Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (2024)

Chapter 1: Cast

Chapter Text

Bree Odair

Portrayed by Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor. Or Lorde

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (1)

Full name: Bree Marcella Odair
Full name: Bree Marcella Odair. Ne Daves

Parents: Valerie and Leo Daves

Husband: Finnick Odair (for 1 year before the 75th Hunger Games)

Age: 23

Powers: She is a master of throwing knives. She can do hand-to-hand skills and survival skills.

District: Currently District 4, but she came from District 5

Current occupation: Victor of the 69th Hunger Games.

Back Story: She had always been obsessed with training under the fear that she may be reaped. One day, her fears came to pass, and she was repped for the 69th annual Hunger Games. Somehow, she managed to survive and win, but she still suffers PTSD from her games.

Somehow, she managed to survive and win, but she still suffers PTSD from her games

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (2)

Finnick Odair

Portrayed by Sam Claflin

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (3)

Wife: Bree Marcella Odair. Ne Daves (for 1 year before the 75th hunger games)

Age: 24

Powers: Expert use of the trident. Is also highly skilled with a net, knife and spear.

District: 4

Current occupation: Victor of the 65th Hunger Games.

Back Story: Finnick met Bree When she was repped for her games. She volunteered to look after his tributes. He was there when she came back from her games with severe PTSD. He helped her work her way through it before they started to date. He agreed with Snow that he could stop his prostitute work when he was dating Bree.

He agreed with Snow that he could stop his prostitute work when he was dating Bree

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (4)

Chapter 2: Catching Fire

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Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (5)

Sometimes the right thing is never the easy thing.

Sometimes, the ridiculous thing is being thrown back into an arena of death that you fought so hard to escape a mere 6 years previously.

Bree did not want to go back. Bree would do anything to avoid having to go back into the Hunger Games. But sometimes fate has other ideas. Bree wasn't sure whether to be glad Finnick was there with her or whether to scream and curse at Snow for throwing her husband back in the place he fought so hard to escape.

Snow didn't realise when he decided to put all the victor's back in the arena he was making more enemies than even he could kill. To kill all the people who hated him would require the end of the world and not even Snow could do that.

To kill all the people who hated him would require the end of the world, and not even Snow could do that

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (6)

Chapter 3: The Announcement and the Reaping

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"Smiling does not necessarily mean you're happy. sometimes it just means you're strong."

Nishan Panwar

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (7)

Bree was sat across Finncik's lap. Her head resting on his shoulder with his arms draped around her. They were comfortable and happy. Bree's parents, Valerie and Leo, had disappeared into the kitchen to make some lunch. They all knew it was so that Valerie and Leo could avoid the image of Snow for a bit longer. When a psychopathic man throws your daughter into an arena of death, it's hard not to want to kill them.

Bree's parent loved Finnick as if he were there own son. And in a way, he was, being their son-in-law. They could look past the horrible things that the two had to do to survive and see the innocent people they actually are. They could see how happy the two made each other. They could see how much Bree had healed thanks to Finnick. They could never hate him for how much he had done for their little family when seeing how Bree was when she first came back and how she was now. They could never hate him for it. They could even see how much Bree had helped him without even realising. They knew the real Finnick and not the mask he put on for the capital.

Bree heard cheering and looked up from where her head was cuddled into Finncicks chest. "Mum, Dad." Bree called, "It's starting."

Valerie and Leo came back into the living room to sit on either side of their daughter and her husband. As if by some miracle, that could save them from what was coming.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Snow started speaking, "this is the 75th year of The Hunger Games. And it was written in the charter of The Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this, the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 3rd Quarter Quell as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of The Capitol. On this, the 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district."

Bree felt the breath leave her lungs as she started to hyperventilate. She hadn't even noticed the tears streaming down her face. Finnick sat there blankly, staring at the screen for her a second before he gathered Bree even tighter into his arms, rocking her as he told her that she would be okay. That was a lie. Bree was the only female victor of District 5.

Bree's parents let out a startled gasp before both wrapping their arms around the two of them. There was no question about it. The two would be going back into the games. Valerie and Leo, who were usually nice people and never wanted to see the bad in anybody, would quite happily have killed Snow themselves at that moment.

They stayed like that for a while, just savouring the feeling of being together. They all knew that Bree and her parents would have to return to District 5 for the reaping sooner or later.

Bree and Finnick lived together in 4's Victor village. Her parents lived in Brees's house in 5's Victor's Village. But Valerie and Leo often came to see Bree and Finnick. They were a very closely-knit family.


Bree stood on the platform, looking out at the sea of faces from District 5. She could see Leo holding a sobbing Valerie as he tried not to weep himself. Bree sent them a faint smile. Trying to tell them that she would be okay. It was a lie; she wasn't okay; She was far from okay.

Alina stepped forward to the microphone, her sequined dress winking in the light that escaped the clouds. "Hello all, and welcome to our celebration of the 75th anniversary and 3rd Quarter Quell of The Hunger Games. As always, we will do ladies first."

Alina then turned and took a few steps towards the glass bowl by Bree. Alina sent an apologetic but watery smile to Bree. Bree knew that Alina didn't want to do this, and she didn't blame Alina. Bree and Alina were friends, and Bree knew that there was nothing that Alina could do. She was only following orders.

Alina dipped her hand into the bowl. Everyone watched as she picked up the single piece of paper before moving back to the mic. "The female Tribute from District 5, Bree Odair," Aline told the crowd, her voice wavering at the end, "congratulations."

Bree moved forward on autopilot and didn't know what to do. She saw Alina extend her hand to her Bree took it. Gripping onto it like it was a lifeline. Alina gave her hand a firm squeeze, showing her support before dropping it.

"Now for the men," Alina proclaimed as she headed over to the other bowls. Alina dipped her hand in a moved her hand around; there were two tributes in this bowl.

Lysander Wyatt and Willem Knight. Lysander Wyatt was young and married with a five-year-old. Willem Knight was more senior and completely alone.Willem had long since blocked out the rest of the world in favour of staying holed up in his house.

Alina picked out a piece of paper and moved back to the mic, "The male Tribute from District 5, Lysander Wyatt," Aline told the crowd.

She was interrupted before she could finish by Willem, "I volunteer as tribute."

Bree could see the look of relief that washed over Lysander's face as Willem walked over to Alina. Aline grabbed both of their hands before raising them in the air. Aline, realising that Bree was on her last legs, then turned and dragged the two into the back.

The moment they were out of view, Bree broke down, hyperventilating and crying again. "I can't do it," She whimpered over and over again, her little chant.

Thankfully, her parents were allowed in and ran and gathered her up in their arms as they rocked her side to side. None of them said anything, as there was nothing that they could say.

Chapter 4: Back to the capital

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"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you."

Misty Copeland

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (8)

Katniss and Peeta sat next to each other on the sofa as Haymitch told them about their competition for the Hunger Games.

"Finnick Odair, right?" Katniss asked as his smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Yes. He won his Games at 14." Haymitch agreed, "Youngest ever. Extremely humble."

"You're kidding," Katniss asked, not believing Haymitch.

"Yes, I'm kidding. He's a peaco*ck. A total preener." Haymitch told them, "But he's The Capitol darling. They love him here. Charming, smart, and very skilled at combat. Especially in water."

"What about weaknesses?" Peeta asked, leaning forward.

"Two. Bree and Mags." Haymitch told them. "Bree is his wife. She is also in the games. If you hurt her, he will stop at nothing to hunt you down, so I would recommend avoiding that. Mags volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raised him. If he's trying to protect them in any way, it exposes him."

"A guy like that has to know Mag's is not gonna make it." Katniss told Haymitch, "I bet when it really comes down to it, he won't protect her."

"Well, Katniss, I just hope when she goes, she goes quickly." Haymitch told Katniss as they watched Finnick hug Mags, "She's actually a wonderful lady."

Haymitch then moved on to the District 5 tributes, "Bree Odair. Finnick's wife," Haymitch told them as he pointed to Bree. "Lovely woman, she gave up the opportunity to be a part of the Career Pack to look after the youngest tributes in that batch."

"Why would she do that?" Katniss asked incredulously.

"Because, as I said, she is a lovely woman. The capital loves her. She is the sweetheart of the capital. She and Finnick are a complete power couple and, unlike you and Peeta, are actually completely in love with each other. The male tribute is Willem Knight. He is old and a bit of reclose. He volunteered for Lyasnader Wyatt, who has a young family."


Bree walked out of the changing rooms. She could see Peter also heading in the same direction a couple of paces in front of her.

"Peeta," Bree called out, "want to walk with me?"

Peeta froze in his movements, not quite sure what to expect.

"I hope you don't mind," Bree told him as she looped her arm through his, "I won't be offended if you ask me to go away. I figured it might be a bit intimidating walking in there by yourself."

Peeta said nothing as they started to walk again together. He was beginning to realize what Haymitch meant when he said that she was lovely.

"How did you and Finnick meet?" Peeta asked, partly wanting to know Bree more and partly because he didn't like the silence.

"I met him when I was reaped for my games," Bree told him, "his tributes were 12 and 13, and I volunteered to look after them. Sadly I failed, and when I came back, he helped me get through it."

Peeta nodded as he came through the doorway into the open area. He could see that Finnick was extremely close to Katniss.

"What are you doing, love?" Bree called out to Finnick as he put a sugar cube in his mouth.

Both Katniss and Peeta got to witness the way that Finnick's face lit up at Bree's voice. It was a truly magical sight.

"I was just offering her a sugar cube," Finnick told Bree as he kissed her, "would you like one?"

"I'm fine, love," Bree assured him, "you're stylest really isn't being subtle about their aim, are they?"

"Not at all," Finnick agreed, smiling, "you, on the other hand, look stunning."

Bree gave him a little twirl. She was wearing a dress that was very reminiscent of the dress that she wore to her capital wedding to Finnick. The one difference is that the dress lit up. "My stylist figured the fact that I looked like my wedding dress would send a message. And the fact that it lights up is because I'm from power."

"You were so stunning," Finnick said reminiscently, "that was one of the best days of my life."

"Oh, and what was one of the other ones," Bree teased.

"That day, I met you," Finnick told her as he drew her in for another kiss.

They were interrupted by a voice of the speakers, "Tributes, mount up."

"Well, that's my cue," Finnick told her as he gave her one more kiss before walking in the opposite direction.

"Give Mags my love and my luck," Bree told him.

"You saw her like an hour ago," Finnick smiled, "but I will."

Bree sent him a grateful look before walking off to join Willem at their carriage.

"You ready?" Willem asked as he gave Bree and hand up.

"As I'll ever be," Bree snorted. And with that, their chariot stared off towards the cheering of the capital citizens.

Their chariot was, of course, right behind District 4's, and as they were halfway down the path, Finnick turned and blew a kiss to Bree, which she pretended to catch and bring to her heart. This sent the crowd into a riot of cheering and awwing. They carried on their path as they drew past Snow before turning back to the shelter of the undercroft.

Bree stepped off the carriage and was about to say something to Willem when a hand grabbed her's and dragged her off.

Bree smiled at Johanna as she was led away. Bree looked over her shoulder at Finnick, who was heading in her direction but had stooped to chuckle at his wife being kidnapped by her closest friends. Bree sent him a little wave that he sent back.

"I think your husband can survive a little while without you. He's had plenty of time to see you, unlike me."

"I last saw you about a week ago," Bree giggled.

"Yes, and that's far too long," Johanna told her as she pulled Bree into an elevator that already contained some people, "You guys look amazing. But not quite as amazing as Bree." Johanna told them.

"Johanna," Bree admonishes, "I'm sorry about her. You all look amazing."

"It's no problem, sweetheart. We all know what she is like," Haymitch assured her as he pulled her in for a hug, "where is loverboy? I'm surprised he has let you out of his sigh."

Bree chuckled at his comment, "he saw Johanna accost me and figured he would let me have some girl time."

"Too right," Johanna snorted as she started to undress. "My stylist is such an idiot. District 7. Lumber. Trees. Ugh! I'd love to put my axe in her face. So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?"

"I don't think that the whole world..." Katniss scoffed.

"I wasn't talking to you," Johanna interrupted.

"Okay," Katniss muttered, not sure of what to make of Johanna.

"Will you unzip?" Johanna asked Peeta as she moved her hair out of his way.

"Yeah," Peeta whispered, not sure what to make of the situation.

Bree watched the looks on Peeta and Katniss's faces as she tried not to laugh. It was tough as she watched Johanna continue till she was stark naked in front of them. Bree accidentally let out a little snort as Johanna winked at Haymitch. Thankfully, it was covered by the ding of the elevator arriving.

"Thanks," Johanna called as she dragged Bree out of the elevator. "Let's do it again sometime."

"Thank you," Haymitch called after them before the doors slid shut.

The moment they were shut, Bree and Johanna burst out laughing.

"There faces," Bree wheezed out.

"Katniss was so angry," Johanna snickered, "now come on, you and I have some catching up to do."

Johanna and Bree spent the rest of the laughing and chatting. Neither of them mentioned the games and what was to come. They just had fun and pampered each other. They even had a joking pillow fight. It did turn a bit competitive, and at one point leading to the girls dissolving into giggles.

Finnick appeared a little before dinner to come and steal his wife back. The one floor in his plan is that they didn't want to leave each other. Instead, Bree ended up dragging Johanna and Bligh down to the district four with her. She then went and invited Willem along. Thankfully, Bree knew that Mags wouldn't mind.

The six of them ended up having the best evening, just pretending that the games didn't exist. They had a veritable feast as they all brought some delicacies from their own tables to have food from 4,5 and 7.

Chapter 5: Nightmares and training

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"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."

