year-old woman dies in a condo fire, which is believed to be the result of careless smoking.
April 4, 2002 - Ground is broken for Fire Station 45 at 3821 North Fort Apache Road.
April 5, 2002 - A 42-year-old man is severely burned in a flash fire at 705 Rock Springs Drive in a kitchen fire. He later dies.
April 5, 2002 - A 2-Alarm fire at the Fitzgerald’s hotel cause minor damage. Improperly discarded smoking material causes the blaze, which is responsible for $800 damage. An automatic fire sprinkler extinguished the fire.
April 13, 2002 - Benefit hockey game is held between firefighters and police at the Santa Fe Hotel Ice Arena.
April 13, 2002 - An immunization clinic is held for children at Fire Station 3 in conjunction with the Southern Nevada Immunization Coalition.
April 14, 2002 - Two small children are taken to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation after a fire in their apartment in the Desert Pines Townhouses. One of the kids is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit.
April 16, 2002 - City of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue teams up with United Way of Southern Nevada and HELP of Southern Nevada to provide access to human service programs at LVFR fire stations.
April 17, 2002 - A fire in a 4-plex on Yerba Lane displaces 23 people.
April 26, 2002 - Off duty LVFR Firefighter / Paramedic Kevin L. Sparks in killed in an auto accident while driving his motorcycle near Searchlight, Nevada.
May 6, 2002 - A giant firefighter soft- ball tournament to honor FDNY firefighters killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11 is held in Las Vegas during the weekend with a number of activities held at the Rio Hotel.
May 7, 2002 - 35 people graduate from the Citizens Fire Academy in a ceremony in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
June 12, 2002 - Two U.S. Army recruiting sergeants evacuate an apartment building that is on fire on South Casino Center Blvd before firefighters arrive.
June 16, 2002 - A house is completely destroyed by fire on Waterside Circle in the Lakes area of the city. Cause of the fire is undetermined.
June 22, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 5.
June 24, 2002 - 20 houses under construction are destroyed in a 3-Alarm fire at the Madre Mesa subdivision.
June 30, 2002 - A 2-Alarm fire causes $85,000 damage to the Sahara Palms apartments.
July 4, 2002 - Fireworks cause a 2- Alarm fire at the Oasis Springs apartments.
July 8, 2002 - 4 houses under construction were destroyed in a 2-Alarm fire on Grand Teton drive.
July 20, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 4.
July 22, 2002 - A grand opening is held at Fire Station 10 on Martin L. King Blvd.
August 7, 2002 - Fire investigators believe that a 2-alarm fire on the roof of the Las Vegas Club was intentionally set.
August 11, 2002 - The International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) holds its 46th Biennial Convention at Mandalay Bay Hotel. Members of Local 1285 assist with the event.
August 14, 2002 - A small girl and her father were critically burned in a motor home fire on West Sahara Avenue and Cimmeron Road.
August 14, 2002 - Fire Protection Engineer Azarang “Ozzie” Mirkhan is credited by the Administrator of the United States Fire Administration for saving a document concerning fire safety that was drafted by a special presidential committee in 1947.
August 17, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 42.
August 25, 2002 - Two houses are damaged in a 2-alarm fire in the 400 block of Antelope Way.
September 5, 2002 - Clark High School is evacuated after a strange and irritating odor is detected in the school. It is later believed to be pepper spray.
September 10, 2002 - Firefighters Memorial Park is dedicated in a special 9/11 candlelight ceremony in which representatives from all Valley fire departments and city officials attend. The event was attended by over 2000 guests at the park.
September 19, 2002 - One of the largest drills ever held in Southern Nevada was held at the Cashman Convention Center. Over 300 people participated in the event that was supported by every emergency response organization in Southern Nevada.
September 21, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 6.
September 24, 2002 - Two apartment buildings were destroyed in a 3-alarm fire in the Maryland Villas apartments behind Cashman Field.
September 27, 2002 - 15 recruit firefighters graduated from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a special ceremony in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
October 3, 2002 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue joins the “Safe Place” program.
October 12, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 3.
October 15, 2002 - Fire heavily damages a portion of the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel.
November 3, 2002 - A 2-alarm fire damages a pizza shop in the Sahara Pavilion.
November 9, 2002 - Open house is held at Fire Station 9.
November 14, 2002 - Two houses are destroyed in a 2-alarm fire near 215 & Jones Blvd.
November 22, 2002 - A new Community Based Fire Safety program is kicked off in a special ceremony at Fire Station 4.
December 2, 2002 - One man is rescued from the underground culvert pipe under Sandhill Road feeding the Las Vegas Wash from downtown after a heavy rain. Another man is found dead in the wash a few days later.
December 30, 2002 - Seven family members were transported to area hospitals after being overcome from carbon monoxide in their home.
2003 was a busy year for Las Vegas Fire Rescue. The department responded to 13 multi-alarm fires in the city and suffered six fire fatalities.
Some of the other highlights of the year included:

The Department maintained its ISO Class One rating through an intensive building and hiring program.

Opened up three (3) new fire stations in 2003: Stations #43, 44, and 45.

Station 43 is located at 6420 Smoke Ranch Road

Station 44 is located at 7701 W. Washington Ave.

Station 45 is located at 3821 N. Fort Apache Road.

Fire Operations/Training successfully trained 67 recruits to support the growth of this Department. These young men and women graduated with EMT Intermediate certification, as well as training in Hazardous Materials response, swift water rescue, and other disciplines in life safety and survival.

Responded to the Southern California wild land fires in October and November 2003.
Distributed over 5,000 Fire Safety Education CDs to local children through a grant program from FEMA.
The Fire Channel went on-line May 1, 2003. Originating from the Las Vegas Fire Training Center, this channel provides 24/7 training on Cable Channel 888 to every fire station in the Las Vegas Valley. This will prove to be extremely cost effective in the following years.

Received a national award from the International Association of Fire Chiefs for the LVFR-UNLV Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness Training Program that is provided to hotel/motel management majors at UNLV twice a year.

Completed another Citizens Fire Academy in May 2003, the fourth CFA since the year 2000.
Distributed over 15,000 Community Base Fire Safety Education pamphlets both in English and Spanish during several door-to-door campaigns in the city.

Completed over 795 Public Education Programs.

Targeted a number of neighborhoods in a door-to-door campaign providing fire safety education material and smoke detectors to people who needed them.

Our Department was profiled in a worldwide television special about LVFR Paramedics on the Discovery Channel in February 2003.

Complete the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Public Information & Media Relations Seminar in which 25 attendees from fire departments across the country attended.

Fire Investigations significantly supported the Juvenile Fire-Setter Program through the actions of one Investigator who has donated a significant amount of off-duty time. The Southern Nevada Fire Prevention Association and LVFR have shown their support by offering classroom space at the Fire Training Center.

Implemented the Risk Watch Program that is targeted at children through the entire Clark County School District.

Performed over 20,000 Fire Prevention inspections at various properties throughout the city.

Fire Investigations successfully investigated a number of large loss fires including a number of which were high profile including the Moulin Rouge Fire.

Awarded $5.9 million Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Interoperable Community Technology Grant.

The Fire Alarm Office / Fire Sr Medical 9-1-1 Center handled over 225,000 incidents.
January 1, 2003 - Valley firefighters were kept busy on New Year’s Day 2003 by responding to 470 calls during a 10 hour period of 5:00PM New Year’s Eve to 3:00AM New Year’s Day.
January 4, 2003 - Fire fatality - A man was found sitting in a burning car behind a residence at 4209 San Bernardino Avenue at 2:01 AM.
January 7, 2003 - One woman was hospitalized for smoke inhalation and 12 people were displaced after a fire started in a garage of a house at 809 Majestic Rock Circle. Possibly careless smoking.
January 11, 2003 - An automatic fire sprinkler prevented a potential disaster by dousing a fire in trashcan on the 109th floor of the Stratosphere Tower. An improperly discarded food-warming can into the trash is believed to be the cause. Damage is minimal.
January 18, 2003 - A 69-year-old man suffered second & third degree burns to his face and hands after a flash fire in his apartment. The man was using medical oxygen at the time of the fire. The cause of the fire was not determined, but ruled accidental.
January 22, 2003 - Seven members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Engine 8 and Rescue 8 received the “Unit Citation Award” in front of the City Council for saving the life of an elderly woman trapped in a house fire on Lava Avenue, October 2002.
January 24, 2003 - Several firefighters received hands-on training after the vacant Adco*ck Elementary School was donated for training purposes. The school
was vacated because of the expansion project on U.S. 95.
January 27, 2003 - Fire Station 44 located at the intersection of N. Buffalo Drive and W. Washington Avenue is opened and put into service. One fire engine, one rescue ambulance and the department’s Technical Rescue Team along with ten firefighters are assigned to the station. An open house and dedication ceremony was held on February 4th.
February 2, 2003 - Fire destroyed a house at 308 Pershing Drive. Fire was already through the roof when firefighters arrived, they fought the blaze in 40 mph winds. The cause of the fire was undetermined.
February 5, 2003 - Fire Chief David L. Washington receives the Academy Image Award at the First Annual Black History Month Family Cultural Affairs Dinner & Awards Gala at Fitzgerald’s Hotel.
February 6, 2003 - A house at 412 Antelopoe Way sustains $50,000 damage after a fire was set to conceal a burglary in the home.
February 10, 2003 - KVBC-TV3 and several businesses team up to remodel the day room at Fire Station 6 in a project named “Changing Spaces.” The remodel cost more than $10,000, which included a wide screen TV and sound system.
February 15,2003 - A Las Vegas solider on a ten-day leave before being deployed to the Middle East stops and extinguishes a fire in a house at 717 Salem Drive. He has the fire out before firefighters arrive. He later receives a heroism award from the Army for his actions.
February 19, 2003 - Fire Station 43 located at Smoke Ranch Road & Torrey Pines Drive opens for service with two fire engines and a rescue ambulance along with a crew of 10 firefighters. A grand opening and dedication is held on March 12th.
February 21, 2003 - 44 recruits graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino.
February 22, 2003 - A fire causes over $100,000 damage to a business in the Sahara Pavilion shopping center. Fire investigators later arrest the owner’s husband and charge him with first-degree arson. He is later convicted for the fire.
February 26, 2003 - Fire Station 45 is placed into operation with two fire engines and one rescue ambulance along with ten firefighters. The station is located at 3821 N. Fort Apache Rd. A dedication and open house is held at the station on April 3rd.
March 13, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire displaces 22 people at the Park Forest Apartments on N. 21st Street. Fire damages 16 units causing $400,000 damage. Faulty wiring is believed to be the cause.
March 14, 2003 - Fire causes $ 100,000 damage to a business at W. Craig Rd and N. Jones Blvd. A candle left burning after the business closed is believed to be the cause.
March 30, 2003 - A pilot suffered minor injuries after his single engine aircraft crashed in the flood control wash in front of the Rancho Mesa Apartments, across the street from the North Las Vegas airport.
March 31, 2003 - Fire fatality and four other people were injured when a house caught fire at 1921 Luning Way. Four occupants of the house had to be rescued by firefighters, their efforts hampered by security bars. The fire started in the kitchen and caused $100,000 damage.
April 2, 2003 - Approximately 120 students of UNLV College of Hotel Management attend a special fire safety training course. The program has been on-going for nearly five years and receives a national award from the International Association of Fire Chiefs in August.
April 3, 2003 - Firefighters and Fire Inspectors go door to door passing out fire safety education on Luning Way after a fatal fire a week earlier.
April 4, 2003 - Firefighters responded to a deadly aircraft crash in the detention basin in extreme Northwest Las Vegas. The aircraft burst into flames after the crash.
April 19, 2003 - Firefighters play against Metro Police in a benefit hockey game at the Santa Fe Station Ice Arena. The firefighters defeat the police: Hoses 7 and Guns 1.
April 24, 2003 - Fire & Rescue play hosts go children of employees of LVFR during the annual “Take Our Children to Work Day.”
April 24, 2003 - Two elderly residents and a firefighter were injured in a condo fire at 9456 Gold Mountain Drive.
April 24, 2003 - A CAT bus is evacuated at the Downtown Transportation Center after a bottle of an unknown substance is found on the bus. LVFR HazMat Techs believe the liquid is a strong cleaning agent.
April 28, 2003 - A house with a wood shake shingle roof at 609 S. Kenny Way sustains over $150,000 damage.
May 1, 2003 - The Fire Channel goes online. The closed cable channel is available to every fire station in Southern Nevada with fire training programs and update information. The channel originates from the Las Vegas Fire Training Center.
May 6, 2003 - Nearly 50 citizens graduate from the Citizens Fire Academy.
May 8, 2003 - An abandoned 55-gal- lon drum at the Rampart Casino closes two major roadways for over five hours.
The drum is later taken away and found to contain gasoline.
May 13, 2003 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue begins using fire safety games and programs on a CD disc for educational purposes. Over 10,000 of the discs are given away during the year, funded by a grant from FEMA.
May 21, 2003 - Firefighters and Fire Inspectors once again go door to door with fire safety education material to a neighborhood on the city’s Eastside.
May 26, 2003 - Fire damages Tong’s Palace Restaurant on the Strip. The accidental fire caused $150,000 damage.
May 29, 2003 - 3-Alarm fire at the Moulin Rouge casino. The fire is determined to be the result of arson and causes millions of dollars in damage. Over 100 people are evacuated from nearby apartments.
May 30, 2003 - Members of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives National Response Team respond to Las Vegas to assist with the investigation of the Moulin Rouge fire and stay on scene for nearly a week.
June 2, 2003 - A small mattress fire at the Palace Station hotel is ruled accidental.
June 6, 2003 - An Eastside middle school is evacuated after is bottle of formaldehyde is accidentally dropped in a classroom science lab. As a precaution, four adults and one student to local hospitals to be checked out.
June 6, 2003 - Roofers using hot tar are believed responsible for a fire that causes extensive damage to a house at 7208 Blizzard Lane.
June 10, 2003 - A new battery installed only the night before in a smoke alarm is credited with waking a Northwest
Las Vegas family of a fire in their home at 6001 Carmel Way. Children playing with matches are believed to have started the blaze.
June 18, 2003 - Two suspects are arrested by Las Vegas Fire Investigators and charged with starting the fire at the Moulin Rouge.
June 21, 2003 - A man using a torch to repair water pipes in his home at 546 Canosa Avenue sets it on fire and causes $85,000 damage.
June 22, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire at the Bradford Place Townhouses on Sirus Avenue. The fire causes $78,000 damage and may have started in an outside pile of debris and spread to the building
July 1, 2003 - A young man suffered 70-80 percent second and third degrees burns after he used lighter fluid to start fireworks, which started his clothing on fire. He was admitted to the UMC Burn Unit.
July 1, 2003 - A child playing with a lighter started a fire, which displaced 12 people of the Village at Washington apartments at Washington & Lamb. The fire caused $85,000 damage.
July 1, 2003 - The city of Las Vegas is designated as a “Storm Ready” city by the National Weather Service. The designation was coordinated by the Emergency Management Coordinator of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue.
July 2, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire at a house at 815 Franklin Avenue. The fire caused $ 100,000 damage and was ruled accidental, believed to have started in electric wiring.
July 4, 2003 - Fireworks during the open fire works period caused a number of fires and at least one serious injury. A group home was completely destroyed by fireworks at 1401 Comstock Drive. In addition during the period:

Smoke bombs start a 2-Alarm fire on Mallard St, which damages 2 houses. Damage is estimated at $25,000.

SafeNSane firework spins into garage on Canley Ave, causes $750 damage to garage contents.

Improperly discarded fireworks into the trash cause $2,500 damage to the exterior of a home.

Man suffers 70% 2/3rd burns after lighting firework with lighter fluid, admitted to Burn Unit

3-year-old child suffers minor burn due to fireworks falling into yard.

39-year-old male face is burned by fireworks.

