Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

AUG. 15, INSTRUMENTS- RECORDS 60 stock repairs. New Terms. and used, large cordion School, 829 Momo's AcGUITARS, accordions. Lincoln St.

electric foot bought sold. all instruments Knapp's, 104 Terms. College Open Ave. Dial eve2-1787. SHEET the hits from classic.

All shows. Every need the for big the pictures and teacher. instruction One of the books largest and assortments pupil terial in the maassortment Southern Tier. Endless Mail orders and filled instrumental promptly. of vocal M.

Water syle Marks Sons, 309 E. Elmira. PIANOS. RADIOS 61 RADIOS. tables and floor models.

Corned Oakwood and Lenox Ave. for. JUST a WHAT you have, been looking medium size, plain case, mafully piano, fine tone and action, hogany 154 Lake rebuilt, $245. Claude Buckpitt, St. just MIRROR PIANO- Spinet style, THE Beautiful mahogany cases.

modern design. Call and see them. M. Doyle Marks Son, 309 E. Water Elmira.

MOTOROLA RADIO Beautiful console model with push-button tuning, built-in aerial. Selective performance, good tone. An excellent "buy" at our special priceOnly $89.95 ELMIRA ARMS CO. 117 No. Main WANTED--MUSICAL MCHDSE.

65 CASH for your spinet, grand or small upright (not over 54 inches high). Claude Buckpitt, 154 Lake St. SMALL modern piano wanted. Dial 2-3733. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE HELP 66 WMC RULING Essential women workers need statement of availability.

If transferring to less essential work, need J' USES written consent in addition. Critical workers also need both. A YOUNG lady for drug and cosmetics. Some experience, excellent salary. Rand's Drug, 101 Er Water.

CLEANING woman, experienced, efficient, mornings. 2 adults. Dial 2-0314. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted. Permanent Store pogood salary.

Elmira Fixture 207 Baldwin St. GIRL or woman to assist with housewor 4 room apartment. Dial 8579. GOOD COOK, good pay. Also outside yard man.

Singly or married couple. Excellent quarters. References required. Phone 2-2675. HAZEL KENDALL at the English Grille, Hotel Langwell, desires services of a waitress.

Apply person. LADY for general housework. Dial 2-3237. MIDDLE-AGED woman. to care for children, 7 a.

m. p. m. No laundry. Live in if necessary.

230 Allen St. MAIDS wanted, part time or steady employment. Also night maid, hours 3 p. m. to 11 p.

m. Apply Housekeeper, Mark Twain Hotel. RELIABLE WAITRESS for morning work. Franklin Restaurant, S. Main.

SALESGIRLS wanted by local al independent department store. Experience desirable but not essential. Several positions for the right person. Address B-731. Star-Gazette, stating experience, present salary, hours available.

SALESLADY-Attractive position open for competent ready-to-wear. 107 E. Water St. SALES girls wanted for shoe store. Steady employment.

Apply Mary Jane Shoe Store, 114 W. Water St. SALESLADIES, wanted. salary. Apply Steady office, or Jay-Cobbs, 131-133 W.

Water St. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Apply People's Store, 300 E. Water. rience desirable essential.

SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Will train if necessary. Apply Miss Hauser, 3rd floor, Sheehan, Dean Co. WAITRESS wanted. Rennie's Grill, 523 Baldwin St. WAITRESS--Apply at The Arch, 120 Main St.

WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Club Lunch, 317 E. Water St. WOMEN for part time work. Help Per- with cleaning mornings, Apply sonnel Director, or.

Iszards. WAITRESS wanted, 6 nights a week. Arlington Hotel, Bulkhead. WOMEN wanted to in cafeteria days. Call Eclipse Cafeteria.

WOMAN to do janitress work in store. Apply Kobacker Furniture Store, 115 W. Water Elmira. YOUNG: girl for cashier's assistant. Either full time or afternoons only, Hauser, Experience not necessary.

Apply Miss 3rd floor, Sheehan, Dean Co. MALS HELP WANTED 67 REFERRAL CARD Required from U. S. Employment Service, U. S.

Railroad Retirement Board, or other authorized hiring agency, for employment of male workers, except domestic and farm help. A YOUNG man wanted for general drug work. Rand's Drug, 101 E. Water. BARTENDER-Apply at The Arch, 120 South Main St.

