The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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I BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: WEDNESDAY JUNE 19 1929 BLSINKM Employment Employment Employment CABT1NU AND MOVING tCodllneedl Employment UIINKI1 UBAfcciA ICntlami tram hwrtm hp) TONPECTIONERY iu grace ry located an Lovcjoy aanut: aa direct rauta la raw depot American trade receipts MOO 'and over week real MO Including 4 reaau end bath aaar large achoal a reel aiaar Making prepeeltlaa at (220A terete office open Monday aad Tliuridar avraingg Huai Jteallor 410 Briaban Bldg HHLP DANTE PEHALH IOorIIoooB1 RMABU BtM lor Mutraor traose pi took krlng rofonoato Apply JN Mali 2nd floor Ut A peraraoent that le 8 permanent COtlU onueutlly ettraetlva atoplet eada Ufa teat don't goeea Mm I tat PM Oenaeoe Lof 487 )R reWiri" if" a tuaM repair your okteh Barry Oorater 822 Main rkMALgBCLP'lNBTEIICntD BEDOMl I Jon ptantat la IB taenin 808 Mkklao PIIL 738 HELP WANTED MALE A OOOUNTANTB boofckoopsrs and sten-ograpnoia art nlwaya ta demand sei enUflealiy directed individual Inatruot ion-day or night wlU wrry yon for umomr term opens July 1 to Iftth Ohown School 709 Matap nt Txppsr tell write or phone for new rataiogue CBTTLXMI isTllNtrb arc WSdaFi chippera rlulriclans painters machine operators numorjua othor posttlono Greater Buffalo Employment 13 Bo Div Irion 1 ACBTYUHI vreMlng aektai Whit 77 Pembroke are LDJUBTER on Metropoliten hdIoo spo-elal linger and power aewlng machine Apply Saturday morning to WA Mm 104 Main Mm Room 107 rfbmehsnlc vaatZdl IMS- HorteC a' Insohanlo wanted first elasa must a ho ateady preferably married alao car washer wanted Village Ante Baloa STN Delaware 3e familiar with Hudson A ao( Esses tin first elkse only nosd apply: stssdy If you qualify Dick WllltU Die 2380-43 Mein st AuVo ouchanlck Tigh grade ta warE an high prited eon PtaM Btata Do 1(14 Automobile Salesman HELP WAN TUN PEMALH IUollooil CTBIOaRAPHBB DUN potn speri-D need dovntesrn $22 4 week Wet tea BUTKO 30k WothridM BMg UTDtOORAPHDU geototaut Bookkeeper! Okehlere typist tamay epentnga Amo-elite kioptnyatant Xxeltaage 114 Briakeat STENOGRAPHER wllll hrdveod Met taper lenec east sMt preferred Elsky ttoiployoieot Agency gig BrleKoe Bid 'liintBMk eno7 UTMographErTV lleaal amalKtlai Itaaa I ergedlMtlea sdvtae salary ox-pcetad pfeaae old Write 111 News office tJTXNfSORAPHBR penEjBaeai pMlIleil Kltaftctery Bust ke repl end hare toe XagHfi edueilloa twtel is peris de-uraMi sddreu slBtlng sgs sad vsgss ex-peeled to Rapt 70 Hcwe efftaa IU la 2t suoag-B rspher Pro las tent lava Icing expericoB (20 assistant bookkeeper (20 etaarantary bookkeeper ggO-ggO: eerapieraetev eperatars gli 1 S20 Braptayen' ksrtuegr 1301 Liberty Bonk Bldg cuakttY leeiir kites es-ptrtaaea Caaoraictal Em ploy nest 731 Brikbant BMg Wotrnia for damp wutk Dollar Duep Walk Laundry MO Colorado WITCH BO ARD ovsralor otagla Blvoniia fjTKMOQRAFBBBi ptrisneo Conun sscilon Blxby Agency 41f Brisbane Bldg Employment rpAILOR girls cnpcrichcod on coata 70 BHleott at riiTPIST wanted with buokktepinc BeU OtoUHng M3 Main thoroughly expert raced only hood apply Restaurant 1303 Herts! avt 7AXTRBM wanted for part-time work 7T gpg IBUcott St WAITRBM wanted 10 Mortimer ne-tr vwmism U'Aim lERti wanted steady and extra snpiy between II and I 3N Furl at 3rd floor Wanted Saleswoman Experienced selling women's oppanl Permanent poaltioo Ixeriltnt aalarj Apply ULLMANe lnc( 700 MAIN BTREET ANTD young womon between if and W1 30 yrara of age to learn telephone operetta salary 413 a week white leaning: advancement rapid Apply at ones week days i A lo ft Saturdays A lo 13 Hew York Telephone On appli-catlon dopta Room 303 44 Church st Four girls spooking Polish to dlstrlbuto samples Batnrdaya Write Bamplos 44 News office Tj ANTED oxportencod waltros whete or pm time alio kitchen girl 33ft Bo Blmwsod ANTED extra shoe ulcaladtas Swarts hoc Store 444 Meta it tTANTBD lining ana armhote bailors Epstein Frank Loehncr 76-11 Ellicctt at li'ANTVD Bomral girt good wags no wishing Hid 776 766 Lafayette avt lT Maid for gsnoral turaiswori: 11 ho washing 3 in family Crea 6647 ANTED rapid ateoograpfacrT dictation i perfect Address giving refcrracM and alary expvetod by tetter only Msyvr IM Harding rd igroftiAN (or light honsswork go 1 nights 11 Llndsn Park VOMAK to aeruh floors eaee Dglawara avt i vmuiw WOMAN for housswort reference ii VOMAN to care far baby more for hems 1 than wagea Write Woman SR News office TOMAN oxporienood at cutting awntav: i good wagra Apply Mr Niger T36 Main itra Niagara Falls or phono 371 for appotaunent brtsl dry DsL UN Il'OUAN arar 30 for housework mad ka-' gwer telephone no laundry stay nights Apply In person Dr Hraly 44 Elk VOUAN to i toft Sheffield are no washing 1 'ONTKCTiONERY modern boar earner rnuat be aaea to be appraetatad 10MT tKLlCAThUZN graiecileacry aad atiell XJ grocery handling lea cream clgara magailnes newspaper! etc located aa prominent earner la heart el rooming and apartment house diet riel owner will guarantee recelpla gltO-gOOO weak: trial given bonka la prove Income aa account Ill health Una proporillm will paalllvaly be aaerlderd said Immediately alllea open '-Thursday evening Hunt Realtor 410 RriabtntBldg Tuy DOOM Blare located on Oenceee atT XJ Hack and fixtures wlU Inveatary 000: priced far gutek lale gas 00: will era- aider real citala trade Write dead In- eomcao Eewa elllce I'aKY'uobua neighborhood gun nacoet- XJ pctltlan clean slock: small overhead average 01000 per month about (8000 Write Dry Poods 17 Mows alllea vigil market Kanslngtsa dlatrtet: 4 1 rant telci goo to TOO pounds Dsh and ether commodities weekly urlea 0900 ta--fludlm all fixtures Inquire Oerawny der-vire Corp 37 Delaware ova Tupper buslnesa 25'j lose than -X goat price new stark good appertua-Ity Write 30 Hewn elllee -pARAGL center at downtown shopping a-VJ end theater aeetlsn 40-ear caparlty repair department gas station this splen-did proposition going at 82000 terms goad Iran can ha had allies open Monday and Thuroday evenlnga Hunt Heailsr 410 "Brisbane Bldg (IAS and service station lor rent Briber Ban 740 Bagla "IAS station busy earner rent 30: 4 pumps: 0900 lakes II gas and parking downtown doing Mg business -7S330: gas station tranrit corner fully equipped: pumping around MO gallons gaa dally g00 down: several bargains Lalay- otte Bales 317 Lafayette Bldg fi AS STATION "lor sale: carload service VI reasonable Inquire Ml White Bldg ABOLINX STATION 2-ear garaga and bungalow for rent Hamburg Turnpike b-Dona at Imekawanna HY inq It Dona 1 (7iKERAL store hut outside af Buffalo vm busy hlghwav carrying