David Viscott

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (9)

Finnick was woken from his sleep by a sharp kick. He was awake in an instant. Bree was having a nightmare. Finnick could feel her shaking and thrashing as she muttered. He could barely pick out his name.

Finnick gently shook her shoulders as he repeated her name. The next thing he knew, he was on his back with a half-asleep Bree straddling him. It would have been sexy had it not been for the knife at his throat and the tears streaming down her face.

"Bree, darling," Finnick whispered as he slowly took the knife from her hand.

Bree seemed to wake from her semi asleep state at that.

"Finnick, on my god, are you okay," Bree asked frantically, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, love, it's okay," Finnick assured her as he pulled her down to lay on his chest, "do you want to talk about it?"

Bree nodded against his chest, "it was the memory from my games when the Carrer Pack killed the little ones I was looking after. But it wasn't them dead on the floor. It was you, mags and Johanna," Bree sobbed against his chest, "And all I could see was your lifeless eyes, and I knew that I was never going to hear your voice again."

"I'm okay, love," Finnick assured her, as he gently brought her hand up to his throat so that she could feel was uncut, "I'm still here."

Bree's cries seemed to calm down after a while as she started to fall asleep again. And only once he knew that she was peacefully asleep could Finnick go back to sleep.


Finnick and Bree walked into the training room hand in hand. Bree saw Finnick looking longingly across the room at the tridents. Bree gave him a light shove towards them. Finnick looked at her as if to ask her where she was going. He was reluctant to leave her after what happened last night.

"I'm going to go with Mags," Bree assured him.

That was enough for Finnick, so he walked towards the trident's. Checking over his shoulder as Bree went to Mags. Mags smiled up at Bree when she arrived. Mags thought of Bree as a daughter. The two loved each other deeply.

"Watch'ya doing?" Bree asked, watching as Mags went around picking up some feathers. Mags just gestured for her to wait and watch.

Bree watched for a while, "you are making a fish hook," she proclaimed, proud of herself for realising.

Mags nodded, proud of the girl for getting it so quickly. With the information that she had gotten in right, Bree did a joking victory dance as she punched her fists out, making Mag's laugh. Mags then gestured at Bree to start making her own. Bree went around picking up the necessary items with a spring in her step. She had been practising since Mags had last shown her how to do it. Bree then sent to work making her own. Occasionally checking with Mags to make sure she was doing it right.

Bree was so in her own world that when she suddenly realised a person was behind her, she had pulled out a knife and had it pointed at the person before Bree even realised what she was doing.

Katniss was slightly surprised by the fact that a knife pointed at her abdomen in less than half a second.

"I'm so sorry," Bree apologised, seeming slightly surprised herself, stepping away from Katniss, "are you okay?"

Katniss realising that it wasn't malicious, just smiled calmly and Bree. Katniss could see the way that Bree seemed to relax at that. Katniss could guess that it was probably PTSD. She knew that feeling. The sudden feeling that the person behind you was about to try and kill you. The sudden need to protect yourself.

"That's beautiful," Katniss complimented, gesturing to the fishhooks Mags and Bree were making, "I saw you volunteer for that young girl. It was really brave."

Mags shook her head as she put her hand on her chest and then on Katnisses shoulder.

"Prim is my sister," realising that the atmosphere was getting tense, Katniss changed the subject, "If you two, um... If you two teach me how to make a fishhook like that, I could teach you how to hunt."

"Yes, please," Bree cheered, "I'm so jealous of your hunting skills!"

Katniss smiled at Bree. Katniss liked the girl. She seemed so sweet and friendly despite what she had seen. Mags then bent over and showed Katniss what she had been doing, as Bree explained for Katniss.

When they had finished, Katniss then led them both over to the shooting range, "Do you wanna try with me?" Katniss asked.

Mags shook her head and pointed at Katniss, "how about you go first, and then you can teach us," Bree suggested.

"Okay," Katniss chuckled at their enthusiasm, "I'll go first."

Katniss picked up a bow and some arrows before stepping into the room. Bree watched as she pressed some buttons on a monitor before taking up her position. Bree waited as the light show started before changing into people. Bree was in awe as Katniss hit them. She didn't miss how they were copies of that year's tributes. Bree did flinch as Katniss shot an arrow through the head of the one that represented Bree. She then saw the Finnick copy leap to the Bree copy's defence. Only to be shot through the chest. Bree looked around. This made her want to check on Finnick. Thankfully, he was walking over to her to see the show. He wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I'm okay," he whispered in her ear. Finnick knew what was going through her head.

They heard Wiress clapping. They turned to see Katniss's face as she looked at the audience she had accumulated.

"Okay, you so have to teach me that," Bree cheered as she walked into the room with Katniss, "you are so cool."

Katniss just smiled at Bree, glad to have her attention diverted from the crowd watching her.

Then, honouring her promise, Katniss started to teach Bree and Mags the basics of using a bow and arrow. She enjoyed Bree and Mag's company. They were lovely people who had been put through awful things and came out with the literal and metaphorical scars to prove it.

Mags ended up getting tired after a bit and leaving just Katniss and Bree alone. Bree had, of course, automatically suggested she leave Katniss alone. And to no one more than Katniss's surprise, she declined. Katniss enjoyed Bree's company; it made her feel a bit less alone. Don't get Katniss wrong. She loved Peeta and Haymitch, but it was nice to be able to talk to a girl.

Chapter 6: Individual assessments and Caesars interviews

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"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."

Winnie the Pooh

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (10)

Bree was sat in a huddle with Finnick and Mags. She was seated on Finnick's lap. Bree wanted to be with her family. Willem was lovely, but she still wanted her husband more.

"District 4. Finnick Odair." The robotic voice instructed, "Report for individual assessment."

Bree stood up and kissed Finnick quickly before nudging him in the direction he had to go.

"I'll be here when you get back," Bree assured him.

Finnick nodded at her and walked through. Bree sat down in his seat as her leg started to bounce anxiously. She wasn't enjoying the wait. after about 5 minutes, Mags put a calming hand in Bree's leg. Bree gave her a nervous half-smile in return.

When The speaker called Mag's name, Bree perked up, looking around for Finnick. When he appeared, she flung herself into his arms. The two didn't let go of each other as they waited for Mags to come back.

"District 5. Bree Odair." The robotic voice-directed, "Report for individual assessment."

Finnick gave his wife a good luck kiss before she stood up and walked in. Bree passed Mags on her way. Mags gave her a good luck kiss on the cheek to assure her that she would be alright.

Bree steeped into the cavernous space. She could see the people on their perch looking down on her. Bree wanted to kick and scream and attack them. To show them how angry she was with what they had done to her, that she hadn't just taken the punishment lying down, but she knew that that had to wait. There was no point rebelling where no one would see. Bree would carry on playing their game for a bit longer. Then, she would show them her claws.

"Miss Odair," Pultrich greeted amicably, as though she wasn't about to show them all the way's that she could kill someone, "you have 10 minutes to present your chosen skill."

Bree ran around quickly, grabbing three dummies that she then painted one letter on each. From there, she tied a quick noose and strung them up. Now for the fun bit, Bree grinned. She grabbed as many knives as she could carry and dipped them all in the red paint. She threw them at the dummies. One between the eyes. one in the heart. One in their private parts. Now, on to the following figure.

Bree heard the last knife sink into the head of the training dummy just as the timer went off. Bree turned around and gave the evaluators a mock salute. Behind her were three hanged mannequins that spelt outY O U. Each with 3 bloody daggers dripping red paint down them. Bree gave them each a glare before walking out of the room.

An Avox handed Bree a wet towel on the way out so she could clean the red paint from her fingers. Bree sent them a grateful smile. She could see out of the corner of her eye that they were quickly trying to get the bodies hidden away so that Willem could come in for his go. Bree handed the towel back to the Avox and walked out.

Bree could hear Willem being called.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" She asked as he walked past.

"Don't worry about that," Willem assured her, "but tell the others that we can have supper in 5 this time."

"Will do," she smiled at him, glad that he liked her friends, "good luck."

Bree then walked out to see Mags and Finnick waiting for her.

"William says that we can eat in 5 this evening," Bree told them and Johane as she passed where District 7 where seated, "so see you there."


One of Bree's stylists was finishing putting the crown on her head when Bree heard a gasp behind her. Bree spun around to see Alina with her hand over her mouth.

"You look stunning," Alina told Bree, Alina's voice wavering as if she was going to burst into tears, "Finnick isn't going to be able to take his eyes off of you."

"I definitely think my stylist is trying to send a message," Bree joked as she spun around.

Bree was wearing a gold dress that was made out of metal teardrops. Bree looked like she was going to war. And in a way, she was.

"Come on," Alina instructed Bree, linking her arm through Bree's, "Finnick has been waiting for you."

Bree exited her changing room to see Finnick leaning against the wall, waiting for her. Bree could see Finnick's jaw drop when he saw her.

"You look stunning," Finnick managed to get out, "my warrior queen."

Bree smiled at him as he pulled her in for a kiss.

"You look so handsome," Bree complimented him when they pulled away.

Someone had come up to come and collect Finnick. He was on next. Finnick gave her one last kiss for good luck before he walked off.

Bree stood nervously, fidgeting as she waited for her turn to go up.

"I rather like the angle our stylist of going for," Willem commented as he walked up to Bree.

"I couldn't agree more," Bree agreed, "I feel like a warrior queen."

"That's because you are," William told her, "don't you forget it."

"I won't," Bree nodded, "as long as you don't forget it, either."

"I won't," Willem agreed, "but last time I checked, I was a guy."

Bree burst out laughing, feeling a bit more relaxed.

Bree's head snapped to the screen when she heard Ceasar say Finnicks name.

"I understand that you have a message for your wife. You're special somebody," Cinna chuckled. Everybody knew that Finnick and Bree were deeply in love, that just never tended to do much PDA, "can we hear it?"

"My love, you have my heart for all eternity and if..." Finnick told the camera. "If I die in that arena, my last thought will be of you."

Bree wiped a tear from her eyes. Watching as Finnick went to take his place.

Bree was then ushered onto the stage.

"Here come's the special lady," Ceasar cheered as Bree stepped onto the stage, "well, aren't you beautiful?"

"Thank you, Ceasar."

"It is undisputed that Finnick is in love with you, isn't it."

"And I'm in love with being a queen," Bree joked, causing the audience to laugh, "but no, in all honesty, I would do anything for that man. He owns everything I have ever been and ever will be. He holds my heart in the palm of his hand."

"For a second there, I was worried," Ceasar laughed, "you two are so in love. What do you think that means for your games?"

"Going into those games, I know one thing, Ceasar, that I will do everything to protect Finnick. Even if it means giving my life."

"You love is surely aspirational. Bree Odair, everybody!"

Bree turned, walking up to the platform and taking her position next to Finnick, who grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

"No need to make us jealous!" Ceasar joked.

"It's not my fault I have the perfect wife," Finnick called back.

Bree sent a glowing smile at Finnick as he squeezed her hand. They then watched as Willem came onto the stage. When William came up, Bree also grabbed his hand. Together, they watched as all of the tributes made their own desperate attempts to stop the games, including Peeta's massive bombshell.

They all brought their hands up to say that they were united. Bree knew that it wasn't entirely true, but it was a nice sentiment. Bree tried not to laugh as Ceasar desperately wanted them to cut the lights as the audience rioted.

The tributes were then rapidly taken from the stage and out of the public eye. Bree got changed and went and joined Finnick as they waited for Mag's, Willem, Johanna and Blight so that they could have a last meal together and pretend that the games weren't the next day.

Chapter 7: Let the Games Begin

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"I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."

Christina Perri

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (11)

Bree and Finnick lay in the bed tangled together. They were both hanging on to the other for dear life. They knew that in a few minutes, they would be separated and taken to the games.

Speak of the devil. Bree lifted her head when she heard a knocking.

Finnick pulled her down to him, "remember what I said," he instructed as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss, "I love you".

The kiss was a promise that they would go through this together. No one would separate them from each other.

Knocking came again at the door. Bree stood up to pull on her clothes and throw Finnick his. The two got dressed and opened the door to see Alina.

"I'm really sorry, you two, but I have to take Bree," Alina apologised, looking like she wanted to cry.

Finnick pulled Bree in for one more passionate kiss before he let go, and Bree walked off. Neither of them said anything because they didn't know what to say. They both feared that if they tried to say anything to the other, they would end up breaking down then and there.

Alina lead Bree to a large plane that they boarded. Just before it lifted off, Bree was instructed to hold up her arm to implant a tracker. Bree didn't even flinch. She expected this to happen. The plane took off, and Bree ran all the possible scenarios through her head.

She was stirred from her own head by the feeling of the plan coming on to land. Bree frantically searched for a look onto where he was. But the game makers had thought of this, and she could see a thing. The only clue that Bree got was when she pulled on the clothes that the game makers had given to her. Her best guess was tropical.

Aline and Bree were stood in front of a glass tube that would lead Bree to her fate. Aline looked like she was about to cry any moment. Bree pulled Alina into a hug.

"No matter what, I will go down fighting," Bree told her, "don't you worry about me."

"Sixty seconds to launch." The voice warned.

"What do you think happens if I don't get in?" Bree asked flippantly.

"How about we don't find out," Aline tried to joke back, sniffling.

Bree pulled in Alina for a final hug.

"Ten seconds to launch." The voice instructed.

Alina gave Bree and hand into the tube. When she was situated in it, the glass came down in between the two. Bree put her hand against the glass. Alina then rested her hand on the other side as the elevator started to go up.

Bree started to go up in the elevator. She could see the light peaking in from not tp far above her. Bree put her hands over her eyes to let them adjust slowly.

When Bree was finally up, she could see that she was on a pedestal in the middle of some water. There was a strip of rocky land separating her and the tribute to her left. Bree thanked Finnick for teaching her to swim. Thinking of Finnick, Bree swung her head around, trying to locate him, to no luck. With the sun so high in the sky, it was hard to work out where he was.