5 year old male suffers mild burn due to fireworks

1 year old has minor burn due to sparklers

July 3 767 calls / July 4 872 calls / July 5 777 calls.
July 9, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire in a house at 1116 Romona Circle. The fire caused $100,000 damage.
July 9, 2003 - Children playing with some left over fireworks from the Fourth of July started their house on fire on Cannon Blvd.
July 16, 2003 - Several crews are received the “Unit Citation Award” before the City Council for saving four people trapped inside a burning home on Luning Way in March.
July 21, 2003 - Fire fatality of a small girl in an apartment at 1913 Alwill Street. Seven other people were taken to area hospitals suffering from smoke inhalation and burns. The fire was believed to have been started by children playing with a lighter.
July 22, 2003 - Fire fatality after a fire started in a condo at the Mannetta Lane Condos. An elderly lady was found just inside the front door by firefighters. Careless smoking is believed to be the cause.
July 23, 2003 - Fire and mostly smoke caused heavy damage at a TV repair shop on West Sahara Ave.
July 28, 2003 - Mayor Oscar B. Goodman is notified in a letter from the Insurance Services. Office (ISO) that the city has received a Class One rating after a review of the city. The city first received a Class One rating on May 1, 1990.
August 1, 2003 - 24 recruits graduate from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino.
August 6, 2003 - Fire Chief David L. Washington receives the 2003 Lovejoy Award from the Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of the World in a ceremony at Bally’s.
August 9, 2003 - 2-AIarm fire in two houses at 907 and 901 N. Bedford Rd
causes $35,000. Children playing with fire outside the two houses are believed to have started a pile of rubbish on fire, which extended to the two homes.
August 9-14, 2003 - A number of members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue attend a special disaster preparedness class and tabletop exercise at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
August 12, 2003 - A man using gasoline inside a house at 6116 Kimberly Circle to strip a floor has a flash fire, which completely destroys the house. The man suffered slight burns.
August 13, 2003 - 3-Alarm fire at the Heritage Square Shopping Center at MLK Blvd and W. Washington Avenue. The fire is believed to have started in a Bar-Be-Cue shop and caused $250,000 damage.
August 16, 2003 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue members once again donate the most blood in the 2nd Annual Firefighter Blood Drive Challenge held at Cashman Field for United Blood Services.
August 19, 2003 - Southern Nevada firefighters kick off the 50th annual MDA Boot Drive in a ceremony at Fire Station One. Las Vegas firefighters collect $131,403.65 during the period.
August 19, 2003 - Over 30 people were rescued from stranded cars when a flashflood deluged the Northwest part of the city. The city’s Emergency Operations Center at Fire Headquarters was activated and remained open all night.
August 26, 2003 - LVFR teams up with UMC’s Trauma Center , the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety and the Clark County Coroner’s Office at reducing mortality rates from motor vehicle accidents in a unique training program.
August 28, 2003 - A fire in a garage of a house at 2805 Edge Rock Circle sends two men to a local hospital suffering from minor burns. The fire caused $60,000 damage.
August 28, 2003 - A child playing with matches causes a fire in a house at 1921 Plumas Court and causes $45,000 damage.
August 30, 2003 - Fire causes $90,000 damage in a house at 4433 Sherrill Avenue.
September 2, 2003 - A woman using candles for lighting cause her electricity was shut off, has a fire in her unit at the Bill Rayson Manor apartments on N. Sandhill Rd. It causes $30,000 damage and displaces seven people.
September 6, 2003 - Fire investigators Tim Ignatiuk and Sharisse Olsen are selected as Firefighters of the Year by the Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks.
September 12, 2003 - 3-Alarm fire in several businesses in the Village Center
Shopping Center at W. Charleston Blvd and N. Valley View Blvd. The fire caused more than a million dollars in damage. The fire is believed to have started a restaurant in the shopping center.
September 26, 2003 - Las Vegas Fire S. Rescue receives an “Award of Merit” in the Fire Service Excellence Awards of the International Association of Fire Chiefs for its LVFR/UNLV Fire Safety & Disaster Preparedness Program.
September 26, 2003 - 3-Alarm fire at an assisted living center under construction at the intersection of E. Washington Avenue and N. Lamb Blvd. The building, which was fully involved upon arrival, was completely destroyed. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
September 27, 2003 - Firefighters and Metro Police played in a benefit soccer game at UNLV. Firefighters defeated Metro, 4-0.
October 5-11, 2003 - LVFR observes National Fire Prevention week in a number of activities during the week including several thousand fire safety booklets being distributed by firefighters door to door throughout the city on October 8th.
October 5, 2003 - Fire fatality - A 28 year old man died several days later after a fire behind a relative’s condo on W. Charleston Blvd. The man used gasoline to kill some weeds behind the condo, the fumes igniting and setting the man’s clothing on fire.
October 8, 2003 - Ground is broken in a ceremony at Fire Station 5 at 1020 Hinson St. The old fire station was razed several weeks prior and will be replaced with a modern three bay fire station which is expected to open during Summer, 2004.
October 15, 2003 - Fatal fire - A 54 year old man died of smoke inhalation after a small fire in his apartment at the Park Avenue apartments. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
nJ Ln
Line of Duty Death
October 21, 2005
Ronald Edward Crews
October 9, 1956 - October 21, 2005
Fire Engineer
October 6, 1986 - October 21, 2005
Ronald Edward Crews, 47 was a 17- year veteran of the department. He was a Fire Engineer at Fire Station One, one of the busiest fire stations in the United States. During his service with the fire department,
he received a number of awards for service, including one that involved a rescue.
Before becoming a firefighter, Crews was a pro-football player for the Cleveland Browns after being drafted in 1980. Prior to being drafted, he played football and attended UNLV and Notre Dame University. Also during 1980, he married his wife of 23 years, Dora. They have two sons, Daniel, 18 and Randall, 16. One of his favorite things to do was coaching his two son’s Little League team. One year he coached the team to a championship.
Services were held at the Central Christian Church, 1001 New Beginnings Drive (US 95 & Russell Road) on Monday at 1:30 PM. He received a full fallen firefighters memorial service which included a mechanized procession of fire apparatus that passed-by Fire Station One for the final response on Monday morning at 11:30 AM. The memorial service was held at the Central Christian Church on New Beginnings Drive at 1:30 PM.
Engineer Crews died of job related cancer.
October 27, 2003 - Funeral services were held for LVFR Engineer Ronald Edward Crews, a 1 7-year veteran of the department. Crews died of illness that was related to line of duty circ*mstances and received a full honor firefighter funeral.
October 27, 2003 - An automatic fire sprinkler put out a stove fire in a downtown apartment complex.
October 28, 2003 - Four fire engines, a command team and 1 8 firefighters from Las Vegas Fire & Rescue responded to assist with battling the numerous wildfires in Southern California. The firefighters stayed for nearly a week.
October 31, 2003 - Four firefighters were injured, one critically and a fire truck was destroyed when it rolled on its side while responding to a reported building fire.
November 3, 2003 - LVFR hosted the First Annual Public Information & Media Relations Seminar at the Golden Nugget Hotel. 25 PIOs from across the country attended the seminar.
November 3, 2003 - 3-Alarm fire at a business at 1509 Western Avenue. The Sky Top Vending Company suffered extensive damage, which is believed to have started outside the building and extended to the inside.
November 4, 2003 - A candlelight vigil is held for LVFR Captain Thelonious Adams who remains hospitalized after a motor vehicle accident.
November 10, 2003 - An automatic fire sprinkler saves another downtown apartment building for senior citizens
from extensive damage after a careless smoking fire.
November 11, 2003 - Firefighters responding to a reported garage fire at the Crystal Cove Condos on West Desert Inn Road discover the body of a man sitting behind the wheel of a car parked in the garage. The cause of the fire is under investigation. It has not been ruled a fire fatality.
November 21, 2003 - A Las Vegas fire inspector is attacked by several dogs as he checks a property on Western Avenue for fire violations.
November 24, 2003 - Las Vegas firefighters once again hold Third Annual Adopt A Bike program. Over 200 bikes are received and given to children for the holidays.
November 27, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire at the Desert Rose Apartments on N. 28th Street. 25 people were displaced by the fire, which is believed to be accidental.
November 27, 2003 - A fire in a chimney inside a house at 8625 Rosada Way extended to the attic and caused $250,000 damage.
December 2, 2003 - A garage fire caused $100,000 damage to a house on Comstock Road.
December 15, 2003 - A kitchen fire causes $25,000 damage to a unit at the Green Acres Apartments on N. Jones Blvd. What little the family of four had, it was destroyed. The family is adopted by fire stations 6 and 43 for the holidays.
December 21, 2003 - Firefighters pulled an invalid woman from a burning home on Dana Springs Ways. The fire was ruled accidental by fire investigator and the woman was admitted to the UMC Burn Unit.
December 27, 2003 - 2-Alarm fire in an auto repair shop storage room. Damage is minimal.
Total of 211 media releases in 2003.
2004 continued to be a busy year for Las Vegas Fire & Rescue, just as the previous year. The department responded to 19 multi-alarm fires and suffered five fire related fatalities, one less from the previous year. The department responded to approximately 75,183 (as of 4PM Thursday) incidents, this is approximately 3100 more responses than in 2003. Most of the incidents, 68,000 were emergency medical in nature, in 2003 there were 64,876 responses.
The department opened one new fire station and broke ground for another new station.
Some of the more newsworthy items during the year included:
January 21, 2004 - Fire investigators believe a fire that damaged a home on Pardee Place was intentionally set. One person was hospitalized because of the fire. The fire caused $150,000 damage. A 37- year-old woman was charged with arson.
January 24, 2004 - Careless smoking causes a $50,000 fire at the Saratoga Palms apartments.
January 26, 2004 - Fire investigators determined a fire in an apartment at 6232 llanos Lane was arson.
February 4, 2004 - A new fire code is adopted by the Las Vegas City Council, NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code is felt to be the best fire code for the city and adopted by the City Council.
February 5, 2004 - A family of three and six pets died in their northwest home of carbon monoxide poisoning. A gasoline powered generator was being used to supply power to the home after their power was disconnected.
February 6, 2004 - A small fire is quickly extinguished at the Las Vegas Academy high school, curtains on the stage burned.
February 19, 2004 - Fire Chief David L. Washington receives the 2004 Outstand Member of the Year Award from the Asian Chamber of Commerce.
February 21, 2004 - 2-Alarm - A gasoline tanker carrying 7000 gallons of gasoline crashed and burned on Interstate 1 5 just south of Sahara Avenue. There were no injuries.
March 2, 2004 - A business sustained minor damage after a fire was extinguished by an automatic fire sprinkler.
March 2, 2004 - A motor vehicle accident victims fire a gun as paramedics are administering emergency care. No one was injured during the incident.
March 8, 2004 - An automatic fire sprinkler douses a fire in the King’s Ranch Market on North Decatur. Damage is minimal.
March 11, 2004 - Fatal fire - A 12- year-old girl died a travel trailer that was parked behind a house on East Ogden
Avenue caught fire. The girl was home alone at the time of the fire at 3:19AM.
March 20, 2004 - Fatal fire - Two elderly people died in a group home fire on Holly Hill Avenue. The cause of the fire is undetermined.
March 22, 2004 - An automatic fire sprinkler douses a fire at the Wellington Meadows Luxury Apartment on West Sahara Avenue. The sprinkler is credited with saving the life of a small boy.
March 27, 2004 - A mother is alerted to a fire by a smoke detector and is able to escape with her two infant children without injury. The fire on Everclear Court causes $75,000 damage.
April 9, 2004 - 3-Alarm fire - A large fire damages several units of the Casa Palms Apartments on N. Las Vegas Boulevard. Plumbers working on pipes are believed to have started the fire. More than 100 people are displaced, damage is estimated at $850,000.
April 16, 2004 - A halon automatic fire suppression system doused a fire in a paint booth in a business on Western Avenue. Damage was minimal to the shop which was closed and unoccupied at the time.
April 17, 2004 - A firefighter is transported to the hospital with minor injuries sustained during a fire in a home on Buglehorn St. Damage is estimated at $150,000.
April 20, 2004 - Several apartments are evacuated and six family members are transported to the hospital after mercury is found in an apartment at the Eagle Crest Apartments on Sky Point Drive.
April 21, 2004 - A special fire safety education program is held at UNLV by the Southern Nevada Fire Prevention Association.
April 26, 2004 - The seventh annual Fire-Rescue Med conference hosted by the International Association of Fire Chiefs is held at the Orleans Hotel. More than 600 people attend the weeklong event.
April 29, 2004 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue distributes Fire Safety games on
CDs in Spanish as well as English to the community. During the previous year, more than 10,000 fire safety game CDs were distributed to the community.
April 29, 2004 - 4 Alarm fire - Two homes and a garage were destroyed in a fast moving fire that was fanned by high winds on Dover Place. There were no injuries in connection with the incident. Illegal tapping of electric power lines is believed to have caused the fire.
May 3, 2004 - Bomb Squad technicians remove a pipe bomb found in a stolen vehicle found parked at the Sundance Village apartments on West Charleston Avenue.
May 4, 2004 - 42 local residents graduate from the 5th annual Citizens Fire Academy in a ceremony held at the East Las Vegas Community Center.
May 8-2 Alarm fire A natural gas explosion at the Lied Transitional Apartments on West Owens Avenue sent five men to UMC with minor burns. The fire is believed to be accidental. The fire was quickly doused by an automatic fire sprinkler system in the building.
May 13, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - A fire in a small apartment building at the Heavenly Bliss Wedding Chapel on South Fourth Street causes $75,000 damage. A candle is believed to have started the fire.
May 17, 2004 - 1 7 members of the local media complete a special three-hour Wildland Fire Safety course taught at LVFR.
May 19, 2004 - The Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) celebrates ten years of service in a special ceremony held at Fire Training Center. LVFR was the first emergency response organization to work with TIP in the Las Vegas Valley.
May 19, 2004 - LVFR begins using a new automatic CPR device on cardiac arrest victims. A demonstration is held for the media. The units are placed on all LVFR rescue units.
May 27, 2004 - LVFR receives a new Mobile Command Unit (MCU) from Pierce
Manufacturing. It is considered to be one of the largest units in the country.
May 27-2 Alarm fire A desktop computer burns at the Plaza Hotel & Casino causing a minor evacuation of the casino. Damage is minimal, no injuries.
May 29, 2004 - A burning candle starts a fire in a house on Foxdale Way, resulting in $45,000 damage.
May 29, 2004 - Firefighters and Metro officers rescue occupants from a burning apartment on Marlin Avenue. An infant was rushed to UMC and revived. The fire started on a stove, caused $15,000 damage.
June 2, 2004 - Firefighter / Paramedic Randy Farr receives the city’s Medal of Honor from the Las Vegas City Council. Farr removed a handgun from an auto accident victim after the man fired the gun inside the car he crashed as paramedics were trying to treat the man.
June 3, 2004 - LVFR kicks off a public awareness campaign targeted at children being left unattended in vehicles. Door stickers, posters and messages on 50 CAT buses are used to deliver the message.
June 7, 2004 - Fatal fire - Fire investigators determine a fire was intentionally set in a house fire at Shore Haven Drive. A woman is found dead inside the burning home.
June 16, 2004 - A smoke detector is credited with waking two elderly adults after their Wengert Avenue apartment caught fire.
June 18, 2004 - A communication enhancement is completed in which all radios used by firefighters in the Valley can communicate with private ambulance services and area hospitals direct.
June 22, 2004 - A man is hospitalized after his house caught fire on East Oakey Boulevard near Maryland Parkway.
June 24, 2004 - A man suffered burns after his pickup truck caught fire while he was refueling at the Green Valley Grocery on Vegas Drive.
June 24, 2004 - Another man is burned and taken to the UMC Burn Unit after his
pickup truck caught fire while driving on Sky Point Drive.
July 1, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - A fire gutted one apartment and damaged another at the 1308 North 22nd St. 21 people were displaced because of the fire.
July 4, 2004 - A fire started by illegal fireworks heavily damaged two homes and four yards on North 15th Street causing $160,000 damage. The fire displaced two families.
July 5, 2004 - Fireworks improperly discarded into a trash container in the garage of a home on Silver Penny Avenue caused $5000 damage.