big stock af aeurral merchsndise receipts H04IM0 week modern net i-year lease located where poeaibllltles are unlimited: price this week 8600 terms: etflre open Monday and Thursday M'enlops Hunt BhUw 410 ATlrisbanc Bids irtlfT SHOPPE bsmilltrhmg etc VT boldt dlstrlc 82 News office tltocBRY lull line price B1B00 or beet 'J Olfer: positively will be eeld thta wrek rental 70 month including heat llvras 'oporlmmt In connection may be hod If de-lrcd isles 0400 week A-l flktnree eleon alack: don't loco one mlnnlr coll eirty for this proposition ofllec open Mondey end "-Thendoy errnlngs Hunt Unitor 410 Hrbmono Bldg I ROCKRV and mesis isles 01800 wnkly equipped throughout with eloetrlcal re-' frigerotlon owner will gaeriflee at 00000 or Inventory: rosy term I gen 4833 Cbum-4 hers TOP Brlebane BMg 7 Hen Is real modern equlp-i-VJ pad store with Prigldalra coaler leu a type show eim slicing mtehlne cash ragls- ter eta well stocked with fraeh merehsn- dlse showing a net profit after all living npmaaa of t4M0 to 80000 ytorly rant 880 including modern 7 room flat 1 years straight lease only 11800 rash rtqulrad caay terms an balance Cell for details Jeninae -Stone 744 Oerrans Bldg ('tnoCBRY store full lino out spot In Vi Elmwood on doing $30 lo 040 dally business and easily ran bo Incrraied (78 by adding metis and vagttablaa: an account nf my health I wtll sacrifice for 1 11300 41000 down or 41400 all nah: rant a (38 per month Including nice clean flat: thta Is a real money-maker Write Grocery gtorc 33 Hcwe office HELP WANTED PkMtLg IUewUwaad1 QIRL fOr-gcncrsl houecwark a vsihlog bo ensiling nfsranee nqnirod 21 Beg-the pi VirlToTssIiI with bouMwock aa wasb- Gtag MiPBOSOiO zr youui vsuiod to vST so esuiy counter ond soda fonnteln Apply 1444 Broodwsy Tsoslros Bros GUUa for fcousswork piste roofclng sas3 fnalljrg dMlraWs sltuotion in good boms Ofiwon yrsfsrrsd Psl 3673 3 Admiral rd JlUU whs wonts SnMond work in tor's kow rstertness north Fnmds svsq at FUliaort IHL pood for jcnoroi housswort snd ears of child Dri 4031 44A Oslriai Uli orar IB for ganeral Iwucawarfe peritnetd no rocking IN BrunMriek (j ZRL for boiwwork white cxporioneoif: good boms FUL 10 week lo storl 315S-M riXRL sxpsfilfncsd downsteirs work inn Tub OHt US Blmwood tvs lag Tup Of M3 Blmwood ZRL yoimggto'bsip with housework and ehlldrsn Id wsrk Biv 0743 1 1RL for 'houssworiL Qermoii or Canadian prsterred 131 Fordhsu Blr 1757 tiffilT rrUsMr for general housework go boms srtnings Brumwlrk 1XBU cspsttenccd in eol hillinf must bs gutek and serurats fleuros pmnanent position: stats txpsrl-snes snd sslsry lo storfi Writs Btectricol Nrws sfnes GIBlT for gcnsrol konstwork ns washing 634 Crwffnt svs Dei ggQg tilRL to aislst with gsnsrsl fiowsworF: 3 In fsniUy: goad horns 44 Blriimond GfRL 2 In fmS: grad bl (JIHL wsotad tit gene wonted for gcnsrol housswort: small family: good wogsi Apply 72 Ashland or hsiwoon Bird ond ForsoL wonted for genorol housework CoQ 1 Drl IMIS 1MM Harlot ors sail Dal 77M KL'for houatwork: smonT family good home 33 Woodrlio pi Blv 7447 XHL or woman desiring goo3Tperui 'T non! honip gc wsokly to assist wltl houwwork sad ears of two small childm Bid well A135-R 'VlRL honsswork amali family llg Lan-'J caster ar Bid 43li tlltL white for "gsMrar honoswork young couple: go hom*o nights: through early evenings plain cooking required: no phono calls Apply evenings 134 Oxford GIRL for housework: adults no washing lOVfr 01 VI AMD Aff nMMB Lower Fteas off Qtiwwe children lo dance in movSa scenee taken In Buffalo every 3 wteki: will train PIIL 4341 "ML fbr Baturday aref's Crecery ChlPPewa 01RLB wanted refined In teach stage and bailment dancing Pill 13(8 VIRLR Look permanent push-wave by mile expert 87 Bin Nrstta wave 08 special for Iwe wnU only PUI 3881 1281 Fillmore era CJIRLB 2 fer general Intel vork Mein 3 Hotel 1 Rldqe rd Lackawanna TTOUBEKEEPER fn'mnT end 13-rsiraa -UA daughter young woman who prefen good home rather then high wires give full Crtleulers In inner A Hnmpue 224 dnrsln are Byrntuse tjoubekeeper AA- than wera-Newi office I ADY eenvoaakrv ulory Apply mornings al 1073 Niagara it ADY under forty preferred 'loLilllgenl A refined and (Leery in spend summer In cnunlty nmpnntaa In ccnvaleaclng lady end In dn light housework fer family af thran ndalta Write A 4 Hews efflca of heme AUNDRY help wanted on part ttaw Ain plv Bexten Laundry 4 Pralrlt avt MtSi (aural housework xpcrUnra willing to go to country 27 Lancaster lfAID competent for general hmunrark goon wgts aa euhlag Ltwla g23 Elehmond nvg YfANICURIBTlSr-barber shop st Bowles Barber Shop "SiT Main At Bowlos Bi Vf ARCELLER ai A pARCTlXwriite ftararer with ftf- i5A tawing wanted steady petition at down- town shop Write lfllewa offtea Om of ihs most progrsssivi distributers of popular make rn la adding In his now and used car aaica fere Automobile osperionoo not essential but provan record in other filing fWlds rsqnlrsd This Is an opportunity TAHITOH age ftO to ftO Apply Olaramont for the right moo to advenes hlmsrif to an anartmonta RIO Bird Fhona Bid 443S-J xscutivo mrttien Liberal compensation Han assures substantial aarntais from the rationing floor time demonstrating can livs proipacte furnished In your reply oteto post selling experience Application confidential WRITS OPPORTUNITY Oft NEWS OFFICE UTOMOEILE nleomnn ta aeU high class ueed care ekelaslrely: only a preeent-ekta young min with selling ability need load 174 Otlbert are npertmenta 810 Bird Phone RM 4422-J A BOREN fkctiry laundry ond wh XJ truettan work Oraeter Huftnta plnymenL 12 Bo- Mvtalna st LATHE MEN Experienced for night shift day week Steady Jobe fer good work ere 1791 Fillmore Ave jycufBEb drukfteL Ltager ear Ntw vumitl NWiir and ii tabtea MWly painted and dacnraltd dandy tecattem near Main at rant 040i toad Itaaa worth I1MQ owner in cihar bttriaoaa will oaeriftec far $000 4300 dawn thla la a aMBoy-nubor pi busy Rot write Ora Oreior Paaraa Paarca 11 Caurl ik Ban 197ft itnlnss Cm tin R- (STAC RANT far "sale good kualotu earner plaea BM Breadway i othor 1 Bown ar KgSTAURANT Up to data downtown buy aecllon doing Id sod up dully bualnoaa rant US long least price (70d tIM down grab this gnlek Baa Oca Oratory Poore A Peon 11 Court street Ben UTi: arguing Ores 8034 RBBTAUBAirr far real sale cheap real Main near PlUmera Inq 1B Main RESTAURANT lav sale wonderful bust nan will aaerlflea Del (711 Leak this aver 8978 eaffi owner la ether bualnsae Tup 2028 CTHOB hustasas lai Tsnawiadaa vary good loeottan: low rvnt eleon stack Writs Bho Btocs Nows office far sole Ml teems eve good anslnoao location: must sail on account at departure from city Tup 3125 ta vary