Bree was broken from her desperate searching by a voice, "Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favour."

Bree settled her breathing.


She took a deep breath in.


And a deep breath out.


She looked ahead of her.


Bree made a mental note of who was around her.


Bree reviewed what swimming stoke would be best.


Bree readied her stance on the pedestal.


Bree took a breath in.


Bree breathed all the air out of her lungs


Bree took a deep breath in.


Bree dove into the water.

Bree swam as fast as she could. Bree swam like her life depended on it, and in a way, it did. Bree saw the cornucopia just in front of herself and pushed herself forward, grabbing onto it and hauling herself up. Frantically grabbing a bag in front of her and stuffing the throwing knives lying about into it. Throwing it over her shoulder, she grabbed the knife belt, clipping it around her hips. Of course, it was precisely the right size for her.

When she looked up, she could see Finnick holding his hands up, almost like surrender. Bree ran around as fast as she could. A knife already in her hand and ready to throw. When she came around behind Finnick, and saw Katniss ducking down and him throwing a spear. She was relieved.

"Don't trust 1 and 2. I'll take this side. You hold them off. I'm going to try and find Bree and Peeta."

"I'm here, love," Bree told him. Finnick snapped his head to her so fast she feared he would get whiplash. The two ran at each other and collided in a hug.

"Are you okay," Finnick asked frantically, looking at Bree's body for any signs of harm.

"I am," Bree promised as she handed him his trident, "but for now we have a promise to keep. Let's go find Peeta."

Finnick and Bree went around looking for the blond boy. They found him by his pedestal, fighting with another tribute. Mags was frantically pointing at him.

Bree pushed Finnick to get Katniss as she took the bag off her back, passing it to Mags. She left the knife belt on as she leapt into the water. She knew the capital. The knives would be coated to stop them from rusting.

Bree cut through the water as she swam towards Petta. She ducked her head up out of the water in time to see him be dragged under. Bree took a deep breath and dive under the water. She opened her eyes and looked under the water to see him. When Bree located him, she pulled one of her daggers out. When she got close enough, she sank her blade into the chest of the tribute batteling Peeta. The body immediately went limp, letting Bree help Petta swim towards the surface.

When they broke the surface, she could see Finnick desperately swimming towards them, and Katniss's relive face. Finnick helped Bree dragged Peeta over to where the rest of them were. When that got onto the spit of land, Mag's handed Bree her bag back. Bree could see Katniss and Peeta emotionally reuniting as Bree helped Mag's onto Finnick back.

They took off running. They wanted to put as much distance between them and the Carrer Pack as possible.

"Come on, Bree," Finnick called, "You go in front of me."

Bree knew what Finnick was doing, and she didn't have the energy to argue with him.

After they had put a suitable distance between them and the other's, Finnick got them to stop. He gently let Mags of his back as he and Bree fussed around her, making sure that she was okay.

"God, it's hot," Patte complained. Bree snorted in agreement.

"We gotta find freshwater," she agreed, "there may be some in my bag, but I haven't looked."

Bree was interrupted by the canon firing three times.

"Well, I guess we're not holding hands any more," Finnick chuckled. Bree lent over and gently hit his shoulder. Ignoring his look of mock hurt.

"You think that's funny?" Katniss snapped

"Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears." Finnick told Katniss, "I don't care about any of them."

"Good to hear," Katniss told him as she drew a long blade out of her arrow pouch. Unbeknownst to the rest of them, Bree had already pulled a blade out. She didn't care what she had said to Haymitch. If Katniss tried to harm Finnick, Bree would send the knife flying at her. Out of politeness to Haymitch, it wouldn't be a kill shot, just something to stop her so that Bree could get Finnick and Mags out of there.

"Want to face the Career Pack alone?" Finnick asked Katniss, "what would Haymitch say?"

"Haymitch isn't here," Katniss snapped.

"Let's keep moving," Peeta suggested before things got out of hand.

"That seems like a great idea," Bree agreed giving Peeta a hand to stand up. They were both sending messages to their other half's. Bree and Peeta were allies.

They carried on trekking again with Peeta in front, then Finnick, then Bree and finally Katniss.

It was working well with Peeta hacking at any vines he came across. If he missed any, Bree would then get them.

Bree didn't say anything. Her brain kept trying to remind her of her games. The heat wasn't helping with that at all. Her brain kept trying to trick her into thinking that the ground beneath her feet was sand. Whenever it got too bad, Bree would reach for and touch Finnick to remind herself that he was there and that everything would be okay.

Katniss's suddenly screamed, "Peeta, no!"

Bree's head snapped up in time to see a bright explosion as Peeta was thrown backwards. Knocking into the others, sending them tumbling down.

"Peeta? Peeta?" Katniss caterwauled, "he's not breathing. He's not breathing. He's not breathing! Peeta!"

Finnick lept into action showing Katniss off of Peeta. When Katniss went to grab her bow, Bree gripped onto her arm.

"Look at what he is doing," Bree seethed.

When Katniss finally realised what was going on, she relaxed and ran over to Peeta.

"Peeta?" Katniss repeated, "Peeta?"

"Come on!" Finnick chanted as he pushed down on Peeta's chest, "come on!"

"Please, wake up," Katniss begged over Peeta's body, "No. Please, wake up."

"Come on. Come on! Come on." Finnick repeated in time to his chest compressions, "come on. Come on, Peeta!"

"Please, Peeta." Katniss chant his name through her sobbing, "Peeta."

"Come on," Finnick pleaded

Peete suddenly gasped in a breath.

"Peeta? Peeta." Katniss was so relieved, "Oh, my God."

"Be careful," Peeta warned as Katniss lent over his body, "there's a force field up there,"

Finnick stood up and left the lover to their moment. Bree pulled Finnick in for a hug. They both knew that that could have been the other in Peeta's place.

"You... Do you wanna stand up?" Katniss suddenly aksed. Bree thought it might be best to give him a moment to catch his breath but hay ho.

"Yeah," Peeta breathed out. Both Katniss and Finnick helped him get back on his feet.

From there, they carried on the walking. This time Katniss was in the lead throwing rocks so that she knew where the forcefield was. Mag's and Peeter were propped up on echo*r as Finnick and Bree brought the rear up hand in hand.

"Hang on," Katniss instructed them as she spotted a tree that she could climb.

Katniss disappeared up the tree. The rest of them sat down, glad of the break. Bree had her back resting against Finnick left arm so that she could face Peeta.

"How are you," Bree asked Peeta. She was genuinely worried about him. The poor thing had just died, for heaven's sake.

Peeta looked a bit surprised about the fact that Bree was asking him if he was okay.

"I'm I'm a bit sore," Peeta answers sheepishly, "I don't think it's quite set in what happened yet."

"Fair enough," Bree shrugged, "but if it gets worse, you need to warn us so that we can help you."

Peeta nodded at her. When Bree was satisfied, she wriggled around so that her head was in Finnciks lap so that she could lock up at his face.

"You okay," Bree asked him.

"I'm perfect because I'm with you," Finnick flirted.

Bree just gently hit his arm and turned her head in Mag's direction.

"You okay Mag's" Bree asked.

Mags just noded in retrun. Bree nodded back before looking back to Finnick. Bree then shut her eyes. One of the things she learnt from her games is that you need to sleep where you could. You should wait until night just to sleep. If you are safe, you need to sleep, even if it is just for 5 minutes.

Bree was woken from her sleep by the sound of Katniss landing on the floor.

"The force field. It's a dome. We're at the edge of the arena," Katniss told them. The information didn't come as a big shock, but it was good to know, "I couldn't find any signs of freshwater.

"It's gonna get dark soon," Bree commented.

"We'll be safe with our backs protected," Finnick added, being able to guess what Bree was thinking, "we should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take first watch."

"Not a chance," Katniss snorted. If we are honest, Bree was getting fed up with her attitude.

"That thing I did back there for Peeta?" Finnick snapped, "that was called saving his life."

"If we wanted to kill either of you," Bree warned, "we would've done it by now. So for heaven's sake, trust use."

Finnick and Bree both stood up and went over to Mags to give her a hand up. They then set up and checked that the area was clear before Bree settled down to fall asleep on Finnick's lap.

Bree must have been asleep for a while before the capital anthem woke her as it was dark. Bree looked up to see that the first image to come up was William. Bree gave a little gasp. Despite not knowing him, she was still upset that he was dead. After the final face, Finnick pulled Bree in for a hug as a single tear fell down her face.

"I'm so sorry about William," Finnick apologised.

"I feel bad because I'm so glad it's them and not Johanna," Bree admitted.

"You allowed to be glad that your friend isn't dead," Finnick assured her, "I spent all of your game being glad every time the canon went of because it means that there was greater change you would get out of here alive."

Bree looked up at him with adoration in her eyes as he leant down to give her a quick kiss on the lips. They wher einterput by a chimming. They looked up to see a parachute coming towards them. The two sprang up and chased after Katniss when she went to get the parachute.

Katniss opened it. On the top was a note that said ' Drink up -H.'

"Drink up"?" Katniss muttered

"What is it?" Finnick asked, looking over their shoulder at the strange metal object.

"It's from Haymitch," Katniss told him.

"It's a spile," Bree told them as she gently took the object from Katniss.

"A What?" Finnick asked, following Bree as she ran towards the tree.

Bree used a rock to hammer it into the tree, "This little thing saved me in my games."

The other gave her a funny look until they saw a trickle of water start to pour out of it. Bree quickly ducked her head under and drank some of the water. She then moved away so that the other could have some.

While they were doing that, she pulled the backpack off her back. She dug around it grab the small flask she had seen when she had gone through its contents. When Finnick had drank some water, Bree put the flask under and took the water to Mag's. When they were all seated, they went back to their original positions, and Bree fell asleep in Finnicks lap again.

Chapter 8: Mag's

Chapter Text

"I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you."


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (12)

Bree was snapped out of her sleep for a second time that night by loud banging. Bree just groaned.

"Is a woman not allowed to get her beauty sleep," Bree complained.

"You don't need beauty sleep," Finnick told her, "you are already the most beautiful girl in the world."

"You are so sweet, aren't you," Bree laugh.

"Go back to sleep, love," Finnick told her as he cupped his hands over her ears.

Not being one to turn down sleep, Bree was soon fast asleep again. She vaguely stirred when Finnick picked her up, but when he quietly murmured for her to go back to sleep, she did.

Bree was woken from her sleep a third time that night by screaming. I will get to the screaming. But I mean, come on! How much does it take for a poor girl to get a good night of sleep?

"Run! Run!" Katniss screamed, "The fog is poison!"

"Come on, come on," Finnick chanted as Bree helped Mags get on his bag, "come on."

"There!" Bree shouted as Finnic took off running. They ran down a slope, balancing being able to run fast and not going head first. They ran past hanging vines as Bree pushed them out the way for Finnick and Mags. She refused to leave them behind. They kept having to change direction as the fa*g cough up with them. Bree felt like she was being corraled.

When Finnick diverged from where Katniss and Peeta were going, she didn't hesitate to follow. It didn't matter what she had said to Haymitch. She wasn't going to leave them alone.

What Bree wasn't prepared for was the fog. It nipped at her heal's, sending her screaming ground. It felt as if someone had poured acid all over her legs as it boiled the flesh. Bree heard Finnick let out a scream as it caught him too. She desperately crawled to them as she helped Mags onto his back, ignoring the fog as it lapped up her legs and to her lower back.

"Mags, Bree, please, please! Come on! Come on!" Finnick chanted as he pulled Brees arm over his shoulder.

The three of them managed to half run and half drag themselves to where Peeta and Katniss had collapsed. Both Mags and Bree knew that Finnick was doing all the hard work. The fog had destroyed her legs, and she could barely move them.

"I can't carry him," Katniss told them, "Peeta, please. Peeta, please, stand up. We have to go."

Bree was lying on the floor, barely conscious of her surroundings, when she felt Mags kiss her head.

Bree looked up when she heard Finnick screaming Mag's name. When Bee saw Mags heading into the fog, she frantically tried to crawl after the older woman, but her legs were no longer obeying her command.

Bree could feel an arm weekly pull her back as Peeta tried to stop her from going off. She could hear Finnick as he called after Mags. When the cannon fired, Bree felt like giving up.

"Finnick, we have to go. For Bree," Katniss told Finnick, "We have to get outta here. We have to go."

Finnick came out of the daze he had fallen into at his mentor's death. He suddenly realised what state his wife was in. Finnick pulled her onto his back as he took a third of Peetas weight.

"All right, come on, come on," Finnick told Katniss when he was sure that Bree was safe on his back.

"Okay," Katniss agreed as they took off running again.

Bree could feel the fog as its tendrils would catch up with her and lightly touch her back. Despite it being a mere whisp, it still felt as if her flesh was boiling from her body. They were playing with her. They had caught her, and they were having fun now, a game of cat and mouse. Bree felt as Finnick went tumbling down a hill. She felt her body roll down it as she tried not to scream every time her burnt skin came into contact with the ground.

Bree felt un-conciseness slipping in around her. It was like a warm blanket that Bree was happy to snuggle down into. When Finnick picked Bree up, it felt like someone was trying to pull her blanket off her.

Finnick somehow managed to stumble his way to the water so he could place Bree into it. The shrill scream of pain she gave of was heartbreaking to him. Katniss came over and helped Finnick wash the acid of Bree. Bree felt her blanket be ripped from her as she was wrenched from the jaws of death.

When Finnick was sure that Bree was okay, he let Katniss help him into the water. When Bree heard his gasp of pain, she spun around. All of the drowsiness of a near-death experience washed away. When she worked out what was going on, she helped katniss bring up handfuls of water to pour onto Finnicks wounds gently.