July 5, 2004 - Careless smoking starts a mattress fire in an apartment ate the Beverly Palms Hotel. More than 100 people are evacuated during the incident, which caused minor damage.
July 7, 2004 - A fast moving fire between two homes on San Simeon Street causes $275,000 damage.
July 13, 2004 - A portion of the Las Vegas Strip was closed down after a suspicious device was found lying under a publications box near the Frontier Hotel. Bomb squad technicians determined the device was harmless.
July 15, 2004 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad members remove six pipe bombs found in a mobile home near Nellis Air Force base.
July 17, 2004 - Lightning started several trees and buildings on fire during a fast moving thunderstorm over the Summerlin area of the city. The most serious was a home hit by lightning, which caused $10,000 damage.
July 19, 2004 - A smoke alarm alerts a sleeping family of five that the attic of the home is on fire. All are able to escape without injury. The fire, which stated in an AC unit, caused $35,000 damage.
July 29, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Six mobile homes are damaged by fire in the vacant Sky Vue mobile home park on West Owens Avenue. The mobile home park was recently vacated by the city because of code and health violations.
August 1, 2004 - A fire heavily damages a commercial building being renovated into a church at 1859 North Decatur Blvd.
August 12, 2004 - A fire and explosion destroyed a large home near Red Rock Canyon in the San Marcos subdivision. The four family members were able to escape without injury. Damage is estimated at $600,000.
August 14, 2004 - An automatic fire sprinkler douses a couch fire in an apartment at the Fremont Villa Apartments. Careless smoking is believed to be the cause of the fire.
August 18, 2004 - Firefighters once again return to the Sky Vue Mobile Home Park on West Owens Avenue because of three mobile homes on fire.
August 20, 2004 - Firefighters return to the Sky Vue Mobile Home Park for four mobile homes on fire.
August 21, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Fire on the roof of a building under renovation on Bridger Avenue causes about $5000 damage.
August 26, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Firefighters return to the Sky Vue Mobile Home Park because six mobile homes are on fire. Over 150 people from the nearby Salvation Army facility are evacuated until the fire is extinguished.
August 31, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Firefighters respond to the 3050 Building on Sirius Avenue after the warehouse catches fire. Damage is estimated at $25,000. The cause appears to be electrical.
September 2, 2004 ~ 2 Alarm fire - at the Indigo Creek Apartments on North Buffalo Drive causes $ 140,000 in damage. Investigators believe the cause of the fire was electrical in nature.
September 3, 2004 - Members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad respond to Goodsprings, Nevada to dispose of 60 sticks of dynamite and nearly 350 blasting caps found in a shed behind a house.
September 8, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire at the Cliff Shadow Condo, under construction near Cheyenne and 215. The fire causes approximately $150,000 in damage.
September 11, 2004 - A special dedication and memorial program is held at the opening of Fire Station 5 on Hinson Road. A special monument from the World Trade Center is dedicated during the event.
September 13, 2004 - A house at 3209 sustained $110,000 damage after it caught fire.
September 15, 2004 - 2-Alarm fire - An automatic sprinkler at the James H. Down Towers on Alta Drive is credited with saving a woman’s life after her bedroom caught fire in her fourth floor apartment. Firefighters found her just inside the door of the apartment with water pouring down over her from the sprinkler head. Careless smoking started the fire. A pet cat died in the blaze.
September 16, 2004 - Fire Chief David L. Washington received the “Volunteer of the Year Award” from the “I Have A Dream” foundation.
September 20, 2004 - A disaster is prevented after an automatic fire sprinkler douses a fire in a guest room at the Western Hotel & Casino on Fremont Street. Careless smoking started a mattress on fire.
October 3-9, 2004 - Members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue give numerous tours and visit various schools and facilities for Fire Prevention Week. Firefighters also went door-to-door for three days passing out over 7,500 fire safety booklets, both in English & Spanish to local residents.
October 6, 2004 - Fatal fire - A 63- year-old man died in an Eastside apartment at the Newport Apartments on Fremont Street after his second story apartment caught fire. There was also one injury in connection with the incident.
October 7, 2004 - The Public Information Office and Bomb Squad host a media day at the Fire Training Center. Members of the media were given a tour and several demonstrations of the capabilities of the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad.
October 7-2 Alarm fire at the Oakey Center shopping complex located at the intersection of Western Avenue and Oakey Blvd. A fire in a car stereo shop causes $75,000 damage.
October 17, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Fire damaged a second story unit at the Hilltop Apartments on Wilson Street. There were no injuries.
October 22, 2004 - Firefighters used water from a water tanker to quench a truckload of bees after the truck broken down on 1-15 and the 215. The water was needed to keep the bees from dying of heat exposure.
October 25, 2004 - Ground is broken for a new replacement Fire Station 8 which will be located at 805 N. Mojave Road, just one block north of the current fire station. The old fire station was a temporary fire station that has been in service for over 30 years.
November 1-4, 2004 - Las Vegas Fire & Rescue host the second annual Public Information & Media Relations Conference at the Golden Nugget hotel. Nearly 30 Fire-PIOs from across the country attend the event.
November 3, 2004 - One person was hospitalized from minor smoke inhalation after her house caught fire on Reed Place. The fire caused $15,000 damage.
November 10, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire - Three houses under construction are destroyed in a fire in the Canyon Mist Estates subdivision on the city’s Northwest side. Media helicopters are used to help the Incident Command coordinate extinguishment efforts.
November 15, 2004 - A house fire sends a Grandfather to the hospital for smoke inhalation after his Dolores Drive home caught fire resulting in $70,000 in damage.
November 25, 2004 - Las Vegas Fire Inspector Sherri Wilcox and her husband move a trailer full of belongings and other donated items to Indiana for a Las Vegas family who’s two small boys were severely burned in a Christmas fire last year. The family moved to Indiana to be close to the Shriner’s Burn facility because of the numerous treatments their two boys are receiving.
December 1, 2004 - A house in the Lakes area of the city on Cactus View Avenue sustained $100,000 in damage. The fire was ruled accidental.
December 3, 2004 - 2 Alarm fire at the former Phillips Supper Club on West Sahara Avenue. The building was vacant and being renovated. The building was completely destroyed. Damage at $500,000.
December 6, 2004 - A fire in an apartment at 401 North 28th Street displaces 12 people. Careless smoking causes $25,000 in damage.
December 8, 2004 - A cooking fire causes $100,000 damage to a house on Bonnie Bray Avenue.
December 9, 2004 - A candle that accidentally fell over stated a fire in a house on Toadstool Lane, which resulted in $40,000 in damage to the house.
December 10, 2004 - A candle starts a fire in an apartment on North 15th Street where a bystander rescues a woman and an infant from the burning apartment.
December 16, 2004 - Metro officers rescue to kids from a burning condo on Edgeford Place.
December 17 - A candle starts another fire in an apartment on Elm Street after the power is shut off to the apartment. The fire is ruled accidental.
December 22 - Candles start another fire in an apartment on South Casino Center Blvd. The fire causes $40,000 damage.
December 22, 2004 - 3 Alarm fire in a retail building under construction at 2187 North Decatur Blvd. Damage is estimated at $100,000.
December 25, 2004 - An automatic fire sprinkler stops a fire that started on the outside of a metal warehouse on South Commerce Street, saving all the contents inside the building after the fire extended to the inside.
December 25, 2004 - A fire in a house on Balzar Avenue displaces 12 people and causes $40,000 damage. Food left cooking unattended is believe to be the cause.
December 28, 2004 - A faulty fireplace causes a live Christmas tree to catch fire in a large home on the city’s Northwest side resulting in $200,000 in damage.
186 media releases were issued by the department in 2004.
2005 continued to be a busy year for .as Vegas Fire St Rescue, just as the previ- )us year. One of the more notable items s that only two people died in fires within .he city of Las Vegas proper, the lowest aumber of fire fatalities in many, many ears. One man died in March in a motel oom, a fire started by careless smoking snd the other fatality was a homeless man vho was found in a burning, vacant of- ice complex on the city’s northwest side n December. Even with an increase in the population of the city, the number is one of the lowest.
A new fire station was opened on the eastside of the city, replacing a temporary station that was in service for over thirty years.
One of the largest fires in recent years occurred on July 5th when the Roy W. Martin Middle School gym burned on July 5th. Fire investigators made an arrest for arson in December for the fire.
Other notable items included:
January 9, 2005 - The Las Vegas Fire Explorers held an orientation and recruitment program at the Fire Training Center.
January 9, 2005 - A fireplace caught a home on fire at 51 7 Mallard Street and caused $40,000 damage. Two people were temporarily displaced.
January 12, 2005 - An electrical fire extended to the attic of a house at 6582 Penrose Lane and caused $50,000 damage.
January 13, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in the bedroom at the Desert Breeze Apartments on West Bonanza caused $25,000 damage. No one was home when the fire started in the apartment.
January 27, 2005 - A new media training class is organized and made available to the local media. The class is available the last Thursday each month for four hours.
February 1, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in a house at 1531 Oakey Blvd causes $100,000 damage. The son of the owner of the home is arrested a day later and charged with arson.
February 1, 2005 - A fire in the bedroom of an apartment at 6205 Camino de Rose Drive causes $35,000 damage.
February 6, 2005 - A homeless man was severely burned and found on Martin Luther King Drive at the U.S. 95 overpass. Fire investigators believe the fire was accidental in nature.
February 11, 2005 - A house fire at 221 7 Brady Avenue causes $75,000 damage; investigators believe the fire started in the garage.
February 14, 2005 - A special media relations training class was held at the
fire-training center, taught by a retired news correspondent.
February 16, 2005 - A vacant house fire at 204 N. Wallace Dr caused $100,000 damage.
February 18, 2005 - The Asian Chamber of Commerce presented Assistant Chief Cherina M. Kleven with the 2005 ACC Government Employee of the Year Award.
February 26, 2005 - A bedroom fire at 3108 Bucknell Drive caused one person to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.
February 28, 2005 - 14 recruit firefighters graduated from the Las Vegas Fire Academy in a ceremony at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino.
March 1, 2005 - 5 kids escaped a burning school bus without injury on the Summerlin Parkway.
March 2, 2005 - A fire in the chimney of a house at 9781 Floweret Ave caused $100,000 damage.
March 5, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire at the vacant Phillips Supper Club on West Sahara Ave. It is the second time the building was on fire in less than six months.
March 8, 2005 - Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Fash was certified by the National Fire Protection Association as a Certified Fire Protection Specialist.
March 11, 2005 - LVFR hosted an Automatic External Defibrillator informational luncheon and exhibit at the Suncoast Hotel & Casino.
March 11, 2005 - A fire in the garage of a house at 2004 Santiago Street causes $150,000 damage.
March 28, 2005 - Fatal Fire - Careless smoking is believed to be the cause of a fire in the Sunstate Apartments on South First Street. The man, in his middle 50’s,
lived alone in the apartment. Damage was estimated at $1000.
April 5, 2005 - A woman sustained minor injuries when she jumped from a second story window during a fire at the Rancho Mesa Apartments at 2881 North Rancho Drive. The fire caused $30,000 damage.
April 13, 2005 - A fire in a house on Flower Springs Street caused $125,000 damage.
April 14, 2005 - 2-Alarm - 1 5 people were displaced after a fire damaged three houses and two vehicles at 1001 West Carey Avenue. Damage was estimated at $100,000.
April 16, 2005 - The annual Southern Nevada Fire Prevention Association “Sesame Street Fire Safety Workshop was held at the Thomas & Mack Center.
April 20-22, 2005 - The Annual International Association of Fire Chiefs - EMS Section Conference was held at the Orleans Hotel Conference Center.
April 24, 2005 - A fire in the fifth floor maintenance area of Valley Hospital caused $190,000 damage. No one was hurt during the incident, which started in a refrigeration unit.
April 30, 2005 - The 4th Annual Firefighters Blood Drive was held at Cashman Center.
May 3, 2005 - Engine 243 is moved to Fire Station 41 and is designated Engine 46. Water Tender 41 is moved from Fire Station 41 and into Fire Station 43.
May 5, 2005 - 19 local residents complete the sixth annual Citizens Fire Academy in a ceremony at the Charleston Heights Art Center.
May 9, 2005 - No one was home when fire caused $75,000 damage to a house on Whistling Vines Avenue.
The fire started in the closet of a bedroom.
May 9, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in the old Horse N Around Tac shop on North Decatur near West Lake Mead Blvd. The building previously burned in 2004. The fire remains under investigation.
May 17, 2005 - Food left cooking unattended starts a fire at the Sunflower Apartments on East Fremont Street causing $70,000 damage.
May 18, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in a house at 2424 Indian Sage Way. No one home, but 11 pets died. House destroyed, causing $200,000 damage. Caused undetermined but appeared accidental.
May 22, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in a vacant apartment building at Stewart & Sixth Street. No loss. The building belongs to the city of Las Vegas.
May 26 - 2-Alarm fire at the Nevada Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America building on Sunset Drive. The building is destroyed, damage at $150,000. Careless smoking appears to be cause.
May 29, 2005 - Fire guts a home at 1608 Ludwig Drive. Cooking fire is cause.
May 31, 2005 - Fire destroys a home at 1105 Orange Ave. Cause of fire is undetermined. Nine people are left homeless.
June 9, 2005 - LVFR along with Safe Kids and Clark County Health District held a swimming/summer heat awareness campaign for the media in the EOC.
June 16, 2005 - Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Fash receives the Robert W. Gain award from the National Fire Protection Association.
June 16, 2005 - LVFR Bomb Squad renders a pipe bomb safe that was found outside the manager’s office of an apartment complex at 122 South 1 5th St.
June 17, 2005 - 2-Alarm electrical fire at the Gold Spike Hotel in the electrical vault. A worn out Nevada Power transformer caught fire and was confined to the the vault.
June 19, 2005 - 3-Alarm fire damaged an building at the Rancho Verde Apartments on South Martin L. King Blvd causing $750,000 damage and displacing 45 people.
June 21, 2005 - LVFR participated in the National Firefighter Stand Down day which promoted safety awareness among firefighters at emergency and non-emer- gency incidents in such areas as wearing seat belts while riding in fire department vehicles.
June 23, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in the closet of a guest room at the Aztec Hotel. Damage is very minor.
July 2, 2005 - 2-Alarm house fire at 1300 Melissa St. Damage is estimated at
$150,000. Cause is undetermined, possible fireworks.
July 4, 2005 - Although the use of fireworks seemed to be extensive in the city on the Fourth of July, no major fires or incidents were reported.
July 5, 2005 - 3-Alarm fire destroys the gym at the Roy W. Martin Middle School. The next day, the ATF National Response Team responds and assists with the investigation of the fire, which caused an estimated $7.5 million in damage.
July 14, 2005 - After a lengthy investigation, investigators from LVFR, ATF and Clark County School District determine the fire at the Roy W. Martin Middle School was intentionally set.
July 21, 2005 - An automatic fire sprinkler prevented a fire in a storage room at the Talavera Apartments on South Fort Apache Road from spreading. Damage was kept to a minimal.
August 2, 2005 - Three people are lucky to be alive after their house caught fire and they were asleep without a working smoke alarm in the house. One of them woke to find the house full of smoke, the three just barely escaped. The fire at 3420 Drover Avenue caused $60,000 damage.
August 4, 2005 - 3-Alarm fire at the Aztec Hotel on S. Las Vegas Blvd. The fire caused $200,000 damage in a portion of the hotel that was vacant for renovation.
August 15, 2005 - A candle started a fire in the Country Club at Valley View Senior complex that was left unattended. The fire caused $70,000 damage.
September 1, 2005 - Three LVFR chief officers were appointed to various boards and committees. Fire Chief David Washington was elected president of the Southern Nevada Fire Chief’s Association, Deputy Chief Ken Riddle to the Board of Directors Emergency Medical Services section of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Assistant Chief Cherina Kleven to the Human Relations Committee of the International Association of Fire Chiefs.