goad mfmum risAHXMt wonted to take over store In 1 very good lorstloci: established a ycara goad eppennnltr Call Bid 40Q4-J rrtAILOflT Wa have a number af very goad leratleui priced right far quick sale office span Wednesday aad Friday avtnlaga Oermony Os ivies Carp 274 Dclawars an Huylsr Bldg buttery-shop located ln-lhrtvlng western Haw York town: romplrle equipment Including 88M rulccnleer bat-lery chtrxer 1300 air oompretaor lira spreader lead kornlng outfit elc: not only 128 month receipts cbout taooo year owner 4 years baa another business and must sell priro S1000 far quick sale Hunt Realtor 410 Brisbane Bid 1 V-itoiSsAL taheiTTirT dlvtrlhulcra Jf In demand the latter bnslneee In Itscll about S10000 required will dec rears stark if necessary present stall will leach buyers II requeued private miens far selling Write BetaMlahed B3 News office B' UlINEdB 'engineer anil promoter win Maks a survey af your business conditions tod help In planning tips nil on program and trcurlng financial aisistanes to carry an try business ut Is ooond in principle Wnla Promoter BO News oilier home hot proposition alln east af Buffalo an Broadway: yeU ut hgM rw iw luuira lamim 144 low boots pass door Inquire Socmans 144 Bast Main at tel Lancaster 133 CAPITAL lackers seenriltaa orgsnlxattani and others leaking conun lesion talesmen find conference with ua profitable ne oblige lion Hasan Plan Bex 028 Buflahh tyHANCE la go In business foe yourself only Investment required is fur merchandised stack: I hire six service stations with wtll established buslnesa Tor lease For irllculara sea Mr Btyer Slactair Refining Srttcu 88 Alobomn at (ARYITAL BEACH restaurant fully equipped v7 and In fins location Tup 2313-81 UEBT8 collects averywoera: get our "no cor Franklin st T'bRUOOIBTB opportunity Grant-Mill-XJ tary corner a tore for rent Rtv g23 IjMHtMULAB of toilet preporotlona foe sale by owner ar will taka partner with some capital For full Information write II News office FOR RENT CAFETERIA 82 KRETNER STREET FROM JULY 1st lftftt i tew HBLP WANTED MALI IOoollan8l Cylinder Printing PRESSMAN Mttsil xkia It eti type and toy pletw foe jr Jok tn ptptr box work Ptr- mnont ptotltan Btata ego axpoitaaM Bod Btary txpottrd ta itarL Good rafiraoMi raqulrad Write Print 50 News office nglfni oiktod eBpBTliTBd Apply XJ Dent Text Boh 100 284 Tbttbcb 1x BRAND boy yxiilta nlth Meytis daring VBeitlon Mr Ittadaua Jenny (key Hetql BtBtler FACTORY FOREMAN era ta ta tEotpUtaal opportunity ter a Lve MtattloiH young rata I connect with a if-epenelMe progressive mponttaa Bkecgitloaol aieehtnictt ability wU be n-qolrod esaw training In general ond epectal dtar truck aqulpraent Isbove the dkeaeta) ta desirable but 'not neeeieevy This ta not the erdliinry prudus'tan wot but the right nun win be resourceful sod turn the proper Initiative It gutakly oan-etva or devise raathads far odnnelng end UMuntlng the Many varied and unusual Unde of equipment handled If you ha vo the qualifications to matt Hum raqulrouranta and will got man ta pvoduco tha proper a meant of depend abta work etch day yon nn place youreclf In line lor dtotraM potltlon of mpanilblllty to the full limit of your rapacity Writ fully giving ago experience tneladlng noma of employee and dales atao salary lo atari oil In strict confidence Write Foreman 75 News office MMilHERB sxpsricncod on fnrnltnrs py S7g Johnson st IdREMAiToK tool roomr must bs an portencod tool maker nndorsUnd the manufoetertag of tools thoroughly aptendld opportunUjri earnings by the day Blxby Employment Berries Oil Brisbane Bid 1" itlMMCI sun tor nulling brass and 1 Main aod Exchange ate Linoleum and Carpet Layer Wa bare position ta our Floor Covering department tor on exportraoed Linoleum ond Carpel layer This Is ft permanent position at good salary Apply BIDB8 BupL Siegrist Co Inc 508-512 William Street Tr For taota go ta Beaoea Trunk Tool Star (1 Dcnarn opra evenlnga San 1421 XAT cutter Phraa Rlv Ml ECHANIC A-l Ford repair nun apply nt ohm om aerate manager Anthemed Paid Dealer WtULamavllle MECHANIC ra modal A Par can Apply dWJJilM Oan of tha tha country would like a man whs fuels that he can really handle a hlgh-claaa Balling proposition: Knot ba unt watl-adimoMd and hart a ear permanent raneetloa tar right awn no cnnvnaalng i stars Immediately Apply ta West- Utica at office epra until 10 o'clock Mflty MAN vented with i taka cherga ot Industrial debit by Frn-danUel tzuHranea company: elate eg end pravloua employment Write Debt! 77 Nava afflca MEN BBVBRAL WANTED Ta ceU an retail ireda Introducing new product Liberal cdmmtoriati Far appal nl-at CeU BXMON Between I and II Seneca 8400 MAH experienced it catling nwnlnga good wages Apply Mr Nicer (80 Mata I Niagara Palls nr phraa 271 far appointment AN tar mitk-route 22a4 Mala at-- EN young to work aa clarka In food market Apply manlier act Main at EN with lata nwdal aad'ani (IM weak-Mf must act qulak It Allau MEN two man men ta cover city routes 28 and liberal hernia conditional to tart aa nptrtanc raqulrad our man avarice 88 per day 304 Marat Bldg M8N and bays team harboring apodal tow rate: paeltlM guaranteed Tri-OUy Bdrtar Bchaa! ISO Main Buffalo if BN aganu wanted your qucaUan: Haw ulcan make more money? Our anewrr BeU ua your opera hour Ufa tneurenaa a grata and wauld-ba Ufa Inaurenea agrate If IstrrcatMt aall at Haem CM Hotel Ford and inspect tha now palletea teeuad end eontroct feverebte to agrate and to (hoar that Inaurc Farmara Jt Tradtra Ufa Xn-arenco Oo of Rrracuaa Legal Koacrvc Co rating axctllrat iriB rinila age 14 to 35 UctaiAlii Mhooi greduitaa or academic high graduauo with electrical knowledge or experience to install telephone awltehhaard equipment opportunity far trarel tnd d-vanaamont reply giving adneatton refer-anaaa and axperianea Write Satirical 14 Nawa office XN ta la tribute circulars pay overy night 174 Ellleott XL 7 A 1YEM yranq torn 020 in (40 a WMk-biH rams an nprt aeewntant private mentarv ar stenographer: smamcr achoal aurta June 84: day and evening xcaalana Wrlto MU or phone Tun 712 far free catalog Buffalo Achoal of Commerce Ml Mata at MEK on a tn your non salt ant-thlrd dawn tan watka ta pay Earria Da Lwaa Clarhea 888 William at MEAT cutter for (atardaya Market Kvnalngtra ava Apply 178 Mackinaw cutter Amol-ta steady pcBtEm' Apply (ta XJ Northland era TyAlNTKR and paporhangtr wanted good prapaolllw In married mam CaU 113 Ha Ca Bank Bldg-TIA INTERS 2 wanted Apply 1222 (csaca il a tier 1 lAriftERB' wanted 241 Bhirman at raQ A after A 7 PAINTERS wiinted only Rrst rltaa men 2- net apply Noll 324 Wirdmaa ta Kan marc Rlv 1704 IAINTKNS wanted at 311 Narthtand'avA 1 21 NT ERA only axptrirnrad man trad 2- apply Ill Parade ava call ha-twarn 13 tnd 1 or after (30 TtAIN'lENA goad Imduda on autsita work 88 Rnmadall DAPER ban sttaainan must baTsparlinra? 