When Bree was sure that Finnick was entirely healed, she had pulled the bag off her back. This was when she was grateful for another habit she had pickup at her games. Never taking your bags and weapons of when you slept.

Bree rummaged through the bag to find the spile. Thankfully she had the four-though to put it back in the bag in case something like this happened. Bree had then suggested she put it in a nearby tree. Bree wasn't sure if the water was drinkable, and she definitely didn't want to try after that had just washed the fog into it.

Peeta had come with her. He found a nearby rock and was tapping the Spile as Bree lent against the tree.

"I'm really sorry about Mags," Peeta apologised.

"It's not your fault," Bree shrugged, turning her face away from him, "I just don't think it has quite hit me yet that it has happened."

"And that's okay," Peeta assured her.

Bree was interrupted from responding by Finnick quietly calling her name.

"Walk over here slowly," Finnick instructed them.

Bree grabbed Peetas hand as they both looked up. They were face to face with a monkey mut that let of a growl sending spittle flying. Bree squeezed Peeta's hand, stopping him from falling backwards. Bree didn't want him to trip and cause the monkeys to attack. Non the less Bree did slowly reach down and pulled a knife out of her belt.

She and Peeta slowly started to walk backwards, ensuring they kept an eye out for each other. When they had made it to the water, Bree felt Finnick grabber her arm and slowly pull her behind him. They watched as the monkeys circled them, growling and screaming as they went.

"Get to the beach," Katniss ordered.

Bree watched and waited for the first monkey to attack them. She did not want to be the one to start the train reaction. Bree saw as a monkey lep towards Katniss. Bree turned and embedded a knife in its skull just as Peeta brought his machete down in it. Bree then turned, so she returned to back to Finnick as she pulled out two knives from her belt.

Bree felt as Finnick lunged forward's to attack a monkey that had come at him. Bree left it to him as she threw one knife at a monkey coming at Peeta and then threw the next one at a monkey that was about to charge at her. Bree then turned, and her next knife went sailing at a monkey about to attack Finnick. Finnick and Bree turned to take on a new round of monkey muts. To anybody watching, it looked like they were performing a complicated dance that only they knew.

Bree's head snapped around when she hear Peeta shout as he and Katniss had found an opening and were heading towards the beach. Bree and Finnick shared a look as they started running. Bree saw Katniss and Peeta go down, but she saw Finnick get attacked before helping them. Bree won't apologise, not know not ever that she went to help Finnick first.

When Bree knew that Finnick was okay, she turned back to Katniss and Peeta. When she saw Katniss with a monkey on top of her, Bree grabbed a knife and sent it soaring into the monkey. Finnick then finished it off with his trident.

Bree looked down, surprised to see a dying body on the floor. Bree left Katniss and Peeta to deal with it as she and Finnick kept the muts at bay. When Katniss and Peeta started to run towards the beach, Finnick pushed Bree to follow. She checked over her shoulder to make sure that Finnick was coming as well. Thankfully he was as they sprinted down the hill. Bree felt as Finnick grabbed her body and leapt onto the beach. Rolling so that he cushioned her. When they stopped rolling, Finnick brandished his trident at the monkeys. When they realised that the monkeys wouldn't come onto the beach, Bree relaxed, slumping against Finnick's chest. Bree heard the cannon fired, and the Monkies slunk off back into the trees. Bree took a deep breath as Finnick helped her stand up.

"You don't happen to think that there is fish, do you?" Finnick asked Bree.

"It would be a very boring game if half the tributes just starved to death," Bree suggested.

She and Finnick headed down the back slightly. They then waded out into the water and stood back to back, waiting for the fish. When Bree saw one, she sent a dagger at it. Bree heard a splash behind her as Finnick got one himself. The two wadded back to the beach to give them the fish that had been caught. On the way in, Bree also grabbed some oysters that they could shuck.

Chapter 9: The Arrival of Allies

Chapter Text

"Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend."

Bill Watterson

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (13)

Bree was leaning on Finnick as the two of them shared the fish that she had caught. Bree was enjoying the peace. The peace that was promptly broken by a shrill scream. I mean, come on! Bree's head snapped in the direction it had come from

"That's new," Peeta muttered as they all stood up.

They could hear a far-off rumbling as what looked like a wave started to crash down the hill, bending the trees as it went. Bree was watching in confusion as it poured down, smashing the trees as it went. Bree then heard a canon fire. The wave had killed someone. The wave carried on, rushing towards the Cornucopia. Bree grabbed Finnick's arm, questioning if they should move so they didn't get hit by the tide.

Bree was highly confused when the tide rushed up as if it had hit an invisible wall. Before it came crashing down. Bree watched as the water washed came over to where they were standing, barely making it over her ankles. Bree looked up to see a hovercraft coming down to pick up the body of the fallen tribute. Bree just hoped it wasn't Johanna.

"Someone's here," Katniss warned as she pulled an arrow from her quiver. Bree snapped to attention a dagger in her hand as Finnick pushed her behind him. Bree peered over his shoulder to see who it was. Bree froze. She recognised that silhouette.

"Johanna!" Bree screamed, running towards the person.

They saw as the body turned, and Finnick also took off running.

"Bree!" Johanna screamed back.

They all watched as Bree and Johanna collided in a hug as they went tumbling to the sand. Laughing as they gripped onto each other, neither wanted to let go.

When Bree finally stood up from hugging Johanna, she saw all the blood. The amount of it confused Bree, as Johanna hadn't been hurt.

"What happened to you," Bree fused as she looked at Johanna.

"Well... I got 'em out." Johanna told them. "We were all the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was gonna be safe. That's when the rain started. I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood."

Johanna was interrupted by Wiress, who had started to repeat herself, "Tick took," Wiress recited as she tried to get their attention.

"Hot, thick blood," Johanna continued, ignoring Wiress, "it was coming down. It was choking us. We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind. That's when Blight hit the force field. He wasn't much, but he was from home."

When Johanna had finished, Bree pulled her in for another hug, rubbing her friend's back soothingly.

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss asked, looking at Wiress, who still hadn't stopped repeating herself.

"She's in shock," Beetee told them from where he was cleaning his glasses, "dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"

"We can get some," Katniss assured him.

Wiress had gone mad as she tried to pull Bree and Johanna apart as she repeated. "Tick took.

"Listen." Johanna snapped as she reached a breaking point. "Stop it!"

"Hey!" Katniss shouted as Johanna grabbed Wiress, "lay off her!"

"Just sit down!" Johanna shouted as she pushed Wiress onto the floor.

"Hey!" Johanna shouted as Bree pulled her off Wiress. "What are you doing?

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bree soothed as she pulled Johana away; Finnick had also rushed to help pull Johanna away and make sure that Bree wasn't accidentally hurt

"I got them out for you!" Johanna shouted at Katniss.

"It's okay," Bree comforted as she pulled Johanna down the back, "It's okay."

"I'm fine," Johanna grumbled as Bree pushed her into the water to clean some of the blood of her.

"You covered in blood," Bree told her as she cupped water up, "I don't care if it's not yours's still blood. Whose blood is it anyway? Is it even blood?"

"These are not questions I need to hear," Johanna grumbled as she cleaned her axe.

"What does Beetee have there?" Katniss asked after Johanna was calm enough.

"The coil?" Johanna clarified, "It's some kind of wire."

"It's probably like the one he won his game with," Bree added.

"Did he get it from the Cornucopia?" Katniss asked.

"Took a knife in the back to get it," Johanna shrugged nonchalantly.

"Tick took!" Wiress interrupted their conversation, "Tick took!"

"All right. I can't." Johanna completed as she grabbed Bree's arm and walked away, "Just... Have fun with 'Nuts.'"

Bree and Johanna were interrupted by a sudden strike of lightning. They turned and watched as it hit the tree. When it had finished, Bree carried on walking before collapsing into Finnicks lap.

"I'm still exhausted," she muttered into his chest.

Finnick just stroked her head by way of reply.

"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock with a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their wedge," Katniss told them as she beckoned them to follow her to the Cornucopia. "It all starts with the lightning. Then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours. At 10:00, that big wave hits from over there."

"Wiress, you're a genius," Finnick told her as he walked past arm in arm with Bree.

"Look, the tail points to 12," Bree added as she pointed along the tail.

"That's where the lightning strikes at noon and midnight." Katniss clarified for the others.

"Strikes where?" Beet asked as he hefted along his coil.

"That big tree," Bree told him as she poted over his should, "I'm guessing you will be able to work with that"

"Of course, I can," Beeta smiled at her.

They left Wiress to happily recite her rhyme as Peeta started to draw a diagram with his machete in the sand.

"So 12:00 to 1:00, lightning. Then 1:00 to 2:00 is blood," Peeta told them as he drew in the sand, "then fog. And then monkeys."

"And then 10:00 to 11:00, the wave," Katniss added, "what about everything else? Did you guys see anything?"

"Nothing but blood," Johanna complained.

"It doesn't matter." Peeta shared. "As long as we steer clear of whichever sector is active, we'll be safe."

"Yeah," Finnick scoffed, tucking Bree under his arm, "relatively speaking."

They were interrupted from responding by the sound of Wiress gasping. Bree spun around and threw a knife into Gloss's chest at the same time that Katniss let her arrow loose. Bree was then shoved out of the way as Johanna threw an axe at Cashmere, who was about to kill Bree.

Bree turend around to see Brutas and Finnck reseling. Bree grabbed a dagger, which she threw at Brutus. She only got him in the shoulder as she was too scared to hit Finnick.

Bree saw as Enobarie and Brutas fled. They knew that they had lost the element of surprise and were outnumbered. Bree went around the other side of the Cornucopia in case Chaff had teamed up with the Cares. What Bree hadn't been expecting was the Cornucopia to start spinning. Around and around it went. Bree went tumbling to the floor. Bree could feel the centrifugal force acting on her as she felt herself slip closer to the water. Bree frantically scraped for a handhold but found none. Instead, Bree fell into the water. Thankfully she had taken a big breath in before she was slipping into the water.

Bree used all the tips and tricks Finnick had taught her from her time in four. It wasn't enough, and Bree could feel it as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Chapter 10: Jabberjays

Chapter Text

"When I tell you I love you, I am not saying it out of habit. I am reminding you that you are my life."


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (14)

Bree woke first to the gentle lapping of waves against her skin. And second to the sound of pained screaming.

When Bree snapped back into reality, she scrambled to her feet, pulling out a knife as she went. Based on the fact that the knife was far back, Bree knew she was running out. When monkey time was safe, she would go back and collect some.

Bree suddenly realised that she recognised the screaming. It was Finnick calling her name.

Bree took off, sprinting in the direction that it came from. Bree called out Finnick's name in reply. She figured he was probably looking for her.

As Bree got closer to the noises, she could hear other people's screams in the cacophony of pain.

When Bree arrived, she could see Peeta lying next to the prone figure of Katniss. Bree's head snapped around, looking for Finnick. She could see that Johanna was standing near him as Beetee stood a way off from them. Bree ran towards Finnick and Johanna. Before she could get too close, Johanna let out a gasp as she pulled Bree in for a hug.

"We were so worried about you," Johanna murmured into Bree's hair.

"What's going on with Finnick," Bree asked, panicking. Finnick's body was crouched over as he rocked.

"Jabberjays," Johanna seethed, "he was so worried bout you. When he heard your pained screams, he was terrified that something had happened to you."

Bree sank to her knees by Finnicks body as she pounded at the wall calling his name, hoping that she might make it through by some miracle.

Bree soon ran out of energy as she lent against the wall. Bree figured if she leaned against it, she would know what it was over as she would fall through. Bree's logic held up. What felt like a century later, the wall disappeared. And Bree collapsed by Finnick as she grabbed him in for a hug. Finnick, in his dazed state, stared at her for half a second as if contemplating if she was real.

"You're alive," Finnick finally whispered as she pulled her in for a bone-crushing hug, "I love you."

"I'm okay, love, I'm all okay," Bree murmured as she ran a hand through Finnicks hair, "I love you too."

Finnick refused to let Bree go. She ended up sitting in his lap as he let his hands roam to assure himself that she was all okay and not a figment of his imagination. He kept whispering to her how much he loved her.

Bree could hear Johanna going on a tirade as she screamed at Snow. "They can't hurt me," Johanna shrugged as she looked at their faces, "there's no one left that I love."

"I take personal offence at that," Bree complained. Johanna just laughed, shaking her head.

When Bree moved to stand up to follow the others, Finnick just tightened his hold on her. When Bree looked back to question him, he just stood up with her in his arms. Finnick robotically walked back with the others. When the other sat down, he carried on until he was shin-deep in the water. There he sat down with Bree in his lap again.

Bree knew better than to say anything. He just needed her to be there for him. Bree and Finnick sat in silence as Finnick ran his hands around her body. He wanted to make sure that she was real and not about to disappear from him. Bree just massaged Finnicks scalp in return.

When Bree heard Johanna calling her and Finnick, Bree went to stand up. Finnick, who was still not ready to let go of her, just picked her up again.

"I have got two feat," Bree laughed.

Finnick just pulled her closer to him in reply. Bree smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek next to his scratches. She understood why Finnick was so clingy, and she wasn't going to complain.

"I have a plan," Beetee told them, "Where do the Careers feel safest? The jungle?"

"The jungle's a nightmare," Johanna commented. Finnick just nuzzled into Bree's neck by way of agreement.

"Probably here on the beach," Bree answered.

"Then why are they not here?" Beetee asked

"Because we are," Johanna told him, "We claimed it."

"And if we left, they would come," Beetee told them, "Or stay hidden in the tree line. Which is just over four hours will be soaked with water from the 10:00 wave. And what happens at midnight?"