BODY and fender man wanted. Very high wages. Clark Christman, 213 S. Main. BOYS wanted moring.

Miller Farm, 913 Maple Ave. BOYS-16 years or over. Earn from $15 to $35 per week. Part time. Do not apply without working papers and Social Security Card.

Recreation Alleys, 118-20 State St. CAPABLE all around cook, $60 weekly. Franklin Restaurant, 114 S. Main. EXPERIENCED trailer truck driver.

Reliable. Postwar future. Chemung Supply 937 Lackawanna Ave. Dial 4922, nights 2-2591. EXPERIENCED automobile mechanic, work here part time and insure a permanent full-time position when contracts are cancelled.

Spear's, 460 East Market Elmira. MAN wanted for truck driving and work around feed mill. Levi Marshall. Horseheads. MEN for mason helper, concrete work.

Wm P. Sheehan, Dial 2-3459. TWO mechanics wanted. Alart Motor Horseheads. Dial 7932.

FEW BOYS over 16 for steady work. Lenjo Fabries, 11th St. and Grand Central Elmira Heights. MEN looking for permanent steady work are needed as warehousem*n, stock men, assembly men and truck drivers. Apply in person Foods, 515- propire State St.

WEAVERS for steady work day or night shift. on either Fabrics, 11th Lenjo and Grand Central St. Elmira Heights. MALE HELP WANTED 67 MAN to dip ice cream evenings and Sundays. Schmick's Ice Cream.

MARRIED man with small family to work on farm by the year. Good wages for an experienced hand. Henry Wood, Middlebury Center, Tioga County. MEN wanted. Good wages.

Part or full time. Plentv of overtime. Consolidated Brick Horseheads, N. Y. MEN needed at the Checkerboard boons Feed Store, 612 Railroad Ave.

and night work. ROUTE SALESMAN wanted. Short swing route mornings only; day work. L. J.

Houck Son, 611 Winsor Elmira. RELIABLE man for photographic dark room work. Good pay? Permanent position. Experience not necessary. Loomis Hall, 364 N.

Main. SERVICE station attendant. postwar opportunity. Standard Operating. Service.

201 E. Second St. SERVICE STATION operator wanted. Station doing excellent business, good location and living quarters. Address Y-728, Star-Gazette.

SIX experienced turret lathe operators, night shift. Also 1 automatic screw machine operator. Elmira Lubricator Elmira Heights. THREE first-class tool and die makers wanted. Apply at Brace Tool Machine Shop, 139 W.

17th Elmira Heights, N. with referral from U. S. E. S.

TRUCK DRIVER Warehouse man wanted. Permanent position. Good working conditions. See Carl Smith, S. M.

Flickinger Co. Inc, 151 E. Fifth Elmira. TWO first-class mechanics wanted. Very high wages.

and Christman, 213 S. Main. MALE--FEMALE HELP 68 TWO baker's helpers wanted. National Biscuit Company, 508 College. WEAVERS wanted for full time work.

We also have openings for several weavers from 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. each evening.

Berger Sherin 116 W. Thurston St. SITUATIONS WANTED 70 LADY with experience as nurse desires position in that line. Address D-733. Star-Gazette.

MIDDLE-AGED woman desires housekeeping for a dependable man living alone. Good home preferred to high wages. Address P. O. Box 344, Corning, N.

Y. TRUCK driving job wanted. Not trailer trucks. Address A-730, Star-Gazette. FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 75 mira Heights for sale.

Inquire 120 FULLY He equipped restaurant in El14th St. BANK LOANS- MORTGAGES 16 ELMIRA BANK TRUST COMPANY is the place to borrow. PERSONAL LOAN RATES Amount Charges 12 of for You Monthly Note Year Receive Payments $108 6.48 $101.52 9 156 9.36 146.64 13 216 12.96 203.04 18 300 18.00 282.00 25 480 28.80 451.20 40 Why Pay More? Main Office-150 Lake St. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 7-9 P. M.

A MARINE MIDLAND BANK LICENSED LENDERS 77 to $300. Citizens Loan Co. A local institution, 116 E. Water St. Dis1 9731.