2 paelllra with rat of tha targMl high clBM paper bn factorial in Piclric North-WMt and wHI ngalrc riildenra in Raitllr Waahlngtan Tar Initrmitton write It Nan Ecliacn lgg Haaeltlna Krnmera A pOiifa man with 'axpartatat days 8641 Mam rt Tniltaouvllla DONTENS wtataC ASdF-tifTiKta Thai ter RADIO SALESMEN Wa hare a rary allncllvt pnpaaltlra far tavcral lira-win Mlcamra to make nsl money Wc ncndta the heat ndln an tha market which mataa mm ta wk Our itactan plaa axtra hrawg ra aataa makea attraatlvt prapacftlra ta the city Paid week Em Mr Wlkoff Betas Managrr Evans Eiss Id KHRTEL AVB4UB TysAfna vrontadTirit clsoo Jok prow 2- man with table vertical and Khtge zprrtanca alas hrakhtodor aiparlencad ta forwarding and ftatahtag Apply Orr-rana Bldg 1 WOMAN 'wanted to ba with sonvateseant 5L OMAN won odueoteC aettva eagsr to aTarcbuJer and flngor 'mraTwuS In orgaataatten of raliabte and rnuat ba expert Apply 3 Blmwood are A ARCELLER all-around operator txperi-oneed 360 Leroy ore Af ARCELLER and finger waver muit'ho excellent all-around operator Helen duty Btudle 3d31 Main st kiwn tin rarnrat ffort toad ta attractive oilarv Writ Ed 25 Nit (flu OMEN ond iTrU Nan a gradkal pratalral nano npnl ItutruntlM 71! Chlpotwa Roam 30 Jfl (006 II'OIIK and-nil agtnti wanted JalbmaN with oar prcfsrrcd tn rotaU trade Cell Ben 0100 Wrtnesjiaj or Thursday 11 A te 3 Mr Pay LMMAM aulaaotMta line salary Bn Mr PlkR Bvraa at 37 UW Salesman nan tad a-l mu nn nlany konra and nmnitaeiwu The Annua Motor 2300 Dahaar RI7- SALESMAN high (tan butter for vork In city sPfl? Friday 10 Market iL Bill A- 2-4 SALESMAN nparianrad to raUPg-iN a Ohryatar aod 78 goad ajrartamfj ta right iu krlng raferanca AL Motor Corp fit Triangle- SALESMAN REPUBLIC MHTALWAR1 COMPANY af Bavary Un he awning In Buffalo tarriury ooaaful awttalty aotaamon with Unuouolly ettroeUra aroanlllow an article of merit Ural ta asHUwnM -Mg way Apply MR HBHTER Alika era (treat SALESMAN EetakUshed with Mice reaerd end expending bnel nan In rxcluklre field want! sekority ralee-mnn tn dlapen ef amnU laena needed tor amuemllre expansion fun detsUs exchanged Interview dll Bn 4ML W' Lnuk tor Must be experienced ta en- metin' equlpmenl line Buftata nnl vicinity remuneration dependant upen ex-perience Phone Ben TTlt tee appointment SALESMAN Hxnerleneed In nunlnUy lines see 30 to who has conftdeneo and ebUlly to ippmeh hlsh-cleie trod to rraresenl tn AAA-1 rated ay Hxnerlencn ta this Has not lscet- Yet wlU bn given nmpto training the field If you on euallfr expensn WEI bb paid with nlnry and boon an quota buta Phan Mr Bradford Benmn Pitta tar Interview ever 24 yeeri af age with college education rrpmenl the New Yerk Dally Investment Howl ta Buffalo and vicinity unnutl propocltlcn tar man Banking permanent ptauaat and profitable connection tha tun wc wcqt I the mao wa nn train and who will be with ua I yrara from new Mcehdden PubNera llonc 731 Octronc Bldg- loftolo ALESMEN cxtclmt propmtlcn wttli tl ratals eppertmUU: wteety iL Write (AftH OALHMEH null experience" ta aparit goods dapartmml aalary and nimmlav i Blaky Emplaymnl At rates (If aba ns Bldg ALESMEN wanted whn call an butchcri atatoon Am appartaally and Apply 18 Charch at OALEEM Thera an many an wdt qualified ta salesman wbe nn aellln something which mac la with nil hinds of Bales racial anna and with tha warn effort could as ally inereaaa their asmlnga thl udrrrUscr la an Md titaMlahed manufacturer ef thoroughly proven ham Hire and all direct is eassamer: If you an ratlly aartaua about making mare money ciE hw tween 1 end 4 408 Em Perry LX If you cam scU aecarltles Nf vralmnt trnata end othor laaucf yon'ri i min wa wont If i good paying pasIMan wtlh fun at np*rntlon la what you an Making far wa hart it hart indy tor you Apply 480 Efllaxt Ba U' advertising book match world's flnaat line full part time: ah marehante proipccte: MfRnt commteelan Wandarer Orayaiana HotaL SALESMEN If you art now xucrasaful Mlasman end looking far tn opportunity In advance yaur-s-1( With tia faataot trowing hnotaoH ta Buffalo tffcrlnr Urg sarntag poaalblllllc-under Ideal conditions nor pmpiuUlan wl'l In tercet yen In your appllsaHan which will bs held In sirlctaat sawfidanaa otsta brtafta' your pact craned tana and yaur pxwtctrt earning capacity Inleralewa om bs amngad promptly Write BALES 27 MEWS OPTICS Tbs largeat firm ot Its klni naeda the acnlaH of real Hve Csthdl-young mm rapid advancement tn dletrkt manager for thaw who can product Cal 8:3 to 10 1187 Otrnn NldR SALESMEN Opportunity for two or three mm with rani ability Permanent Ample appartaally for promotion with national argmlHlMm Be Mr Holliday 1124 Oarrana Building nanlad ocfpttanal ttaw SAXJB8MBN (31 to atari real opportunity lo aall real vatu tn motor ears Boa Laffler between and 4 II or by appointment Quale Oa 2504 Mam ALB8MBN and aatealalM vantod by local rvproMAtatlre of nationally known manufacturer no axpartenra nreaaaary: op portunity la maka upwards of 5366 monthly Bn Mr Mooch 60 Virgil are boon 9:36 to 1 SALESMEN (4) Is caver Hew Yerk Pennsylvania Ohio tnd Canada lor lari How York home Ural Mlcamm rarifa 820 par day np-wxrds Lira laada furnlahed ranimlaalra paid dally Balaaoxanagcr wUI ba hart ana wask my Phraa (ar sppatahnanl from 10 ta 4 Mr MoOlraro Fairfax I Hotel 714 Delaware Arc Tupper 1111 naxuuu-f f-'- Wa may ta abla to plica you have a paeltlaa pat far IB lea work rltht bait la Butfals Oall Mr Taylor anaea EH for Intcrrltw Ytum'marrtod man at n(U- lz SA Up tot permanent grange! Irae the world'a largeat music home: Mlary and cammlaatan wurlltaer (74 Malm i Salesmen ta mu nmmG-sltn tnd keaua with ptaaty nf naatat-anea la making eitao Apply si 1 A chlppawn at tysLEEMEN ta aril Yard pnducta drawing account to man with anpertanra and rcfartncaa Head Malar Ca Aathai load Hard DmIct WlUtamavIlla ALEtadgN kraUantfinaoclal oppartnnlty Bailing new Ohavratat ran tnd anr t-traetlva nasaruoant a nasd rare far which wa here ctnUnuoua demand Mlary ana csMmlsstan tea Mr Etallmttar Fargnaan LytA Inc llbf Jaffcrara an ALEBMEN wanted' capcMc of raintac g80M or mart per year rap largest tactaacd and flnaat aqnippcd rat ranch ta the world: nine men 'am over 0800 each teat month Em Mr Dean hetwaan and 10 A ar 2 and 4 Big Croak Maokrat Farm LM IU Stack EnehxncBldg Two ataglc aaxlauc ta cure permaarat pmltlra with feed Immediate MrnluM tnd tn opportunity for atrip advancement: must ta fraa ta travel and ready ta start work at suae Pha A hllla Hotel fora far tppolatmmt