"Lightning strikes that tree," Katniss told him.

"Here's what I propose," Beetee told them, getting to his plan, "We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lightning tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight, we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

Bree smiled, "you're a genius Beetee!"

"How do we know the wire's not gonna burn up?" Johanna questioned.

"Because I invented it," Beetee answered, "I assure you, it won't burn up."

Johanna looked at Bree and Finnick, checking that they didn't have anything to say. When I say looking at Bree and Finnick, I more mean Bree. Finnick was too busy memorising every inch of Bree as he occasionally told her how much he loves her.

"Well, it's better than hunting them down," Johanna shrugged.

"Yeah, why not?" Katniss agreed, "if it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"

"All right, I say we try it," Peeta agreed, "so what can we do to help?"

"Keep me alive for the next six hours," Beetee told them, "that would be extremely helpful."

"That shouldn't be too hard," Bree joked.

Finnick had then turned around and walked back to the water. Bree, who had finally convinced Finncik that she was okay and not going anywhere, was seated with Johanna and Beetee.

"You make a great teacher," Bree told Beetee, "Despite it being your plan, I actually felt involved."

Beetee just shrugged that compliment off, "it wasn't that hard."

"I agree with Bree, you know," Johanna added, "you were good at it."

"I will take that into account," Beetee assured them.

"How's Finnick?" Johanna asked Bree, "he keeps looking over her every 30 seconds."

Bree looked over at Finnick, and sure enough, he was looking at her, "I think he is still worried that something will happen to me. He was getting by, but when I went missing, and he could hear me screaming, I think something in him broke."

Finnick, as if able to sense that Bree was upset, had walked back up the seashore. He sat down next to Bree and pulled her into his lap. Finnick then pulled her around and gave her a deep kiss on the lips.

"All right, lovebirds!" Johanna called to both Finnick and Bree and Katniss and Peeta.

Realising that it was time to go, Finnick stood up with Bree. He let her walk by herself but refused to let go of her hand. From there, they then started to trek towards the lighting tree. Finnick had taken up the lead of their little train with his hand firmly gripped on Brees. Occasionally she would ask for it back so she could climb up something. The moment she was up, Finnick would grab her hand again.

They were interrupted when they heard the anthem. Looking up, they could see the faces of the fallen. When Mag's came up, Bree pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry about Mag's," Bree whisper her apology up to Finnick. Bree felt like it was her fault. If she hadn't been stupid enough to have gotten burnt in the fog that she could have done something.

Finnick squeezed her tighter. When the anthem had stopped playing, they all turned around and carried on walking. No one said anything as there wasn't anything they could say. They just carried on walking.

Chapter 11: Splitting up (is always a bad idea)

Chapter Text

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (15)

When they finally reached the tree, Bree was glad. It had been a long trek, and she didn't want to find out that they were too late.

"Minimal charring. It's an impressive conductor. Let's get started." Beetee told them.

Beetee then walked to the tree as he started to wrap his metal wire around out. Around and around it went. Bree could feel her head spinning as it made her think about the cornucopia. As if following her train of thought, Finnick pulled her in closer to him.

"Typically, a lightning strike contains five billion joules of energy," Beetee warned them, "we don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this hits. Katniss and Johanna, you go together now. Take this. Unspool it carefully. Make sure the entire coil is in the water. Do you understand? Then head to the tree at the 2:00 sector. We'll meet you there."

"I'm gonna go with them as a guard," Peeta told them.

"No, no, no," Beetee complained, "you're staying here to protect me. And the tree."

"No, I need to go with her." Peeta shook his head. He wasn't going to leave Katniss.

"There are two Careers out there," Bette told Peeta. He was kindly ignoring Bree and Finnick, "I need two guards."

"Finnick and Bree can protect you just fine on their own," Peeta denied.

"Why can't Finnick and Johanna stay with you," Katniss asked, "and Peeta and I'll take the coil?"

"You all agreed to keep me alive till midnight, correct?" Beetee snapped.

"It's his plan," Johanna snapped, "we all agreed to it."

Bree, hearing the argument, decided to step in, "is there a problem here?" Bree asked as she stepped forwards.

"Excellent question," Beetee commented pointedly.

"No. There's no problem," Katniss murmured.

"All right, let's go!" Johanna called as she started to walk away.

When they were a little way away, Bree gently took her hands from Finnick's. When he made a move to follow her, she put a calm hand on his chest.

"I'm just going to have a quick word with Peeta," Bree murmured to him, "I won't leave you eyesight."

Finnick nodded begrudgingly as Bree headed over to where Peeta was.

"I'm sorry about the others," Bree apologised as she sat down, "I would have offered to help, but I don't think Finnick would have coped. He can about cope if I'm a few feet away from him. I don't think anybody could stop him if I left his sights."

"It's okay," Peeta told her, "it's not you I'm annoyed at. You and Finnick are married, and I wouldn't want to separate you. Especially after the Jabberjays. The way he just lost it when he heard you screaming. I couldn't make you leave him after that. It's just making me leave Katniss I don't want to do."

"You love her," Bree reassured him, squeezing his arm, "I get it."

"Thanks," Peeta smiled at her, "you might want to go back to Finnick, though. He keeps looking like he is about to come over here but is only staying away out of politeness to us."

Bree locekd oevr her shoud to see Finnick, "I think you right," Bree murmeerd.

Bree stood up and was halfway back to Finnick when she heard a scream. Bree immediately took off running in the direction it had come from. Bree kept calling for Johanna and Katniss as she ran, hoping to come across one of them. She could hear Finnick calling her name. Bree should stop and let him catch up, but Bree needed to check on Johanna and Katniss more. She couldn't lose another friend.

When Bree heard a grunting a little way off, she sprints in the direction. Bree came across the sigh of Johanna trying to hold of Brutas and Enobaria. Bree grabbed a knife, throwing it at Brutas just as he turned and saw her. The blade sunk into his eye. The cannon went off a second later. One down, one to go, Bree thought grimly. Enobaria, as if realising that she was now outnumbered, took off running. Johanna and Bree looked at each other. They didn't know whether to go back to the others or try to catch Enobarier. Bree realising that she had completely abandoned Finnick turned around to run back to the lightning tree. She could see and hear as the storm clouds started to amass above her.

"Finnick," Bree screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Bree," came the faint call from Finnick.

Bree adjusted the direction she was running in as she carried ongoing. What Bree wasn't ready for was the massive explosion that ripped her from her feet and sent her flying back into a tree. Bree felt her head crash into a tree as she lost consciousness for the second time that day. All that was left on Bree's mind as she faded into darkness was the hope Finnick would be okay.

Chapter 12: Epilogue

Chapter Text

"I'm not okay because you're not okay."


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (16)

Finnick woke in a strange metal bed. His first thought was, 'where is Bree?' Finnick wobbly stood up as his body tried to work out how to work again. From what Finnick could tell, he was in a hovercraft. Finnick hoped that if he was being shipped to the capital Bree was okay.

As Finnick approached a sliding door, he could hear murmuring on the other side. Finnick lent forwards to eavesdrop, but the door opened. Finnick was presented with the sigh of Haymitch and Plutarch talking over a low table.

"Glad to see you awake," Plutarch greeted.

"Where is Bree?" Finnick asked.

"Her tracker was still in her arm," Plutarch started.

"Where is my wife," Finnick growled out.

"In The Capitol," Haymitch admitted.

Finnick felt as if his whole world had come crashing down. The capital had Bree. Bree was gone. Finnick felt as his legs stopped working, and he hit the floor sobbing.

"You were meant to get Bree before me," Finnick sobbed, "she was meant to be okay."

Finnick didn't even notice as he was sedated. He didn't care. With Bree gone, taken by the capital, there was no point for Finnick to go on living.

Chapter 13: Mockingjay

Chapter Text

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (17)

the lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few

That is, of course, unless the said few was Bree, at which point, heaven nor hell could stop Finnick.

The capital had taken Bree, and Finnick vowed that he would stop at nothing to get her back. Finnick would do anything to get Bree back. She was his only reason for living. Without her, there was no point. It didn't help that the rebellion had gotten Valerie and Leo out. It took a while for Finnick to be able to look them in the eye, knowing that he was okay and their daughter was being tortured in the capital.

Valerie and Leo never held it against Finnick that he got out and their daughter didn't. If anything, they were glad that at least one of them got out. Valerie and Leo didn't know what they would have done if Finnick had also been taken. They also knew that Finnick would stop at nothing to get his wife, their daughter, out of that godforsaken place.

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (18)

Chapter 14: Taken

Chapter Text

"I will look for you in every lifetime."

Butterflies Rising

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (19)

Bree came crashing into consciousness in a sterile white room. Snapping her head up, she looked around her. Bree wanted to know where Finnick was. When she saw there was no one around her, she swung her legs off the bed. Pushing up onto her legs only for them to crumble to the ground.

Bree groaned from where she had landed on the floor. Using the bed to haul herself up again. Using the bed, she got reacquainted with her legs again; she started to walk towards the door she could see in the far corner. When Bree felt something on her arm jerk her back, she looked at her arm. Spotting the IV line in her arm, Bree ripped it out.

Immediately, It set off a beeping sound that Bree ignored as she wobbled out to the door. Bree took a deep breath before opening it. Bree lurched out of it as fast as she could. She must have surprised the people on the other side as she heard a clattering as she fled down the hallway.

"Come back here, miss," someone shouted.

Bree ignored that as she carried on running down the hallway, her bare feet slapping as they hit the floor. She could hear the men behind her as the sound echoed off the sterile walls. When Bree came to a door, she threw the door open. When she saw it was empty, she carried on running. Bree could hear that a siren had started, alerting everybody to her escape.

Bree rounded the corner, barreling into an unsuspecting doctor.

"Where is my husband," Bree shouted hysterically as she shook his shoulders. When Bree woke without him by her side, she started to panic. When she had come out of the arena the first time around, he had been there by her side.

"I don't... what are. Who are you," the doctor stammered. He seems to be surprised to have been accosted by a half-insane patient.

When Bree realised he was of no use, she carried on running. However, the doctor had cost her time, and the man from before grabbed her. Bree suddenly realised that she was, in fact, in the capital as the man who had caught her was a peacekeeper.

"Where is my husband," Bree wailed at the top of her lungs as she swung and writhed violently.

When she got no response, Bree lashed out with her elbow, catching the man resisting her in the groin. The man groaned as he released her. Bree landed on her feet as she took off running again. As Bree ran down the corridor, she could see a group of peacekeepers coming from the other side. Bree spun around to head back from where she had come. When she saw that the Peacekeepers also blocked that way, she set her stance and waited for them to attack.

"Where is my husband," Bree howled.

She still got no response as a peacekeeper slowly started to make his way in her direction. Bree's only response to their silence was to lash out and punch the oncoming Peacekeepers in the gut, sending them tumbling back.

When the rest realised that she wasn't going to come quietly, they piled on her all at once.

Bree screamed, kicked and punched as many as she could, hoping that Finnick might round that corner and come to her rescue. One of the Peacekeepers managed to come in around behind her and stab a syringe into her neck. He pressed the plunger down before Bree had even realised what was going on. Bree felt herself start to go drowsy as she stumbled to the floor. The peacekeepers grabbed her before she face-planted and took her back to her room.


When Bree came around for the second time, she was strapped to the bed. Bree thrashed about in the vain hope that maybe she could get out. Failing that, Bree decided to scream.

"Where is my husband," Bree yelled.

Her yelling must have gotten somebody's attention as the door opened, and four peacekeepers walked in.

"President Snow would like to speak with you, Miss Odair," the nearest peacekeeper told her.

"What happens if I don't want to talk to President Snow?" Bree spat out.

"He warned us that this might happen," the peacekeepers threatened her, "we have been given the go-ahead to use any force that we need to get you there."

"Sound like fun," Bree told them as she clicked her neck, "but at least let me out of the restraints first."

"President Snow wants to talk to you about your husband," the peacekeeper told her in a tone of voice that told her he knew that he had won.

Bree hated that they could use that against her, but she needed to know if Finnick was okay. She nodded at the man to tell him that she would come quietly. Bree put her hand out for the shackles that they brought with them. The man clipped them around her wrist so tight that she knew that would leave bruises. Bree hated the smile on his face, the face that said he knew that he had won. Bree bit her tongue to stop her from doing anything that she would regret later. Bree just reminded herself that she was doing this for Finnick.

When the peacekeepers took Bree to a large oak door, she knew that Snow was on the other side. Bree steeled herself for whatever he was going to do to her. Bree watched as one of the peacekeepers stationed by the door opened it so she could go through.

Bree stepped through to see Snow sitting at his desk, waiting for her.

"Ah, Miss Odair," Snow smiled at her as she walked in as if they were old friends, "how kind of you to join us."

"I was told you were going to tell me about Finnick," Bree growled out as she was shoved into the chair opposite Snow's desk.

"Yes, it appears I am the bearer of bad news," Snow told her, "Katniss Everdeen killed Finnick Odair."

Bree felt as if his whole world had come crashing down. Finnick was dead. Katniss had killed Finnick. "That can't be true," Bree sobbed, "I don't believe it."

"We have the footage from the games of Katniss shooting Finnick," Snow told her, "I didn't show it to you as I did not think you would want to see it."

"Finnick can't be dead," Bree sobbed, "No, no, no."

Bree hadn't realised that Snow had motioned for her to be sedated as she went on shaking and sobbing.

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds"

Laurell K. Hamilton

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (20)

When Bree came to consciousness, she was in a cell, not a medical room. Bree wobbled to her feet and stumbled to the door. She could see that there was a slot in the middle for her food to be pushed through. Above that, there was a window with metal bars.

"Where am I," Bree called through the window, "Is there anybody out there?"