NEED -Call Elmira 7186. Personal Finance Room 2, Gorton Main and Water Sts. LEGALS LEASE OF OIL AND GAS PRIVILEGES ON STATE REFORESTATION AREA LANDS, ALLEGANY COUNTY Sealed bids for the leasing of the right to prospect, extract, pipe, store and remove oil and natural gas from 1862.40 acres of State reforestation area land in Allegany County, more particularly described as Allegany Reforestation Area No. 7. Proposals B.

C. D. F. H. and total 1136.58 acres, and Allegany Reforestation Area No.

20, Proposals C. and total 725.82 acres. located in the towns of Amity and Ward, Allegany County, will be received at the office of the Conservation Commissioner, 488 Broadway, Albany, N. until 2:30 P. Eastern War Time, on Aug.

25, 1944. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes endorsed on the outside with the name of the bidder and following: "Proposal for oil gas privileges on State lands in Allegany N. to opened at 2:30 E.W.T., August 25. 1944." These privileges will be leased to the highest bidder in accordance with the terms of Section 60-b of the Conservation Law and of the standard oil and gas lease of the State of New York. Copies of this be furnished to prospective 'Braders upon application.

Official maps the Conservation Department showing the location of the lands to be leased may be seen at the office of the Conservation Department, 488 Broadway, Albany, and at the office of District Forester I. S. Bowlby, 34 Liberty Bath. N. Y.

Bidding for these privileges will be upon the royalty per thousand feet for gas, in addition to which an annual rental of 25c per acre will be required and also one-eighth of the market value of any oil produced. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or cash deposit in the amount of the annual rental. which will be credited to the successful bidder upon execution of the lease. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Successful bidders will be required to give a bond of $5.000 for faithful performance of the terms of the contract.

The Conservation Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids. a8 tues-thurs-4t The foregoing summons is served to M. Price: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order by Hon. Ely W. Personius.

Justice of the Supreme Court. Elmira, New York, dated the 31st day of July, 1944, and filed with the complaint in County, at Elmira. New York. office of the clerk of Chemung DE FILIPPO BROTHERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office P. O.

Address, 417-419 Robinson Building. Elmira, New York STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF CHEMUNG, SUPREME COURT: SARAH PRICE, Plaintiff vS. THOMAS M. PRICE, Defendant.

ACTION FOR ANNULMENT To 1 the Above Named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve copy of your answer, or if complaint is not served with this summons. to serve a notice of your appearance, on the plaintiff's attorney 20 days after the service of this summons. exclusive of the day servIn case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in be the held in complaint. the County of Chentung. 31st day of July, 1944.

DeFilippo Brothers. Plaintiff's Attorney, Office and Post Office Address. 415-417 Robinson Building Elmira, N. Y. aug.1-tues-6t-z/ Stocks Record Slight Gains New York (AP) Leading stocks pinned on fractional a advances in today's initial stock market transactions.

On the upside at a moderately active opening were Northern Pacific, American Can, Anaconda, Kennecott, General Electric, Sinclair Oil, Republic Steel and U. S. Rubber. Holders of coppers noted the esthat red metal in the government's emergency stockpile may increase 30,000 to 40,000 tons to around 300,000 tons this month and a expand further in September. This reverses the downward shift which set in earlier this year as the result, of a jump in production of heavy caliber shell cases.

WALL STREET Quotations of transactions furnished by Carl M. Loeb, Rhodes Realty members of New York Stock Exchange. Marine Midland 8 8 8 Rem Rand Shepard Niles Thatcher Thatcher pfd Allis-Chalmers 38 38 Am Canning Am Locomotive Amn $6 pfd Amn $5 pfd Am Radiator Am Roll Mills Am Smelting Am Tel Tobacco Tel 163 Am Viscose Am Water Wks 10 Anaconda Atchison At Refining Avia Corp Am 5 5 5 Bethlehem Steel 62 62 62 Boeing Airp Braniff Airways 19 19 Burroughs A Calumet Hecla Ches Ohio 47 Chrysler 92 92 Com Credit Consol Edison Curtiss- Curt-Wright Douglas Aircraft DuPont Erie Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tires Illinois Central Inter Harv Inter Nickel Int Tel Tel 19 19 19 Kennecott 31 Libby McNeill 8 Loew's Macy Mid-Cont Petro Mont-Ward Nat Biscuit Nat Dairy Pro Nat Distillers Central No American No American Avia Packard Motor 6 6 Pan Am Airlines Pict Penney 105 105 105 Penn Pepsi-Cola 56 56 56 Phillips Petro Radio Rep Iron Steel Reynolds Sears-Roebuck Socony-Vacum Pacific Stand Oil Ind So Railway Stand Oil Studebaker 19 19 Texas Corp 48 48 Union Carbide 80 80 80 United Aircraft 28 28 28 Rubber Steel 5834 Steel pfd Vanadium Steel Warner Bros 13 13 13 Tel 47 Westing Elec 104 Wheeling Steel 30 30 30 Woolworth Youngstn Sheet PRODUCE PROVISIONS New York (AP) FLOUR steady: Spring patents (100. ib3.) 3.60@70; soft winter straights (98 lbs.) 3.50; hard winter straights (100 lbs.) 3.65@70. RYE FLOUR steady: fancy patents (1100 lbs.) 3.00 3.20.