ALESMEN ot prarn aMlUy raforowcM reqnlraA Tn 184 SALESMANAGER wanuA Addraaa by tatter only atatlag nparlcnCA rafarvncM amt Mlary tzpactcAi A Mrytr 13 Harding rd SHIPPER goad apportunffy- plumbing lira pratarimL Apply Eagta at SHOEMAKER futdt at met mnal bt goad far mcchlncry end rapalrliiA vary goad wogsA liN EanarA ODA fountain auu evening work apply In parson Harrty A Carry Ua 14M Hartal gOM dlxpanxer oumoooo and nlfUi etata MltVy Write Drag Hewa efftaa Sporting Goods Salesman Wanted at Once APPLY TO THE Mawiau WEED CO MAIM AT OENIEEE Mrx Salla-A 83 LambSdM Mioay First Class Tailor on manta (Itlhac Moat bs atcady ma with all-around experience Wlln A Oa Dm Seme Department 77 Oeodcll Btran! TSufiTI far fpraoca oad'iuttar worC 1 822 Bnuth Park ot Tlfft TOOL AND DIE MAKER Par Jig flxtara and repair park on dip eusllnp dtaA Steady work thruuahaut CH ar writs Emplagmcat efftaa Doehler Die Casting Co Batavia fpOOiTanOte qiahar jSS JLjgjffeto TCM tUaptag Oarpjnb Employment gw WANTED MAI' ICootlooMI ptHBAPBBT movers la Barrels els bag-XJ gage traasf erred centrally located gas- Ida Braved within radius with laris motor vans list your order we may ke able ta maka re I urn load and aara you money: set eur estimate Cenedlon license Peak Bid BMP ANOI furniture turn raturnlng weekly It tad from Ohleago Detroit Ctevelsod Brio Syracuse Utlco Alhenv Boston New York Jersey City Philadelphia Inghxal-lon Beraitan and other clttao half priro Helmerle Jell 1042 1ARCI vans returning' rmpty from Balti-s more Waahlngtan Philadelphia Harriv burg Pittsburgh Scranton New York Cleveland Detroit wont loads low rale Wilson Delivery A Carling Co Ore 707B TrOADta Philadelphia 'one-' la NewYerk oily or en rauta Yj OUdZHOUi XI iom mils Hod umo arif! i ale load In Jon Crea nn lawn at one nnri -4 41-- mwi a Id city BIOl Jrff 4U ii ji Mavwote" bQ points between Buffalo snd CrjrnUI Vteaehb ISO a load Call Cryitri Beach 74-B-14 QirFON'B M-Tee ilL" SIN padded Van lo and from Btia Jameatawn Olean Itelawanea Lillie Valley Bocheater Ha well S' PBCTAL price altered an van lniidj' ta Akron Ohio or an rant bj June is DonaldMfl'a Tranaportallen Ca Fill 3T40 veniiua Blr il74 hour rarilnp and ninvinc ran1 CLOTHING FOB PALB VLM08T new ladle' dremes and roali KhoeJt1all aim Bid M13-W Why pay neri 'whca you- can id a rilfhtly used suit or iopeoat at O'Doa nell'a Ly 0133 up? The gannrnl when dm far from 140 to S73: earn In and tolnra ZTlh weraMli and 'serges: add peats gi2 op serges odd pants gl24 up Ingle costs 80c up: odd mis 80a up huts reps shoes tie Donnell's Wardrobe 107 Orneeee st el Chippewa: phone Ben Hll QUANTITY of ladies' high gratis slightly need hale shave Hll 3711 UAU men's suits g28 In ell lira latest styles af the finest fahrirs tailored by earns of the bee lallon In Roc healer eaU et my heme save the difference 848 nutwood opposite Elmwood Theater open evenings full drns Nut sort suits rrminf sftsrnooa drsssss and S2 gjnnrood sscond floof Tup 3100-11 Keorpstte (Tsdustloa dross snd eoat siss 13 to 14 jstn 343 Jovsttsv DANCING OAUiBOOU dancing taught strictly prl AJ nil Call Ml KWl tor appointments Mrs Pans Cooper 336 Bast Worth at JOIN eur frss claves in ball room dancing: private by appointment: TUI 3S86 best result obtained leading simplified system mskss learning easy Prof Weiss' Private Academy Msin-Tnpper Tup 50tt MIBB BOBINX'a is giving a aoieial dance at her hall 14M Jefferson June JATB8T dances: ms lsascas 15 foilowint For parUeiiUm Fill 35U FODENUfta'B Private Behool 393 Bast Oensaee st open evenings ft to 10 phone Jeff 77M: 1st ms teach you to foxtrot or waits in perfect harmony to music In six private lemons far gft Employment HELP WANTED FEMALE PABTMENT Honsa Mgr! hostess training included opportunities everywhere splendid salaries fins living those who quality: new personalised rcur-e parlijlirs free Address A 433 Joexson Bill- Buifalo BteAuTT" Murks iur Ua day and eveulng classes ciaribdl Beauty Behool for lurthsr mioraation call Ores 4544 ilEAirh spciaiisi iirU oaeomc auch by ak attending BcwnblM Behool ot Beauty Culture: com pie la course 430 day nod eva-ning ciasasa 43 Wsat Chippewa Ben NN BEAUTY operator to nmnage shop or will rent Arcade Crystal Beach lilLUNO bookkooptng and typswrlting clasaos stert Juno 34 day and oventng asaaioM Write call or phono Tup 712S for frss catalog Buffalo School of merce gftft Main at KOOKKEEPER fierienced at onco Write Reliable gft News office BOOKKEEPER and stenographer HuyterL ftftft Main st iiooKKEEPERB secratarisa and tenog'- rtphera ere always In demand aeien- Bcheri 763 Main at Tupper ealL write Uflcally directed individual instruction day or night courses will carry you far Bummer term opr ns July to Chown iHAMBERMAXD wanted at once Trcmont ttOMFTOMETXR operators earn 414 to 430 a week take up this work and qualify 430 a week: (aka up this work and qualify for one of these positions now term a laris Juno 34: day and evening sessions Write call or phono Tup 7130 for free rets leg Buffalo School ef Commerce 45ft Main st pOOX with good rcftrancaa willing--to phniwaiiM 1 qom? BT i tnd AgBKT 78 Eimwacd PmUrtak PHNTL Hr r-iOUNTER gida wanted 31 till )EMONftTBATOH8 limited number of nf- cTl? bstwran 7 sad Tp it' Hlirofra' 177HHCOU at7 fP- Dictaphone opera toTf-stai pertenec and salary expected Write Write I 530 Dictaphone 10 New offfre Dressmaker" wiinted 1st' cUsar' Franklin at I UOENE permanent we've 17 JO Fterrt wave gft 3d-day offer Trip 6S79 (' i IRL for light hooMWork good 'home Y403 Colvin partway Dei 35di to' wait Bast Delavan 1IRL to' wait on table i 19 "for" general house work iaiaii phildren 203 Richmond Tup 4 soft-M npartenccd fT houMwor good home no laundry bo cooking Rlv U404 RL wanted lu I S48Uain at i CtL for' ienoral housework rcforTiwes required 3 sdulta Tup 2440 f'xlRU colored tor general housed wort no washing stay nights Fboae Del 4604 or apply 44 Tennyson ave i XRL'to assist in store tiv in references log Masten at Northampton (' 1 IRL wauled for general housework Bid 4042 13d Lanrsrter are CVlRL to aotist with houscirori stay nights B1(L3244-B IRU white tor bousowork': steep heme IRL wanted In 46 Main st 7 1 91 Niagara st i i ZRL tor housework: no washing Ironing -Y or cooking 704 Auburn are 1 eooklng riRL' tT Mtit wlth houaewark Unwaod are ('ifiili while tor gcnoral housework Cres 34M0-R IRL waotei'rioady work Orars Grocery Store (H Bast Chippewa (1 XRX young sewing apprentice for altar-Y mina department Mr Frtodman Jenny Hotel Matter Apply filUt young wanted for light housawort no washing 332 Btertlng Dot 4047 GIRL tor light housework no washing stay in nights tU day Sunday off Rlv (t XRXt