September 3, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire at the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino on the roof of a utility building. The fire started in some chemicals and caused an estimated $3000 in damage.
September 10, 2005 - A woman received second-degree burns after her bed caught fire after she fell asleep while smoking in bed in her home at 1416 Mezpah Drive. Damage was estimated at $50,000.
September 19, 2005 - Firefighters from across the country attended the third annual LVFR Public Information and Media Relations seminar held at the
Golden Nugget hotel and casino.
October 6, 2005 - Several units and personnel participate in an “all- night” terrorism/disaster simulation at the Meadows Mall dubbed “Operation Loaded Dice.” The event involved nearly 500 people and multiple local, state and federal response agencies.
October 7,2005 - Another UNLV - LVFR Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response program was held at UNLV and the LVFR fire training center.
October 8, 2005 - Was the beginning of National Fire Prevention Week in the city. Firefighters went door to door throughout the city and passed out fire safety booklets, all fire stations held an Open House on October 13 and a special display was set up for three days at the Meadows Mall. This was the largest fire prevention week campaign sponsored by the department in several years.
October 10, 2005 - A grand opening was held at the new Fire Station Eight located on the corner of N. Mojave Rd and Harris Avenue.
October 15 - 2-Alarm house fire at 6308 Cromwell Avenue. A medical oxygen line caught fire inside the home due to careless smoking, destroying the home and causing $250,000 damage.
October 17, 2005 - Children playing with matches starts a fire in a home at 3761 Broadriver Drive causing $100,000 damage.
October 19, 2005 - Nine members of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue received various awards during the department’s annual awards ceremony at the East Las Vegas Community Center.
October 20, 2005 - 20 people are displaced after a fire in two apartments at the Emerald Breeze Apartments on “H” Street. The fire was accidental and caused $40,000 damage.
November 1, 2005 - A new website is launched with information for the media and public concerning the location of emergency incidents, in real-time on the Internet.
November 5, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire in the Clark Terrace Homes at 3401 El Conlin Avenue which caused $100,000 damage. One firefighter suffered a leg injury during the incident and was taken to the hospital.
November 7, 2005 - A homeless man suffered serious burns in a brush fire at 1 700 West Charleston Blvd. The man was sleeping in the brush when it caught fire. He was taken the hospital the next day after another homeless person found him hurt in a vacant field.
November 9, 2005 - Two businesses were damaged in a fire at 3401 Sirius Avenue. The fire caused $100,000 damage.
November 9, 2005 - 2-Alarm fire destroyed three businesses in the Mercado Plaza at Vegas Drive and North Jones Blvd. A pub, pizza shop and a restaurant were destroyed in the fire, which caused an estimated $500,000 in damage.
November 9, 2005 - The Arturo Cambeior Elementary School was evacuated after several children reported getting sick. Heating units caused the interior of the school to get very warm causing the children to feel sick. The problem was corrected and children were allowed to return to classrooms after an hour.
November 11, 2005 - LVFR Engineer Erik Jones is awarded the First Alert Professional Life Safety Award at the Venetian Hotel.
November 14, 2005 - Another fire in the warehouse complex at 3401 Sirius Avenue did not cause much damage.
November 15, 2005 - Homeless people are believed to be responsible for a fire in the vacant Alpine Office Park at 4820 Alpine Place causing $50,000 damage.
November 15, 2005 - Firefighters respond to the X-Scream ride on top of the Stratosphere after a power failure trapping five people on the ride. Power is restored just as firefighters arrive on scene.
November 22, 2005 - LVFR kicks off its 5th Annual “Adopt a Bike” program providing bicycles to children for the holidays.
November 23, 2005 - A car almost drove off the 4th floor parking deck at the Golden Nugget hotel. A utility pole stops the car; the two occupants are able to escape before arrival of emergency responders.
December 1, 2005 - 2-Alarm/Fatal fire in the vacant Alpine Office complex at 4820 Alpine Place. A homeless person was found lifeless in the smoke filled building.
December 20, 2005 - A man suffered smoke inhalation and taken to the hospital after his downtown apartment at 512 South First Street caught fire. The fire did $30,000 damage.
December 22, 2005 - A fifteen-year- old boy is arrested and charged with one count of arson in the first degree in connection with the Roy W. Martin Middle School fire on July 5th. LVFR fire investigators and Clark County School District Police make the arrest after a Family Court judge issues a warrant.
Past Fire Chiefs
Las Vegas Fire & Rescue
Past Fire Chiefs
Harold Case Elmer Gates
November 1, 1942-1953 March 15, 1954 -July 31, 1958
C.D. Williams
July 1, 1961 - March 21, 1968
Jerry Miller Sam Cooper Clell West Mario H. Travino March 21, 1968 -July 1, 1977 July 1,1977- March 3, 1984 March 3, 1984 -January 1997 January 1997 -July 2001
■Bi ■.I
Vegas Fire & Rescue
Current Personnel As of January 1, 2006
Current Personnel
Jay Acebo
Battalion Chief
lan D. Adams FF/Paramedic
■ Current Personnel
C. Austin Abercrombie FF/Paramedic
Thelonious T. Adams Fire Captain
Jessie Aguinaga Firefighter
Christopher Banks Fire Cadet
John Banks
Fire Engineer
Chester L. Barnes Fire Captain
James A. Bassett
Fire Communications Tech
David A. Bates Fire Investigator I
Brian Barton Firefighter
Kristine Bates Communications Specialist
Lisa Beisel
Office Specialist II
Allan Albaitis Firefighter
Louis Amell
Communications Supervisor
Bryan A. Alexis FF/Paramedic
Tony Alfieri Summer Alger
FF/Paramedic Firefighter
Daniel D. Allred Battalion Chief
Michael S. Amburgey Fire Engineer
Nolan Bautista Firefighter
Anthony Bedard Firefighter
David Amstutz Firefighter
Randy Anderson Firefighter
Joe R. Androvandi
Fire Engineer
Arnold Aoshima Firefighter
Angelo J. Aragon Fire Captain
Alfred Belluomini FF/Paramedic
Patrick Benedickt
Fire Captain
Michael J. Benneman Fire Captain
Greg R. Berg Fire Captain
Robert K. Bell Asst Fire Protection
Edmund S. Belanger Fire Captain
Dennis R. Bergquist Fire Inspector
Richard Birt FF/Paramedic
Geoffrey Archer Fire Investigator I
Tomas Aragon Fire Captain
David S. Arenaz Fire Captain
Troy T. Askew Fire Engineer
Kurt Baca Firefighter
Jeffrey Azeman FF/Paramedic
Darell Aronson Firefighter
Michael Arquette FF/Paramedic
William Arvizu Fire Captain
Jeff Blackwell FF/Paramedic
James W. Bobbera Jim C. Bobbera
FF/Trainee Firefighter
Raymond J. Bogle Fire Captain
Louis Baker
Construction Project Administrator
Alyssa Ball FF/Paramedic
Joseph M. Baldi Fire Engineer
Dale Branks FF/Paramedic
Steven C. Breen Fire Engineer
Kenneth Braker Fire Equip Mechanic Foreman
Daniel N. Bolster Fire Engineer
John C. Brewer Fire Captain
Michael K. Brigman Fire Captain
Current Personnel
Laura Brown Fire Investigator I
James J. Cavalieri IV Fire Engineer
Eric Cave Firefighter
Kelly Brinkerhoff Firefighter
Richard W. Brooks FF/Trainee
Bennie D. Brown FF/Paramedic
Brian T. Brown Fire Captain
John Brumwell FF/Paramedic
Timothy Cates FF/Paramedic
Joseph Chadbourne Firefighter
John Bruner Firefighter
Nancy K. Burk Communications
Gregg Burns Fire Engineer
Drake Cherry Fire Inspector
Steve Choe Donald S. Cifelli
FF/Paramedic Fire Equip Mechanic III
Jonathan Buckley
Patrick W. Buell Fire Engineer
Timothy Burns FF/Paramedic
Kris A. Chipman FF/Trainee
Robert E Cifelli Fire Engineer
Bruce S. Claessens Fire Engineer
Anthony Burton Fire Investigator I
Sharon Burton Communications Specialist
Bradly M. Bush Fire Engineer
Troy Cabral FF/Paramedic
Lynn Cale Sr. Technical Systems
Jayson Calhoun FF/Paramedic
Henry L. Clinton Battalion Chief
Jason Clinton Firefighter
Robert Coe Firefighter
Phillip Cohan Michael Coleman Zachery A. Collins
FF/Paramedic Communications ppe Inspector
Karen V. Cantu Communications Specialist
Paul Card IV FF/Paramedic
Todd D. Conley Devin Contreras Craig Cooper
Fire Engineer FF/Paramedic Firefighter
Dan Cooper Sr. Technical Systems Analyst
Eugene Campbell Assistant Fire Chief
Jess L. Campbell Fire Captain
Marvin E. Campbell Fire Engineer
Kyle D. Cardinal Fire Engineer
Carl J.C. Combado FF/Paramedic
William M. Combs Fire Captain
W. Neal Carter Fire Investigator I
Shane Carney Firefighter
Roger D. Carsten Fire Captain
Craig D. Castleberry William Caswell Firefighter Firefighter
Kathi Cooper
Office Specialist II
Thomas Cox Firefighter
Merton A. Cunningham Communications
William J. Cooper Fire Engineer
Gregory S. Crawford Fire Inspector
Timothy J. Crowley Battalion Chief
Current Personnel
Karen Cutolo Fire Engineer
Dina Dalessio Ryan Dalton S. John Darnell
FF/Paramedic Firefighter Sr- Communications
Ralph M. Day FF/Paramedic
Doug Downs Fire Inspections Supervisor
Debra R. Duda Communications Specialist
Current Personnel
Mark Duncan Firefighter
Michael C. Davis Fire Engineer
Aaron M. Downing Fire Captain
Nelson D. Draper Fire Inspector
Eric M. Dupee FF/Paramedic
Dennis De Vera Communications Specialist
Tina M. Decola Communications Specialist
John Durkee
EMS Field Coordinator
Ricky Eaton Fire Engineer
Elisa Eisenhauer Office Specialist II
Raymond Ekx Firefighter
Mark Delahoussaye
Fire Engineer
Thomas H. De la Puente FF/Paramedic
Mark De Vries FF/Trainee
Jeffrey Decker Firefighter
Donald W. Earl FF/Paramedic
Matthew Eggleston Firefighter
David A. Deluca Fire Captain
John Delucchi
Fire Engineer
Donna Demotts- Fitzpatrick EMS Education
Daniel Dennon Firefighter
Brett G. Denny Fire Captain
Louis Dezarn Fire Engineer
Ryan Eldridge Firefighter
Marc M. Engstrom Fire Equip Mechanic III
Nathan Esau FF/Paramedic
Rafael Espinoza FF/Paramedic
Darrell Eustice Fire Engineer
Rick Diebold
Business Specialist II
Randy Farr FF/Paramedic
Robert D. Fash Deputy Fire Marshal
Robert Diamond FF/Paramedic
Richard J. Diaz Fire Engineer
Anthony DiBona FF/Paramedic
Kenneth L. Dickinson Firefighter
Joseph J. DiGaetano FF/Paramedic
Michael A. Evans Fire Captain
Tyler Ferguson Firefighter
Gerardo Fernandez Fire Cadet
Wilfredo Fernandez
Jeffery Donahue
Deputy Fire Marshal
Brenda Donoho
Crisis Intervention Administrator
Jason Doolen FF/Paramedic
Kelly Doran Firefighter
Perry Fields Fire Engineer
William Dillin FF/Paramedic
Daniel Dillingofski Firefighter
Michael P. Flannery FF/Trainee
Eric F. Fleischmann
Current Personnel
Gabriel Flores Firefighter
Xavier Flores FF/Paramedic
Luis Fonseca FF/Paramedic
Betty L. Fox Sr. Office Specialist
Scott Gordon Firefighter
Sherry D. Gordon FF/Paramedic
Desiree Goss Communications Specialist
Patrick M. Gosse Fire Captain
Current Personnel
Richard T. Gracia Deputy Fire Chief
Ryan Graham Firefighter
Mary Frabbiele Communications
Lee Franks Firefighter
Scott Freel Firefighter
Jeff Friend Firefighter
Eida M. Fujii Fire Training Officer
Brian Gray Fire Captain
Randy Gray Fire Training Officer
Jason Gross Firefighter
William Hall Fire Communications Tech
Gregory N. French Fire Captain
William J. Grass FF/Paramedic
Robert F. Greene Fire Captain
Gregory W. Gammon Deputy Fire Chief
Todd Hammack FF/Paramedic
Dwight Fuller Loren S. Fuller Dean Gallinatti
Fire Engineer Battalion Chief Firefighter
Marco Garate Firefighter
Carlos Gardea Firefighter
Darrell Garvin FF/Paramedic
Michael Gernes FF/Paramedic
Tracy Gherardini Sr. Office Specialist
Brad 1. Goetting Fire Captain
George M. Goldbaum Fire Captain
Joseph Hallowell Firefighter
Greg Halverson Fire Engineer
Jeff Halverson
Fire Engineer
Roderick Hammond
Fire Engineer
Bradley A. Hannig Fire Captain
Jerry Gonzales
Inventory Control Clerk
Maria E. Garza Communications Specialist
Linda Goodrie GIS Technician
Mario Gonzalez
Fire Captain
Richard Gonzalez-Reff FF/Paramedic
James V. Gordon Fire Captain
Matthew P. Gordon FF/Paramedic
Curtis Harper John D. Harris
Battalion Chief Fire Captain
Kenneth V. Hanshew Firefighter
Glen Hardman Firefighter
Stephen Hart Jeremy Hartman
FF/Paramedic Firefighter
Martin J. Hawkinson Sr. Communications
Kathleen A. Hawk Chief Communications Specialist
Christopher Henderson Fire Engineer
Nikki Henley Fire Inspector
David Heckard Firefighter
John R. Henderson Fire Captain
Current Personnel
Current Personnel
Cal Henrie
Fire Captain
Michael T. Henry
Fire Cadet
Edgar Hernandez
Steven L. Herrin Communications Training Specialist
Robert A. Hevel
Sr. Fire Investigator
Chris Hicks
Barbara Jackson
Fire Captain
Frances A.Jackson
Sr. Office Specialist
Michael Jackson
Jeremy M. Jacobs
Robert N. Jacobsmeyer Fire Engineer
Frank Janata
Fire Engineer
Ryan Higa
Maureen Higgins- Teague FF/Paramedic
Michael D. Hill
Fire Captain
Robert Hill
Fire Equip Service Tech
John P. Hilt
Fire Engineer
Robert Hilt
Fire Engineer
Hoyt Jarrard
Wayne A. Jenkins
Fire Engineer
William Jennings
John C. Jessop Jennifer Jipson
Fire Engineer FF/Paramedic
Christy Johnson
Bob Hirami Firefighter
Melia Hogan Firefighter
Kenneth Hoppe Fire Communications
Tech II
Kurt Johnson Fire Inspector
Scott E. Johnson EMS Field Coordinator
Robert Hoffman
Ben C. Hoge
Fire Investigations
Travis L. Holdaway
Fire Engineer
Cory Johnson
Fire Cadet
Douglas L. Johnson
Battalion Chief
James Johnson
Michael Johnson
Robert Horton
Russell W. Hubbs
Fire Captain
Linda S. Huff Communications Specialist
Simone Hughes
Sr. Communications
Shawn Hunt
John K. Hurley, Jr.
Fire Captain
William L. Johnson
Fire Captain
William T. Johnson
Timothy Jolly
Fire Engineer
DeErick Jones
Fire Engineer
Elliott Jones
Erik Jones
Fire Engineer
Albert Hurtado
Fire Captain
Christopher Hyink
Mark E. Hyken
Fire Captain
Timmy Ignatiuk
Sr. Fire Investigator
Gayland Imai
Fire Equipment Mechanic I
Brandon Israel
James E. Jones
Fire Engineer
Rochon D. Jones
Inventory Control Clerk
Terrence Jones
Mary L. Jordan
Fire Engineer
Donna L. Joubert
Commun ications
Paul D. Kalani
Fire Captain
■— Current Personnel
Anyika Kamal Fire Training Officer
Jane Kay Communications
John Kelley Fire Engineer
Robin Lynn Lawson Firefighter
Roy C. Lawson Budget Analyst
Andrew J. Leavitt Fire Engineer
Current Personnel
Darrel Leavitt
Fire Captain
Michael Leavitt Fire Engineer
Charles Lee
Fire Engineer
Gregg M. Kasson FF/Paramedic
Mark T. Keeton Firefighter
Richard Keeton Firefighter
! •' J
Mark A. Kennedy Sandra Kirkwood Ronnie Kischer Fire Engineer Fire Health & Training FF/Trainee
John Lester Fire Captain
Cindy Kennedy Firefighter
William A. Kissam FF/Paramedic
Joseph Kitchen Fire Captain
Howard Legan Firefighter
Marvin E. Leonard Fire Captain
David Lewis III Firefighter
Andrew L. Lewis Fire Engineer
Melvin Lewis Firefighter
David E Klein Fire Inspections Supervisor
Steven Klein Fire Engineer
Cherina Kleven
Assistant Fire Chief
Ronald Kline, Jr. FF/Paramedic
Timothy Kline FF/Paramedic
Fred Kloss Firefighter
Gary L. Lindsey Fire Engineer
Michael Linebarger FF/Paramedic
Latonia B. Lister
Fire Training Officer
Daniel Lopez Fire Engineer
Eric Littmann
Fire Captain
Letha Lofton Communications
Richard Kohl Fire Captain
Kenneth A. Kreutzer FF/Paramedic
Benjamin Kole Firefighter
Yolanda G. Kozak Communications Specialist
Thomas Kozlowski
Fire Captain
John Krumm Shane M. Krumm Laurence E. Kusler
FF/Paramedic Firefighter Fire Inspector
Ervin Kral
CIS Analyst II
David Lopez Firefighter
Reina R. Luna Communications Specialist
Lawrence S. Kramer Fire Captain
Dennis Larkin Robyn Lawrence
Firefighter Fire Engineer
Richard O. Loughry FF/Paramedic
Jacqueline L. Love FF/Paramedic
Kevin P. Lowell Fire Captain
Christopher Lund Firefighter
Shannon Lund Communications Specialist
Chad Lybbert Firefighter
Carlos Malitz Firefighter
Randall S. Marsh Fire Engineer
David C. Marsili Fire Inspector
Jon D. Martin Fire Engineer
Current Personnel
Grant May Asst Fire Protection
Christopher McAllister Firefighter
Anthony L. Molitor Fire Equip Mechanic III
Eric Moon
Robert E. Moore
Fire Captain
Current Personnel —
Jeffrey M. Morgan Deputy Fire Chief
John Martinolich FF/Paramedic
Glen W. Mathis Fire Engineer
Michael Matthis
Fire Captain
James F. McAllister Fire Captain
Justin Montaque Fire Cadet
Michael S. Mossel Fire Engineer
Raymond C. McAllister Fire Captain
Burt L. McGinty Fire Captain
Jose L. Mendoza Fire Captain
Timothy McAndrew Emergency Management Officer
Brandon McNary Firefighter
Dexter B. McCastle Reggie McCollins Sarah McCrea
Fire Captain Fire Training Officer FF/Paramedic
James K. McNeill Fire Engineer
Michelle A. McNeill FF/Paramedic
Andrew McShane Firefighter
Aimee Miller Brian L. Miller
Purchasing Tech Fire Captain
Sharon E. Menno Edward Merkt
Payroll Assistant 1 Firefighter
Kenneth R. Miller Todd Miller
Asst Fire Protection FF/Trainee
Azarang Mirkhah Fire Protection Engineer
Brad Modglin FF/Paramedic
Thomas A. Miramontes Fire Captain
Kevin McGinn FF/Paramedic
Diane J. Moves Battalion Chief
Frank Munoz Fire Captain
Peggy S. Munson Fire Investigator
Charles F. Murphy Fire Inspector
Jeffrey Murray FF/Paramedic
Keith L. Murray Fire Engineer
Ernest E. Mendoza FF/Trainee
Harold Miller
Fire Equip Mechanic I
David Molinar FF/Paramedic
Gary Myers Office Specialist II
Alecia Archibald Neel FF/Paramedic
Jeffrey A. Neitz FF/Paramedic
Michael L. Nelson Fire Captain
Noel Nelson Firefighter
John M. Myers
Assistant Fire Chief
Sharisse R. Olsen Fire Investigator
Kane L. Ong Fire Engineer
Richard J. Nudd FF/Paramedic
Gavin Lee O’Hara Fire Captain
Shawn O’Keefe Firefighter
Michael Olivas Fire Engineer
Current Personnel
Nettie Jo O’Rourke Office Specialist II
Richard Alan Ortiz Fire Investigator I
Timothy Orenic FF/Paramedic
Matthew Ortega Firefighter
Andrew J. Osborn FF/Paramedic
Jessie Ornelas Fire Equip Mechanic I
Donald Outley Fire Engineer
David A. Osborn FF/Paramedic
Douglas O’Sullivan Firefighter
Tawni Otteson Fire Inspector
Sharon Y. Ozuna
Sr. Office Specialist
Christopher Pace Fire Engineer
Donald Parker Battalion Chief
Elizabeth Pasechnick Sr. Office Specialist
Chad T. Paddock Fire Cadet
Stephen Palenske Kathy Palm
Fire Engineer Nurse
Jason Parker Firefighter
Terry J. Paul, Jr.
Fire Training Officer
Darcy Pearson Communications Specialist
Ian Pearson Firefighter
Anthony Pastorello FF/Paramedic
Robert Pearson FF/Paramedic
Nathan L. Pechacek
Fire Captain
Lawrence J. Pellegrini Medical Services
Frank Perez FF/Paramedic
Randy Perry Fire Engineer
Matthew Pecoraro Firefighter
Mickey Pedrol Fire Captain
Arthur Perillo FF/Paramedic