CORNMEAL steady: white ulated 3.83: yellow 3.39. BEANS steady: (jobbing sales on spot market) pea 6.50@65. PRODUCE New York-(AP)-(State Dept. of Agr. and Mkts.) N.

Y. Hudson Valley, bu bskt or box, Alexander in. 1.75. Hudson Valley, 12 qt sour, 1.35. CHERRIES GRAPES-N.

Y. Hudson Valley, carton, PEACHES containing -N. 12, 2 Orange qt bskts, bu bskt Golden Jubilee 2 in. 1.25. PEARS Hudson Valley, bu bskt, Clapp's Favorite 2.50@3.00.

PLUMS--Hudson Valley, 12 qt bskt Damson 3.25. PRUNES -Hudson Valley, BEANS N. Y. upstate, bu bskt BEANS 1.50@2.50. western section, bu bskt and hamper, bountiful 2.50@3.00.

CABBAGE- Catskill Mt. region, white round 50 lb sack 1.60. topped washed, bu bskt 1.75 2.00. CAULIFLOWER-N. Catskill Mt.

crt. 3.00@4.00. CELERY -N. Y. western Golden Heart, 16 in crt, trimmed tops box a 2.50.

CORN-N. Y. Hudson Valley, yellow sack 50 to 60 ears SECUCUMBERS, hmpr, Y. dills, western 2.00 LETTUCE-N. Y.

western eastern crts Big Boston 1.00@1.50. ONIONS- -N. Y. Orange 50 lb yellow 1.00@1.50. POTATOES -New crop L.

100 lb sack U. S. No. 1 Green 2.75 SQUASH--Hudson Valley, bu bskt yellow 75. SPINACH-Orange bu bskt ordinary 1.00@1.50.

TOMATOES-N. Y. green lugs 6x6 1.00@1.75. CHICAGO GRAIN Sept. Dec.

May Wheat Rye Oats 713 STAR-GAZETTEThree Brothers in Armed Services Blossburg-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Manikowski of Blossburg are the parents of three sons who are serving their country overseas. Chester E. Manikowski, Phm.

at left, entered the Navy May, 1943, and received his boot trainat Sampson Naval Training Station. He is now at sea. Sgt. DAIRY MARKET BUTTER AND CHEESE New A receipts firm. (Maximum prices set by OPA for bulk butter in cartons delivered New York.) Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA) 421: 92 score (A) 90 score (B) 89 score (C) 41.

(Tubs cent a pound more on all grades.) CHEESE receipts nominal; no quotations. Livestock BUFFALO Buffalo-(AP)-(Producers Livestock Commission -HOGS 325; steady; 160-240 lbs 15.15; 240- 300 lbs 14.40; 300-400 lbs 13.50@ 14.00; sows 13.00@14.00. CATTLE 100; market practically at standstill; lightweight canners 4.50@5.50; some down to 4.00; weighty canners 6.25@6.50; cutters 5.75@7.50; medium fat cows 7.75@ 8.50; fat cows 8.75@9.50, few 10.00; most state cows 5.00@9.00; lightweight heifers on feeder flesh order 8.00 10.00; medium butcher heifers 10.25@11.25; fat heifers 11.50@ 12.00; most state dairy type heifers 10.00@12.00; lightweight bulls 7.00 8.25; mediums 8.50@9.25; heavies 9.50@10.50, fev. 11.00; most bulls 8.00 10.00: CALVES 100; steady; good calves 15.00 16.00. SHEEP 100; steady; 4.00@5.00; mediums 3.00 culls lower.