experienced roflned hourework excellent hom*o and good Rlv 6000 7 IRL for confaiUonory'atora 333 14th 7 7 irl wanted to work ta atore cxparlonco ftY ry 1374 Bycamort it GIRL tor downitalra work aad plain cook-tag gt call Crea 0449-J nniL txpertenood for icnoral IkouMwork good pay CxH Tup 337-J rinu while fav gaunl htaaawtvk pitta VT raoking Eld 0088 72 Laf valla rr IRL aaolBl UvM houoawark and cars af i 4m: 82 Villa wamvr wtUIng ta da i houaewark fklRL white family: PS PUP flat paM paa WO I raft 7 Cl vi 30 I gout 7v quratlon: now can wa mak more aioflfy? Our anxwrr: 811 four ipr hour: III tnaurnra grata and vrauld-b Ilf tanrnra grata If Intern ted ran at our branch of flu gig Braadway and lnap-xt tha new pattern Itawd and eanlratt favor-abta la a grata and la thta that luurt Farnirri 4a Tradtra Llfa Incur nc Oa Byraua Legal JUacrva Co rating aaUtnt ki'OMEH aol tel tan lor Milk bualnoaa ax- Prapotltlcn Apply 253 RUttaa DUNG girl' wanted la aulat with 8nn- work Apply 282 Adau at ladta batwera 20 and 2t ycara old wanted by large corporation par-anwtly toutra In Buffalo knwladga af taneh typing neraaary gtata ago aalary rapwtad and pravloua rapratenu in your 'tter writ 112 Nowa olflu TOUNG ichool (lrtta taka nn oflll- ltoi arra IU Wait ava linv drra 34k Waal an BARDEN encs TlARBER A 001 With fixture md Apply Curtiss iOY jjOY BOY ta Ewan i TTOTKL conunsrusl and tourist located in cit-v of 100000 population on main -v pirate Buffalo to New Tort city 100 rooois all nrwly decorated many new furnishings ineoms over 03500 monthly expense about 1 all ijv thl preposition wlU stand the AGaii llgilt 311(1 all I1X strictest InvesligaUon: price terms etc 1 upon appUcatien: elites open Monday and Thursday evenlnga Hunt Rsallor 410 Brisbane Bldg 'T TOTBL comaurelal and tourist tradcThi J- busy village and on main route Buffalo i to new Tort: hotel doing capacity business nd obllgod to turn trade sway: 3-story hfcrtek guest mams extra rooms for help dirge lobby beautiful dining room excellent furnishings throughout: 6-car garage park- ing apace: me of the finest er around propositions In Western New York: owner pot familiar with hotel and hat other interacts will larlflre complete at 010 000 liberal terms Phone today for appointment end rill particulars Hunt Realtor 410 Wdg hH aa city 60000 on main Buffalo highway: doing enormous night trade in teaks and Chinese foods: 14 newly furnished bedrooms 4 private dining rooms lares ban-wjMm newly decorated lobby and main Hrdlnlnq room: latest kitchen equipment building newlv decorated outside: steam heahng system: owner going west lor lieallb so will sacrifice price for quick "'sale Write S3 Arlington eve James low a rural village about 40 J-A miles irom Buffalo: rlcan modem stock of merchandise and equipment plumbing and steam fitting business In Connect urn will inventory til 000: price for quick salt S5500 cash: gross buainen Vior 1030 aggregated 130000 Bca Mr Need-mrham Hunt Realtor 41C BHsbane Bldg 'T UNCH car In the busiest section of Buf-J-J ftlo store room and lavatory In con- "flection have four people worting for cuw and got plenty for myself: 3 part-casrs nr man and wlf can easily make 15000 to 40000 per year dear profit: on account 'ipf other buslreaa will sacrifice at a low price with 4500 down or will trade: what hvc you got to offer? Write Dining Car jit News office Nominal rent including tures Inquire Siegrist Co Inc 508-512 William Street tlOR Service aisuon and garage waah rack fully equipped Auburn grTriTin equipment: presperou loeatien rent selling on account ef illness 31 News office tlOOD old estabUahed coeT and Ice nets Oenoece-Jefftraon see Ion aeU on account nf other Interest Eti abiithed 44 Newt olflce HARDWOOD lumber manufacturer additional working capital: will attractive inducements te few conservative investors: profitable orders on hand: detail on requett Write Bound 117 News of DEAL location for road stand and' camp modern hom*o ft aerea Lane Boston I BA VINO city must sen following nose residential property: 1160 Jefferson cor Southampton: 161 Triangle Military HO Sherman 473 Ashland optional All parcels well financed easy terms Bdwtll 14T3-M OLD established grocery store must sacrificed account of lltnosc Fill TtORTABLD rodalS7tnd kaUt ta A Writ today for quotation Liberty Car CotPm Clarence FECIAL confectionery shelf I Hotel 1ft East Beneca ri Write 4 CLERICAL peeitlens fer high school and anced for part time AppSy False Mil-A collega grtdustas fer temporary end I 477 Washington permanent positions Blxby Employ- A OTHER'S helper German or American Preferred' North Park district Crea 'COMPTOMETER operators thoroughly ex- 4307-R pvrirnerd tor good paving poaitiona VURSE giri experieneed' and 'capable' for Hanley Employment Service 733 Oenceoc I a1 ann hahw PrPMU mutt Write needs HfltfL 1ft test lencei it JXUJNERY aaleriadtea wanted axprri- young baby references required Call apply Bs Mr QDoanslL 1670 Main si VUTOMOBTLE nuchianie with chaufftur license 430 steady work Write glv lag txptrisncs to 77 News office ply Hnlfota Csdlllsc Corp 23 Earkor UTOMOBXLE body and repair man 4 UTOftiOBlidB maehanlca good refiabte men Enter Baker Corpn 3167 Hattey VVlATIOMNow la the lime to team aviation here tar Buffalo with Buffalo apany mechanics pileta foremen sn-ginsers snd Inspeatera all ta big demand at large salaries wa ran accept few mere fer group new starting: must ha willing work-era aad sines rs call or write 430 Brisbane Bldg open evenings It nukes difference who instructs you: ne eira can teach yon cthing he cannot da himeclf Dunham Is the only aeronautical onginaor in this locality who has designed built and flown his own airplane For your ground oourse aad flying sea Mr Dunham at Hangar No 1 Buffalo Airport Monday snd Friday evening lying Franklin st wo ar sponsoring club IS tatercated call Lai 6331 350 i AnriFM jam wart TTsliir Dame i Wash Laundry UO Onlorndm BAkna wanted nun capable of cat-tlng doughnats must be skis to furnish referancM and bond Write Bond 44 News office UAKERR two halpcra Might aara ta try 1 triad Ckkta and help ta ganeral 'mmI ha a boat af rttaraoua atati age and ti-ptrlanra Writ Dakar 21 Ntw afflca BAEEER wanted lot claaa M'nffim center Broadway BARDRA wanted Oornor Cbureh at and Lower Tarrau ADDER and mantrarlst Pord Haul barber atwp wanted ana ynr ar Kara sxpcrl- 077 Genesee ot apprentice wanted with abouT yoars' expcrionec about II yoars of a Braadway BENCH HANDS axpcrlcttea en flat matal J'g and general bench work Murt Nui print! and have awn teota Aeroplane Motor Co 74 Kail Street wanted ta help an truS- PDliah c0 282 SwMt avt in raat daya 400 Ik in help