"President Snow has put you in this cell till your trial," a peacekeeper told Bree.

"On what charges," Bree demanded.

"I will leave him to tell you that," the peacekeeper told her as he closed the window, drowning out Bree's voice as she demanded to know what lies she was being tried on.

Bree walked to the far wall and lent against it as she slid down it. That was when it hit Bree that Finnick was dead. He wasn't coming back. She was never going to see him again. He wasn't going to burst through the door with his signature smirk. Bree broke down sobbing as she sat in a pool of misery on the floor.

Bree ended up falling asleep. Her crying had tired her out. Bree drempt of Finnick.

Finnick had been happy and smiling. His hand out to her as he teased. Befoer an arrow had come out of no wear and struck him in the chest. Bree was forced to witness as his face changed from happiness to shock to confusion to pain before settling on betrayal. He would look at Bree with eyes filled with treachery and torment. How dare Bree not protect him. She ran off and leave him to be killed. Bree watched as blood started to come out his mouth before Finnick fell to his knees before falling over. His glassy sea-green eyes looking up at Bree filled with betrayal.

A hammering at her door woke Bree. Causing her to scramble up and into a standing position as the door swung open. Seeing peacekeepers start to file in, Bee dropped into a defensive stance. The peacekeepers just gave her a look as if to ask if she really wanted to do this. Bree was tired, hungry and dehydrated. But yes, she still wanted to do it. Bree wasn't going to go without a fight. She had no more reason to live, so she might as well take a few with her.

As one peacekeeper approached Bree, she swung around and punched him in the throat when he fell back, trying to regain his breathing. Two more then tried to gang up on Bree. Bree managed to keep them back but forgot about the fourth, who was in charge if his lack of helmet was any indication. Instead, he waited until she was occupied to reach out and zap her with his baton.

Bree collapsed to the floor, writhing in pain as her body spasmed.

"I think my setting is too high," The peacekeeper laughed, "I'll make a note of that for next time."

The two peacekeepers who had previously been attacking Bree picked up and chained her still-seizing body.

They then dragged her out of the cell and to Snow's office. When they walked into the room, they threw her down onto the chair in front of Snow.

"Ah, Miss Odair," Snow drawled out, "how kind of you to join me."

"What do you want," Bree snapped at him.

"Now, now that's no tone to take with me, Miss Odair," Snow tutted, "after all, we are here to talk about your fate."

"Well, I guess I better pretend I care," Bree snapped sarcastically. She figured if she was going to go down, she might as well go down fighting.

"How do you plead to being a member of the rebels," Sow asked her coldly, ignoring her last comment. "Are you a traitor, Miss Odair?"

"I am a traitor, Mr Snow," Bree told him, her head held high, "and the reason is that you are an abomination of a president and should be killed. Or better yet, thrown into the games so that you can experience what you put all those children through."

"Well, that was easy," Snow sighed, making a gesture and a peacekeeper who came and grabbed Bree, "put her in with the others."

Bree wanted to ask who the others were but equally didn't want to dignify him by seaming hysterical. Under no circ*mstance could Snow win. He knew that he had broken her by telling her about Finnick, but she refused to break anymore.

As they carried on leading her, the peacekeepers just ignored her. Leaving the dignified-looking part and heading into what looked to be a cross between a medical institute and a prison.

Finally, when they were outside of a cell door with bars and no windows. One peacekeeper opened it, and the two holding Bree back threw her in.

She landed in a pile in the middle of the room. Bree sprang to her feet, not letting them know that what they did hurt because they couldn't hurt her. There was nothing left in here to feel the pain.

That had been killed when Finnick had died.

Chapter 16: Torture (Not graphic)

Chapter Text

"What I have survived might kill you"


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (21)

Bree was tired, so tired.

Every day was the same. Bright and early, she would be awakened by a shouting outside her cell before a bowl of measly gruel was pushed through her door. The capital was feeding her barely enough food to survive. But Bree still forced it down her throat. Knowing that if she didn't, then they would.

Then, exactly 15 minutes after her breakfast arrived, the peacekeepers would arrive and drag her out of her cell and into another cell. This was the room that Bree dreaded. For in this room, she could hear her friend's screams, and she was sure they could hear her screams.

They had broken her soul. Why not also break her body and mind?

This is the point where they would get creative. Using different methods to break her. Some days, it was water and electroshock; other days, it would be a simple beating. On the days when the capital was really out to get her, it would be simple liquid in a clear syringe they would inject into her veins.

This poison was the worst.

The first two Bree could survive; her mind would summon up all her happy memories of Finnick, focusing on him. She no longer cared for her body, only counting down the days till they would finally be done with her and free her to join Finnick.

But not the poison; the poison would take every happy memory she had of Finnick and warp it, twisting it till it was unrecognisable. Till Bree had screamed herself horse until it was all she could see when she closed her eyes.

Some days, they made her relive the moment that Katniss killed Finnick. Some days, it was Bree's memories from her game when the Carrer Pack killed the little ones she was looking after. But it wasn't them dead on the floor. It was Finnick, Mags and Johanna. But the worst one by far was the moment where they made Bree drive the dagger into Finic's heart as she watched that anguish and hurt flood Finick's eyes before she would twist the dagger. Killing him.

Then, when they were finally done with her, they would drag her back to her cell. Throwing her in before leaving again.

Exactly 15 minutes after they left, another bowl of measly gruel would be pushed through her door. It was barely enough food to survive. But Bree would still force it down her throat.

Then Bree would huddle in the corner of her cell. Praying that when she drifted off to sleep, she would not wake up, and maybe she could finally join Finnick again. She would miss her parents, that's for sure. But there was no way she was ever going to escape the capital, and all she wanted was to see her Finnick again.

That was the pattern that Bree's days followed. Unrelenting and unstopping every single day. Day after day after day.

At the start, Bree had fought. Trying to show that capital that she was still strong, that she would go down swinging until her last breath. But she couldn't do that anymore. Her eyes were sunken and dead. Every breath sent the air rattling around her lungs

Now Bree craved death, for death would reunite her with her lover and end this monotonous hell that she was living in.

Chapter 17: The Rescue

Chapter Text

They've been to hell and back for each other, and I think they'd both be willing to take a second trip if they had to


Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (22)

When Bree went to sleep that night, she did so the same as she had every night. Huddled in the corner, praying for death to take her.

But when she had woken, things had been different; Bree was not in her cell. But instead, lying on an unknown medical bed in an unknown medical facility.

As she had tried to push herself into a seating position, a pair of nurses had run up to her, trying to encourage her to lay back down. But they didn't look like the nurses that Bree had expected.

And when she flinched away from them, they looked almost hurt.

"It's okay." One of the ladies assured Bree. Her hands raised where Bree could see them. "You are safe now. You are with the rebellion. You are in District 13."

But Bree didn't believe them. She couldn't believe them. Because if this were all an elaborate ruse from the capital, that would break her even further.

But Bree let them treat her, let them dress her wounds and attach an IV drip to her arm. For what harm could they do?

When Bree heard a door crash open and frantic feet pound in, she finally looked up in time to see Katniss come running around a corner to where Bree's bed was.

"You!" Bree roared. Her voice was guttural and raw as she tried to get off the hospital bed.

"Me?" Katnis questioned. Shocked at the sheer venom and hatred in Bree's voice.

"You killed him." Bree seethed, launching herself at Katniss. She didn't care what Katnise meant to the rebellion. She had taken Finnick away.

But before Bree could get anywhere, an arm caught her around the middle and drew her into a warm, solid body as they sank to the floor. Thrashing, Bree desperately tried to get away. But her stay at the capital had sapped all her strength.

When the roaring of blood in her ears subsided, Bree could finally hear the world around her. A warm, gentle voice finally came to her brain.

"You are okay, love its me. I'm here, and you are okay." The voice soothed over and over again. Whispering words of love and assurance. After feeling her go limp, their arms around her slacked but did not let go.

But there was no way it was who she thought it was. He was dead. He had been killed.

"No." The whisper was harsh and staccato as she desperately threw herself forward. Finally, breaking out of their hold.

Landing on the floor, Bree turned. Coming face to face with her husband. Expect this could not be him. He was dead.

"No." Bree whispered again. Except this time, except this time, it was hurt and broken. "No."

For the man sitting in front of her looked every bit her Finnick. But her Finnick was dead. She had watched over and over again as one of Katniss's arrows had pierced his heart. KiIlling him. There was no way that he was alive.

This man, this strange man, had a look of utter pain and heartbreak on his face.

"No," Bree whispered again. "She killed you. You're dead. I watched you die. I failed you."

"It's me, my love." The man across from her whispered in his voice. It sounded like her Finniack, but it was dripping in sadness and hurt. But that didn't mean that it was her Finnick. How many times had the capital turned her Finnick against her? How many times had he accused her of failing him, her beloved Finnikcs' voice twisted into malice?

"It's me, my darling pearl." He repeated her favourite nickname of his, rolling off his tongue.

Reaching out, he tried to cross the void to where she was sitting. But Bree flinched, shrinking away. The look on his face made it seem as if her very flinch had wounded him. A dagger pushed into his heart.

"It's not you. You're dead," Bree repeated again. Her head shook from side to side.

"I promise I'm not dead, my love." He repeated again. Laying his hand palm up on the floor. Ever so gently, he slid his hand closer till his arm was fully extended. As close as he could get to her. Yet it still felt so far to him.

With shaking hands Bree every so slowly stretched her arm out closer to his hand. When her hands got close enough, she ever so gently touched the pads of his fingers with her own.

When she felt the ever-so-human warmth, she let her fingers slide further up his hands across his palm, feeling the ridge of his calluses and scars. When she finally got to his puls point, she ever so gently pressed down. Feeling the rhythmic thumping of his heart.

"But she killed you, you died," Bree whispered.

"Katniss didn't kill me, my pearl. The capital is lying to you. I have been waiting for you right here." He whispered. His voice reassuring.

"Finnick?" Bree questioned, her voice quivering.

"It's me, my love." He assured her.

"Really?" Bree whimpered once more.

"Yes, my pearl," Finnick answered.

Whimpering, Bree finally launched herself at him.

Colliding with him, Bree felt his reassuring warmth. Bree desperately pressed her ear to his chest. Hearing the reassuring beating of his heart, Bree finally burst into tears.

Her shoulders heaved as she cried. So relieved that Finnick was alive. That he was here with her.

Bree pushed her head into the crook of his neck. Her whole body shook from the force of her sobs as she desperately clawed at Finnick, trying to pull him impossibly closer to her.

Finnick held on to her just as tightly. Desperately reassuring her that he was here with her and not going anywhere.

Their island of calm in a storm of chaos.

Eventually, Bree's crying subsided as she fell asleep. Her malnourished body not able to cope with all that was happening.

When Finnick was sure she was asleep, he ever so gently stood up with her still in his arms. Moving, he goes to put her back down in her hospital bed.

But instead, the nurses motioned for him to keep his hold on her. Gently, they removed the IV line from Brees's arm and motioned for Finnick to leave.

"Bring her back tomorrow when she wakes up." one of the nurses whispers.

Nodding, Finnick turns, holding Bree close to his chest. He walks back to their rooms.

Chapter 18: Re Adjusting

Chapter Text

"My nightmares are usually about losing you. I'm okay once I realize you're here."

Suzanne Collins

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (23)

When Bree woke up again, she shot up. Looking around, this was definitely not her cell, which meant that what had happened wasn't a dream.

Snapping around, Bree spotted Finnick sprawled out next to her. A protective arm around her as he held her into him. Even in sleep, he refused to let her go.

Trying not to wake him, Bree ever so gently placed her hand on his chest. Feeling as his heart beat rhythmically. Feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Feeling that he was alive and here with her.

Finnike was alive. Her husband was alive. That was all Bree could think.

Bringing her hand up to her mouth, Bree tried to smother her sob as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

He really was alive, and he was here with her.

As if sensing her distress, Finnick stirred it in his sleep. His lashes flickered as he woke up.

Finnick seemed to go through the same thought process as Bree. His eyes were wild as they spun around, looking for her.

When he spotted her, Finnick pulled her into her. Squeezing onto her for dear life.

"You're alive," Bree murmured. Her hands fluttering up to his checks.

"I am." Finnick grinned as he finally pulled her into a searing kiss.

Bree let her other hand run up the back of his head. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she pulled him in closer to her.

When the lovers ran out of air, they finally parted. Resting their heads against each other as their chest heaved.

"Did Mum and Dad make it out?" Bree asked, her voice quiet and fearing the worst.

"They did." Finick nodded. His hand running up and down her back. "They came and saw you while you were sleeping but didn't want to disturb you."

"Can I see them?" Bree asked quietly.

"Of course you can." Finnick smiled. "They will be so happy to see you. We are all so happy to see you."

Giving Finnick a watery smile, she finally got off his lap. Letting him stand up as he walked to the closet. He pulled out two pairs of identical jumpsuits and handed one pair to Bree.

"District 13 is not big on individualism." Finnick jocked. Helping Bree to pull off her hospital gown and pull on the jumpsuit.

When Bree finally had it on, he could see how loosely it fit her. He could see how much weight and muscle she had lost at the capital. Pulling Bree into him, Finnick could feel her bones jutting out of her skin. He could feel how malnourished she was. It made him want to rage and scream. It made him want to kill the people that had done this to his wife.

Smiling up at Finnick, Bree gently pulled out of Finnick's hold. Gently tugging on his arm, she implored Finink to hurry up and finally take her to her parents.

Smiling at her enthusiasm, Finnick ever so genty led her out of their room. Down the hall, five paces before stopping again. Surprised, Bree turned to look at him.

"They are our neighbours." Finnick smield at her. "District 13 wasn't going to split us up."