Lambs steady; good lambs 14.00@ 15.00; mediums 12.00@13.00; culls 10.00@11.00; yearlings, slow, 7.00@ 9.00. New -EGGS irregular; current, general wholesale prices follow: MIXE COLORS: Extra, No. to No. 2, 47 lbs. and over extra, No.

1 to No. 2, 45-46 lbs extra, No. 3 to No. 4, 47 lbs. and over extra, No.

3 to No. 4, lbs. standard, No. 1 to No. 2, 45 lbs.

standard No. 3 to No. 4, 45 lbs. dirties, 43 lbs checks WHITE: Extras, No. 1 to No.

2, 47 lbs. and over, midwestern 46; nearby No. 1 to No. 2, 45-46 midwestern nearby No. 3 to No.

4, 74 lbs and over, midwestern 3 to No. 4, a nearby midwestern nearby medium, midwestern nearby medium, 40 Midwestern nearby pullets, 35-36 midwestern nearby standard, No. 3 to No. 4, 44 lbs. midwestern )34; nearby quoted; pewees, midwestern unquoted; nearby 18.

BROWN: Extras, No. 1 to No. 2, 47 lbs. and over. midwestern nearby No.

1 to No. 2, 45-56 midwestern nearby No. 3 to No. 4, 47 lbs. and over, midwestern nearmidwestern nearby by No.

3 to No. 4, 45-46 medium nearby midwestern pullets, 35-36 nearby midwestern unquoted; ON THE AIR WENY (1210) 5:00 Rhythm :15 Chick Carter :30 Tom Mix :45 Superman 6:00 News: Music :15 Ball Scores :30 Evening :45 Edition 7:00 Music Shop :15 News :30 Dick Haymes :45 8:00 News Review :15 To be Annc. :30 A Date :45 With Judy 9:00 Full Speed :15 Ahead :30 Words :45 War 10:00 Life with' :15 Charlotte :30 Scranton :45 at Elmira 11:00 News; Sports :15 Commentator :30 Louis Prima :45 Orchestra 12:00 News and :15 Music :30 Until :45 1 a. m. PROGRAMS 7:30 a.

m. Reveille :45 News 8:00 World News :15 Musical Clock :30 and News :45 Until 9 9:00 Mirth-Madness :15 :30 Home Makers :45 Reporter 10:00 News; Songs :15 Plavground :30 of the Air :45 Shady Valley 11:00 Arthur Gaeth :15 Handy Man :30 Organ :45 Music-News 12:00 Melodies :15 Words; Music :30 Army Forces :45 1:00 News :15 Jack Berch :30 Lopez Orch. :45 Woman's Jury 2: Cedric Foster :15 Carver Er Orch. :30 Marines :45 Jane Cowl 3:00 Real Stories :15 Palmer House :30 Smoothies :45 Of All Things 4:00 Backstage Wife :15 Stella Dallas :30 Lorenzo Jones :45 Widder Brown DEATHS Chemung County Mrs. Neva Alice Jeski, 27, 450 Ralph St.

Tuesday morning, Aug. 15, 1944. Survived by husband, Daniel Jeski; son, Ronald, daughter, Eveline; father, William Wandell, all of Elmira. Body is at the Davis Funeral Home. Harry B.

Parker of Ithaca. Tuesday morning, Aug. 15, 1944, in Elmira. Survived by wife, Cora; sisters, Mrs. Anna Taylor, Mrs.

Katherine Green, both of Elmira, Mrs. Clara Belle Green of New York City. Body is at the Davis Funeral Home. J. Pratt Neal of Washington, D.

C. Monday, Aug. 14, 1944. Survived by wife, Florence Bosard Neal, formerly of Elmira. Funerals Mrs.

Sarah Hackett of Pine City. Wednesday, 2 p. m. at the Davis Funeral Home. Pine City Cemetery.

John Ronan, 1006 Lake St. Wednesday, 8:15 a. m. at home of son, John B. Ronan, 863 Lake 9 at St.

Patrick's Church. SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Deaths Elsewhere David J. Henninger, 64, Geneva, formerly of Tioga.