Paul V. Piker Fire Captain
Scott Phillips Firefighter
Kenneth J. Pope Fire Captain
Troy G. Plocus GIS Analyst I
Sheldon E. Plehn FF/Trainee
David C. Poechmann Fire Engineer
Current Personnel
Gary A. Pung FF/Paramedic
Scott D. Province Fire Engineer
Jessica A. Principato Communications Specialist
Charles S. Pulsipher Battalion Chief
Christopher Racine FF/Paramedic
Brad Petersen Firefighter
Norman E. Peterson Fire Inspector
Nick Petropoulos Firefighter
Maureen Pezzullo Office Supervisor
Erik E. Phillips FF/Trainee
Glen N. Phillips Fire Engineer
Kim Phillips Fire Engineer
Sheri Lee Piker Fire Engineer
Richard Pistone FF/Paramedic
Robert D. Pittman Fire Captain
Robert D. Pitts Battalion Chief
Steven Poe Firefighter
Dealene Porter Communications Specialist
Shanon A. Powell FF/Trainee
Robert Powers FF/Paramedic
Kendall Preas Firefighter
Todd Prescia Firefighter
Tony Prescia Firefighter
Chris Raban FF/Paramedic
Current Personnel.
Ted Ramey Firefighter
Carlo Ramzy Fire Engineer
George Rauh Fire Engineer
r Current Personnel
Christoffer Ramonette Firefighter
Christopher Ramos William E. Ramthun
Firefighter Fire Engineer
Magaly Ruiz Sr. Office Specialist
Frank Sams Firefighter
Jason Reitz Firefighter
Kevin Remedi FF/Paramedic
Toby Remer Firefighter
Ruben Sanchez Louis S. Sandoval Nicolas 1. Sandoval Moke Sasaoka Shon Saucedo Erik Saxon
Firefighter Firefighter Fire Engineer Firefighter Firefighter FF/Paramedic
Christopher Reed Steven Reincke
Firefighter Fire Captain
Vernon Reinhart Firefighter
Andre Rhodes Fire Captain
Bernard F. Rhodes Fire Captain
Steve Ricci Firefighter
Joseph Richard FF/Paramedic
Kenneth Riddle Deputy Fire Chief
Brett Schaefer FF/Paramedic
Eric Scheumann Firefighter
Wesley D. Schrum Fire Inspector
Kisane Sciuto Firefighter
Orlando Rios Fire Engineer
Mark A. Rivero Fire Training Officer
Patricia S. Sepich Communications Specialist
Paul Shapiro Fire Engineer
Chris S. Rieffer Fire Captain
J. Tony Rigoni Fire Engineer
Carmen A. Rizzo Fire Captain
Cliff A. Robinson Fire Captain
Steve Shacklett Fire Inspector
Mark Shaffer Firefighter
Robert Shannon FF/Paramedic
Robert B. Shaver Fire Inspector
Jason Roeller Communications Specialist
John Romeo Fire Captain
Jeffrey D. Sheely
Service Repair Writer
Danny Smith FF/Paramedic
Dujuan Robinson FF/Trainee
Mark D. Robles Firefighter
Donna M. Roeder Fire Engineer
Jefferson A. Rogers Fire Captain
R. Dustin Signor FF/Paramedic
Charles E. Silas, Jr. Fire Engineer
Norman K. Simpson Fire Engineer
Charles L. Smith Fire Captain
Current Personnel
Christopher Sproule Communications Specialist
Suzana Spurgin Communications Specialist
Timothy R. Szymanski Public Information Officer
Kenneth Taylor EMS Field Coordinator
Current Personnel
Michael Taylor Fire Communications Tech
Lorin Spendlove Fire Captain
Raymond Spigner FF/Paramedic
Jamie Sypniewicz FF/Paramedic
Raffi Tashjian Firefighter
Ken Teeters, Jr. Fire Engineer
David Steele FF/Paramedic
Anthony C. Stephens Sr. Fire Investigator
James Thom Firefighter
Michael Spurling
Battalion Chief
Charles J. Stankosky Fire Engineer
Mitchell T. Steinberg FF/Paramedic
Beery Stephens Fire Engineer
Timothy M. Terry Fire Captain
Dustin Teschler FF/Trainee
Thomas H. Thomas
Fire Engineer
Erik A. Thomason Firefighter
Donald Thompson FF/Paramedic
Victor Sternberg Fire Communications Tech II
Jon L. Stevenson II Fire Captain
Andrew Steyn Firefighter
Timothy T. Stickler Fire Inspector
Christopher Stiles FF/Trainee
Victor Thompson
Fire Captain
George Tiaffay Firefighter
Charles E. Tigrett Communications Specialist
Michael Tomko Communications Specialist
John M. Torgerson Fire Captain
James Trumble Firefighter
James Strade Fire Engineer
Annette R. Urschel Joseph Vanek
Communications Firefighter
Grant Stolworthy FF/Paramedic
Travis Story Firefighter
Daniel E Stout Fire Engineer
Billy W. Streand
Fire Captain
Brett B. Strong FF/Paramedic
Charles Tyler Firefighter
Severin Vavra Firefighter
Mark Vendetti FF/Paramedic
Eddie A. Vigil FF/Paramedic
Gary Suan Fire Engineer
James Suarez Fire Captain
Arlinda S. Sullivan Communications Specialist
Michael M. Svoboda Communications Specialist
Kennie M. Swanson Sr. Communications Specialist
Juan P. Villagran Communications
Charles Sudbury FF/Paramedic
Charles Vreeland FF/Paramedic
Michael Walls Firefighter
Bertral T. Washington Fire Captain
David L. Washington Fire Chief
Current Personnel
Fred A. Wechselberger Communications Specialist
Steven Wesley Fire Training Officer
David M. Westbrooks Communications Specialist
Scott A. Zeimen Asst. Fire Protection Engineer
Mark Zuniga Firefighter
Current Personnel
Photo Not Available:
Romondo Washington
Communications Specialist
Stewart G. Weinert Firefighter
Roger Weingardt Fire Captain
Christopher Weldon FF/Paramedic
Levi Zimbelman Firefighter
William H. Whealan
Battalion Chief
James White FF/Paramedic
Vincent M. Whitney Fire Captain
Lawrence Wickliffe
Battalion Chief
Joseph Wieland Firefighter
Randall Wilbanks Firefighter
Sherri Wilcox Fire Inspector
J. Brian Willett Education & Training Admin
Daniel Wilder Firefighter
Christopher Williams Firefighter
Gary W. Williams Fire Captain
Jason Williams Fire Engineer
Linda E Willis
Administrative Secretary
George Wills Fire Engineer
Evert W. Wilson Public Fire Education Officer
Daniel Wolfe FF/Paramedic
William Winder Firefighter
Harry D. Windhorst Firefighter
Tod Worpell Fire Engineer
Ryan Wynn Firefighter
Sandra D. Young EMS Coordinator
Jared Robert Wood Fire Engineer
Douglas Young Firefighter
Christopher Zaferes FF/Trainee
Brenda Zimmermann Communications Specialist
Past Personnel
Vegas Fire & Rescue
Past Personnel
Julius Conigliaro
George Contner Sam Cooper
Lewis Cottrell
Ron Crews
Bob Cullins, Jr.
Richard Gammon
Heather Gatley
Thomas Grayson
Leah Cunningham Terry Curfman John Curtis
Junior Damron Don Davis
Garland Davis
Chester Gregg
Charles Gripp Grant Grove
Jennifer Hackwith
Kenneth Dickinson Melanie Dobosh Thelma Dotson
John B. Eckles, Jr. Linda Elder
Alan Ellis
Robert Hagedoro
Rosemary Hall
Andrew Hamilton
R. Hamilton
Jeremy Harkins
R.J. Heimerdinger
Elwood Engebretson Tippi Estrellado Deloy Evans Kirk Evans Samuel Evans
Phyllis Fishman
George Helton, Sr.
Kenneth Herrington
Ruth Horrocks
Paula Horton Perry Hortt John T. Hughes
Bart Gallagher
Charles Hurley Dottie Hyman
Chris Jackson
Jerry Jackson
John Fritchley Terry Fund
Kevin Jaynes
Theodore Kennedy
Richard Kendall
Steven Karch
George Judd
Jerry Jones
LeRoy Leavitt
J.M. Leavitt
Brandon Leigh
Devron Lewis
Eugene Marshall
Larry Martin
Dolores Lucas
Rev. James L. Lubach
Tiffany Lopardo
Al Knudson
Richard Learn
Joseph Lopardo
Manuela Martinez
Judy Miller
Janice Ryan
Thomas R. Rogers
Erwin Robertson
Charles Riley
James Rigoni
Francisco Mora
Glenn Moore
Rachel Mohler
Jack Milligan
Rev. Welles Miller
Henry Miller, Jr.
Jerry Muench
Hubert Morris
E.H. Nighswonger
Michael Overson
Patricia Powell
Jerry Ramsey
Michael John Rehan
Jerome Savadina
Kenneth Schmidt
Larry Seitz
Ralph Shackelford Rex Shelborne
Joseph Sheleheda
Codis Simmons Rick Snawder Gary Sorenson William Sorenson Kevin Sparks Brian Stull
Audrey Swing Anthony Thomas Daniel Thomas James Thomason Anthony Tisovec Bryan Tobler
Nathan Trauernicht Mario Trevino
Joseph Trudeau
E.A. Van De Broek Stephen Van Natta
Stephen Vermillion Capt. Harry Venard
Anna Rose Vilbert
Michael Vitale, Jr.
Glen Wadsworth
Robin Wallenfang
Las Vegas Fire & Rescue
Fire Explorers
Explorers —h