Grinning up at him, Bree raised a hand to knock on the door. But her hand shook the whole way. Foulteirng just before her knuckles could make contact with the cold steel of the door.

With a forlorn smile. Finnick grabbed Bree's raised hand. Pulling it to his mouth, he dropped a kiss on her knuckles before letting go of her hand. Raising his own to knock on her parent's door instead.

The moment his knuckles had made contact with the door, it flew open. Valerie and Leo stumbled out. Spotting their daughter. They froze

Valerie gasped at how dull her daughter's eyes looked and how gaunt she was. Valerie then lept forward, pulling her daughter in for a hug. If she spotted how her daughter flinched at the sudden movement, freezing up before she finally relaxing into the hug, Valerie didn't say anything.

Leo seemed frozen, staring at what was left of his daughter till he, too, seemed to come unstuck. Pulling his wife and doubting into a hug as the three of them sobbed. They fell to the floor in a huddle as they held each other.

Looking up, Valerie spotted Finnick as he stared down lovingly and wistfully at their family unit. Seeing the longing look on Finnick's face, she held out a hand for him. When Finnick took it, she pulled him down and into their huddle.

Immediately, Leo opened his arms for his son-in-law, and Finnick found himself smooshed up with Bree in the middle of their family unit.

The four of them stayed like that for a long while. Just holding each other. But eventually, they did have to stand up. Letting go of each other. Or at least partially letting go. Bree refused to let Finnick drop her hand.

Valerie and Leo led the young couple into their own room. Fussing over their daughter as they got her situated and comfortable.

Valerie continued to fuss around her daughter. Draping an extra blanket over her shoulders.

When Valerie passed Leo again, he gently tugged on her arm. Pulling her down to join him.

The two parents gazed lovingly at their daughter.

"What's district 13 like?" Bree questioned, trying to direct focus from herself. She didn't want to have to talk about the capital.

"It's very different from home." Leo laughed.

"It's so militant here," Valerie explained. "Every morning, they print our schedules on our arm."

Valerie stuck her arm out and showed her the temporary tattoo on her arm. Explaining what all the different symbols meant.

As the two women chatted, Leo shared a look with Finnick.

"Have you taken her back to the medical wing?" Leo asked quietly.

"No," Finnick whispered. "She just woke up, and I wanted her to see you two first before I took her back."

Leo nodded. "Give Valerie another 10 minutes with her."

"Of course." Finnick nodded as they turned back to their respective other halves. Blending seamlessly back into the conversation.

When the 10 minutes was up. Leo ever so gently pulled Valerie away from Bree.

"How about we take you to the medical wing," Finnick suggested to Bree. "Let them check you over?"

Bree needed slowly. "So long as you can come with me."

"Of course I will," Finnick assured her. "You don't think you will be rid of me." He teased.

Once again, Finnick gently leading her through the maze that was District 13 to where she needed to be.

Chapter 19: Coin's Speech

Chapter Text

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."

Nelson Mandela

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (24)

Finnick ever so gently led Bree to the medical wing.

Letting her hide behind him whenever she could hear anyone coming.

The closer they got to the medical wing, the more Finnick could feel as Bree slowed down. Her steps were even more unsure as she tucked herself into his back.

"You're going to be okay, my pearl," Finnick assured her. "I will be there the whole time."

"Promise?" Bree murmured into his back.

"Promise", Finnick assured her. Turning to press a kiss to the top of her head.

Then, when Bree was ready, and only when Bree was ready, did the two of them enter the medical wing.

When the nurses spotted Bree hiding behind Finnick, they smiled sadly at him. Motioning to the nearest medical bed.

Genlty Finnick led her over. Helping to get her situated on her bed. Letting her grip his hand as the nurses approached. Poking and prodding her.

It broke Finnick's heart to see her like this. To see all the damage that the capital had done to her again.

Forlornly, it reminded Finnick of her games. Of watching a beautiful, fiery woman go in and a broken shell come out.

But they had worked on it. Together, they had put all her pieces back together again. Built her back up. While she may not have been the same woman who had gone into her games, she would never be. The games would always take a piece of your soul. So long as you are willing to go on living after them.

But to see her reduced to a shell of herself again made Finnick's heartache. It makes him want to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. Squeeze her close to him until all her broken peaches had no choice but to stick back together again. But he knew that that wasn't an option.

They would have to take it slow and steady the way they had after her games. Ever so slowly, sticking back her pieces till she would forget that she had been broken in the first place.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." A voice called.

Looking up, both Bree and Finnick were met with the sight of Johanna walking towards them as she pulled a drip behind her.

Bree smiled at her best friend. Opening her arms to her. Johanna approached, collapsing into the medical bed beside Bree.

"God, aren't they a stuffy lot?" Johanna moaned as she got herself comfortable propped up against Bree. Sending a glare to the nurses when they looked like they were about to tell her off.

The nurses shrunk away. Seamig to accept that Johanna wasn't going to be going anywhere. So, instead, they continued to administer the rest of the checkup around the grumpy woman.

When they were done, they instructed Bree to return the next day so they could repeat their tests again. But given that Bree had Finnick, they were not trying to keep her in overnight.

Then, with that, they were gone. Leaving the three, two-time tributes to it.

The three of them sat silently for a while. All glad to be back together. But not knowing where they were going to be going from here. The 75th Quarter Quell had changed all of their lives irreparably.


When Bree had been discharged from the hospital, she and Finnick were sent to the main hall. There was going to be a speech from President Coin.

As the two of them got closer to the hall, there were more and more people. The two of them got swept up in the sea of people. Bree gripped on tighter to Finnick. Her island is in a sea of chaos. If she got separated from him, she would not be able to cope.

Finnick, able to feel the fear radiating from Bree, lopped an arm around her. Pulling her tighter into him. Till nothing could fit between there two bodies.

When they finally reached the cavanas space Bree could see people everywhere. All waiting to see what President Coin had to say.

As they stood waiting, Bree could see two people approaching them. As they got closer, Bree could see that it was her Mum and Dad.

The two smiled at her, with Leo grabbing his daughter's other hand and giving it a squeeze.

Bree knew the moment that President Coin stepped out onto the stage as everyone let out a defining roar. Causing Bree to flinch back at the sheer wall of sound.

Bree tried to squeeze herself further into Finnick, scared to meet her so-called saviour and even more terrified to discover what this woman meant for her future.

When Coin made it to the microphone, the cheering continued before it suddenly stopped.

Leaning forward, President Coin started to speak into the microphone.

"Good evening. Yesterday, I authorized a covert rescue mission inside the Capitol. I am pleased to announce that the Victors have been liberated!" At the confirmation of their success, the district broke out into cheers. When it died down, Presint Coin continued. "Let this day mark a historic change. With The Mockingjay and the Victors beside us, we have sent a clear message to the Capitol. That we will never again endure injustice." At this point, Coin paused again. Letting the sound of cheers swell through the cavernous space. "Today, a day on which we reunited family, friends, and loved ones."

At the word family, Leo squeezed Bree's hand as Finnick smiled down at her. Placing a kiss on her forehead

"You don't know how relieved I am to have you back," Finnick murmured against her head.

"Let all of Panem come together. Not to battle for the amusem*nt of the Capitol. But to join hands in this fight. Let today be the day we promise never to give up, never to give in until we have made a new Panem, where leaders are elected, not imposed upon us. And where the districts are free to share the fruits of their labours and not fight one another for scraps!" Bree could agree. That Panem sounded like a dream. A world in which kids weren't sent to their deaths for the amusem*nt of others sounded like a world worth fighting for.

"This new Panem is on the horizon." President Coin continued. "But we must take it for ourselves. The road there leads through the sharp mountains and deep ravines of District 2. There, in the heart of Panem's steepest mountain range, lies the Capitol's principal military facility. We can conquer this stronghold because we are one people, one army, one voice. Because today is our new beginning. Today, we have freed the Victors. Tomorrow, Panem!"

President Coin raised her fist in the air.

Her people cheered before copying her. The sound of their chanting echoed through the space.

Bree looked up at her Finnick. This woman could be their salvation or their damnation, and Bree did not know which one she was yet.

But at this moment, that didn't matter to Bree. All that mattered to Bree was Finnick and getting out of this with him.

Chapter 20: Mockingjay Part 2

Chapter Text

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (25)

Sometimes, the strongest thing you can do is knowing when to fight and when to let others fight.

For Bree and Finnick, that was knowing that they couldn't go to the capital with the resistance. They knew that if they were to go, they would be a liability more than anything else. The two broken, fragile people barely holding themselves and each other together.

There was no way that the two of them would be able to pass the exams. Unable to be apart from each other for a substantial amount of time.

Instead, the two of them would be left in District 13, unable to help, but also unable to accidentally hinder as the two focus on putting each other's broken parts back together again.

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (26)

Chapter 21: Autumn Celebrations


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again."

Ruth Ahmed

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (27)

Fresh air. Clean, fresh air. Bree couldn't believe it. Moved from a cell to an underground bunker. She had almost forgotten what fresh air tasted like.

Finnick and Bree had been allowed out from the bunker under strict watch. They had only been allowed to stray as far as a nearby clearing. Where they had found a log to sit on.

The two of them pressed up together as they looked up at the trees around them. Their leaves steadily turning red as the autumn took hold.

"You know," Finnick murmured. Looking down at Bree. "The harvest festival is in 3 days."

"Really?" Bree grinned, turning to face Finnick.

"Really." Finick nodded. "District 13 is holding a harvest festival on the Autumn Equinox."

"Oh, do you think we could make your traditional fish loaves?" Bree grinned. "I miss them!"

"We can ask my pearl. But I am not sure if they have any seaweed here."

"Ah, yes," Bree murmured. "As long as they have some."

"I'm sure they will." Finnick smiled. Dropping a kiss on Bree's head as some guards finally walked up to them. Telling them that it was time to go.


The day of the Autumn Equinox. Dawned bright and crisp. Or at least that's how Bree assumed it would have dawned. Buried in the depths of District 13, there was no way of actually knowing what the weather was like.

But it was the day of the Autumn Equinox, so Bree was in a good mood, her mind clearer than some days. Today was a day of revelry and celebrating what one had and what one had survived, and Bree had a lot to celebrate.

Bree knew she had woken up far too early. Another thing that had been trained into her by the capital. Though this one probably wasn't deliberate on their part.

But yet, Bree was still awake far too early.

Bree could feel Finnicks arm wrapped around her waist. Her back pressed firmly to his front.

Ever so gently, Bree began to extract herself from his hold. Her bladder was screaming at her.

Bree ever so gently wiggled her way out. Slipping a pillow in her place. When she was content that Finnick wouldn't notice her absence. She finally stood up. Walking towards the bathroom. Only before Bree could even lay her hand on the handle, she suddenly heard as Finnick let out a scream of her name.

Spinning she could see Finnick sat up on the bed. His eyes were wild as he searched for her. His moves frantic as he threw himself out of bed. Reaching for a trident that wasn't there.

As he turned, he spotted where Bree was. Frozen with her hand still on the door to the bathroom.

With barely two strides, Finnick made it to where she was.

Pulling her into his arms as he held her against him. Not saying a word.

The two of them were quiet as they thought over what had just happened.

Or rather, they were quiet as long as they could be before Bree's bladder went back to screaming at her.

Softly detangling herself from Finnick, Bree tried to ignore the pain in his eyes.

"I need to go to the loo," Bree explained softly. "Then I promise I will be right back to you."

Nodding once Finick finally released her from his hold.

Bree did her business as fast as she could before coming out of the bathroom. She could see Finnick sitting on the side of the bed. A haggard look on his face.

When he saw Bree approaching, he opened his arms to her. Inviting her into his hold. Bree walked to him. Letting him pull her into him. As he rested his head on her stomach. Feeling her close to him as the two pressed up against each other.

"You okay?" Bree asked softly. Threading her fingers through Finnicks hair.

"I will be." Finnick hummed. "I just need to hold you for a bit."

"That's okay." Bree soothed. Continuing to massage his scalp. "We don't have anywhere we need to be immediately."

They stayed like that. Two broken people clinging on to each other in the middle of the storm.

Eventually, however, they did have to part. For it was time for them to have their breakfast and prepare for the festivities.

Ever so gently moving away from Finnick, Bree gripped onto his hand. Stealing themselves, the pair of them readied themselves to face District 13.


Bree couldn't stop smiling.

She could hear the sounds of people milling about and chatting. The sounds of people being happy.

Bree stood between her parents, with Johane standing opposite, as the four talked, making idle chatter about the festivities going on around them. But Bree was aware that Finnick wasn't with them. He had left her with her parents and best friend, promising that he would be back soon.

But Bree was starting to get antsy, her body starting to tremble as the sounds of the crowd around her seemed to swell. Drowning out those around her.

Just as it was getting too much. The noise drowning her, but a hand on the small of her back drew her back to the present.

"I have a present for you, my pearl." A voice whispered in her ear. His comforting presence surrounded her as she relaxed into him.

"Oh?" Bree smiled up at him. "What sort of present?"

"You'll have to follow me to find out," Finnick smiled, hiding one hand behind his back.

Bree grinned up at him. Following him as he led her out to a corner of the celebrations. Away from anyone's watchful eyes.

Removing his hand from behind his back, Finnick presented a beautiful loaf of bread. Tinged green and shaped like a fish. The traditional loaf of District 4.

Bree gasped. Her hands tentatively reaching for it reverently.

"How did. Where did you?" Bree stammered.

"Well, you know me." Finnicks flirted. Flashing Bree his signature smirk. "Called in a few favours, pulled a few strings."

"Oh, you are amazing." Bree breathed, staring reverently at the bread.

"Head or tail." Finnick questions. Enjoyed her childlike wonder.

"Tail, please." Bree breathes.