Sunday, Aug. 13, 1944. Survived by wife, Cora; sons, Lloyd, Guy and Fayette, in the Army, Gordon of Tioga; daughter, Mrs. Howard Hughes of Tioga; brothers, Adam of Endicott, Sam of Alba; sister, Mrs. Mary Miller of Williamsport.

Services Thursday, 2 p. m. at the home of Gordon Henninger. Rev. Orey E.

Crippen. Evergreen Cemetery, Tioga. Basil Mead 10, Watkins Glen. Monday, Aug. 14.

1944. Survived by parents, Mr. and Basil L. Mead of Watkins Glen. Services Thursday, 2 p.

m. at LaMoreaux Funeral Home, Watkins Glen. Rev. Gordon Blossom. Hillside Cemetery, Duudee.

Mrs. Emma Carpenter, 88, Mitchellville. Monday, Aug. 14, 1944, She was the of Robert Carpenter. Survived by son, Claude Smith of Bath; several nieces and nephews.

Funeral at Waldo Funeral Home, Bath, Wednesday, 2 p. m. Rev. P. E.

Greenwalt. Nondaga Cemetery. Mrs. Ellen B. Keegan, 55, wife of Thomas M.

Keegan of Rexville. Sunday night, Aug. 13, 1944. Survived by husband, son, Cpl. John Robert Keegan of Nashville, daughter, Mrs.

William O'Haragan of Buffalo: brother, Ira Brown of Wellsville; sister, Mrs. Donald Moran of Hornell. Funeral at home Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. at S.

Mary's Church, ville, at 10. S. Mary's Cemetery. Funerals Mrs. Eva Elizabeth Erin.

Wednesday, 9 a. at the Luckner Funeral Home, Waverly, 9:30 at St. James' Church, Waverly. Rev. E.

J. Lyons. St. James' Cemetery. John Anthony Cassin of Dundee.

Wednesday, at St. Andrews' Church, Dundee. John M. Kelly of Hornell. Wednesday, 9 a.

at St. Ann's Church. Hornell. St. Ann's Cemetery.

Mrs. Jennie G. Davis, 83, Penn Yan. Thursday, 2:30 p. m.

at he Thayer Funeral Chapel. Rev. E. D. VanDyke.

Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan. Dominico Speechio, 73, Reading Mary's of the Lake Church, Center. Wednesday, 9 a. m. atst: kins Glen.

Rev. Thomas J. Carroll. St. Mary's Cemetery.

3 Youths Perished In Palisades Fire Fort Lee, N. onemillion-dollar fire which destroyed more than three-fourths of the Palisades amusem*nt park Sunday also killed three persons, and three others were in critical condition in hospitals today. The dead were Charles Larkin, 19, Newburgh; Miss Regina Lopowski, 19, South Park, and Marie Latham, 13, Clifton, N. who died during the night injuries. The girls were passengers in the Virginia reel dip ride where the fire started.

S. TREASURY Washington (AP) -The position of the Treasury Aug. 12: Receipts, expenditures, net balance, $20,333,528,683.03: total debt, increase over previous day, $67,642,071.40. NO CONTEST Naugatuck, Conn. uled necktie race at a factory outing here had to be postponed because nobody could be found wearing one.

The temperature was 105 degrees in the sun. ROMMEL GETTING BETTER London (AP) Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is progressing well in his recovery after an accident, a German broadcast reporting a Berlin press conference said today. Earlier accounts have said Rommel, apparently the victim of an Allied air attack, sustained head injuries. FLOWERS P. M.


S. Patent Office. 5 00 5. 3 8 -0 04 10 6 0 8 0 400 3 on loo 5 6 A 4 0 3 8 6 le- 3 10 00 3 6 8 5 at 12 01 64 A ho 00 80 8 5 3 6 8 A 6 3 6 NO 5 3 A 6 2 10 8 4 6 3 Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4.

If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left and check your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message. Lopvright.

1944 Sylvester E. Manikowski, right, was inducted in the Army in March, 1942. He received training in Arkansas, Louisiana and California before going overseas. He is now in England. Casimir Manikowski, center, has been in the service since February, 1941.

Before going overseas he was stationed at Indiantown Gap, Fort Bragg, S. and in Louisiana. Since leaving North Africa he has been stationed with the Medical Department in Italy. He is a former member of the National Guard. Bulgars Talk With Slavs Alkara- P)-Three representatives of the Bulgarian government conferred two days last week with members of Marshal Tito's Yugoslav Committee of National Liberation the town of litical circles which interpreted Tetovo, according Ankara pothe move as another Bulgarian attempt to appease Russia.