Station 1
500 N. Casino Center Blvd
June 23, 1984
300 N. Casino Center Blvd
July 2, 1945
200 Mesquite Ave
August, 1942
Station 2
900 S. Durango St.
2801 E. Charleston Blvd E. Charleston & 10th St.
December, 1989
May 1, 1957
October, 1945
Engine 1 Engine 201 Truck 1
Rescue 1 Rescue 201 Rescue 301 Battalion 1
Unit 1571 2004 Pierce custom large command unit
2001 Pierce with 55ft snozzle
2000 Pierce pumper
2001 Pierce 100ft tiller ladder
2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
1999 Freightliner Modular ambulance
1999 Freightliner Modular ambulance
2003 Ford Excursion
Command Post 1
Engine 2
Rescue 2
Battalion 10
Unit 1478 2000 Pierce pumper
Unit 1504 2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Unit 1557 2003 Ford Excursion
Station 3
• r-J
2645 W. Washington Ave December 17, 1980
2300 W. Bonanza Rd June, 1952
& C hi ■.
Engine 3
Unit 1479
Engine 203
Unit 1480
Truck 3
Unit 1 481
Rescue 3
Unit 1526
HazMat 3
Unit 1482
2000 Pierce pumper
2000 Pierce pumper
2001 Pierce 100ft tiller ladder
2002 Freightliner Modular ambulance
2001 Pierce custom HazMat utility vehicle
Station 4
421 S. 1 5th St. December, 1989
1501 Industrial Rd (Fire Shop also) August, 1956
Engine 4 Truck 4
Rescue 4
Rescue 204
Unit 1483 2000 Pierce pumper
Unit 1489 2001 Pierce 100ft tower ladder
Unit 1 528 2002 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Unit 1496 2000 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Station 5
1020 Hinson Rd (replaced) September 11, 2004
1020 Hinson Rd May 1,1957
Engine 5
Rescue 5
Unit 1485 2001 Pierce pumper
Unit 1508 2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Unit 1436 1997 Chevy 4X4 pick up truck
Station 6
Engine 6
Truck 6
Rescue 6
Unit 1463 1999 Pierce pumper
Unit 1487 2000 Pierce 100ft rear mount stick ladder
Unit 1527 2002 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Station 7
Station 8
10101 W. Banburry Cross Dr. April 22, 1995
1201 Miller Ave* June 1, 1964
*This station was a Clark County Fire Station when Vegas Heights was annexed into the city.
805 N. Mojave Rd. October 10, 2005
633 N. Mojave Rd. July 3, 1973
Engine 7
Unit 1488
2001 Pierce pumper
Truck 7
Unit 1484
2000 Pierce 100ft tower ladder
Rescue 7
Unit 1505
2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Engine 8
Rescue 8
Unit 1490 2000 Pierce pumper
Unit 1497 2000 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Station 9
4747 W. Lone Mountain Rd.
6841 W. Lone Mountain Rd.
April, 1995
May 19, 1978
Engine 9
Unit 1491
2000 Pierce pumper
Truck 9
Unit 1467
1 999 Pierce 85ft tower ladder
Rescue 9
Unit 1503
2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Station 10
1501 S. Martin L. King Blvd.
July 22, 2002
Engine 10
Rescue 10
Air Resource
Unit 1495 2001 Pierce pumper
Unit 1567 2003 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Unit 1 51 9 2002 Pierce Custom SCBA/Light/Rehab unit
IPU^ST/4 tions
Station 41
6989 N. Buffalo Rd November 3, 2000
Station 42
7331 W. Cheyenne Ave.
December, 1989
Engine 41
Engine 46
Rescue 41
Unit 1492 2001 Pierce pumper
Unit 1523 2002 Pierce pumper
Unit 1509 2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Engine 42
Unit 1493
2000 Pierce pumper
Rescue 42
Unit 1 506
2001 Freightliner Modular ambulance
Battalion 4
Unit 1 559
2003 Ford Excursion
■bbssws? Stations
Station 43
6420 Smoke Ranch Rd. February 19, 2003
Station 44
7701 W. Washington Ave. January 27, 2003
Engine 43
Water Tender 43
Rescue 43
2002 Pierce pumper
2002 Pierce 3500 gal water tender
2004 International Modular ambulance
Engine 44
Unit 1 51 7
Heavy Rescue 44
Unit 1494
Rescue 44
Unit 1 576
TRT Trailer
Unit 1 573
Unit 1361
2002 Pierce pumper
2001 Pierce custom heavy rescue unit
2004 International Modular ambulance
2005 Mirage Trailer
1994 Ford Cargo Van
Sta tions
Station 45
Fire Training Center
633 N. Mojave Rd. October 8, 1990
Engine 45
Rescue 45
3821 N. Fort Apache Rd. February 26, 2003
Unit 1518 2000 Pierce pumper
Unit 1577 2004 International Modular ambulance
Fire Shop
Fire Warehouse
3140 E. Bonanza Rd. January 19, 1995
Support / Other vehicles
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Fire Shop/Hydrant Maint.
Support Chiefs Executive Chiefs Assistant Chiefs
Public Information Officer Public Education Officer CERT Training
2006 Ford E350 pickups
2005 Chevy Malibu
2001 Chevy Pickups
2005 Chevy Kodiac
2003 Chevy Trailblazers
2002 Chevy Tahoe
1999 Chevy Tahoe
1 998 Chevy 3500 van
1 998 Chevy van
1997 Chevy van
3116 E. Bonanza Rd.
Opening date not exactly known, but it served as the Fire Shop until 1 995 and then was converted to the fire warehouse.