PraapraL over If with wheal for errand g( start utllvap McKsagtn Ca 17 el BOY with hicyelt errands per week ElMrawnn 1277 Main DOT aver 11 ta Irani wady trade raf-8 arenea raqulrad Inquire Laff'a 2(2 Dataware ava DOVE 4 over IS yrara steady work fiA XX hear good pay Manager Roam 742 Elllrau Sq BOY( Btoady year arouni amployuant ns lay-offo weak vocmtlea nlth pay salary (14 weak ta start: good opportunities far the future with (rawing concern must ke 17 yaara old nr aider Apply 1821 Main DOY8 This ad good for II on the pur-22 chiat price of new cr used Meyele Cycle Electric Co Inc Oracacc cl MtchMcn BOTE nnlrd with Mcycla la dcllVcr aeon raids age I( Apply Offer-man Art Works 7Vt Broadway 710T1 ta 4 all aty lea af prof rial anal dan-X 2 eing far tha wiovlra taken ta Buffalo will train Pill 1M8 JgUlHELMAft wanted flAR washer experienced colored apply vr 521 Niagara at ARPENTER OM tractors to figure carpenter tabor high claaa houoa nan hat flrat dau maehanlca need apply 18M Hcrtel ave yStARPENTERB and-pipe flttera Ores ter Xj Balfalo Emptaymant 12 Ba Dlvlalra CARPEETEBE wanted nt il Llnvtaw tar-ncc off Linden QARPiENtnf iantad" Apply 8 Leraard ptARTNNTENl bauaewark Irag jab Xj apply ra jA 410 WnodbrMga nra wr Parkaida 1 4ABHIEE wnliiad mlddla-agad man Ap-ply Martin near Oenlml depot LI nd berth drive 'iSHAUPPEUR anJ haindy man Lapcrlencad Xj atandy pMltlra Apply Eimmorman'o 13 Northampton at ShauPPEUN with nptnanet ta dvlvlni tnd tan of fin can temporary ampler men I Ts If phono Tap 1(9A pHAUPPEUR-hauatmtn wtntad muaTK bits experienced fnratah (aad rafar-mechanical work ar washing nf ton nacMMrp hut must ta Ml ta take etrt ef yard and help around house steady am ploy aunt far man who Una it hams Write Chauffeur 1 News afflca CHEFE second wait' fry cooks counter men bus boys kttehra help dish waah-era rraderleh'a Emptnymant 2 Hurra SLUICAU LI ttaa am llttla it atanugruphy ata Hanley Emptaymant Earvtaa 722 OanasM Bldg piaiCAL Junior Clark moat he high 8-r tehoM graduate far tavMtaMnt btuxs Blxby Employment Agency dig Brta-hanc Bldg ptOUECTOR In MU retailors good pay Xj apply hatwara 1 and A Unlqut Salta 213 Malm I -OLLECTOR fan or part time with tr vrlthaut car atcady Boom 721 Oar-rana BMg pOCLECTbRg tar Buffalo and llkewlaii'ii radd anparlanca uauirmiavy Mliry rommlMlra and bends Em Mr croon Catholic Art Mfg Ca 14 South DIvltloA pouinl graduate UNCH room ice cream parlor and gas station: busy Buffate-Jameatown in village of 5000: sate over 4400 week- Frigid ire equipment: finest of fixture rouchout 100 ft highway frontage: 3-ear garage tb splendid buslneu inrtuding real stats flmnraAstDrk an hang illbc nt rpHRIVINO taurUt ramp Niagara- ss inszsjrsi 1 iyar'wara' SS'S'SSr bustneu will baked goods smoked meats etc: old established west aid corner location doing over 4600 weekly cash business your Investigation Invited: price 43000 cart or Inventory Ben 4634 Chambers TOO Brisbane BMg Falls S7S daily: owner sarriftre on cccount oihar business mi ay term: this place will pay for Itself within six months Call Hen 1445 al AIN st frotir tearoom: steam heated $50 month Inquire Wm Krucgtr 911 Market Arcado 617 Main A TAIN st restaurant fully equipped av-1-crating 440 dally rent 440 a month Jens tease: tmploya 4 wonderful Ity will acriflr for 41100 mak offer ARCKLLER and--ringer waver: must he flrst-eUss! 430 end eemmission Loders Beauty Bhep Bath ARCKLLER wanted only expert need apply Call Fill 746ft Cres 4450 'V'UBSEMAID cxpsrlcneml one ehlld no laundry work irftrencts required Rlv Profitable Employment 18 Off6f6(l tO FIFTY GXpGrl- enqed Power Sewing Ma- fhine Operators Our fac- tory is cool clean and a comfortable place for sum- mer work 937 Broadway 1 at-ratara goad lTcr -8 12 ta 823 weakly Bwarlv Preckq 38 Nertn Dlvialnn A Few Power Sewing Ma a chine Operators wbe arc axparlrari-1 on nan's raata Btirrial L-wia machine opvrtara given prar-ranra Wile Co Inc Service Department 77 Goodell Street I tRACITCAL nuns Khtala-agag it roar ta rare for mvilM and a mill with haiw-wark Call Ufaystta 715 ba Inara and I Power Sewing Machine Operators Otrte expei teueed on 1 and 3 needle machines can earn ill to 423 each week Joseph Thuman Co 77 East Swan Street FLOOR ALULA DXES-bo you want to make from gig to per week or more? Xf you do wo believe we hare Just what you want must be neat and from IS to 3i yean of ge bur concern is reliable and ana of the largeat In tha country Liter-view Stark 739 (terrene Bldg ALESLADIEB experienced houoa to house edvertistna campaign salary 174 4J advertising Court at yJALEELADUER Md satabllahad cancan has new praoaaltlan which has ham ream lip pal an tha nurkat wc will give this proposition la experienced house tt houoa cauvaoaen cxeallant rrmxnraatlon fw yaur affarta Em Mr CvrraU Ml Wuhlagton at Noam 1008 can work hours dally and dmlra to urn ilk ta (28 WMkly Should call ar write lid Brisks nt UALEaLADIESTvha dally and dmlra wMkly ahauld caU Bldg iJALEUAfillS tor men'i fnrnlahtaiA gchroadar'q 871 Main QALEBLADXES Calhoilc: ha vs opening for several salesladies experienced ta outside aclllng can urn 828 weakly la start eangcntal wsrk rapid dmacamcnt when obUlly la proven call 8:20 ta 10 11(7 Orrrana Bldg Salesmen and MlaaladlM wonted bp ta-csl raprtaanutlra af ntUtniUy known manufacturer: na nparlnM nrcmuy: opportunity ta mak upward af 200 monthly Ere Mr Batch SO Virgil arc hours :30 ta A SCHOOL del far "summer rare 2 chlldraa light hauaawarfc 8-8 five days 88 Write Summer 8 Nawa offlrr SODA dlspraocr eapeneuced Apply 80 Main STmooNAPHgR with Invrsiavnt aspa'i-anec doratawd 821 to 820 watk Blaky Employmant Agcney (II Bria-tana Nldg CnPOOMABTh test slda real esfsl-kr afflca agparlancad In tnaaranra and afffra work must apeak Palish pp Wrtta Heal IW make firs tourist A bust-J 160 furniture be 6673-J rdaf Dining grocery factoring a metal product: must stand investigation Financial Aid 105 Naur office Email store or stock and fix- 1 tures whether doing business or not Arqult 233 Ferry Fillmore 14g3 Oasolina station drive In" ferred fully rauipped: miut he good Write Anxious 69 News buslnesa location office take bit llttla traveling store A BLB to move your furniture reaoMBOM and safely to and from New York Albany Syracuse Boston Chicago Detroit nj ayrucow bomm vnicago unroll Cleveland and other cities oil wads insured Canadian lirenac Eddie Delivery Jail 4373 1 NY time ScUndlor'i reasonable carting and moving Fill 0073 tree Fill 0713-M IT ONCE part toad to Detroit also ro-turn toad or en route National Storage Com FiU ones full or part to New Ywrb or on route: also toad to Detroit: padded hui vena Lincoln Storage BM 5517 AT ONCE 