The talks were understood to have been of an exploratory nature dealing with military and political questions. $175 Flights To Hawaii Planned son Navigation Co. announced San Francisco The Matday plans to fly passengers from the Pacific coast to Hawaii after the war for $175. Flights are planned to leave Honolulu, and San Francisco mornings and evening; Portland and Seattle twice weekly. Initial service would operate eight Douglas DC-4 planes, requirins, 25 $175 flight daytime, crews.

$200 Rates night, 10 per cent reduction for round trip. The application has been subto the Civil Aeronautics mitted. Bullitt Takes Post In French Army Algiers-(AP)-William C. Bullitt, 53, former American AmbassaFrance, yesterday joined the army as a commandant, French' equivalent to the rank of major in the U. 'S.

Army, the French mation Ministry announced today. Bullitt, an honorary citizen of a number of French towns, established that he could American citizenship and serve the French army. Bullitt said his offer of active military duty had been rejected twice by U. S. Secretary of War Stimson because of his age.

Report Nazis Killed Polish Boy Scouts London (AP) The London headquarters of the Association of Polish Scouts and Guides said day it had received word of the execution of 32 boy scouts in Poland early last month by German occupation authorities. The Germans, who had banned there said scout to have movement carried in out Poland, the executions after a mass arrest of young people in the town of Nowy Saez during an investigation into Scout activities. MORE ABUNDANT LIFE United Press The Chungking radio, quoting the Japanese-controlled Manila radio, said today that many residents were evacuating Manila voluntarily. One reason for the evacuation was that food was more abundant elsewhere. THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING TUESDAY, AUG.

15 WJZ BLU (770) WEAF-NBC (660) WABC-CBS (880) Terry Pirates Girl Marries Fun with Dunn Dick Tracy Love and Learn J. Armstrong Plain Bill Three Sisters The Sea Hound Front Page Wilderness Rd. News News News Hop Harrigan Serenade Edwin C. Hill Variety and Sports Jeri Sullavan Henry Taylor Lowell Thomas World Today The Land of Music Shop Love a Mystery the Lost News Passing Parade Diane Courtney Dick Haymes American Question-Ans. Melodies News Ginny Simms Big Town Lum-Abner Show Comedy Court A Date Romance with Judy News Jury Trials Mystery Theater George Burne Gracie Allen Spotlight Band Words The Doctor and Story At War Fights News Life with Presenting From London Charlotte Corwin Milton Berle Hildegarde Congress Hudson Orch.

News News News To Be Anne. Commentator Dance Orch. Mystery Story Orchestra and Cab Calloway Jack Smith Vocalist Orchestra News and News and News and Music Music Music Until Until Until 7 a.m. 2 a. m.

2 a. m. FOR WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16 Ed East News Art Godfrey News Westerners News War Journal News News Life Today 2-Minute Man Variety Nancy Craig News Missus Shops News Romances Margaret Arlen Breakfast Club Mirth-Madness News (Program runs Sing Along one full hour) A. Hawley Club Alice Cornell Life Is Mine True Drama Lora Lawton Valiant Lady and Choir News Light of World Kay Armen Quiz Show Changing World Listening Post Music Room Drama, Breakfast Road of Life Honeymoon Hill At Sardi's Vic-Sade 2nd Husband News Playhouse Horizon Cliff Edwards David Harum Aunt Jenny Variety Show News Kate Smith About Town Big Sister News and Air Force Band Helen Trent Farm Home Gal Sunday Washington Mary McBride Life Beautiful Exchange and (Program runs Ma Perkins Music for you 45 minutes) News Pianists News Goldbergs News Guiding Light Facing Life House League Children Today Joyce Jordan Ed East Woman in White Dr.

Malone Hymn Program Perry Mason Morton Downey U. Woman Mary Marlin Star Time Ma Perkins Tina and Tim Appointment Pepper Young Bob Trout with Life Happiness High Places Ethel Albert Backstage Wife To Be Anne. Don Norman Stella Dallas News Lorenzo Jones Off the Record News Alroad Widder Brown Raymond Scott Elkland Man's Unit Honored Elkland-Sgt. Wayne N. Burfield of this place is a member of the engineering section of a Thunderbolt Fighter group in Italy that has been awarded two Distinguished Unit Citations.