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue has been a render safe bomb squad for 30 years since it’s inception in 1974 and is an FBI Accredited Bomb Squad. Prior to 1974, the Las Vegas Fire Department (as it was known then) operated the bomb search team, which was organized in 1968. The Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad serves the community of southern Nevada including all of Clark County, as well as Nye and Lincoln County its neighboring jurisdictions.
The Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad was instrumental in the 1970’s and 1980’s in developing and testing equipment and future trends through Research & Development with Sandia National Laboratories and publishing the research data in related trade bulletins. In 1987, the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad under then Commander Stephen M. Hampton (ret.) was a sitting member of the original committee to adopt standards and guidelines that supported the foundation and direction that civilian bomb squads would inevitably pursue into the following decade.
Currently, the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad is under the organization of the Fire Marshal’s Office. Formally known as the Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad, it is a full time arson/explosives unit.
Both Fire Chief David Washington and Deputy Chief Ken Chief Riddle have attended the FBI’s Hazardous Devices School of Executive Management for Bomb/Explosive Disposal and are committed chief hre officers in supporting the mission of the bomb squad. The Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad has a number of missions that it provides the community of southern Nevada. It has three primary missions; Determine the origin and cause of fires and explosions within the jurisdiction of the City of Las Vegas; Enforce state arson statutes with full law enforcement powers and mitigate all explosive and improvised explosive device incidents in all of southern Nevada. The Bureau
of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad consists of a Battalion Chief and eight Investigators. All members of the Unit are certified Nevada state peace officers, certified bomb technicians and certified emergency medical technicians. Many of the members are certified hre and police training instructors and/or certihed hre investigators in addition to being bomb technicians. Members of the Unit are encouraged to pursue individual interests and special training to support the broad mission and vision of the Unit to include robotics, advanced render safe principles, R&D, explosives breaching, WMD Haz-Mat, post blast bombing investigations, advanced radiography, hre/arson origin and cause, NFPA Standards and criminal/constitutional law. The Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue is a very proactive Bomb Squad pursuing six hgures Grant awarded funding for advanced technology programs in collaboration with national and international vendors to provide equipment and render safe capabilities that address the threats posed by the current climate of terrorism. Current projects include the H.E.A.R.S.T. - Heavy Equipment and Render Safe Technology which is a remote control forklift that contains a weapons platform used for medium and large borne vehicle counter measures. It will be used to remotely interrogate, move, lift and render safe large containers such as vehicles, crates or 55-gallon drums with an operating distance of up to 3000 feet. They are also aggressively pursuing high-pressure water cutting technology for access into hard metal containers from a customized robotics platform.
In addition to the technology programs and in keeping with the strategic plan of both the Bureau of Fire Investigations- Bomb Squad and Las Vegas Fire & Rescue, the Bureau’s organizational chart will expand to include the hiring of 4 more technicians as well as a full time Bureau Training Officer for the Unit. Entry into the Unit is based upon a civil service promotional exam and entails a rigorous testing process and law enforcement background
investigation prior to final selection. Potential candidates eligible to test are chosen from hre suppression and hre prevention divisions. They must attend and pass a Category I police academy before attending FBI’s Hazardous Devices Basic School and then undergo a 1 year intensive Filed Training Program before being conhrmed and have permanent status within the Unit.
The Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad provides training and classroom instruction to all public safety agencies in its jurisdiction on topics such as Response to Explosive Devices - both from a hre and law enforcement perspective, WMD, suicide bombers and post blast Investigation. They also support and teach Bomb Threat Management to the hotel and private industry. Members of the Unit obtain a minimum of 40 hours of educational training a year and pursue up to 16 hours a month of hands on bomb squad training. The Las Vegas Bomb Squad trains with numerous public safety partners at the local, state and federal level including the military, as Las Vegas is home to Nellis A.F.B. and the 99™. CES/EOD Squadron, one of the busiest military EOD Units in the country. The Bomb Squad also trains and performs R&D with the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Counter Terrorism Operations Specialists from Bechtel Nevada at the Nevada Test Site. Personnel in the Unit are members of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators in addition to several other job related organizations.
The Las Vegas Bomb Squad averages approximately 1 60 explosive incidents annually with one third of those calls being actual improvised explosive device incidents, one third being explosive
disposal and the remaining third being calls for suspect items, ammunition and firework disposal. The Unit encounters many calls for service for explosive disposal such as deteriorated explosives and blasting caps, which are commonly found in the mining state of Nevada. The Unit is profoundly reliant upon technician safety and excels in all aspects of calls for service based upon the Unit’s years of experience and strict detail to officer safety and known methods for render safe policy. Response to improvised explosive devices range from common anti personnel devices to the more sophisticated including several large scale suspected WMD incidents. September 11th. 2001 changed a number of things; especially the awareness level of our surroundings and events that may seem suspicious says Chief Hoge. Public safety personnel and citizens alike are more inclined to report suspicious behavior, suspicious unopened packages or incidents that don’t look or feel right. This has increased some of our call volume for suspicious items. In addition to suspicious item calls, requests for training has doubled what it was before 9 -11 which in part has prompted the organizational chart to include a full time training officer for the Unit.
The Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Bomb Squad utilizes Med-Eng bomb suits, Golden Engineering diagnostic sources, RTR-4N’s, P.A.N.’s, Remotec robotic platforms, as well as products and services from Cherry Engineering, Inc., Ideal Products, Jackson and Tull’s NASA/Military Development, and from Lubeck Germany, Applied New Technology AG (ANT).
CFA UNLV Media/PIO Office
Communications Center
Video Services
Muscular Dystrophy Association
“Lights, Camera, ... Action!” You may not associate television with the Fire Department, but for more than a decade, LVFD- TV was a staple of training, information, and communication throughout the Las Vegas Fire Department and the community of Las Vegas.
Begun by Brian Willett in the mid-80’s, “The Training Show” featured such various topics as “Ropes and Knots”, “Stress Management”, “Fighting Radioactive Fires”, “Positive Discipline”, and “Rappelling Techniques”. Later on, the programs were broadcast over Prime Cable, allowing all stations to receive the training/ information, while remaining in station and in service. The programming included locally produced shows, augmented by preproduced EMS training programs. By 1988, “LVFD News”, hosted by Arlene Jackson, was created as a venue to bring the both the senior and Training Center staffs into every fire station in the city. Everyone from the Fire Chief on down was interviewed on a monthly basis, offering the latest news in the department, on promotional opportunities, HAZMAT training, and management issues within the department.
The success and quality of these products was such, that the television resource was routinely “loaned out” to other City of Las Vegas and government agencies, and programs were produced on the “Super Speed Train” project, the M*A*S*H Center for the Homeless, and the Animal Foundation.
The appetite for these video products became so great, that Dan Mastroluca was hired in 1990 to help meet the ever-increasing demand for video products. By the end of the year, the television production resource moved into the new Fire Training Center on Mojave. Armed with a full television studio, the television resource provided video for the fire simulator, business programs in Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese for the City’s Office of Business Development, and even programs for the United States Senate.
The passage from fire cadet to firefighter is probably one of the most heartfelt and powerful collection of memories for any firefighter. Those memories will be intact for a very long time, thanks to the videos that were shown at every Fire Academy graduation that chronicled each of those Fire Academies throughout the ‘80’s and mid-‘90’s. The story of the entire Fire Department, from the Dispatch Center to the Training Center to the fire ground was displayed before the Mayor and Council in the program, “We’re just doing our jobs”.
One of the most singular programs produced by the Fire Department’s Video Services resource was “Fire Safety at the Top”, a video program on the fire engineering codes that were written and subsequently built into the Stratosphere Tower, the tallest building West of the Mississippi. Azarang Mirkhah wrote the script, Brian Willett was the narrated and edited the program, and Dan Mastroluca both shot all the video and created all of the state of the art graphics. This tape has been seen around the world, and received the EMA award for Best Industrial Film of 1997.
In 1996, the City of Las Vegas absorbed the Fire Department’s television capability into its Department of Communications. The city’s Communications Department continued to use the Fire Training Center facility until 2002 after which they moved into their own facility, but the fire department did not have its own video services division or any of the equipment it once had.
In 2001 a new project was initiated to bring television to every fire station in Southern Nevada, to use television and other interactive medium to teach fire safety to the community and to pick up on what the department was doing in 1996. A grant was received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the FIRES Grant Program to purchase new equipment and to make the new television system and training program a reality. Fire-Public Information Officer Timothy R. Szymanski coordinated the project.
Working with Cox Communications, a new designated channel was established exclusively for the new “Fire Channel.” New cable was installed or upgraded in every fire station in Southern Nevada that is serviced by Cox Cable and on May 1, 2003, Fire Channel 888 went online. Initial programming consisted of a downlink via satellite from the Fire & Emergency Television Network in Dallas, Texas of fire and EMS training programs, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Some local programming was also used from time to time.
A new Video Lab was built in a small room at the Fire Training Center, which consisted of the latest in digital video editing and programming equipment. Using video that was shot with a small state of the art mini digital camera at various fire and emergency incidents, a new video library was started with tapes being used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Fire Academy, the Fire & Emergency Television Network and the International Association of Firefighters. The distribution of these videotapes brought national recognition to LVFR. The department was also featured on a number of national networks including the Discovery Channel, Discovery Health and The Learning Channel because of the tapes.
Videotapes of incidents are also provided to the local media to give viewers a different perspective. Some videos were actually shot inside burning buildings or in inaccessible locations where the media could not participate.
Training programs are produced and distributed on CDs, DVDs and videotape to local departments and other agencies as needed.
Future plans include the addition of more local programming and live television specials to all fire stations in Southern Nevada and to provide fire safety education programming to the Clark County School District. Local programming will consist of a monthly news program of activities and incidents that LVFR responded to. Some live interactive simulations using television so firefighters can participate without leaving their fire stations is also being developed.
A live television link is also being added to the department’s Mobile Command Post that was placed into service in May 2003. Live images from the scenes of large incidents will be transmitted to the city’s Emergency Operation Center, Fire Alarm Office and evidentially to every fire station on Fire Channel 888 so all personnel can see what’s going on in real time.
In 2004 Brian Willett returned to Fire & Rescue to work in the video lab full-time. The video services section was made a division of the Public Information Officer. The new addition made it possible to create current event DVDs and training material using the new medium. Over 40 new videos were created and distributed in 2004 and 2005.
(MDA) Boot Drive
What is one of the largest sources of donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) are the annual firefighters “Boot Drive” which is held across the country. What is not well known is the boot drive originated here in Las Vegas by two Las Vegas firefighters in 1954.
In that year Las Vegas firefighters Jim Grigsby and Butch Snyder, along with a group of Southern Nevada firefighters decided they wanted to do something to help the MDA. So they grabbed their work boots and headed out into the community with the hope that people would fill their boots with money. The people did and still have not stopped. In the early 1960’s the Las Vegas boot drive caught on nationwide went on to become one of the MDA’s biggest fund-raisers.
In a sad and ironic twist of fate, both firefighters succumbed to neuromuscular disease and died untimely deaths. Grigsby, who died from Lou Gehrig’s disease, left behind a wife and four small children. But the efforts of those two men live on and help to continue the battle against this disease.
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Hotel Employee Life-Safety Program
Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 Honor Guard
Shortly after the tragedies at the MGM Grand Hotel Fire which killed 83 people and the Hilton Hotel Fire, which killed another eight people, Chief Steve Hampton, Supervisor of Fire Investigations for the Las Vegas Fire Department developed a program that was designed to provide specialized training for hotel personnel that help to reduce potential injuries or fatalities during a fire in a hotel or motel.
The goal of the HELP program was to “Eliminate the loss of life and reduce property damage due to fire, explosion, earthquake or other emergencies occurring in high-rise hotels through the development of a Comprehensive Emergency Plan and the application of trained behavior of hotel management and employees.
Some of the training hotel employees would receive from fire department personnel in the classroom and on the training field included: Explosive Material Recognition, Bomb Threat Procedures, Damage Control of Explosives, Evacuation Methods, Fire Ground Briefing, CPR & First Aid, Fire Alarm Systems, Automatic Fire Sprinkler systems, Fire Command Room System and Fire Ground Training which included how to use a fire extinguisher properly, hose line usage, salvage/water damage control, fire sprinkler stoppage and evacuation procedures.
On March 12 1987, the Mint Hotel became the first hotel in Las Vegas to complete the program.
The program went on to receive numerous awards and recognitions. A modified program was started in 1998 for the University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV) Hotel Management Major program. The program, which is run twice a year for the students, has had over 500 participants and was recognized in 2003 by the International Association of Fire Chiefs with an Award of Merit.
International Association of Firefighters Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285
(Submitted by the IAFF-Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285)
Paid Firefighters began organizing themselves into clubs and associations in the mid 19th century. Many of these groups were organized for the assistance of firefighters who were injured on the job or for the families of firefighters who died in the line of duty. By the beginning of the 20th century, professional firefighters were beginning to organize themselves into local unions. A charter convention was held in Baltimore, Maryland and on February 28, 1918 the AFL chartered the International Association of Firefighters. Today our membership has surpassed 267,000 professional members and continues to grow daily. We currently have over 2900 affiliate locals that represent 85% of the nations population.
Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 has been chartered with the International Association of Firefighters since September 18, 1957
by only 24 members and continues the important work of securing just compensation for our services. It is through our collective strength of a diverse membership that Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 has fairly earned the honor and respect necessary to move forward and accomplish its mission to improve wages, hours, and working conditions of our membership.
Our success has, and always will be dependent on our membership. The growth, achievements, and success of the Local, and our membership, are as distinguished as the promising future ahead. As we move ahead with an ambitious agenda to build a better future for our membership and the public we serve, we do so with an eye on our proud legacy and on the brave work of those who came before.
In 1997, Las Vegas Firefighters IAFF Local 1285 organized and formed an Honor Guard to Honor our Fallen Brothers and Sisters. The Honor Guard was formed with 13 members and started to meet twice a month for drill sessions and meetings. Appearing at a number of functions in the community, the unit became very popular. The Honor Guard is now recognized as one of the top Fire Department Honor Guards in the Country. The unit is completely funded by Local 1285, and is supported by the Department.
The original Honor Guard members included: Roger Carsten, Tomas Aragon, Craig Crotrell, Chris Rieffer, Tony Rigoni, Anthony Burton, Ron Kline, Xavier Flores, Sheri-Lee Bass (Piker), Kevin McGinn, Sharice Olsen, Andrew Osborn, and Bertral Washington.
The Uniform worn by the Honor Guard, along with the Honor Guard badges, were designed by Fire Captain Angelo Aragon. There are many Honor Guards in the country that now use the same badge. The silver in the uniform represents the enlisted ranks. Historically, Honor Guard duties fell to enlisted men, not officers. The white is for Color Guard activities, and represents the pureness that is part of the fire services. The red represents the blood of fallen firefighters. That is why the stripe on the pants is red in the middle and bordered by white on both sides. It shows that the sacrifice of the fallen fighter is pure of heart, and will not be forgotten.
Some of the more notable events attended by the Honor Guard are:
March 1998 - Three members of the Honor Guard, Roger Carsten, Anthony Burton, and Xavier Flores, travel to Los Angeles with Local 1285 President Dean Fletcher to attend the LODD Services for LAFD Captain Dupee.
December 1999 - Three members of Local 1285, Roger Carsten, Troy Askew, and Shane Krumm, travel to Worcester, MA, for the memorial services for six Worcester firefighters killed in LODD on December 3, 1999. Honor Guard Co-Commander Roger Carsten participated in recovery efforts at the Worcester Cold Storage building the night after the services, because as the services were being held they had still not recovered all six of their brothers from the building.
March 2001 - Four Honor Guard Members, Roger Carsten, Ron Kline, Tony Rigoni, and James Suarez, travel to Phoenix, AZ, to attend the LODD services for Firefighter Bret Tarver.
June 2001 - Three Honor Guard members, Roger Carsten, James Suarez, Xavier Flores, travel to New York City, and attend three funeral services for FDNY firefighters killed in LODD on
Father’s Day of 2001.
September 17, 2001 - Local 1285 Honor Guard attends and performs in a multi-jurisdictional HG memorial service for the victims of September 11, 2001, held at the Clark County Government Center.
August 2002 - IAFF Local 1285 Honor Guard provides opening color guard services for the 46th annual IAFF Convention, and gains international recognition as a top Fire Department Honor Guard.
August 14, 2002 - Local 1285 Honor Guard leads a march of thousands of firefighters up Las Vegas Blvd, to the New York New York Hotel and Casino, to honor the 343 firefighters who were killed in LODD on 9-11-01.
September 10, 2002 - Local 1285 Honor Guard leads a memorial service for the victims of 9-11-01 at the dedication of the new Southern Nevada Firefighters Memorial Park, created by active LVFD member Fire Engineer John Banks.
October 11-13, 2002 - Honor Guard members Roger Carsten, Joe DiGaetano, Rob Diamond, Bob Horton, Ryan Wynn, DeErik Jones, Gabe Flores, Xavier Flores, James Suarez, Tom Aragon, Ron Kline, and Bertral Washington, travel to New York City to participate in the annual FDNY memorial service, where the 343 firefighters and all other FDNY members killed in LODD in 2001 will be memorialized. IAFF Local 1285 HG was chosen to lead and organize the 686 American Flags that will lead the procession on 10-12-02. IAFF Local 1285 HG Co-Commander Roger Carsten was chosen by the IAFF to lead the procession of 60-70,000 firefighters through the streets of New York City to Madison Square Garden, where the services will be held.
The Honor Guard has provided Services for Active Duty, Retired and several LODD’s.
The Honor Guard attends the Annual IAFF Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial Services held each September in Colorado Springs, Co. This service honors professional brothers and sisters killed in the line of duty each year. The Las Vegas Firefighters Local 1285 Honor Guard has honored over 1000 fallen brothers and sisters at this event.
The current members of the Honor Guard are listed in order by seniority in the Guard: Ron Kline, Joe Digaetano, Rob Diamond, Derick Jones, Bob Horton - Co-Commander, Gabe Flores, George Tiaffay - Co-Commander, Ryan Eldridge, Austin Abercrombie, Eric Moon, Kevin McGinn, Ryan Dalton, Raymond Ekx, Chris Williams, Lou Fonseca, Mark Zuniga, Chris Hyink, and Jeff Friend.
United Firefighters of Southern Nevada
(Submitted by the United Firefighters of Southern Nevada)
The United Firefighters of Southern Nevada (UFFSN) is a nonprofit organization of fire service professionals from across the Las Vegas Valley. Ensuring equal opportunity and cultural diversity in the fire service are primary goals of the organization. The UFFSN is also dedicated to developing leadership, professional competency, goodwill, and mentoring among it membership. As a result, the membership is better prepared and committed to serve the community and fire service.