3 toads to Now Tort breu route National Store ga OoM FIU Mid AT 3'loada to Hoboken Hcw re ay: all potato on route reduced rates Crea 8040 I TTENTIOM Dai viai rataralag asakly Cteva- Cteva-Jiad He York dim half Jeff 2041 ravelin warf tow-cat Star- full Lara avd mot-era Eftrag 817 taiTclw-O York Ena-Phlladalphta aparlal 78 laraa B2 kk pat Irork a awriw I Fraxressivt Realty 134 Delaware Sen 0470 and soft drink builners: ren be used for kIaw LW other purposes: would make dandy Al month light and host Included a great tourist ear for two: full? aculpped: meehan- noportunltv for a young buslnoM fnquirc teslte perfect: built on on-ton Foird ohaMls I Wm Krueccr 919 Martel Arcade 417 relf-startrr Room 4 Fan renecet at MllB 1- QT(i eamptetely equipped -TlfEAT MARKET for sale must sell at wonderful opportnnliy doing a pice busineos: no chain stores ta town: summer trade must sell on se- kaunt of health Inq Quality Mist Marfcsu phone 3 Eden VrEAT MARKET and grocery rcssmabte Y1- owner retiring J37 Feekham si CARTING AND MOVING TOUNO English' opcakisg girl to atan and aastat with clerical dttall moil hvt grammar ochool education m1-ary (12 hours ta Apply Thura-dty 1:30 A 84 at 208 Franklin at ''TTRACTXVB young lady to Mil adrer-Ustag in religious annual eommlsctana tiling In rallglaus annul cculaatana weakly Writs Adv 14 Maws afflca BTTRACTIVg end light propaaitloo anf ary and eommlnlan Era Mr Maasaa Catholic Art Mfg Co Ii Booth ptrlalaa TTENTIOH glrta heeoaia'kiiiity apsclal-Ixla attend Eupraaw Aehaol of BMUty Caltura expert tear hare: earn while learning riaa and evening clause 78 'k West ChlwiMTi Laf 3MI private sccntary and earn tata 1 1 (40 a wash: Bumnur school aurta June 24 day and ermine aassteas Wrllr rail or phone Tup 7I2( for aatalag Buffcln School of Cnmmerea IAS Main at (VATHOLiO buxliisaa iri dcslrlni food home and heard vrllh young couple North Main district nehenge for light dutlra Cell Cm 32M-E TOMPETSNl' girl far general boaxiisrk Cres 2105 177 Beard arc a tOMPETEHT tnd rallabla woman foe gen-ml hntucwcrk end rare ef Invalid wife nn washing tv Irmlng: good home Write Evitable 75 Nxwx qfflra I- 1HMS raw gliTwaatad (42 Jrfliraou Memorial Hospital LIAUlt apirntid vacatira in Ontario Xj xumrrrr resort located an tha Maakaka Lakes offers 12-dsy vomIIou all npnwa paid for arranging far gusts at Ihla beautiful (Mart cash comariaikM paid If prt-farrad Write Haws office VUUCA1ED warns a sr teacher far xum-J mer or permanent trarrling paattlra paying gunraiilcad inaamc oppartnnlty I earn 12800 ta 3000 and rapid adrancc-ment lo mxnacrrlal posltlen agt Id la 48 Call Hit Jasida Hamilton Sen 1400 1877 saleswoman I EXPERIENCED Mktwemu In Apply at onrr Lee Bhop 278 Dalawara EXPEIUENCED far finishers wanted XJ strsdy pMlttaaa tor right parties it Mmwoad XPEEIENCED laundry girls Apply Tlnirkrapar trance Hotel Btatlar wasted Mohawk at an- 1 EXPERIENCED waitress hours 11 ta 2:20 Ealardsy ll to A na Sunday work I-' EXPERIENCED wanton for rrltalng fur conta Phon TUp (4i XPEEIENCED Italohrr for draauasktai 1210 Mein st EXPIXIENCED (Irl aver 20 for general hausswark mam and hath (is wock 2 Cal Ira dr Del 374 EXPHUENCED press er ladW gar-mrate Loanafc Bra 334 Broadway IjTIBBT ctesa'dliOntry maker and tea-lady pvrmanrat paalttoa to right Rarty Frellng 391 Dalawara are Cibdb'lttihM helper wanted ChGdrta'a Haapltal 919 Bryat at GOOD uarSm and aartera wanted Ctn-tral Btar Laundry Maaten and Northland GBEOO ahorthand and trpvwrlttaf mar aahmft rlaaaai atari Jana 94: day and cvminq ration Write rail or phone Tup 7138 far frea eaiateq Buffalo Behool of Cammarea ftftft Mata at TETBZjdinr tMii axprrfqnecd rhambonuald tag to aaaiat with laundry work local ref-169 North at POSITION af trust requiring edneattm 1 lari and paraanallty oh 78-42 good pap somrlanlt tar Ira sal and adranco- meat civs ausllrirailuus and aiineaiMna and nhona nam-Trw-t 22 News mffaawv 11 1 EAT market and grocery for sale eheap: otU no oilier meat marks! ta location 123 CocmM Fill 0741 -W i- is TEATS groceries fruila and vegetables good cash buslnesa ostahltahad 40 Fears: all modem equipment Including me--ehaniral refriperatlon: good npportumty for on nr two young men New office jViAOARA Store and 7 roaor'xfit mi modem oM ntablished store tor grocery Call or phone Tup 11G0-R 351 Niagara TIaStnerT fuciatlvie husineta established S3 years: 45000 required Claim Adjuster 3C4 Fougeroa TFESTAUhANT Mala 50 up-to-date pUee Aft for man and wife or partners g-raam flat garage oitaMlshod ft ycara 3-year least: doaed Sunday Owner Jeff 04 1A ESAURANT xad roomlni bauis biljr Hartal district: aptandM aaparlunlty far I Hertei dirtrkt: splendid opportunity for Ivan and wife Income from rooms pays rent restaurant receipts 5300 wackty: priced $2350 for quick sate including all fixtures and equipment terms Write Opportunity id News office -TVESTAURANT buyers bare 3 malf'res-Jft Uurants and htnrh ear: ill the 3 pfeea tn A-l condition: wooderiul burinem: chnp rent and good leaves: am In othor and will fieri flea all the three Vie re at a tow urtrv with a few hwndred '-dollani down: will take automobile a port payment atngto or donbte house rr a good 'dooming house or will rent to reliable party: sire will arrant 3 partner thta to a woretortoi wrouo tttoa Write Good Opportunity New offtre best buy a Xft fp' ip4 ratin'! Idere reqntem fiwr Eekert A Son FIU 3073 W-r I tevra'l-jubm: Biiaxi ram rr- mrtasd pa v-iirri: cat fl facta 8 as Jfiwlngo-EUM bran ahm I room? ctaarad 7X4 fiarra" DM vn rrrrtlv: P1A0A pa ah a ta and tram CMcaga Detroit tram CMcaga Detroit gyrscKi Alba ay Baalon Ram Jersey and 11 principal Prtra Pray Osnciira tm van craxtantly oate connections in other cities rates Barry Co Flroproof Nev Yack weekly acrvlcs pan Made til cargoes taaarad Warahtaaaa Era Mgg BUNTALO dapaadaMa Hag dlauaca always tn tkt go Ltaeolw Carting Ca Far rataa tall EM DUS vxwa want laada ar part Itnd Detroit CMrtgt Saw cad all rlllra: wHI VAti Roffmaw maama Cna rv- mrimwd ptddad T'k-faw can ahm I l8-lra room? ctaarad J8IW long Odawa morlog a Real Estate SALESMEN Two men wanted for the handling of Cleveland Park Terrace Sajary or commission if you can qualify Call Mr Taylor Seneca 6640 htdarementa for tha right mn -Appty'fuH I T7 ETRIOEn AllNo--ongtaaar ApgWKtan dap at loath Armory Mg a 1 2V In Goal CA Hapta A XJ with a fUtan caaoult Blxby playmrat Earytca 1 Ertatana Bldg 7 VOCOACD premr wanted Dry XJ dranlng 31 Elmurad ava rtJOXi Big fa -a nay coata t-fa' it camp June 30th la July 14th: must ha iMr In rank far eeventy men: "has beans or would ka" raakt need apply nod pay tn i.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.