These are the highest awards that may be presented to a unit. The first citation was for a mission over Sardinia July 30, 1943 during which 20 planes of the group destroyed 21 enemy aircraft. The second citation was awarded in recognition of destroying 37 enemy planes in Italy Jan. 30, 1944. Burfield is the son of Mr.

Sgt. and Mrs. Elmer Burfield of Elkland. He is a graduate of Elkland High School, class of 1940, and enlisted in the Army Air Corps Oct. 12, 1941.

He received his training at' Jefferson Barracks, and Chanute Field, Rantul, when he graduated with high honors. He was stationed at the Republic craft Long Island, before being sent overseas in January, 1942. He a also served in North Africa. Lillian Reynolds To Wed Seaman Corning Miss Lillian Velma Reynolds of 360 Watauga Ave. and Seaman Harold William Prisella of W.

Third St. obtained a marriage license at the office of City Clerk Charles E. Hause Monday afternoon and announced they will be married that. today in St. Mary's rectory.

Miss Reynolds, a Corning Works employe, was born in Elkland, the daughter of Charles and Dorothy Kent Reynolds. Seaman Prisella, a native of! Corning, is the son of James and Rosemary Rank Prisella. He cently completed a which took him through Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. His ship is now at a U. S.

port. The couple will make their home at 360 Watauga Ave Veteran Mail Carrier Dies services will be held Andrew's Church Dundee--Funeral Wednesday at 9 a. m. for John A. Cassin, 72, for nearly 33 years a rural mail carrier, who died Saturday, Aug.

12, 1944, in the Soldiers Sailors Memorial Hospital in Penn Yan. He was born at Milo Apr. 6, 1872, and married Miss Nellie Fennell of Dundee Feb. 11, 1896. In July, 1901, he began his duties as a rural carrier out of this post office and retired Oct.

1, 1933. "He is survived by his wife; John H. Cassin, and a grandson, Michael Cassin, both of Corning. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery at Penn Yan.

Turner Wins Golf Contest Waverly Thomas Turner of Waverly won the third flight of the Shepard Hills Country Club golf matches, defeating Russell Mentzer of Sayre, 5 and 4. Turner, who led throughout the contest, gained the finals with victories over Warren Lambert, by default; a one-up victory over WilCoward on the 20th hole after tying the match on the 18th and forcing two extra holes of play: and a two-up advantage over John Vallilee of Athens. Mentzer defeated Dr. Ken Crispell three-up; John Hall, three-up; William Hart two-up, to play in the final match. Universalist Pastor Presents Resignation EGGS Rev.

James D. Herrick has resigned as pastor of Towanda- The the Universalist Churches at Towanda, Athens, Sheshequin and Standing Stone after 31 continuous years of service. He has been elected pastor emeritus of the Towanda Church and he and his wife plan to continue their home here. Rev. Lyman Achenbach of Canton, N.

has been chosen to succeed him and' will assume his duties about mid-September. He is a native of Pine Grove, Pa. His wife is a native of Auburn, N. Y. MOHICAN MARKET and BAKERY MOHICAN BLDG.


29c LIBBY'S EVAP. PARKAY Mohican Fresh Baked MILK OLEO 3 Tall Cans 26c VIENNA 2 Lbs. 49c BREAD WHITE HOUSE COOPER SHARP COFFEE Loaf 10c CHEESE Big 24 Oz. Lb. 25c Fresh From Our Ovens Lb.

51c midwestern medium 40 nearby medium peewees, nearby 14 INSURANCE LIFE--FIRE--AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY- -ACCIDENT and HEALTH Local Representatives D. STEWART BARKER PHONE 2-0718 477 South N. Y. BERT H. SQUIRES PHONE 2-6126 956 Bridgman Elmira, N.

Y. ERVIN SQUIRES PHONE 5438 207 E. LaFrance N. Y. C.

FRED 725 LINDERBERY Robinson N. Y. PHONE 5702 Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Farm Bureau Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company Home Office--Columbus, Ohio ASSOCIATED GAS ELECTRIC CORP. INCOME DEB. '78 and all Associated issues BOUGHT SOLD E.

C. Fish, 520 W. Water St. Dial 2-7400.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.