In the late 70’s, black members of the Las Vegas Fire Department organized to address problems of unequal treatment and unfair promotions. The problems were among many that black firefighters faced nationwide.
In 1980, an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint was hied on behalf of several black members of the Las Vegas Fire Department. Those firefighters were Garey Bryant, Marvin Campbell, Garland Davis, James Lofton, Gary Lindsey, Eugene Marshall, Leandrew McDaniel, Raymond Peeples, Larry Powell Sr, Charles Smith, Codis Simmons, Jon Stevenson Sr, David Washington, Lawrence Wickliffe, Monroe Williams, and William Young. The complaint stemmed from a lack of diversity on oral board examinations, inequitable disciplinary procedures, nonexistent officer training programs and more. Under these circ*mstances the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas was founded as an affiliate of the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters.
On November 25, 1981, the State of Nevada chartered the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas. The association continues to monitor the practices of Las Vegas Valley fire departments and local unions to ensure that all firefighters are free from injustice.
The UFFSN has been instrumental in networking with other community-based organizations and reaching out to underprivileged socioeconomic groups. One example is the Walker/Williams Scholarship Program establish in honor of the two of the first black firefighters in the City of Las Vegas. These two pioneers entered the fire service during a time when those who supported equality were being brutalized and murdered. James Walker and Monroe Williams braved the hideous faces of racism and bigotry in the
work environment and community that required complete trust in their fellow employees. Even still, they indiscriminately served and protected the lives and property of all citizens. In-their struggle, the path was paved for other black firefighters and minorities with hope that they would not suffer the same discrimination in the future. In their honor, the United Firefighters has given over $10,000 in scholarship money to children so that their dreams may someday become a reality. Other programs include: Upward Mobility Training, Health & Welfare Screenings, Smoke Detector Distributions, Food Drive, and Youth Mentoring.
In 1989, the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas moved into Fire Station 7 at 1201 West Miller Avenue. Located in the heart of the black community, “The Westside,” the organization partnered with the city to provide the neighborhood with a much-needed community center. Ironically, old Fire Station 7 often housed the black firefighters that were not welcomed at other city stations. The station was eventually shut down and merged with Fire Station 3. Currently, the community center continues to serve the citizens with its computer center, youth programs and senior garden.
In 1993 the Professional Black Firefighters of Las Vegas changed its name to the United Firefighters of Southern Nevada. UFFSN also extended membership to firefighters from Clark County, North Las Vegas, and Henderson Fire Departments. The membership was not limited to just minority firefighters although they made up ninety-eight percent of the membership.
One of the milestones of the organization was achieved in the year 2001. The UFFSN celebrated 20 years of existence highlighted with the appointment of Las Vegas’ first African-American as Fire Chief, David L. Washington. Chief Washington also served as the first president of the organization.
Although the fire service has seen progress, the work of the UFFSN and the IABPFF is not complete. Recruitment, employment, promotions, and fire loss in minority communities continues to be disproportionate locally and nationally. The United Firefighteis will continue its tireless efforts to provide generations that follow with the equality and opportunity that they deserve.
Las Vegas Firefighters Benefit Association
After a small girl died because of fireworks, members of the Las Vegas Fire Department felt it was their duty to put on an annual Fourth of July fireworks show so the public would not use fireworks which could cause injury and even death. So in 1951 a tradition began and continues until this time for the LVFBA to sponsor an annual Fireworks Show.
The LVFGA is a non-profit organization originally established to assist firefighters’ families who are injured or killed in the line of duty. Over the years, the assistance has expanded to include support of the local Burn Care unit as well as the annual MDA Boot Drive. They also assist retirees with their medical insurance and active members who have a temporary inability to work due to illness or injury. They have sent numerous children to burn camps and provided safe, educational and fun-filled environment for the public to enjoy the Independence Day celebration. Membership is open to any member of the department.
F.I.R.E. Racing Team
The Las Vegas Fire & Rescue F.I.R.E. (Firefighters Involved in Racing for Education) Racing Team is the first Fire Department in the country to utilize a pro Stock Drag Racing Motorcycle as part of its public education campaign.
F.I.R.E. is a non-profit organization funded by sponsors and donations. No tax dollars are used in the operation or support of the program. F.I.R.E. Racing Team members are all firefighters who volunteer their time in support of the program.
F.I.R.E. utilizes a Pro Stock Suzuki GS 1100 motorcycle in its program. It has attracted a lot of attention at various activities and events all across Southern Nevada. People of all ages have enjoyed seeing the team at community events and racing at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
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This book would not have been possible if not for the following people who purchased a book in advance so it could be published.
Message From The Author
Adams, lan Agnew, Robert Albairis, Allan Alfieri, Tony Allred, Dan Amburgey. Michael Androvandi, Joe Aragon, Angelo Aragon. Tomas Archer, Geoffrey Arenaz. David Aronson. Darell Askew, Troy Baldi. Joseph Banks. John Bassett, James Bates, David & Kristy Bauman, Joseph Bautista, Nolan Beisel, Lisa
Belanger, Ed Berg, Greg Birt, Richard Blackwell, Jeff Bobbera, James Bodak, Andrew Bogle, Raymond Boley, Geneva Breen, Steven/LVFBA Brewer, Chris Brigman, Michael Browder, Mark R. Buckley, Donna Buckley, Jonathan Buell, Patrick Buelow, Charlie Buelow, S. Charles Bulach, Richard Bunker, George (Mrs.) Cabral, Troy Cale, Lynn Calhoun, Jayson Campbell, Eugene Campbell, Jess Cardinal, Kyle Carsten, Roger Carter, Neal Casperson, Kirk Castellon, Ronald Cavalieri, James Cave, Eric Chadbourne, Joe Choe, Steve
Clinton, Jason Cohan, Phil Combado, Carl Combs, Bill Conley, Todd Contreras, Devin E. Cooper, Craig Cooper, Kathi
Abercrombie, C Aceho. lav
Miller. Brian
Cooper, Sam Cox, Thomas Daniels, Duane (Mrs.) Darnell, John Davis. Garland Day, Ralph
De La Puente, Tom Decker, Jeff Delahoussaye. Mark DeLucchi. John Denny, Brett Dickinson, Ken Dietrich. Jay Digateano, Joe Dillin. William Donahue, Jeffery Donoho. Brenda Doran. Kelly Downing. Aaron Downs, Douglas Draper, Nelson Durkee, John Eaton, Rick Eckles. John B. Eldridge, Ryan Engebretson, Elwood J. Engstrom, Marc Espinoza, Rafael Fash, Robert Fleischmann. Mark Fletcher, Dean Flores, Gabriel Flowers. Julian Fonseca, Luis Fountain, Deane Franks, Lee French, Gregory Fujii, Eida Gallinatti, Dean Gammon, Greg Gammon, Richard W. Gardea, Carlos Gately, Heather Gherardini, Tracy Gilbert, Raymond Goetting, Brad Goldbaum, George Gonzalez, Mario Jr. Gonzalez-Reff, Rikk Goodrie, Linda Gordon, Matthew Goss, Desiree Gosse, Rick Gracia, Richard Graham, Ryan Grass, Will
Gray, Howard Greene, Robert Gripp, Chuck Grove, Grant Halverson, Greg Halverson, Jeff Hammond, Roderick Hand, Thomas W.
Hart, Stephen Hawkinson, Martin Heikka, Elwood Helton. George David Henderson. Chris Henderson, John Hernandez, Edgar Herrell, Bob Hevel, Robert Hicks. Chris Higa. Ryan Higgins-Teague, Maureen Hill, Robert Hilt, Robert Hoffman. Robert Horton, Robert Howard, Ronald Hyken, Mark Ignatiuk, Tim Israel, Brandon Jackson, Arlene Jackson. Barbara Jacobsmeyer, Robert Janata, Frank Jarrard. Hoyt Johnson, Scott Johnson. William Lee Jones, Elliott Jones, James Jordan, Mary Kalani, David Kapteyn, Donna Keeton, Richard Kennedy, Cindy Kennedy, Ted Kissam, Bill Klein, Steve Kleven, Cherina Kline, Ron Kozlowski, Tom Kreutzer, Kenneth Krumm, John Kurtz, Thomas Kusler, Larry Lawson, Robin Lawson, Roy Leavitt, Michael Lee, Charles Leonard, Marvin Lewis, Andrew Linebarger, Michael Littmann, Eric Lowell, Kevin LuBach, James Martin, Jon Mayer, Ken McAllister, Chris McAllister, James McAllister, Raymond McCollins, Reginald McCrea, Sarah McGinn, Kevin
Miramontes, Thomas Moore, Robert Morgan, Jeff Mossel. Mike Moyes, Diane Murray, Jeff Nash, Norman Neel, Alecia A. Neitz, Jeff Nelson, Michael Newby, Lionel Nightingale. Kris Nogues. Trevor Nordblom. Nick Nudd. Richard Nunn, Patty O’Connor, Richard Office of the City Clerk O'Hara. Gavin Olsen, Sharisse Ong, Kane
Ong. Kenny O’Rourke. Jo Ortega. Matt Osborn. Andrew Osborn, David A. Otteson, Tawni Ozuna. Sharon Palenske, Stephen Palm, Kathy Partridge, Phil Paul, Terry Pearson, Ian Pearson, Robert Perez, Frank Perillo, Art Perry, Randy Petersen. Brad Petty, Douglas L. Pezzullo, Maureen Phillips, Erik Phillips, Scott Pierce Manufacturing Pitts, Robert Poechmann, David Powell, Patricia Prescia, Todd Prescia, Tony Province, Scott Prziborowski, Steve Pulsipher, Charles Ramonette, Chris Ramthun, William Ramzy, Carl Reincke, Steve Reitz, Jason Remedi, Kevin Rhodes, Bernard Riddle, Ken Rizzo, Tony
Robinson. Cliff Robison. David N. Roeder, Donna Rogers. Jeff Romeo, John Ryan,John Sams. Frank Sanchez. Ruben Saucedo, Shon Savadina, Jerome Scacco, Jennean Schaefer, Brett Scheumann, Eric Schlaf. John Schrum. Wesley Shannon, Robert Shields, Tree (Linda) Shooter, Billy E. Silas. Charles Simpkins, Franklin Simpson, Norman Smith, Paul Snawder, Rick Sorensen, William Spears, William Spendlove, Janet Stankosky, Chuck Steele, David Stephens. Oliver Steyn. Andrew Stiles, Nancy Stoldal, Robert Stout, Daniel Streand, Bill Suarez, James Szymanski, Timothy R. Sypniewicz, Jamie Tashjian, Raffi Terry, Tim Thomason, Erik Thomason, James Thompson, Jim Torgerson, John Trudeau, Joseph E. Tuttle, Judy Vavra, Severin Venard, Harry Vigil, Eddie Wacker, Karen Washington, Bertral Wesley, Steven West, Clell Whealan, William Whitney, Lewis Wickliffe, Lawrence Wieland, Joseph Wilcox, Sherri Wilder, Daniel Williams, Chris Williams, Gary Willis, Linda Winder, William Zaferes, Chris Zuniga, Mark
In 2002 I started this project on preserving the history of our department after looking up several things I needed to know. I thought if I took the time to look it up, the information should be saved somewhere where I could look it up again later if I needed to. Alter accumulating a lot of material, I decided to put the information into a book form. When I found several old pictures of the department, I decided that this book should be shared with all the other members of the department; the final product is this book.
This book covers the brief history of the fire service in Las Vegas from the time the city was founded until December 31, 2005. I have included as many photos, both past and present as possible. This includes as many people who were members of the department during the past 100 years.
As you can imagine, it is impossible to include everything and everybody. Up until the time I submitted the material, I was still getting more information about the history of the department. But I had to stop somewhere so this book could be sent in and published. Fittingly, it covers the first 100 years of our city and this book is being released on the 2000th Anniversary of Firefighting.
Firefighting as it is known today started in 6 A.D. in Rome after nearly one-third of the city was destroyed by fire. Emperor Caesar Augustus formed the first fire brigade, firefighters were known as Vigiles or more properly Vigiles Urbani (“watchman of the city”). The Corps of Vigiles consisted of 7000 men housed in barracks; the city of Rome was divided into fire districts. A 4% tax was levied on the sale of slaves to finance the new Corps of Vigiles. The group was highly trained and skilled. Fire codes were implemented within the city. The Vigiles grew to become one of the most powerful, esteemed and elite organizations in the Roman Empire. The fire service known today is a direct result of the Vigiles.
There were even certain duties for each of the members: Uncinarius was the hook man who pulled off burning roofs with poles similar to the pike pole; Siphonarius who was responsible for the supervision of the water pumps; Aquarius was in charge of the water supply using pumps, siphos or “bucket chains” and Emperor who was the fire chief.
It is only fitting that this book was finalized during the city of Las Vegas’ Centennial Year and is being produced and distributed during the 2000th Anniversary of Firefighting.
Timothy R. Szymanski
Fire-Public Information Officer
Las Vegas Fire & Rescue
las VEGAS fiflE OEPAnmnij
Abercrombie - 60
Abston - 83
Acebo - 43, 60
Acosta - 83
Adams - 30, 51,60
Aday - 60
Aguinaga - 60
Albaitis - 39, 60
Alexis - 60
Alfred - 60
Alger - 60
Allred - 47, 60
Amburgey - 60
Amell - 45, 60
Amstutz - 60
Anderson - 60, 83
Androvandi - 60
Aoshima - 60
Aragon - 60, 121
Archer - 60
Arenaz - 60
Arnold - 83
Aronson - 45, 60
Arquette - 60
Arvizu - 60
Askew - 60
Azeman - 60
Baca - 60
Baker - 47, 60
Baldi - 60
Bales - 83
Ball - 60
Bailee’ - 83
Banks - 12, 37, 61
Barba - 31,83
Barker - 83
Barnes - 61
Barton - 61
Bass - 121
Bassett - 61
Bates - 61
Bauman - 83
Bautista - 61
Beatty - 83
Bedard - 61
Beisel - 61
Belanger - 61
Bell - 61
Belluomini - 61
Belt - 83
Benedickt - 61
Benneman - 61
Berg - 61
Bergquist - 61
Bird - 29
Birt - 61
Blackwell - 61
Bobbera - 61
Bogle - 61
Bolster - 61
Bosley - 83
Bowers - 83
Braker - 47, 61
Branks - 61
Bray - 61
Breeden - 61
Breen - 61
Brewer - 61
Brewster - 83
Brigman - 61
Brigner - 83
Brinkerhoff - 62
Brooks - 62
Brown - 62
Brumwell - 62
Bruner - 62
Bryant - 122
Buckley - 62
Buell - 62
Buelow - 83
Bunker - 83
Burk - 62
Burns - 62
Burton - 62, 121
Bush - 20, 62
Butler - 83
Byrne - 83
Cabral - 62
Cale - 62
Calhoun - 62
Campbell - 46, 62, 122
Canter - 30
Cantu - 62
Card - 62
Cardinal - 62
Carnes - 83
Carney - 62
Carrillo - 83
Carsten - 47, 62, 121
Carter - 62
Case - 19, 20, 21,22, 27,
58, 83
Casperson - 62
Casteel - 83
Castleberry - 62
Caswell - 62
Cates - 47, 63
Cavalieri - 63
Cave - 63
Chadbourne - 63
Chaltas - 63
Chavez - 83
Cheese - 63
Cheng - 83
Cherry - 63
Chipman - 63
Choe - 63
Christensen - 83
Churchill - 29
Cifelli - 63
Claessens - 63
Clement - 83
Clickner - 83
Clinton - 47, 63
Clyne - 44
Coakley - 83
Coe - 63
Cohan - 63
Coleman - 63
Collins - 63
Combado - 63
Combs - 16, 29, 35, 63
Conigliaro - 84
Conley - 63
Contner - 84
Contreras - 63
Cooper - 29, 31,33, 34, 58,
63, 84
Cottrell - 84, 121
Cox - 63
Cragin - 20
Crawford - 63
Crews - 16, 51,84
Crowley - 63
Cullins - 84
Cunningham - 63
Curfman - 84
Curtin - 35
Curtis - 84
Cutolo - 64
Dalessio - 64
Dalton - 64
Damron - 84
Darnell - 64
Davenport - 16, 23
Davis - 43, 64, 84, 122
Day - 64
Dayton - 23
Decker - 64
Decola - 64
Delahoussaye - 64
Deluca - 64
Delucchi - 64
Demotts-Fitzpatrick - 64
Dennon - 64
Denny - 64
Dezarn - 64
De la Puente - 64
De Vera - 64
De Vries - 64
Diamond - 64
Diaz - 64
DiBona - 64
Dickinson - 54, 84
Diebold - 64
Dietz - 23
DiGaetano - 64
Dillin - 64
Dillingofski - 64
Dobosh - 84
Dodge - 28
Donahue - 64
Donoho - 39, 64
Doolen - 64
Doran - 64
Dotson - 84
Dowell - 28
Downing - 65
Downs - 65
Draper - 65
Duda - 65
Duncan - 65
Dupee - 65
Durkee - 65
Earl - 65
Eaton - 65
Eckles - 84
Eggleston - 65
Eisenhauer - 65
Ekx - 65
Elder - 84
Eldridge - 65
Ellis - 84
Engebretson - 84
Engstrom - 65
Ernst - 29
Esau - 65
Espinoza - 65
Estrellado - 84
Eustice - 65
Evans - 65, 84
Farr - 53, 65
Fash - 55, 56, 65
Ferguson - 65
Fernandez - 65
Fields - 65
Fishman - 84
Flannery - 65
Fleischmann - 65
Fletcher - 65, 121
Flood - 65
Flores - 66
Flowers - 66
Floyd - 84
Fohs - 66
Fonseca - 66
Fountain - 84
Fox - 66
Frabbiele - 66
Franks - 66
Freel - 66
Freeman - 84
French - 66
Friend - 66
Fritchley - 84
Fujii - 66
Fuller - 66
Fund - 84
Gage - 44
Gain - 56
Gallagher - 84
Gallinatti - 66
Gammon - 46, 66, 85
Garate - 66
Gardea - 66
Garvin - 66
Garza - 66
Gates - 23, 58
Gatley - 85
Gernes - 66
Gherardini - 66
Gillespie - 23
Goetting - 66
Goldbaum - 66
Goldsmith - 35, 85
Gonzales - 66
Gonzalez - 66
Gonzalez-Reff - 66
Goodman - 44, 46, 50
Goodrie - 66
Gordon - 66, 67
Goss - 67
Gosse - 67
Grabo - 85
Gracia - 43, 67
Graham - 67
Grass - 67
Gray - 67, 85
Grayson - 39, 45, 85
Greene - 67
Gregg - 85
Grigsby - 119
Gripp - 85
Gross - 67
Grove - 85
Guillen - 85
Haase - 85
Hackwith - 85
Hagedoro - 85
Hall - 67, 85
Hallowell - 67
Halverson - 67
Hamilton - 85
Hammack - 67
Hammond - 67
Hampton - 114, 120
Hannig - 67
Hanshew - 67
Hardman - 67
Harkins - 85
Harper - 67
Harris - 67
Hart - 67
Hartman - 67
Hasselfeld - 34
Hawk - 67
Hawkins - 18
Hawkinson - 67
Hawks - 28, 30
Heckard - 67
Heimerdinger - 85
Helton - 85
Henderson - 67
Henley - 67
Henrie - 39, 68
Henry - 68
Hernandez - 68
Herrin - 68
Herrington - 85
Hevel - 68
Hicks - 68
Higa - 68
Higgins-Teague - 68
Hill - 68
Hilt - 68
Hirami - 68
Hoffman - 68
Hogan - 68
Hoge - 68, 115
Holdaway - 68
Hoppe - 68
Horrocks - 85
Horton - 68, 85
Hortt - 29, 85
Hubbs - 68
Huddleston - 29, 30
Huff - 68
Hughes - 68, 85
Hunt - 68
Hurley - 68, 85
Hurtado - 68
Hyink - 68
Hyken - 68
Hyman - 85
Ignatiuk - 68
Imai - 68
Israel - 68
Jackson - 69, 85, 118
Jacobs - 69
Jacobsmeyer - 69
Janata - 69
Jardine - 85
Jarrard - 69
Jaynes - 85
Jenkins - 69
Jennings - 69
Jensen - 29
Jessop - 69
Jipson - 69
Johnson - 40, 69
Jolly - 69
Jones - 69, 86
Jordan - 69
Joubert - 39, 69
Judd - 86
Kalani - 69
Kamal - 70
Karch - 86
Kasson - 70
Kay - 70
Keeton - 70
Kelley - 70
Kendall - 86
Kennedy - 70, 86
Kirkwood - 70
Kischer - 70
Kissam - 70
Kitchen - 47, 70
Klein - 45, 70
Kleven - 43, 46, 55, 56, 70
Kline - 70
Kloss - 70
Knudson - 86
Kohl - 70
Kohnke - 86
Kole - 70
Kozak - 70
Kozlowski - 70
Kral - 70
Kramer - 70
Molitor - 47, 73
Plocus - 75
Schrum - 77
Trevino-37, 39, 41,42,43,
Kreutzer - 70
Montaque - 73
Poe - 75
Schull - 25
44, 45, 88
Krueger - 86
Moon - 73
Poechmann - 75
Sciuto - 77
Trudeau - 88
Krumm - 70
Moore - 73, 87
Ponce - 87
Seitz - 88
Trumble - 79
Kusler - 70, 86
Mora - 87
Pope - 29, 75
Sepich - 77
Tune - 88
Morgan - 39, 73
Porter - 75, 87
Shackelford - 88
Tyler - 79
Morris - 87
Potter - 87
Shacklett - 77
Ladd - 86
Mossel - 73
Powell - 34, 75, 87, 122
Shaffer - 77
Larkin - 70
Moves - 73
Powers - 75
Shannon - 77
Urschel - 79
Larsen - 86
Moyes - 35
Preas - 75
Shapiro - 77
Lawrence - 70
Muench - 87
Prescia - 75
Shaver - 77
Lawson - 45
Munoz - 73
Principato - 75
Sheely - 77
Learn - 86
Munson - 73
Prisbrey - 87
Shelborne - 88
Vanek - 79
Leavitt - 71,86
Murphy - 47, 73
Province - 75
Shelburn - 29
Van De Broek - 88
Lee - 71
Murray - 73
Pulsipher - 75
Sheleheda - 31,88
Van Natta - 88
Legan - 71
Leigh - 86
Myers - 43, 73
Pung - 75
Signor - 77
Silas - 77
Vavra - 79
Venard - 88
Lemke - 31
Simmons - 88, 122
Vendetti - 79
Leonard - 71
Neel - 73
Quagliata - 87
Simpson - 77
Vermillion - 88
Lester - 71,86
Neitz - 73
Smith - 18, 19, 77, 78, 122
Vigil - 79
Lewis - 71,86
Nelson - 73
Snawder - 88
Lindsey - 71, 122
Newby - 73
Raban - 75
Snyder - 119
Villagran - 79
Linebarger - 71
Newlin - 73
Racine - 75
Sorensen - 29
Vitale - 88
List - 33
Nighswonger - 87
Rambo - 22
Sorenson - 88
Vreeland - 79
Lister - 71
Nightingale - 73
Ramey - 76
Sparks - 47, 88
Littmann - 71
Nogues - 73
Ramonette - 76
Spears - 78
Lofton - 71, 122
Nordblom - 73
Ramos - 76
Spendlove - 78
Wadsworth - 88
Lopardo - 43, 86
Norris - 73
Ramsey - 87
Spigner - 78
Walker-23, 79, 122
Lopez - 44, 71
Nudd - 73
Ramthun - 76
Sproule - 78
Wallenfang - 88
Loughry - 71
Ramzy - 76
Spurgin - 78
Walls - 79
Love - 71
Rauh - 76
Spurling - 78
Walthers - 89
Lowell - 71
O’Hara - 73
Reed - 76
Squires - 18
Washington - 8, 34, 41, 45,
Lubach - 86
O’Keefe - 73
Rehan - 87
Stankosky - 78
Lucas - 86
O’Rourke - 45, 74
Reincke - 76
Steele - 78
79, 80, 114, 121, 122
Luna - 71
O’Sullivan - 74
Reinhart - 76
Steinberg - 78
Watts - 89
Lund - 71
Oglivie - 30
Reitz - 76
Stephens - 78
Way - 89
Lybbert - 71
Okimura - 87
Remedi - 76
Sternberg - 78
Wechselberger - 80
Olivas - 73
Remer - 76
Stevens - 78
Weinert - 80
Olsen - 73, 121
Rhodes - 76
Stevenson - 78, 122
Weingardt - 80
Maldonado - 37
Ong - 73, 87
Ricci - 76
Steyn - 78
Weldon - 80
Malitz - 71
Orenic - 74
Rice - 76
Stickler - 78
Wells - 89
Mantooth - 44
Ornelas - 74
Richard - 76
Stiles - 78
Wesley - 80
Marsh - 71
Ortega - 74
Riddle - 39, 41,56, 76,
Stolworthy - 78
West - 35, 36, 58, 89
Marshall - 86, 122
Ortiz - 74
Story - 78
Westbrooks - 80
Marsili - 71
Osborn - 74
Rieffer - 76, 121
Stout - 78
Wettstein - 89
Martin - 71,86
Otteson - 74
Rigoni - 76, 87, 121
Strade - 78
Whealan - 80
Martinez - 86
Outley - 74
Riley - 87
Streand - 78
White - 80
Martinolich - 72
Overson - 87
Rios - 76
Strong - 78
Whitney - 80
Mastroluca - 118
Ozuna - 47, 74
Rivero - 76
Stull - 88
Wickliffe - 44, 80, 122
Mathis - 72
Rizzo - 76
Stupak - 41
Wieland - 80
Matthis - 72
Robertson - 87
Suan - 78
Wilbanks - 80
May - 72
Pace - 74
Robinson - 76
Suarez - 78
Wilcox - 80
McAllister - 72
Paddock - 74
Robles - 39, 76
Sudbury - 78
Wilder - 80
McAndrew - 45, 72
Palenske - 74
Rockwell - 19
Sullivan - 78
Willet - 43
McCandless - 86
Palm - 74
Roeder - 76
Svoboda - 78
Willett - 80, 118
McCastle - 72
Parker - 74
Roeller - 76
Swanson - 78
Williams - 22, 23, 24, 30,
McCollins - 72
Pasechnick - 74
Rogers - 28, 76, 87
Swing - 88
31,33, 58, 80, 89, 122
McCrea - 72
Pastorello - 74
Romeo - 76
Sypniewicz - 79
Willis - 80
McDaniel - 122
Paul - 29, 74
Rosas - 77
Szymanski - 36, 41,42, 43,
Wills - 80
McElroy - 86
Pearson - 74
Rosek - 77
46, 47, 79, 118, 139
Wilson - 40, 80
McFarland - 86
Pechacek - 74
Ross - 77
Winder - 80
McGhie - 29
Pecoraro - 74
Rowan - 87
Windhorst - 80
McGinn - 39, 72, 121
Pedrol - 31,74
Rozier - 77
Tashjian - 79
Wingert - 89
McGinty - 72
Peeples - 87, 122
Ruiz - 77
Taylor - 79
Withers - 29
McNary - 72
Pellegrini - 74
Ryan - 29, 35, 87
Teeters - 39, 79
Wolfe - 80
McNeill - 72
Perez - 74
Terry - 79
Wood - 39, 80, 89
McShane - 72
Perillo - 74
Teschler - 79
Worpell - 80
Medici - 23
Perry - 74
Sams - 77
Thom - 79
Wynn - 80
Mendes - 86
Petersen - 75
Sanchez - 77
Thomas - 79, 88
Mendoza - 72
Peterson - 75
Sandoval - 77
Thomason - 79, 88
Menno - 43, 72
Petropoulos - 75
Sara - 24
Thompson - 79
Young - 33, 39, 40, 80, 89,
Merkt - 72
Pezzullo - 75
Sasaoka - 77
Tiaffay - 79
Miller - 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
Phillipenas - 87
Saucedo - 77
Tigrett - 79
29, 30, 31,58, 72, 86, 87
Phillips - 47, 75
Savadina - 28, 31,88
Tisovec - 88
Milligan - 87
Pierce - 87
Saxon - 77
Tobler - 88
Zaferes - 80
Miramontes - 72
Piker - 75
Schaefer - 77
Tomko - 79
Zeimen - 81
Mirkhah - 42, 43, 72, 118
Pistone - 75
Scheumann - 77
Torgerson - 79
Zimbelman - 81
Modglin - 72
Pittman - 75
Schlaf - 77
Trauernicht - 88
Zimmermann - 81
Mohler - 87
Pitts - 75
Schmidt - 77, 88
Travino - 58
Zolman - 89
Molinar - 72
Plehn - 75
Schmitz - 25
Trelease - 19, 22, 24
Zuniga - 81

Original artwork
Firefighter/Artist, from the FireArt, Inc. collection ( Used with
Top, from left: Earm Angels; Smokey Joe’s Bar & Grill; The Fog of War; Tougher Than
Bottom, from left: Return To Glory; Some Gave All; “Kidd” Livin’ The Dream.
Allan Albaitis

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue History, 1905-2005: commemorative book (2024)
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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.