Watching with bated breath as Finnick rips the tail of the loaf. Sending crumbs flying through the air.

Passing it to Bree, he smiled. Watching as she pressed it to her nose. In haling the smell of the sea.

"It smells like home." Bree breathed. Watching as Finnick ripped off a chunk for himself.

Smiling at each other, they both finally took a mouthful of it.

"Oh, it tastes like home." Bree breathed. Savouring the taste of it on her tongue. "Oh, you are a dream." Bree breathed.

"I aim to please." Finnick flirted.

The two of them stayed like that for a while. Huddled in the corner. Reminiscing on there memories of 4 as they shared the loaf of bread. Savouring the slice of home.

Bree may not have been born in District 4. But ever since meeting Finnick salt water had run through her veins.

Only when the two of them had finished their bread did they drift back to the festivities.

By then, a fiddler by the name of old Clerk Carmine had started playing.

"May I have this dance?" Finnick requested. Offering his hand to Bree.

"Of course." Bree smiled. Slipping her hand into his outstretched palm.

Letting him lead her onto the dancefloor.

The two took to the dancefloor. Swinging and swaying with all the other pairs. As they danced past Katniss and Everdeen. Enjoying the moment of jubilation in the middle of the war.

Though Bree grew tired quickly. Her stamina depleted by her time at the capital.

So the two drew away to the sidelines. Instead clapping along to the beat as they watched all the happy faces.

"I don't want this to end." Bree murmerd to Finnick. Her head resting against his chest. "I want to stay in this moment and not have to face tomorrow."

"I know my love." Finnick sighed. Pressing a kiss to her head. "But this moment will have to draw to a close at some point. We must always face tomorrow. But we will always face tomorrow together."

"Promise," Bree murmured.

"Promise." Finnick nodded. Pulling her in for a kiss.


A/N: I really wanted to include the celebration for Finnick and Anne's wedding. But obviously, that wasn't going to work. So I went for a harvest festival/Thanksgiving/Autumn Equinox sort of thing.

Chapter 22: The Propo

Chapter Text

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."

Laurel K. Hamilton

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (28)

"You feel guilty," Bree murmured. Her head resting on Finnick's chest as she stared up at him.

"About what?" Finnick murmured. One of his hands tracing patterns on her back. Trying to ignore the way he could feel every one of her vertebrates. "I feel guilty about a great many things."

Bree tilted her head to look up at him at that. "You want to go with them. You feel guilty not going to fight the capital with them."

"Yes and no," Finnick murmured. "I do want to go to the capital. I want to make them pay for every single one of the things that they did to you. I want them to feel the pain that they made you feel. But after what happened," Finnick started, his voice choking up. "But after they took you, I can't leave you again."

"If it wasn't here, would you go?" Bree asked softly.

"Depends," Finnick murmured. "If you were still in the capital, then nothing could stop me from getting there and being on the front lines. If the Hunger Games had never happened to you and you were safely at home in 4, then maybe. And if you didn't exist. Well, that doesn't bear thinking about."

"Really?" Bree murmerd.

"Oh, absolutely. I love you more then the sea loves the moon. You are my moon."

"Even when I am so broken?" Bree qustiond softly.

"Even when you are broken." Finnick comforted Bree.

The two lapsed into since after that. Finnick continue to run shapes on Brees back as she listed to his heart beat.

"Do you feel guilty?" Fininck murmured.

"Sort of," Bree mumbled. "Same as you, I want to make Snow and the capital pay for all that they did to us. But I get confused; sometimes I can't quite remember what is real and what is fake, and I worry I would end up doing something wrong."

"That's okay," Finnick murmured. Pressing a kiss to her head. "You can always ask me what's real and whats fake."

"You love me?" Bree asked, smiling softly up at him.

"As real as the moon above us," Finnick answered, smiling lovingly at her.

"I love you?" Bree asked, a cheeky smile on her lips.

"As real as the waves of the ocean." Finnick grind. Capturing her lips in a kiss.


"We need you to film a propo," Hevensbee told Bree.

Bree still didn't fully trust him. Whenever she saw him, all she could think was that he was the head game maker.

All she could think of was the pain that he had put her and Finnick through.

Sometimes, seeing him round a corner would freak her out, and she would think she was back in the capital. But then she would remember he was a rebel, too, and she would force her heartbeat to slow down.

"What sort of propo?" Bree murmured, looking sceptical.

"Oh, you know, the normal." Hevensbee waved Bree of.

"No," Finnick said. Nudging Bree behind him. I don't know what you mean, and I want you to tell me what you want my wife to do."

Sensing the thinly veiled threat behind Finnicks words, Hevensbee wisely decided to back off.

"We just want her to say how she stands with the rebellion. Maybe talk about the issue with the capital and see if she can get any of the capital citizens to surrender. That sort of thing."

"Okay," Bree nodded. "I'll do it."

Finnick spun to look at Bree. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, my love."

"I feel up to it." Bree assured him before properly turning to look at Hevensbee, "I'll do it."

"Perfect." Hevensbee grind. Rubbing his hands together. "If you two would just follow me, i'll take you to where the team is.

"Wait." Bree stammered. "Now?"

"Absolutely." Hevensbee nodded. Not even turning to look at Bree. If he had, he would have seen the blood had drained from her face.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Finnick questioned her softly as the two followed Heavensbee.

"Yes, yes. I can do it. Yes." Bree nodded, but her stuttering and the way she was clinging to Finnick's hand said otherwise.

"Are you sure?" Finnick asks softly. "No one will mind if you don't feel that you can do it."

"No," Bree snapped. "I can do it. I'm going to do it."

"Okay." Finnick nodded.

Carrying on in silence, the two of them followed Heavensbee.

Bree wanted to do it. She wanted to help the resistance, and she felt like she owed District 13 for saving her from hell. Bree felt she needed to do it to prove that she could and that she wasn't broken. But she hadn't expected Hevensbee to demand that she do it then and there. She thought that she would be able to have time to practice and prepare, but no, she was being thrown right back in the spotlight.

Finnick just wanted Bree to be happy and safe, and he wasn't sure this propo would help with either of those things.

When the three of them finally made it to District 13's designated filming room, a crowd of stylists suddenly descended on Bree. They talked over each other as they crowded her and dragged her off to an unknown location.

"Finnick. But Finnick. I need Finnick." Bree called. But they either didn't hear her or chose to ignore her as they continued to drag her away.

Finnick, already knowing that this was going to end badly, tried to follow her. But was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"She will be fine." Heavnsbee told Finnick. His tone was stern. "We need you over here to help with her lines."

"I really think I should go with her." Finnick started.

But Hevensbee was walking away, and Finnick had lost sight of Bree. So he followed the former head game maker, hoping maybe he could speed the process up somehow so he could get Bree out sooner.

In another room, Bree was being primped and preened to within an inch of her life.

Stylists swarming her as they get her camera ready.

But Bree couldn't hear them over the roaring in her ears.

They had taken her away from Finnick. Her Finnick. Her lifeline.

She felt like she was back in the capital. Like she was being pimped and preened, ready for the next hunger games to begin.

Her hands trembling as she rung them together. Her knuckles hurting from how hard she was squeezing them.

When the stylists where happy that she looked acceptable, they dragged her from the char she had been sitting in. Dragging her around to another section of the room where they stripped her of the clothes she was wearing. Clothes that smelt of her beloved Finnick.

Shoving her into a new outfit. The fabric was too tight and itchy as it pressed against her body. It made her want to peel it and her skin off. But she couldn't as she was suddenly pushed back into the room she had come from.

Her eyes frantically darted about as she looked around the room. Scanning for danger. Adrenaline pumping through her body as her fight or flight instinct kicked into gear.

When her eyes suddenly landed on Finnick, Bree took a step. Moving to go to him. To wrap herself up in his presence and finally be able to ground herself.

But before she could make it more than half a pace to him, she was intercepted by a new load of people.

All chattering to her as they dragged her away.

They led her to a new place, telling her things she couldn't hear until suddenly, they deserted, leaving her surrounded by bright lights pointed at her.

Squinting, Bree couldn't make anything out. All she could see was the lights.

If Bree wasn't panicking before she was now. Her hands shook as she brought them up to her eyes. Desperately hoping that maybe she could make out anything.

"Fininck," Bree murmured. "Finnick." She called louder.

But why was she calling for Finnick? He was dead, wasn't he? Or was he? All of a sudden, she couldn't remember.

Her hands were still shaking as she pulled at the fabric around her neck. Deasperlty trying to get some air into her lungs.

Where was she again? What was she doing? How did she get here?

Suddenly, she heard a commotion. Causing her to back away desperately as a body came hurtling towards her.

The body bundled her up in their arms. But this was a body that she remembered. She remembered the feeling of his arms and the smell of the sea that surrounded him.

"Finnick?" Bree murmured. "You are real, aren't you?"

"I'm real, my moon," Finnick murmured, holding her tight. "I'm here with you."

"Where is here." Bree sobbed. Tears that she didn't know when they started streaming down her face.

"Here is District 13," Finnick murmured. "Where the rebellion is. You are safe here. No one can hurt you."

"Where are my parents? What about my parents?" Bree wailed. Clinging on to Finnick.

"Your parents are safe," Finnick murmured. "The rebellion got them out safely."

With ought a second thought, Finnick picked Bree up. Holding her tight in his arms.

"We are leaving." He told the room at large. Not caring as he walked out past them. Carrying Bree's trembling form in his arms.

Holding her close to his body so that she could hear his heartbeat, Finnick walked through the warren of tunnels until they safely reached their room.

Placing Bree on there bed, he moved to take her clothes off her. When she had gotten out of the uncomfortable clothes, he moved away to get her some new clothes.

But Bree refused to let him leave. Gripping onto him as he stepped away from her.

"It's okay, it's okay," Finnick cooed at her. "I'm just getting you some new clothes to put on."

Bree nodded slowly. Watching his every move as he stepped away to the closest. Pulling out some of his clothes as he helped her into them.

"Better?" Finnick questioned gently.

"Better," Bree murmured.

"What can I do to help?" Finnick asked.

"Just hold me, please." Bree pleaded.

"Always," Finnick murmured. Pulling her into his hold.

Softly rocking. Gently lulling Bree to sleep as he griped onto her.

His heart broke at the sight of her breakdown. They had been doing so well. She had been having more good days than bad days, building her confidence back up. Then Heavnsbe destroyed that in a moment.

Chapter 23: Johana

Chapter Text

"and here you are living despite it all."

Rupi Kaur

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (29)

Bree and Johana sat shoulder to shoulder on a medical bed. Finnick was on the side, giving Bree the space to be with Johana. But not wholly leaving her. She wasn't ready for that yet. The two women were both staring fixedly at the same point on the wall in front of them. Neither saying a thing. But they didn't. For now, just that together was enough for the both of them. They didn't need to say anything for the other to know that they were there with each other. Being together was enough for them.

Just being in each other's presence was all they needed.

Sometimes, being with someone was what you needed to heal the wounds in your mind.

They didn't need to talk about it, and they didn't want to talk about it. They had both been through it and knew what the other was going through.

Staring at the wall in front of them, their arms touching so they could feel each other's warmth. Feel how the other was also alive and well. Feel connected.

They could also feel each other's gentle rise and fall as they breathed in and out, slowed their breathing to match each other, and calmed down as they focused on the wall in front of them and not the full world that was beyond it.

"I'm glad you are here, you know," Johana eventually murmured, still not turning to face Bree as they both stared at the wall.

"I am glad you are here as well," Bree murmured. Ever so gently leaning into Joahana.

"Hearing your screams," Johana murmured, shuddering. "I could hear you screaming Finnicks name over and over again. I didn't know what to do. So focused on surviving my own torture."

"That's okay," Bree murmured. "We were all just so desperately trying to survive hell. There was nothing that we could have done to help each other. You did all you could to get out alive. That is what matters."

The two lapsed back into since for a bit as they started into the distance.

"When this is all said and done, I want to take you to four," Bree murmured. "I know you have been, but I want to take you to the beach. I want to show you the beach so you can feel the sand between your toes and the water around your ankles."

"I'll take you to Five." Johana offered. "Show you the ancient woods so you can feel their bark under your skin and their dappled shade on your face. I may even teach you how to climb a tree properly."

"I would like that." Bree smiled, finally turning from the wall to look at Joanna's face in profile. "I would like to do that with you."

Johana briefly turned from the wall. Turning to look at Bree.

"If I had to go through hell with anyone, I am glad it was you," Johana murmured.

"I'm glad I had you, too." Bree smiled softly.

The two lapsed back into silence.

"Mrs Mason," a voice called, forcing both women to look around at the nurse who had approached them.

"Oh, here we go again." Joahan drawled, rolling her eyes. "My doctor is going to tell me how 'safe' I am over and over. As if that changes the past."

Pushing herself off the bed, Johana stalked towards the nurse.

The nurse turned, timidly beckoning for Johana to follow her. Turning, Johana threw a last exasperated look over her shoulder at Bree before she turned a corner and disappeared from view.

"I'm glad to see Johana hasn't changed." Finnick teased as he approached Bree. Taking the seat that Johana had just vacated as, he took Bree's hand into his.

Bree snorted. Resting her head on Finnicks shoulder.

"I think we have all changed," Bree murmured. "But at her core, she is still the same person we know and love."

Softly, Finnick rested his head on top of Brees.

The two stayed like that till a nurse came to get Bree for her check-up.

"Mrs Odair," The nurse called.

Looking at the pair sat pressed together on the hospital bed.

Bree and Finnick both sat up and stood up from the bed.

Following the nurse as she led them off to the doctor. The nurse knew better than to suggest that Finnick didn't come. They all knew that was a losing battle.

Protect me ⚔️ Finnick Odair - TheUndercoverSquid (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.